1872 - 1920
T - Z
Thanks to Jeni Palmer for extracting many of these. If you have any deaths for this area which are not included and would like to include them please contact me.
The death occurred at Oponui(?) last week of a very aged lady names Rahapa, the wife of the late chief Hone Taharangi, who died last year. The deceased lady's first husband was Henare Taratoa, who drafted the conditions of war for the engagements at Gate Pa and Te Ranga. These conditions gave protection to European women and children and men not carrying arms or connected with any engagements, and that they were faithfully carried out by the Ngaterangi tribe is evidenced by the action of Rawiri at Gate Pa when Colonel Booth fell. Hone Taharangi was also in the same engagement and lost one of his legs. A very large tangi is being held. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6102, 20 April 1914, Page 4]
TAHARANGI A native named Kariori Taharangi, son of the late Hone Taharangi — who fought with the natives at Gate Pa, and lost a leg there — died at Rangiwaea on Sunday evening as the result of a paralytic seizure. Deceased, who was about forty years of age, is survived by a widow. He had been an active worker with the Salvation Army for a period of about fourteen years and was a man of most exemplary character. [Bay of Plenty Times, 8 Aug 1917]
Last week a young native man named Tahungamanu died at Motiti Island at the age of about 30 years, as the result of consumption� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 May 1909, p2]
TAHURANGI Hone Tahurangi, an aged chief, over 80 years of age, died at the Oponui settlement on Friday morning. A big tangi will be held�The deceased chief was engaged at the Gate Pa fight in 1864 when he was wounded and lost a leg. [Bay of Plenty Times, 30 May 1913]
TAIA A young Maori named Ruri Taia, about 22 years of age, was killed by a falling tree at Manawaho Rotoiti, on Thursday last. He was engaged in a bush felling contract for Mr R Ritchie, and was working on the side of a slope. A man working higher up the hill was about to let a tree fall and called to him to stand clear. Ruri who was standing against a slump, in what he thought was a safe position, told his mate to let the tree fall, as he was alright. The tree fell and in its fall struck another tree, which deflected it, causing it to strike Ruri across the waist crushing him against the stump. He lived only a few minutes after being struck. [Bay of Plenty Times, 6 Sep 1916]
TAIHANA A Native woman of high rank named Taihana committed suicide by throwing herself over a cliff last week at Rotorua� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Jan 1905, p2]
Te Puehu Taihorangi, the recently deceased chief of the Ngatimakino Ngatipikiao trbe, was a very old man of high rank ... A tangi on rather a small scale was held at Waitahanui (Otomarakua) where the old man died ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume V, Issue 467, 7 March 1877, Page 3]
TAIKATO The death occurred at Matakana Island a few days ago of a native woman of high rank, wife of the well known Maori Taikato. The customary tangi was largely attended. [Bay of Plenty Times, 26 Jan 1920 p4]
TAIPARI Rawiri Taipari, a quiet inoffensive chief at Maungatapu, much respected by all the Europeans who know him died on the 1st instant. The feast on the occasion was the cause of a great gathering of the Ngaeterangi tribe� [Tauranga Record, 15 Jul 1867]
TAIPARI On Saturday there died at Maungatapu a grandson of the chief Hori Taipari after a short illness and the customary tangi is now in progress. There is just now a good deal of sickness principally fever and colds among the Maori children of this district. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Jun 1899, p2]
We regret having to chronicle the death of Toi Taipari, well known locally as Toi McLeod, at his residence at Maungatawa, last night, at the early age of 36. Deceased, who had been ailing for some time, was the eldest son of Taipari, one of the most influential chiefs of Ngaiterangi, who wears the Queen's medal for services rendered in many engagements in the Maori wars. He married the eldest daughter of Hikurangi, one of the leading chiefs of the Ngapotiki and Arawa tribes, who survives him. He also leaves a family of four... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6430, 8 July 1915, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6138, 19 July 1915, Page 5] Also see McLEOD
The death occurred at the Maungatapu settlement at noon yesterday of the Ngaiterangi chief, Taipari, known to the Europeans as Johnnie McLeod. Deceased was a half-caste, being born at Maungatapu about seventy years ago and resided in this district up till his death. He fought against the British forces at Gate Pa and Te Ranga but later joined the British and participated in the pursuit of Te Kooti ...Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6602, 2 February 1916, Page 2] Numerous natives are attending the tangi at Maungatapu in connection with the death of the late chief Taipari. A number of Maoris arrived from Opotiki by the Ngatiawa last night and a contingent is due to reach here from Rotorua this evening. Europeans wishing to show their sympathy will be received at the Maungatapu settlement tomorrow afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6605, 5 February 1916, Page 2]
TAIPUA News has been received by Tamati Tu, a son-in-law of Hori Ngatai of the death of his daughter�s only child at Otaki where she resides and is married to the eldest son of the late Hore Taipua MHR. A number of Otaki natives intend to visit Tauranga for the ceremonial mourning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Jul 1899, p2]
TAIT On the 13th inst, at Durham House, Tauranga, Peter Tait, formerly of Lerwick, Shetland, aged 70. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 14 Feb 1896, p2 + article]
TAIT On July 24, at Auckland, Mary Anne, widow of the late Capt Tait. The funeral will leave for the new cemetery on arrival of the Waiotahi on Wednesday. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Jul 1897 p2 + article]
TAIT The death occurred at Rotorua recently of Hori Tait, the well known native advocate who was a son of Mr Tait, native schoolmaster of Maketu many years ago. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7099, 6 December 1918, Page 2]
TAIWHANGA Rotorua. Hara Taiwhanga, brother of the notorious Sydney Taiwhanga, died at two this morning. He was a chief of no great importance. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 24 Nov 1885, p2]
TAIWHANGA Sydney Taiwhanga, is no more, his death happened whilst on his electioneering path at Whakatane. The cause being asthma�His remains have arrived at Rotorua and interment will find a place on Mokoia Island, Rotorua Lake� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Dec 1890, p2]
TAKA The rangatira Mere Taka, wife of Daniel, the great loyal chief who acted as guide to the storming party in the attack on Gate Pa, died at Matapihi this morning after a long and painful illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, 13 Jun 1889]
TAKARE A young native chief Te Rata Takare of Maungatapu died on Saturday last at Ngawha, Bay of Islands, whither he went some months ago for treatment by the great native faith healer Rihara, having suffered for some time, he believed, from the effects of makutu. The relatives have telegraphed for the body to be forwarded by the ss Chelmsford and intend to hold a tangi worthy of the deceased�s rank at his settlement near Welcome Bay. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 May 1895, p4 + 10 Jun 1895]
TAKEREI Taupo. We hear that a shepherd named Wi Takerei was found dead in his hut on 5th at Wakapapa, west of Ruapehu on Mr Studholm�s run. The station manager Mr Maunsell not having heard from him for a week visited the out station and found him dead� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 12 Aug 1882, p2]
TAKERI Death has been busy among the chiefs of the Ngaiterangi lately and last week two more of the older generation passed away in the person of Takeri at the settlement near Welcome Bay and Te Puru of Opureoroa. This tribe has lost three of its chiefs during the last fortnight. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Aug 1892, p2]
TAKURA A native chief, Takura, of some influence in this district died at Hairini on Wednesday last after an illness of only seven hours. He was suffering from a peculiar disease which has recently become prevalent among the natives. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 10 Mar 1881, p2]
The high and respected chief of Ngapotiki hapu of Ngaeterangi named Eru Tamapohore died at his residence Tahu-Whaka-Tiki Papamoa on Saturday night after a very short illness. He was about 85 years of age and is one of the last of the old stock of his tribe� [Bay of Plenty Times, 30 Sep 1912]
TAMARA The bodies of Tamara and her child were taken to Maketu last week and a big tangi held there. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Dec 1898, p2]
TAMATI We regret to say that the illness of Mr Tuta Tamati Native Assessor and Advocate mentioned in our last issue terminated fatally at Maketu when he was staying on Native Land Court business on Friday night. He was widely known throughout this island in connection with Land Court matters and was thoroughly versed in the Native Land Laws and a fluent speaker of English. His son-in-law Mr Ngata, solicitor, arrived here overland from Auckland on Saturday and has made the necessary preparations for having the body placed in a lead coffin so that it may be conveyed to the deceased�s home at the East Cape for interment. [Bay of Plenty Times, 2 Jul 1900, p2]
TAMATI The eldest son of Tekahotea Tamati of Te Matapihi and great-grandson of the late Hori Ngatai died on Saturday night after a short illness, the relatives having taken all care and had the doctor attending him. This also will cause the assembly of a very large number of relatives and friends to show their respects to the Ngatai family. [Bay of Plenty Times, 30 Sep 1912]
The local contributions to the Patriotic Fund now amount to well over �600 including �21 from money raised by the natives of Pukehina, Maketu and Otamauru (Otamarakau?) at a tangi over the death of a son of Tamehana, an influential chief of that district - Rotorua Chronicle. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6164, 27 August 1914, Page 2]
TAMONA - Tauranga - An Omoaroa native name Tamona is missing. He is believed to be drowned. [Southern Cross, 26 Jun 1873, p3]
Hamiora Tangiaire, a very influential Maori chief died at his kainga, Whareroa yesterday. The immediate cause of death was the breaking of a blood vessel. Hamiora held a position under government some 20 years ago and did good service. He had his children educated in European ways and one of them is now a surveyor, having served in the Survey Offices at Wellington and Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Aug 1893, p2]
TANNER The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs J Tanner died at 9.30am this morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Nov 1891, p2 + notice]
TANNER On August 19, at her residence Tauranga, Barbara Allan, beloved wife of Mr Samuel Tanner and daughter of Mr Peter Grant, aged 20 years. The funeral will leave deceased�s late residence for the old cemetery at 2pm tomorrow. Friends please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Aug 1895, p2 + article (post childbirth) + 23 Aug 1895]
TANNER The infant daughter of Mr S Tanner died on Saturday evening last and was buried yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 24 Feb 1896, p2]
TANNER On April 8, at his parents� residence No 2 School, Richard Charles, youngest son of T B Tanner, aged 11 months. The funeral will leave for the new cemetery at 2.30pm tomorrow. Friends please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 Apr 1896, p2 + article]
TANNER On June 9, at his residence Waihi, William Tanner, late of Tauranga. The funeral will leave for the new cemetery from Judea turn off at 3.30tomorrow afternoon. Friends will please accept this intimation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Jun 1896, p2 + article same day + inquest 17 Jun 1896]
TANNER On 13 December 1897, at his residence �Mendip� Te Puke, and late of Bristol, England, James Tanner, aged 61 years. No cards. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Dec 1897, p2 + article]
TANNER On Saturday September 23, at her parent�s residence Cameron Rd, Innes Ruby, the beloved daughter of Henry and Violet Tanner, aged 5 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Sep 1899, p2 + article]
TANNER We much regret to have to chronicle the death of Mr and Mrs Henry Tanner�s little girl, Ina, aged 7 years who died after a short illness connected with the throat on Wednesday night� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Jun 1902, p2 + article and notice 16 Jun 1902]
TANNER �Mrs Jonathon Tanner�passed away on Sunday morning�Mrs Tanner was a daughter of the late Mr Joseph Wylie snr, who with his wife and large family of sons and daughters joined Mr Vesey Stewart�s Katikati No 1 settlement�aunt to Trooper Wylie� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Jan 1903, p2]
TANNER On April 24 1903, at his parents� residence Devonport Rd, Tauranga, Bowyer Reginald Harry, only son of Henry and Violet Tanner, aged 2 years and 10 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Apr 1903, p2 + article]
Fourth-Engineer Samuel Tanner, reported lost through the torpedoing of the British steamer City of Perth, was a son of Mr and Mrs J Tanner, of Bell Road, Remuera, Auckland. He was 23 years of age. Mr Tanner received the information by private cable on Wednesday last. The deceased, who was a nephew of Mr Thomas Tanner of Tauranga, was born in this town, and in early life resided here and at Papamoa. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6884, 27 June 1917, Page 2] Fourth Engineer Samuel Tanner who was killed on a transport torpedoed on June 11 last, was the eldest son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Tanner of Remuera, and a nephew of Messrs Thomas and Samuel Tanner of Tauranga. He was born at Tauranga in 1894 and educated at the Remuera and Auckland Grammar Schools. He received five years training in a Parnell foundry as a marine engineer, and passed his examinations last November in Auckland for third-class marine engineer and first class oil engineer. He left New Zealand on transport duty in November last. After reaching London he rejoined as fourth engineer on the transport. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6918, 28 September 1917, Page 2]
At the Tauranga Hospital, on Monday, May 20th. 1918, John, beloved husband of Florence Mildred Tanner, aged 49 years. The funeral of the late Mr John Tanner will leave St. John's Church at 2 p.m. to-morrow (Wednesday) for the Te Puke Cemetery. [Te Puke Times 21 May 1918, Page 2]
It is with extreme regret that we have to chronicle the death, as the result of a motor accident on Friday last, of Mr John Tanner, of Katikati, brother-in-law of Mr Len Harris, of Te Puke. From the particulars given us, it appears that Mr Tanner, with his wife, two children and Mr Pruden were being driven into Tauranga, when something went wrong with the steering gear of the car, and she went over a bank. Mrs Tanner, the children, and driver escaped unhurt, but the two men were badly injured, Mr Tanner dying in the Tauranga Hospital on Monday night. The funeral will take place at Te Puke to-morrow, leaving St. John's Church at 2 pm. [Te Puke Times 21 May 1918, Page 2] THE LATE MOTOR-CAR FATALITY. [Te Puke Times 24 May 1918, Page 2] THE MOTOR-CAR FATALITY
[Te Puke Times, 31 May 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7015, 20 May 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7016, 22 May 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7019, 29 May 1918, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7037, 10 July 1918, Page 2] (Reputed to be the Bay of Plenty's First motor vehicle fatality)
On January 17th at Auckland, Dollie, dearly beloved only daughter of Henry and Violet Tanner, aged 23. The internment will take place at Tauranga tomorrow, Tuesday 20th inst, leaving the Church of England at 2pm. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7318, 19 January 1920, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7318, 19 January 1920, Page 4]
TAPEHA A native lady of high rank named Tapeha, died at Rangiwaea last week. The usual tangi eventuated and a large number of mourners from Karikari, Matapihi, Whareroa, Judea, Bethlehem and Katikati attended. The burial took place yesterday and the visitors returned to their respective kaingas this morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, 21 May 1906]
TAPEKA The death took place on Wednesday night at Ohuki, five miles from Matapihi of Tapeka, eldest daughter of Swainson Ngatai. [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 Sep 1913]
TAPSELL We yesterday received intelligence from Maketu of the death (which occurred the previous day) of Mr Tapsell sen, one of the oldest settlers in the colony who visited New Zealand more than two generations ago�Mr Tapsell whose real name was Hans Homen Falk, by birth a Dane and son of an official under the Danish Government was to the best of his own recollection born in the year 1777�By and by he found himself in England where he took the name of Phillip Tapsell� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 9 Aug 1873 + funeral report Wed 13 Aug 1873]
TAPSELL On July 21st, of lockjaw at Opotiki, George Wynard Tapsell, aged 16, son of Retreat Tapsell and grandson of Phillip Tapsell, Maketu. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 16 Aug 1879, p2]
TAPSELL A daughter of Mr Hans Tapsell, Native Assessor, Maketu, died last week after a lengthy illness at the age of 19 years. A big tangi is being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Jun 1899, p2]
TAPSELL A telegram from Maketu announces the death of Eru, son of Mr Philip Tapsell of that district, which occurred yesterday morning. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jun 1907, p2]
TAPSELL The death is announced of Mrs Kiri Tapsell, eldest daughter of the Ngatepukanga chief Hirama, which occurred at Waitao, Papamoa from consumption at the age of about 35 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Nov 1909, p2]
The death occurred at Te Puke on Friday of a girl, nine years of age, daughter of Kiharoa Tapsell of Maketu. Deceased had been ailing for some little time. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5645, 1 May 1911, Page 2]
Death of Philip Tapsell, third son of late Mr Hans Philip Tapsell ...The late Mr Philip Tapsell was a well-known half-caste, and had resided in Maketu for nearly half a century. At the time of his death he was about 71 years of age. He was born at Whakatane, his father being Mr Hans Philip Tapsell, the wellknown trader, who in the early days ran several brigantines between Australia and New Zealand, purchasing dressed flax, etc., from the Natives and giving them in return food, horses, cattle, and pigs. When Mr Philip Tappell grew to manhood he joined the British forces and took part in the fighting against the Maoris in Waikato and at Gate Pa, Te Ranga, and other places. After peace was made between the two races he took up his abode at Maketu, and married a Native woman of high rank from the Waikato. His family at one time numbered fourteen, but only three survive him � one son and two daughters. The son is Mr Waha Tapsell, the wellknown footballer and athlete. Ihe surviving brother is Mr Retreat Tapsell, of Maketu, and Mrs Simpkins, of Whakatane, is the only sister living. Deceased was held in high esteem by both European and Natives, and his tragic end has cast quite a gloom over the community of Maketu... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5925, 24 February 1913, Page 2]
TAPSELL The death occurred at Maketu on Monday night of Mr Retreat Tapsell, aged about 80 years. Deceased was a well known half caste and was the eldest son of the late Mr Hans Tapsell. In his younger days he fought with the British troops in many of the engagements in the Bay of Plenty. Subsequently he joined the Armed Constabulary and later was appointed a native assessor. Deceased is survived by his widow and adult family of one son and one daughter, who are living in the Maketu and Rotorua districts. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Apr 1913]
The death occurred at Maketu on Sunday afternoon of the widow of the late Hans Tapsell, aged 81 years. The deceased, who was of high rank, was the grandmother of the well-known family of athletes, some of whom are members of the Maori contingent, A large tangi is to be held. [Te Puke Times, 16 February 1915, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6315, 20 February 1915, Page 2]
Word has been received by Mr Kiri Tapsell of Maketu, that his brother Sergeant Robert Tapsell has been killed in action in France. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6777, 2 October 1916, Page 2] A few days ago we announced that Sergeant R Tapsell was killed in action. Deceased was a son of the late Reti Tapsell of Maketu. His sister, Nira, Mrs Dinsdale and a brother, Kouma Tapsell are residents of Rotorua. The deceased soldier was educated at Maketu and Auckalnd. He entered the Railway Department at Auckland after leaving school and held a position there for seven years. He has three brothers, two nephews and four cousins at the front. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6778, 4 October 1916, Page 2]
TAPSELL The death occurred at Narrow Neck Camp on Saturday last of Private Warana Tapsell, eldest son of Mr Kiri Tapsell, of Maketu, and a grandson of the well-known Papamoa native, Hirama. Deceased was only nineteen years of age. The body was brought to Tauranga by the Ngatiawa yesterday, the interment taking place at Waitao last evening at 6 o'clock. Staff-Sergeant-Major Anderson represented the military authorities. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7088, 8 November 1918, Page 2]
We are asked to grant probate of the will of Marara Tarahina, a Native woman who died at Te Matai, near Te Puke, on or about the 16th day of October, 1913. The will, which devises the whole of the deceased's real and personal property to a person called Eparaima Kokiri, of Te Matai, whom she calls her adopted son, was executed on the 10th July, 1913 ...
