1872 - 1920
A - G
Thanks to Jeni Palmer for extracting many of these.If you have any early marriages for this area which are not included and would like to include them please contact me.
On 4 July 1882, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, John Cuthbert Adams, full age, carpenter, widower since 14 Nov 1874, born Kettering, England, residing Tauranga, son of John Watts Adams, commercial traveller and Sarah Adams to Helen Edwards, full age, spinster, born Te Awamutu, residing Tauranga, daughter of John Edwards, farmer and ? Rakaka. [RG 1882]
On July 3rd, 1915 at St James' Church, Sydney by the Rev. Wentworth Shields M.A, John Watts, second son of John Cuthbert Adams of Tauranga, New Zealand to Florence Mary Claire, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Kearney, of Manly. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6136, 15 July 1915, Page 2]
A wedding of considerable interest took place at St James Presbyterian Church, Waihi, on Wednesday when Mr Cuthbert H Adams, eldest son of Mr John Cuthbert Adams of Tauranga was married to Miss Lavinia Prisk, fourth daughter of Mr W H Prisk of Waihi� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Sep 1907, p2]
At Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Charles Jordan, Thomas, eldest son of the late D Addis of Opotiki to Julia, fourth daughter of the late R B Williams of Constantine near Penrhyn, Cornwall, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 2 Sep 1879, p2]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the residence of Mrs F Ridder, Cambridge Road, yesterday afternoon when Mr Charles E Addison, eldest son of Mr C H Addison of Auckland was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Isabel Reid, only daughter of the late Mr James Reid of Ramarama ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5772, 21 February 1912, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5772, 21 February 1912, Page 4]
A very pretty wedding was solemnised in the Congregational Church, Green Lane, Auckland, on Wednesday, December 10th, when a large number of friends assembled to witness the marriage of Ernest Cyril, second son of Mr A. Adolph, of Newmarket, and Emily Blanche, youngest daughter of Mr E. Howell, of Greenlane (formerly of Tauranga). The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Bridger, assisted by the Rev. McNicholl (who thirty-four years ago officiated at the marriage of the bride's parents) ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 6049, 17 December 1913, Page 5]
A wedding of interest to a number of local residents was celebrated at Katikati on Wednesday, when Mr Sydney J. ALEXANDER, second son of the late Mr G. H. Alexander, and nephew of Mr H. Alexander, late of Te Puke, was married to Miss Clara DUNTON, fifth daughter of Mr R. G. Dunton, of Katikati... [Te Puke Times 18 June 1920 p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7435, 23 June 1920, Page 2]
A quiet, but pretty wedding took place on October 28th at the residence of Mr H. A. Alexander, Te Puke, when the Rev. L, Green joined in the bonds of matrimony Miss May WESTON, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs George Weston, Te Puke and Mr Frederick Charles ALEXANDER, youngest son of Mr and Mrs H. A, Alexander...[Te Puke Times 31 October 1919 p2]
The marriage was solemnised at St Luke's Church, Rotorua on Wednesday last, of Mr Colin S Algie (eldest son of Mr J A Algie of Queenstown) to Miss Alice V E Corlett (eldest daughter of Mr B S Corlett, of Rotorua. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6102, 20 April 1914, Page 4]
On Wednesday 16 November 1892, at the Wesleyan Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Gill Marshall, Robert Joseph, second son of Thomas Allely of Tauranga to Mary (Mamie), eldest daughter of Arthur Blundell of Tauranga and eldest granddaughter of Henry Andrews Esq "The Grange", Loughton, Essex, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 Nov 1892, p2 + article]
On October 30 1895, at the Wesleyan Church, Tauranga, by the Rev A Ashcroft, Thomas Calvert, eldest son of Thomas Allely of Tauranga to Adah Eliza, second daughter of Arthur Blundell of Tauranga, and second granddaughter of Henry Andrews Esq �The Grange�, Loughton, Essex, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Nov 1895, p4 + article]
On March 17, at the Presbyterian Church, by the Rev Thos Scott MA, Willie Allely, third son of Thomas Allely Esq, Tauranga to Kate Robinson, eldest daughter of E I Robinson, of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Mar 1894, p2 + long article]
William Edward Allen, of Tauranga, bachelor, over 21 years to Christine McDougall, of Tauranga, over 21 years, on 13 Feb 1866 at Te Papa, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
Mrs R V Stevenson of Fern Cliff, Tauranga was married at Belfast on 9 November to Mr Arthur Allen. The marriage was extremely quiet� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 23 Dec 1887, p2 + notice 6 Jan 1888]
On July 30 1907, at the residence of the bride�s parents Tauranga, by the Rev W Gillies, William Allwright, eldest son of William Allwright of Ashhurst, Manawatu to Catherine, only daughter of P McOnie of Tauranga (late of Hukanui, Forty Mile bush). [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 31 Jul 1907, p2 + article]
A very pretty wedding was solemnised on Wednesday at 'Sea View', Katikati the residence of Mr Alexander Dick, J.P, the contracting parties being his daughter Miss Marion Isabel and Mr Charles Metcalfe Alves, second son of the Rev. Mr Alves of Dunedin ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5751, 3 January 1912, Page 5]
On April 18th at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan, Francis Losh Anderson, second son of T Anderson Esq of Jesmond, Katikati to Ethel, second daughter of the late commander Robert Mansel RN. English papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 22 Apr 1892, p2 + article]
On Monday afternoon Mr William Andrews of Katikati was married to Miss Alice Darby of this town by the Rev Thomas Scott MA at the bride�s residence. After the ceremony was performed the happy couple left for their new home at Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Dec 1893, p2]
From the Auckland papers we learn that Mr Robert John Andrews was married to Miss Biggins (both of Tauranga) on May 2nd by the Rev Scott West. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 May 1894, p2]
Yesterday a quiet wedding was celebrated here by the Rev Thomas Scott, at the residence of Mrs Rhodes, the bride�s mother. The contracting parties being Mr David Andrews of Waihi and Miss Lily Rhodes of this place� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Sep 1901, p2 + notice 4 Sep 1901]
A wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church yesterday morning, when Mr Leonard O. Anquetil, youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs F Anquetil, was united in matrimony to Mrs Fortunita Durand, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Haua, the ceremony being performed by the Ven. Archdeacon Tuke... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7394, 29 April 1920, Page 4]
We learn with pleasure that Mr Frank Anquetil of the Post and Telegraph Dept was joined in matrimony on Wednesday last at Te Aroha to Miss Meagher of that place, engaged under the Board of Education. Mr and Mrs Anquetil take up residence in Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 Jun 1900, p2]
On 28 April 1875, at the residence of John Appleton, Otara Road, Opotiki, John Appleton, 34 years, farmer, bachelor to Josephine Lizzie Shouls, 18 years, spinster. [RG 1875]
On 25 March 1909, at the residence of Mr J Appleton, Ohiwa, John Appleton, 32 years, farmer, bachelor, born Opotiki, residing Opotiki to Mary Wharenui, 25 years, domestic, spinster, born Te Kaha, residing Opotiki. [RG 1909]
On April 30th, 1913 at the Church of St Martin's in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, London by the Rev. Hamilton Rise, Bertram J Arkell of Stow on te Wold, Gloucestershire, England to Effie Constance, third daughter of Mr and Mrs C F Hulme of Tauranga, New Zealand. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5970, 11 June 1913, Page 4]
Te Puke. On Wednesday Miss E Douglas was married to Mr Arkle of Arkle�s Bay, The Wade, where they will reside, the Rev Wm Gillies officiating� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Oct 1905, p2]
Wedding bells rang at St John's Presbyterian Church at about 10am on Coronation Day (says the Opotiki Guardian). The occasion was the marriage of Mr John Armstrong of Toa Toa, Opotiki and Miss Alison Kerr of Opotiki ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 5671, 30 June 1911, Page 2]
On the 12th inst, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan BA Incumbent (brother-in-law of the bridegroom) Benjamin Goodwin, son of the late Joseph Armstrong MD of Kingscourt, County Cavan, Ireland to Agnes, daughter of the late Rev T Hamilton BA Rector of Killorglin, County Kerry, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 14 Mar 1885, p2]
John Henry Brooke Armstrong, bachelor of Tauranga, over 21 years, to Jessie Conacher McLeod, spinster of Tauranga, under 21 years, daughter of John Conacher McLeod, settler, on 13 Dec 1866 at Tauranga, by the Rev A N Brown. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11, Southern Cross, 26 Dec 1866, p4]
A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Wednesday last at "Hillsdene" the residence of the bride's mother when Miss E Simmonds, second daughter of Mrs H M Simmonds was married to Mr L Arnott of Palmerston North ... ARNOTT Thomas Leslie/SIMMONDS Elsie Agnes Mabel [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6267, 24 December 1914, Page 2]
A pretty wedding took place last Wednesday afternoon at St Joseph�s Church, Waihi, when Miss Kate Maroney, a former Tauranga resident and Mr Frederick Arns were married by the Very Rev Father Brodie. The bride was attired in a very attractive costume of dove coloured grey, trimmed with white silk� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 May 1904, p2]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the Church of St John the Baptist, Te Puke on Christmas Day when Mr Clarence A Arthur LLB of Te Puke was united in matrimony to Miss May Dalton, second daughter of Mr J E Dalton ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5749, 27 December 1911, Page 5]
On the 2nd inst., at "Bureta" by the Rev. Canon Jordan, Caldwelll McMaster Ashworth to Eileen Campbell Corbett.
