1872 - 1920
P - Z
Thanks to Jeni Palmer for extracting many of these. If you have any early marriages for this area which are not included and would like to include them please contact me.
James Padlie, eldest son of the late Mr Padlie of Tauranga to Miss May Pearcey, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J Pearcey of Tauranga ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7067, 18 September 1918, Page 2]
On March 9, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga by the Rev William Goodyear, John Robert, eldest son of Robert Page of Hokianga to Nina Murial, second daughter of John Hollings Griffiths of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Mar 1909, p2 + article]
Miss Margaret M Miller, only daughter of Mr R Miller, of Rotorua and formerly of Tauranga, was married at Rotorua last week to Mr Ralph Henry Page, of Gisborne. The Rev. Thomas Scott was the officiating clergyman. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5749, 27 December 1911, Page 5]
A very interesting wedding took place at the Maori settlement, Bowentown, on Christmas Day, the contractiug parties being Mr Hone Tamahau Palmer, of Opureora, and Miss Thipera Parana Gallaugher, of Tupira. The Rev Father Holierhoek was the celebrant...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIVII, Issue 7302, 30 December 1919, Page 7]
Double wedding of Isa Letitia MALYON to Robert James GILMOUR and Elizabeth MALYON to Frederick PALMER on 4 June 1913. [Te Puke Times 6 June 1913 p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5968, 6 June 1913, Page 3]
A large gathering of pakehas and natives assembled at Matakana Island on Sunday 8th inst. on the occasion of the marriage of Mr Thompson Palmer to Miss Rangi Toma. The guests were entertained in royal fashio. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7066, 16 September 1918, Page 2]
On June 15, at the residence of the bride�s parents, Tauranga Hotel, Charles Rere, third son of Tame Haereroa Parata Esq MHR to Katherine Te Rongokahira, eldest daughter of David Asher Esq of Tauranga and granddaughter of Asher Asher Esq, late of Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Jun 1896, + article]
On January 22 1883, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, Thomas Parker to Amelia Brooks of Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 25 Jan 1883, p2]
At Holy Trinity Church yesterday morning, Mr Wm Parkinson of Opotiki was united in the bonds of matrimony by the Rev Canon Jordan to Miss Mary Elizabeth Rolfe, only daughter of Mrs Linton of this town� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Sep 1903, p2]
A quiet wedding was solemnised at Te Aroha on Thursday last, when Mr William Parsonage, only son of Mr and Mrs H Parsonage, Te Aroha was married to Miss Aletha Sharp, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs J E Sharp, Tauranga. Mr and Mrs Parsonage will make their home in the Te Aroha district. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7538, 28 December 1920, Page 2]
Yesterday, one of our new settlers, Mr Parsons, who recently purchased Mr Craig�s orchard farm, was married to Miss Helen Murray. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 31 Oct 1889, p2]
The marriage of Arthur William, eldest son of Mr John Pattison of Dunedin to Isabella, second daughter of Mr James Lockington was solemnised at the Orange Hall, Uretara, on Wednesday June 25th� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Jul 1902, p2]
An interesting wedding took place in the Mission Church at Maketu last Monday, the trading parties being Mr Awatope PATU, of Rotorua, a returned soldier, and Miss Paikare TAKUIRA, of Pukehina, a young chieftainess, and grand-daughter of a certain chief known as Mita TAHOKA... [Te Puke Times
16 April 1920 p2]
May 1 1879, Major Pearse of Okehampton, Devon to Helen Katherine, third daughter of the late William Dickson Esq and younger sister of Mrs William Shaw of Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 12 Aug 1879, p2]
On the 25th inst, at St John�s Church, Waihi, by the Rev A S Buckland, Joseph Pease of Tauranga, son of the late Wm Pease Esq of Lostwithiel, Cornwall, England to Sybil Horte, sixth daughter of J W Cramer-Roberts Esq of Lynnbury, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Nov 1908, p2 + article 7 Dec 1908]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the residence of Mr S Pemberton, Second Avenue on Wednesday last when Mr John Victor Pemberton, second son of our esteemed townsman Mr S Pemberton, late of Pongakawa, was united in matrimony to Miss Mabel Edwards, second daughter of Mr E Edwards of Christchurch ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5933, 14 March 1913, Page 2]
On July 15, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, George Henry, fourth son of Richard Percival Esq Nelson to Fanny Jane, only daughter of James W Tadhunter Esq, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty. Nelson papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 17 Jul 1886, p2 + brief article]
Te Puke. Another marriage was quietly solemnised last week at the residence of Mr G Dunton when Miss May Dunton was married to Mr J Percy of Tauranga. The newly married couple will settle in Waihi� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jun 1901, p2]
A very pretty wedding was solemnised yesterday in the Church of St John the Baptist, Te Puke, when Miss Ethel Clara Beatrice Vercoe, eldest daughter of Mr Henry W Vercoe of �Fairfield� was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Claude Perring, the ceremony being performed by the Rev W H Bawden� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 May 1906, p2 + 1 Jun 1906]
On February 27 1899, at Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan BA, Henry J, eldest son of the late Robert Morris Perston of Largs, Scotland to Ada Lilla, youngest daughter of the late John Darby, RA, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 Mar 1899, p2]
Many guests were present at the marriage of Miss Ella Irene MeGlynn, fourth daughter of Mr and Mra W. McGlynn of "The Bungalow," Hill Top New South Wales, and Mr Hugh Cecil Petchell, of the local Post Office staff and third son of Mr John Petchell, of Riverton, Southland. The ceremony was performed on the 6th February at the Grahame Memorial Church, Waverley, Sydney, by the Rev. John Macauley... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6355, 10 April 1915, Page 3]
At Tauranga, on 21st inst, Adam Phillips, to Martha Hull, both of Belfast, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Jan 1878, p2]
On Wednesday, October 16th, 1918, at St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Ponsonby, Auckland, by the Rev. Isaac Jolly, John, second son of Mr Wm, PHILLIPS, of Sherry River, Nelson, to Agnes Sophia, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs James PATERSON, Te Puke. [Te Puke Times 25 October 1918 p2 and report p2]
A very pretty ceremony took place at the residence of Mr H. Ward, Papamoa, on Wednesday last, when Miss Ruby Annie WARD was joined in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Alfred George PHILLIPS, cousin of Messrs A. and G. Hine... [Te Puke Times 15 August 1919 p2]
A quiet wedding took place at Otumoetai on Wednesday last at the residence of the bride's parents, when Mr W Phillips was married to Miss Amelia Youngson, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J Youngson ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6137, 17 July 1915, Page 3]
On Saturday morning Mr H Pittar, dentist was united in marriage according to the Church of England rites, to the eldest daughter [Mary Ann Jordan] of the Rev Chas Jordan BA at Trinity Church, Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Nov 1891, p2]
On June 3, 1887, at the Registrar�s Office Te Aroha, Philip Charles Plato of Chesham, Bucks, England to Alice Laura, second daughter of T Shalders Esq Oamaru. [Te Aroha and Ohinemuri News, Sat 4 Jun 1887]
On Tuesday last, the marriage of Mr A Porter and Miss Spooner was solemnised at Te Puke in the presence of a large party of friends. In the evening a social gathering was held which was much enjoyed. Mr and Mrs Porter intend, we are informed, to join a mission to South Africa. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 12 Jun 1895, p2]
On the 22nd inst, at the Roman Catholic Chapel, Tauranga, by the officiating priest, James Potier, lineman Telegraph Dept Katikati to Peka Borell, daughter of Mr Borell of Te Puna. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Apr 1873, p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at Mr J Patterson�s residence Te Puke on Wednesday last when Mr John Potiki (son of Mr A Potiki of Mataura) was married to Miss Mary Gourlay (daughter of Mr R Gourlay of Mataura) the ceremony being performed by the Rev W Gillies�Mr and Mrs Potiki take up their residence in Te Puke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 31 Jan 1908, p2]
At Rotorua, on 25 August, Edward Lowther Prince Prentis of Maketu to Lucie Ethel Maude, second daughter of William Prole Harris of Orangi, Rotorua, late of Lynwood, Te Puke. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 8 Sep 1902, p2]
A pretty but quiet wedding was solemnised at Omokoroa on Wednesday 18th inst when Mr Moses Preston of Vinewood, Katikati was united in the bonds of matrimony to Daisy, fourth daughter of Mr George Hutchins� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 23 Dec 1901, p2]
A quiet but pretty wedding took place yesterday at Mr E Barnett�s residence Kaimai when Mr Cyril W Price of Christchurch and Miss Eleanor Baxter of the same city were united in the bonds of holy matrimony, Mr Hopper (Methodist Minister) officiating� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 8 Jan 1909, p2]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised on Wednesday May 7th at 'Bay View', Katikati, the contracting parties being Miss Sarah Roberta Boyd Henry, fifth daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Henry and Mr Albert E, third son of Mr and Mrs C W Price of Northern Wairoa ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5957, 12 May 1913, Page 5]
Te Puke. I understand that Mr Priestly was married in Auckland on Wednesday last to Miss Garlick. PRIESTLEY Charles Hemon/GARLICK Edith Eleanor [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 Jan 1904, p2]
A wedding in which considerable interest was centred took place at Trinity Church on Wednesday afternoon when Mr John Prole of Waipapa, elder son of Mrs Prole of Wainui and the late Mr Richard Greening Prole, of North Devon, England and Tauranga was united in matrimony to Miss Edith Maud Land, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs E G Land, of Te Puna and formerly of Kaiapoi, Canterbury ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5959, 16 May 1913, Page 4]
At the Mission Station at Tarawera on 13th October 1862, by Rev Edward Clarke of Tauranga, Mr Edward Purvis of London to Lucy Harris, daughter of Rev Seymour Mills Spencer. [New Zealander, 22 Nov 1862]
The engagement is announced between I C Raftesath of Kenya Colony, second son of the late Mr and Mrs I C Raftesath, of Port Shepstone, Natal and Mary Valerie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs F W Baker, Gate Pa, Tauranga, New Zealand, late of Great Holland, Essex. The marriage will take place on March 3 at Nakuru, Kenya Colony. [The Times (London, England), Thursday, Feb 13, 1930; pg. 15; Issue 45436]