(long case) [Te Puke Times , 21 August 1917, Page 3]
TARAHINE Tarahine, a chief of considerable note, died at Tokotoko, a settlement near welcome bay yesterday. Three of Tarahine�s grown up children have died in the last four months and the parent�s death has caused a feeling of uneasiness amongst the natives residing at this settlement. Tarahine was espoused to a half caste French lady� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Nov 1897, p2 + 17 Nov 1897]
TARAIA Taraia, who has just died at Upper Thames, was one of the last of the old cannibals and was the last who perpetrated cannibalism in New Zealand on the occasion when he led the Thames natives on to attack the Tauranga people at Ongare, near Katikati� [Southern Cross, Wed 20 Mar 1872]
The well known and influential Maori chief, Wiremu Parera Tarakiteawa died at his settlement of Karikari under Maungatawa on Monday night. Wi Parera, as he was most commonly called� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Feb 1899, p2]
TARANUI Captain Gilbert Mair is at Maketu, rendering on behalf of the Crown the respect due to the late Major Te Pokiha Taranui of Ngatipikao Arawa tribe. This local chief greatly assisted the Government in former years in all matters of dispute arising amongst the Arawa people in connection with land matters, also in repelling the raids of Te Kooti about Tauranga and the Arawa districts, and for his general conduct and bravery, our late Queen presented him with a very valuable sword which he wore on the occasion of the visit of the Duke to Rotorua. The old chief, who was about 70 years of age, had been unwell for some years past and confined principally to his whare a very handsome house at Maketu
The Government having heard of his illness had him removed to Auckland for medical attention and he was progressing well till he visited Rotorua at the time of the Duke's visit when he caught a severe cold and returned to Auckland to a private hospital. The old gentleman fancying that he would not recover, wished to return to his people at Maketu; the trip up by train and then coaching to Maketu was too great a journey for him and on his arrival home, he died within an hour. There is a great number of natives arriving at Maketu daily to show their respect The Ngaeterangi of Tauranga proceed there under
Hori Ngatai and Taipari on Friday when the whole of the Arawa will be waiting to receive them in good old native style. The deceased has been a good deal married, but of late years he took unto himself a young woman of rank daughter of Rawiri Manuariki who has been very attentive to the old chief in his illness. He has had no family but leaves a number of nephews and nieces who will succeed to his property and effects. [Bay of Plenty Times, 17 Jul 1901]
TARAPIPIPI The remains of the chief Tarapipipi still lie in state at the settlement about 12 miles inland from Piako where he lived and died. The tangi has now lasted 12 days and yet the near relatives of deceased, who are not supposed to take any food so long as the tangi continues, show no signs of breaking down under the painful ordeal. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 23 Mar 1878, p2]
TARATE Tarate, a Maori woman of about 90 years of age and mother of Himiona, the prophet and Kihara the celebrated faith healer died at Motiti on Monday last after a short illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Aug 1898, p2]
TARAU The death occurred here this week of a very old chieftainess of the Ngati Ranginui hapu in the person of Mrs Tarau, who had resided in the Tauranga and Te Puna districts for a very long period. Deceased was the mother of the Tarau. brothers, the well-known footballers and athletes of Te Puna. Deceased was held in high esteem by the Maori community. The customary tangi is now being attended by some hundreds of natives from all the local settlements. [Bay of Plenty Times, 22 Jun 1920]
The death occurred yesterday of Timi Tarawa, a young native of Matakana Island, who shot himself in the morning and died on a launch while being conveyed to Tauranga ... (inquest) [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7163, 14 May 1919, Page 3]
TARAWHITI The Rev Tarawhaiti died at Huntly last week and his son Karaka Tarawhiti who is the Assessor at the Rotorua court, proceeded to Huntly to attend the funeral� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Sep 1898, p2]
TAREHA A tangi is now going on at Maungatawa over the remains of the body of the well known and respected chief Tareha, who died on Saturday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Jan 1892, p2 + article referring to him at Te Tareha Makarini published 22 Jan 1892]
TARERA An elderly chief of the Ngaiterangi tribe, named Renata Tarera, who has been residing in the Hawke�s Bay for about 20 years, was killed at Waipawa last Friday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Aug 1909, p2]
TARINA An elderly native woman named Mihi Tarina, wife of Wi Hete (who fought with the Maoris at Gate Pa and was wounded in the fight), died at Ohuke near Matapihi on Wednesday night. The deceased was born in Gisborne and was of high rank. The usual tangi is now in progress and many relatives are expected to attend from Gisborne. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Dec 1909, p2]
TARIU From Ohinemutu we learn of the demise of another old chief named Tariu, whose death occurred on 26 December. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 3 Jan 1885, p2]
TARRANT On Sunday last about 20 minutes past one pm, a sad boating fatality occurred in Tauranga harbour by which one life was lost, that of a young man named Frederick Tarrant, a photographer who ahs been residing in this town for the last couple of months� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Dec 1897, p2 + 5 Jan 1898 + in memoriam 30 Dec 1898]
TATAHUNGA Riki Tatahunga, better known as King Dick, a physically deformed native with a good English education died at the Ngatirangi farm near Whareroa last week� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Jan 1896, p2]
TATANA Tatana, a well educated half caste aged about 20 years, belonging to the Ngatipukenga tribe, died on Friday last at the new settlement near the Waitao. We are informed that a short time ago this native consulted Dr Fooks who told him he was suffering from consumption� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Nov 188, p2 + 11 Nov 1898]
The monument erected at Matapihi in memory of the late Mr J Tay will be unveiled on Sunday next at 2.30pm. The natives extend and invitation to Pakeha friends to attend the ceremony. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6776, 29 September 1916, Page 2]
TAWA A native girl named Polly Tawa aged about 12 years, died at the Judea Settlement on Saturday after a protracted illness. Deceased was a daughter of Tawa Toanui, a chief of the district. The customary tangi is now in progress and is being attended by a large number of natives from the surrounding settlements. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Nov 1909, p2]
TAWA A Maori in the prime of life, named Huia Tawa, belonging to the Judea settlement died at Rotorua this week, from consumption. The body is to brought to Judea tomorrow, where the customary tangi will be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, 21 Jan 1910]
TAWAHA An old Maori couple named Tehiriri Tawaha and Pare Kahakaha were burned to death in a whare at Matakana Island on Tuesday night. There is no clue as to the origin of the fire...[Evening Post, 5 Jan 1912, p7 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5752, 5 January 1912, Page 4, Inquest - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5753, 8 January 1912, Page 8]
TAWHAIO A young native chief Tawhaio died at Oponui, a settlement near Rangiwaea last Friday and a very large tangi has been going on since. He was one of the party in a boat which capsized some twelve months ago with fatal results to some of the occupants. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Jan 1894, p2]
TAWHAIO The natives here do not believe that Tawhaio is really dead and telegraphed yesterday to friends in the Waikato to ascertain. We learn that instead of being childless at the time of his death Tawhaio had three sons by his first wife, two now being alive viz Mahuta and Te Ngaehe and several children by his second wife survive him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Aug 1894, p4 + 3 Sep 1894 + funeral account 21 Sep 1894 + 26 Sep 1894]
A cable has been received at Whakarewarewa from Colombo, announcing the death of Aporo Tawhiao, one of the members of the Maori troupe that is visiting England. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5639, 15 April 1911, Page 2]
TAWHEWHE There was a tangi on Tuesday, October 29, to bewail the death of Tawhewhe (not Kingi), son of Tareha, one of the principal chiefs of the Ngatihoko branch of the Ngaiterangi whose headquarters are at Maungatapu� [Daily Southern Cross, 2 Nov 1872, p3]
TAWHIAO On Wednesday last a sad drowning accident occurred in the Waikareao Estuary whereby a little Maori lad, Karauna Tawhiao (living at the Judea settlement, but whose parents reside at Matapihi) lost his life� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 Dec 1903, p2]
TAYLOR Private J, 68th Regiment. [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, killed at Te Ranga]
TAYLOR At Hunterville, on October 8, Lucy, the beloved wife of J H Taylor of Norfolk Rd, and youngest daughter of Mr John Fielding of Tauranga, aged 22 years. Auckland and Tauranga papers please copy. [Taranaki Herald, Thur 30 Oct 1890 + Bay of Plenty Times Fri 10 Oct 1890, p2]
TAYLOR On June 20, at Mr George Galbraith�s residence quarter Acres, Tauranga, James Taylor, aged 83 years, late of Greerton, son of the late Mr James Taylor, manufacturer, Paisley, Scotland. The funeral will leave Mr Galbraith�s house at 1.30pm on Saturday, the 23rd inst. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Jun 1894, p4 + article + 25 Jun 1894]
At Collingwood, Tauranga on 26th April, Mary Millar, beloved wife of David Taylor, aged 56 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5799, 26 April 1912, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5799, 26 April 1912, Page 4 ]
We regret to record the fact that Lieutenant H E Taylor, son of Mr J Taylor of Te Puna, was wounded in France on August 3, and succumbed to his wounds. Deceased enlisted in Queensland at the outbreak of the war and went through the Gallipoli campaign. He was well known in Waihi. Mr Taylor will have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in the great loss which he has sustained. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6771, 18 September 1916, Page 2]
The death of Sapper James Taylor, who some time since returned invalided, took place at the Waihi Hospital on Thursday last. The deceased left Waihi with the first Tunnelling Corps and while fighting in the trenches was one of the victims of a German gas attack. He was treated in one of the military hospitals, and returned again to the fighting line. He received a second quantity of gas and his condition was such that he was invalided to New Zealand. On his arrival early in September last, he was admitted to the Waihi Hospital, where he had since remained. There were at first hopes of his recovery, but as time went on he grew worse, and his sufferings during the past few weeks were very great. The deceased was a native of Australia. He was single and 38 years of age. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6849, 4 April 1917, Page 2]
TE AMOHAU The following telegram was received at this office on Saturday last: - Rotorua. "Paora Te Amohau, head chief of the Ngatiwhakaue tribe, died this morning, aged 80 years." [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Sep 1889, p2]
TE AO The death occurred during the present week of the well known Otaki chief Ropata Te Ao. A number of Tauranga natives intend to journey to Otaki to show their grief. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Apr 1908, p2]
TE AOWAI A native woman named Te Aowai, a sister of Timi Waata, the Native Assessor died at Motiti on Friday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jul 1900, p2]
TE ARIA We learn of the death of Te Aria, late a representative man of the Ngaiterangi tribe, who for many years acted in the capacity of messenger to the commissioner�s Court of Tauranga — the position now filled by Te Ruka. A large number of natives are collecting for a tangi at Whareroa where the deceased resided. [Bay of Plenty Times, 28 Oct 1884, p2]
TE ATATU Kohu Te Atatu generally known as "Goff�, chief of the Judea natives, died at Tairua on 24th ult. He was a quiet inoffensive man, and was respected not only by his tribe, but also by his European neighbours. He fought against us in 1867 in, defence of his inheritance, which, after having been alienated, was conceded to him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Jul 1888, p2]
TE ATERAU See TUPAEA 21 Mar 1882
TE ATIRAU A young Kari Kari chief named Te Atirau aged 15 years died on Monday night and a great tangi is to be held over him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Sep 1887, p2]
The only surviving daughter of the Rev Ratama Te Awakotuku died at Rotorua yesterday after a long illness, her sister it may be remembered died about two years ago� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 20 Jul 1900, p2]
TE AWAMUTU A chief named Te Awamutu belonging to the Ngatirangiwaewae tribe whose hapu is at Te Awahou died at Manueka, Te Puke on Friday last. A very large tangi is to be held and the Judea Drum and Fife band have been asked to attend. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Feb 1898, p2]
Rev. W. T. Fraser, C.F., received news yesterday, of the death, at Rotorua, of the well known Maori minister, Rev. R Te Awekotuku, at the age of 65 years. The deceased was up to a couple of years ago one of the Maori clergy of Waiapu diocase, and although retired held services practically up to the time of his death. He is survived by one daughter, his wife and three daughters having predeceased him. A big tangi is being held at the tribal pa, Te Ngae, near Rotorua. [Te Puke Times 9 November 1920, Page 2]
TE EKETU Ohinemutu. Hoani Te Eketu died yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Dec 1880, p2]
TE GATE Two tangis are in progress at present, one at Hairini and one at Maungatapu. That at Hairini is being held because of the death of a young man which took place at Rotorua, the body being brought there by his relatives. The other death was that of a young woman, a daughter of Te Gate (sic). [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Oct 1914 + 10 Oct 1914]
TE HAERIHI A young Maori chief named Te Haerihi, son of Heta, died at Matakana last week and in consequence there has been a large gathering of relations and friends at that place holding a tangi over the remains. The deceased had been under the doctor�s care but as heart disease was the trouble there was little hope for recovery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Apr 1893, p2]
Owing to the death of Hori Te Hauranga one of the leading natives of Judea, there has been an extensive tangi going on all the week. The procedures opened on Monday morning the usual volleys and has been follow dissipation in the usual Maori style. Horses, cattle, pigs and everything has to go and the improvident natives are laying up for then a store of hardships and provisions in the winter as they had pretty well cleared out all supplies at Judea. The body was taken to Matapihi where a fresh start was made at ammunition and devouring provisions. Hori a staunch supporter of the Government in the war and was afterwards for a long time employ of Mr Thomas Wrigley and was very well known about town. [Bay of Plenty Times, 15 Mar 1893, p4]
TE HEKE A son of the well known native, Te Heke, died at Bethlehem, a few days ago. The customary tangi is now in progress and is being attended by a number of natives from the surrounding districts. [Bay of Plenty Times, 22 Jun 1915]
TE HEKENUI Te Hekenui, a native residing at Te Puna died on Saturday last after a short illness, the immediate cause of death was blood poisoning, caused by die from a cotton shirt getting into a scratch. A large tangi is now being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Aug 1898, p2]
TE HIRA Maketu has been pretty full of natives principally Ngatipikiao during the last two weeks who have come to pay their last respects to the wife of Te Pokihi Taraui or Foy Te Reiti Te Hira, the individual in question died on the 21st ult of an ovarian tumour� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 12 Jul 1881, p2]
The death of an aged Maori chieftess of rank, Peti Te Hokohoko of the Ngatihe and Ngatipukenga hapus of the Ngatirangi is announced from her settlement Te Toketoke, Welcome Bay. The old lady has been laid aside for a long time through old age and her people intent to give her a funeral befitting her rank. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Mar 1900, p2]
TE HUAKI The death is recorded of a young Native woman of rank, wife of Matene Te Huaki, of Rangiruru, which took place at that settlement on Thursday last, she having returned home from Tauranga a few days previously, whither she had come for a medical consultation on her case, which was very critical. The body has been conveyed to Maketu for the tangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, 28 Aug 1905, p2]
TE HUI A casualty list issued on Monday afternoon states that�Private Te Hui of Te Puke, is reported to have died of sickness. [Bay of Plenty Times, 1 May 1918]
TE HURA The young daughter of a Native Te Hura died at Maungatapu about the middle of last week after a lengthy illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Jul 1901, p2]
TE IPU Another well known Native, an old age pensioner, Te Ipu has just passed away after a brief illness. Te Ipu was a fisherman of renown and few could excel him�a bullet having passed through his knee at the Gate Pa fight, made him an easily recognisable figure. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Jul 1901, p2]
TE KAERANGI Rotorua, Wed. Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
The death occurred at Te Puke on the first of the month of Te Kahutaka a chief of the Tuhourangi hapu, aged 78 years. The deceased had always been a loyal subject of the Empire, and was awarded a war medal in recognition of his services in the years 1861-5. Since the present war commenced he had been most energetic in recruiting young men. Four of his grand-nephews are now at the front, whilst a nephew and grand-nephew who were wounded are at home. Sergeant Aritaku Wihapi is a nephew of the late chief. A tangi is being held, natives being present from the whole of the Bay of Plenty. The funeral will take place on Sunday when the Town Band will be in attendance.[Te Puke Times 5 October 1917, Page 2]
TE KAPU Te Ninihi Te Kapu, chief of the Whanau-a-Tauwhao tribe died of consumption at Rangiwaea on the 31st ult. The deceased was in the prime of life and since the affair of the Gate Pa has been a loyal friend to the Europeans� [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 Jan 1876]
Great public interest was taken in the unveiling of the Maori memorial to Te Kapuatua (Michael Witeri) ... at Katikati [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7078, 16 October 1918, Page 3]
TE KIRIKAU During the past three weeks no less than three deaths have occurred in one Maori family at Karikari, that of Raimona Te Kirikau. First his father died, then a daughter and now a second child has departed this life. A big tangi is to be held and it is probable that visitors will come from great distances as when a man has been as unfortunate as Raimona the grief is great. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Oct 1897, p2]
TE KOOTI Opotiki. Te Kooti passed quietly away on Monday night at the turn of the tide (8pm) at the native settlement situated on the shore in Ohiwa harbour� [Waikato Times, Thur 20 Apr 1893 + Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Apr 1893 + 28 Apr 1893]
TE MAPU Te Mapu a chief of the Arawa tribe, aged 84 died at Maketu last week, and his body was taken to Otamarakau at the request of his grandchildren who reside there, for burial and tangi. Old Te Mapu was a local subject during the war and was in receipt of a pension from the government for past services. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Oct 1898, p2]
TE MEA A native chief of high rank named Te Puru Te Mea died on August 27 at Opureora, near Matakana. He was an uncle of Akuhata Tupaia, brother of the famous Hori Tupaia� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Aug 1892, p2]
The death is announced of the native chief Wahia te Moanunui, which occurred at Matakana Island on Monday last. Deceased was about sixty seven years of age and was held in high respect by the natives generally. He was connected with the Tupaea family and was the second son of the loyal chief Te Moanunui who assisted the British during the Maori war, and in return for his services received a grant from the Government. The tangi will be on a large scale. The natives from the mainland will proceed to Matakana on Saturday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6141, 22 July 1915, Page 2]
TE MOREHU Te Morehu, a Maori known by the King, died at Motiti last week after a short illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Jun 1894, p2]
TE MURIMURI Two native children died at Karikari on Monday. One was a daughter of Te Murimuri, aged about 9 years and the other was brought from Te Puke to be treated by the female tohunga, Perta, but she said it was too late for her to do anything and the child died. A tangi is proceeding. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Jun 1898, p2]
TE MUTU We learn that a well known native chief of the Tukowiangi tribe at Ohinemutu died on 26 June last. His name was Waratine Te Mutu and he was well known as a good reliable guide to the Hot Lake District. He had always been a staunch supporter of Europeans throughout the troubled times in this district and has been favourably noticed in more than one of the handbooks published for the guidance of tourists and visitors to the Lakes. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 18 Jul 1882, p2]
TE NGAKAU A large number of Tauranga natives are bound for Rangiriri this week to attend the obsequies of a noted chief, Te Ngakau, one of the principal advisers of the so called king, who expired there recently� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 4 Sep 1895, p2]
TE NIHINIHI Yesterday a young native chief Akukata Te Nihinihi aged 30 years died at his settlement Rangiwaea after only four days illness though he had been fretting a good deal over the death of his wife about a month ago. The body has been removed to Opureora, the settlement on Matakana opposite Omokoroa, where there is a large gathering of natives from all parts of the district for Christmas. The tangi is expected to be one of the largest since that of his great-uncle Hori Tupaea� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Dec 1895, p2]
TE NINIHI A little Maori child was brought here by the Waitangi today from the gumfields where it had been taken ill�expired shortly after the steamer reached here and its body was taken to Matapihi. The deceased was a grandchild of Te Ninihi of Rangiwaea. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Aug 1900, p2]
TE PAEA A fatal accident occurred at Opotiki to a native woman called Te Paea on Friday evening last. It appeared that she, along with others, was returning from Omaramutu in a bullock dray where they had been attending a tangi when, for some unexplained reason, she fell out of the dray and death ensued from the effects� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 17 May 1883, p2]
TE PAEA On Thursday last the Ngatitapu tribe of the Ngaeterangi lost by death the last of their links with the older generation in the person of Te Paea, a chieftess of about 80 years of age whose only surviving son, Tamati Tu, is married to Chief Hori Ngatai�s daughter. The old lady belonged to a loyal tribe, her brother Hamiora Tu having served with the British troops at Gate Pa and received a pension for his services. A very large tangi will be held at Matapihi, as the deceased chieftess was related to many tribes far and near. [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 Jun 1905, p2]
TE PAIMOE The death of a noted chief of the Arawas, Eru Te Paimoe was announced on Monday morning at Maketu by the discharge of the old canon in the pa� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Jan 1900, p2 + 2 Feb 1900]
A big gathering of natives is now being held at Rangiwaea to perform the obsequies over the remains of a very old chieftess, Te Pakokowhai, widow of the late great Ngaiterangi chief Hori Tupaea. Of their four children only one now survives, Pare, who married Te Moananui�s eldest son but there are many grandchildren and great grandchildren alive to carry on the race. [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 May 1896]
TE PAKURU - Rotorua, June 14 - One of the most aristocratic chiefs of the Ngatipakiao tribe named Hapeta Te Pakuru died yesterday aged 89. Deceased was a great peace advocate in his tribe and during the Maori war he was instrumental in avoiding much bloodshed. Pakuru was widely known in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5819, 14 June 1912, Page 5]
TE PATU An old native woman named Maria Te Patu, a resident of Rangiwaea, died at the Wairoa settlement on Wednesday. Deceased�s husband was an acquaintance of the late Sir Donald McLean and was associated with the latter on his visits to the Bay of Plenty. [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 May 1915]
TE POKIHA The well known Ohinemuri chief Ropata Te Pokiha [aged 85] died suddenly at Shortland on Friday morning. It appears he was about to return to Paeroa by the ps Patiki when he was seized with a spasm and expired within a few moments� [Waikato Times, Tues 29 Sep 1885]
TE POPO Opotiki. The child of Hira Te Popo�s that was progressing so favourably died on the 14th notwithstanding the endeavours of the faculty. It contracted a severe cold and in its weak state was unable to bear up against it. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Apr 1873, p3]
TE POPO Opotiki. Hira Te Popo of the Ngati?wi at whose settlement Te Kooti was staying when he was arrested some few months ago died this morning at Waioeka. He was a fine manly old fellow of about 60 years of age, but has always been looked on as a rebel by the settlers here, although he received several government appointments. [Evening Post, 9 Oct 1889, p2]
TE PORIA A young lad, son of Te Poria, of Wairoa, died at St Stephen�s school, Auckland, last week after a short illness. The body was conveyed here by steamer and a tangi is now being held over the remains at his father�s kainga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 Oct 1904, p2]
TE POROA Rotorua, Wed. Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
TE POURA An aged native named Horomana Te Poura died at the Karikari farm yesterday and a big �crying match� is to be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Oct 1896, p2]
TE PUHI There died at Maketu on Wednesday right last a Native of the highest rank and one whose fine character and personal attributes had earned for her the highest esteem both of Europeans and her own race. The deceased, Riria Te Puhi, was about 30 years of age and only daughter of Te Puhi, a great chief of former years of the Ngarimakiri hapu of the Patuwai tribe, who in the early days of the British sovereignty, went off in his canoe to a man-o-war and obtained a Union Jack which he hoisted on the island of Motiti where he resided. The body of Te Riria was conveyed to Motiti by the ss Fingal on Friday, by a number of her relatives and there will shortly be one of the largest gatherings seen at Motiti for many years to honour her memory according to the Native custom. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Feb 1903, p2]
