The Southern Cross began as a weekly paper in Auckland on 22 April 1843. In 1862 it became the first daily newspaper in Auckland, changing its name to the Daily Southern Cross. The Southern Cross was merged with the New Zealand Herald, which is still published today, in 1876.
These have been kindly indexed by Jacqueline Walles. If you think any of these entries belong to you, they can be researched in greater detail through the Papers Past website. There are sometimes follow-ups at later dates.
05 January 1869 - Sydney INGRAM, crushed by a fall of coal at Kawakawa.
05 January 1869 - Inquest on Sarah KENT (an African negress).
07 January 1869 - Benjamin SHORT, drowned at Mahurangi.
21 January 1869 - Captain Eugene HAYMET, of the Kate Grant died at his residence, Grey-street, yesterday after a short illness.
25 January 1869 - Mr Michael WOOD, Auckland settler died Saturday aged 42.
25 January 1869 - A lad named Joseph MURRAY whose father resides in Auckland, died at the Thames from injuries sustained in a fall from a tree.
01 February 1869 - John WEBB, aged about 20, died after leaping from aloft the rigging of the Queen Bee. 01 & 02 Feb 1869.
02 February 1869 - James CASEY, aged 13, of injuries sustained when a horse bolted. Also 03 Feb 1869.
02 February 1869 - Joseph PORTHOUSE, Royal Hotel, Bridge-street, Nelson, committed suicide on 22 ult.
02 February 1869 - James REID was found Mr Thomas Redworth's Marlborough property with his throat cut in a most frightful manner.
02 February 1869 - Emma Fletcher BARTLETT, aged 16 months, daughter of R H Bartlett, carpenter, of Toitoi Valley, scalded to death.
02 February 1869 - Margaret WHITAKER of Clyde, died suddenly.
02 February 1869 - Two little daughters of Mr WELLS, farmer at Moutere, ate a quantity of tutu berries and became seriously ill. The younger child, a girl aged 7, died and her sister is in a very precarious state.
02 February 1869 - A man named MARTIN, barman at the Devonshire Arms, committed suicide.
02 February 1869 - Mr Arthur NEATE, a young man working on Howell & Meeks station as a Cadet, was found dead and a pistol was found close to the body.
04 February 1869 - Donald LAMOND, Kawakawa, fell overboard from one of the barges and was drowned.
05 February 1869 - A young man was crushed at Point Russell while working with timber. Later identified as Charles FLOWER [16 Feb 1869]
05 February 1869 - George Judd SELLARS, aged 12 months, did at Nelson-street when the lid of an open trunk fell on him.
09 February 1869 - Mr William WAYMOUTH, son of Mr Waymouth, accountant, died on Thursday last at he Bay of Islands. He was accidentally pitched from his horse whilst crossing one of the small rivulets that run down from the mountains to the beach. settlement.
09 February 1869 - Funeral of the late Mr A FROST.
10 February 1869 - William CARBISS, master of the Agens was drowned whilst going on board his vessel lying at the Reid's Wharf, Turanganui.
13 February 1869 - William BEEDEN fell down a shaft at the Thames and sustained very serious injuries. He has since died.
13 February 1869 - A man named MITCHELL drowned at Ohinemuri
13 February 1869 - William WOOD, an Auckland settler, died Saturday 23 January, aged 42.
13 February 1869 - John RYAN, drowned on 27 January whilst crossing the Whangapoa bar.
15 February 1869 - Edwin DAVY, surveyor, drowned while bathing near Shortland on Saturday last. Also 16 & 17 February 1869
16 February 1869 - A child named Alfred BACHELOR, son of a settler at Awhitu, drowned in a creek.
19 February 1869 - The youngest son of H R AUBREY, R.M. Whangarei Heads, aged 2 � has died on 10th inst after eating the heads off a box of wax vestas.
19 February 1869 - Mr D WILSON's son was accidentally drowned in a well near his parents' house last Saturday.
19 February 1869 - Thomas WHITE, aged 6, of Westport, son of a waterman, was killed on 5 February by a quoit striking him on the head.