Two interesting weddings took place in the new Church at Motiti on Tuesday, June l5th, the contracting parties being Mr REUPENA and Miss AKUHATA, and Mr RAKATAU and Miss HOETE... [Te Puke Times 25 June 1920 p3]
On the 4th inst, at St George�s Church, Gate Pa, by the Rev Canon Jordan, Harry Franco, third son of the late Colonel Ralph of Kent, England to Gertrude Clare, eldest daughter of the late Sebastian Anderson of Surrey, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 9 Jan 1905, p2]
On the 14th inst, by the Rev A MacLennan, Alex McD Ralston to Phoebe, widow of the late J M Tunny, Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 16 Jun 1885, p2]
A very pretty wedding was solemnised in St. Peter's Presbyterian Church on Wednesday at 11 a.m, when Miss Ivy Margaret Poad, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Poad of Tauranga, was united to Mr W. E. Randell, eldest son of Mr W. Randell of Hihitahi, by the Rev. J. W Smyth ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7335, 7 February 1920, Page 6]
An event of considerable social interest took place on a recent afternoon at St John�s Church when H T Rawnsley of the USS Co�s service and Miss Alice Sheath, eldest daughter of Mr J H Sheath, chief Postmaster, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Feb 1897, p2]
On March 21st, at St Mary�s Pro-Cathedral, Parnell, Auckland, by the Rev W E Mulgan MA, Incumbent of Onehunga, assisted by the Rev Canon McMurray MA, Incumbent, Carl Rudolf Recknagel, Min, Eng, Frieburg, Saxony to Grace Violet, fifth surviving daughter of the Rev Canon Johnston MA, Hillside, Katikati and Fort Johnston, Co Monaghan, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 24 Mar 1893, p4 + article and Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVI, Issue 7487, 24 March 1893, Page 2]
On the 13th inst, at the Mission Chapel, by the Rev C Jordan, Mr William Anson Reed, to Miss Mary Ellen Walmsley, both of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Sep 1873]
At the Parish Church Hall, Dumbarton (Scotland), on 18th April, by the Rev. W. W. Reid, B.D., Private George REEKIE, Ist A.I.B,, N.Z.E.F. to Ann Smith, daughter of Mr and Mrs Peter RICHARDSON, Castlegreen Terrace, Dumbarton. [Te Puke Times 27 June 1919 p2] The marriage is announced elsewhere of Private George Reekie, for some years a resident of Te Puke, and who left for the front with one of the New Zealand contingents. The marriage took place at Dumbarton, Scotland, in April last. It is Private Reekie's intention, after returning to New Zealand and settling his affairs here, to take up his residence in the Old Country. [Te Puke Times 27 June 1919, Page 2]
At the Thames on February 23rd, Mabel Sanders Macmillan, widow of the late R J C Macmillan of 'Ferndale', Katikati to Edward Thomas Rees, son of the late Henry Rees, Glamorganshire. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6021, 6 March 1914, Page 4]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at Trinity Church on Wednesday morning when Mr Arthur Alexander Reese, of Cambridge was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Elsie Violet Davoren, only daughter of Mr A E Davoren of Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5858, 13 September 1912, Page 4]
At the Bainbridge Memorial Methodist Church, Rotorua on June 3rd 1919, Fred Reeve of Rotorua to Mary, second daughter of O W Wright, Waimapu, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVII, Issue 7174, 9 June 1919, Page 2]
On the 22nd inst, Robert Reid, son of the late Robert Reid of Bay of Islands and grandson of Thomas Anson of Epsom, London to Martha Goodall, widow of the late George Goodall and daughter of the late John Duffy of Ery, County Limerick, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 23 May 1882, p2]
On the 4th Nov., at All Saints' Church, Woollahra, Sydney, New South Wales, by the Revd. H Wallace Mort, Reginald Renshaw of Katikati, New Zealand, younger son of W H Renshaw, "Woodburn", Broughton Park, Manchester to Olive, younger daughter of Mackay Woodruff, Sydney. [he Times (London, England), Wednesday, Nov 09, 1910; pg. 1; Issue 39425]
Two interesting weddings took place in the new Church at Motiti on Tuesday, June l5th, the contracting parties being Mr REUPENA and Miss AKUHATA, and Mr RAKATAU and Miss HOETE... [Te Puke Times 25 June 1920 p3]
On April 15, at the residence of W S Allen Esq, Annandale, by the Rev F G Evans, Henry William, eldest son of H W Reynolds, Te Aroha West, to Sophy, fifth daughter of J Everett, Shrewsbury, England. [New Zealand Herald, Thur 2 May 1896]
At St Peter's Presbyterian Church on Thursday, March 28th by the Rev D Hird, Thomas Gordon, eldest son of Mr J Reynolds, Rotorua to Marie Louise, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs B C Robbins, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6994, 30 March 1918, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6994, 30 March 1918, Page 3]
On December 13th 1882, at St Matthew�s Church, Auckland by the Rev Mr Tebbs, T W Rhodes, Tauranga to Emily, youngest daughter of Mr G Leaning, Pakuranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 16 Dec 1882, p2]
On April 25, Mrs Rhodes residence, Rev A MacLennan, Richard Rhodes, Elizabeth Hill. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 27 Apr 1891, p2 + article]
On January 2 1901, at the residence of the bride�s parents Summer St, Ponsonby, Auckland, by the Rev W Reedy, President (Press) fourth son of the late R Rhodes, Tauranga to Ruth, second daughter of Ellis Sayers, late of Brighton, Sussex, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Jan 1901, p2]
A very interesting wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga at 8.30am on Wednesday last, when the Rev. Eric Dudley Rice (Vicar of Tauranga) son of Mr and Mrs Vincent Rice, Auckland was married to Miss Adelaide Maude, daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Samuel, The Cliff, Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6120, 26 June 1914, Page 5 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6120, 26 June 1914, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6127, 22 June 1914, Page 5]
On 6 April 1915 at residence of Mrs Harray, No 1 Road Margaret HARRAY to Rev. James RICHARDS [Te Puke Times 9 April 1915 p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 6354, 9 April 1915, Page 3]
On the 24th April 1895, at Christ Church, Wanganui, by the Rev T B McLean, vicar, George Edward Richardson CMG MLC to Catherine Harriet, second daughter of Herbert W Brabant of Wanganui, Stipendiary Magistrate and Judge of the Native Land Court. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 May 1895, p2]
At the residence of Mr Angus Barrow, brother-in-law of the bride, on Tuesday last, Miss Christina BIRD, daughter of the late Mr John Bird and Mrs Bird, of Te Puke, was united in matrimony to Mr Walter Edward RIDDELL, of Pongakawa, a returned soldier, who was wounded at Gallipoli. A large number of relatives and friends were present. Mr Heggie officiated at the wedding ceremony. Mr William Gillies Steel, of Paengaroa, was best man, and Miss Barbara Ettie Galbraith, of Auckland, bridesmaid, Mr and Mrs Riddell left during the afternoon for Rotorua, where the honeymoon was to be spent. [Te Puke Times 15 June 1917 p3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6881, 20 June 1917, Page 2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at St Peter's Church this morning when Mr Cecil Osborne Riddell, eldest son of Mr J C Riddell of Papamoa, was united in matrimony to Miss Muriel Joy Serjeant, only daughter of Mr S Serjeant of Te Puke ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5682, 26 July 1911, Page 2]
A quiet wedding was solemnised at the residence of Mr and Mrs Steevens, Pongakawa, on Tuesday last, April 27th, when their eldest daughter, Miss Gladys Horton STEEVENS was married to Mr Herbert Crighton RIDDELL, third son of Mr J.C. Riddell of Te Puke. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Bressers of Matata. Miss Lee Steevens, the sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The wedding breakfast was partaken of at the residence of the bride's parents,when the usual toasts were honoured, and the happy couple received the felicitations of their many friends. [Te Puke Times 4 May 1920 p3]
We notice the marriage of E E Roberts MB and CM Auckland to Miss Annie S, daughter of H G Altfield Esq, Bellcove, Shrewsbury, England has taken place, they have our proud salopion best wishes. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 13 Feb 1891, p2]
A quiet but interesting wedding took place on Wednesday, 9th inst, at "Karewa," Mountain Road, Auckland, the residence of Mr and Mrs W. M. Commons, when Miss Kate Spiers COMMONS, the youngest daughter, was mar- ried to Mr John Macintosh ROBERTS, eldest son of Colonel Roberts, and manager of the Te Puke branch of the Bank of New Zealand...[Te Puke Times 18 April 1919]
A quiet wedding was celebrated early this morning at the house of Mr John Snodgrass, Otumoetai, one of the oldest settlers in the district, between his youngest daughter Miss Maggie Snodgrass and Mr John Cramer Roberts of Lynbury� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Nov 1899, p2]
A quiet military wedding took place at St Peter's Church. Wellington, on the 2nd inst., when Te Rongokahira Parata, widow of the late Mr C. Parata, M.P., was married to Staff-Sergeant Leonard Robertshaw, N.Z.A.0.C., second son of Mr and Mrs F. J. Robertshaw, of Takapuna, Auckland. The bride, who was given away by her cousin, Captain R. H. Vercoe, D.S.0., D.C.M wore a navy travelling costume, with a large leghorn hat, and was attended by Miss Girlie Asher and Miss E. Topi, who also wore blue costumes. Bugler Vini, N.Z.A.O.C was the best man. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. Fielden Taylor. A reception was held after the ceremony at the residence of Mr and Mrs A. Asher, Marion Street. Among the many presents received by the bride and bridegroom was a handsome dinner service from the staff of the Ordnance Corps, of which the bridegroom is a member. A noticeable feature of the wedding ceremony was that the officiating clergyman, the gentleman giving the bride away, the bridegroom, and best man had all seen active service, two of them wearing medals for two wars, the total of service and decorations worn being nineteen. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIX, Issue 7518, 13 October 1920, Page 2]
On May 17th, at the Registrar�s Office, Auckland, James Robertson to Miss Rebecca Kerr Conyngham, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Lacy Conyngham of Londonderry, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 28 May 1881, p2 + 31 May 1881]
Another resident of Te Puke has joined the Benedicts. A little while ago Mr W G Robertson was married [to Jemima McKee] near Auckland and came quietly down here with his bride last week. The event was not generally known locally so perhaps this accounts for the absence of the vigorous tin canning� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Nov 1903, p2]
At Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga on Wednesday August 10, 1910 by the Rev. W. Goodyear, William Edward Robins, of "Collingwood", Tauranga, to Filer Margaret; eldest daughter of A. Brooke-Taylor, Te Kowhai, Hastings.