TE PUKI Another native chief of the old style and of great influence has just passed away at Motiti in the person of Te Puki. The deceased is estimated to have been close on 90 years of age and his death on Monday last was due to natural decay�The deceased leaves one daughter who is the wife of the hospitable Motiti chief Ngawhika whose home is always open to receive European visitors to Motiti. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Sep 1893, p4]
TE PUKUATUA It will be remembered that some weeks ago the well known Arawa chief, Petera Te Pukuatua died at Otaki, having married many years ago a native lady of high rank belonging to that district� [Bay of Plenty Times, 15 Feb 1905]
TE RA Tu Te Ra, a brother of Akuhata Tupaea, who is the principal chief of Ngaiterangi of Rangiwaea settlement died last Monday. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Jun 1890]
TE RA Another death is recorded among the local natives viz that of Te Ra, wife of Te Awaiti of the Ngapotiki hapu of the Ngaeterangi, living at maungatawa� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jul 1904, p2]
TE RAKAU Kiri Te Rakau, a Maori resident at Ohinemutu, had the misfortune to cut his leg with a piece of mirror a short time back. The wound evidently became poisoned and he was admitted to the Isolation Hospital, suffering great pain and despite careful treatment the patient succumbed to his injuries� [Bay of Plenty Times, 7 Apr 1905,]
Wi Maihi Te Rangikaheke, the above chief who has just died at Te Awahou seven miles this side of Rotorua was one who had in the past a career somewhat out of common. At the time of the Te Kooti war, he raised a contingent of natives of which he held the command and whose headquarters were at Ohiwa and the force of which Te Kooti had a wholesome dread. In more peaceful times the deceased, better known to the Europeans as Wi Marsh, sought distinction in the field of politics�He leaves two daughters, both married to chiefs of high standing in his own tribe. [Bay of Plenty Times, 7 Feb 1896]
TE RAPATA On Friday night, after a long illness, the native chieftess Harete Te Rapata expired at Matapihi. She was a niece of the loyal chief Hamiora Tu, who acted as guide to the British troops at the storming of Gate Pa. She leaves a large family, of whom the eldest is Hamiora, generally known by footballers as �Sam� Tu. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Jun 1895, p2]
TE RARANUI A large party of Tauranga natives started today to attend the obsequies of the deceased chief Teraranui at Ohinemuri and hold a tangi over his remains and those of others of note who have recently died� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Jun 1895, p2]
TE RATAPAIHI The ss Waimea arrived here during last night and left for Whakatane early this morning via Motiti where she is to call for a number of natives bound for a great tangi at Whakatane over the remains of a prominent chief of the Ngatiawa, Te Ratapaihi, who died on Monday last, after a long illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 30 Oct 1903, p2]
TE REITA The quiet native settlement of Te Matata has within the last few days been plunged in grief through the death of the principal chieftess of the district Nga Rangikari Te Reita, the eldest daughter of Arama Karaka Mokonui-a-rangi, who died last Tuesday week, aged about 42 years. She was the relict of Hemana, a nephew of the renowned and loyal chief Fox of Makety, who died a few years back, when the whole district of the Arawas was set feasting and grieving for weeks� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 18 Oct 1883, p2 + 23 Oct 1883]
By the Ngatiawa yesterday the remains of a former Bay of Plenty chief, named Rehara Te Riki, were conveyed from the Bay of Islands where he died about six years ago. The remains were re-interred in the family vault at Motiti Island and a great gathering of natives is to take place to mark the occasion. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5540, 19 August 1910, Page 2}
TE ROTITI �Te Rotoiti, a noble and more intelligent chief of the present more enlightened generation and one of the first to introduce Christianity in those districts� [Bay of Plenty Times, 19 Jun 1883, p2]
TE RUPE We regret to learn that the natives in the vicinity of Maketu and Rotiti (Arawa tribe) having recently lost, by supposed witchcraft a young man of great rank named Te Rupe� [Bay of Plenty Times, 2 Jun 1877, p2]
TE RUPE The body of the Maori Te Rupe, supposed to have drowned himself by walking into the sea near Maungatawa a week ago was found yesterday on the beach between Moturiki and the Mount� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Mar 1901, p2 + 1 Apr 1901, son of Te Hira Hokohoko]
TE TAIHI A native woman named Te Taihi daughter of the late Te Warena of the Ngatipukenga tribe died at Karikari last week. Deceased was a great favourite with her people and was married to Mokopapaki� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Sep 1898, p2]
TE TAUHAU Eru Te Tauhau was buried on Tuesday by desire at Karikari; he was of the Roman Catholic faith and was a very strong adherent to his faith� [Bay of Plenty Times, 9 Oct 1912]
TE TEHU A large number of natives are here just now from Kaipara and Hauraki, visiting the various settlements in this district. Today they will visit Maungatapu, where a great tangi will be held in remembrance of Annie Te Tehu, daughter of Taipari, the Great Chief of Tauranga and wife of Tareha, chief of Maungatapu. Annie Te Tehu�s sister is among the visitors. [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 May 1875]
TE TEWA Last evening a chief of high standing in the Ngatiraukawa and Ngaeterangi, Akapeta Te Tewa died after a long illness at Rangiwaea. He was also well connected with Otaki tribes�a grandchild of the deceased chief died the evening previous and his body will be taken to Rangiwaea for interment. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Dec 1902, p2]
TE TOKETOKE �yesterday we received intelligence that one of the greatest and most feared of the fraternity known in this part of the colony has just expired at his settlement near Rotorua. This tangata makutu was named Te Toketoke and some years ago resided near Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Mar 1899, p2]
TE TUIRI One after another the old standard native chiefs of New Zealand are gradually dropping out of the ranks. We are informed that Te Hira Te Tuiri, one of the reigning chiefs of the Thames, who figured so prominently in the early history of this portion of the Colony died last week at the age of 85. One of his last acts a few years ago was to visit Katikati� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 17 Nov 1883, p2]
TE UHI Whakatane. The remains of the once celebrated Native Chief Te Uhi were brought from Opotiki (where he died) on Tuesday and were duly interred with the usual Maori ceremonies. He was a native of Whakatane and I doubt not sleeps tranquilly with "his fathers". [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 25 Feb 1886, p2]
TE URU The hand of death removed on Monday, after a very brief illness, a fine type of the young native woman of today, in Te Uru, a resident of Rangiwaea. The deceased was much esteemed for her mental and moral attributes, as well as greatly admired by her own race for her personal comeliness. Her father Metara, was a Samoan who arrived here many years ago in the South Sea Whaler and married a woman of high rank in Hori Tupaea�s tribe. A great tangi will be held over the remains of the dead young chieftainess at her kainga at Rangiwaea. [Bay of Plenty Times, 8 Nov 1899]
TE WAEA Rotorua. The mortality among the Maoris this winter is very great, another woman, Hariata Te Waea, was buried this week, her death being from lung disease. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Aug 1892, p2]
TE WARU The Waikato natives who have just been visiting their Rangiwaea relatives in connection with the death of Te Waru�s eldest daughter, returned to their homes yesterday, well pleased with the hospitality shown them and having made many presents after the Maori kind to the local natives. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Jan 1900, p2]
TE WARU Death is taking a heavy toll of the old age pensioners of the Maori race this winter, on Tuesday another, Iraia Te Waru, cousin of the late Hori Tupaea, the great chief of the Ngaeterangi and Ngatiraukawa died at Rangiwaea� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Jul 1901, p2]
TE WARU Mere Hira Te Waru, a high chieftainess of Ngaiterangi and Ngatiraukawa, wife of Mathnou Te Waru, died at Rangiwaea last week after a short illness� [Bay of Plenty Times, 2 Feb 1915]
TE WHAITI On Monday last at Paretata (a settlement of Matakana Island) during the absence of the grown up Natives at the gum fields, two little Native girls named Tupapa, aged 5 years (daughter of Moko Murray) and Te Whaiti, aged 8 years (daughter of Jacob of Te Matapihi) took a small flat bottomed punt from its mooring�the body of Te Whaiti was washed up on the beach� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Feb 1902, p2]
A young native chief, son of Te Whakahoia, belonging to Te Wairoa, died at Katikati on Sunday last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Jun 1895, p2]
Henare Te Whakatakataka, a native chief belonging to the Waitahi o Hea branch of the Arawa tribe died at Te Puke this week after a long illness aged about 43 years. Deceased belonged to Ngatimoke, Waitangi and was a Mormon by faith. A tangi is being held at the large meeting house at Te Manu Eke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Aug 1898, p2]
TE WHANAKE It is with unfeigned sorrow and regret that we have to record the death of the much respected chief Enoka te Whanake, who died at his residence Whareroa on Sunday at noon� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 18 Mar 1884, p2 + 20 Mar 1884]
TE WHARAU A very wealthy native chief named Ngamanu Te Wharau died at Oponui on Monday last�eldest son Pene Ngamanu intends to hold a great tangi over his father�s remains at Matapihi as evidence of his filial respect. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Aug 1892, p2]
TE WHARAU A native woman of high rank, wife of the late chief Ngamanu Te Wharau, died at Motiti last week. A large number of natives from the Tauranga and Whakatane districts attended the tangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 May 1914]
A well known chieftess Te Wharekapo, wife of Te Uta Uta, died at Whakatane on Wednesday last after a long and painful illness. This will bring a very large gathering of natives as the deceased is of high rank among the Whakatane natives and was connected on her husband�s side with those of Tauranga and Motiti. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 9 Dec 1892, p2]
TE WHARENUI A chieftess of the Arawas, Te Wharenui, died last week at Maketu after a long and painful illness, she was the wife of Henare Matine and sister of the native assessor Timi Waata, who stood at last general election for the House of Representatives. The tangi which will be a large one will be held at Maketu. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Oct 1894, p2]
A large party of Maoris from Maketu and Te Puke districts arrived at the Judea settlement on Tuesday night on a visit of ceremonial mourning to the Ngatiranginui tribe on account of the death of a woman of high rank there, Te Wharepora which took place at Maketu some time ago� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Sep 1902, p2]
An old Maori warrior named Wiremu Te Whareraro died at Ngapeke last night and preparations are now being made for a big tangi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Apr 1897, p2]
A Ngatiranginui chief, Te Wharetaku, died this week at Matapihi after a lengthy illness. His body has been removed to Judea by his relatives, where the customary obsequies will take place. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Nov 1902, p2]
TE WHARIKI Another of the old generation of natives has passed away, Te Whariki, a beneficent tohunga of Maketu. He was 68 years of age and a man who was looked up to with much respect. He had a considerable knowledge of the Bible and as a Tohunga was believed to have cured a great number of people of their ailments. He was on his way to Rotorua at the time of his death and friends have taken his remains back to Maketu where the tangi is to be held at which a large number of Tauranga natives will be present. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 July 1897, p2]
TE WHEORO A telegram was received today by Hori Ngatai from Rangiriri, Waikato, announcing the death of his son-in-law Major Wiremu Te Wheoro ex MHR, after a long illness, having suffered from partial paralysis. He had resided at Whakarewarewa for some months� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Nov 1895, p4 + 4 Nov 1895]
On May 7th at Papamoa, at the residence of his son, Henare Werohia, Hikurangi Te Whetu (Te Whitu), a chief of the Ngaterangi and Te Arawa tribes. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7161, 9 May 1919, Page 2]
TE WHEU An aged Maori couple were found dead in bed at Otaki settlement last Wednesday. The man was known as Harawera te Wheu and was about 65 years of age and his wife about 79. Each had been suffering from influenza. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Nov 1891, p2]
TE WHIO Information has been received by the police that a native named Te Whio has been found hanging to a tree in the bush two miles from Raukokoe� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Apr 1892 p2]
TE WINIKA Te Winika, a highly respected chief of high rank of the Ngaiterangi and Ngatihana (Waikato) hapus died at Matakana last Saturday. A large tangi will be held at the island and will probably continue for several weeks. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Apr 1909, p2]
TE WIREMU A native named Te Wiremu died at Matapihi yesterday. Deceased was totally blind and had been so for about 10 years. His blindness was caused by dust from wheat while threshing having got into his eyes and neglect. A tangi is to be held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jan 1898, p2]
TE WIRIHANA Poia Te Wirihana, a chief of considerable importance, formerly resident at Te Matata, died a few days ago. He was a loyal native and ever ready to use his influence in this district in support of the Government of the day and more especially at critical times. He was a pensioner of the Crown and carried the marks of a wound received in the face. He was wounded at Te Ta Piri whilst defending Colonel Whitmore CB against Te Kooti. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 9 Apr 1885, p2]
TEAUTAWA Two middle aged native men named Teautawa and Ihai, belonging to the Judea settlement have died within the past few days. The two deceased were brothers and had resided at Judea from youth� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Sep 1909, p2]
A native names Teia, one of the old chiefs of the Tapuika tribe, died at Te Matai on Wednesday last. He had resided in the Te Matai district all his life, and it is believed he was about ninety years of age. The customary tangi was held and was largely attended. The interment took place on Friday, the Rev. W T Fraser officiating. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7420, 1 June 1920, Page 3]
TEKIRIKAU An elderly native named Raimona Tekirikau was accidentally killed at Waitao on Monday. It appears that about one o�clock Raimona, who was about 75 years of age, left his home to get a load of firewood� [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 Jan 1919]
TEKUKA A young native chief named Temetana Tekuka died on Sunday night at Matakana. He caught a cold while out prospecting and although all care was taken it settled on his lungs� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Jun 1897, p2]
TEMAIWHARA A native woman of high rank named Temaiwhara, aged about 26 years, a daughter of the late Wi Hapa, a leading chief of Ngatihawa, died at Matakana on Saturday last after a short illness. The cause of death is attributed to makutu. Deceased had only been married about 12 months and leaves a child only three weeks old� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Oct 1898, p2]
TEPUTA Another death has taken place at Maketu among the Natives making the third this week. The latest victim was a woman named Te Aka Teputa� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Sep 1899, p2]
TEPUTU Tameihana Teputu, a very highly respected chief and the main man of the Ngatitakino Arawa tribe, died at Morea Takeke on Tuesday last. He had been unwell for some time past� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Feb 1908, p2]
A Maori woman named Tete died at the hospital on Sunday. Death was not entirely due to the epidemic... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6015, 24 September 1913, Page 6]
TETEHI A well known Hairini Native named Tetehi, who was in town with a dray on Saturday last, appears to have caught a severe cold on that occasion and serious complications followed resulting in his death today. A big tangi will take place over his remains. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 May 1903, p2]
TETLEY �One of Paeroa�s oldest settlers in the person of Mr William Tetley. The deceased was respected by the whole community and by everyone with whom he came into contact. [Ohinemuri Gazette, 19 Nov 1906]
The death occurred at Te Aroha on Friday last of Mrs A Thackery, sister of Mr T Floyd, formerly of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6742, 21 July 1916, Page 2]
THOMAS A young man named Wilfred Thomas passed away at Mr A H Burkill�s residence yesterday morning. Deceased was only 19 years of age and had been in weak health for sometime past� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 9 Mar 1906, p2]
The death is reported of Mr George David Thomas of Wanganui, a veteran of the Maori War. He arrived in the Dominion in the early sixties, and was associated with the fighting in the Maori War. Mr Thomas enlisted in the 2nd Waikato Regiment in 1866, and in 1868 joined the Armed Constabulary Field Force. With his body he was on active service till the end of 1870 and he afterwards served in the Taranaki district where he was when he resigned in 1873. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6868, 21 May 1917, Page 2]
THOMPSON Gisborne. A labourer named Frank W Thompson went into the sea to bathe last evening and at 7 o�clock his clothes were found on the beach and after, his dead body was found in the surf� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Mar 1891, p2]
THOMPSON Charitable Aid Board�William Thompson, a blacksmith recently working in Tauranga, who had been taken seriously ill at Katikati while making his way to the Thames Hospital. He had been forwarded by coach but had since died� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jul 1892, p2]
THOMPSON The eldest son of the Hon T Thompson, Minister of Justice, died at the residence of the family, Mt Eden yesterday. He had been for the last two years in the services of the Government as Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Auckland and previous to that was employed on the Rotorua railway contract. He was 42 years of age and was a schoolmate of Mr D Asher of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 May 1897, p2]
THOMPSON News was received in Te Puke on Monday of the death at Rotorua, on Sunday night, of Mr William Thompson, formerly barman at the local hotel, and, more recently at the Commercial Hotel, Tauranga [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 26 August 1913, Page 2] Referring to the death of the late William Thompson at Rotorua, the Chronicle says The man was very unwell on Satufday, night, so Dr Baxter was called in and diagnosed the case as acute bronchitis. The doctor saw him again yesterday morning, when the man was so bad that he ordered his removal to the Sanatorium. When about opposite the Rotorua Meat Co.'s premises death intervened. It is reported that the man had �45 in notes on him on Friday, of which he complained to the police, he had been relieved. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 29 August 1913, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6002, 25 August 1913, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6004, 29 August 1913, Page 4]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mr Allan Thomson, an old resident of this district, which occurred at the Tauranga Hospital on Saturday. Deceased, who was sixty-seven years of age, was born in Scotland. He carried on farming at Te Puna for a long period. He was unmarried, and it is understood ha-s a brother residing in the Waiuku district. The interment took place to-day, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev J. W. Smyth. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7482, 30 August 1920, Page 2]
On December 27th, at her parents residence, corner of Grace and Wrigley Streets, Maisie, third daughter of Mr and Mrs T E Thompson, aged 9 years.
We regret having to announce the death of the little nine-year old daughter � Maisie � of Mr and Mrs T. E. Thompson. It was not until Christmas Day that the parents became concerned at the little girl's condition. She becaaie rapidly worse and died yesterday from pneumonia. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 28 December 1920, Page 2]
THOMSON On February 3, at Otago Cottage, Wellington St, Auckland, Basil, youngest son of Inspector John B Thompson AC, aged 12 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Feb 1873, p2]
Word was received here yesterday to the effect that Mr James Thorpe, officer in charge of the location survey of the East Coast Railway in the Katikati district, had died at Katikati. Deceased came to this district from Whangarei in January last and was a very capable official. Much sympathy will be felt for Mrs Thorpe in her bereavement. [ Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2]
It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr George Thorp, which occured at the Tauranga Hospital this morning as the result of complications following an attack of enteric fever. Deceased had served with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in the western theatre of the war for over three years and returned to the Dominion about four months ago. At Wanganui recently he was married to Miss Williams, eldest granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J B Chappell of this town, and was spending his honeymoon in Tauranga when he was seized with the illness that terminated fatally. The internment takes place at Auckland. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended to the bereaved.
[Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7195, 1 August 1919, Page 2]
We have learnt with regret of the death, by being thrown from his horse, of Mr Henry Charles Thurston, schoolmaster at Matata last Thursday. The deceased gentleman, who was the brother to Sir John Thurston, Governor of Fiji, had been native schoolmaster at Matata for about five years and was about removing his family to Raukokore and Captain Morton of this district was to take his place. When the accident occurred Mr Thurston was engaged in the charitable work of supplying the natives with medicine�He leaves a wife and six children totally unprovided for. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Feb 1889, p2]
There is at present a very large gathering of natives at Karikari who are holding a tangi over three native women lately deceased. One of them is Mere Tikawe, the principal chieftainess of the Papamoa estate. The others are Pannikin, a very aged woman and a young native named Mrs Okatopa. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Sep 1889, p2]
The Te Aroha News of September 27 says - Mr John Timmins was the recipient of no less than three telegrams this morning announcing that three of his sons serving at the front had been put out of action. Private William Timmins, died of wounds on September 16, Private Charles Timmins was wounded in the hips and admitted to the hospital on the same date, while Private Edward Timmins was wounded in the thigh and foot, apparently on September 12th, having been admitted to the hospital on that date. Sincere sympathy is due to the bereaved parents and other members of the family in their loss. The parents have reason to be proud of having has six sons serving their country. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6778, 4 October 1916, Page 2]
Private J, 68th Regiment. [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, killed at Te Ranga]
The death occurred at the Hairini settlement on Wednesday of Ranginui Timoti, a well known chief of the Ngaiterangi tribe. Deceased served with the native contingent in the East Coast campaign under Colonel Porter and received the veteran's medal and a military pension in recognition of his services. Timoti was about sixty five years of age, but leaves no family. A tangi is now in progress and is being largely attended by Tauranga and visiting natives. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6332, 12 March 1915, Page 2]
On December 14, at 80 Durham Rd, Manor Park, Essex, Caroline Elizabeth (nee Meyer), the wife of John Rolls Tims and niece of the late Bernard Geary Snow Esq of Highgate, retired surgeon Indian Service and beloved mother of John Tims, Cameron Rd, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Mar 1895, p2]
On 24 May in Surrey, England, Charles Henry Vincent Tims, eldest son of Charles Tims of Burleigh, Epsom, Auckland and grandson of the late William Vincent Esq of Old hall, Westmoreland, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Jul 1899, p2]
TIMS We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr Charles Tims, formerly a resident here and at one time a Borough Councillor. His decease took place at his residence at Epsom, near Auckland, at the age of 64 years on Tuesday last. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Nov 1900, p2 + notice 26 Nov 1900]
TIMS Mr Thomas Henry Tims, who was one of pioneer settlers in the Bay of Plenty died suddenly at Banbury, Oxfordshire�74 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Jul 1908, p2]
TININIHI A large tangi is now proceeding at Rangiwaea over the body of a child belonging to Te Aorere Tininihi, who died yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Sep 1898, p2]
On November 5th, at Maketu, Dorothy Ellen, dearly beloved third daughter of W. R. and E. J. Tipler, of acute meningitis, aged 4yrs. [Te Puke Times 7 November 1919, Page 2]
Word was received by Constable Garvey on Sunday morning that the body, of the late Mr W. R. Tipler, who was accidentally drowned on Thursday last, had been discovered at 8 o'clock by Mr T. Best and two Maoris who had been patrolling the beach. The discovery was made at what is known as the Point, about a mile and a half from Maketu, the body, having been washed up amongst the rocks. Accompanied by the Coroner (Mr Lally) and Dr MacFarlane, Constable Garvey at once proceeded to Maketu. Under his supervision the body was removed from where it lay, to the township. This proved a most arduous task, the stretcher bearers having to ascend a cliff some five hundred feet high. At 2 o'clock an enquiry was held by the Coroner into the circumstances surrounding the fatality.
Frank Robar gave evidence that he accompanied Tipler on a fishing trip on the 25th of March, they left between 7 and 8 a.m., and fished till about 1.30, by which time they had caught about 10 dozen fish. A wave then came and filled the boat, and a second wave overturned it throwing both the men out. They clung to the boat for about a quarter of an hour, when Tipler said, "Better make for the shore." They both let go. Witness swam about a chain from' the boat, but as the tide was too strong and he was being carried out to sea, he swam back. He saw no sign of Tipler. He started to call out for help, and was rescued by a boat sent out by Mr McLaughlin. Evidence was given by Mr McLaughlin as to hearing cries for help and offering a Maori �2 to take his boat out to rescue Robar. Dr McFarlane gave evidence that in his opinion death was due to drowning, and Mr Best gave evidence as to the finding of the body.
The finding of the Coroner was as follows -'That the said Robert Walter Tipler, on the 25th day of March, 1920, in the sea near Maketu, was accidentally drowned, no blame being attachable to anyone."