[Bay Of Plenty Times 7 November 1910, Page 2]
The marriage of Mr Percy Asser to Miss Isabelle Wrigley was solemnised this morning in Holy Trinity Church and was a very popular as well as fashionable event. A full report will appear next issue. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Feb 1903, p2 + article 13 Feb 1903 + notice 16 Feb 1903]
A pleasing ceremony took place at the Public Works Department's office yesterday afternoon, when the officers and staff assembled for the purpose of making a presentation to Mr L. E. Attewell, who was married last week to Miss Queenie Lasenby, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs C. N. Lasenby, of Tauranga. Mr lbbetson, chief clerk, on behalf of the officers and staff, presented Mr Atteweli with a handsome tea service, and wished him a long, happy and prosperous married life. Mr Atteweli returned thanks for the gift. In doing so he referred to the happy relationship which had always characterised the local staff, and said he hoped to continue as a member of that staff, especially as he had a great liking for Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7485, 2 September 1920, Page 2]
On August 16, at the Roman Catholic Chapel, Tauranga, by Rev Father Mahoney, George William Atty to Bridget Breen. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 19 Aug 1884, p2]
At Te Aroha on Saturday week, Mr Thomas Baber of Waihi was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Hyde of Waihi. BABER Thomas Buckley/HYDE Ellen Barbara. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6678, 1 May 1916, Page 2]
On February 4th, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Chas Jordan BA, Mary Ellen, second daughter of the late Thomas Dale Wrigley of Tauranga to James, eldest son of James Baber CE of Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 6 Feb 1891, p2]
On 24 January, Mr R H Bailey, manager of the Matai Station was married to Miss Margaret Budd Snelling at Holy Trinity Church, Maungatauroto. The bride is the third daughter of Mr W H Snelling of Ashton� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 5 Feb 1900, p2]
BAKER - BEDGGOOD (Golden Wedding)
On Sept. 16th, 1888, at Waimate North, by Venerable Archdeacon E. Clarke, Joseph Goadly, sixth son o� Rev. C. Baker (C.M.S.), to Eliza Eling, younger daughter of the late John Bedggood. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7066, 16 September 1918, Page 2]
On March 19,1914, at St. Thomas' Church, Auckland, by the Rev. Hubert Bedford, Arthur Phillip, son of Samuel Marsden Baker, of Te Puke, Bay of Plenty, to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of Walter C. Bruce, Ponsonby. [Te Puke Times 21 April 1914 p2 and 21 April 1914 p3]
On Tuesday morning, April 4, a very pretty wedding took place at Tologa Bay, the contracting parties being Mr David Ball of Tokomaru and Miss Edith Hicks, second daughter of Mr William Hicks, Tologa Bay ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5688, 12 April 1911, Page 2]
At Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan BA, on the 17th inst, William Henry Barfield of Gravesend, County Kent, England, to Annie Fowler Kirwin of Dublin, Ireland. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 18 Nov 1880, p2]
At the residence of the brides parents Vera PRUDEN, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Pruden of No 2 Road to Thomas BARNETT, only son of Mrs J Barnett, also of No 2 Road ... [Te Puke Times 30 December 1915 p3]
At St John's Anglican Church, Te Puke Helen Curtis (Nellie) WEBBER, 2nd daughter of Mr H P Webber to James BARNEY of Invercargill... [Te Puke Times 23 December 1915 p3]
A very pretty wedding was celebrated at Katikati on May 7, when Mr James Barraclough, son of Mr W Barraclough, one of the pioneers of the settlement was married to Miss Violet Wood, daughter of Mr T Wood of Thames ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7164, 16 May 1919, Page 4]
At the residence of Mr Hugh DOUGLAS Snr Graham BARROW and Mary DOUGLAS on 11 June 1913. [Te Puke Times 13 June 1913 p3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5972, 16 June 1913, Page 6]
On Friday last, 27th January, a quiet wedding was celebrated in the Presbyterian Church by the Rev Wm Gillies, the contracting parties being Mr D Beaton of Auckland and Miss F R Hathaway, youngest daughter of the late Captain Hathaway of Tamaki and sister of Mrs May, Te Puke� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Feb 1905, p2]
On May 19, at Auckland, Arthur Henry Beatson of Katikati to Emily Mary, eldest daughter of Major Paton, Hope, Nelson. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 25 May 1881, p2]
On the 24th March, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan BA, Alexander John Thayer, third son of the late Rev Richard W T Bedingfield of Suffolk, England to Lily Maud Margaret, daughter of the late Thomas J Booth of Tauranga, NZ. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 29 Mar 1883, p2]
On Wednesday last a wedding of interest to many of our readers was solemnised at Gisborne when Mr Albert George Beets, third son of Mr W G Beets of Tauranga was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Morgan, third daughter of Mr M G Morgan of Gisborne� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Mar 1908, p2]
News comes from Singapore of the marriage there on February 26 of Mr J Stanley BELDAM of Batu Anam, Straits Settlement to Nancy, only daughter of Mrs J Baber, formerly of Tauranga. The bridegroom is the youngest son of the late Mr Robert Beldam of Hounslow and Mrs Robert Beldam, Knightsbridge, London. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7162, 12 May 1919, Page 2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised in Holy Trinity Church on Thursday, December 28, the Rev. Canon Jordan officiating. The contracting parties were Mr George H Bell (of the firm of Messrs Norris and Bell), youngest son of the late Mr J Bell of Taranaki and Miss Constance A Norris, youngest daughter of the late Captain E G Norris of Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5750, 29 December 1911, Page 5 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5750, 29 December 1911, Page 4]
On 20th inst at Holy Trinity Church, R G Bellers, late HM 82nd Regiment (PWI), eldest son of Colonel Bellers late 50th Queens Own to Ellen Fielding of (Waimapu), Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 21 Nov 1878, p2 and Thames Advertiser, Volume XI, Issue 3177, 23 November 1878, Page 2]
At Church of England, Maketu, on October 9, by the Rev Wm Goodyear, Henry Benner, eldest son of John Henry Benner, Pongakawa, Maketu to Isabella Barbara, eldest daughter of Duncan Robertson, Maketu. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Oct 1895, p2]
On June 6 1888, at Otumoetai, by the Rev C Jordan, William Atherton, son of Joseph Bennett Esq of Plymouth, England to Sophia Graham, fifth daughter of John Snodgrass Esq, Otumoetai, Tauranga, New Zealand. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jun 188, p2 + comment 11 Jun 1888]
On January 29 1907, at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford, Taranaki, by the Rev C A B Watson, Charles Harold, eldest son of Mr Charles Bennett of Plymouth, England to Ivy, daughter of Mr J H Clayton, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, NZ. {Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Feb 1907, p2]
On April 6, at "Maungawhare", by the Rev Father van Westcinde, Walter Tom, youngest son of the late Captain Thomas Bent RM LI of Exeter, Devon, England to Muriel Agnes, eldest daughter of William Norris Franklyn jun of Wakefield, Nelson. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Apr 1910, p2]
John Edwin Frederick Daniel Bentley of Tauranga to Eliza Harriet Stillwell of Tauranga by A N Brown on 15 Jun 1866 at the Missionary Chapel, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
Another wedding of much interest took place this morning in the vestry of St Mary�s Roman Catholic Church, Rev Father Van Dyjk officiating, the parties being Mr R Berridge of Opotiki and Miss Margaret Cook, eldest daughter of Mr J Cook of this town. The bride was given away by her father� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Sep 1903, p2]
On March 4 1910, at St Peter�s Presbyterian church, Tauranga, by the Rev A C Wedderspoon, Thomas Richard, eldest son of Mr R C Berry of Ohingaiti to Grace Alice, youngest daughter of Mr William Foxcroft of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Mar 1910, p2 + article]
On September 1, at Christ Church, Cheltenham, by the Rev A W Ellis-Viner (vicar of Badgworth), assisted by the Rev F Tuke (vicar of Ripley, Surrey) and the Rev W S Fallon (curate of Christ Church), the Rev Herbert Bethune-Patton of Prescott, Ontario, Canada, son of the late Venerable Archdeacon Bethune-Patton (Diocese of Ontario) to Emily Harriet, daughter of the late Mr H G Tuke, barrister-at-law and Mrs Tuke of 11 Lansdown Cres, Cheltenham. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Nov 1896, p2]
At the Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, on the 27th inst, by the Rev C Jordan BA Incumbent, Joseph James Bettelheime to Emma Emily Reeve, eldest daughter of Mr Samuel Reeve of Greerton. Home, Austrian and Hungarian papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 27 Dec 1887, p2]
On January 5, at St Matthias Church, Panmure, by the Rev F Gould, Henry J Bickers to Sarah, youngest daughter of the late Robert Simpson of Pakuranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Jan 1893, p2]
On 18 September 1919 at the residence of Rev H Barnett, Cameron Rd, Tauranga, Richard Selwyn Mackintosh Bidwell, 28 years, orchardist, bachelor, born Wales, England, residing Tauranga, son of Alfred Bidwell, tailor and Fanny Bidwell, nee Attree to Annie Selina Barnett, 41 years, domestic duties, spinster, born Le Bons Bay, NZ, residing Tauranga, daughter of William Barnett, Baptist minister and Emma Barnett, nee Ballniger? By Edward Robbins Westoy, witnesses Maggie Gwendoline Clark, Tauranga, domestic duties and Robert Scott, lower Kaimai, farmer. [RG 1919] [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7229, 26 September 1919, Page 3]
On January 27 1909, at the residence of the bride�s parents� Ponsonby, by the Rev A Macauley Caldwell, Rosie Anderson, third daughter of A S Russell of Ponsonby to Charles Francis John, only son of Charles Biggs of Taranaki. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Mar 1909, p2]
