The Southern Cross began as a weekly paper in Auckland on 22 April 1843. In 1862 it became the first daily newspaper in Auckland, changing its name to the Daily Southern Cross. The Southern Cross was merged with the New Zealand Herald, which is still published today, in 1876.
These have been kindly indexed by Jacqueline Walles. If you think any of these entries belong to you, they can be researched in greater detail through the Papers Past website. There are sometimes follow-ups at later dates.
01 January 1870 - Page 4 - From Otago - A Maori prisoner named Waati TUMEORANGI under a sentence of three years penal servitude for high treason, has died in the gaol. The cause of death was tubercular disease of the lungs.
01 January 1870 - Page 5 - From Otago - A man named John FOWLER has been killed by the capsizing of a dray.
01 January 1870 - Page 5 - From Canterbury - Inquiry re Edward HAMILTON, gunsmith, Colombo-street, found dead on the beach at Sumner.
01 January 1870 - Page 4 - A Maori named APANAIA has been found dead on Mr G Farmer's ground at the Hutt, apparently having died from natural causes.
03 January 1870 - Page 3 - Thomas FITZPATRICK died and Robert DAVIDSON sustained serious injuries when run down by a cab in Queen Street.
08 January 1870 - Page 5 - From Otago - The body of one of the men lately drowned through the capsizing of the cutter Blanche Barkely on the bar was picked up at the Heads. It is supposed to be that of Frank GREY.
08 January 1870 - Page 5 - A man from the Eleanor has drowned in Port Chalmers Harbour when the dinghy he was in capsized.
08 January 1870 - Page 5 - From Canterbury - A boy named Eugene MORTON drowned whilst bathing in the north branch of the Waimakariri, a little above the town of Kaiapoi on Christmas Day.
08 January 1870 - Page 5 - From Canterbury -On 26 December a native of the South Sea Islands, named John AUCKLAND, was riding a spirited horse when he was thrown and killed.
08 January 1870 - Page 5 - At Waipukurau a lad named Henry HOLLIS, son of the late Robert Hollis was killed through a fall from his horse.
08 January 1870 - Page - From the East Coast - A man named SHEEHAN, commonly known as "Happy Jack" has been accidentally drowned on the beach behind the Masonic Hotel.
11 January 1870 - Page 5 - Hugh FITZSIMMONS died on 26th ult at Liverpool Creek, New River, after falling from a terrace into the creek He was a mate of a miner named ROONEY who was killed at the same place on 10th November.
11 January 1870 - Page 5 - James NELSON, a labourer on the Government road on the Nelson side of the Grey River, has been drowned at Cobden.
11 January 1870 - Page 4 - A tangi was held at Kaitawa on Friday over the remains of a young man who had died there, the son of Aperahama te Reiroa.
13 January 1870 - Page 3 - From the East Coast - It is feared that a man named McINNESS has been drowned, his horse having been found near Mohaka.
13 January 1870 - Page 3 - Captain David HANNAH who brought the Jennie EllingtonI died suddenly in an epileptic fit. He had been suffering from chronic dysentery.
15 January 1870 - Page 5 - Inquest on Thomas HARTE who was found dead in the public house at Mangawai.
15 January 1870 - Page 5 - A European named John LYON was found murdered at Orakau yesterday. He was tomahawked. Inquest today.
17 January 1870 - Page 4 - From Otago - A man named James GREY was seized with cramps and drowned in the Kakanui.
18 January 1870 - Page 3 - Miss Mary COULTAS, aged 13, the only daughter of John COULTAS, proprietor of the Whangamarino flax mills, Waikato (late the property of E J Cox) drowned in the creek.
19 January 1870 - Page 3 - The body of the man W TREMORE, who drowned at Opotiki was found on the beach toward Opapi, several miles from the place where he was supposed to have fallen into the river on 19 December last.
20 January 1870 - Page 4 -From the Waikato - Inquest at Kihikihi re the murder of John Scott Elliot LYONS.
20 January 1870 - Page 4 -From the South - A member of the Wairoa rifle corps, named George WATTS, was drowned in the Patea river on the night of Wednesday 12 January.
20 January 1870 - Page 5 - John FOWLER, a farmer of North Taieri, Otago, has been killed at Green Island through a heavily-laden dray falling on him.
21 January 1870 - Page 4 - From the South - The search for the body of Peter VALENTINE, the boy supposed to have been drowned in the Hutt river, has been successful.
21 January 1870 - Page 4 - From the South - The body of Mr SMALLWOOD, who was drowned along with Mr Balfour, was found near the mouth of the Opihi River, Timaru, on the morning of 8th inst.