[Bay Of Plenty Times 24 August 1910, Page 2]
A quiet but pretty little wedding and one that will be of special interest to local residents took place New Years morning at Pitt Street Methodist Church, Auckland the Rev. W Ready officiating. The contracting parties were Mr Henry W Robinson, late of Tauranga and Miss Ada Butcher of Auckland ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5906, 10 January 1913, Page 2]
On 26 November 1889, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, Percy Crispe Robinson, full age, farmer, bachelor, born Mauku, Auckland, residing Tauranga, son of Thomas Joseph Robinson, schoolmaster and Mary Jane Robinson, nee Crispe to Isabella Butler, full age, spinster, born Tauranga, residing Tauranga, daughter of John Butler, carpenter, and Mary Butler, nee Pictoro. [RG 1889 + notice in Bay of Plenty Times 28 Nov 1899, p2]
On 18 November 1892, at the Registrar�s Office, Rotorua, Stanley Robinson, 26 years, settler, bachelor, born Penrose residing Rotorua to Margaret Ngahuia Douglas, 19 years, spinster, born Tauranga, residing Rotorua. Divorced 16 March 1922. [RG 1892]
A marriage took place on Wednesday last, the contracting parties being Miss Martha Fenton and Mr Ebb Robinson. We wish them health, prosperity and a happy life. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Feb 1897, p2]
Mr Walter Robinson, formerly on the staff of the Bay of Plenty Times was today married at Palmerston North, to Miss George of that place. Wish you luck dear boy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Jan 1894, p2]
The wedding of Miss T McRae, second daughter of Mr Joseph McRae to Mr Robinson of Galatea took place a Te Puke on Thursday morning last and in consequence the township was en fete� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Jun 1895, p2]
On January 10th, at Christ Church Ohaupo, by the father of the bride, assisted by the Ven Archdeacon Willis, John Longfield, son of Edward Francis Roche JP Ohineora, Te Aroha, formerly of Johnstown House County Cork, Ireland to Isabel Constance, daughter of the Rev James Marshall MA, formerly Incumbent of St Mark�s Belfast, Ireland. [New Zealand Herald, Fri 18 Jan 1895]
Mr F Roche, who is well known to a large number of our readers as having acted for many years as manager of Mr Allan�s Oropi estate has now joined the ranks of the benedicts. Mr Roche was married on July 3 to Miss Agness Capewell at the residence of Mr John Farrell, Matamata� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 16 Jul 1906, p2]
A double wedding took place today, two sisters, daughters of Mr Harding of Greerton, being married, one to Mr A J Rolfe and the other to Mr J Kennedy. A social gathering will be held at Greerton tonight to celebrate the event. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Apr 1898, p2 + notice 22 Apr 1898]
Edwin Rose, of Te Papa, Tauranga to Catherine Marshall of Tauranga on 19 July 1870, at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
At Tauranga on April 27 1909, by the Rev Canon Jordan, Thomas Edward Rosser of Huntly to Flora, youngest daughter of L W Robinson, Oropi. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Apr 1909, p2]
The marriage of the Hon Randolph T Rowley, youngest son of the late and brother of the present Lord Langford with Rosetta, youngest daughter of Thos H Fletcher Esq Holmwood, Katikati was solemnised on Thursday 4th inst. The ceremony was performed by the Rev E J McFarland at the residence of the bride�s father� [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 9 Oct 1883, p2 long article]
On Thursday 20 March, at Holmwood, Katikati, by the Rev Canon Johnston, Andrew Stern, only surviving son of the late R M Roy Esq of Hutton Park, Alloa NB to Grace Adelaide, eldest daughter of Thomas H Fletcher Esq of Holmwood, formerly of Prospect House, Dalkey, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 27 Mar 1884, p2]
John Richard Rushton of Opotiki, bachelor, over 21 years to Rebecca Te Ranga Te Para of Opotiki, over 21 years, by A N Brown on 20 September 1869 at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
Yesterday afternoon the picturesque of Mr N Dickey, Otumoetai, was the scene of a very pretty and interesting wedding, the contracting parties being Mr John William Rusling of Inglewood and Miss May Rodgers, late of Belfast, Ireland and niece of Mr N Dickey. The officiating clergyman was the Rev W Gillies� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Apr 1906, p2]
On Wednesday Jun 17, at St Mary�s Parnell, by the Rev F G Evans, vicar of St Mark�s Te Aroha, Thomas Russell of Auckland to Mabel Elizabeth, second daughter of E Y Cox of Shaftesbury, Te Aroha. [New Zealand Herald, Fri 19 Jun 1896]
A quiet and interesting wedding was solemnised at Rotorua on Wednesday last when Lieutenant L C Ryan was married to Miss Irene Loris Penn, youngest daughter of the late Mr W H Penn and Mrs Penn. Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6760, 23 August 1916, Page 2]
On July 6, 1910, at Maunga Marama, Papamoa, by the Rev. A. H. Norrie, Allan McNair Ryburn, of Te Puke, to Mary Winifred Bennett, elder daughter of W. A. Bennett, of Maunga Marama, Papamoa.