The marriage of Mr John Bird of Te Puke with Miss Anne Tanner, sister of our respected townsman Mr Thomas Tanner, was solemnised at Trinity Church on Tuesday 14th inst, by the Rev Charles Jordan� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Jun 1887, p2 + article 24 Jun 1887]
Last week Te Puke was thrown into a state of excitement owing to the arrival of Mr A Bird who has just been married to Miss Waldron of Onehunga. The bride and bridegroom were accorded a hearty reception at the residence of Mr W Bird senior and in the evening the boys rolled up in force armed with sticks and kerosene tins, making the night hideous with the noise. A distribution of cakes etc however bribed them to silence. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Oct 1892, p2]
A quiet wedding was celebrated at St. John's Church this morning, when Mr George second son of Mr and Mrs Charles BISHOPRICK, of Te Puke, was married to Miss Violet Scholes, a daughter of Mr SCHOLES, of Manakau, Palmerston North, and formerly a resident of Te Puke. The Rev. J. W. Chapman officiated. The bride, who was given away by Mr Godwin, of Rangiuru, was attended by Miss Clara Bishoprick as bridesmaid. The newly married couple afterwards left for Rotorua, en route for Manakau, where the bride, will stay with her family for some time. [Te Puke Times 10 July 1917 p2]
September 29, at Christ Church, Enmore, Sydney, by the Rev C C Dunstan, Richard, eldest son of Richard Blake of Tauranga to Laura Amos, youngest daughter of the late Geo G Amos of Goulbourn, NSW. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Nov 1902, p2 + article]
On April 6, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, Henry, eldest son of Mr George Blick of Nelson to Susanna Charity, youngest daughter of Mr Daniel Addis of Opotiki. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 8 Apr 1876, p2]
January 2nd, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan, Thomas, second son of Mr G Blick of Nelson, to Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr H Vickery, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 20 Jan 1877, p2]
A very pretty wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church yesterday afternoon when Mr Algernon George Blick, elder son of Mr T Blick of Waihi was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Vera Mae, elder daughter of the late Mr W Clarkson, the wedding ceremony being performed by the Rev H S Davies� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Sep 1906, p2]
Wednesday the best day of all was the one chosen for the marriage of Mr Norman Blomquist, second son of Mr J Blomquist of Tauranga and now manager of the Katikati Dairy Factory to Miss Jessie Johnston, of Katikati ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5849, 23 August 1912, Page 5]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at Briarley, �the residence of the bride's parents on Wednesday afternoon, when Mr Leonard John Blomquist, youngest son of Mr J. Blomquist, was united in matrimony to Miss Phillis Maud London, second daughter of Mr and Mrs John London. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A Laybourn.... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6932, 2 November 1917, Page 2]
On 19 January 1886, at Hamilton, James Bodell, full age, carpenter, widower to Jane Munro, full age, tracer, widow, by Rev Davis, witnesses George Pritchard, surveyor, Hamilton and E Wisbaden, Grey St, Hamilton. [RG 1866]
On May 28th, at the Catholic Chapel, by the Rev Father Mahoney, George Bonner to Matilda Murray, both of Auckland. Auckland papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 May 1878, p2]
Te Puke. The marriage of Miss S Vercoe and Mr F Bostock was quietly solemnised on Tuesday afternoon in the Upper Hall, No 2 Road, the Rev Mr Goodyear officiating. A dance was given in the evening at Fairfield, the residence of the bride�s parents. The newly married couple, who are both well known in the district, have the best wishes of their many friends for their future happiness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Sep 1900, p2]
It is our pleasant duty to record the marriage at Te Puke which took place on Thursday, the 14th inst of Mr Ernest Woodward Boucher of Kempsey, Te Puke to Miss Anna Vercoe, second daughter of Mr Henry W Vercoe of Fairfield, Te Puke�took place at 3 o�clock in the Te Puke Hall, was conducted by the Rev Wm Goodyear of Maketu� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Jan 1892, p2 + notice]
A wedding that excited considerable interest was solemnised in the Church of St John the Baptist, Te Puke on Tuesday morning December 31st, the contracting parties being Mr Percy Boucher of �Kempsey� and Miss Jessie Vercoe, youngest daughter of Mr Henry Vercoe of �Fairfield�. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Jan 1902, p2 + 8 Jan 1902]
The marriage of Mr Auguste Ernest Bouillion and Miss Helen Lucy Forte (youngest daughter of Dr J H Forte) was celebrated at Auckland during the present month. The bride was for some years a resident of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Jul 1906, p2]
The marriage was recently solemnised at Coromandel of Miss Elizabeth Hilda Tanner, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs T B Tanner and Mr Horace A Bower of Wellington. The Rev. T A Norrie officiated. The bride is well-known in Tauranga having resided here some years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6694, 22 May 1916, Page 2]
On Saturday the 18th inst, at the residence of the bride�s sister (Mrs P Munro), a very pretty and interesting wedding took place, the occasion being the uniting in the bonds of holy matrimony of Mr J J Boyce of Auckland to Miss E Rhodes of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Apr 1908, p2]
Katikati. The marriage of Mr Thomas Boyd, eldest son of Mr James Boyd with Miss M A Murray was solemnised on Thursday afternoon, the 11th inst, at Glenburn, Katikati, the residence of the bridegroom�s father. The ceremony was performed by the Rev John Mark� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 18 Jun 1885, p2]
On November 22 1890, at St James Presbyterian Church, Auckland by the Rev R F MacNicol, William Henry Brabant of Tauranga to Maemosyene Wentworth Counsel of Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Nov 1890, p2]
The numerous friends and well wishers in Tauranga of the bridegroom will be interested in the following notice which appears in the Pahiatua Herald of the 14th of Jan:- Mr William H Brabant, eldest son of Herbert W Brabant Esq SM of Auckland, formerly of Tauranga, was married by the Rev T B McLean on the 11th January to Miss Kate Maria Brann, eldest daughter of Mr J H C Brann at Christ Church, Wanganui. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Feb 1898, p2]
On April 29, a quiet but pretty and interesting wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mr Hugh Douglas "Darwin Farm", Te Puke, the contracting parties being Miss Jeannie, second daughter of Mr Hugh Douglas and Mr Robert Bradford (late of Ireland)� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 May 1908, p2]
At the residence of Mr and Mrs J B Chappell "The Palms" Topcroft, Tauranga, a very pretty wedding was celebrated yesterday afternoon in the presence of between 30 and 40 guests�the contracting parties were Mr Henry Jennings Bradley of Raupo, Northern Wairoa, son of Mr Franklin Bradley and Miss Alice M E Chappell, second daughter of Mr J B Chappell, of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 15 Feb 1907, p2]
On 20 July 1898, at St Mark�s Church, Te Aroha, by the Rev E J McFarland MA, Alexander, only surviving son of Mr Alexander Bremner, Kiwitahi, near Morrinsville to Isabel Mary, third daughter of Mr M H Frost, Auckland. [Waikato Argus, Tues 26 Jul 1898]
On September 8th at Presbyterian Manse, by Rev A C Wedderspoon, Charles, third son of W B Brockway, Birmingham, England to Jane, eldest daughter of Alexander Marr Anderson, of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6770, 15 September 1916, Page 2]
On 18th February 1860 at St Paul�s, Wellington, by the Bishop of Wellington, the Venerable Alfred Nesbit Brown, Archdeacon of Tauranga, to Christina, eldest daughter of the late James Johnston Esq of Aberdeen. [New Zealander, 10 Mar 1860]
On 29 April, by the Rev W L Salter, at Makaraka near Gisborne, NZ, Charles Agnew, third son of Thomas Brown Esq of Old Lodge, Ashdown Forest, Sussex, England to Rossini, eldest daughter of James Macauley Esq, Katikati and Tauranga, New Zealand, formerly of Ballymena, County Antrim, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 10 May 1879, p2]
On January 23 1895, at Auckland, New Zealand, Albert Augustus, second son of Captain John Brown (late 7th Bombay Infantry), Tollington Park, London N, and grandson of the late Colonel George S Brown (late of 16th Bombay native Infantry) of Wellington Villas, Stoke Devonport, England to Sophia Eleanor Gardiner, second surviving daughter of Fitzgibbon Louch CE of �Chiltern� Devonport, Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Feb 1895, p2]
On 13 March 1900, in the dwelling house of Thomas Henry, Katikati, Walter Brown, 26 years, contractor, bachelor, born Thames, residing Waihi, son of William Brown, carter and Mary Brown nee Carswell to Agnes Henry, 20 years, spinster, born County Antrim, Ireland, residing Katikati, daughter of Thomas Henry, farmer and Martha Henry nee Boyd. [RG 1900]
On January 8, at Tauranga, by the Registrar, Mr H. B. Brown, of Tauranga, to Mary Ann Fairfax, youngest daughter of Mr Fairfax Johnson, of the Wairoa. [Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 1945, 18 January 1875, Page 2]
�a pretty wedding took place at 10am on Tuesday the 13th inst at �Moana�, Queen St, Cambridge, when Miss Edith M Nixon, daughter of Mr Thomas Nixon was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr Ralph Brown of Te Puke. The ceremony was performed by the Rev W Beck� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Jun 1905, p2]
On Monday last a quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at Rotorua when Mr Jonathon Brown, the popular auctioneer of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co was united in matrimony to Miss Lora Brewer, youngest daughter of Mr C E Brewer of Martinborough, the ceremony being performed by the Rev Bennett� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Feb 1908, p2]
At the Presbyterian Church, Epsom, on November 17th, the marriage was solemnised of Mr Robert BROWNLEE to Miss Temperance BLAIR, eldest daughter of Mrs Blair, of Te Puke. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the bridal party was entertained at the residence of Mrs Johns, sister of the bride. [Te Puke Times 3 December 1920 p2]