The interment took place in the Te Puke Cemetery during the afternoon, the Rev. J. W. Chapman conducting the burial service. [Te Puke Times 26 March 1920, Page 2]
The many friends of Mr and Mrs Anaru Tiweka will be sorry to learn that they have received information from the Defence Department of the death of their son in action. Private Albert Tiweka was only nineteen years of age. He left with a native contingent twelve months ago� [Bay of Plenty Times, 27 Jun 1917]
Rewito To Keme, a notable chief of the Taupo district died last Friday. He was a Good Templar and a very loyal native. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 21 Nov 1878, p2]
On the 6th April at his residence, 'Nevis', Tauranga, NZ, William Henry John, third son of the late Captain George Edward Alexander Tobin, 2nd Queens Royal Regiment, and grandson of the late General Joseph Webbe Tobin,R.A. aged 63 years. Mrs W H J Tobin and family desire to thank most sincerely all those who in one way of another have shown such sympathy with them in their loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6099, 13 April 1914, Page 4]
Mr W Tobin of Mount Maunganui received a telegram today from Mr Lindup of the Public Works Department at Oakleigh, north of Auckland, that his brother James was drowned off a launch on Saturday night and was to be buried at Mangap*i today. Only last week Mr Tobin received word of the death of another brother at the front. Mr Tobin will have extended to him the sincere sympathy of a large number of friends in his double bereavement. 1916/4169 Tobin James 43Y WW1 Deaths 1914-1921 Name-
TOBIN Michael, Date 15 Apr 1916, Reference 4/1639, Rank Sapper, Force
NZE, Fate DOD, Place France,Cemetery FRANCE - BEAUVAL COMMUNAL CEMETERY [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6684, 8 May 1916, Page 2]
Intimation has been received by Mrs W H J Tobin of Topcroft, conveyinfg the sad intellifence that her second son, Private George H W Tobin, was killed in action in France on September 15. Mrs Tobin and family will have the sincere sympathy of all sections of the community in their sad loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6777, 2 October 1916, Page 2] In Memoriam - In loving memory of Private George Henry Wibbe Tobin, second son of Mrs M H J Tobin 'Nevis', Tauranga, who was killed in action at Flers, September 15, 1916. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7069, 23 September 1918, Page 2]
I send you an account of the deaths which have taken place within the month of March�68th Light Infantry, Corporal William Todd, 19 years, died March 19� [Southern Cross, 4 Apr 1865, p4]
TODD - Alexandra, Nov 29 - The inquest on the body of Mr Richard Todd, surveyor of Tauranga, who was shot dead by natives yesterday, has just been held before Dr Waddington, the district coroner. A verdict was returned of "Wilful murder against some natives unknown"... [Southern Cross, Wed 30 Nov 1870]
An inquest was held yesterday afternoon on the body of the late Captain [John] Todd, found on the beach at Katikati�death by drowning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 18 Apr 1885, p2 + notice]
Advice has been received of the death at sea on September 13, of Mr R S Todd-Whincup, a well known settler of Opotiki, who went to England to do war work, but was returning owing to ill-health. His remains were buried at sea. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6935, 9 November 1917, Page 2]
A native named Toheriri, belonging to the Kahika settlement, dropped dead at the pa on Thursday last. Deceased was a man about 50 years of age, and was apparently in good health right up to the time of his death, which took place with startling suddenness. The customary tangi is now in progress. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5517, 27 June 1910, Page 2]
An unfortunate accident occurred near the Rangiwaea settlement yesterday, a little boy, aged about 5 years, son of a native named Toitoi being drowned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Jul 1904, p2 + 4 Jul 1904]
A well-known elderly native named Tokena died at Wairoa a few days ago. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7093, 22 November 1918, Page 2]
We hear that a Maori child named Rangi Tokura was accidentally burnt to death at Whakatane yesterday. No particulars are at hand but an inquest is being held this afternoon. The child was the adopted daughter of Horinui the chief. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 May 1906, p2]
A tangi was in progress on Saturday at Matakana over the death of a young chief, a son of Toma, who died some time back� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jul 1900, p2 + 18 Jul 1900]
We regret to announce the death on Tuesday afternoon of Joseph Toma, at Reretukahia, son of Whakapou Toma, a most respected and influential native. Deceased, despite Dr Ward�s assiduous care, succumbed to a severe attack of pleurisy. He was 34 years of age and unmarried. A tangi is being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Sep 1908, p2]
An inquest was held at Maungatapu yesterday before Captain Tovey, coroner of the district and a jury comprising of seven Europeans and six Maoris on the body of Hori Tomika, found drowned in Tauranga Harbour on the 20th inst� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 25 Jul 1882, p2]
A native chief named Renata Torere died in his kainga Ohuki near Te Matapihi on Sunday. This chief was at one time in the Tauranga Police Force and did good service. Of late he was receiving the old age pension being 76 years of age ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5570, 31 October 1910, Page 2]
On December 13th at his residence, Sixth Avenue, Alexander Charles Hughes, late Captain in the 70th Regiment, husband of Julia Maria Tovey-Tennant, aged 84 years, husband of Julia Maria Tovey-Tennant, aged 84 years. The friends of the late Captain Tovey-Tennant are invited to attend his funeral which will leave his late residence, Sixth Avenue, tomorrow, Saturday afternoon at 2.30pm for the Church of England, and then to the New Cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6950, 14 December 1917, Page 2] ... He is survived by his widow and the five children of the marriage, four sons and one daughter, Messrs A M and K F Tovey-Tennent of Ohura (King Country), Mr W H Tovey-Tennent of Orgeon, USA, Mr H D Tovey-Tennent of Blenheim and Mrs Chamberlain of Wellington ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6950, 14 December 1917, Page 3]
On April 16, after a severe illness, Mary Jane, wife of J Townsend, Gate Pa. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6853, 16 April 1917, Page 2] We regret (to advise the death of) Mrs Townsend which occurred at her residence Gate Pa, this morning after a severe illness. The deceased lady who was seventy years of age, was born in Scotland and had resided in Australia and New Zealand for about sixty years. She was much esteemed by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband and one daughter Mrs Le Cocq, of Gate Pa, for whom the greatest sympathy will be felt in their bereavement. The funeral takes place at 2pm tomorrow. 1917/2187 Townsend Mary Jane 70Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6853, 16 April 1917, Page 2]
Inspector Emerson received a telegram from constable white at Huntly Coal Mines stating that a portion of Ralph�s mine (The dip) had fallen in about 9pm yesterday. John Casely, James Smith, Alexander Harris (a boy) and John Tracy are entombed in it�the bodies of Casely and Harris have been recovered... [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 24 Dec 1890, p2 + the body of John Tracy was recovered at 5.30pm on Thursday and the body of James Smith was recovered at 1.15am on Friday� [Bay of Plenty Times, 29 Dec 1890, p2]
A former well-known resident of the Tauranga and Te Puke districts,, in the person of Mr Charles Henry Trapski, died at Matatoki recently. Mr Trapski left Te Puke for Waikato some fourteen or fifteen years ago and later took a farm at Walton. Whilst there he took a prominent part in local affairs. About six months ago he sold his farm and bought another farm at Matatoki. He had been ill for a considerable time and his death was not unexpected. He is survived by a widow and adult family. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends in this district will be extended to Mrs Trapski and family in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7369, 25 March 1920, Page 2]
Private Frederick, 43rd Regiment. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
A middle aged man named W Tregowerth, manager of the Cornstock United Mine at Karangahake and out the Hauraki Peninsula was found dead in his hut on Tuesday morning by Mr Ross, manager of the Karangahake mine� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Oct 1908, p2]
Death by drowning. Captain Baker of the cutter Woodstock which arrived from Opotiki yesterday informs us of a melancholy accident which occurred on the Ohiwa River, Opotiki on the 19th ult. It appears a man named Tremore started from Opotiki to attend a marriage that was to be celebrated at a Maori settlement near the river� [Southern Cross, 3 Dec 1869, p4 + body found 19 Jan 1870]
Captain Trent also of the same regiment [68th] has just died in England. He was wounded at Te Ranga and carried into Tauranga on a stretcher, one of the bearers being our worthy Town Clerk Mr J H McCaw. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 29 Sep 1899, p2]
On September 26, at his parents� residence Willow St, Tauranga, William Arthur, second son of Mr and Mrs F Trigg, aged 1 year and 9 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Sep 1900, p2 + article]
The death occurred at Rotorua last week of Mr W J Trigg, one of the architects of the new bath buildings in that town� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 May 1910, p2]
On July 12, 1917, at Auckland, Frank W Trigg, beloved husband of M Trigg of Tauranga, aged 46 years. Interred at Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6888, 13 July 1917, Page 2] The death occurred at Auckland yesterday of Mr Frank Trigg, a well-known resident of Tauranga, who had been in a precarious state of health for some time. In his younger days deceased lived in Te Puke, his parents who were amongst the earliest settlers, residing on No 1 Road. Later he lived at Rotorua and subsequently joined the staff of Mr R Badger's establishment at Tauranga, with which he was associated for many years ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6888, 13 July 1917, Page 2]
Another young man from this district, viz., Mr Jocelyn Trigg has laid down his life for King and country. Her served at Gallipoli. Later he proceeded to the French front and the sad intelligence has now been received by relatives here that he has made the supreme sacrifice. In his boyhood days deceased resided in Te Puke, his father being engaged in farming on the No 1 Road. He possessed a bright and happy disposition and was much esteemed by all who knew him. The news of his death will be received with deep regret and the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in the Tauranga and Te Puke districts will be extended to his mother, sister and brothers in their great loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6859, 23 July 1917, Page 2]
We have to record the death of the celebrated chief Hamiora Tu, which took place at Matapihi last night after a brief illness. The deceased was one of the most notes chiefs in this district and a strong supporter of British authority in New Zealand. In accordance with Maori custom the event was notified by the firing of guns at the settlement and the tangi is likely to be one of the most imposing held for some time in this neighbourhood. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 27 Jan 1880, p2 + article Thur 5 Feb 1880]
See Tupaea 21 Mar 1882
Te Matapihi settlement is again plunged into sorrow and grief through the death yesterday morning of Mary Tu, the relict of Hamiora Tu, the principal chief of Matapihi who died about four years ago. Mere Tu was about 60 years of age but never bore any children� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 22 Jun 1882, p2]
Tamati Tu�s young son died last week at Hori Ngatai�s settlement Whareroa. A very large tangi is being held, the natives coming from all parts to attend. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Dec 1893, p2]
The death of a child of the well known Matapihi native Sam Tu occurred on Friday last, the tangi being held on Saturday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Oct 1901, p2]
The well known chief Tamati Tu, head of the Tauranga natives died this morning after a short illness, at the age of 54. He was a son-in-law of Hori Ngatai. He leaves a grown up family. He received the NZ war medal and a substantial pension for acting as guide to the British troops at Gate Pa and Te Ranga fights. The tangi will be the largest held here for many years. [Evening Post, 15 May 1908, p2 + article Bay of Plenty Times 15 May 1908 + 29 May 1908]
A young native woman, of high rank, named Bessie Tu, died at the Judea Settlement last Friday, after a few weeks illness. The customary tangi is being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Apr 1909, p2]
The Rotorua Chronicle records the death of Maria (Tuawhaki), the 17 year old daughter of Mr Charles Rogers, of Maketu, which took place in the Sanatorium at an early hour on Monday. The deceased was born at Maketu, and received her primary education at the school there, being afterwards a pupil at Queen Victoria College, Auckland. She was later on at the Waotu Native School, in the capacity of second assistant. Developing typhoid fever, Miss Rogers some four weeks ago entered the Sanatorium, where in spite of all that medical care and attention could do, her demise took place on the day mentioned. The large and representative tangi following was a tribute to the respect in which the deceased and her parents were held by the Natives. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5782, 15 March 1912, Page 4]
Mrs Tucker whose unfortunate death by drowning is reported in our telegraphic columns was well known here, having been a former resident of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 22 Feb 1887, p2]
TUHAKA A young native chief, a son of Tuhaka died at Matapihi on Tuesday and a big tangi is now being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Jan 1897, p2]
TUHIRAKE We give our readers this morning a brief sketch of the life of Rawiri Tuhirake, who remains as we stated before were exhumed at Te Ranga on the 13th inst and conveyed by his relatives to Omamatua where a large number of natives had congregated to lament over him and otherwise honour his memory� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 22 Aug 1874, p3]
TUHOTO A native named Tuhoto, better known as he who was dug out alive at the Wairoa after being buried for four and a half days, and who is believed by the Maoris to have been the cause of the recent disastrous eruption, died at Ohinemutu on Thursday afternoon. Tuhoto was a very old man, was regarded by the natives as a sorcerer and was himself perfectly satisfied that he brought the Tarawera outbreak. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 3 Jul 1886, p2]
TUIA The great warrior Penetuka Tuia died at his kainga, Te Puna, yesterday. This rangatira was the engineer and superintendant in the construction of the Gate Pa where so many of our gallant British soldiers fell. Penetuka learnt his engineering in the past wars in the Bay of Islands. The chief drew �20 a year pension from the NZ Government. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 4 Jul 1889, p2]
TUIRA The death occurred at Matapihi native settlement yesterday of Mrs Tuira, at the age of about 80 years. Deceased was of high rank and the customary tangi is now being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Oct 1908, p2]
TUKE At Opunake, on December 11, after a long and painful illness, Major Arthur Tuke, Resident Magistrate, aged 63 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Dec 1894, p4]
TUKE On October 8, after a long and trying illness borne with patient resignation, Catherine, the beloved wife of Capt E Tuke of Selwyn Rd, Napier, aged 65 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Oct 1898, p2]
TUKE We regret to learn of the death of an old veteran of the Maori war, Capt E Tuke, father of Mrs W T Raymond of this town. The deceased died at Napier on Monday in his 70th year� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Mar 1901, p2 + notice 25 Mar 1901]
TUKE On September 7, of pneumonia, Olive Maud Mabel, second daughter of the late Major Tuke of New Plymouth, Taranaki, aged 23 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Sep 1901, p2]
The death occurred on January 5 last at King Manoel's Home for officers, Brighton (England) of Rear Admiral John Arthur Tuke, brother of Archdeacon Tuke, of Napier, who takes charge of the Tauranga Parish after Easter ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6633, 7 March 1916, Page 2]
News has been received of the death in France on July 20 of the Rev. Francis Henry Tuke, M.A, vicar of Holmer, near Hereford and Chaplain to the Forces ...was a first cousin of the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6790, 1 November 1916, Page 2]
TUKERE A large number of Ngaeterangi Natives left via the Kaimai road this morning for Maungatautari where they will attend the tangi in connection with the death of Ropata Tukere. [Bay of Plenty Times, 21 Feb 1912]
A letter was received from the District Health Office re the circumstances following the death of a native named Kahiwi Tuki, requesting that if a similar case occurred Inspector Martindale be at once notified. [Te Puke Times 7 November 1916, Page 3]
TUKITERANGI Rotorua, Wed. Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
On Saturday week at 2.30pm an inquest was held at the residence of Mr John Tulloch - a recent addition to the Katikati settlement on his infant son, four to five months old apparently a very strong healthy infant. On Friday afternoon he suddenly collapsed and in half and hour passed away. The parents at once phoned to Dr Brown of Waihi, who could only on arrival, pronounce life extinct, but was unable to give the required certificate hence the inquest on the following day before Mr E H Gledstanes J.P, acting as coroner, and the following members of the jury: Messrs Quinton, McClung, Stewart, Rea, W Lomas, Richard Robinson, J Tanner and William Tuthill who was elected foreman. The (police) Sergeant O'Grady of Waihi. Dr Brown having performed a post mortem examination attributed the cause of death to gastritis and heart failure. The jury returned their verdict in accordance with the medical evidence. 1917/457 Tullock Eric Robert 4M [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6842, 19 March 1917, Page 4]
TUNKS On July 31, Elizabeth, infant daughter of Captain and Mrs Tunks. [Southern Cross, 11 Aug 1866, p6]
TUNKS With great regret we have to record the death of Captain Thomas Tunks at the ripe age of 77 years. This gallant officer who was one of the few Crimean veterans now left was born in 1809 and joined the 68th Durham Light Infantry in 1825�in 1861 came out to New Zealand where he obtained a military grant of land� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 29 Apr 1886, p2 + death notice same day + funeral report 1 May 1886]
On Wednesday 13th December (suddenly) at her late residence, View Road, Mt Eden, Amy Rose Howard, the dearly beloved wife of Charles J Tunks. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5742, 15 December 1911, Page 4] The death occurred suddenly in Auckland on Wednesday evening of Mrs C J Tunks, wife of Mr C J Tunks, notary public, Auckland. Deceased was comparatively young woman, the cause of death being heart failure. [ Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5742, 15 December 1911, Page 5]
On Monday January 1st at St John's, Wanganui, Thomas J., second son of the late Captain Thomas Tunks. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5751, 3 January 1912, Page 4] Word was received yesterday by private wire of the death at St John's, Wanganui of Mr Mr Thomas J Tunks, second son of the late Captain Thomas Tunks, of Tauranga ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5751, 3 January 1912, Page 4]
On September 27, 1916 at her residence 'Coonough', Tauranga, Elizabeth Frances, widow of the late Captain Thomas Tunks, 68th Regiment, Durham Light Infantry, aged 84. Interred privately this day. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6776, 29 September 1916, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Tauranga in the person of Mrs E. F. Tunks,* which occurred at their residence, "Coonough," Cameron Road, at 11 o'clock on Wednesday evening at the age of 84 years, The late Mrs Tunks was widow of the late Captain Thomas Tunks, of the 68th Regiment, Durham Light Infantry. She was born in County Meath, Ireland, in 1832, and came out to New Zealand in the ship "Bank of England," landing at Auckland in December, 1855. Among her fellow passengers were, the late Rev. Robert Burrows and Mrs Burrows, Mrs C. F. Hulme (nee Miss Burrows), Sir Moses Montefiore, and Mr G. P. Pierce (afterwards general manager of the New Zealand Insurance Company, Ltd.). Mrs Tunks was married to Captain Tunks at St. Matthew's Church, Auckland, by the Rev. David Jones in 1884, and came to Tauranga the following year, residing here ever, since. The late Captain Tunks, who was associated with the public life of Tauranga for a long period, died in l886. Mrs Tunks was the last surviving member of her family. She was a sister of the late Mr J. T. Boylan, well known in Auckland and at one time a member of the Auckland Provincial Council. Her surviving family are: Mrs Bull, wife of Mr J. Bull, Tauranga; Mr C. J. Tunks, senior partner of the legal firm of Messrs Jackson, Russell, Tunks and Ostler; end Captain A. F. Tunks, who is in command of the J Company of the 14th Reinforcements, now at Sling Camp, Salisbury, England. There are also eight grandchildren, one of whom, Corporal W. D. Tunks, is now at the front, having gone with the 9th Reinforcements. Deceased was a well educated cultured lady of the old school, and was held in the very highest esteem by all who knew her. She possessed a keen sense of humour, was very generous, and was never known to say an unkind word, and through all the stirring times of the Maori war her house was ever open. She was also noted for her deep and sincere, though simple piety. The sympathy of the whole community will be extended to the family in their bereavement. The interment, which was private, took place this afternoon, deceased's remains being laid to rest in the Military Cemetery beside those of her late husband. The service at the graveside was conducted by Rev. Mr Rattray in the absence of Ven. Archdeacon Tuke, who is away at the Synod.
1916/10448 Tunks Elizabeth Frances 84Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6776, 29 September 1916, Page 3]
TUPAEA We regret to have to record the death of our old veteran chief Hori Tupaea which took place at his settlement Rangiwhaea early yesterday morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 27 Jan 1881, p2 + 1 Feb 1881 + 5 Feb 1881]
TUPAEA Native Tangi. A great gathering of members of the Tahurangi tribe from Taupo and Wairoa districts is being held now at Karikari Maungatawa for the purpose of crying over the remains of Hori Tupaea, Hamiora Tu and Hone Te Aterau, three principal chiefs of the Ngaiterangi recently deceased� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 21 Mar 1882, p2 + 25 Mar 1882, p2 + 12 Jul 1882]
TUPAEA An arrangement has been made by the natives to remove the body of Akuhata Tupaea from Rangiwaea to Whareroa where the tangi will be completed. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 9 Mar 1894, p4 + article + 12 Mar 1894]
TUPAEA Akuhata Tupaea, son of Ngaone Tupaea, daughter of the great Ngaterangi and Ngatiraukawa Chief Hori Tupaea died at his kainga Rangiwaea yesterday. The young chief had been unwell for some time past and everything possible was done for his comfort. Deceased was related to Thames, Otaki, Napier and other tribes and a very large number of mourners are expected to attend the tangi. Telegrams were sent this morning to all parts acquainting relatives of the young chief�s death. [Bay of Plenty Times, 26 Oct 1910]
A native boy about five years of age, son of Motu and grandchild of Roretana Tupaea, died at Rangiwaea on Friday. The customary tangi is now in progress. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5734, 27 November 1911, Page 4]
A telegram was received by the local natives on Wednesday from Whakatane announcing the death of Ngamanu Tupaea, eldest son of Hamiora Tupaea and grandson of the late Ngaitirangi chief Hori Tupaea, who was often called on by the late Sir George Grey (Governor of New Zealand) in reference to native affairs, and was well known throughout New Zealand, having travelled much with Sir George Grey. The late Ngamanu Tupaea belonged to Matipihi and Rangiwaea, and was a cousin of Roretana Tupae, one of the principal chiefs of this district. Owing to the epidemic the relatives from Tauranga will not be able to proceed to Whakatane to take part in the funeral obsequies. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7099, 6 December 1918, Page 2]
TUPARA A tangi is taking place at Te Kouti over a young native Miti Tupara. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Jan 1892, p2]
The death is (also) reported of the well-known native Turangi, who died at the Judea settlement on the same day (Friday last). [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5570, 31 October 1910, Page 2]
TURIRI On Monday last at Rangawaea, Turiri, an old and respected chief. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Oct 1872, p2 + 26 Oct 1872]
TURNBULL On February 4 1907, at Tauranga, Joseph Turnbull, aged 76 years. Manchester papers please copy. The funeral will leave the Roman Catholic Church at 10am tomorrow (Saturday) for the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Feb 1907, p2 + article + 11 Feb 1907]
On February 7 at her residence, St John Street, Jane, relict of the late Joseph Turnbull, aged 71. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6301, 8 February 1915, Page 2] Tauranga. Mrs Turnbull, a widow, aged 71 years, living alone, was found dead in her house yesterday. An oil stove was burning and a meal partly laid. The cause of death was heart failure. [Evening Post, 9 Feb 1915, p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6301, 8 February 1915, Page 2]
TURNER At Tauranga, on December 5, Ada Campbell, eldest daughter of Captain A C Turner, aged 15 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow the 7th inst at 3 o�clock pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Dec 1876]
TURNER We have to record another death, that of Mrs [Mary] Turner, wife of Mr J Turner of Wharf St, which took place on Friday night. Mrs Turner was 66 years of age and had been confined to her residence for some weeks previous to her death. The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Oct 1887, + notice]
TURNER It is our sad duty to chronicle the death by drowning of Messrs W Turner and W Harrison or Cinnamon, both of this town. They were on their way from Maketu in the cutter Oi, having left there last Tuesday. A gale had sprung up�Mr W Turner was 23 years of age, unmarried and son of Mr J Turner of Katikati, who is a well known and much respected settler. Mr W Cinnamon was 21 years of age and son of Captain Cinnamon, who is well known in this town� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 17 Apr 1890, p2]
TURNER Mr Turner, one of the pioneer settlers of Katikati, died on Thursday last and was buried in the cemetery on Friday, the Rev Canon Johnston officiating�He leaves a widow, two sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Jan 1892, p2]
TURNER On Friday morning a little child of Mr R Turner died at his residence Devonport Rd. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, the Rev W A Sinclair reading the burial service. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Jul 1894, p2]
TURNER It is our melancholy duty to record the death of Mrs Alex Turner, eldest daughter of Mr Anquitel of this town. Mrs [Elizabeth Mary] Turner was only 29 years of age and had been ailing for a long time from diabetes� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 15 Jul 1895 + notice 17 Jul 1895]
TURNER News has reached here that the wife of Capt A C Turner died at Auckland today and the remains will be brought to Tauranga for burial. The funeral will start from the Victoria Wharf at 10 o�clock tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Nov 1898, p2]
TURNER Yesterday Mr J Turner, tailor, who had been ailing for some time past and latterly confined a good deal to his bed, expired at the ripe age of 84 years. Deceased had been a resident here for many years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Dec 1901, p2 + notice and obituary 11 Dec 1901 + 13 Dec 1901]
We have to record the death of a very old resident of the Bay of Plenty in the person of Mrs Turner (Mother of Mr A Turner and Mrs W Stewart) of this town) which occurred here last week at a ripe age. The deceased resided for a long period in the Katikati district. 1910/4467 Turner Mary 82Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5544, 29 August 1910, Page 2]
At Coromandel on January 30th, Frances, beloved wife of Fairfax Hazard Turner, and third daughter of Mrs Vercoe, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5763, 31 January 1912, Page 6]