19 February 1869 - Eliza WILLS, aged 7, died at Upper Moutere, Nelson, on 21 January from eating tutu berries.
19 February 1869 - A son of R PHIPPS of Waimea South was accidentally killed on Wednesday 3 February when he stumbled and dislocated his neck.
20 February 1869 - Inquest on John LOWE who was found in a water hole in the creek at Newmarket Gully.
26 February 1869 - Francis COGAN, settler, Cambridge, accidentally drowned. Also 05.03.1869
27 February 1869 - Francisco BLACKMAN, who was lately attacked with smallpox, died on Saturday last at Whanganui.
01 March 1869 - Dr H J WILSON of Hobson-street, died on Saturday. He succeeded Dr COWAN in a very good practice which he carried on until a few days ago.
01 March 1869 - Child of Emily and Charles BULL of Wellington died. Verdict Natural causes greatly accelerated by neglect.
04 March 1869 - Joseph ROBINSON drowned while assisting at the wreck of the Ida Zeigler [at Napier]. We have not heard that the body has been recovered.
04 March 1869 - A man named GENTLES, formerly of the 70th Regt has committed suicide at Napier by deliberately hanging himself from the branch of a gum tree near the barracks.
04 March 1869 - Sudden death in Wakefield-street - Mr Henry ARNEY.
04 March 1869 - Miners George KEARNS and Robert JACKSON died in a heavy fall of earth in their claim at the Hauhau.
04 March 1869 - A farmer named ALLEY at Papanui was found lying in his paddock speechless from tetanus and died the same evening
04 March 1869 - Jane Elizabeth TIPLER suffocated to death in a closet.
05 March 1869 - Death by drowning whilst bathing, Mr James ALLEN, editor and proprietor of the Evening News.
06 March 1869 - The youngest son of Mr DOITCH of Harding-street and of the firm Doitch and Anderson, yesterday met with a fatal accident when he fell into a tub of water
09 March 1869 - James RYLAND, employed at the Cabbage Bay Saw Mills, died after being terribly mutilated in machinery.
11 March 1869 - Inquest on William J STOCKDALE, passenger on the Percy on her late voyage from London to Auckland, was continued yesterday.
13 March 1869 - Funeral of Mr Mason Dudley TAYLOR in the Church of England cemetery, Symonds-street.
15 March 1869 - Death of Rev John GORRIE, Presbyterian Minister, at Whangarei.
15 March 1869 - Death of Harriet GORDON (Mrs J P HYDE), vocalist from the age of 9.
16 March 1869 - Funeral of Miss Harriet GORDON (Mrs J P Hyde).
30 March 1869 - Ellis (sic) WALKER, drowned yesterday. He slipped and as he fell into the water, his head hitting a fender on the side of the Hero. The body of the deceased was afterwards removed to his parents' residence.
31 March 1869 - Inquest re Leslie (sic) WALKER, aged 11.
01 April 1869 - Jesse WEEKES (sic), ex 58th Regt, aged 50, accidentally burned to death at Waiheke Island.
02 April 1869 - Jesse BLACK (sic) buried at Waiheke Island; disinterred for inquest.
03 April 1869 - A settler named Henry DOIG committed suicide by hanging himself in his house at Green Island on 19th.
03 April 1869 - Duncan McKELLAR, a Scotchman aged 35, employed by John Andrew, farmer, Taieri, died when a horse bolted and the cart went over the deceased's chest.
06 April 1869 - Joseph GILLOT, Kohekohe, found drowned in a dam at Mr Constable's flax mill on the Waipipi Road.
06 April 1869 - Murder of the widow FINNEGAN and her 3 sons at Otahuhu in 1865.
09 April 1869 - Lance Sergeant Andrew HEALAN, died at the Military Hospital after an illness of several months.
13 April 1869 - A son of Mr R W RIDLER of Petoni, and a lad named BASSETT, went out pig shooting at the Hutt. It appears that through some accident, RIDLER's gun went off and the charge entered BASSETT's back. The shot proved fatal and the unfortunate lad died.