On Sept. 4th, at Te Aroha, by the Rev S J Neill, Thames, assisted by Rev J McIntosh, Arthur Grey Haselridge Buckby, MRCS, eldest son of the late Dr Buckby, Leicestershire, England, to Martha, eldest daughter of Mr James Clarke. [Te Aroha News, Sat 4 Oct 1884, p2, col2]
As the ss Glenelg steamed up to the wharf yesterday morning she was gaily decorated fore and aft with bunting in honour of the two wedding parties who were aborad viz Mr and Mrs J Niven and Mr and Mrs Charles Marshall Buckworth�Mr Buckworth of Kopeopeo Farm, Whakatane takes back to that district as his bride the second daughter [Emily] of the late Mr Fulloon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 24 Feb 1883, p2]
On November 4 1895, at the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Auckland by the Ven. Archdeacon Dudley, John Bull of Briarly, Tauranga to Mary Josephine, third daughter of the late Capt Thomas Tunks of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Nov 1895, p4]
On July 27, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, Incumbent, Leonard, second son of John Bull Esq, Chief Postmaster Blenheim to Harriet (Harty) second daughter of C A Clarke Esq, Mayor of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Jul 1898, p2]
On the 25th inst, at the residence of the bride�s parents, by the Rev J McIntosh, George M, youngest son of the late Mr Frederick William Burke, of London, to Jessie, youngest daughter of Mr Thos Hood, of Te Aroha. [Te Aroha News, Sat 28 Jun 1884, p2, col 2]
On January 22, Mr Frederick James Burt, second son of Mr H R Burt of Matata was married to Miss Anna Maria, third daughter of the late Mr James Kelly of Nelson� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Jan 1908, p2]
A very quiet wedding took place at Mackaytown the other day, the contracting parties being Mr Arthur Bush, Warden and Miss K Moore, daughter of Mr A Moore, Mackaytown. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev J P Cowie, at the residence of the bride�s parents, just a few friends being present. After the honeymoon it is the intention of the happy pair to settle at Karangahake. Telegraph, Waihi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 6 Mar 1903, p2]
Our Thames exchanges report the marriage of Mr Henry Bush, third son of Mr R S Bush SM, Thames and formerly resident for many years in the Bay of Plenty. The bride was Miss Blanche Lloyd, daughter of Mr J Lloyd of the Magistrate Court, Thames. The bride and groom have left for Sydney to spend their honeymoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 9 Oct 1903, p2]
On Saturday, 12th inst, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Chas Jordan BA, Mr Henry Bussey, formerly of London to Annie, second daughter of William Walmsley, formerly of Carbonear, Newfoundland. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 15 Feb 1881, p2]
On Wednesday last a pretty wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, the contracting parties being Mr Harry Ernest Butcher of Te Puke and Miss Lucy E Goodyear of Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5762, 29 January 1912, Page 5 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5762, 29 January 1912, Page 4]
At the residence of Mr and Mrs GERAGHTY, Te Puke Cecil BUTCHER, 5th son of Mr C J Butcher of Tauranga and Agnes RONALDS. [Te Puke Times 19 December 1913 p3]
On Monday, May 13th at Linton, Cambridge, by the Rev W Evans, Henry Buttle to Matilda C, third daughter of the late W J Young. [Te Aroha News, Sat 24 May 1884, p2]
A quiet wedding took place at the Bethlehem Native School on Wednesday last, Miss Mary Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr J G Baker and late assistant teacher of Whakatane Public School was married to Mr Ernest Harrison Cadness of Whakatane. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Wm Goodyear CMS� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Aug 1909, p2]
At St Alban's Church, Eastbourne, Wellington on Saturday November 28, Miss Nellie Baker, youngest daughter of Mr J G Baker of Bethlehem was married to Mr MacKay Campbell of Whatatutu, Gisborne ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6254, 9 December 1914, Page 3]
Hugh Campbell, of Tauranga, bachelor to Mary Ann Robertson, of Tauranga, spinster on 13 Jan 1871 at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga by the Ven Archdeacon A N Brown. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
John George William Cann, of Tauranga to Helen Walsh, of Tauranga, by Rev A N Brown, on 11 Dec 1868, at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
A very pretty wedding took place at the Manse, Te Puke on January 4th, the contracting parties being Miss L C Norrie, second daughter of the late Rev. T Norris of Papakura and Mr A W Carmichael, youngest son of the late Captain Carmichael of Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5756, 15 January 1912, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5756, 15 January 1912, Page 4]
On 6 February, at St James Presbyterian Church, Auckland by the Rev R F MacNicol, Robert Carson to Frances Sarah Parrack. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 13 Feb 1886, p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga on the 18th inst by the Rev Goodyear when Miss Annie Josephine Crapp, third daughter of Captain A A Crapp, was married to Mr Reginald Carter, fourth son of Mr and Mrs R H Carter of North Park, Katikati ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5862, 23 September 1912, Page 4]
A quiet wedding was celebrated on Wednesday last at the residence of the bride's parents, Devonport Road, when Miss Clara Faulkner, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J D Faulkner was married by the Rev A C Wedderspoon to Mr Thomas Carter, second son of Mr J T Carter of Eketahuna ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6299, 2 February 1915, Page 3]
On January 10, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, C G Carter of Tauranga to Lilly, second daughter of Mr H Vickery of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 11 Jan 1883, p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised by Rev. Canon Jordan at Trinity Church on Saturday morning the contracting parties being Mr L Carter, eldest son of Mr R H Carter, farmer of Katikati and Miss Emma Wright, third daughter of Mr O Wright, Greerton... CARTER Robert John Leonard/WRIGHT Emma [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5617, 22 February 1911, Page 2]
At Tauranga on November 5, Richard Hartley Cartman of Opotiki, third son of the late Rev William Cartman DD, late headmaster of the Skipton Grammar School, Yorkshire, England to Susan, third daughter of William Nicholls Esq of Waitoki, Ohinemuri. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 17 Nov 1877, p2]
On November 28 1901, at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Ponsonby, Auckland, by the Rev Father Egan, Henry Theodore, only son of Edward Castaing, Tauranga to Mabel Jane, eldest daughter of James Hicks, Newton, Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Dec 1901, p2]
John Henry Castles of Opotiki to Frances Catherine Brady of Tauranga by A N Brown on 3 November 1866 at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
Whakatane. Rarely do the principals in a wedding ceremony carry with them such universal wishes for future prosperity as Mr Cavanagh and Miss Eivers who were united in the &c &c on Wednesday last (9th) at the residence of the bride�s brother. Mr Cavanagh during his residence in Whakatane as postmaster� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 15 Mar 1887, p2]
One of the prettiest weddings held in Tauranga for some time took place in St Mary�s Roman Catholic Church at 10 o�clock on Thursday morning between Mr Cavanagh of Auckland and Miss Kenealy of this town, the celebrant being the Rev Father Gilsenan� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Jun 1891, p2]
One of the prettiest weddings ever celebrated in Tauranga in which much interest was manifested by a large circle of friends was solemnised at Trinity Church yesterday, by the Rev Canon Jordan, the contracting parties being Mr Ernest Chadban of this town, youngest son of Mr W Chadban of Murrundi, new South Wales and Miss Lilly Jane Hardingham, youngest daughter of Mr J Hardingham of Addington, Christchurch� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Nov 1907, p2]
On the 20th inst, at Trinity Church, by the Rev C Jordan BA, John Howe Chalmers, son of William Chalmers, late of Clayton Villa, West Craigs, Glasgow, Scotland to Eleanor Rebecca, daughter of John Rolls Tims, London, England, [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Feb 1882, p2]
On January 30, at the Methodist Church, New Brighton, Christchurch, by the Rev H R Dewsbury, assisted by the Rev W A Sinclair, the Rev Albert Bygrave Chappell MA, eldest son of J B Chappell of Topcroft, Tauranga to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of A W McKinney JP of New Brighton. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 21 Feb 1908, p2 + 24 Feb 1908]
CHAPPELL (Golden Wedding)
The golden wedding of Mr and Mrs J. B. Chappell, who recently came from Tauranga to reside in Auckland, was celebrated last Tuesday at the residence of the Rev A. B. Chappell, Grafton Road, says the Auckland Herald. Their first home was made in Southsea, Portsmouth, England, and since coming to New Zealand they have resided, continuously, save for a return visit to England, at Tauranga for about forty years. On the occasion of their golden wedding they were the recipients of many congratulatory messages. After the customary reception and wedding breakfast, felicitous expression was given in a number of speeches to the general gratification at their completion of their jubilee. The occasion was marked by the making of handsome presentations to them, and advantage of it was taken also to present Mrs McKenzie, a life-long friend of the family, with a token of the family's esteem. Among those present were the Rev. A B. Chappell, M.A., Mr. W. Chappell, B. A., Mr. F. F. Chappell, and Mr S. E. Chappell, the four sons of the family, and Mrs H. Bradley, a daughter. Telegraphic messages were received from the two other daughters, Mrs. T. O. Williams, Wanganui, and Nurse E. J. W. Chappell, of Southsea Private Hospital, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7386, 20 April 1920, Page 2]