On December 30th, 1912 at the residence of his son at Papamoa, Captain Archibald Campbell Turner C.E., third son of the late Colonel C B Turner KII, of Barnby, Toronto aged 78 years. By special request of the deceased no mourning - Canadian and English papers please copy. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5903, 3 January 1913, Page 2] Captain A C Turner CE. Quite a gloom was cast over the town on Monday afternoon when the news was made known that Captain Archibald Campbell Turner CE had passed away at his son�s residence, Papamoa, at the age of 78 years, after an illness of several months. The late Captain�s career had been a somewhat uncommon mixture of soldiering with civil engineering, in both of which professions he gained his first experience in Canada. He was born in St John�s, New Brunswick, and was the third son of Colonel C B Turner KH, a veteran who served under Sir Samuel Hood, at the taking of the Island of Madeira�The late Captain Turner with his wife and family arrived in Auckland by the ship African in 1862 and in the following year joined the Colonial Mounted Defence Force as sub-inspector under Colonel Nixon�Deceased is survived by five sons, one daughter and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The sons are — Messrs Charles B Turner, of the Lands and Survey Department, Auckland, Fairfax H Turner, engineer the Coromandel County Council; Mr B Turner of Kybram, Victoria; W B Turner, farmer of Ohura and F A Turner, farmer of Papamoa. Miss L A Turner is the only surviving daughter� [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5902, 30 December 1912, Page 4 and Bay of Plenty Times, 3 Jan 1913]
The death took place at Rotorua on Friday last of Miss Turner, daughter of the late Captain A C Turner. Deceased had been a sufferer for many years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6089, 18 March 1914, Page 4]
On January 24th, 1918, Lilian May, dearly beloved daughter of Martha Ann and William Robert Turner. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6967, 25 January 1918, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Miss Lilian May Turner, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs W R Turner, of Selwyn Street which occurred last night after an illness of some months. The late Miss Turner was well known as librarian, a position she had filled with much credit for several years. She always paid close attention to her public duties and her unfailing courtesy won the esteem of subscribers and the general public. She was born in Christchurch and eight years ago accompanied her parents to Tauranga ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6967, 25 January 1918, Page 2]
On November 15, 1918, at Aongatete, Annie Orme, beloved wife of Rutland Turner, aged 67 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs A O Turner, wife of Mr Rutland Turner, which occurred at Aongatete on Friday last at the age of 67 years. Deceased resided in the Bethlehem district for many years and subsequently moved with her husband and family to Wainui,where she has since lived. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband and two sons - Mr Robert Turner, who is serving with the Expeditionary Forces, and Mr William Turner, who is farming at Wainui. The internment took place at Tauranga on Sunday last. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2] At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
The death is reported at Auckland of Mr A. J. Turner, for many years a guard on the Government railways, and later caretaker at the Whaka Reserve, Rotorua. [Te Puke Times 17 January 1919, Page 2]
Word has been received here announcing the death of Mr W R Turner, which occurred at Palmerston North a few days ago. Deceased had resided in Tauranga for some years and took a keen interest in public affairs. He was also an enthusiastic worker in the Baptist Church. He leaves to mourn their loss a widow and adult family for whom much wympathy will be felt in their bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times , Issue 7180, 20 June 1919, Page 2]
It is our sad duty to record the death of a very old New Zealander in the person of Mr Josiah Tutchen which occurred at this residence, Eleventh Avenue, on Saturday last at the age of 79 years. Deceased leaves to mourn his loss a widow and ten children, for whom much sympathy is felt under their heavy bereavement. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev. W Barnett. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5607, 30 January 1911, Page 2]
We regret to announce the death of Mr William Tutchen who succumbed last night at the Hospital. Deceased was seized with the prevailing epidemic and was admitted to the Hospital on Wednesday last. Deceased, who was 19 years of age, was the third son of Mrs Tutchen, of Eleventh Avenue. At the time of his illness he was a member of the staff of the Tauranga dairy factory. The funeral took place this afternoon. Great sympathy will be felt for Mrs Tutchen and family in their bereavement.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7091, 18 November 1918, Page 2 and funeral report Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7092, 20 November 1918, Page 2] At the meeting of the Borough Council on Friday afternoon a vote of condolence was passed with relatives of the following persons who succumbed during the influenza epidemic; Mesdames H Brown, G Mudgway and Lynch, Miss Maltby, Messrs G Pruden, W Tutchen, G Gillies, F G Dorrington, also Mr and Mrs J Beston who lost their infant child. A vote of sympathy was also passed with Mr Rutland Turner and family of Wainui, in their recent bereavement in the death of Mrs R Turner, an old resident of the district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7097, 2 December 1918, Page 2]
TUTEAITI Rotorua, Wed. Yesterday a tangi was being held at Awahou over the remains of a noted chief Hori Karaka, who had recently died and as the natives were returning to Rotorua by boats a terrible accident happened�the names of those drowned are Hikairo, aged 52, Tauri Karaka, 22, Tukiterangi, 36, Ngarimu, 40, Pokino, 50, Henare, 18, Te Poroa, 26, Tuteaiti, 50, Te Kaerangi, 18� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1893, p4]
TUTHILL - Katikati - The entire settlement has been plunged into the deepest gloom by the sad and unexpected death of Mrs Tuthill, wife of W Tuthill of Stanford and eldest daughter of T J Anderson Esq, Jesmond, Katikati. The melancholy event took place on the afternoon of Thursday 22nd inst, a few hours after the birth of a daughter. It is barely 11 months since we were present in the church to witness the marriage ceremony� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 26 Aug 1889, p2 + death notice 2 Sep 1889]
TUTHILL We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs Tuthill snr, who died this morning after a period of protracted ill-health. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Aug 1892, p2]
TUTHILL We regret very much to have to record the death of Mrs Tuthill of Greerton who succumbed after a lingering and painful illness on Saturday last. The funeral took place on Sunday and was largely attended by sympathising friends and mourners. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Nov 1896, p2]
TUTU The death occurred on Thursday last at Matapihi of Tutu, widow of the late Ruku Tamakohe, a man of rank in the Ngaeterangi tribe. Both these old people were formerly well known here, having been for many years in charge of the native hostelry and caretakers of the Government Buildings and those who knew them have a kindly recollection of both. [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 May 1903, p2]
UTTERTON The officers who fell at Te Papa�Captain Edwin Utterton entered the 23rd Regiment on the 30th April 1855. He became lieutenant on 10th September in the same year and captain on the 8th October 1861. He served at the siege of Sebastopol in 1855� [Southern Cross, 3 May 1864, p3]
VANCE Sergent-Major John, 43rd Regiment. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
VARDON Private W, 43rd Regiment. [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, killed at Te Ranga]
VERCOE On August 20, at Fairfield, Te Puke, Mary Cover Vercoe, in her 72nd year. The funeral will leave her late at 2pm on Tuesday 23rd inst for the Te Puke Cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Aug 1892, p2]
VERCOE On Thursday June 18, at the New Plymouth Hospital, Emlyn, fourth daughter of J L Vercoe. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Jun 1903, p2 + article]
VERCOE On August 16, at his late residence The Camp, Tauranga, Joseph Lawry Vercoe, in his 73rd year. The funeral will leave the Camp at 11 o�clock tomorrow (Tuesday). [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Aug 1905, p2 + article + 21 Aug 1905]
On July 21, 1911 at 'Te Kohanga', No 2 Road, Te Puke Ettie, dearly beloved wife of Charles R Vercoe, aged 32 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5681, 24 July 1911, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mrs C Vercoe of Te Puke, which occurred at her late residence, No 2 Road, Te Puke on Friday afternoon. Deceased, who was in the primer of her life, had been in ill health for some months, and despite loving care and medical attention, passed away as above stated. Widespread sympathy is felt for the husband and relatives in the great loss which they have sustained. The interment took place at Te Puke yesterday, the service at the graveside being impressively conducted by the Rev. A H Norrie. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5681, 24 July 1911, Page 2] Preaching on Sunday evening at Te Puke Mission Hall, Mr A H Norrie, Presbyterian Missionary, made feeling reference to the great loss the church and the district has sustained by the death of the late Mrs C Vercoe. Her readiness to help in every good work, her consistent life and beautiful character had left behind an example for others to follow. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5682, 26 July 1911, Page 2]
VERCOE Much sympathy is expressed with Mr and Mrs H. A. Vercoe in the sudden bereavement they have sustained by the death of their youngest son, a lad aged l4, who passed away on Monday after an illness of only four, days duration. We understand that death was due to disease of the kidneys. The funeral will leave the homestead at 1 p. m to-morrow. 1913/8350 Vercoe Edward Lionel 14 years [Te Puke Times, Volume II, Issue II, 11 November 1913, Page 2]
On February 23rd, at Te Puke, Stafford Henry, second son of H. A. and Maud Vercoe, aged 19 years. [Te Puke Times , 25 February 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6621, 23 February 1916, Page 2]
News has been received that Private Eric Vercoe, eldest son of Mr J L Vercoe, of Rangiuru, Te Puke was killed in action during the recent offensive in Belgium. Prior to enlisting Private Vercoe assisted his father in farming operations. The sympathy of the community will be extended to the relatives in their sad loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6927, 20 October 1917, Page 2]
VERCOE - OBITUARY - MR HENRY VERCOE. At about 3.30 on Tuesday afternoon last there passed away pioneer settler of the district the person of Mr Henry Vercoe of Fairfield, No 2 Road, whose decease removes another of the few remaining links that connect the present with the past. The late Mr Vercoe was a native of Weybridge, Cornwall, where he was born in 1835. He arrived in New Zealand in 1852, being at that time 17 years of age, and settled at Mangere, where married in 1860. In 1877 he removed to Maketu and purchased the property known as the Matai Estate. This property later passed into the hands of the Bank of New Zealand, Mr Vercoe retaining the position of manager until about 25 years ago, when he took up a farm on No 2 Road. Here he had resided ever since. Of late years his health had been much impaired, and he had had many severe illnesses, so that his death was not unexpected. He leaves a widow, four sons, and four daughters, the former being Messrs H. A. and C. Vercoe, of No. 2 Road, Mr Fred Vercoe, of the Farmers' Auctioneering Company, Te Kuiti, and Mr J. L.Vercoe of Rangiuru and the latter Mesdames F. Bostock, E. W. and P. Boucher, and C Perring. The funeral took place yesterday' afternoon, and was largely attended. The Rev. J W Chapman conducted the burial service. [Te Puke Times 7 November 1919, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7264, 7 November 1919, Page 7]
At Pongakawa on Friday, August 30th, Charles Oliver, beloved father of Laurence Veysey; aged 57 yeara. The funeral will leave his late residence, Pongakawa, on Sunday, 1st inst., at 11 a.m. Friends kindly accept this intimation. [Te Puke Times 30 August 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7061, 4 September 1918, Page 2 ]
VIALOU It is with much regret that we have to announce the death of Mr I R Vialou, which occurrence took place at Rotorua yesterday morning. The deceased gentleman, who was well known throughout Waikato but particularly in Hamilton where he resided for many years, was an old colonist� [Waikato Times, Sat 1 Nov 1884 + Bay of Plenty Times, 2 Nov 1884 and note 4 Nov 1884]
VICKERS At the residence of Campbell Thomson, Opotiki, on July 11, Thomas Kirby Vickers, of Walthamshow, Essex, aged 54 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 14 Jul 1881, p2]
VICKERS On 19 Sept 1914, at Mr A Verrall's residence, Hikutaia, Opotiki, Arthur William Vickers, brother of Mr B S Vickers, aged 53. [Auckland Weekly News, 1 Oct 1914]
VICKERY We regret to chronicle the death this morning suddenly of Mrs H Vickery, senior. The deceased was 70 years of age, an old and respected resident of this town�She leaves a husband, three daughters and one son, all living in Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Jan 1896, p2]
VICKERY On Saturday September 10, at his residence Cameron Rd, Henry Vickery, aged 74 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Sep 1898, p2 + article]
VICKERY On the 6th inst, at her residence, Second Avenue, dearly beloved wife of H J Vickery, in her 45th year. Deeply regretted. The funeral of the late Mrs H J Vickery will leave her late residence at 3 o�clock tomorrow (Tuesday). [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Jun 1908, p2 + article]
Yesterday morning there died at Maungatapu a native woman of high rank named Victoria, aged about 80 years. She was the mother of Hone Taipari McLeod and sister of that old warrior Taipari� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Sep 1896, p2]
Amongst the many young New Zealanders who fell at Messines was Mr Arthur Lawrence Vincent, whose parents reside at Mt Eden, Auckland. Born in Auckland twenty three years ago, Mr Vincent was educated at Epsom public school whence he passed on to the Auckland Grammar School. Previous to his enlistment he occupied a position as accountant to the Gisborne branch of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. He was popular with all who knew him. Deceased was the nephew of Mrs Soljak, of Tauranga and the eldest grandson of the late Mr Matthew Cummings who was stationed here as Corporal in the 1st Waikato Regiment during the Maori War. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 688, 2 July 1917, Page 2]
VOGAN On Sunday September 28, at his residence Bou Repos, Tauranga, James Vogan, late of Blackheath, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Sep 1902, p2 + article + 1 Oct 1902]
Old residents of this district will regret to learn of the death of Mrs M E Vogan, widow of the late Mrs James Vogan, of Tauranga, which occurred at Sydney on July 22. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5996, 11 August 1913, Page 4]
VOLKNER The intelligence received from Tauranga yesterday of the barbarous murder of the Rev Carl Volkner by the rebel fanatics at Opotiki cause a wide spread felling of indignation and abhorrence of the crime�Mr Volkner was a native of Cassel, Germany and a student of the Hamburg Missionary College. He came to New Zealand about 18 years ago�The deceased married in 1854 to Emma Lanfear� [Southern Cross, 18 Mar 1865, p3]
WAATA The funeral obsequies of the late Mereani, the wife of the respected Timi Waata, native assessor, are not yet over though it is now months since her death at Te Kaha. Having finished the local ceremonies there the relatives are now coming to Maketu in force� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 5 Dec 1900, p2]
WAATA A great tangi was held at Whakatane and at Maketu recently over the death of Mr Timi Waata one of the chiefs of the Ngatiwhakahemo tribe, one of the subtribes of the Te Arawa, located at Pukehina. Timi Waata was well known and beloved by all the members of the Te Arawa and Matatua tribes. He was also known amongst the Europeans and other tribes of the Dominion as being a strong supporter of the Treaty of Waitangi till his death. He was a man of very peaceful disposition and exceedingly hospitable. The chief mourners, Mere Wakaba (Mrs Te More) and Riripeti (Mrs James Horne) received telegrams of condolence, and sympathy from the Native Minister (Hon WH Herries), Hon A T Ngata MP, Sir James Carroll, Mr Mohi Te Atahikoia (leading chief of Hawke's Bay), Mr Kani Pere (one of the Gisborne chiefs), Mr Paratene Ngata (one of the leading sub-chiefs of the East Coast) and Messrs Roretana Tupaea, and Reweti Ngatai, the well known Maori chiefs of Tauranga. The late Timi Waata was a widower for some years, and was seventy years of age. He leaves two married daughters. He was buried in the tribal cemetery at Pukehina. The Rev Fraser, CF officiating at the grave side, assisted by Mr Hamana P Mokonuarangi, Lay-Reader and one of the well known young chiefs. [Bay of Plenty Times, 17 Aug 1920 p2]
WADSWORTH On Monday last about noon, Mr John Wadsworth of the Gate Pah passed away after a brief and painful illness. He was in his 80th year having been born in 1815; he joined the army at 18 years of age, in the 99th Regiment with which he came out to NZ in 1842 and shortly afterwards took part in the storming of Ruapekapeka pah. Upon the 99th being ordered home Wadsworth was transferred to the 12th regiment and about 1864 took his discharge there from after a good 30 years of soldiering. A little later he joined the 1st Waikato Regiment and served in nearly every engagement� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Feb 1894, p2]
WAHAB On February 26 1887, at Katikati, at the residence of her son-in-law Major General T H Stoddard, Christina Elizabeth Wahab, widow of the late Lieutenant J G Wahab, Madras Native Infantry; aged 77 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 1 Mar 1887, p2 + article same day]
WAHANGA On Monday evening about 8 o�clock a Maori woman named Wahanga, about 35 years of age, fell into a boiling spring near the meeting house on the banks of the Waikite Stream�she succumbed to her injuries yesterday morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 Dec 1896, p2]
WAHATOTO Last evening a young half caste named Wahatoto, aged 29 years, died at Karikari. Deceased leaves a widow but no children. The customary tangi is being held and relatives are due to arrive from Coromandel and Rotorua. [Bay of Plenty Times, 28 Sep 1906]
There died recently on the East Coast a distinguished chieftainess of the Ngatiporua tribe, namely Harata Wahawaha, widow of the late Major Ropat N.Z.C, M.L.C ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6719, 22 June 1916, Page 4]
WAHAWAHIE Late on Saturday evening the settlements on Te Matapihi side of the harbour were plunged into grief and sorrow at the sudden and unexpected death of the youngest son of the late chief Hori Tupaea. The deceased chief whose name was Muri Muri Wahawahie was conveyed with great ceremony yesterday to his paternal residence at Rangiwaea�he was about 30 years of age and was recently in the Survey Department where he is supposed to have caught cold from which he never recovered. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Sep 1882, p2 + 6 Sep 1882]
WAHIA A casualty list issued yesterday shows that Privates T Richmond and M Wahia of the Maori contingent, have died of wounds, and that Private R Devon is reported to be wounded. [Bay of Plenty Times, 23 Sep 1915]
WAIHOAROA Hori Ngatai and a large number of natives of the Ngaiterangi tribe left for Rotorua this morning to attend a tangi over the remains of a woman of high rank named Ani Waihoaroa, who died a few days ago. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Apr 1908, p2]
WALKER Hamilton. A man named Peter Walker was going to shoot a dog which has been worrying some sheep yesterday and while passing through a wife rail fence the hammer of his gun caught and the carbine exploded, the bullet passing through his head and killing him instantly. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 17 Jan 1880, p2]
WALKER Taupo. Dr Walker of the AC died suddenly on the 24th. He was buried the following afternoon with military honours. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 30 Dec 1880, p2 + 13 Jan 1881, p2]
WALKER Mr E B Walker, who died suddenly at Newton on Monday was the father of Mesdames Pilling and McDougall of Te Puke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 Feb 1898, p2]
WALKER On September 30, at her parents� residence Police Station, Tauranga, Irene Lillian, fourth dearly beloved daughter of M and E L Walker, aged 13 years, 11 months. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Oct 1904, p2 + article]
WALKER On July 16, at his parents� residence Tauranga, after a long and painful illness, Harold Logie, fourth dearly beloved son of M and E L Walker, in his 20th year. The funeral will leave his parents� residence tomorrow (Tuesday) at 1pm. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Jul 1905, p2 + 19 Jul 1905]
WALKER On March 21 1907, at the residence of W S Harrison, Greerton, Mrs H L Walker, aged 37 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Mar 1907, p2 + article]
WALKER Mr Alfred Walker, aged 22, a son of ex-Police Sergeant Walker died in Waihi on Thursday evening. Deceased had been in the district for two or three years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Oct 1907, p2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs Walker, wife of Staff-Sergeant Walker, which occurred on Saturday afternoon. Deceased contracted scarlet fever while nursing some of her children who were suffering from the complaint, but the immediate cause of death was septic pneumonia. The late Mrs Walker was only 30 years of age ... 1910/4474 Walker Caroline Magdalene Maria 30Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5510, 4 July 1910, Page 2]
The death of Miss Walker of Waihi and sister of Mrs E H Pilling, a former resident of Te Puke, occurred at Wellington on August 27th from pneumonia. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume 6178, Issue 6178, 3 September 1915, Page 2]
Word was received by Mr M Walker of Otumoetai, on Friday, conveying the sad intelligence that his sixth son, Mr Cecil L W Walker, was killed in action in France on September 16...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6777, 2 October 1916, Page 2]
Killed in action in France, March 30th, 1918, Eric Trevor Logier, seventh and youngest son of Maxwell and Ellen L Walker, Otumoetai, Tauranga in his twenty-first year. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7013, 15 May 1918, Page 2] Private Eric Trevor Logier, who was killed in action on 30 March, was the seventh son of Mrs M Walker of Otumoetai and was a brother of Professor Maxwell Walker of Auckland University College. He was born at Otahuhu and was educated at Tauranga where he lived for many years. After leaving school he took up teaching under the Auckland Education Board and was employed in a Waikato school at the time of his enlistment. Pte Walker, who was only 20 years of age, was a fine athlete. During the two years of his service with the NZEF he was once wounded and once suffered from shell-shock. A brother, Private Cecil Walker, was killed on Gallipoli. [Auckland Weekly News, 30 May 1918, p20] In Memoriam - Walker. �In loving memory of Cecil Louis Walker, Sixth Reinforcements, who fell in action at the battle of the Somme Sept 16,1916 brother of Eric T. L. Walker, killed in action in France, March 30, 1918. Beyond the sea of death love lies To-day, Yesterday and Forever. Inserted by his sorrowing parents and sisters Elsie and Edmee. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7220, 16 September 1919, Page 2] [In Memoriam - Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7146, 31 March 1919, Page 2]
A singular fatality is reported from Rotorua in connection with the death of Mr. Ernest Graham Walker, only son of Mr. J. Walker, of Mount Street, Auckland, aged 26 years, from acute septic poisoning, caused by razor cut sustained while he was shaving himself. It is stated that he had shaved the sore leg of a visitor, and, presumably failed to sterilise the razor. He died about eight days after cutting himself. He leave a widow and two children [Te Puke Times 27 February 1920, Page 2]
On 30 December at the residence of her son-in-law Mr A E Putt, Tauranga, Mrs Walker-Bain, relict of the late J Walker-Bain, journalist, Invercargill. Hawera and Invercargill papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 Dec 1906, p2 + article]
WALL Paeroa, Sat. a shocking accident occurred at the Woodstock mine today, the result of which was that Patrick Wall, about 20 years of age was terribly injured. He succumbed a couple of hours after� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Apr 1897, p2]
A casualty list issued on Monday night shows that Private Robert F W Wall was killed in action on August 30. Deceased was well-known in the Tauranga district and was much esteemed by all who knew him. The sympathy of the community will be extended to his relatives. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7067, 18 September 1918, Page 2]
WALLACE - Waitekauri, Monday - The relief party at Jubilee Mine continued their exertions on Saturday night with a view to rescuing if possible the bodies of Wallace and Graham who were entombed�The body of Wallace has not been found� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Sep 1898, p2]
WALLACE On September 28, at his parents� residence Te Puke, Gavin, second son of Gavin Wallace, aged 37 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Sep 1906, p2 + article + 3 Oct 1906]
WALLACE We understand that Mr James Wallace, who died at Gisborne, is a younger brother of Mr Hugh Wallace, representative of Messrs L D Nathan & Co Ltd Auckland� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Dec 1907, p2]
WALLACE At Eltham, on November 27, Alice, beloved wife of Arthur Wallace and sister-in-law of William Wallace, Rotorua, aged 27 years. Deeply regretted. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Dec 1909, p2]
The death occurred at the Tauranga Hospital on Saturday evening of Mr James Wallace, an able seaman on the screw Zingara, who sustained a fracture of the base of the skull as a result of an accident on the vessel on the 12th inst. Deceased joined the vessel in Sydney about five weeks ago. He was a single man about 45 years of age, and we understand had relatives in Sydney. The interment took place today. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7080, 21 October 1918, Page 2 and Inquest Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7081, 23 October 1918, Page 2]
The death occurred at the Hospital on Sunday of Mr James Waller who had been an inmate of the institution for about two months. The funeral took place on Monday, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev A C Wedderspoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6905, 29 August 1917, Page 2]
On Saturday a painful shock was caused in town when it became known that Mr Charles Turner Wallis had passed away at his residence "Gardenhurst" that morning as the result of heart trouble�only 48 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Jan 1908, p2]
On March 2th at "Gardenhurst", Cambridge Road, Isabel, dearly beloved second daughter of Mrs M Wallis and the late C F Walllis, aged 20 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6650, 27 March 1916, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Miss Isabel Wallis, second daughter of Mrs M Wallis of "Gardenhurst" which occurred suddenly at her mothers residence on Saturday night. Deceased was in her twenty first year and was very popular in the community. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended to Mrs Wallis and family in their great and sudden bereavement. The funeral will leave "Gardenhurst" at 1.30pm tomorrow Tuesday for the New Cemetery. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6650, 27 March 1916, Page 2]
M Walls, RMA, HMS Miranda. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
WALMSLEY An inquest to enquire into the circumstances surrounding the death of Walter Walmsley was held on Saturday morning before Captain Tovey-Tennent (coroner) and the following jury: Messrs R Rhodes, G Gear, S smith, H Castaing, T C Allely and T W Watts of whom the first named was elected foremen�was 19 years of age�death by having his skull accidentally fractured on the evening of October 29 1897 by being thrown from a horse and the horse falling on him. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Nov 1897, p2 + In Memoriam notice 28 Oct 1898 + 28 Oct 1901]
WALMSLEY On Thursday May 2nd, at her residence, The Camp, Tauranga, Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of William Walmsley, aged 68 years. The funeral will leave the house for the Church of England cemetery at 2pm tomorrow (Saturday). [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 May 1901, p2 + article]
WALMSLEY The Tauranga acquaintances of Mr Robert Walmsley, a former well known resident of this town will regret to hear of his untimely death by drowning which occurred last week near Raukokore (Bay of Plenty) ...[Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Mar 19190, p2]
The death occurred in Auckland on Friday last of Mr William Walmsley, aged 84 years. Deceased formerly resided in Tauranga and is survived by a large family. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5946, 16 April 1913, Page 2]
The death occurred at the hospital this morning shortly after midnight of Mr A Walsh, who has been residing in Tauranga for the past few months. The deceased gentleman was for many years art master at the Canterbury School of Art, resigning his position about five years ago. Deceased leaves a widow but no children. The body will be taken to Auckland tomorrow for interment. 1916/10445 Walsh Alfred Wilson 57Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6768, 11 September 1916, Page 2]