13 April 1869 - The body of the missing boy Frank COLLINS was found in a cave near the power magazine at Dampiers Bay.
16 April 1869 - Mr Duncan McLARTY who sustained severe injuries some five weeks ago by the wheel of his dray passing over his body, breathed his last on Thursday morning.
19 April 1869 - Funeral of Miss Isabella Mary YOUNG, second daughter of the late Captain William YOUNG, at the Wesleyan Burying-ground.
19 April 1869 - Edwin GARDINER, miner, Waimea, died as a result of a fall of timber.
19 April 1869 - William KINGSWELL, working on a tunnel at Tucker Flat, Kaniere, when a quantity of earth and stones fell against the legs of a set of timber which caused a large portion of roof to fall in which completely buried deceased.
19 April 1869 - Elizabeth BURN, wife of Daniel BURN, carpenter, residing at Toitoi Valley, died somewhat suddenly from ulceration of the bowels
19 April 1869 - Mr RICHARDS, messenger of the Bank of Australasia, Greymouth, died suddenly on 5th April, leaving a wife and young children.
19 April 1869 - Thomas STANLEY, boot-cleaner, Shortland, found suffering from strong convulsions in his tent close to the Police Station. He died in hospital. Also Inquest.
20 April 1869 - The body of Thomas JONES, Armed Constabulary, drowned in the Whanganui River, has been found beside Messrs Bett & Robinson's wharf.
26 April 1869 - An old woman named Mrs HARRIS, formerly known in Howick as Mrs GIBSON, died suddenly at Waiheke on 22nd inst.
28 April 1869 - Mr J O'LEARY, boot & shoemaker, Barrack-street, died suddenly at home.
03 May 1869 - Funeral of Mr J BOWLER, Karori district, Wellington, took place on Wednesday 21st April.
03 May 1869 - Mr Clement PARTRIDGE, who died on Friday last, was interred yesterday.
03 May 1869 - The funeral of Mrs P BARRY, wife of a respectable settler in Tauranga, took place at the Te Papa Cemetery on Sunday.
04 May 1869 - John MAHONY, jockey of Auckland, was killed during the races at Nelson.
05 May 1869 - Inquest on Andrew SCHON & Gustavus REICHARDT, Wairoa, Hawkes Bay.
07th May 1869 - The body of R WILKINSON, who was at Mr Stark's at the time of the Hauhau raid, has since been found some distance from the house.
10 May 1869 - A labouring man named MARTIN was found lying dead upon the beach between Hastings and this place.
11th May 1869 - Richard FLEMING, in the employ of Mr Mabin, storekeeper of Ngaruawahia, has been found drowned in the Waikato river yesterday morning.
13th May 1869 - Inquest on Mr J SCOTT, storekeeper, Stanley-street, who had died suddenly the day before.
17th May 1869 - Edward ANGLAND died suddenly at the Governor Browne Hotel, Hobson-street.
21st May 1869 - James CLAY, a young man late in the employ of Mr F Sutton and a private in the Napier Rifle Volunteers, died after a brief illness of one week.
21st May 1869 - Mr LAW, late of Auckland and Taupo, body found in the Waitotara River.
22nd May 1869 - John DORAN, wood-cutter, lately of the Prince Albert Hotel, Onehunga, was seized with violent haemorrhage under which he gradually sank and died in a few hours.
24th May 1869 - A man named McDIARMID, sawyer at the works of the Union Sash & Door Co., Mechanic's Bay, met with an accident on Saturday which resulted in his death.
24 May 1869 - Inquest on 20th inst at Port Charles, Tangiora near Cape Colville on William POLLARD, sawmill owner who died in the woods adjoining Port Charles, having lost his way about 10 June 1868.
26th May 1869 - Death of DE BURGH ADAMS, RSQ, Principal Purveyor to her Majesty's Forces.