Katikati is advancing, as I have the pleasure to report no less than two weddings within the last week. Mr James Charlton having taken unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Nancy Canning, a granddaughter of our late esteemed and beloved pastor of the Katikati Presbyterian community — the Rev John Mark — the happy event took place at Waihi on Monday� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Apr 1901, p2]
On the 4th June, at the Roman Catholic Church, Tauranga, John William, eldest son of the late Charles Clarebrough, of Leeds, Yorkshire, England, to Alice, third daughter of John Mannix of Limerick, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 9 Jun 1877, p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Methodist church on Wednesday morning when Mr Angus Stanley Clark, fifth son of Mr J A Clark of Tauranga was united in matrimony to Miss Helen Winifred Adams, third daughter of Mr J C Adams, one of the our best known public men and at present filling the position of Deputy Mayor� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Sep 1909, p2]
On Tuesday 19 October, at the Mission Chapel, John A Clark of Auckland to Elizabeth A Brownlie of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 20 Oct 1875, p2]
A very pretty wedding was solemnised at St Peter's Church, Katikati in Christmas week, the contracting parties being Miss Jean Robinson, daughter of Mr and Mrs C J Robinson, of Waikino and Mr Colin Clarke, son of Mr and Mrs Arch Clark of Remuera ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7304, 2 January 1920, Page 2]
On Thursday the marriage of Mr A H Clark and Miss A Wilson was solemnised at Mr John A Clark�s Junction Hotel, Katikati, in the presence of a large assemblage of friends� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 19 Jul 1879, p2]
Henry Millet Clarke, of Tauranga, bachelor, over 21 years, to Martha Forbes of Tauranga, spinster, under 21 years, daughter of Robert Forbes, soldier, on 17 Oct 1865, at Te Papa, Tauranga by the Rev A N Brown. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
On 16th February, at Brookshaw, Pigeon Bay, by Rev Hugh Hamilton BA, Rev Alfred Pickering Clarke, third son of Henry Pickering Clarke Esq of Tulse Hall, England to Blanche Emmeline, third surviving daughter of the late Thomas Kay Esq of Brookshaw, Pigeon Bay. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 26 Feb 1885, p2]
On Saturday forenoon our well known citizen Mr Thomas Clarke was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Reynolds, sister-in-law of Captain Best, our late pilot. The marriage took place in the Mission Chapel and the ceremony was performed by the Very Rev Archdeacon Clarke, uncle of the bridegroom. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Oct 1888, p2]
On February 28 1899, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Charles Jordan, Herbert Pasquale of Te Wairoa, only son of the late Capt W A Clarke of the 43rd Regiment, Durham Light Infantry to Florence Mary (Queenie), eldest daughter of James Lever, Greerton, Tauranga, formerly of Elsted, Sussex, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Mar 1899, p2 + article]
On Saturday at one o�clock a marriage of unusual interest took place at Trinity Church, Miss Eleanor Grace Jordan, third daughter of the Rev Charles Jordan BA, who has been incumbent of this parish for over a quarter of a century, was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Mr Peter Gibson Clarke of Taranaki, whose father is chief Clerk in the Property Tax Department... [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 Mar 1900, p2]
Last Wednesday morning a very pretty wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev Canon Jordan, the contracting parties being Mr Francis Arthur Claude of Papatoitoi (Auckland) and Miss Susan Ursula Brown, youngest daughter of the late Mr Jonathon Brown of "Welcome Bay"� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 19 Feb 1906, p2]
The town wore quite a festive air on Saturday afternoon owing to the display of bunting on the municipal flagstaff and three steamers in port, the occasion being the marriage of Miss M Jordan, second daughter of His Worship the Mayor to Mr H H Clemson of this town which took place at 1.30 o�clock� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jul 1904, p2 + 27 Jul 1904, p2]
On 22nd inst, at the Roman Catholic Chapel, Tauranga, by the Rev Father Grange, Mr Patrick Collins to Miss Eliza Astrough, step-daughter of Mr William Watson, all of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 Jun 1873, p3]
On 20 April, by special license, at the residence of the bride�s father, Gardenhurst, Tauranga, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, Lieutenant James W Combe R.N., eldest son of the late James Combe Esq of St Elmo, Torquay, Devonshire, to Ethel Mary, third daughter of Captain R H Farrer, late 18th Royal Irish, formerly of Dunamaise, Queens County, and Mitchelstown, Co Cork. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 22 Apr 1882, p2 and The Times (London, England), Tuesday, Jun 06, 1882; pg. 1; Issue 30526]
At Trinity Church, Tauranga, on 10 January, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, William McKenzie Commons to Kate, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Wrigley, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 11 Jan 1881 + article]
Te Puke. A marriage which caused considerable interest was celebrated in the Church of St John the Baptist on Thursday morning last, Mr S J Conn of Te Awamutu and Miss Fenton, second daughter of Mr Jas Fenton of this settlement being the contracting parties... [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Nov 1904, p2]
George Mathew Connor, of Whangamata, bachelor to Margaret Bennett, of Whangamata, spinster, on 30 Dec 1871, by the Ven Archdeacon A N Brown, at Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
A quiet but interesting wedding was solemnised at St Paul's Church, Auckland on January 21st between Miss Margaret Wrigley of Tauranga and Mr G L Cook of Hunterville ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6073, 9 February 1914, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6073, 9 February 1914, Page 5]
On June 27, at the residence of the bride�s parents, Te Puke, by the Rev W A Sinclair, Joseph Copeland of Tauranga to Louie J, second daughter of G F Spooner, of Te Puke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 29 Jun 1894, p4]
A pretty wedding was solemnised in Pitt St Methodist Church, Auckland on Wednesday afternoon when the Rev F Copeland, elder son of Mr J Copeland of Tauranga was married to Miss Emily Cullens of Auckland. A large number of relations and friends assembled to witness the ceremony which was performed by the Rev T G Brookes, assisted by the Rev C E Beecroft and W Ready. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Jun 1909, p2]
On May 21, Alfred Richard, second son of Mr C A Cornes of Te Aroha to Mary Ann, fifth daughter of Mr Stephen Earl of Aongatete, Katikati. Sydney and home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 5 Jun 1890, p4]
At Te Puke, by special license, on Monday 11 May, Benjamin Stott Corlett of Tauranga to Elizabeth Burge of Te Puke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 12 May 1885, p2 + article]
On Nov 2 1908, at Suva, Fiji, by the Rev Moorhead-Leggett, W T Cotter, eldest son of Mr R Cotter, Auckland to Isabella, eldest daughter of the late Jonathan Brown, Welcome Bay, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Nov 1908, p2]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the residence of the bride's parents yesterday, when Mr George Henry Coulam, eldest son of Mr S J Coulam of Ponsonby, Auckland was united in matrimony to Miss Mary L Bell, only daughter of Mr W C Bell, of Cambridge Road ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume IV, Issue 5738, 6 December 1911, Page 5]
On February 15, at St Mary�s Church Parnell, by the Rev W Beatty, Hubert Francis, second son of E Y Cox, of Shaftesbury, Te Aroha to Edith Florence, youngest daughter of the late Howard Bankart of Parnell. No cards. [New Zealand Herald, Tues 18 Feb 1896]
On November 18, 1920 at St Andrew's Church, Auckland by the Rev. Wingfield, F J Cox of Balmoral Road, Mt Eden, Auckland to Eileen, only daughter of Dr J and Mrs Delepiine of Mt Eden Road, Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 23 November 1920, Page 2]
On 12 June 1895 at the dwelling house of C Marley, Val Marino, Tauranga, Herbert Cox, full age, dentist, bachelor, born Preston, Lancashire, England, residing Auckland, son of Edwin Cox, dentist and Margaret nee Bell to Lydia Alicia Marley, full aged domestic duties, spinster, born Croft, Durham, England, residing Tauranga, daughter of Crawford Marley, gentleman and Lydia nee Medwin by William Goodyear, witnesses, Crawford Marley, Tauranga, gent and Norman Renshaw, Timaru, dentist. [RG 1895 + Bay of Plenty Times Fri 14 Jun 1895, p4]
On 19 July, at the residence of the bride�s parents, by the Rev J Headrick, Charles Alfred, only son of Mr G A Crabbe of Cameron Rd, to Rebecca (Teck), sixth daughter of Mr Noble Johnston, 7th Ave, and late of Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Jul 1899, p2]
At St Sepulchre�s Church, Auckland, by the Rev B T Dudley, Arthur Crapp of Waikareau to Elizabeth, daughter of J T Gellibrand of Omokoroa. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Mar 1878, p2]
A wedding of much local interested was celebrated at Te Puna Point on Wednesday the 19th inst, when Mr Sydney Crapp, second son of Captain A Crapp of Omokoroa and Miss May McMorrine, daughter of Mrs J McMorrine, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5824, 26 June 1912, Page 6 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5823, 24 June 1912, Page 4]
Mr George Crosby was married today to Miss Dauber of Paeroa. A number of the bridegroom�s friends started from here yesterday in order to be present at the wedding which took place in Paeroa. At the stables in Spring St lunch was laid out this afternoon under the superintendence of Mr Rose and everybody was invited to drink success to the happy couple. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 Jan 1889, p2 + fuller article 24 Jan 1889]
Miss Vera Gifford, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs W.H, Gifford, of Tauranga, was married on Tuesday afternoon last to Mr W P. W. Cross, elder son of Mr T. H, Cross, of Eleventh Avenue, Tauranga. The marriage ceremony was conducted by the Ven Archdeacon Tuke. [Te Puke Times 5 December 1919, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7284, 3 December 1919, Page 5]