[Bay Of Plenty Times 11 July 1910, Page 2]
Yesterday morning a quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the residence of Mr and Mrs Gavin Wallace, Te Puke, when Mr Martyn H Ryburn, fifth son of Mr R N Ryburn of Remuera, Auckland was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Mary Wilson Wallace, second daughter of Mr Gavin Wallace of Te Puke� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Jan 1908, p2]
A quite but pretty wedding was solemnised at the residence of the bride's parents, Tauranga Experimental Farm, last Tuesday morning when Miss May Berridge, eldest daughter of Mr W C Berridge was united in matrimony to Mr Gerald Edwin Sampson, eldest son of Mr Sampson of Waerenga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6121, 8 June 1914, Page 5]
At St John's Church, Te Puke, on May 16th, 1916, by Rev. J. Hobbs, Phyllis Martha, second daughter of Joseph R. BLYTHE, of Rangiuru, to William Stevens SCOTT, of Otahuhu. [Te Puke Times 19 May 1916 p2 and p3]
On June 1, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan BA, Arundell Freke, youngest son of George Scott ICS, Blackmore Hall, Devon, England to Lucie Ethel Maud, second daughter of William Prole Harris, Lynwood, Te Puke. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Jun 1892, p2 + article]
The marriage is announced of Mr Arundel Freke Scott to Miss Helen McKnight of Exmoor, Hawkes Bay. The ceremony took place at Napier on the 7th inst. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Jun 1900, p2]
On the 12th August at St Peters Hamilton, by the Rev R O�C Biggs, Robert Seddon of Tauranga to Sarah Louisa, third daughter of Samuel Swarbrick, The Cedars, Tottenham, London. [Waikato Times, Tues 17 Aug 1886 + Bay of Plenty Times, 21 Aug 1886, p2]
On the 13th June, at Tauranga, William Seddon of Ohinemutu to E A Padfield of Gloucester, England. No cards. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 13 Jun 1887, p2]
On 19 June 1918 at St John's Anglican Church, Te Puke Owen Woodward SELF, of Te Kuiti and Winifred Olive Neil (Tui) CARPENTER [Te Puke Times 21 June 1918 p3]
On 20 January 1857 at St Barnabas, Auckland, Daniel Sellars, 25 years, mariner, bachelor to Jane Faulkner, 15 years, spinster. [RG 1857]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Te Puna Church on the 7th inst, when Mr Hayward Onslow Sharplin, seventh son of Mr and Mrs H. H. Sharplin, of Whakamaramara, was married to Frances Elizabeth Davidson, only daughter of Mrs Davidson and the late Mr J. A. M. Davidson... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7388, 22 April 1920, Page 2]
On Monday 21st inst, at the residence of the bride�s father, by the Rev P S Hay, Edward, eldest son of Joseph Sheppard of Greenwich, Kent, England to Mary Louise, second daughter of J L Vercoe Esq of Otumoetai, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 22 Jun 1880, p3 + Thur 24 Jun 1880]
On the 25th inst, at Trinity Church, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, Joseph, second son of Joseph Sheppard, Greenwich, Kent, to Harriet Ethel, second daughter of Hartis Piercy, Cameron Rd. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 25 Jul 1882, p2]
The second daughter of Mr S L Clarke, Miss Bessie Clarke was married at Otahuhu lately to Mr Shroff of the same place. The late Mr S L Clarke was one of the oldest (if not the very oldest) settlers in Tauranga and a large property holder at one time. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 25 May 1900, p2]
Today Miss Emma Bickers was united to Mr Simpson of the Thames� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 May 1900, p2]
Katikati has always been known as a settlement where the pleasures of matrimony are rightly understood and to the fullest enjoyed. On Monday 28th October, one of the happiest and most successful weddings that has ever taken place here came off with great �clat. The bridegroom was Mr William Macgregor Simpson and the bride Miss Jane McCawley, eldest daughter of Mr John McCawley jnr� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 4 Nov 1889, p2]
On January 13, at Tauranga, Leonard Simpson,of Gisborne, to Anna Josephine, daughter of Joseph L. Vercoe Esq., Otumoetai, Tauranga, New Zealand. [Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 1954, 28 January 1875, Page 2]
William Fletcher Sirdefield, bachelor, of Tauranga, over 21 years to Eliza Forbes, spinster of Tauranga, under 21 years, daughter of Robert Forbes, soldier, at Te Papa, Tauranga, by the Rev A N Brown on 17 Oct 1865. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
Te Puke. Mr F Skeet was married last week at Carterton, the young lady of his choice being Miss Teal, lately a resident of this neighbourhood. The happy couple are about to proceed to the Old Country on their honeymoon� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 6 Mar 1903, p2]
On Wednesday last, July 24, a very pretty and interesting event took place in the wedding of Miss May E Spence, eldest daughter of the late Mr S Spence and Mrs Spence of Tauranga, and Mr Harold Skellern, second son of Mrs G E Skellern of Mamaku... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 7046, 31 July 1918, Page 3]
James Slater, of Tauranga, widower, over 21 years to Catherine Brosnan, spinster of Tauranga, over 21 years, on 10 Jun 1867 by A N Brown at Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
On Monday June 10 at Tauranga Mission Chapel by the Rev Archdeacon Brown, Mr James Slater, only son of the late John Slater Esq, Manchester to Catherine, eldest daughter of the late Mr John Brosnan of Castle Island, Kerry. Home papers please copy. [Tauranga Argus, Sat 5 Jun 1867]
Angus Smith of Tauranga, bachelor to Janet McDonald, of Tauranga, spinster on 17 Mar 1865 at Tauranga by A N Brown. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
Henry Lufkin Smith, of Tauranga, widower to Agnes Macfarlane Dalziell, widow on 17 May 1875, by the Ven Archdeacon A N Brown, at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
Last Wednesday the marriage at Holy Trinity Church between Mr Amos SMITH and Miss Mabel DAVY attracted many friends and relatives of the bride and bridegroom... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XVIII, Issue 7213, 8 September 1919, Page 4]
A very pretty wedding was celebrated in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday last, when Miss Margaret DONALDSON, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Donaldson of Reefton, was married to Mr Roy SMITH, eldest son of Mr and Mrs James Smith of Te Puke... [Te Puke Times 31 August 1920 p2]
On Monday October 16, at the residence of the bride�s parents Katikati, by the Rev John Headrick, Frank Smith, youngest son of Mr W W Smith of Tauranga to Sarah Stewart, third daughter of Mr W J Gray of Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 18 Oct 1899, p2]
A wedding was celebrated in the Presbyterian Church this afternoon by the Rev Mr Pattullo, between Miss Mary Killen (2nd daughter of Mr John Killen JP of Katikati) and Mr J H Smith, son of Mr J R Smith of Auckland. A good many friends assembled to witness the ceremony and wish the happy couple good luck. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 27 Sep 1901, p2 + 2 Oct 1901]
On October 5, at Holy Trinity church, Tauranga, by the Rev Wm Goodyear (CMS), Arthur Ernest, second son of A L Smith Esq, dentist, Auckland to Florence, second daughter of E L Smith Esq, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Oct 1904, p2]
A fashionable native wedding was solemnised in the Bethlehem wharepuni on Saturday last when Mr Joseph Smith, son of the well known chief Te Mete Raukawa was united in marriage to Miss Terina Wanahi, the ceremony being performed by the Rev Father Van Dijk. The bride was prettily arrayed in orthodox European fashion and was attended by two bridesmaids� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Apr 1908, p2]
On 20th January 1863 by Rev J F Lloyd of Auckland by Special License, at the residence of the bride�s father, Esther, eldest daughter of Hibernius Smyth Esq, Woodbine House, Tauranga, third eldest daughter of the late Richard Smyth Esq, Castledowneen, Rossearberry, Co. Cork, to Henry Smyth Esq, Kauri Grove, Waitakeri, youngest son of the late Isaac Smyth Esq, Derramore, Newry. [New Zealander, 23 Jan 1863]
Mr and Mrs Snodgrass of Otumoetai celebrated their Golden Wedding ...
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXII, Issue 3421, 8 July 1896, Page 2]
On Monday 29th December, the marriage of Miss Emmeline Clayton, eldest daughter of Captain M T Clayton, British Lloyd�s Surveyor of Auckland and Mr John Snodgrass, manager of the Bank of New Zealand at Tauranga, eldest son of Mr Snodgrass of Tauranga, took place at St Mary�s Church, Parnell. The Ven Archdeacon Dudly (an old friend of Captain and Mrs Clayton) officiated. After the ceremony several friends assembled at Captain Clayton�s residence St George�s Bay-Rd, Parnell. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 13 Jan 1885, p2]
A charming wedding was celebrated at St Mary's Church on Wednesday when Miss Eileen Fitt, youngest daughter of Mrs John Fitt of Parnell, Auckland was married to Mr W P Sommerville, eldest son of Mr W Sommerville of Invercargill ... SOMMERVILLE William Prentice/FITT Eileen Kathleen [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5597, 6 January 1911, Page 2]
A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised on Wednesday 10 April at "Bradgate Villa" the residence of Mrs P Munro (sister of the bride), only the immediate friends of the bride being present. The contracting parties were Miss Evelyn Rhodes, youngest daughter of Mrs Rhodes of this town and Mr Norman Sorenson, youngest son of Mr O Sorenson of Paeroa, the ceremony being performed by the Rev William Gillies ... [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Apr 1907, p2 + 24 Apr 1907]
On Thursday last at Welcome Bay a marriage was solemnised by the Rev John Headrick between Mr R Speight of Te Puke and Miss Mary Brown second daughter of the late Mr Jonathon Brown. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 3 Jul 1899, p2 + notice 5 Jul 1899]
The marriage of Mr S Spence to Miss McDowell both of Te Puke, was celebrated in the Presbyterian Church this morning by the Rev Thomas Scott. The wedding breakfast was held subsequently at the Tauranga Hotel and a number of friends were present. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 25 May 1892, p2]
On Dec 9th, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, Charles Spencer, eldest son of Thomas Spencer, Parawai, Thames, to Isabella, second daughter of Captain Sellars, of Tauranga. [Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3494, 11 December 1879, Page 2]
On Tuesday 10th October 1854, at St Barnabas Church, by Rev J A Wilson, Archibald Hutchins, only surviving son of the late Capt Alexander Edwards Spicer of the Madras Army, to Harriet Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr James Preece, Church Missionary of Whakatane. [New Zealander, 14 Oct 1854]
Andrew Spiering, of Te Papa, Tauranga to Ellen Steele, of Te Papa, Tauranga, on 25 Feb 1869 at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga by the Rev Archdeacon A N Brown. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11, Southern Cross 9 Mar 1869, p3 + Southern Cross 9 Mar 1869, p3]
On February 16 1905, at Pitt St Methodist Church, Auckland, by the Rev C H Garland (uncle of the bride) George Edwin, third son of G F Spooner Esq of Tauranga to Kathleen Harvey, eldest daughter of T H Garland Esq of Ponsonby, Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 1 Mar 1905, p2]
On Tuesday last a quiet wedding was celebrated at the residence of Mr and Mrs J. S. Dickey, No. 3 Road, when their third daughter, Miss Bertha Dickey, was married to Mr Frederick Spreadborough. Mr David Heggie was the officiating minister. The bridegroom was supported by Mr J P Ryan, whilst Miss Jeannie Dickey was bridesmaid. After the wedding breakfast the newly-married couple motored to Rotorua for their honeymoon. [Te Puke Times 15 June 1917 p3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6881, 20 June 1917, Page 2]
On 13 September, at the residence of J S Adams Esq, Ngawaro, Tauranga, Robert Charles St Clair, son of A St Clair Inglis Esq, Waipawa, Hawkes Bay, to Nina Oliviera, daughter of Mrs Russell, Devonport, Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 17 Sep 1900, p2]
On the 10th inst, at St Matthew�s, by Rev E N Bree, William Griffin Stack, Captain 1st Waikato Regt to Anne, third daughter of the late Rev Charles Coote, Rector of Doone, Co Limerick, Ireland. [New Zealander, 12 Jun 1865]
On Wednesday last Miss Agnes L Maul, eldest daughter of Mr E Maul, Ullysses Road, Ashurst was married to Mr Edwin Standen of Tauranga ...[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XL, Issue 5781, 13 March 1912, Page 4]
On Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 a very pretty wedding was celebrated in the Presbyterian Church, the Rev. F Tucker performing the ceremony, when Miss Eileen Maud West, second daughter of Mr C F West of Tauranga was married to Mr George Henry Starnes, second son of Mr and Mrs W Starnes of Te Kuiti... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6987, 13 March 1918, Page 3]
STEEL — BIRD Te Puke. A most happy event took place at 11 o�clock yesterday morning, namely the marriage of Mr P G Steel, our most deservedly popular schoolmaster to Miss Mary Bird, the third daughter of our worthy fellow settler Mr Bird snr� [Bay of Plenty Times, 13 Jan 1890, p2]
On October 28th, at the residence of Mr C. A. Maunder, Te Matai,by Rev. Thomas Scott, M.A., K, A, Mortimer, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. W.Mortimer, of Auckland, to W Steel, son of Mrs McGhie, Paengaroa.