31st May 1869 - The remains of Julia Winifred, wife of Crosbie KIDD and sister of the Rev P O'Reilly, were interred at the Catholic Cemetery, Otahuhu.
01st June 1869 - James SMITH, Kikowhakarere, Coromandel, employed at Mr Gibbons' saw mills, was squeezed between two logs in the creek and died immediately after being released.
01st June 1869 - James McGUIRE, ex Enterprise, presumed drowned near the Shortland Wharf.
02nd June 1869 - A fine boy, about 18 months old, son of Mr W SMITH, living near the Episcopal Church at the Karaka, was drowned in a well. .
08th June 1869 - William POLLOCK, aged 13, did not return from shooting in the Aieri bush. His dead body was found, with the head riddled by shot and the brains protruding.
08th June 1869 - Matthew HALL died from a gunshot wound.
11th June 1869 - Son of Tamati Waka drowned when a boat manned by five Maoris foundered while crossing from Waimate to Russell in a gale.
21st June 1869 - Mrs Mary GORDON, her son Thomas GORDON and John McLEOD were crushed to death when an embankment behind the Victoria battery on the Moanataiari, Thames, fell.
22nd June 1869 - James HAUS has been killed at the greenstone diggings by the fall of a large quantity of earth. Edward KIRKALDY has been killed at the Waimea diggings by a similar accident.
23rd June 1869 - A fatal accident occurred at the Bay of Islands last Wednesday to a lad whose name we have been unable to ascertain. It appears that the deceased, accompanied by two or three other lads, were out in a boat when a sudden squall upset the frail craft and before assistance could be rendered from the shore, the deceased was drowned.
29th June 1869 - Private McANALLY, 18th Regt., drowned on 22nd June 1869.
01 July 1869 - The child Edward Costello who was so severely burned at Tapu on Saturday, succumbed to his injuries and died on Monday at about ten o'clock.
01 July 1869 - Gavin SOMERVILLE, committed suicide at Mangere.
03 July 1869 - E A BRATHWAITE chief clerk in the Civil Commissioner's office, has died suddenly at his residence in Grafton-road.
06 July 1869 - Robert FURNEY was killed at the Lyell on Friday 18th ult., by a fall of earth when at work in the claim of Dublin Jack.
14 July 1869 - Frederick WALKER, miner, died suddenly at Shellback Creek.
17 July 1869 - Mrs P GRACE, has died at her residence, Wyndham-street.
19 July 1869 - Funeral of Mr James BRANCE of Durham-street, at the Church of England Cemetery.
22 July 1869 - Funeral of the only daughter of Mr T SANDERS.
23 July 1869 - A miner named TODMAN has been killed at the Eight Mile Creek through a fall of earth and at the Lyell a man named Robert TURNEY was killed by a similar accident.
23 July 1869 - A miner named Isaac JONES, a native of Rhyl, North Wales, went to Try-again Terrace, Nelson Creek where he tumbled down a precipice. He was picked up insensible and subsequently died while being conveyed towards Camptown.
23 July 1869 - Dr BUSH of Nelson was drowned on Friday night 9 July whilst crossing the Ahaura river at Starvation Point.
23 July 1869 - The man Edward SHEEHAN, who while at the bottom of the shaft in the Liverpool Boys' Claim, on Friday night last, was injured by a stone which fell down the shaft, died in the Thames Hospital at an early hour on Wednesday morning.
23 July 1869 - George HICKMAN, a slater, committed suicide by strangling himself in Stafford-street, Dunedin, on 3 July. He was found sitting on the floor, with a rope round his neck, passed over the top of the door and secured to the handle.
24 July 1869 - John EVETT (sic) [or EVITT] died as the result of a tree falling on him at Waikawau.
30 July 1869 - Mr James CAMERON, burnt to death in a fire in Cook-street.
02 August 1869 - Jabez WALLIS, aged about 16, son of Rev J W Wallis, of Onehunga, died when he fell while crossing the Falls near Oketi.