On Thursday Mr P C Crump was united in marriage with Miss Commons. The event had been expected to come off for some time past and the many friends of the bride and bridegroom manifested much interest and universal good wishes�the ceremony being performed by the Rev Mr Jordan in Trinity Church�the bride was given away by her brother Mr W M Commons and Mr R Wright was the best man for the bridegroom� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 7 Jan 1882, p2 + notice 11 Jan 1882]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at Trinity Church on Tuesday, the contracting parties being Mr William Edward Crump, son of Mr Crump of Wellington and Miss Alice Crosley, second daughter of Mr G Crosley of this town. The Rev Canon Jordan was the officiating clergyman� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Sep 1909, p2]
A very pretty wedding was solemnised at Trinity Church yesterday morning in the presence of a large congregation when Mr Harry Crump, third son of Mr W D Crump of Wellington was united in matrimony to Miss Lily Crosley, eldest daughter of Mr G Crosley of Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5602, 18 January 1911, Page 2]
On Wednesday last, March 30 a very pretty wedding took place at Narrow Lake (Swarthmore Saskatchewan, Canada) when Hubert William Crump, eldest son of J O Crump, Esq., late of Tauranga, New Zealand and Mary Etta Phelps, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs George M Phelps, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony... [Bay Of Plenty Times, 3 June 1910, p2]
Wedding at Gate Pa - On Wednesday morning a very pretty wedding was celebrated between Mr Ivo Laun Mervin Cubit and Miss Mary Julianna Burnett, eldest daughter of Mr Archibald Burnett J.P ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6309, 13 February 1915, Page 5]
The many friends of Mr George Cummings junior, who left Tauranga some few years ago for Australia will be pleased to hear that he has taken to himself a wife, Miss Alice Maud Hammond of Ballarat; the marriage was solemnised by the Ven Archdeacon Green at the pro-Cathedral, Ballarat. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Jul 1893, p2 + notice 21 July 1893]
An interesting wedding was solemnised at Trinity Church on Tuesday last, when Miss Myrtle Sylvia, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs William Jordan, of Tauranga, was united in matrimony to Mr Ernest James Currie, second son of Mrs Currie and the late Mr Currie, of Ohura, King Country... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6774, 25 September 1916, Page 2]
On November 22, at St Mary�s Roman Catholic Chapel, by the Rev Father Mahoney, Edward, only surviving son of the late John Davies, farmer, Essex, England, to Kate, fifth daughter of Mr John Mannix, builder, Tauranga. Thames and Auckland papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Nov 1887, p2 + article]
The wedding of Mr John Dale and Miss Vickery took place this morning. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride�s parents by the Rev Mr McLennan at an early hour in order to enable the happy couple to start on their honeymoon by the ss Iona which in honour of the happy event left the wharf gaily decorated with flags. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 19 Oct 1887, p2]
Whakatane. Mr T Dalzell, lately in charge of the AC at Opotiki was married this morning to Miss Leech, formerly lady principal of the Public School at Opotiki. They left by the Staffa this afternoon for Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 9 Dec 1884, p2]
On 14 October, at St Mary�s Roman Catholic Church, Tauranga by the Right Rev Dr Luck OSB Bishop of Auckland, Patrick Berchoman, second son of Mr P Darby, Ponsonby to Jessie Winifred Gabriel, youngest daughter of Mr Robert Matheson, Otumoetai, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Oct 1892, p2 + article]
One of the most popular and fashionable weddings that Tauranga has witnesses took place yesterday afternoon at two o'clock when Mr William Macartney Darley, only son of the later Mr J D Darley of Ceylon, and later of Tauranga and of Mrs Darley of Wanganui, was married at Holy Trinity Church by the Rev. E D Rice to Meta, fourth daughter of Mr and Mrs J H Nelson of Waipukurau ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6548, 24 November 1915, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6549, 26 November 1915, Page 4]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the residence of Mrs S Hardy on Wednesday last when Mr Samuel Darragh, youngest son of Mr W Darragh of Greerton was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Miss Lily Hardy, second daughter of the late Mr S Hardy, the marriage ceremony being performed by the Rev A Hooper� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 18 Jun 1909, p2 + notice]
A wedding of interest to many Tauranga residents took place in the Methodist Church, Grafton Road, Auckland, on the 8th inst., when Miss Thelma Clare Wayte, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs T. E. Wayte of "Ngaroma," Clonbern Road, Remuera, was married to Mr Alan Edwin Davis, second son of Mr and Mrs John Davis, of Takapuna... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 16 December 1920, Page 2]
A quiet wedding was solemnised by the Rev. J. Hobbs at St. John's Church yesterday, when Miss Josephine WEBBER, eldest daughter of Mr H. P. Webber, of, Te Matai, was married to Mr Ernest DEACON, son of Mr and Mrs Deacon, of Taranaki. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a travelling costume, and was attended by her sister, Miss Francis Webber. Mr Hulton Webber officiated as best man. At the close of the, ceremony the happy couple left on a short visit to Tauranga. [Te Puke Times 16 November 1915 p2]
��Erinna�, the residence of Mr Wm Irwin was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday the 19th inst when Mr Hugh Delaney of Ohauiti, New Zealand and Miss Annie, eldest daughter of Mr William Irwin were united in the holy bonds of matrimony� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 14 Nov 1904, p2]
A very pretty wedding was solemnised on Saturday, May 4, 1918, at St Paul's Church, Wimbledon Park, London, the contracting parties being Miss Ivy R. Nelson, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs L A Nelson, of Brook wood Road, South fields, London, and Second Lieutenant Austin A. Delaney, of the Main Body N.Z.E.F., and youngest son of Mr P. Delaney, of Matamata Waikato, N.Z. The Rev. Faulkner Bailey officiated at the ceremony ... It may be noted that Mrs A. A. Delaney was runner-up for the ladies sculling championship rowed on the Thames in 1914. The bridegroom is well-known in Tauranga, where he resided for several years. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7038, 12 July 1918, Page 2]
On 27 June at the residence of the bride�s mother, by the Rev C Jordan, John Thomas Denniston to Maud Mary, eldest daughter of the late W J Meehan of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Jul 1901, p2]
On the 2nd inst., at the residence of the bridegroom�s father, Whitaker street, Te Aroha, by the Rev G T Marshall, William George, eldest son of Mr G Devey, Cabinet-maker, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Mr Jas Dunn, of Auckland. [Te Aroha News, Sat 19 Jan 1884, p2, col 2]
At the Parish Church of Weeke, Winchester, England, on January 8th, 1918, by the Rev. D. R. Barton, C.F,, Mary Eleanor HOBBS, late sister N.Z.A.N.S., to Corp. Charles Kennedy DICK, N.Z.M.C. (She was the daughter of Rev. Hobbs of Te Puke) [Te Puke Times 28 March 1918 p2 and report p2]
A very interesting and pretty wedding took place on June 10 at the residence of the bride�s parents "Springdale" Te Puke when Miss Mabel Dickey, second daughter of Mr and Mrs J S Dickey was married to Mr Oliver Diprose, second son of Mr and Mrs T N Diprose "The Meadows", Te Puke� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Jun 1908, p2]
One of the prettiest weddings ever seen in Te Puke was solemnised in St John�s Anglican Church on Wednesday Sep 8. The Rev G Digby Wilson was the officiating clergyman, the bridegroom being Mr Gilbert A Diprose, son of Mr T N Diprose of Te Puke and the bride Miss R T Fenton, daughter of Mr James H Fenton, a well known old resident of Tauranga and one of our oldest and most esteemed residents here� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Sep 1909, p2]
A pretty wedding took place at Mrs Baker's residence, No. 4 Road on Wednesday, when Miss Gladys BAKER was married to Mr T. DOBSON...
BAKER Gladys Lorna/DOBSON William Thomas [Te Puke Times 4 June 1920 p3]
Yesterday a marriage took place in the Catholic Church at 11am, the contracting parties being Miss McKee, daughter of Mr McKee of Rangiuru and Mr D Donovan, also of the same place. The Rev Father Kehoe performed the marriage ceremony. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Jan 1894, p2]
A popular wedding took place at Mr Medill's residence at Waihou on May 17, the contracting parties being Mr T Donovan and Miss Bertha Salt ... DONOVAN Thomas/SALT Bertha Frances [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5657, 29 May 1911, Page 2]
On Sunday last at Te Puke that popular and well known carrier on the Te Puke Road, Mr Pat Donovan was united in matrimony to Miss Bessie Williams of Te Puke. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Father Broomfield at the bride�s parents� Kerikeri, Te Puke where many friends gathered for the ceremony� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Oct 1899, p2, Bessie daughter of Richard and Ellen Williams from Kerry, Ireland, Pat from Roscarberry, Ireland]
On the 17th inst, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, by Rev Charles Jordan BA, Robert Arthur, third son of Lieut-Col Dowell VC (late Royal Marine Artillery) to Katherine, fifth daughter of Joseph Lawry Vercoe of Otumoetai. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jul 1892, p2 + article]
Opotiki. On Sunday Mr M Downey and Miss Julia Mahoney, both of this town, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev Father Launuzel� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 3 Jan 1885]
At Te Puke, on January 2nd, by Mr David Heggie, Private A. J. Downey, second son of Mr Downey, of Auckland, to Miss Dorothy MITCHELL, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Mitchell, of Te Puke. No cards on account of bride's brother being at the front. Auckland papers please copy.