22 January 1870 - Page 3 - A passenger named Henry SEEWOLD who was engaged on board a cutter trading to Ovalau, was drowned on 2nd inst. .
28 January 1870 - Page 3 - Inquest on Patrick O'BRIEN late of the 40th Regt, who died suddenly Wednesday night. The jury after hearing the evidence returned a verdict of "Died by the visitation of God."
29 January 1870 - Page 3 - A seaman named Frederick KAILING of the Eagle died suddenly yesterday morning while sculling a boat near the breakwater.
31 January 1870 - Page 4 - From Otago - A man named Joseph JONES has lost his life at the Marewhenua after experiencing a fit. He had eaten some tutu berries.
01 February 1870 - Page 4 - From Papakura - The body has been found of the girl who was drowned about a fortnight ago near Point Russell. We are informed that the corpse had floated down as far as an island below Tuakau, some 16 miles from where the accident occurred.
07 February 1870 - Page 3 - Inquest at the Mt Eden Stockade on the body of John DOUGLASS a prisoner who died in the prison hospital of delirium tremens.
08 February 1870 - Page 4 - A serious accident, which very probably will end fatally, occurred at Belfast-terrace, Brighton, to a man named McGILLICUDDY, injured under a fall of earth.
11 February 1870 - Page 3 - The infant child of Mr F COCK of the Pembroke Hotel, Pollen-street, died on Wednesday night under peculiarly painful circumstances.
11 February 1870 - Page 3 -Yesterday morning Mr Alfred LONG of Long Bay, North Shore, reported the finding of a dead body to the police, supposed to be that of the mate of the Marwell. [George Tunnicliffe]
12 February 1870 - Page 4 - Inquest on Wm COCK [?COOK], infant child of Fred Cock, proprietor of the Pembroke Hotel, Pollen-street, who died suddenly from injuries received while in the charge of his mother on Wednesday night.
14 February 1870 - Page 4 - A miner named Patrick McINNERNY lost life on the 26th ultimo in Lynch & Welsh's sluicing claim at Moke Creek near Queenstown by a fall of earth.
14 February 1870 - Page 4 - One of the oldest settlers of Wellington, Mr Isaac LOVELOCK, died on the 6th. He came out in the Bolton in 1840.
14 February 1870 - Page 4 - Mr JONES' 18 months old child, Waimakariri near Kaiapoi, died after being burnt.
18 February 1870 - Page 4 - George Frederick HOWELL, businessman, Queen-street, apparently committed suicide.
18 February 1870 - Page 4 - Inquest on Timothy LONG who died suddenly.
21 February 1870 - Page 3 - William REID, native of Scotland, said to be the joint owner of the island of Motutapu, committed suicide by shooting himself through the mouth.
22 February 1870 - Page 3 - Inquiry re death of Mr William Reid.
22 February 1870 - Page 3 - Funeral Mrs MORGAN, wife of William Morgan, took place this afternoon at 2.30 p.m. in the burial ground connected with the Pukekohe church.
22 February 1870 - Page 4 - A boy 13 years of age named Thomas BRUNTON was drowned on 6th inst. whilst bathing in Blundell's dam, Lancaster's Hill, Lawrence.
22 February 1870 - Page 4 - An accident which resulted in the death of a boatman named Henry THOMSON, a man of about 50 years of age, took place on Lake Hawea on 1st inst.
22 February 1870 - Page 4 - Inquest at Petane on Alexander Stuart AITKEN who was found dead in his house on the evening of Tuesday 16th inst.
26 February 1870 - Page 3 - At Gate Pa, John BURROWS, ex Armed Constabulary but lately of the Thames Volunteer Corps, set fire to an old Armstrong 11lb loaded shell the bursting of which took away a portion of his temple and skull, causing instantaneous death.
28 February 1870 - Page 3 - From Wellington - An old man of the name of Abraham DORSETT was found drowned this morning in the harbour of Wellington.
28 February 1870 - Page 3 - From Greytown - William KING, a resident of Carterton, was drowned this morning crossing the Ruamahanga river at the Mokiki ford.
28 February 1870 - Page 4 - From Whanganui - Michael O'BRIEN died after being thrown from his horse.
28 February 1870 - Page 4 - Mr G C BLACK of Kaiapoi died suddenly from an apoplectic fit. An inquest was held with the verdict "That deceased died from natural causes, to wit, apoplexy."
03 March 1870 - Page 4 - From Wellington - An old man named Abraham DOWSETT was found drowned in the harbour on the morning of the 23rd.