STEEL William Gillies/MORTIMER Catherine Annie
[Te Puke Times 31 October 1919 p2 and report p2]
On 10 February 1896 at Church of St Faiths, Rotorua, Duncan William Steele, full age, timber merchant, bachelor, born Ohaupo, Waikato, residing Rotorua, son of Samuel Steele, farmer, and Anne Steele nee McNicholl to Louisa Vickers Robinson, full age, domestic duties, spinster, born Papakura, residing Rotorua, daughter of Thomas Joseph Robinson, boarding house keeper and Mary Jane Heywood Robinson, nee Crispe. [RG 1896]
STEIN � COPELAND On August 8, 1910, at the residence of the bride's father, Reginald Stein, only son of Mrs Stein, of Katikati, to Agnes B Copeland, eldest daughter of Joseph Copeland, of Tauranga.
[Bay Of Plenty Times 5 August 1910, Page 2]
At the Methodist Church, Annandale, Sydney, NSW on February 23, the marriage was celebrated of Private George Gordon Stevens, a returned ANZAC, sixth son of Mrs A G Stevens, York Street, Parnell, Auckland and Miss Mabel Mary Haua, eldest daughter of Mrs A Haua, Camperdown, formerly of Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6990, 20 March 1918, Page 2]
March 5th, at St Peter�s Katikati, by the Rev W Katterns, George Vesey, second son of George Vesey Stewart, Mount Stewart, Katikati and County Tyrone, Ireland to Cecelia Isabella, second daughter of Thomas Goldsborough Anderson, Jesmond, Katikati, late of Northumberland, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 13 Mar 1890, p2]
On Wednesday 15th inst, the marriage of Mr Mervyn Stewart with Miss Gledstanes was solemnised at Larkspur, the residence of the bride�s mother. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Canon Johnston�The bride was attired in a rich white silk with tulle veil and wreath of orange blossoms� [Bay of Plenty Times, 18 Jun 1881, p2]
On October 8, at Judea, near Tauranga, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, Robert Oliphant, second son of the late Captain John Stewart JP for Buteshire to Mary, second daughter of the late Rev Timothy Hamilton, Rector of Killorglin, County Kerry. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 9 Oct 1884, p2]
The London correspondent of the New Zealand Herald states that a marriage will take place at the end of February between Major Cosmo Gordon Stewart D.S.O, R.F.A (temporary lieutenant colonel, general staff) son of the late Sir John Marcus Stewart, Bart of Athenry (sic), Co Tyrone, Ireland and Gladys Berry Honeyman, younger daughter of the late Mr J H Honeyman, M.D of Auckland, new Zealand and Mrs Bruce-Porter of 6 Grosvenor Street West. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5599, 11 January 1911, Page 2]
On 30 December 1880, at the Court House Whakatane, Bay of Plenty, by the Rev A C Soutar, Randolph Oliphant Stewart, eldest son of Robert Oliphant Stewart, formerly Collector of Customs and Resident Magistrate at Port Waikato, to Mary Anne, second daughter of Robert Richardson Hooper, Surgeon, Karakariki, Waikato. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 6 Jan 1881 + Waikato Times, Sat 8 Jan 1881]
On 7 June, at St Paul�s Church, Auckland, by the Rev C M Nelson, Michael Patrick Stewart to Frances, second daughter of George Vesey Stewart JP. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 10 Jun 1886, p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised on Friday of last week in St. John's Church, says the Waihi Dailyl Telegraph, the contracting parties being Miss Lily BROWN, third daughter of Mr J. A. (Val) Brown, of Mackey Street, Waihi, to Mr Lindsay STONE, late of Hamilton, and now of Bank of New Zealand, Gisborne. {[Te Puke Times 20 January 1920 p2]
A quiet but pretty wedding took place at Rotorua on July 19. The contracting parties were Mr Walter John Strevens of Sussex, England and Miss Maggie Gwendoline Kenealy, late of Tauranga. The Very Rev Father Lightheart performed the ceremony� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Aug 1899, p2]
On February 16, at Tauranga, Arthur Henry, second son of Samuel Stuart, Auckland to Emmeline Mary, eldest surviving daughter of FitzGibbon Louch CE, Val Marino, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 18 Feb 1886, p2]
On 10 October, at St Peter�s Presbyterian Church by the Rev C Worboys, Thomas, third son of the late Mr Arthur Stuart of Katikati to Blanche (Sis), eldest daughter of Mr J Maxwell, Durham St, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 11 Oct 1893, p2 + article]
On March 16, at Whakatane, BOP, by the Rev Ihia Te Ahu, Benjamin Stubbing, settler, Taupiri, Waikato, to Maria Louisa, sixth daughter of the late John Mackay, trader, Port Waikato. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 21 Mar 1874, p2 + Waikato Times, Sat 28 Mar 1874]
On Thursday the nuptials of Mr R Villers Surtees, son of Rev R Surtees, Rector of Holtby, Yorkshire, England and Miss Stewart, eldest daughter of Mr George Vesey Stewart JP, Mount Stewart, Katikati, were celebrated at the bride�s residence, Mount Stewart in the presence of a large and select company� [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 14 Jun 1879, p2, long column + notice and Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3346, 20 June 1879, Page 2]
On August 17, by the Right Rev Dr Cowie Bishop of Auckland, Fred Swindley, late King�s Royal Irish Hussars, to Florence, only daughter of Major-General J H Stoddard of Katikati, Tauranga. [Waikato Times, Thur 19 Aug 1880 and Thames Advertiser, Volume XIII, Issue 3683, 19 August 1880, Page 2] On the 17th Aug. at Auckland, New Zealand by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Auckland, Fred. Swindley Esq., late King's Royal Irish Hussars to Florence, only daughter of Major-General T H Stoddard, Madras Staff Corps, of Katikati, Tauranga. [he Times (London, England), Thursday, Oct 28, 1880; pg. 1; Issue 30024]
SYKES — KING February 27, by the Registrar, Christchurch, W J Sykes, dental surgeon of Christchurch to E H King, second daughter of David King Esq Grosvenor Square London. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 14 Apr 1883, p2]
On April 17, at St Matthew�s Church, Auckland, by the Rev L FitzGerald, James, eldest son of John Tabb, of Opotiki, to Maria, fourth daughter of the late John Milne, of Te Aroha. [New Zealand Herald, Tues 7 May 1895]
Maketu. This usually quiet going place was en fete on Thursday last on the occasion of a double wedding which took place on that day�the other couple were Takuira, son of Mita Tahoke and Miss Pare, daughter of Ngawhika. The fathers of the two last named are also leading men in the neighbourhood. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Sep 1900, p2]
Mr S Tanner of this town who was married last week to Miss Andrew of Pakuranga returned here last evening with his bride from Auckland via Rotorua. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 11 May 1900, p2]
On Tuesday Mr Joe Tanner, the well known footballer, was married by the Rev C Jordan to Miss Ayres. After a sumptuous wedding breakfast partaken of by the numerous friends of the bride and bridegroom the happy couple departed to Katikati for their honeymoon amid the usual tempest of rice etc. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 10 Jul 1890, p4]
A wedding of considerable interest took place at Holy Trinity Church by the Rev. E D Rice, on Wednesday morning when Mr W Tanner, youngest son of Mr Thos. Tanner was married to Miss Nellie Blomquist, youngest daughter of Mr J Blomquist ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLII, Issue 6060, 9 January 1914, Page 5]
On Wednesday last Mr Henry Tanner was married to Miss Violet Corbett in Auckland. The happy pair are expected to arrive here on Wednesday next. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 12 Mar 1894, p2]
On September 10, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Rev Chas Jordan BA, Barbara Allan, only daughter of Mr Peter Grant of Tauranga to Samuel, sixth son of the late Jonathon Tanner, Cork, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Sep 1894, p2 + article]
On March 4, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Lord Bishop of Waiupu, Thomas Tanner of Tauranga to Mary, eldest daughter of Henry McDowell of Te Puke, formerly of Hillsborough, County Down, Ireland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 6 Mar 1884, p2]
On Easter Saturday a wedding took place at St Peter's Church, Wellington, the happy pair being Miss Minnie Phillips, younger daughter of Mr J Phillips of Wanganui and Mr G H Tanner (Customs Department), eldest son of Mr T B Tanner, of Coromandel and formerly headmaster of the Tauranga Public School. TANNER George Harold Augustus/PHILLIPS Maria [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5643, 26 April 1911, Page 2]
Maketu. This usually quiet going place was en fete on Thursday last on the occasion of a double wedding which took place on that day. One of the happy couples consisted of Menehira Tapihana, better known as Kiharoa, son of the well known Native chief Retireti Tapihana and Miss Hariata H Matenga, daughter of Hare Matenga, Native Assessor of the Bay of Islands, now engaged at the Land Court here� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Sep 1900, p2]
On Saturday last a wedding took place in the Presbyterian Church between Miss Minnie Stewart, third daughter of Mr John Stewart of Tauranga and Mr C Tapper of Auckland, the ceremony being performed by the Rev Thos. Scott MA� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 24 Feb 1896, p2 + notice 26 Feb 1896]