05 August 1869 - Edward BYRON, contractor, died after falling from a ladder.
10 August 1869 - A man named CHISHOLM drowned when he fell overboard from the Snowflake on Saturday between the Thames and Coromandel.
17 August 1869 - James CURRAN, mounted orderly, drowned while attempting to swim the Mimi river.
17 August 1869 - Inquest on Mary Ann BRADCOCK, married woman, whose body was found floating out to sea that morning by some persons in a boat.
21 August 1869 - Thomas NUTTEVILLE (sic) was killed on Thursday whilst at work on the Mocking Bird Claim, Waiotahi Creek, by an explosion of shot.
23rd August 1869 - On Saturday six lives were lost and one other very nearly sacrificed. Four bushmen, named William SMITH, Malcolm McGINLAY, George GRANGE (alias Darkey George, said to be a deserter from the 14th Regt) and another man, name unknown, left the Onehunga wharf in a sailing boat, accompanied by two boatmen named Thomas ROBINSON and Peter JOHNSON and a lad named Frances WILLIAMS aged 15, their destination being the Cornwallis Sawmills. The boat capsized and all except WILLIAMS are believed drowned. 30th August 1869 - Inquest on George GRANGE. 30 August 1869 - Body of Thomas ROBINSON, found.
24 August 1869 - An old man of the name of MELIER but who generally went under the soubriquet of 'Calico' dropped down dead while at his work of shingle-slitting.
25 August 1869 - Funeral of the infant daughter of the chief Paul at St Patrick's Cathedral thence to the Kaipara for interment.
28 August 1869 - Inquest on Benjamin WOOLLAMS, seaman/sailmaker on Mary Thompson, drowned and suffocated.
30 August 1869 - Assistant Surgeon NEWELL late of the Armed Constabulary was accidentally drowned on Monday last whilst attempting to cross the Waipu river. Hawkes Bay times 26 Aug
30 August 1869 - Paora KATIPA, wife and 2 children, with 3 other women, when their canoe was swamped on the Waikato River. All on board perished except one woman and Paora died attempting to save his family.
02 September 1869 - Andrew CURRIE died suddenly at home in Barrack-street, of natural causes. He was worth at least �112.
02 September 1869 - Alexander WILFORD, a native of the Isle of Man, fell overboard from the Spray at Rarotonga. He was ex the Neva.
02 September 1869 - A young man named MULLINS drowned in the Waikato river while on a trip on the Bluenose.
06 September 1869 - Jasper CRAGO, died after being thrown from his horse in Onehunga.
06 September 1869 - Inquest on Constable John CUDDY [or CADDY], A.C., at Tauranga on 31 August. It appeared deceased had been found floating in the river.
09 September 1869 - A miner named James FREEMAN sustained severe injuries to his head at the Duke of Magenta Goldmining Co's ground at Thames when a bucket of water fell and struck him on the head inflicting a frightful scalp wound and injuring his arm.
09 September 1869 - The wife of NGAIRO, a native chief in Wairarapa, lately died, and her body is kept in a coffin with a glass door.
11 September 1869 - Inquest at Nelson on Dr COMBE, barrister at law, who had committed suicide by cutting his throat.
13 September 1869 - Isabella McWILLIAMS, a small girl, died after sustaining severe burns at Shortland. .
14 September 1869 - Inquest on Alfred Dunn SMITH, aged 19 months, drowned in a tub of water at the Royal Tiger Hotel, Wellington.
14 September 1869 - A man named John FRASER has committed suicide by cutting his throat in the Charleston lock-up to which place he had been removed from the hospital owing to his showing signs of insanity.
15 September 1869 - Statement of Ropata Kaihau, a native chief from Ohinemuri, given to Mr Richard de Thierry re the murder of Rev Mr WHITELEY by "Jack" a white man with the Ngatimaniapoto.
17 September 1869 - Samuel McKENNY interred in the Whanganui Cemetery, appears to have burnt to death in his tent.
17 September 1869 - Sergeant BOYLAN attempted suicide at Patea on Tuesday 7th September. He died on Friday night, 10 September.