The two youngest sons of Mr C K Walters of Paengaroa have been dangerously ill with enteric fever from which disease the eldest of the two died on Saturday; the other boy is still in a critical condition. 1905/1190 Walter Frederick Kramer 12Y [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Mar 1905, p2 + 22 Mar 1905]
On February 5th at Te Puke, Maria Amelia, the beloved eldest daughter of Charles and Camilla K Walter, of Paengaroa in her 26th year by accidental fall from her horse on previous day. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5612, 10 February 1911, Page 2] The numerous friends of Miss Amelia Walter, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs C K Walter of Paengaroa Junction will be deeply grieved to hear of her tragic death which occurred at Te Puke yesterday as the result of an accident. On Saturday morning Miss Walter was riding from Paengaroa to Te Puke, when she was thrown from her horse on to the hard road on the eastern side of the Kaituna bridge. Miss Walter sustained concussion of the brain, and was taken into Te Puke for medical attention. It was at once recognised that the injury was of a most serious nature and the unfortunate young lady passed away yesterday morning without having regained consciousness. Deceased was very popular in the Te Puke and Paengaroa districts, and was ever ready and willing to help at musical functions of a public nature. Her death has cast a gloom over the whole district, the greatest sympathy being felt for the relatives in the sudden and irreparable loss which they have sustained. The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5610, 6 February 1911, Page 2]
On Tuesday July 30th at Paengaroa, Carlos, beloved husband of Camilla K Walter, aged 77 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5840, 2 August 1912, Page 4] It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mr C K Walter, a well known resident of the Paengaroa Junction. The late Mr Walter had resided for many years in Tauranga, Maketu and Paengaroa, and was much esteemed by a wide circle of acquaintances. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss a widow and large family, most of whom are grown up.1912/5842 Walter Carlos Kremer [Kramer] 77Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5839, 31 July 1912, Page 4]
On 17th October 1863 at the Matata, Bay of Plenty, of typhus fever, Maria Louisa, wife of Mr A Warbrick. [New Zealander, 1 Dec 1863]
We regret to announce the death of Miss Alice Warbrick, second daughter of our townsman Mr Warbrick. She died on Christmas Day of pneumonia after a severe attach of whooping cough. Much sympathy has been expressed towards Mr Warbrick and his family generally. The remains were conveyed to their last resting place where the burial service was most impressively conducted by the Rev P S Hay. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 28 Dec 1878, p2]
At Dukinfield Ashton-under-Lyne in May last, William Warbrick, machine manufacturer, aged 70 years. At the same place in May last, Sarah Warbrick, aged 76 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 3 Sep 1881, p2 + article explaining that they were brother and sister of Abraham Warbrick of Tauranga]
On 17 February, at the residence of his son, 301 Liverpool St, Pembleton, James Warbrick, of the late firm William Warbrick and Sons, machinists, Dukinfield; aged 72 years. No cards. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 10 Apr 1884, p2]
We have to record the death of Miss Christiana Warbrick, the eldest daughter of Mr Abraham Warbrick, one of our oldest and esteemed representative settlers. Miss Warbrick had for some time been suffering from pulmonary disease and finally succumbed to the malady on Tuesday afternoon� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 26 Jun 1884, p2 + death notice]
WARBRICK On 24 July, at Karikari, Tauranga, Harina, the wife of Abraham Warbrick, aged 46. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 27 Jul 1886, p2 + article]
WARBRICK Abraham Warbrick a well known old identity, died at Matata on Friday last, June 7th at the ripe old age of 70 years. He was born at Staley Bridge, near Manchester, England and came to the colony in 1841. During his life here he engaged in various occupations. He traded for years between Auckland and the East Coast, after which he was native interpreter. He was one of the first three appointed the other two being Messrs C 0 Davis and James Davis who died in Auckland. He was twice married to native women. His first was Nga Karauna the daughter of Moko chief of the Ngatirangitiki, a great warrior, by whom he had five children. Five sons of his are prominent players in the native football team, which has just returned from a successful tour throughout England. Mr Warbrick was a well educated man, and a fluent Maori speaker. He was a personal friend of Sir George Grey and the late Sir Donald McLean. His kind disposition made him many friends who deeply regret his death. He died of Bright's disease at Matata after a brief illness and was buried at the cemetery there. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 13 Jun 1889, p2 + death notice same day]
WARBRICK We regret to record the death at the Coast Hospital, Sydney of Miss Lucy Warbrick, eldest daughter of the late Abraham Warbrick, an old Tauranga resident. Deceased fell a victim to typhoid fever, dying on January 18. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Feb 1896, p2]
WARBRICK �Mr W Warbrick, a former Tauranga boy and well known as one of the members of the famous NZ Native football team which visited the Old Country some years ago died last week at Galatea at the age of 35 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Nov 1901, p2 + notice 15 Nov 1901]
WARBRICK Opotiki this day. A sad fatality occurred here about 10 o�clock this morning at Ohiwa when Mr A Warbrick, lately appointed ferryman drowned� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Sep 1902]
WARBRICK A painful sensation was caused through the town this morning when the news of the terrible disaster at Waimangu yesterday became known�The loss of Joe Warbrick is the cause of keen regret to many here� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 Aug 1903, p2 + 2 Sep 1903 + 4 Sep 1903]
WARBRICK Auckland, Thursday. Frederick Warbrick, youngest brother of Alf Warbrick one of the Government guides at Rotorua, died at Woody Point, Brisbane on January 9th, at the age of 33 years. He held a position in the Government printing office, Brisbane. Two children are left to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Jan 1904, p2]
WARD�Here Private Ward of the 1st Waikato Regiment fell mortally wounded� [Southern Cross, 1 Feb 1867]
Quite a gloom was cast over the town yesterday afternoon, when the news was made known that Mr Bartholomew Ward, a well known resident had met his death in a tragic manner at Otumoetai ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6235, 17 November 1914, Page 2]
On August 24th, killed in action in France, Lance-Corporal Sidney Lancelot Ward, second son of Colonel and Mrs G A Ward, Tauranga, aged 22 years. He offered and gave his life for the noblest cause known. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7067, 18 September 1918, Page 2]
We regret to record the death of Mr Robert John Ware, which occurred at the Maketu Hotel on Saturday last. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5813, 29 May 1912, Page 5]
WAREA A Maori woman named Warea and her son aged nine, were drowned in the Tongapourutu river on Saturday through a canoe capsizing. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Sep 1906, p2]
On February 11th at the Tauranga Hospital, Arthur, son of Charles Warren of New Plymouth aged 25 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6307, 11 February 1915, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mr Arthur Warren, who died at the Hospital this morning from typhoid fever. Mr Warren's parents reside at New Plymouth and the sincere sympathy of the late Mr Warren't numerous friends in Tauranga will be extended to them in their bereavement. The interment will take place tomorrow, leaving the Hospital at 2pm. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6307, 11 February 1915, Page 5]
In Memoriam - In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Arthur, who passed peacefully away at Tauranga on 11th February 1915 ... (verse) [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6974, 11 February 1918, Page 2]
WASHER On 17th inst, William Charles, infant son of Alfred and Kate Washer, aged 13 days. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Feb 1892, p2, Kate nee Lemon]
WASHER On Saturday morning, 18th February, at Hamilton, Kate, beloved wife of A Washer of Te Puke and eldest surviving daughter of the late G Lemon of Tauranga, aged 46 years. The funeral will leave Mrs Lemon�s residence Hamilton St, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o�clock for the new cemetery. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 20 Feb 1905, p2 + article + 22 Feb 1905]
WASLEY An inquest was held in the Tauranga Courthouse yesterday afternoon before Mr T E Price (coroner) touching the death of Mrs Ellen Wasley�66 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Nov 1908, p2 + article]
On November 2, at Tauranga, George Waterson, aged 75 years, formerly of the Imperial service and also of the 1st Waikato Regiment. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 Nov 1893, p4]
WATKINS - The Public Trust Office Act 1908 (Section 50) - In the estate of Reginald Alfred Watkins, late of Tauranga, Salvation Army Officer, but at his death a Soldier No 12/3861 in the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, deceased ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68211, 19 February 1917, Page 1]
WATSON On the 12th inst, at the residence of his father, Quarter Acres, Henry, youngest son of Mr W Watson, contractor, aged 3 years, 10 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Apr 1873, p2]
WATSON Rotorua, Thursday. A man named John Watson, an old servant of the Roads Department was killed today on the Taupo road�.Watson was 73 years of age. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Apr 1905, p2]
WATSON On October 23 1905, at Auckland, Rosanna, relict of the late Sergt W Watson, of the 1st Waikato Militia, aged 73 years. RIP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Oct 1905 + article]
We sincerely regret having to chronicle the death of Mr Spencer Watson, a well-known settler of Pongakawa. The deceased, who was only 26 years of age, had been suffering for some time past from typhoid fever, followed by an attack of pneumonia to which he succumbed on Sunday evening last. The late Mr Watson was highly esteemed throughout the district, and will be especially missed in local musical circles. Much sympathy will be felt with his relatives, who reside at Palmerston North. [Te Puke Times 29 December 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6802, 20 December 1916, Page 2] At the residence of Mrs Pursley, Pongakawa, on December 24th, 1916, Spencer, the dearly-beloved youngest son of H. G. and A. A. Watson, Palmerston North. Aged 31 years. [Te Puke Times, 2 January 1917, Page 2] The late Mr Spencer Watson, whose untimely death ait the early age of 31, was reported in our last issue, was exceptionally gifted in a musical sense, and for the past twelve months-had been the conductor of the Pongakawa Glee Club. His singing at any of the local functions was always greatly appreciated. [Te Puke Times, 2 January 1917, Page 2]
WATT Two funerals took place yesterday afternoon at the new cemetery and were largely attended. The burial service over the remains of the late Mr Alf Stevens was conducted by the Rev C Jordan and over Mr Watt�s child by the Rev T Scott. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Mar 1895, p2]
At Rotorua, on September 12th, 1917, Ida Grace, beloved wife of Albimus Watt, of Ngongotaha, aged 30 years. [Te Puke Times , 14 September 1917, Page 2]
WATTS We learn with regret that the wife of Mr T Watts (formerly in the employ of Mr R Badger of this town) who left here with her husband for England about a year ago, died on November 28 at Chatham at the age of 41 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Feb 1901, p2]
WATTS We much regret to chronicle the death of Mrs T W Watts which took place after a few weeks illness at 2 o�clock this afternoon. Deceased leaves a family of seven children of whom the youngest is barely a year old� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Jul 1901, p2 + 2 Aug 1901 + 5 Aug 1901]
WATTS On Sunday November 17, at Dr Fook�s Hospital, Thomas Whittington Watts, in his 53rd year. The funeral will leave Dr Fook�s hospital for the new cemetery tomorrow Tuesday afternoon at 2.30. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Nov 1902, p2 + article + 19 Nov 1902]
WAY On October 14th, at Tapuaeharuru, the wife of H F Way Esq, prematurely of a son, stillborn. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 16 Oct 1875, p2]
WAY On January 31, at Wharekahu, Maketu, Ellen Harriett Isabel, infant daughter of H & E S Way, aged 5 months and 5 days. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 3 Feb 1877, p2]
WAY On the 27th October 1876, at London, England, Captain C F H L Way, Bombay Staff Corps, aged 86 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Feb 1877, p2]
Captain H F Way - We regret to chronicle the death of Captain Herbert Fitzwilliam Way, which occurred at his home, McLean Street, some time on Wednesday night or Thursday morning. It appears that deceased was last seen alive about 3 o'clock on Wednesday after noon by Mr F Lake who lived close by and frequently visited deceased. Yesterday morning about 7.30 Mr Lake called again and found Captain Way dead in his chair. Deceased, who was seventy-one years of age had been in delicate health for the last three months, but was able to move about, and the news of his sudden death came as a shock to all who knew him. The late Captain Way was born in Bristol and after coming to New Zealand served with the Colonial forces in the Maori war, rising to the rank of lieutenant in the Second Waikato Regiment. Subsequently he married and settled for a long time at Wairoa in the Thermal Springs district. About eight years ago he came to Tauranga where he resided up till the time of his death. Deceased is survived by a widow and adult family of two sons and two daughters. The funeral takes place tomorrow afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5965, 30 May 1913, Page 5] Thanks - Mr C F Way desires to thank the residents of Tauranga especially Mr C C Norris and Mr Sharp for their kindness in connection with the death of his late father, Captain H F Way. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5966, 2 June 1913, Page 4]
WAYTE On Monday February 16, at his parents� residence, Tauranga, Percy Edward, infant son of T E and S J Wayte, aged 11 months. The funeral will leave the parents� residence at 3pm tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Feb 1903, p2 + article]
The death occurred on Sunday last of one of Opotiki's oldest residents, Mrs Ann Webb. The deceased lady had reached the ripe age of 91 years, and until just recently was hale and hearty. [Te Puke Times 27 June 1919, Page 2]
WEBBE We regret to chronicle the death of Mr S H Webbe at his residence in Durham St, at an advanced age. Mr Webbe is an old colonist and was one of the leaders of the still uncompleted penny postal movement. He came to Tauranga for his health about four years ago and has led a retired life, making nevertheless a number of friends. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Jun 1896, p2]
Mrs W H Poole is in receipt of information that her youngest brother, Sergeant Major D Webber, who was a member of the Australian Expeditionary Force, has been killed in action...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6777, 2 October 1916, Page 2]
WEBLEY On 14th March 1882, at his parents� residence, Princes St, Auckland, Henry Webley of pulmonary consumption, aged 26 years; eldest son of Joseph Webley and grandson of the lat Rev Henry Webley of Bradford-on-Avon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 18 Mar 1882, p2]
WEBSTER Advice has been received by Mr Wepihia Ranginoamo that his son Private Jack Webster, who was wounded during the recent fighting in France, succumbed to his wounds in the 35th General Hospital at Calais on November 29. The deceased was well known and highly respected in this district and the sympathy of the Europeans and Natives of the community will be extended to his relatives in their great loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, 5 Dec 1917] Advice has been received by Wepihia Rangimoano, of Papamoa, that his son, Private Jack Webster, who was recently reported wounded, died in the General Hospital, Calais, on November 29th. [Te Puke Times 7 December 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6946, 5 December 1917, Page 2]
Albert Henry Weir, who fell from a boarding house balcony at Whakatane last week, fracturing his collarbone and breaking his spine, died in the hospital on Tuesday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 17 December 1920, Page 2]
It is with deep regret that we have to record the death of Miss Addie WELLINGTON, daughter of Mr and Mrs Wellington, of No. 2 Road, who passed away at an early hour this morning. Miss Wellington joined the nursing staff of the Hamilton Hospital some eighteen months since, but recently received leave of absence to come home and nurse her father, who, it will be remembered, met with a nasty accident a few weeks ago. On her way from Rotorua she caught a chill, and, having previously suffered from an attack of influenza, this speedily developed into pneumonia, with other complications, with the above unhappy termination. The deceased lady was most highly esteemed by all who knew her. The funeral takes place on Sunday afternoon. 1915/3058 Wellington Addie 29Y [Te Puke Times 28 May 1915, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6399, 1 June 1915, Page 2]
We regret having to chronicle the death of Mrs Wellington, of No. 2 Road, who succumbed to heart failure on Saturday last. The deceased lady was warmly esteemed by all who knew her, being of a most kindly and charitable disposition. The funeral took place yesterday, the Rev. Ryan and Mr Vickers officiating at the graveside. 1917/10610 Wellington Mary Jane Arthur 62Y [Te Puke Times, 27 March 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6845, 26 March 1917, Page 2]
WELLS On March 11, at Sixth Avenue, William, beloved husband of Elizabeth Wells, aged 70 years. The funeral of the late Mr Wells will leave his late residence on Sunday at 2.30pm. J B Chappell, undertaker. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Apr 1910, p2 + article]
On January 13th at Kaimai, Elizabeth, widow of the late Williams Wells, late of Christchurch, aged 69. Deeply mourned. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5907, 15 January 1913, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mrs E [Elizabeth] Wells, widow of the late Mr William Wells (late of Christchurch) which occurred at the residence of her son, Kaimai, on Monday evening at the age of 69 years. Deceased had been in failing health for about three months and despite every care and medical attention, passed away as above stated. The late Mrs Wells is survived by a grown-up family of six viz.: Mr F Wells, Kaimai, Messrs G and H Wells, Christchurch, Mrs H Daw, Ashburton, Miss H Wells, teacher of Kaimai School and Miss M Wells who recently returned from the Old Country. The funeral took place this afternoon, deceased's remains being laid to rest in the new cemetery, Tauranga. At the graveside the burial service was impressively conducted by Staff-Captain Moore of the Salvation Army. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5907, 15 January 1913, Page 2]
WELSH - IN MEMORIAM - In loving memory of our dear brother, Pte. T. P. Welsh, killed in action "Heberterne" July 27th 1918. "He nobly gave his life, his all." Inserted by his returned brothers, J. and P. Welsh. [Te Puke Times 27 July 1920, Page 2]
WERAHIKO Hone Werahiko, the Te Aroha prospector whose death was reported on Tuesday is a full blooded Maori of the Arawa tribe having been born near Lake Rotorua�Hone�s first wife — for he had been twice married — met her death by falling into a boiling spring at Ohinemutu. The cause of death was dropsy and heart disease. Hone was but 39 years of age� [Bay Of Plenty Times, 29 May 1883, Page 2]
A young man named Wernham died this morning at Mrs Vickery�s residence where he had been staying for the last couple of months having recently come out to New Zealand from England� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Dec 1895, p4]
On March 2nd, at his residence, the Bungalow, Harvey Street, Tauranga, William West, aged 78, late of High Wycombe. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68217, 5 March 1917, Page 2] The death occurred on Friday last of Mr William West, a well known resident of this town, at the age of 78 years. Deceased had been in failing health for about six months. He was born in High Wycombe. Some years ago he settled in the Tauranga district, purchasing a farm at Otumoetai. Subsequently he disposed of his land there and acquired property within the Borough. He was a widower and leaves no family. The funeral took place on Saturday, the service of the Church of England being conducted by the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 68217, 5 March 1917, Page 2
Quite a painful shock was caused in town yesterday morning when it became known that the illness of Mr R W Westenra had terminated fatally�49 years. Deceased was the elder son of the late Mr R Westenra of Christchurch in which city he was born� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Aug 1906, p2 + notice + 20 Aug 1906]
A painfully sudden death occurred on Saturday, last, when Mr George Weston; the well known carrier, expired whilst pursuing his ordinary occupation. Mr Weston had just driven up to the hotel, and was pulling his horse up when he was observed to stagger and fall. Bystanders
at once rushed up, and he was carried into the hotel, but life was found to be extinct. An inquest was not considered necessary, as the deceased had been under medical treatment for heart trouble. The late Mr Weston was one of the earliest settlers in Te Puke, and was highly respected. In his younger days he was a man-o-war's man. He leaves a widow, who, most unfortunately, has been bed-ridden for a long time, and a large family of sons and daughters. One of the sons is serving on H.M.S. Philomel. The interment took place this afternoon, and was largely attended. The Rev. J. Hobbs officiated at the graveside. [Te Puke Times 16 November 1915, Page 3]
We regret to have to chronicle the death of Mrs Weston, widow of the late Mr George Weston, who passed away at an early hour, on Monday morning. The deceased, who had been bed-ridden for a number of years, was one of the district's earliest settlers, and passed through all the hardships of a pioneer's life. She was highly respected as a hardworking industrious woman, a good wife and good mother, whilst ever willing to lend a helping hand to those that needed it. The funeral will leave the residence of her son-in-law, Mr F. Higginson, at 2,15 p.m. tomorrow. [Te Puke Times, 3 July 1917, Page 2] The death occurred at Te Puke on Monday last of Mrs Weston, widow of the late Mr George Weston. The deceased, who had been an invalid for a number of years, had resided in the district for a long period. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6885, 6 July 1917, Page 2]
The search for the body of Wi Whaitiri, who drowned in the Kaituna River on Sunday, is still proceeding (says the Rotorua Times of the 19th inst). It is proposed to draw a wire net across the lower reaches� [Bay of Plenty Times, 21 Jan 1916]
WHARE - Gisborne, Thursday - News has been received from Tolaga Bay that Eria Tenoho Whare murdered his wife at Tairokia last night and afterwards committed suicide. The police are making inquiries. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Dec 1894, p4]
Whareangiangi, daughter of the chief Kereti, who was one of the leaders at the Te Ranga fight in 1864, died at Bethlehem on Tuesday night after a long illness. The deceased is survived by her husband, Te Mete Raukawa, and a family of 12. Mr Carlo Te Mete (Smith) is the eldest son. There are also about 50 grandchildren. The late Whareangiangi was a member of the Ngaiterangi tribe, the members of which are holding a tangi at the settlement. The tangi is the largest held in Tauranga since the death of Hori Ngatai. [Bay of Plenty Times, 4 Sep 1914]
The death occurred at Ngapeke on Sunday last of Wharekohatu, a well known chief of the Ngatipukenga and Ngatihe tribes. Deceased, who was about 80 years of age was born in the Thames district and had resided in Tauranga for about half a century. He participated in the Maori war and fought on the side of the Europeans, seeing service in the Urewera country. He was in receipt of the military pension. He was an uncle of Mr George Paul, the well known interpreter, and also a grand-uncle of Mr George Rata. He held land interests at Ngapeke and Coromandel. The customary tangi is now in progress and is being attended by a large number of natives from all the surrounding districts. Sympathisers are all expected to attend from Rotorua, Coromandel and Whangarei. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6899, 17 August 1917, Page 2]
The death occurred recently in the Te Puke district of a native named Te Kura Wharepohue at the age of 81 years. Deceased fought for the British in the Maori war and participated in the Gate Pa engagement. [Bay of Plenty Times, 30 Jul 1917] The funeral took place at the Te Matai Cemetery last Sunday, in the presence of a large number of people, of the late Te Kura Wharepohue, aged 81, whose death occurred last week. Deceased was an old soldier who fought for the British during the Maori war. He fought against Te Kooti at Ahi Kereru, and at the Gate Pa under Captain Mair. Te Kura was a fine type of the old Maori, and was much honored and respected by the pakeha well as by his own people. He leaves a widow, two sons and two daughters, as well as eight grandchildren to mourn his loss, The tangi was attended by the Ngati-. pikiao from Rotoiti, and the Ngaiterangi from Tauranga, as, well as by the local tribes. [Te Puke Times, 27 July 1917, Page 2]
WHARETAIKI A native named Wi Heti Wharetaiki, chief of the Ngaiterangi tribe, passed away at Matapihi on Saturday evening last. The old Maori was one of the few remaining who was a participant in the battle of Gate Pa, he having fought on the side of his own people. On that occasion he was wounded in the hand by gunshot and in the leg by a bayonet thrust. It was very amusing to hear his tell of how he threw his leg up in the air to free himself from the bayonet. It is believed that deceased was about 90 years of age. For the last year or two he had been almost blind, but was invariably cheerful and took a great interest in the present war. [Bay of Plenty Times, 6 mar 1918]
WHEELER Corporal J Wheeler, 43rd Regiment. [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, killed at Te Ranga]
WHELAN Our Te Puke correspondent wired yesterday that an old man known as Paddy Whelan was found dead in a house yesterday morning. The actual cause of death had not then been ascertained. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Jan 1899, p2]
Word was received by private wire this morning that Mr Thomas Whelan passed away last night at Auckland. The late Mr Whelan was one of the ancient landmarks of Tauranga for about forty years, where, as a member of the police force, he acted as local constable for a number of years, and became very familiar figure�
[Bay Of Plenty Times 18 July 1910, Page 2]
WHENUANUI From Wairoa South it is reported that an old chief named Whenuanui who died recently at the Waimako Pa, was laid out on a sort of trestle� [Bay of Plenty Times, 21 Jan 1907]
One of the oldest residents of Tauranga, in the person of Mrs Whitaker passed away at her residence, Cameron Road, on Friday night or Saturday morning, at the ripe age of 84 years. Deceased resided by herself. She was in her usual health on Friday, but when a resident called at the house on Saturday morning he found her dead. The late Mrs Whitaker was twice married, but leaves no family. She has resided in Tauranga for a very long periods, her first husband having been in the militia here in the troublous days of the Maori war. 1911/904 Whitaker Mary Ann 84Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5690, 14 August 1911, Page 4]
WHITCOMBE On the 16th February at her parents� residence The Strand, Annie Emma Elliott, youngest daughter of George Henry and Agnes Whitcombe, aged 6 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Feb 1878, p2]
WHITCOMBE On March 2 1881, at the Masonic Hotel, Tauranga, Annie Elliot, infant daughter of George Henry and Agnes Mary Whitcombe, aged 2 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 3 Mar 1881, p2 + article]
WHITCOMBE On the 11th inst, at the Masonic Hotel, Tauranga, Annie Elliott, infant daughter of George Henry and Agnes Mary Whitcombe. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 12 Jan 1882, p2]
WHITCOMBE On September 28th, at the Masonic Hotel, Elizabeth Elliott, daughter of George Henry and Agnes May Whitcombe, aged 3 months. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 29 Sep 1883, p2]
WHITCOMBE On 6 March 1886, Agnes Mary, beloved wife of G H Whitcombe, aged 34 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 9 Mar 1886, p2]