03 March 1870 - Page 4 - From Wellington - Another death by drowning occurred at the Huangora Ferry in the Ruamahunga river on the morning of 21st inst.
07 March 1870 - Page 3 - Robert LONTIL, aged about 28, died very suddenly on Wynyard Pier.
12 March 1870 - Page 3 - From Otago - A body found in the Town Belt was identified at the inquest as that of a man named Thomas BARRY who some five weeks ago was a patient in the Dunedin Hospital.
12 March 1870 Page 3 - From Canterbury - Mr William GREIG of Eyreton died suddenly. It is said that the cause of death was a severe attack of English cholera.
14 March 1870 - Page 3 - Mr H LEWIS who was well known in Auckland in connection with shipping reporting department of the New Zealand Herald, has died, aged 26.
15 March 1870 - Page 3 - Inquest at Hastings (Tapu), on Saturday, touching the death of Charles SMITH aged 4 years. Verdict: Found drowned.
15 March 1870 - Page 3 - From Mangonui - Edward PENNEY Snr, Mangonui, apparently committed suicide by hanging.
15 March 1870 - Page 3 - Patrick GORHAM, native of Co Galway, a miner, Thames ex Hokitika and Victoria, died instantaneously at the Otago Company's mine.
15 March 1870 - Page 3 - Captain MASSEY, son of the Hon. N W Massey, brother of Lord Clarina, Co Limerick, has died.
16 March 1870 - Page 3 - A little girl named Laura JAMIESON drowned in the Hastings (Tapu) creek. Thames Advertiser
16 March 1870 - Page 3 - From the South - William TUCKER, coming in from the Hutt, was thrown from his horse on the Wellington side of the toll-bar and, falling on his head, was killed on the spot.
16 March 1870 - Page 3 - The name of the man who was reported by the Nelson papers as missing from the steamer Kennedy has been found to be Robert NURSE, not NORRIS as previously stated.
17 March 1870 - Dr Croft proceeded to Tapu on Tuesday to hold an inquest on the body of the child JAMIESON who drowned there. . Page 3
18 March 1870 - Lieutenant Colonel James FRASER, a Scotsman descended from the Lovat family, died at Tauranga on the 10th inst. of a low typhoid fever after an illness of 14 days. . Page 3
19 March 1870 - Arthur CALLAGHAN employed by Mr Taylor of West Tamaki, fell down dead yesterday morning about 8 o'clock. . Page 3
19 March 1870 - From the Southern provinces - Mr Robert PARK, arrived 1840, died at Wellington. He was at one time Assistant Surveyor General of the colony, under the NZ Land Company, then under the guidance of Mr Edward Gibbon Wakefield. . Page 3
21 March 1870 - Inquest on Arthur Nicholas COLGAN, aged 23, farm labourer for Mr Taylor, West Tamaki. . Page 3
22 March 1870 - Dr SOUTER, M.B., son of the Bishop of Aberdeen, died at Patea on 10th inst. in his 29th year. The funeral was largely attended by the settlers. . Page 4
22 March 1870 - A boy names SLATER was found drowned in a water-race at Waipori on Wednesday. . Page 4
22 March 1870 - From the West Coast Times - Alexander FINCH, of Essex, England, died after his arm was amputated by a circular saw, at Hunt's Beach. . Page 4
23 March 1870 - Inquest , on widow LANGLY who died suddenly the previous evening. Page 3
23 March 1870 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on Mary Ann FORD (sic), [or FOY] who died on Monday 21st. . Page 4
23 March 1870 - From the East Coast - Mr W F PALMER, aged 36, died after a painful illness of several weeks' duration. . Hawkes Bay Times. Page 3
26 March 1870 - From the Southern Provinces - Robert Charles HANNAH, an infant of twenty months old, was found drowned in a creek at the back of Mr Woolford's house in Cambria-street, Nelson. . Page 5
26 March 1870 - From the Southern Provinces - Two young men named Harry CLEAVER and ? WHITE, have been drowned in the Wairau river. . Page 5
29 March 1870 - Charles ADAMS, native of the North of Ireland, ex 3rd Waikato Militia, died at the Thames Hospital on Saturday from heart disease. . Page 3
29 March 1870 - Mr James LAVERY gave information to the police at Shortland on Sunday that he had lost his little daughter. The child went to school at 2.30 p.m. and had not since been heard of. . Page 3