18 September 1869- Inquest on "Long Jack" believed to have been Mate on the ketch Pearl. drowned.
18 September 1869 - Inquest on Michael HICKIE, aged 16, at Shortland, died suddenly on Wednesday.
20 September 1869 - Two dead bodies have been found, one supposed to be remains of Henry Edward WARK, freed from Napier Gaol 4 Feb 1867 and the other of ROBERTS, shepherd for Mr Drury.
23 September 1869 - Bernard EHRENFRIED of the firm of Ehrenfried Brothers, brewers, Shortland, died suddenly on Tuesday night.
24 September 1869 - Inquest at Hamilton on the body of Joseph MULLINS, accidentally fell overboard from the p.s. Bluenose and was drowned in the Waikato river near Point Mercer on Friday 27 August.
28 September 1869 - Report that the body of Detective BROWN had been found at Hokitika, showing a gunshot wound.
28 September 1869 - Inquest at Kikowhakarere of Robert WHEELER, found dead at his house.
28 September 1869 - From Dunedin - Arthur KENNEDY, sheep inspectof, drowned himself in the Molyneux.
28 September 1869 - From Dunedin - A man named MACKENZIEgave himself up to the police at Lawrence as the murderer of German Charlie some years ago.
29 September 1869 - Man's body found on beach at Omaha, with the mark of a crown on the left arm and the letters VR on the back of the left hand, also the letters JMD
02 October 1869 - Inquest at Havelock, Hawkes Bay on a body found in the Ngaruroro river, believed to be identical with deserter Private John SWEENEY, 18th Regt.
04 October 1869 - Inquest on Henry GREENACRE, settler at Papakura, who apparently died after being thrown from his horse.
05 October 1869 - Joseph HALL, of Auckland and the Thames, died after apparently falling into a race near the Hape Quartz-crushing Co.
06 October 1869 - Inquest at Lunatic Asylum on Martha Mary SMITH, a patient.
09 October 1869 - Henry HILL drowned when the Henry Bluff was lost on Saturday evening en route for Westport.
11 October 1869 - Inquest at Lyttelton on two infants, Thomas & Walter WALES, who died from the effects of chlorodyne ignorantly administered by their nurse.
14 October 1869 - Inquest on man at first believed to be William KENT but now believed to be William LENNARD.
18 October 1869 - Edward JOHNSON, draper, Queen-street, died after mistakenly drinking an external chest application.
18 October 1869 - A person of the name of WILLIAMS left the Puru a week ago to go to Tapu and has not been heard of since. Times 16 October.
21 October 1869 - Henry TYSON, believed to be a German, drowned.
21 October 1869 - Henry CREW, Thames Militiaman, drowned when he fell overboard from the Bluenose between Whatawhata and Karakariki. .
21 October 1869 - Mr Charles WALTON died at his residence, Maungatapere, on Tuesday 10th inst at 1 a.m.; his remains were brought in today and will be interred on Monday next.
22 October 1869 - A fatal accident has occurred in the Brunner Coal Mine to a miner named Christopher CLARK who was buried under a quantity of coal. When dug out life was extinct.
22 October 1869 - At the Kyeburn diggings a miner, named Alfred SCARLETT has bet with his death by a fall of earth.
22 October 1869 - A son of Mr J H GIBSON has been drowned in a lagoon behind the Miner's Rest Hotel where he had been playing in a boat.
22 October 1869 - Mr A KENNEDY of Otago, after being unwell for some days, drowned.
25 October 1869 - A man named HUGHES, Wellington, suddenly dropped dead in the street.
25 October 1869 - Daniel McKENZIE, miner, burnt to death in his hut. Aged 65.
25 October 1869 - William BROWN son of Mr Brown, general dealer, of Wellington-street, was drowned in the Kauwaeranga creek near Shortland on Saturday.