Long will April 5 be held in remembrance by the residents of this beautiful sequestered spot, Maketu, in that it was the wedding day of Mr Kiri Tapsell and Miss Pirihama. The bridegroom is a grandson of Tohi Te Ururangi, who fought so nobly for the Queen�s supremacy of New Zealand. The bride is a daughter of Hirama, a Tauranga chief. The happy couple were united in the bonds of Holy matrimony by the Rev Haumea� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Apr 1899, p2]
At the church of the Holy Trinity, Tauranga, by the Rev C Jordan, John Taylor of Auckland to Jane Waldren of Coromandel. Coromandel papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 29 Sep 1882, p2]
On July 17, at St George�s Thames, by the Rev W Calder, Arthur William, second son of Mr Thomas Taylor, Te Aroha to Ann, eldest daughter of Mr George Devey, cabinet maker, Te Aroha, late of the Thames. [Te Aroha News, Sat 4 Aug 1883]
At Trinity Church, Tauranga, on September 2nd, by the Rev Charles Jordan, BA, John Henry Taylor of Ohinemutu, to Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of James Campny, Esq., of Tauranga. Home Papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, 4 Sep 1884, p2 + article same day + 20 Sep 1884]
On February 4th, at Trinity Church, by the Rev C Jordan, William Henry Taylor of Taranaki to Lucy, fifth daughter of John Fielding of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 6 Feb 1890, p2]
A native wedding of considerable interest was celebrated at Opureora (Matakana Island) on Sunday last�the contracting parties being Timi te Kuka, (eldest son of Te Kuka, a well known resident of Matakana Island) and Rangi Enoka (daughter of Enoka and granddaughter of the chief Hori Ngatai). The marriage ceremony was performed in the large meeting house by Rev Father Van Dijk� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 27 Feb 1907, p2]
On November 6, at the residence of the bride�s parents Cameron Rd, Tauranga, by the Rev J W Worboys, William Thomas, eldest son of the late Robert Teasey of Caledon, Ireland to Ada Kate, eldest daughter of Joseph Brain of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 Nov 1899, p2 + article + 24 Nov 1899]
On Saturday afternoon a very pretty wedding took place at Palm Nursery, the residence of the bride�s parents when Mr William Tennant, well known in business circles in Wellington was married to Miss Kate Berridge, second daughter of Mr and Mrs W C Berridge of this town� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 2 Sep 1907, p2]
On March 1, at the residence of the bride�s sister Mrs Walter H Dunnage, Waipapa, by the Rev Canon Johnston BA, Arthur Henry Thistlethwaite, third son of the late William Thistlethwaite Esq of Nantwich, Cheshire, England to Edith Eleanor Kensington, second daughter of Frederick Bridges Kensington Esq of Mt View, Oropi, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 7 Mar 1904, p2]
On Friday last Miss Ada Mitchell, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Tai Mitchell, of Rotorua, was married, to Lieut. J. Thompson. The ceremony was performed by Chaplain-Captain Hanby, of the Church of England Institute for Soldiers. [Te Puke Times 1 April 1919, Page 2]
On May 7, at the residence of the Resident Magistrate, Robert Thompson Esq of Londonderry, Ireland to Sarah, second daughter of James Shaw Esq, Drumcliffe, Sligo, Ireland. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 May 1874, p2]
On November 16, at St Mary�s Roman Catholic Church by the Rev Father Bloomfield, Walter August Thomsen of Rotorua to Lizzie Geraldine Kenealy of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 16 Nov 1898 + article + 21 Nov 1898]
On July 22, at Prospect Cottage, Katikati, the residence of the bride�s parents, by the Rev T A Williams, Thames, Guy, younger son of Mr J Thornton, Principal of Te Aute College to Eleanor, eldest daughter of Mr John Wilson, Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Aug 1902, p2 + article]
On January 8, at St Mary�s Church, Wimbledon, England, ? Thwaites, Registrar of the Supreme Court of the Island of Ceylon to Sophy, second daughter of the late D B Thornton, formerly of Remuera (Auckland, St Petersburg and ? Wimbledon. NZ papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 21 Mar 1882, p2]
On Monday at the residence of the bride�s parents, Sixth Ave, our talented young musician Mr Thomas Chamberlin Tims was married by the Rev Mr Headrick to Miss Edith Tovey, in the presence of the parents and a few friends. The happy couple proceeded the following day to Rotorua for their honeymoon. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 21 Jun 1899, p2 + long notice 28 Jun 1899]
On the 23rd January 1918 at St Peter's Parish Church of St Peter, Birkdale, Lancashire by the Rev E C Collier M.A Vicar, the Rev. Charles Edward O'Hara Tobin C.F.N.Z.E.F, eldest son of the late William Henry John Tobin of 'Nevis' Tauranga, NZ to Mary Edith (Sissie), eldest daughter of the late James Gordon Walsh M.D, of Ormskirk, Lancashire and granddaughter of the late William Carter of Willow Hill, Manchester. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6989, 18 March 1918, Page 2 and The Times (London, England), Saturday, Jan 26, 1918; pg. 1; Issue 41697]
The marriage of Miss Anderson to Mr Tollemache took place yesterday at Holy Trinity Church, the Rev Chas Jordan BA performing the ceremony. We beg to tender our congratulations. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 16 Jul 1897, p2 + notice]
On 22 February 1908, at Tauranga, by the Rev W Gillies, Kenneth Francis Tovey, youngest son of Captain Tovey-Tennant, late 70th Regiment to Vivienne Mildred Shearman, eldest daughter of Robert Clark Shearman Esq, formerly of Canterbury and Wellington. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 26 Feb 1908, p2]
A wedding took place at Coromandel on Tuesday between Mr Alexander Tovey, of Ohura, eldest son of Captain Tovey-Tennant of Tauranga and Miss Jessie Clare, elder daughter of Colonel Roberts, for many years SM at Tauranga but now of Auckland� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 18 Mar 1910, p2]
Mr T L Travers, solicitor, Wellington was married yesterday to Miss Theodora L Barclay, daughter of Captain Barclay, formerly of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, 10 Apr 1891, p2]
On May 31, at St Matthew�s Church, Auckland, by the Rev David Jones, Captain Tunks, 1st Waikatos, to Bessie, youngest daughter of the late John Boylan Esq, Phepotstown House, County Meath, Ireland. No cards. [Southern Cross, Thur 2 Jun 1864, p3]
On March 25, at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Auckland, by the Ven-Archdeacon Dudley, Charles James Tunks, third son of the late Captain Thomas Tunks (68th Durham Light Infantry), Tauranga to Amy Ross Howard, youngest daughter of the late John Davis of City Rd, Symonds St, Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 29 Mar 1893, p2]
TUNKS — KIRK On December 26, by the Rev Wm Gillies, a the residence of the bride�s parents, Alfred Francis Daly, youngest son of the late Captain Thomas Tunks, 68th DLI to Fanny Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Henry Kirk of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Dec 1907, p2 + article]
On Tuesday last a very pretty wedding was solemnised at "Tai Tapu", the residence of the bride�s parents, the contracting parties being Mr Harold Richard Turnbull, eldest son of Mr Richard Turnbull of Wellington and Miss Emily Louisa, only daughter of Mr G A Lindemann of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 3 May 1907, p2]
On 4th January, at St Peter�s Church, Wellington, by the Rev A M Johnson MA, Frederick Arthur James Turner of Aramoho, Wanganui, youngest son of Captain A C Turner of the Lands and Survey Department Wellington to Florence Beatrice, sixth daughter of the late Henry Davis, accountant Bank of Australia, Wellington. [Evening Post, 6 Jan 1899]
On December 16, at the residence of the bride, by the Rev Charles Jordan BA, Charles Barker Ross Turner, eldest son of Captain A C Turner to Mary Ella, youngest daughter of H C Hoyte Esq, both of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 18 Dec 1886, p2 + article]
On June 21st at the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. H Rattray, William Henry Turner, second son of Mr and Mrs Rutland Turner of Wainui to Hilda Marie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Morton of Orena, Aongatete. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6724, 28 June 1916, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6726, 30 June 1916, Page 2]
An enjoyable afternoon tea party was held in No. 3 School (Katikati), on Wednesday, when the numerous friends of Miss Ethel Stewart (elder daughter of Mr Mervyn Archdale Stewart) met to make her a presentation as a memento of their feeing of regsrd and affection upon the occasion of her marriage early next month with Mr Robert Rutland Turner, of Wainui... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6700, 31 May 1916, Page 4 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6719, 22 June 1916, Page 4]
On 2 October, by the Rev Wilkins, at his own residence, Montreaor? Beresford, fourth son of A C Turner, Tauranga, NZ to Annie, third daughter of Alfred Townsend Esq of Kerang, Vic. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 21 Nov 1889, p2 + article]
On the 28th August, at the residence of the bride�s father, Otumoetai, by the Rev C Jordan BA, Incumbent, Fairfax Hassard Turner Esq CE to Frances, third daughter of J L Vercoe Esq. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 30 Aug 1884, p2]