30 March 1870 - Mr Samuel BAILEY apparently committed suicide at Tryphena, Great Barrier. . Page 3
31 March 1870 - From Nelson - Two young men named Thomas WHITE and Henry CLEAVER, lost their lives in a deep pool in the Wairau River on 11th inst. . Page 4
31 March 1870 - On 14th inst a miner named John GIBSON, while working in his claim at the Ahaura, Grey River, fell down speechless and expired within five minutes. . Page 4
31 March 1870 - From the southern provinces - Mr LAMBERT, died from the effects of injuries sustained by a fall from his horse. . Page 4
31 March 1870 - From Dunedin - A lad named MILLER has been accidentally shot on a shooting excursion; death was instantaneous. Page 4
31 March 1870 - From Canterbury - Mr ROGERS, porter-bottler, Antigua-street, died after being thrown from his horse. Page 4
02 April 1870 - Naked body found on the sand near Tomahawk Beach.. The clothes were lying together ten yards distant from the sand hills between them and the body. Page 4
02 April 1870 - Inquest at Lawrence on a boy named James McCOMBE aged 5 years who was buried among the falling earth of an embankment. . Page 4
02 April 1870 - From Otago - George MILLAR, a young man, died accidentally when his gun went off. . Page 4
02 April 1870 - From Canterbury - Inquest on Margaret TORRENS aged 2, who died from the effects of severe burning at Windmill Road. . Page 4
05 April 1870 - Inquest at the Stockade on Robert MITCHELL. . Page 3
06 April 1870 - Mrs McGUIRE, Manawatu block, died after falling from her horse. Page 4
07 April 1870 - From Kikowhakarere - James TOLMIE died, and Louis KINGSTONE severely injured whilst freeing jammed logs at the saw mills at Port Charles. . Page 3
11 April 1870 - Mr Lawrence LAZARD was undergoing a court case re alleged breaches of the Customs Act, died at the Court-house. . Page 4
14 April 1870 - From Nelson - Mr John NIXON, aged 80, one of the pioneer settlers of Nelson has died. . Page 4
14 April 1870 - Mr W G BELL, of Waimea East, died on 6 April from fatal syncope, caused by excessive drinking. . Page 4
15 April 1870 - William HAMMOND was found dead yesterday morning in the stable of the Caledonia Hotel, Symonds-street. . Page 3
19 April 1870 - A man, believed to have been known as "Portuguese Charlie", died suddenly in the Dedwood district near St Ann's College and to the rear of the Chief Postmaster's residence. . Page 3
21 April 1870 - Mr James JOHNSTON, an old colonist of Canterbury is dead. .Page 5
22 April 1870 - From Drury - Ann MANSFIELD, wife of Robert Mansfield, an industrious settler residing at Tuimata, about four miles beyond this place, died suddenly on Sunday night last. . Page 3
23 April 1870 - From Wellington - Inquest on prisoner August SCHROEDER, shot on the road by the accidental discharge of the overseer McCarthy's rifle, terminated this afternoon and resulted as expected in a verdict of Accidental Death. . Page 3
25 April 1870 - Mr Andrew DOUGLAS of Oamaru was drowned in the Waireka Creek on 11 April. . Page 5
28 April 1870 - Thomas MITCHELL, of Mt Eden, engaged in the milk trade, died after walking home from Newmarket.. . Page 3
28 April 1870 - George SAFSTEAD killed at a native settlement named Hungaruru about 15 miles from Riverhead, by being crushed by a log. . Page 3
02 May 1870 - From Dunedin - April 21: Mr R W GRIEVES, civil engineer, well known in connection with dredging, has committed suicide. . Page 5
02 May 1870 - From Lyttelton - William TAYLOR died instantly on the Union on 25 April after being struck by a bucket of coal. . Page 5
02 May 1870 - From Otago - Irai TUMAHUKI, one of the Maori prisoners who was once the principal chief of the Ngatiruanui hapu, died a few days ago. . Page 5
04 May 1870 - James FARRELL, blacksmith at the Kawakawa coal mines died on board the Samson after seeking medical advice in Auckland. . Page 5
06 May 1870 - Thomas COCHRANE, Cambridge, died after an embankment fell on him at Mr Clark's flax mill. . Page 3
09 May 1870 - William RENNIE, employed by Captain Clayton, has drowned in Hobson's Bay. Page 3 Also 13 May - Page 3. Also 16 May - Page 6.