25 October 1869 - A man named Thomas JULYAN has been killed at Duvauchelle Bay, Canterbury, whilst cutting timber for the Cumberland steam saw mills
25 October 1869 - The skeleton of a man named William ABBOT who disappeared from Motueka six or seven years ago has been found at the foot of a steep cliff in that neighbourhood.
26 October 1869 - From the Advertiser - Death by drowning of William BROWN.
26 October 1869 - John HAMMOND, settler at Meanee, died after an accident with his dray.
28 October 1869 - Charles SCHONEMAN drowned off North Head.
30 October 1869 - A man named Donald McKENZIE has been burnt to death at Charlestown.
01 November 1869 - Page 3 - A child has been scalded to death at Pleasant Point when the mother had been scalding out a churn.
01 November 1869 - Page 4 - From the Thames re inquest on John BAGSTER [?BAXTER], engine driver, at the Golden Crown, who was accidentally killed on Friday night.
02 November 1869 - Page 3 - Death of Robert Elliott FISHER who has for some time past discharged the duties of Resident Medical Officer at the Auckland Lunatic Asylum.
05 November 1869 - Page 3 -The body of Mr CRONKSHAW of the Great South Road was found lying dead this morning in a ditch bounding the property of Mr Rutherford.
05 November 1869 - Page 3 - A boy named George WARE about 9 yrs of age, left his father's house in Abraham-street, Grahamstown, on Thursday week last and has not since been heard of. The friends of the boy have made inquiries in all directions but without success.
08 November 1869 - Page 4 - Timothy FANNING drowned while attempting to cross the Kapanga Creek.
09 November 1869 - Page 4 -A carter named STONYER has been drowned at Timaru.
11 November 1869 - Page 4 - J BOYCE and George LITTLE drowned off Tararu Point
11 November 1869 - Page 3 - From Nelson - An old woman named Margaret HERDMAN, known as "Old Margaret" died when her cottage burnt down.
12 November 1869 - Page 3 - The eldest daughter of Tawhiao, aged about 15, died at Tokangamutu about a fortnight ago. She had, it appears, been ailing for some time past.
12 November 1869 - Page 4 - A man named GEDDES drowned at Hamilton through intemperance. [19 Nov 1869 - Body picked up at Ngaruawahia on Sunday evening last]
18 November 1869 - Page 4 - Inquest at Thames on Thomas TAYLOR who suffocated in a well.
19 November 1869 - Page 3 - From Napier - SMYTH, the proprietor of the Railway Hotel, Lyttelton, has murdered his wife by strangulation after having brutally ill-used her. A verdict of willful murder has been returned.
19 November 1869 - Page 4 - George BUTLER, son of Captain Butler, died at Oruru after being thrown from his horse.
19 November 1869 - Page 4 - Mr Henry BURSTON, a blacksmith, residing at Meanee, died in an awfully sudden manner. Inquest verdict "Died by visitation of God".
20 November 1869 - Page 4 - Mary NICHOLSON died at Dunedin after being admitted to the hospital suffering from disease of the chest.
20 November 1869 - Page 5 - ECKLEY, a man in the employment of Mr Bidwill, was drowned at Waihenga on the 5th. He was in company with Dr Spratt having come to fetch the doctor to attend his wife in her confinement.
22 November 1869 - Page 4 - James DAVIDSON was thrown from his horse while crossing the Parapara river.
22 November 1869 - Page 4 - Arthur, second son of Mr G SPARROW, Takaka, died after the capsizing of a bullock-dray on 8th inst.
23 November 1869 - Page 3 - A miner named Peter KIRK, a native of Drogheda, was killed during a free fight in the street at Charleston, province of Nelson.
23 November 1869 - Page 4 - A little boy, a son of Mrs CURRIE, residing near the brewery, Oamaru, has been accidentally drowned.
23 November 1869 - Page 4 - A miner named John ROONEY was killed in Liverpool Gully, New River, by a tree falling on him while at work in a tail-race there.
23 November 1869 - Page 4 - A 3 year old girl, daughter of Henry DODSWORTH, a miner, residing at the North Beach, was missed and found lying in a small hole containing not more than 15 inches of water. Life was found to be extinct.