DOWNEY James/MITCHELL Dorothy Margaret Ellen Robina
[Te Puke Times 5 January 1917 p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at St Mary's Church on Wednesday morning in the presence of a large congregation when Mr James Charles Dromgool, eldest son of the Mr Charles Dromgool of Tuakau was united in matrimony to Miss Edith Lucy (Lulu) Freeth, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs J C Freeth of Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5600, 13 January 1911, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5608, 20 January 1911, Page 2]
At Hillside, Katikati, by the father of the bride, Thomas Herbert Knowles Duff, eldest son of Thomas Duff Esq of Aberlour, Elgin, North Britain to Martha Dunscombe, eldest daughter of the Rev Canon Johnston of Hillside, Katikati and Fort Johnston, County Monaghan, Ireland and granddaughter of Nicholas Dunscombe Esq of King Williamstown House, County Cork, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 21 Jun 1884, p2 + article]
A pretty wedding took place at 'Weerona', Cameron Road on Wednesday last when Mr Horace Paul, second son of the late Mr A H Duff, of Brooklyn, Wellington was united in matrimony to Miss Hilda Annie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs H Carstens ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5938, 28 March 1913, Page 3]
On Thursday 1 Jan at the residence of the bride�s grandfather ? M Stewart, Martray Arthur Dumbleton to Mary Phoebe, second daughter of George Vesey Stewart Esq of Mt Stewart, Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 3 Jan 1885, p2]
On June 15 1904, at the residence of the bride�s father "Greenhill�, by the Rev Thos Scott MA, (brother-in-law of the bridegroom), assisted by the Rev Wm Gillies, Thomas Sanderson Duncanson, Tauranga to Mary, younger daughter of John McNaughton, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 17 Jun 1904, p2 + article]
On May 7, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan, Walter Herbert, second son of G Dunnage Esq of Longwood, Tapanui, Christchurch to Caroline Olivia, eldest daughter of Frederick Bridges Kensington Esq of Oropi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 May 1902, p2]
On October 27, at Church of England, Norsewood, by the Rev E Wayne, Alexander Dunnage of Tauranga to Bertha, eldest daughter of Mrs Larsen of Norsewood, Hawke�s Bay. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Oct 1908, p2]
Mr C Dunne�s marriage to Miss Isabella Montgomery was celebrated at Katikati on 24 March and they have the best wishes of all for their future happiness. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 28 Mar 1885, p2]
Katikati. A picturesque wedding took place in Katikati on April 29 when Mr W J Dunstan of Waihi was united to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr Thomas Henry of Bay View, Katikati where the ceremony took place, the Rev Thomas Scott officiating� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 6 May 1903, p2]
A pretty wedding took place at Aongatete on Wednesday when Mr W Dunton was united in wedlock to Margaret, daughter of Mr George Norris ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5844, 12 August 1912, Page 4]
EARL — BAINS On August 7, at the house of Richard Rorke Esq, Katikati, by the Rev John Mark, Edward Earl, eldest son of Stephen Earl of Greerton and formerly of Victoria to Sarah Jane Bains, formerly of County Cavan, Ireland. Victorian papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 17 Aug 1878, p2]
On Wednesday last, at the residence of the bride's parents, Manurewa near Auckland, Mr John M Edkins was married to Miss Alice M Diprose, second daughter of Mr T N Diprose, late of 'The Meadows', Te Puke. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. MacDonald. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5838, 29 July 1912, Page 4]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at Mr Walter�s residence Paengaroa Junction on Christmas day when Mr John M Edkins, a well known farmer in the district was united in matrimony to Miss Mary A McKenzie, daughter of Mr John McKenzie of "The Pinnacles", the ceremony being performed by the Rev W Gillies of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Dec 1907, p2]
On April 21, at the Thames, Mr H E Elliot of Opotiki was married to Miss Fleming of Parawai. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 May 1893, p2]
A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday at the residence of Mr and Mrs A Barke, Gate Pa, the contracting parties being Mr Nelson Albert Elliott (son of the late Captain Elliott of Pongakawa and Mrs Elliott of Topcroft) and Miss Emily Mary Barke, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A Barke of Gate Pa ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5752, 5 January 1912, Page 5]
At St John's Anglican Church, Te Puke on 24 April 1916 Miss Barry SNODGRASS, 2nd daughter of Mrs T P LEMON to Mr J W ELLIS ...
1916 SNODGRASS Barbara Graham/ELLIS John William
[Te Puke Times 25 April 1916 p2]
On Wednesday last Mr N J Evered, formerly of Te Puke, was married at St Mary�s Cathedral Parnell to Miss Mary Kathleen Johnston, fourth daughter of the Rev Canon Johnston, late of Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Apr 1901, p2]
The first wedding celebrated at Mount Maunganui took place quietly on Wednesday afternoon, when Mr George Fairclough and Miss Lillie Frances Smith were united in matrimony by Rev. A C Wedderspoon, Tauranga. The marriage took place at Mrs Kimber's boarding-house. Miss Jean Kirk, Gore, attended as bridesmaid while the groomsman was Mr John Gordon Fairclough, brother of the bridegroom. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5992, 1 August 1913, Page 5]
On November 11, at the Church of St Michael, Rotorua, John Falloona of Ballybranagh, Co Down, Ireland to Elizabeth Martha, daughter of Archibald John Thomson of Rathmines, Dublin, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Nov 1891, p2]
On September 16, 1919, at St. Andrew's Church Manse, Auckland, by the Rev. A. A. Murray, Ivan Trevor, only son of Mr and Mrs A. G. Fallwell, Tauranga, to Stella, second daughter of Mr and Mrs B. C. Robbins, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7230, 27 September 1919, Page 2]
November 9 1881, at St James Clapton, by the Rev Reginald Melcalfe, the Rev W M Farley, Vicar of Cretingham, Suffolk to Louisa, widow of Lieut-colonel Moule, late commissioner AC, New Zealand. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 17 Jan 1882, p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at Trinity Church yesterday afternoon, when Mr Arthur Lees Faulkner, second son of Mr J D Faulkner, of this town was united in matrimony to Miss Gladys Ursula Hammond, eldest daughter of Mr F H Hammond of Wharf Street ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5718, 18 October 1911, Page 4]
On 17 March 1913 in the RC Church, Tauranga, John Wilson Faulkner, 22 years, carrier, bachelor, born Tauranga, residing Tauranga, son of John Jarvis Faulkner, carrier and Tutana Faulkner, nee Williams to Olive Constance Mortimer, 23 years, waitress, spinster, born Christchurch, residing Tauranga, daughter of Thomas Mortimer, railway foreman and Sarah Jane Mortimer formerly Davies. Married by W Van Westeinde, witnesses Arthur Hicks, carpenter, Tauranga and Clara Faulkner, shop assistant, Tauranga. [RG 1913 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5934, 17 March 1913, Page 3]
George Faulkner, bachelor, of Tauranga, under 21 years, son of John Faulkner to Jane Piercy, spinster, daughter of James John Piercy of Maketu, settler, by A N Brown on 27 Feb 1868 at Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
On 24 June 1880, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, John Daniel Faulkner, full age, settler, bachelor to Annie Lizzie Piercy, minor, spinster, by Charles Jordan, witnesses, John D Wrigley, Tauranga, brewer and Harriet Piercy, Tauranga. [RG]
Jarvis Faulkner, of Te Papa, Tauranga, bachelor, over 21 years, to Elizabeth Tatai, of Te Pap, Tauranga, spinster, over 21 years by Ven Archdeacon A N Brown, on 11 June 1868 at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
Robert James FENTON to May Evelyn AVERY 26 August 1914 [Te Puke Times 28 August 1914 p2]
One of the prettiest weddings held in Tauranga was celebrated at St Peter's Presbyterian Church yesterday, when Miss Alice Snelgrove, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. W. P. Snelgrove, of Willow Street, was married to Mr William Ferguson, younger son of Mr and Mrs A. Ferguson, of Morris Street. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. C. Wedderspoon ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6289, 21 January 1915, Page 3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6287, 19 January 1915, Page 2
The marriage of Mr Charles R Fielder to Miss Bella McKay is to take place today at Katikati at the residence of the Rev Mr Katterns by whom the ceremony is to be performed. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 18 Dec 1886, p2 + article 23 Dec 1886]
On August 8, at Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan, Denis Fielding, eldest son of John fielding to Frances G Harland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 11 Aug 1890, p2]
On October 30 1901, at the residence of the bride�s mother (Mrs J W Roffey) Tauranga, by the Rev J W Worboys, Samuel Charles, third son of John Fielding of Tauranga to A E E (Emmie) eldest daughter of the late Roger Harsant of Karamu, Waikato and granddaughter of the late Dr W Harsant. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 Oct 1901, p2 + article]
A quiet wedding was solemnized at the residence of Sergeant M Walker, Park Rd, yesterday afternoon when his second daughter Kathleen Florence (Elsie) was united in the Holy bonds of matrimony by the Rev Wm Gillies, Presbyterian Minister to Mr R E Finney of Auckland and late of Brisbane� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Apr 1906, p2]
On November 7, at St Michael's, Rotorua, by the Rev Father Kreymborg, John T, eldest son of Thomas Fitzgerald, of Rotorua, to Margaret, youngest daughter of the late T A D Brooks, of Ahaura, and niece of S. H. Brooks, Esq, 'Ballybrain,' County Down, Ireland. [New Zealand Tablet, 22 November 1906, Page 21]
Mr Malcolm Fleming and his bride [Bertha Maunsell] arrived here this morning by the Waiotahi and proceeded to Rotorua shortly afterwards by one of Mr A C Gilman�s specials. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 31 May 1897, p2 + longer article]
On June 17, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga by the Rev Canon Jordan BA, Harold Lloyd, son of Joseph N Flower of Kaikoura to Maria Ruth, third daughter of John Bull, �Briarley�, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Jun 1905, p2 + article]
A marriage which created a good deal of local interest was celebrated at the residence of the Rev A C Soutar, Otara, on Wednesday afternoon, 26th inst, when Miss Annie Croon, second daughter of the late Frank Croon was joined in matrimony to William Flowerday of Nelson. The bride, who was given away by her brother Mr G Croon, wore a pretty toilette of china white brilliants trimmed with Maltese lace and ribbon to match and a white tulle, very stylish, bonnet with orange blossoms. The bride was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss E Croon and Miss Martha McCauley, who were becomingly attired. In the evening the Opotiki Brass Bank marched down to the residence of the happy couple and serenaded them with some choice musical selections. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 1 Jul 1889, p2]