On May 20th, 1917 at the Tauranga Hospital, G H Whitcombe of Tauranga, aged 72 years - Auckland papers please copy. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6868, 21 May 1917, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mr George Henry Whitcombe which occurred at the Tauranga Hospital last night at the age of 72 years. Deceased had been in delicate health for a long period, and within the last year underwent three operations, the last in the Tauranga Hospital last week from the results of which he never rallied. The late Mr Whitcombe was born in Dorsetshire, England. After completing his education at Sutton, he served seven years with the Goldsmiths Company of London where he learned the trade of surgical silversmith and obtained the freedom of the city. In 1866 he came to Wellington per ship "Wild Duck" and was employed there for several years as a clerk in the office of the Panama Shipping Company. He afterwards resided in Auckland and removed in 1875 to Tauranga where he acquired the Masonic Hotel. He conducted the house for many years until failing health compelled him to retire. In the early days he was actively associated with the establishment of several industries in Tauranga. He was a keen sportsman and assisted the Football Club to a large degree when Tauranga possessed one of the best country teams in New Zealand. During his association with the Masonic Hotel the deceased made a host of friends who will regret to hear of his death. He leaves to mourn their loss two daughters, Mrs F R Rider and Miss Whitcombe of Tauranga and one son Mr J D Whitcombe of Auckland. The interment takes place tomorrow, the funeral leaving the hospital at 2pm. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6868, 21 May 1917, Page 2]
In Memoriam - In loving memory of my dear father George Henry Whitcombe who departed this life May 20th, 1917 - Gone but not forgotten - Inserted by his loving son, J B Whitcombe of Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7014, 17 May 1918, Page 2] In loving memory of our dear father, G H Whitcombe, who died 20 May 1917. Inserted by Mrs Rider and Mrs Roberts. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7015, 20 May 1918, Page 2]
WHITE 28 May. An inquest has just been held on the head of Mr [Abraham Dennett] White which was brought into camp this morning and a verdict returned of wilful murder against some aboriginal natives, names unknown. [Tauranga Record, Sat 15 Jun 1867]
WHITE Another death has occurred at Matakana Island, the victim being Ngahete, a woman of high rank, wife of Mr W White� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Oct 1900, p2]
WHITE A shocking accident was reported from Mercury Bay on Friday when Mr William White, brother of Mr James White, the well known Opotiki pilot was killed owing to the breaking of a timber dam� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Jun 1903, p2]
WHITE We regret very much to record the death of Mr White, manager of the electrical works at Rotorua. The deceased gentleman, in company with his wife and two friends, Mr and Mrs Kusabs, arrived here a few weeks ago on a holiday trip� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Apr 1906, p2 + 20 Apr 1906]
WHITE Two men killed. The Star correspondent wired from Waihi yesterday — a fatal accident occurred today in the Waihi mine — two men, Jack O�Malley (single) and Fred White (married) who were engaged in repairing No 4 shaft, fell from the staging into the shaft, a distance of 150 feet. O�Malley was killed instantaneously while white was removed to the hospital in a dying condition. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 Mar 1910, p3]
WHITE On Sunday April 11, at Thames Hospital, Richard James Theodore, dearly beloved second son of Edgar D and Francis White of Mackaytown Karangahake (late of Coromandel) and dearly beloved husband of Margaret Elizabeth white; aged 89 years. Deeply regretted. Interred at Paeroa Tuesday April 13. [New Zealand Herald, Sat Apr 17 1915]
On July 28th, 1917 at Tauranga, Edgar Horace White, dearly beloved husband of Blanche White, aged 54 years. Interred today at O'Neills Point Cemetery, Devonport, Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6893, 1 August 1917, Page 2] The remains of the late Mr E H White were conveyed to Auckland by steamer last night, the interment being made at O'Neill's Point Cemetery, Devonport, today. Prior to the removal of the body from the deceased's late residence, the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke held a short service of consolation for the family. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6893, 1 August 1917, Page 2]
WHITEHOUSE On June 18th, at Te Aroha, Charles John, third son of Alfred Henry Whitehouse, aged 6 months. [Waikato Times, Sat Jun 24 1882]
WHITEMAN We learn with regret that the man named Whiteman who was lost for some days between Taupo and Galatea has died from the effects of exposure and exhaustion. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 27 Aug 1885, p2 + 8 Sep 1885]
Much regret was expressed on Wednesday when it became known that Mrs Whittaker, a well-known local resident had passed away after a serious illness. A pathetic feature in connection with her death is the fact that she leaves eight young children to lack a mother's care. The body was removed to the Manoeka Pah, the immediate relatives of the deceased having been of the Maori race. The funeral will take place on Saturday, leaving the pah at 2 o'clock [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 10 October 1913, Page 2] The funeral of the late Mrs Whittaker, which took place on Saturday last was attended by a large concourse of mourners. Mr Bishoprick, in the absence of the Rev. J. Hobbs, officiated at the Graveside. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 14 October 1913, Page 2]
On August 8, at Tirau, James dearly beloved husband of Margaret Whybrow, late of Waihi and Tauranga. The interment will take place at the Waihi Cemetery at 2.30pm tomorrow, Tuesday. Friends please accept this intimation. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7469, 9 August 1920, Page 2]
On December l3th, at Maketu, James WHYTE, born, at Sligo, Ireland, and late of Islington, and Taranaki, aged 55. [Te Puke Times , 23 December 1915, Page 2]
Amongst the passengers on the ill fated Lusitania was a Mrs Wickham, mother of Messrs Wickham Brothers of Pongakawa. As a result of inquiries it is concluded that Mrs Wickham is amongst the missing. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6390, 21 May 1915, Page 2]
WILCOCKS A well known native interpreter Mr E S Wilcocks, eldest son of Mr E S Wilcocks, formerly Registrar of the Supreme Court, Auckland died at the District Hospital on Wednesday evening at the comparatively early age of 46, of consumption. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 23 Jun 1890, p4]
WILCOX Thames, Thursday. John Wilcox, a well known ex-Thames mine manager sustained such serious injuries in the Donnebrooke Gold Mining Co�s mine Western Australia yesterday that he succumbed shortly afterwards� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 16 Aug 1901, p2]
The death of Mr Henry Wilding, a well-known resident of Auckland occurred at his residence, Crowe Road, Devonport of Thursday. Mr Wilding who was 73 years of age, arrived in New Zealand 38 years ago by the ship Durham...Mr H W Wilding of Tauranga is the eldest son. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6712, 14 June 1916, Page 2]
WILKIE On Tuesday November 21, at his residence, Daniel Wilkie, aged 33 years. The funeral will leave his late residence (Western�s Cottages) off Selwyn St, this afternoon at 3.30pm. Friends will please accept this invitation. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Nov 1882, p2 + article + article 23 Nov 1882 + 19 Jan 1883]
WILKINS The death is announced of Mr Joseph Wilkins, who came from his native country of Warwickshire with the Nonconformist party in the ship Hanover and landed in Auckland 44 years ago�He leaves two sons, Mr B Wilkins of Pongakawa� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Sep 1906, p2]
The death occurred on Thursday last of Mr G P C Wilkins, of Waiotahi, Bay of Plenty. Deceased, who was sixty seven years of age, has resided at Waiotahi for many years.1916/10454 Wilkins George Pearce Canning 66Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6740, 17 July 1916, Page 2]
WILKINSON On the 11th inst. at his son�s residence, Cracroft-street, Auckland, Thomas Wilkinson of Opotiki, aged 74 yrs. [New Zealander, 14 Nov 1863]
WILKINSON Private H, 43rd Regiment. [Southern Cross, 29 Jun 1864, p3, killed at Te Ranga]
WILKINSON Mr [George Thomas] Wilkinson, Returning Officer for the Western Maori electorate, whose death is announced in today�s telegrams, is known to a good many here and was a good deal in this district in the old days. When the natives were discovered building a pa at Orakau he joined Major Jackson�s bushrangers and Captain King�s Company of the 18th Royal Irish as a volunteer in the assault on the pa. He afterwards went to Waikato and to Tauranga and later took up land at Waiwera near Opotiki...He leaves a widow and six children. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 7 Feb 1906, p2]
We regret to record the death of Mrs Wilkinson, only daughter of Mr and Mrs C Wood, of Tauranga, which occurred at Gisborne on Saturday at the early age of 25 years. Deceased leaves to mourn her loss a husband and two young children. 1911/855 Wilkinson Evelyn May 24Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5687, 7 August 1911, Page 4]
WILLARD The death of Miss Frances E Willard was the subject for memorial services yesterday simultaneously through the civilised world� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Mar 1898, p2]
WILLCOCKS The Tauranga friends of Constable Willcocks of Whakatane will regret to hear that he has just suffered a domestic bereavement in the loss of his young son Ronald, who passed away on Monday after a short illness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 6 Sep 1907, p2]
On June 21, at Te Aroha West, Mrs Jane Williams, aged 78 years. [New Zealand Herald, Fri 28 Jun 1895]
Much sympathy will, we feel sure, be felt with the Right Rev Bishop Williams of this diocese, at present on a visit to this district, in the sudden bereavement which has befallen him by the death of his eldest sister, the wife of Archdeacon S Williams which occurred at Napier on Sunday suddenly, it is believed owing to rheumatism of the heart. The deceased lady was 74 years of age. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Nov 1900, p2]
WILLIAMS - Coromandel, Tuesday - William Williams, a middle age man, well known on the Goldfields, hung himself in a bedroom of the Golconda Hotel, yesterday afternoon� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Nov 1903, p2]
Mr H Wynn Williams, caretaker at Whakarewarewa, died in the Rotorua Sanitorium yesterday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5993, 4 August 1913, Page 6]
We regret to record the death of Captain William Williams, which occurred at the residence of Mrs Humphreys on Friday afternoon at the age of seventy-seven years. Deceased was born in Denmark and came to new Zealand when a young man. At the time of the Maori War he ran a trading cutter between Auckland and Tauranga and later engaged with Mr William Stewart in a small steamer service between Tauranga and Katikati, the firm running the SS Reult which was afterwards replaced by the SS Rothesay, the latter eventually passing into the hands of the Northern Steamship Co. About ten years ago, Captain Williams retired from the sea. He was a man of strict integrity and was held high esteem by a wide circle of acquaintances. Deceased leaves no family. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon, the Church of England service being impressively conducted by the Rev. E D Rice. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6014, 22 September 1913, Page 4]
On Sunday April 26 at the residence of his parents, Te Puke, James, dearly beloved youngest son of R R and E M Williams, and brother of Mrs P Donovan, aged 25 years - R.I.P. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6108, 4 May 1914, Page 4]
A distressing accident occurred at White Island last week, resulting in the death of John L. Williams, a married man of about 32 years of age. Williams was employed by the White Island Sulphur Company as fireman, and was on duty when one of the large retorts used in extracting the sulphur, suddenly burst under steam pressure, and he was terribly injured. The unfortunate man was scalded on, his arms, hands, legs and face, and succumbed to his injuries the following night. 1914/10470 Williams John Llewellyn 35Y [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 29 May 1914, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6117, 27 May 1914, Page 5]
A man named William Williams, an ex-Waihi resident, on a visit to Waihi from Taranaki to see a married daughter, was accidentally thrown from the Tauranga-Waihi coach on Saturday, and pinned under the vehicle. When he was extricated he was in an unconscious condition. It was found that his head was injured and one arm broken. He was removed to the Waihi hospital. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6621, 23 February 1916, Page 2]
The death is reported of Mr J C Williams, proprietor of the Kopu Hotel, at the age of 69 years. Deceased was one of the Thames' oldest residents. 1916/5827 Williams Joseph Cornwell 69Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6770, 15 September 1916, Page 2]
At Te Puke on Friday December 8th, 1916 Mrs Richard WILLIAMS. The funeral will take place at 2pm on Sunday. We deeply regret having to chronicle the death of a very old settler in the person of Mrs Richard Williams, the wife of Mr Richard Williams senr, a very much respected local resident. The deceased lady who was most highly-esteemed, had been a sufferer for the past three years, having been practically bedridden for two. She leaves a family of five to mourn her loss - Mrs A Oden of Te Puke, Mrs P Donovan of Tauranga, Mr J Williams now in Canada, Mr R H Williams who was this week called on for military service, and a third son at home. The funeral will take place at 2pm on Sunday. 1916/7169 Williams Ellen Mary 65Y
[Te Puke Times Friday December 8, 1916 p2]
On October 10, 1917 at the residence of her daughter (Mrs Cunliffe), Gate Pa, Tauranga, Susan (relict of the late Jeremiah Williams, Tasmania) late of Clark Street, Waihi, aged 66 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6924, 12 October 1917, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mrs S Williams, which occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Cunliffe, Gate Pa, on Wednesday evening. Deceased was born in Cornwall, England and at an early age accompanied her parents to South Australia. Later she lived in Tasmania and subsequently came to New Zealand, where she had resided for about thirty years, seventeen of which were spent in Waihi. She had been in failing health for about two years and recently moved to Gate Pa, Tauranga where death took place as above state. Deceased is survived by an adult family of three sons and two daughters. The sons are Messrs Joseph and Charles Williams, of Mount Maunganui and Mr James Williams of Tasmania. The daughters are Mrs Cunliffe, Gate Pa and Mrs ? Tobin of Mount Maunganui. The interment took place at the new cemetery this afternoon, the service at the graveside being impressively conducted by the Rev J L Pattalo. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6924, 12 October 1917, Page 2]
In referring to the influenza epidemic the Whakatane Press of Wednesday last gave the Whakatane death roll as follows: Judge T H Wilson, Messrs W Regan, Erwin, A J Baton, Williams, H Speight and a lad, R Fraser .... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2]
We are being accustomed to hearing of the death at the front of those whom we would formerly see almost every day, but familiarity with the grim messsages does not lessen the sorrow of friends or assuage the grief of those bereayed, The latest to be afflicted by the ghastly war is Mr Richard Williams, who mourns the loss of his son "Dick," who was killed on March 27th. To him and to Mr Thorburn, who has also received news of the death of a brother we tender our sincere sympathy. [Te Puke Times , 19 April 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7002, 19 April 1918, Page 2] The late Sergt-Major Williams, whose death at the front was reported in our last issue, was one of the best-known and most highly respected men in this district - a man whose loss is deplored by all who knew him. That his sterling qualities and ability were recognised by his superior officers was evidenced by rapid promotion. Enlisting as a private, he rose step by step, until he sailed from New Zealand with the rank of Sergt-Major. At Home he passed his examination entitling him to retain this rank. Desirous, however, of joining the signalling corps, he resigned, and was on duty as a signaller when he met his death. Prior to joining the army, the deceased soldier, who was the second son of Mr. Richard Williams, was engaged in farming and flaxmilling pursuits, later on, with his partner James Geraghty, he built the Alliance Hall. No man who has left this district left behind a finer reputation than Dick Williams for sterling worth and integrity, and his loss is mourned by an exceptionally large circle of friends. [Te Puke Times 23 April 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7002, 19 April 1918, Page 2] IN MEMORIAM - In loving memory of our dear Richard Henry (Dick) Williams killed in action in France, on March 27th, 1918. R.I.P. (verse) Inserted by his sorrowing relations. [Te Puke Times 28 March 1919, Page 2]
On April 29th, 1920, Elizabeth Johanna, beloved and only daughter of Joseph and Mary Williams, of Te Maunga, The Mount. Internment at Te Puke at 1.30pm on Saturday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7395, 30 April 1920, Page 2] We regret to announce the death of Miss Elizabeth Williams; daughter of Mr Joe Williams, of the Mount, and cousin of Mrs Donovan and Mrs Oden, after a protracted illness. [Te Puke Times 30 April 1920, Page 2]
WILLMOTT We regret to hear of the death of one of the earliest Te Puke settlers who has lately been a resident at Rotorua and was at one time of Tauranga viz Mr Charles Willmott, who expired at the age of 78 on Saturday evening last after a short illness. He leaves a widow and one son� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Jul 1902, p2]
It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs Charles Willmott. senr., which took place at her residence, Hinemoa Street, Rotorua, shortly after mid-day on Saturday last. The deceased lady had been ailing for some time past, and the immediate cause of death was heart failure. The late Mrs Willmott was born at Mancetter Manor, Atherstone, Warwickshire, England, in 1831, and was therefore 80 years of ago. With her husband, the late Charles Willmott, who died in Rotorua in July 1902, the deceased lady left England in 1881, for New Zealand, arriving at Auckland. Land having been purchased for them at Te Puke prior to their leaving England, Mr and Mrs Willmott, with their son left Auckland a few days after their arrival and settled on their land at Te Puke, where they remained for some years, after which they resided in Tauranga. The deceased lady had resided in Rotorua for the past 15 years. The late Mrs Willmott leaves a son, Mr Charles Willmott, well-known in Rotorua and Tauranga, to mourn his loss. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5655, 24 May 1911, Page 2]
Much sympathy is being expressed for Mr and Mrs C Willmott of Rotorua in the loss they have sustained through the death of their bright little boy of about three years of age which took place somewhat suddenly shortly after six o'clock on Thursday night. At the hour named, the child was seized with convulsions, from which he never recovered. 1911/7677 Willmott Dudley Donald William 2Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume IV, Issue 5738, 6 December 1911, Page 5]
WILLS We regret to record the death of Mrs Wills, wife of Mr T Wills, which occurred at Auckland last Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Wills had resided in Tauranga for some time past and a few weeks ago left on a visit to Auckland. Deceased was only 26 years of age� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Aug 1906, p2]
The death occurred at the Auckland Hospital on Tuesday of Mr Thomas Wills, who was well known in Tauranga. Deceased, who was a married man, 48 years of age, was admitted to the hospital on June 12, suffering from several internal injuries reported at the time to have been caused by a refrigerator falling on him while he was in the act of moving it at his residence, Onehunga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6761, 25 August 1916, Page 2]
WILSON Captain Tovey JP, coroner, held an inquest at Ohinemutu on Saturday on the body of Helen Hinemoa Wilson, aged 2 years and 8 months, the youngest daughter of Mr Isaac Wilson of that township who died on Friday from falling into a hole of boiling water in her father�s garden�That the deceased was accidentally scalded to death in consequence to falling into a boiling spring at Ohinemutu� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Jan 1877, p2]
WILSON - Te Aroha - A son of Mr Wilson, draper, aged 15 years, was drowned in the river at 4pm yesterday when watering a horse. The body has just been found. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 13 Sep 1883, p2]
WILSON On April 4, at Tauranga, Charlotte Lilly, eldest daughter of John Alexander Wilson, aged 26. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 9 Apr 1885, p2]
WILSON It is with regret we announce the death at the early age of 25, of Mrs Robert Wilson, fourth daughter of Mr Andrew Wilson, one of the pioneer Katikati settlers. The deceased lady, who had only been married a little over a year and a half, had many friends in Katikati, who will grieve at her early death and sympathise with her relatives in their sad bereavement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 22 Oct 1885, p2]
WILSON The Star records the death of the Rev J A Wilson, father of Judge Wilson. In early life he was in the navy and then came out to New Zealand as a missionary arriving in 1838. He was stationed at Te Puna and established stations at the Thames and Tauranga. Later on Mr Wilson established a mission station at Opotiki and was stationed there for some time. He afterwards left there to settle in Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Aug 1887, p2]
WILSON On January 21, at St Heliers Jersey, Major-General George Alfred Wilson, fourth son of the late Rev J A Wilson, aged 50 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 11 Apr 1889, p2 + article]
WILSON We are sorry to learn that Mr C M Wilson, commission agent at Rotorua and well known in Tauranga died suddenly at Rotorua, no details are yet to hand. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Feb 1892, p2]
WILSON Auckland, Sat. Mr Robert Wilson of the late firm Wilson and Clayton auctioneers and at one time resident of Tauranga died suddenly yesterday afternoon. Deceased was entering the door of the Nevada hotel when he became faint and died in a few minutes. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 May 1895, p2]
WILSON Yesterday afternoon news was received in town that Mr Jules Wilson, of the New Zealand Exploration Company had died suddenly at Te Puke�Mr Wilson was born at Bordeaux and came to New Zealand some 30 years ago where he served as lieutenant under Von Tempsky� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 Jul 1896, p2]
WILSON A Native named Wilson, quite a young man, died somewhat suddenly on Sunday last at Waitangi settlement. Deceased had been complaining but it was not known that his end was so near. The usual tangi is now being held. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Oct 1902, p2]
On 8th April at Ponsonby, Auckland, Agnes wife of George Wilson, Railway Department, Auckland and daughter of Mrs McMorrisn, Omokoroa, aged 36. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5946, 16 April 1913, Page 2] We regret to record the death of Mrs G Wilson, daughter of Mrs McMorrin of Omokoroa, which occurred at Auckland last week. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5946, 16 April 1913, Page 2]
A recent casualty list shows that Rifleman G.C. Wilson was killed in action ou August 6. He left New Zealand with a reinforcement about the beginning of this year. Prior to joining tha Expeditionary Force he was engagod in farming at Ohauiti, and was held in very high esteem by all who knew him. Much sympathy will be felt for his widow and young child in their sad bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7057, 26 August 1918, Page 2]
WILSON Judge Thomas Henry Wilson. Of the Waiariki, or Bay of Plenty, Native Land Court, died at Whakatane last week from influenza. He was aged 49 years. He was a son of the late Major John Wilson of Cambridge. Judge Wilson was educated and was one of the first pupils of the Waitaki Boys High School near Oamaru. Subsequently he entered the service of Mr R W Dyer who was appointed to the magistracy several years ago. He was then articled to the legal firm of Messrs Russell & Campbell and later, he joined the railway service. He qualified as a barrister and solicitor and in 1911 he was appointed Judge of the Tokerau Maori district Land Board. About 18 months ago, when the Government decided to effect several changes in the personnel of Native Land Courts, Judge Wilson was transferred to the Bay of Plenty district. He understood the native mind as few men do and it is to his credit that large areas of waste native lands were opened for settlement. He was greatly esteemed by Europeans and Maoris for his sterling integrity. The case which commenced recently at Rotorua, concerning the ownership of certain of the lakes of NZ, and which is of great historical importance, was being heard before Judge Wilson. He leaves a widow and five sons. Two of the latter are on active service. [Auckland Weekly News, 21 Nov 1918] The Rotorua Chronicle records the death of Judge T H Wilson, who succumbed to the prevailing epidemic at Whakatane on Wednesday. The deceased gentleman had been on the bench of the Native Land Court for about 10 years. He had been in Rotorua since April 1917 ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7091, 18 November 1918, Page 2] In referring to the influenza epidemic the Whakatane Press of Wednesday last gave the Whakatane death roll as follows: Judge T H Wilson, Messrs W Regan, Erwin, A J Baton, Williams, H Speight and a lad, R Fraser .... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2]
Private G Wilberforce Wilson, who attained some prominence in Tauranga by reason of his hypnotic powers, has died at the Palmerston North Military Hospital from pneumonia, following upon influenza. Private Wilson, whose wife resides in Auckland, belonged to the New Zealand Medical Corps.[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7094, 25 November 1918, Page 2]
WILSON The death occurred at Katikati on Saturday last of Mr John Wilson. The deceased gentleman was 84 years of age, and a life-long friend of Mr Vesey Stewart, who died recently. They came out together in the Lady Jocelyn from County Tyrone and settled in Katikati. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7476, 19 August 1920, Page 2] The death of Mr John Wilson, of Katikati, at the advanced age of 87 years, removes the last but three of the first settlers who came to Katikati in September, 1875, forty five years ago. The deceased was a member of the first party which arrived in Auckland by the Carisbrooke Castle. On the 13th of the same month the party landed at Tauranga, whence they proceeded to Katikati. The deceased was a native of County Tyrone, Ireland. During his long residence in Katikati, broken only when he revisited his native country some fourteen years ago, he won the esteem and respect of all members of the community with whom he toiled, and won through in all the many vicissitudes associated with pioneering, taking no small share in the progress and advancement of the settlement For a number of years he held positions under the Katikati Road Board, and later was road overseer to that body. His wife predeceased him 17 years ago. He leaves three daughters and one son. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7484, 1 September 1920, Page 2]
WIMARUKI A well known native of Motiti, Wimaruki, died rather suddenly a few days ago; it appears he had a sick child who was more over deformed and this child being weakly succumbed to some ailment peculiar to childhood. The old man took the matter seriously to heart and foretold his own death� [Sat 15 Sep 1883, p2]
WINTER Paeroa. A girl named Lucy Winter, aged 9 years was drowned at the Junction Mill yesterday evening while getting a bucket of water from the river. The body was recovered in about an hour. An inquest will be held this afternoon by Mr Phillips, deputy coroner. [Waikato Times, Thur 14 Apr 1892]
The death is announced of a noted centenarian, Mr Thomas William Winter in his 102nd year. The late Mr Winter was better known by his professional name of "Melchor Winter." He had a varied career. Born in Hereford on October 28,1818. he obtained a position when 13 years of age as a midshipman in H.M.S. Howe, 120 guns, and served for three years. In the early "sixties" Mr Winter arrived at Auckland, and his first impressions were not of the pleasantest, for on the night of the ship's arrival the passengers were asked by those who came aboard if they had rifles, as an attack by the Maoris' was expected. The attack did not take place and Mr Winter went to live at Thames and afterwards went to Raglan. Mr Winter gave up his position at Raglan and settling in the city, gave his first concert in New Zealand in the Chorai Hall, Auckland, in October, 1869, under the patronage, and in the presence of, Sir George Bowen (the then Governor of New Zealand), Lady Bowen Colonel Elliott, and the officers of the 18th Regiment. From that year on to 1900, Mr Winter took part in concerts and in operas in New Zealand and Australia. The late Mr Winter was the grandfather ot Mrs A. J. Mirrielees, of Tauranga.