On 27 September at the Anglican Church, Katikati, by the Rev Canon Johnston, assisted by the Rev William Katterns, William Tuthill of Katikati to Mary Hannah Anderson, eldest daughter of Thomas G Anderson Esq of Jesmond, Katikati. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 10 Oct 1888, p2]
Many at any rate of the residents of Tauranga will remember Miss Rose M Brabant, third daughter of Mr H W Brabant, formerly SM here for many years and will be interested to learn that on Thursday of last week she was married at Napier Cathedral to Mr W M Tyers of the Land and Income Tax Dept in the presence of a large and fashionable gathering of friends. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 9 Sep 1904, p2]
On June 20th 1916, at St Aiden's Church, Remuera by the Ven. Archdeacon MacMurray, Alexander Richard Torrane, eldest son of the late Alexander Vesey Urquhart to Eva Pembroke, second daughter of Mary L Sheppard, the Camp, Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 1872, 13 July 1916, Page 2]
William Varney, of Te Papa to Frances Gardener of Te Papa on 15 December 1866, by the Ven Archdeacon A N Brown at Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
On Wednesday last, the marriage of Miss Maude Bennett to Mr H A Vercoe was celebrated at the residence of the bride�s parents "Norwood" in the presence of a large number of friends�the Rev Mr Goodyear officiated� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 1 Dec 1893, p4]
Te Puke. An event of considerable local importance and which was favoured with the choicest of weather eventuated Wednesday when Miss E Bird was untied in wedlock to Mr Charles Vercoe�first marriage ceremony in the new church� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 28 Jun 1901, p2]
The marriage of Miss Minnie Edwards, daughter of Mr J T Edwards, Ohaupo and Mr George W Vercoe (of McNicol & Co), third son of Mr J L Vercoe of Tauranga was solemnised on Wednesday July 26 at the residence of the bride�s parents, the Rev Father Gorney officiating. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 9 Aug 1905, p2]
On October 29, at Suva, Fiji, Henry James, son of Henry Vickery, builder of Tauranga to Kate, second daughter of Mr T Dawson, Opotiki. [Bay of Plenty Times, Tues 6 Jan 1885, p2]
Auckland. On Saturday at Epiphany Church, Harold Sebastian Vogan of Tauranga was married to Alice Winkleman, formerly of Bradford, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 29 Apr 1889, p2]
At Paengaroa, Thomas WALDROM and Miss SUTTON...
WALDRON Thomas Alexander/SUTTON Ellen Elizabeth McKee
[Te Puke Times 18 August 1916 p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6759, 21 August 1916, Page 3]
The wedding was solemnised at St John's Church , Te Puke of Wednesday last of Miss Marjorie Bennett (second daughter of Major W A Bennett and Mrs Bennett of Papamoa) and Mr J Huntly Walker (Son of Mr J Ferrier Walker and Mrs Walker of Dannevirke)... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6678, 1 May 1916, Page 2]
Maketu was en fete on Wednesday last June 17, the occasion being the wedding of Mrs Robertson�s second daughter to Mr George Wallace of Te Puke. The old saying �Happy is the bride the sun shines on�, occurred to many that afternoon as it was almost like summer, for the first time in weeks. The ceremony was performed by the Rev W Goodyear of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 22 Jun 1903, p2]
At Te Puke Robert WALSH of Auckland to Bessie McEWEN, eldest daughter of late Mr D J McEWEN [Te Puke Times 10 October 1913 p3]
On September 2, at St Saviour�s Redfern, by the Rev J H Price, Frederick Gill, youngest son of the late Abraham Warbrick of Tauranga, Auckland, NZ to Florence Conder, late of Humpybong, Brisbane, only daughter of John Conder Esq of Sydney. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 2 Oct 1895, p2]
A pretty wedding was solemnised at the residence of Mr A W Anderson, Cameron Road on Monday when Mr Henry Percy Ward, eldest son of the late Mr H Ward, of Pahiatua was united in matrimony to Miss Ellen Jane Anderson, second daughter of Mr A W Anderson of Tauranga ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 5643, 26 April 1911, Page 2]
On Saturday April 8, at the residence of the bride�s parents, Tadmore Valley, nelson, by the Rev C W Jennings, Gerard Arnold, youngest son of the Rev Horatio Ward, Morville, England to Lottie, youngest daughter of Samuel Goodall Esq, JP, late Inspector of Police. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 10 Apr 1893, p2]
Mr H S Wardell, who was recently RM at Napier has been married to Mrs Sheehan, widow of the late John Sheehan. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 10 Oct 1890, p2]
At Holy Trinity Church on January 21, by Rev Davies, Alfred Washer of the "Pines", Te Puke to Alice Marguerite, widow of the late Horace Collett, Stock Inspector, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Jan 1907, p2 + article]
A wedding which-created a great deal of interest was solemnized in St John's Church, Te Puke on Thursday afternoon, the contracting parties being Mr A H WASHER, second son of the late Mr A Washer, a pioneer settler of Te Puke, and Miss Ethel JUDD, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Judd, of Paengaroa ... JUDD Ethel Minnie/WASHER Alfred Hawkings [Te Puke Times 9 January 1920 p2]
At Wellington, yesterday Mr Harold WASHER, fifth son of the late Mr A. Washer, was married to Miss Elsie STONE, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Stone, Queen's, Drive, Lyall Bay, Wellington. [Te Puke Times 9 January 1920 p2]
At Te Aroha, on Wednesday last, the marriage of Mr Cecil Frederick Washer, third son of Mr A Washer of Tauranga to Miss M Wright, eldest daughter of Mr P Wright of Te Aroha and formerly of Pongakawa was solemnised by the Rev W Blair. The newly married couple arrived here by steamer yesterday and will make their future home in Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 23 Mar 1910, p2]
On April 11, at the residence of the bride�s mother, by the Rev W A Sinclair, George, eldest son of Joseph Watkins, Queens County, Ireland to Elizabeth, second daughter of the late Henry Bickers, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 12 Apr 1895 + article]
On October 18, at St Mark�s Remuera, by the Rev W Calder, Ernest Robert, eldest son of the late Robert Webb of HM dockyard, Portsmouth, to Catherine Jane (Katie), second daughter of B C Beale MD, Ponsonby, Auckland, NZ. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 30 Oct 1893, p2 + article]
On Wednesday last at the marriage of Mr J C Webster to Miss Finch, among the presents was one handed in by Mr H B Armitage on behalf of twenty seven old Tauranga friends of the bridegroom� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Mar 1895, p2]
The marriage of Miss Lily Jones, youngest daughter of the late Mr J Jones of Taheke, Hokianga to Mr Arthur Webster, youngest son of the late Mr T W Webster of Kaiwaka, Kaipara was quietly solemnised in St Luke's Church Rotorua on Wednesday morning, June 25th ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5986, 18 July 1913, Page 3]
On May 10, 1927 at Tauranga, New Zealand, Lieut-Com Cyril J West, Royal Navy, only surviving son of William West of Croydon, to Vera, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Claude Cyril Aurbrey De Vere Courtenay, of Mount Maunganui, Tauranga, New Zealand. [The Times (London, England), Friday, May 27, 1927; pg. 1; Issue 44592]
The many Tauranga and Te Puke friends of Mr J West the popular travelling representative for Messes L. D. Nathan and Co., and formerly ot the Official Assignee's Office, Auckland, will be interested to know that he has joined the ranks of the benedicts, having been married in Auckland last month to Miss M Montgomery (sister of Mr A. Montgomery, of Te Puke). Mr and Mr West spent their honey-moon in Rotorua, Upper Thames, and the Bay Of Plenty, and leave Tauranga on their return to Auckland during the current week.
[Bay Of Plenty Times 8 August 1910, Page 2]
On November 16 at Auckland, Mr W G Weston, second son of Mr G Weston of Te Puke was married to Miss Florence Sheard, third daughter of Mr J Sheard of Auckland. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 7 Dec 1906, p2]
At St Peter�s Church, by the Rev Mr Headrick, John Brownlie Whitcombe to Jane Cuthbertson, both of Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 8 Dec 1897, p2 + article]
On June 24th, 1916, at St. David's Presbyterian Church, Colombo Street, Christchurch, by the Rev. C. Murray, M.A,, Stanley, only son of Silas WHITE, of Te Pule, Bay of Plenty, to Agnes, elder daughter of David Bruce, of Beckenham, Christchurch, Canterbury [Te Puke Times 30 June 1916 p2]
Opotiki. Yesterday we had the first wedding celebrated in the restored church conducted by the officiating minister the Rev A C Soutar, between Mr A White, Sergeant A C Force and Miss Wilmett. There was quite a concourse of spectators and friends on the occasion and the happy couple left for Te Teko the same day followed by the good wishes of all. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 2 Oct 1875, p3]
On October 16th, at Holy Trinity Church, Tauranga, by the Ven Archdeacon Tuke, Edward T. Whitehorn, fifth son of the late William Whitehorn and Mrs Whitehorn, of Rona Bay, Wellington, to Myra Lucy, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs C. F. Hulme, "St. Maur" 1st Avenue, Tauranga.
[Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6927, 20 October 1917, Page 2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVI, Issue 6929, 26 October 1917, Page 2]
WHITI — NOKO Mrs Noko, the juvescent widow of the late Captain Reid was married, says the Poverty Bay Standard to Hone Whiti (John White), a youth who will probably never see his fiftieth, possibly sixtieth summer again in grand style at the church of the Holy Trinity by the Ven Archdeacon William on Tuesday at 12 o�clock� four hundred guests. [Bay of Plenty Times, Sat 8 Nov 1879, p2]
On 23 June 1920 at St John's Anglican Church, Te Puke
Wilfred Edmund Deacon WICKHAM to Lucy Caroline CARPENTER
[Te Puke Times 25 June 1920 p2 and report p2]
On Wednesday October 2, at the residence of the bride�s parents, by the Rev F G Evans, Arthur Allen, fifth son of Allen R WIGHT Esq of Paeroa, Thames to Clarice Fannie, eldest daughter of Robert NOBLE Esq Woodlands, Kaniwhaniwha and Waipa. [Waikato Times, Sat 12 Oct 1895]
A very pretty wedding was celebrated on August 28th at St Peter's Church, Katikati between Miss Kathleen Gledstanes, second daughter or Mr E H Gledstanes, J.P of 'Levley', Katikati and Mr John Henry Wilkins of Waipukurau... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 7060, 2 September 1918, Page 2]
On December 31st, 1912 at the residence of the bride's parents, Cameron Road, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, NZ by the Rev A C Wedderspoon, Stephen George, eldest son of H C Willcock Esq., Cambridge East, London, South Africa to Mary McCoy, elder daughter of J Gilmore Esq., of Tauranga. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5903, 3 January 1913, Page 2 and report]
At the residence of Mr C. L. Luke, Te Puke, on September 8, bv the Rev. Thos. Scott, M.A., Nellie Caroline, youngest daughter of Nurse BROWN, of Te Puke, to Royden, son of Mr Alfred WILLIAMS, of Wellington. [Te Puke 16 September 1919 p2 and report p2]
On Tuesday January 12, at the residence of the bride�s father, by the Rev G T Marshall, Thomas Owen Williams of Opotiki to Henty May, eldest daughter of J B Chappell of Topcroft, Tauranga. [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 13 Jan 1892, p2 + article]
On June 18, at Trinity Church, Tauranga, NZ, by the Rev C Jordan BA, Charles Willmott Esq to Emily, eldest daughter of John Alfred Fairbrass Esq. English papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 19 Jun 1896, p2 + article]
The residents of Te Puna Point had a gala day on Wednesday February 17th when Miss Agnes McMorrine, fourth daughter of Mrs James McMorrine was married to Mr George Wilson of Auckland. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride�s mother by the Rev W Gillies of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 26 Feb 1904, p2]
At the Presbyterian Church this morning Mr T H Wilson (sic) of Te Puke was united in matrimony to Miss Edith M Keeffe (sic), the ceremony being performed by Rev. A C Wedderspoon. WILSONE Thomas Herbert/KEEFE Edith Mary [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5946, 16 April 1913, Page 2]
A quiet but pretty wedding took place this afternoon at the residence of Mr Thomas Collins, Waihi, when Albert Wilton, third son of the late Mr J Wilton, Thames, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Eliza, second daughter of Mr P Collins of Tauranga� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Jun 1905, p2]
George Wittenbaker, of Maketu and Emma Louisa Cresswell of Tauranga married 30 Aug 1865 at Mission Chapel, Te Papa, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
On December 15, at S Paul�s Wellington, by the Rev T H Sprott MA, James G Wolferstan of Tauranga, formerly of Tavistock, Devon to Ethel Marian, daughter of the late R Newberry Cobbett and Mrs Cobbett, Hayne Rd, Belkenham, London. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 30 Dec 1892, p4]
On the 6th inst at the residence of the bride�s father, by Mr James Hinton, Baptist Minister, Thomas, third son of Mr William Wood, late of City Rd, London, bookseller to Amelia Frances Cooper, eldest daughter of Mr R C Cooper of St Clements Lodge, Upper Grey St, Shortland� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 17 Jan 1877, p2]
3 May 1909 Bainbridge Memorial Church, Rotorua
Charles Henry WRATHALL, 25, coachdriver, bachelor, born Whangarei, Residence Present Rotorua, Usual Rotorua Parents William Edward WRATHALL, bush contractor, Mary Jane AUSTEN.
Charlotte WICKS, 20, Domestic Duties, spinster, born Te Puke, Residence Present Rotorua, Usual Rotorua Parents Sydney Buckingham WICKS, Charlotte (sic) TIPPETT [RG 1909]
At the Presbyterian Church, Tauranga, on Wednesday last, Mr John WRIGHT, of Te Puke, second son of Mrs Wright, of Tauranga and the late Mr p Wright of Te Aroha, was married to Miss Margaret Ann CARLETON, youngest daughter of Mrs A. Carleton, of Tauranga...[Te Puke Times 8 August 1916 p3 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLIV, Issue 6752, 4 August 1916, Page 3]
On January 9, at St Benedict�s Church, Auckland, by the Rev Father Downey OSB, Joshua, youngest son of James Wright Esq, Coledon, Co Tyrone, Ireland to Marie, second daughter of the late William Henry Clarkson Esq, Hull Yorkshire, England. [Bay of Plenty Times, Thur 11 Jan 1883, p2]
On May 1, at the residence of the bride�s parents Aongatete, William Oscar, eldest son of Oliver Wright, Greerton to Matilda Emma, fourth daughter of Edward Earl. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 6 May 1907, p2]
A pretty wedding was celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents on Wednesday last, the contracting parties being Miss Charlotte Earl, fourth daughter of Mr E Earl, to Mr Sydney Wright, a young settler in this district (Aongatete) ... [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5997, 13 August 1913, Page 7]
On April 7, at St Mark�s Church, Te Aroha by Rev F G Evans, Hugh Charles Wright, the youngest son of Dr F W Wright of Auckland to Emma Wainwright, youngest daughter of the late Abraham M Wainwright of Te Aroha. [New Zealand Herald, Sat 18 Apr 1896]
Our Opotiki correspondent, amongst other items, telegraphs the news of the marriage of Mr Richard Wright, the Opotiki agent of the NSS Co to Miss Polly Wyatt, the youngest daughter of the esteemed headmaster of the Opotiki District School� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 3 Jan 1883, p2 + fuller article]
On November 7, at the Wesleyan Church, Yandoit, by the Rev R O Cook, James Frederick, eldest son of Firth Wrigley of Tauranga, New Zealand to Martha Jean, eldest daughter of C B Cook of Yandoit, Victoria. [Bay of Plenty Times, Fri 25 Nov 1892]
On March 24th at All Saints Church, Ponsonby, Auckland by the Ven. Archdeacon Calder, John youngest son of the late Firth Wrigley, Tauranga to Louisa Alice, elder daughter of Charles E Matthews, Solicitor, Auckland. [Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLI, Issue 5949, 23 April 1913, Page 2]
At Te Puke, on May 24, by the Rev Mr Spencer, George Wrigley, son of the late T D Wrigley to Georgina Mabel Rotheram, eldest daughter of the late Caleb Charles Rotheram of Liverpool, England. Home papers please copy. [Bay of Plenty Times, Mon 28 May 1888, p2 + fuller article same day]
On 5 June 1894, at Church of St Faith, Rotorua, Frederick Read Wykes, 32 years, boot closer, bachelor, born Rugby, Warwickshire, England, residing Rotorua, son of Read Wykes, boot closer and Sarah Wykes, nee Webster to Zillah Hadfield Robinson, 25 years, spinster, born Mauku, Auckland, daughter of Thomas Joseph Robinson, boarding house keeper and Mary Jane Heywood, nee Crispe. [RG 1894]
A quiet wedding was celebrated, in St. John's Church this morning, when Miss Chapman, eldest daughter of the Rev. J. and Mrs Chapman, was married to Mr Warren Young, only son of Dr and Mrs Young, of Whakatane, and formerly of Te Puke. YOUNG Warren Hastings/CHAPMAN Daisy Clare
[Te Puke Times 2 January 1917 p2 and Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XLV, Issue 6811, 3 January 1917, Page 2
George Young, bachelor of Tauranga to Margaret Low, spinster of Tauranga, on 5 Jun 1872, by the Ven Archdeacon A N Brown, at the Mission Chapel, Tauranga. [Brown, Alfred Nesbitt Papers, Reel 11]
A very interesting ceremony took place at St Peter�s Church, Onehunga on the 21st inst, when Miss S A Mulgan, youngest daughter of the Rev W E Mulgan incumbent of the parish was married to Lionel Vaux Zinzan, only son of the late Dr Zinzan� [Bay of Plenty Times, Wed 28 Aug 1895, p2]