On January 18th, at the Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. A. C. Wedderspoon, Maude May, third daughter of Mrs and the late ex-Alderman John Carleton, of Morcambe, England, was married to Arthur Percy, third son of Mr and Mrs William Foxcroft, Tauranga, and late of Morecambe, England... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6605, 5 February 1916, Page 2]
The many friends of Miss Esther Johnston, daughter of our respected settler Mr Noble Johnston of Katikati will be pleased to hear that she was married on the 23rd inst in St Paul�s Church, Napier to Mr Franklin of that place. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 30 May 1894, p2]
The marriage of Mr R C Fraser and Miss Cliff was celebrated with great �clat yesterday. The ceremony took place at the Registrar�s office at the early hour of 8am. The happy pair immediately afterwards being driven to the Star Hotel where the party partook of the wedding breakfast� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 2 Oct 1886, p2]
Maketu was en fete last week. On Monday Tihini Fraser was united in the holy bonds to Atarata, the Rev Rameka Haumia performing the ceremony� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Nov 1897, p2]
On Saturday last the marriage of Mr E J French of Auckland to Miss Fanny E Ellis of Tauranga was solemnised by the Rev C Jordan. The wedding party assembled at the church at 2pm and a few minutes later the bride arrived accompanied by Mr C F Hetley, in the unavoidable absence of her father. The bride was accompanied to the altar by her three bridesmaids viz Miss Ellis and the Misses Mary and Martha Wrigley� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 1 Mar 1887, p2 + notice 5 Mar 1887]
�the latest addition to the list of those who have been joined in the "holy bonds of matrimony" is Mrs Phillips and Mr French who were married at the English Church on Saturday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Apr 1891, p2]
On January 1st at Trinity Church, Tauranga by Ven Archdeacon Tuke, Sergt. Jack French, only son of Mrs R French, Tauranga to Edith Emily, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs H Todd, Tirau. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6958, 4 January 1918, Page 2]
At St Michael's Church, Rotorua on Tuesday last, Mr William GAIN, second son of Mr John Gain of Tauranga, was married to Miss Kitty GEANEY, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs D J Geaney of Rotorua. [Te Puke Times 12 November 1920, Page 2]
Today the marriage of Mr R S Galbraith to Miss E Allely was celebrated at Holy Trinity church, at 2pm by the Rev Chas Jordan, Incumbent. The church was prettily decorated with flowers and filled with friends and well wishers of the happy pair. Mr T C Allely acted as best man and the bride was attended by the Misses Allely (2) and Blundell� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 14 Sep 1892, p2 + notice 16 Sep 1892]
Katikati. The marriage of Mr Gallagher AC with Miss Baker, step-daughter of Mr Tonkins was solemnised by Rev Canon Johnston at Mr Purvis� residence Tahawai, on 25th ult, in the presence of a small circle of intimate friends. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 15 Sep 1883, p2]
During Christmastide the marriage of Miss Emily Jones, daughter of Mr W Jones of this town to Mr O Garaway was celebrated in St Joseph�s Church, Rotorua� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 5 Jan 1906, p2]
On December 21, at St Luke�s Rotorua, by the Rev Charles Tisdale MA, Basil, eldest son of Colonel Garland-Matthews, late 44th and Manchester Regiments, England to Katherine Stainforth, fourth daughter of Captain Howard Kerr, RN, Gate Pa, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 Jan 1908, p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at St Mary's Church on Wednesday afternoon when Mr James Reginald Gavin, second son of Mrs J Gavin of Ellerslie, Auckland was united in matrimony to Miss Alice Gwendoline Cook, youngest daughter of Mrs J Cook of Tauranga... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5793, 12 April 1912, Page 5]
A very pretty wedding took place at St Peter�s Church, Hamilton on august 21, when Miss Lotchen A von Sturmer, youngest daughter of the late Mr F J Von Sturmer of Hamilton was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr H Edward Gaze, eldest son of Mr H Gaze of Christchurch� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Aug 1907, p2]
At St. John's Church, Te Puke, on Saturday last, Miss Clara Alexandra BISHOPRICK, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Bishoprick, was united in matrimony to Mr. Frederick E. GEMMING, only surviving son of Mr and Mrs E. Gemming, of Kopu. [Te Puke Times 6 July 1920 p3]
Te Puke. At the time of writing a wedding is taking place, the participating parties being Mr J Geraghty and Mrs J Ronalds. Mrs Ronalds is the widow of the late Mr John Ronalds, an old and highly resected settler� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 22 Jun 1904, p2]
Katikati. On the afternoon of Thursday 22nd December, the marriage of Mr R K Gilbert with Miss Wilson was solemnised at Glenville, the residence of John Killen Esq JP. The ceremony was performed by the Rev John Mark and was strictly private as with the exception of Mr and Mrs Mark, none but the immediate relatives of the bride and bridegroom were present. Later in the day Mr and Mrs R K Gilbert rode to their new home at Teretere. They carried with them the best wishes of the settlement. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 3 Jan 1882, p2]
Katikati. On Wednesday our Presbyterian Church was filled to overflowing, many having been unable to gain admission, the occasion being due to the marriage of Miss Margaret Lockington with Mr William Gilbert� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 29 Jan 1909, p2]
On Tuesday 11th inst, at Hillside, Katikati, the residence of Rev Canon Johnston was celebrated the marriage of Mr John Gilmore of Tauranga and Miss Letitia Emerson, the niece of Mrs McCoy. The bride was elegantly dressed in fawn coloured lustre and white tulle veil. Her bridesmaid was Miss McEffert and the bridegroom�s best man was Mr Whelan� [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 13 Nov 1879, p2]
On the 28th December, at St James Auckland, by the Rev R F MacNicol, Andrew Gilmore to Miss Annie Amy, youngest daughter of Mr John Prebble of Dover, Kent, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 31 Dec 1878, p2 + 2 Jan 1879]
On Wednesday 29 April, 1914 Ethel BIRD and John GILMORE [Te Puke Times 1 May 1914 p3]
Double wedding of Isa Letitia MALYON to Robert James GILMOUR (s/be GILMORE) and Elizabeth MALYON to Frederick PALMER on 4 June 1913. [Te Puke Times 6 June 1913 p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5968, 6 June 1913, Page 3]
On the 27th September at Fairlight, Katikati, by the Rev Canon Johnston, Cecil A F Hornidge, third son of the late Robert Hornidge Gledstanes, JP of Twickenham, Ballycumber, Kings County, Ireland to Coroline Jane, youngest daughter of the late Rev John Crossley, Incumbent of St Matthews Church Belfast, Ireland and of Katikati, NZ. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 3 Oct 1882, p2]
On September 29, at Clovelly, Katikati, by the Rev Thomas Farley, Edward George, fourth son of the late R Hornridge Gledstanes Esq JP Twickenham, Ballycumber, Kings County, Ireland to Addeen Emma, second daughter of S Goss Esq, Clovelly, Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 1 Oct 1885, p2]
A quiet wedding was celebrated at St John's Church on 1 December 30th (1914), when Mr James GODWIN, second son of Mr David Godwin, of Tirau, was married to Miss Louise Blanche SMITH, third daughter of Mrs E. L.Smith, of Te Puke. The Rev. J. Hobbs officiated ... [Te Puke Times 5 January 1915 p3]
On July 14, at St Sepulchre�s Church, by the Rev J Taylor DD, William Goldie to Maria Margaret Gosset, both of Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 1 Aug 1885, p2]
On December 4, at St Sepulchre�s Church, Auckland, by the Rev Thornton Dudley, Eric Charles, only son of Captain H Goldsmith CE, Grahamstown, Thames to Marion, eldest daughter of Charles I W Kensington Esq of Port Charles. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 13 Dec 1873, p2]
On July 19, at the residence of the bride�s parents, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, Stephen Weston, eldest son of Stephen Goss of Katikati to Florence Emily, youngest daughter of Philip Bennett of Te Puke, Tauranga, NZ, formerly of London. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 25 Jul 1889, p2]
A wedding was solemnised at Trinity Church yesterday when Mr Leonard Griffiths Grant of Hawera, was married to Miss Mabel Jane Harris, daughter of Mr A G Harris of Papamoa. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Canon Jordan. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5761, 26 January 1912, Page 5]
Peter Grant, of Tauranga, bachelor, over 21 years to Caroline Moon, of Tauranga, spinster, under 21 years, daughter of William Moon of Tauranga, settler, on 26 Mar 1870, by the Ven Archdeacon Brown. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
The marriage of Mr W Grant to Miss Potier was celebrated at the Registrar�s office yesterday. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Mar 1898, p2]
In the presence of over a hundred guests the marriage was celebrated last Wednesday morning at Mr Robert Dickey's residence, Te Matai of Miss Edith Dickey to Mr William Gray, son of Mr W J Gray of Katikati ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5977, 30 June 1913, Page 5]
On 26 October 1880 at Maketu Church of England Mission Chapel, George Gray, 28, labourer, bachelor, born Otaki, residing Tauranga, son of Benjamin Gray, settler and Emma Katherine Gray to Annie Piercy, 20 years, spinster, spinster, born Auckland, residing Maketu, daughter of James John Piercy, clerk of court and Ngakauiti, by S M Spencer, witnesses F M Carnachan, storekeeper, Maketu and Sarah Piercy, daughter at home, Maketu. [RG]
Mr H E Greentree of Te Puke was married at Rotorua on October 16, to Miss Alice May Waldron, late of Auckland... GREENTREE Henry Arthur/WALDRON Alice May [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXX, Issue 5722, 30 October 1911, Page 4]
Russell, Thursday. Mr Greenway, late clerk to the RM court at Tauranga was married today to Miss McAlister. Both parties have been resident for many years in these parts. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 20 May 1892, p2]
On January 25, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan BA, Alexander, eldest son of the late John Grierson of Wilmslow, Cheshire to Edith Linda, fourth daughter of John Bull of "Briarley", Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Feb 1908, p2 + article]
On December 19, by the Ven Archdeacon Brown, John H Griffiths, Sergeant AC to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr John Darby of this town. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 21 Dec 1872, p3]
From the Auckland papers we learn that�Mr T M Griffiths of Burton-on-Trent was married to Miss Marsden on April 11 by Rev Williams. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 21 May 1894, p2]
A quiet but pretty wedding took place at Holy Trinity Church on Wednesday last, the contracting parties being Horace Minto Griffiths, fourt son of the late Rev. Griffith Owen Griffiths and Mrs Griffiths of Matamata and manager of the firm of Messrs Sedcole, Byrn and Co, and Iris, only daughter of Mr and Mrs P Munro... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7532, 1 November 1920, Page 2]
A very pretty wedding was celebrated in Holy Trinity Church this morning when Mr Charles Gunson was married to Miss Nina Margaret, second daughter of Mr Michael P Stewart and granddaughter of the late Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Houston Stewart G.C.B ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5643, 26 April 1911, Page 2]