24 November 1869 - Page 6 -Inquest at Coromandel on the body of Jeremiah FANNING who was found drowned in the Driving Creek.
25 November 1869 - Page 3 - A man named BRENNAN, employed cutting timber in the Turua forest for the Hauraki Saw Mills, was drowned near the entrance of the Puriri Creek.
27 November 1869 - Page 5 - On the 15th inst the remains of Captain COLLINS, Quartermaster of the Armed Constabulary, were deposited in the Te Papa cemetery
29 November 1869 - Page 3 - James COOPER, miner, employed at the Kawakawa mines died after falling on a pick which penetrated between his breast and shoulder, entering the right lung.
30 November 1869 - Page 4 - Inquest on a child, Margaret SHAW who died from accidental suffocation.
04 December 1869 - Page 6 -Mr J B SMALES, M.A., died at Whitby on 16th September of a long impending consumption.
06 December 1869 - Page 3 - Enquiry re death of John STAFFORD, captain of the schooner Mary Ellen who was drowned on Thursday night last whilst on his way to Auckland.
07 December 1869 - Page 5 - Samuel Popham KING, JP, died at his residence in New Plymouth on 25th ultimo.
11 December 1869 - Page 5 - A child named James JONES, about 15 mths old, died after falling down a well.
11 December 1869 - Page 5 - Martin OLSEN, a Norwegian, died at Half-Ounce Creek, West Coast, when a mass of earth fell on him.
16 December 1869 - Page 3 - Funeral of William BALMER, formerly bandmaster of the Auckland Rifle Volunteers.
18 December 1869 - Page 4 - Death of Richard McELWAIN at the extreme old age of 97. The deceased was father to George McELWAIN who arrived here with Governor Hobson in 1840 and was the first gaoler appointed in Auckland.
20 December 1869 - Page 4 - Alexander McCONNELL, aged about 30, lost his life on the Karaka tramway when a truck overturned.
20 December 1869 - Page 5 - J M McINNIS ("Dusty") who suffered such a cruel beating last night at the Junction Hotel, Thames, died this afternoon from the injuries he received.
20 December 1869 - Page 5 - Lightning from a heavy storm at Picton carried away part of the roof of Mr CONNELLY's house and a verandah post fell on his second boy, aged 10 years, striking him on the head and chest, causing instantaneous death.
20 December 1869 - Page 5 - From Canterbury - The body of an apparently full-grown healthy female child found in the river Avon under most suspicious circumstances.
23 December 1869 - Page 3 - From the West Coast - Michael HERRING, an Irishman, died at Westport the other day from the effects of a sunstroke.
23 December 1869 - Page 3 - The body of Peter STEWART, the boatman who was lately drowned in the river Grey, was found at Snag Fall.
23 December 1869 - Page 3 - Inquest at Cobden on an infant named Walter EASY who had been suffocated in a small lagoon under the bank near the Court-house.
24 December 1869 - Page 3 - Two boys named respectively George & Charles GALLIE, the former 4 yrs 3 mths and the latter 2 yrs 9 mths, have been missing from their home at Freemans Bay since yesterday afternoon.
24 December 1869 - Page 3 - From Dunedin - Passengers Miss ROSS, and Mr Thomas PATERSON, C.E., Railway Engineer, drowned when a Cobb's coach foundered while crossing the Kakanui river.
24 December 1869 - Page 3 - Mr BALFOUR, the Marine Surveyor for the colony, was drowned at Timaru on Saturday last.
29 December 1869 - Page 3 - A little girl named Lizzie CLEVELAND has strayed from her home in Cook-street early in the morning and has not been heard of since.
29 December 1869 - Page 3 - Edward WELSH, aged about 46, a miner at the Moanataiari, died suddenly, leaving a wife and family.
30 December 1869 - Page 5 - A body, supposed to be that of the man who was drowned off the cutter Polly near Whangarei was found on the beach near Mangawai.