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7485, 2 September 1920, Page 2]
On our back page we have inserted a report of the death of Professor Witherow D D of Magee College, Ireland. The late professor is a cousin of Mr Joseph Witherow of Te Puke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 15 May 1890, p2]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Alfred Arthur Witherow, fifth son of Mr Joseph Witherow of Te Puke which took place at Waihi on Sunday last� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Jan 1908, p2 + notice 31 Jan 1908]
On August 28 1908, at his residence No 3 Road, Te Puke, Joseph Witherow, aged 74 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Sep 1908 + obituary]
It is our painful duty to record the death of Mr Fred Witherow, a well-known and highly respected settler, who passed away suddenly at the Tauranga Hospital on Friday last. The deceased, who was a bachelor, was fifty years of age, and was the second son of the late Mr Witherow and of Mrs Witherow, of No. 3 Road. He came to New Zealand with his parents at a very early age and has been a resident of this district ever since. The cause of death was heart disease. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, Mr Heggie conducting the burial service. [Te Puke Times 13 November 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6933, 12 November 1917, Page 2] At the Tauranga Hospital on Friday, November 10th, 1917, Frederick, second son of the late Joseph Witherow and Mrs Witherow, of No. 3 Road, TePuke, aged 50 years.[Te Puke Times, 16 November 1917, Page 2]
At Te Puke on Tuesday June 15th 1920, Jemima, relict of the late Joseph Witherow aged 78 years. [Te Puke Times 18 June 1920, Page 2] Death is removing one by one, from our midst, the old settlers who shared in the hardships and vicissitudes of the early days and who lived to see their descendants enjoy the comforts of a less strenuous era than that which they had passed through. The latest of those who have departed to join the great majority is Mrs Witherow, relict of the late Mr Witherow of No. 3 Road, who passed away at the age of 78 years on Tuesday last. The deceased lady arrived in Australia in the year 1865, when quite a young girl, and lived at Ballarat for some years. In 1879 she came to New Zealand with her husband and in 1881 they reached Te Puke and settled on the No. 3 Road, where they lived for the remainder of their lives. Mr Witherow pre-deceased his wife by about 12 years. The late Mrs Witherow was greatly beloved by all who knew her, and no name stood higher in the esteem of her fellow settlers. She leaves a grown up family of three sons and two daughters - Messrs John and Thomas Witherow of Te Puke, Mr Joseph Witherow of Melbourne, Mrs Gilbert of Onehunga, and Miss Witherow of Te Puke, The funerel took place on Thursday afternoon and was attended by a large concourse of mourners. The Revs. T. Scott and J. Smyth conducted the burial service. [Te Puke Times 18 June 1920, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7432, 18 June 1920, Page 2]
WITHERS We notice with pleasure that due respect was shown on Tuesday last, 22nd inst, to the memory of the late Major Withers (late H M 65th Regiment) who commanded the volunteers and Militia of the Province of Auckland and Hawkes Bay since 1861. Flags were hoisted half mast and in this token of respect Captain Turner, Messrs Burrows, J Ellis (Commercial Hotel), J H Whitcombe (Masonic Hotel), Jordan and Shepard led the way. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 24 May 1883, p2]
Much sympathy will be felt with Mr and Mrs Wolferstan in the loss of their baby boy who died this morning. Despite the increasing care and attention bestowed by parents and friends the little one languished away during the last week and died as above state. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Mar 1895, p2]
We regret to record the death of Mr Gabriel Thomas Wood, which occurred at his residence Cameron Rd, yesterday afternoon at the age of 52 years. Deceased was born in Auckland and when about 18 years old went to New South Wales where he married and resided there for 17 years�Deceased was a brother of Mr Charles Wood of the Camp, Tauranga and is survived by a widow and family of five sons and nine daughters� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Sep 1909, p2 + notice 1 Oct 1909]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr Charles Wood, which occured on Sunday evening as the result of an internal complaint. Deceased was born in Auckland and was 59 years of age at the time of his demise. About thirty years ago he established a boat building business in Tauranga and later moved to Auckland, where he lived for about six years ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5937, 26 March 1913, Page 2]
A cable was received here yesterday announcing that Private Charles Wood, a former well-known native resident of Wairoa, had been killed in action. Deceased who was one of the first Natives in this district to volunteer, left with the Second Maori Reinforcements, and has been serving with the forces for nearly three years. He was wounded on no less that three occasions. His relatives, who live at Wairoa, will have the sympathy of the community in their great loss. 1917Jul08 16/431 Private WOOD Charlie Pioneers Killed in action France Son of Te Kaukaukemo Toka, of Tauranga, New Zealand. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6891, 27 July 1917, Page 2}
WOODFORD - Opotiki - An inquest touching the death of the child of Harold Woodford, found drowned in the Waioeka River, Opotiki, on Saturday afternoon the 7th inst was held at the Masonic Hotel, Opotiki at 10am on Monday before R S Bush Esq RM, coroner�Rosie Woodford, aged 8 years, sister of the deceased being sworn in said "The last place I saw deceased was down by the creek throwing sticks into the river"�the child was 18 months old� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 12 Oct 1882, p2]
WOODHOUSE This morning a gentleman named Woodhouse, who for the past three weeks has been staying at the Star Hotel, died from consumption, a complaint from which he had been suffering for a long time. Deceased, a single man, belonged to Reefton and came to Rotorua some time ago� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Feb 1896, p2]
WOODRUFF - Auckland, Dec. 8 - Mr M. Woodruff, a commercial traveller from Whakatane, left the Waverley Hotel at 9 o'clock this morning. A few minutes later he was seen falling from the balcony on the third floor of Endean's Buildings to the interior pavement below, a distance of fifty or sixty feet. He was breathing when picked up and expired almost immediately. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7288, 8 December 1919, Page 5]
WOODS The body of a man named Samuel Woods, at Galatea, who had been missing for some time, was discovered by Constable Gordon in the Galatea River on the 13th inst. The deceased when last seen alive was under the influence of drink. It appears that he and a companion named Snider had been drinking together in a Maori whare and left together to go home� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 19 Apr 1881, p2]
A fatal mining accident occurred in the Crown mine, Karangahape, on Thursday last, when a miner named Alex WOODS, a single man aged 40, was killed. It appears that Woods and a mate named RITCHIE were stoping, and were standing on a quantity of broken quartz, which rested on some timbers over the quartz shute leading in No. 5 level. The timber suddenly gave way, precipitating Woods.and his mate into the level, along with some 14 tons of quartz, which completely buried Woods, while Ritchie was buried to the armpits. Two miners, Ryan and Olsen, made frantic efforts to get the men out. Ritchie was rescued, but Woods was dead when recovered. [Te Puke Times, Volume II, 16 December 1913, Page 2]
WOOLLIAMS In sad but loving memory of William Charles Woolliams, late of Tauranga, who entered into rest on January 6 1903, aged 72 years� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Jan 1903, p2]
WOOLLOXALL Mrs Woolloxall, the wife of the Rev T R B Woolloxall of the Primitive Methodist Church died in the Waihi Hospital last week. Deceased, who had been ailing for some time recently contracted typhoid fever which was the ultimate cause of death. Mrs Woolloxall was the third daughter of the Rev J Clover Primitive Methodist Minister at Halcolmbe, Manawatu and was 23 years of age. She leaves two young children. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Apr 1908, p2]
WORBOYS At his father�s residence Cameron Rd, Tauranga, on July 11, John Wesley Worboys, aged 25. The funeral will leave the house for the new cemetery at 2.30pm tomorrow Thursday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Jul 1899, p2 + article]
On 23rd April, at the Royal Hotel, Opotiki, Mr George Wormington, of heart disease. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 May 1878, p2] Opotiki May 1st, I regret to have to record the death of two old settlers and members of the Bay of Plenty Cavalry. This is the first instance on record in the history of our little community of two deaths occurring almost simultaneously. Mr George Wormington, a military settler, and one of the earnest pioneers of the district, was the first of these, and his loss is sincerely felt by his many friends here as he had endeared himself to all, both as a good soldier in the field, and a hardworking and industrious settler in times of peace. Two days afterwards Mr Daniel Mahoney departed this life after a long and painful illness. This was another old and tried soldier, who besides his own family leaves a large circle of friends to regret his loss. On both occasions the Bay of Plenty Cavalry turned out with a strong muster, and attended the funerals with military honors, and fired three volleys over. the graves of their departed comrades. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume VI, Issue 588, 8 May 1878, Page 3]
Another young man in the person of Gunner Edwin Worth has laid down his life for King and County. Deceased, who was the sixth son of Mr Robert Worth, manager of the Te Puke Gold Reefs mine, enlisted in Te Puke. He was born and educated at Waihi, attending the high school in that town, and later was apprenticed to the cabinet making business. He went into camp about the middle of the year 1916 and saw much service on the Western front. He died of wounds of January 10, and was only twenty years of age. The sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended to Mr and Mrs Worth and family in their great bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6967, 25 January 1918, Page 2]
WRIGHT A very sudden death occurred at Gate Pa on Saturday afternoon. A lad named Charles Wright, son of Mr Oliver Wright, was playing when he dropped to the ground and complained of feeling ill. He was immediately taken up by his sister and carried into the house. He did not speak again and died in a few minutes. Dr Moir attributed the cause of death to heart disease. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 22 Nov 1887, p2]
WRIGHT On June 10, at her residence Tauranga, Susan J Wright, beloved wife of James R Wright (late of Te Awamutu, Waikato), aged 36 years. [Waikato Times, Sat 21 Jun 1890 + Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 12 Jun 1890, p8]
WRIGHT Mrs Oliver Wright died at Greerton on Monday afternoon from quinsy. She leaves a husband and large family, the youngest being only an infant, to mourn her loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 15 Aug 1894, p2]
WRIGHT On Wednesday 20th inst, in Auckland, James R Wright, formerly of Tauranga. The funeral of my late brother will leave the Town Wharf for the new cemetery at noon tomorrow after the arrival of the Chelmsford. Will friends please accept this intimation. J Wright. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Feb 1895, p4 + 25 Feb 1895]
WRIGHT �Mr Joshua Wright, the well known proprietor of the Temple of Fashion and one of Tauranga�s most successful business men�succumbed about 7 o�clock. Mr Wright was in the prime of life being but 44 years of age�native of Co Tyrone, north of Ireland where he was born in 1855� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Jan 1900, p2]
WRIGHT Residents of the Bay of Plenty will regret to hear of the death of Mr R Wright�formerly a resident of Opotiki� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Jul 1909, p2]
It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr Peter Wright, of Te Puke, and formerly of Pongakawa, which took place at Te Aroha on Monday. Deceased was the father of Mrs C F Washer of Tauranga, and Messrs Wright Brothers of Te Puke. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5568, 26 October 1910, Page 2]
Our Katikati correspondent writes "I have to report with feelings of deep regret the death of Mrs Wright, the wife of Mr William Wright, of Glenorr, Katikati who died in the Waihi Hospital on Saturday. Deceased leaves a large grown-up family. The deepest feelings of sympathy are expressed to the husband and family in their sad bereavement. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6044, 5 December 1913, Page 4]
WRIGLEY At his residence Remuera, on the 5th inst, James Wrigley, architect, aged 45 years. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 6 Apr 1882, p2 + article which includes "He married the eldest daughter of Captain Daldy who died three years since and leaves a family of eight children�"]
WRIGLEY On May 17, at Creres, near Geelong, Victoria, John Wrigley, formerly of Huddersfield, Yorkshire, in his 73rd year. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 7 Jun 1884, p2]
WRIGLEY Fatal boat accident. Quite a gloom was cast over our little community on Sunday last when the sad intelligence became known that Mr J D Wrigley had lost his life whilst proceeding to Motiti on Wednesday 19th inst�Mr Wrigley was 33 years of age, has been resident here during the past 12 years and was until recently a partner in the firm of Wrigley and Son Brewers. He was highly esteemed by all who knew him as a kind and generous friend. The deceased is survived by a wife and one child and leaves a large number of relatives in this district to mourn their loss. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 27 May 1886, p2]
WRIGLEY A painful sensation was caused here on Monday evening when a rumour became current that Mr Thomas Wrigley who left here at the close of last summer for a trip home, had succumbed to an attack of gastritis almost on the eve of his return to New Zealand�Auckland 37 years ago, shortly after his marriage�born at Stockport in 1817 and arrived in NZ in �58�leaves a widow and three daughter� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Oct 1894, p2 + 24 Oct 1894]
WRIGLEY On May 11, at his residence Hamilton St, Firth Wrigley, aged 56 years. The funeral will leave his late residence at 2.30pm tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 May 1896, p2 + obituary]
WRIGLEY On September 4, at her residence Fifth Ave, Frances Wrigley, relict of the late Thomas Dale Wrigley, aged 65. The funeral will leave the residence for the old cemetery at 10am tomorrow. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Sep 1898, p2 +article]
WRIGLEY On September 12, at "Cornbrook", Durham St, Rachel, widow of the late Firth Wrigley of Tauranga, in her 67th year� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Sep 1908, p2 + obituary]
On the 20th inst, at her daughter's residence 'Kaiawa', Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland, Julia S Wrigley, widow of the late Thomas Wrigley of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6760, 23 August 1916, Page 2] We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs Wrigley, relict of the late Mr Thomas Wrigley, which occurred yesterday at the residence of her daughter - Mrs W M Commons - Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland. The deceased lady, who was in her 78th year, came out from England with her husband in the '50s. After living in Auckland for a short time they settled in Tauranga, where Mr Wrigley was actively associated with the business and public life of the town. After residing here for a long period, Mr and Mrs Wrigley, removed to Rotorua, and on Mr Wrigley's death, Mrs Wrigley again took up her abode in Tauranga, where she lived till a few yeas ago, when she went to live in Auckland with her daughter, Mrs Commons. Deceased possessed a very kindly nature, which endeared her to all who knew her. She is survived by three daughters - Mrs W M Commons (Auckland), Mrs P Asser (Judea) and Mrs G L Cook (Tauranga) - to whom the sincere sympathy of a wide circle of friends will be extended in their sad bereavement. The interment takes place at Auckland on Wednesday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6759, 21 August 1916, Page 3]
The many Tauranga friends of Mr James M. Wrigley, of the Waihi Daily Telegraph, will regret to hear of the death of his wife, which occurred on Saturday afternoon, after an illness extending upwards of a year, which was borne with remarkable cheerfulness and fortitude. During the war Mrs Wrigley took a close and active interest in all patriotic movements, and gave enthusiast and untiring service in all matters pertaining to the welfare of our soldiers. 1920/2726 Wrigley Adeline Esma 26Y [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7480, 26 August 1920, Page 2]
WYLIE We regret to note the death of Mrs Wylie sen, which occurred suddenly on Saturday morning last at the residence of one of her sons, Mr Thomas Wylie of Judea. The late Mrs Wylie was one of the early settlers brought to New Zealand by Mr G V Stewart and had made many friends in the district. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 4 Aug 1885, p2]
WYLIE It is with deep regret we announce the death of Joseph Wylie sen, at the ripe old age of 78. Mr Wylie arrived in the district with the No 1 Katikati settlers� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 5 Dec 1885, p2 + notice]
We regret to record the death of Ella, aged 10 years, the daughter of Mr Thomas Wylie of Judea, who died at 3 o�clock yesterday afternoon. The child had been suffering from an internal complaint and the post mortem showed that the cause of death was abscess on the heart. The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 5 Dec 1889, p2]
WYLIE Much regret was felt here at the sad death of Sergt Wylie, who was well known to many of the older residents� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Jun 1901, p2]
On Friday 5th October, 1917 at her late residence, Claudelands, Hamilton, Sarah, the dearly beloved wife of William Wylie, also the beloved sister of Mrs Charles Crabbe and Mrs Charles Hardy of Tauranga, aged 53 years. Deeply regretted. A devoted mother and sister and a true friend. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6923, 10 October 1917, Page 2]
We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs W. Wylie � sister of Mrs C. T. Hardy and Mrs C. A. Crabbe, of Tauranga � which occurred at Claudelandsa, Hamilton, on Friday last. The deceased lady was the third daughter of the late Mr Noble Johnston, of Tauranga and formerly of Katikati, and was well known here and in Katikati. She came out to New Zealand with her parents from Ireland to Katikati in 1876 with Mr G. V. Stewart's settlers. After residing in Katikati for some time she was married to Mr Walter Wylie � a Katikati settler and afterwards removed to the Napier district, thence to Otorohanga, and finally settled at Claudelands, Hamilton. She leaves a husband, three married daughters, and son, Mr Walla Wylie � at present fighting in France � to mourn their loss. The deceaeed had a most sympathetic nature. She was always ready to befriend the poor and help in time of distress and sickness, and many a time has she ridden out at night to help a sick person. The internment took place at Otorohanga on Monday. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6923, 10 October 1917, Page 2]
YATES On January 24, Agnes Eliza, the beloved daughter of Alfred A and Henrietta Yates, after a long and painful illness; aged 9 months. Deeply regretted. She sleeps in Jesus. The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon at 3 o�clock. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 26 Jan 1884, p2]
YATES We regret to announce the death of Mr A Yates youngest boy yesterday at Rotorua, from congestion of the lungs. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 4 Nov 1892, p2]
The death is announced of Mr A A Yates, an old resident of Rotorua. In his early days deceased was attached to the Native Land Court at Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6755, 11 August 1916, Page 2]
Lieutenant Lowell Yerex, who is reported missing believed to be killed, was the third son of Mr and Mrs G M Yerex of Valparaiso, Indiana and formerly of 'Kelston', Tauranga. The late Lieutenant Yerex left Tauranga about six years ago with his brother Lincoln and went into Valparaiso University ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7081, 23 October 1918, Page 2]
YOUNG George, HMS Harrier, AB. [Killed at battle of Gate Pa, Tauranga 29 April 1864, Southern Cross, 2 May 1864, p5]
YOUNG On April 22nd, at his father�s residence, Wairongomai, Albert Walter Young, youngest son of D K and Catherine Young. Aged, 1 year and 10 months. [Te Aroha News, Sat 26 Apr 1884, p2, col. 2 + Inquest details same day]
YOUNG Intelligence was received in Tauranga on Tuesday last of the death of Mr J C Young. For a considerable time this gentleman had been in very feeble health. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 19 Mar 1885, p2]
YOUNG �Today an inquest was held�George James Young, on the 30th day of July 1896, outside his hut at Tauranga did hang and strangle himself by a rope� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Jul 1896, p2]
YOUNG News reached town yesterday that Mr James Young had died somewhat suddenly at his residence Oropi that morning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Feb 1898 + 23 Feb 1898]
YOUNG John Maxwell Young, a man belonging to Opotiki died suddenly aboard the steamer Waiotahi while entering the harbour last night. Death is supposed to have been caused by effusion of blood on the brain. [Hawera and Normanby Star, 16 May 1907, p8]
Judgement was delivered at the Supreme Court, Auckland on Tuesday in the case in which Martha Matilda Young, mother of Steven Henry Young, proceeded against the New Zealand Sulphur Co, under the Workers Compensation Act, claiming compensation in respect of the death of her son in the Sulphur (White) Island explosion... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6824, 2 February 1917, Page 4] See The White Island Eruption - September 1914
We regret very much having to announce the death of the five years old daughter, Venie, of Mr and Mrs Youngman of Cameron Road. The little girl was taken ill on Monday. Her condition was so serious that she was removed to the hospital the following day and died quite suddenly and unexpectedly during the night. Much sympathy will be felt for the parents and relatives in their sad and sudden bereavement. The funeral took place this afternoon. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7447, 9 July 1920, Page 2]
On April 27, 1917 at her late residence, Otumoetai, Amelia, dearly beloved wife of John Youngson, aged 72 years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, 27 April 1917, Page 2] It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs Youngson, wife of Mr John Youngson of Otumoetai, which occurred this morning at the age of 72 years. Deceased had been in delicate health for ten years. Mr Youngson moving to the Tauranga district from the Wairarapa on account of his wife's health. Mrs Youngson took a serious turn on Saturday and failed to rally, passing away at an early hour this morning. The late Mrs Youngson was born in Aberdeen, where she was married 53 years ago, coming out to New Zealand with her husband and two children in the sailing ship Otago, landing at Port Chalmers in the year 1869 and residing in the Otago district for twelve years. The family then moved to the Canterbury province and later to Mauriceville in the Wairarapa taking up their residence in Tauranga fourteen years ago. The late Mrs Youngson is survived by her husband, three sons and four daughters. The eldest son is Mr John Youngson, who is residing in the Waikato. The second son Robert is serving with the New Zealand Forces and has participated in the fighting in the Egyptian zone. The youngest son is Mr Charles Youngson of Otumoetai. The daughters are Mrs Heayns (Rangiotu), Mrs R Kiddie (Hamua), Mrs W Kiddie (Ohauiti) and Mrs W Phillips (Tauranga). The family will have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their bereavement. The funeral leaves deceaseds late residence at noon to-morrow and the cortege will pass the Katikati-Cameron Road corner at 12.45 o'clock. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, 27 April 1917, Page 2]
The many acquaintances of Mr John YUILL, formerly in partnership with Mr J S Dykes in the ownership o the 'Seaview' property, Welcome Bay, will regret to hear of his untimely death which occurred suddenly at Redwood (England), in March. The late Mr Yuill was only 24 years of age at the time of his death and it was his intention, had he been spared, to again return to the Bay of Plenty. Deceased was held high respect by all who knew him. Deaths March Quarter 1911 Yuill John A 24 Ringwood (Hampshire) 2b 515 [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5645, 1 May 1911, Page 2]