12 May 1870 - Captain John CALDER of the barque Island City died suddenly at the residence of Captain Johnson, Emily Place. Page 3
13 May 1870 - Mr Charles PURDY, formerly a shipwright, was on Friday last taken seriously ill. He was found to be suffering from advanced disease of the heart. .Page 3
16 May 1870 - From Dunedin - A father and son named LAWSON have been drowned while crossing the Upper Taieri River. Page 5
16 May 1870 - From Canterbury - A member of the crew of the collier Union was killed in Lyttelton harbour by a portion of the contents of a coal-basket which had got entangled in the rigging, being precipitated on his head. Page 6
16 May 1870 - From Wellington - A twenty years resident named Charles HOWARD died suddenly. Page 6
16 May 1870 - From Nelson - Inquiry into the death of John RUMNEY, miner, at Chapman's Hotel, Giles Terrace. Page 6
16 May 1870 - From Westland - The body of the miner MOORHEAD, who has been missing for about a fortnight, was found in the Grey River. Page 6
17 May 1870 - From the Thames Advertiser - Mr Alexander R CAMPBELL, solicitor, of Auckland, died on Saturday evening under circumstances of an extremely painful description. Page 4 Also inquest/funeral.
18 May 1870 - From Taranaki - A child of Mr N ROWE of Bell Block has been burnt to death. Page 4
23 May 1870 - From Hawke's Bay - On the 16th a man named DONNELLY was killed instantly at the Big Bush by the fall of a branch. .Page 4
23 May 1870 - From Whanganui - The body of a man named O'REILLY was found on the beach the Okehu. The name supposed to be an alias. He was formerly in the employ of Major Turner. .Page 4
23 May 1870 - Frederick NASH, a labourer, Mercury Bay, went to bed intoxicated and suffocated. .Page 3
26 May 1870 - From Otago - The body of the late Mr LAWSON who was drowned in the Taieri river, was recovered the day after the fatal occurrence. Page 4
26 May 1870 - From Wellington - A young man named William LANGLEY drowned in the Kaiwarra. . Page 4
26 May 1870 - From Otago - Body of William THOMPSON, believed to be ex colonial forces in the North Island, has been found in the Shotover River by Mr Bell of Tucker Beach. . Page 4
26 May 1870 - From the Hawke's Bay -Hori TE RORI committed suicide at Tarawera on the 14th inst. . Page 4
26 May 1870 - Edmund Herbert ENSOR, aged 9 mths, Parnell, son of Thomas Ensor, a labourer in the employ of Charles Sutton, Eden Crescent, drowned in a pail of water. . Page 4
26 May 1870 - From Canterbury - Edwin BENNETT arrested re the death of Mrs Bennett. . Page 4
28 May 1870 - Edward COLEMAN, painter, found dead under peculiar circumstances. Page 3 Also 30 May - Page 3
30 May 1870 - From Otago - A married woman named Janet KING died in child-bed. . Page 4
30 May 1870 - From Nelson - Mrs Hughes, an old resident, drowned in the Waiiti river when the stream flooded. Page 4
30 May 1870 - A tailor named McKINLEY who formerly worked in Nelson, jumped into the river at Westport a few days ago and was drowned. .Page 4
30 May 1870 - Inquest at Wakefield on Ralph TURNER, aged 70. .Page 4
30 May 1870 - From Westland - James (or John) KENNEDY, died whilst attempting to repair a damaged pipe at the Steam Drainage Co's claim at Ross. .Page 4
31 May 1870 - Mr Walter COMBES of the firm of Combes & Daldy, died aged 54. Page 4 Also 01 June, Page 3.
01 June 1870 - Mary Ann PRIAUX, wife of John PRIAUX, died very suddenly at home in a lane off Hardinge-street. Page 3
04 June 1870 - Thomas COCHRANE died when an embankment fell upon him at Mr Clark's flax mill near Cambridge .Page 6
04 June 1870 - William RENNIE drowned on 7 May at Hobson's Bay while attempted to recover a swamped dinghy. .Page 6
04 June 1870 - A native woman named RAWINIA has been murdered at Waiuku on 15 May by her husband, Matena Te Raketonga who has apparently absconded or committed suicide. Page 6
04 June 1870 - The wife of Mr William MARRINER has died from her injuries after her foot was amputated. .Page 6
04 June 1870 - Inquest at Parnell on Edmund Herbert ENSOR, aged 9 mths, who died 25th inst. .Page 6
06 June1870 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on inmate Mary TAYLOR, who had been brought from the Provincial Hospital about five months ago. Page 4
06 June1870 - From Nelson - A man named James COUGHLIN was drowned in the Inangahua on Sunday 15th ultimo. Page 5
16 June 1870 - Body found floating in the harbour by Joseph BUCHANAN believed to be that of John ROSKILL who had apparently committed suicide. .Page 3
17 June 1870 - Inquest at the Railway Terminus Hotel on John ROSKILL. Page 4
18 June 1870 - Inquest at Papakura Bridge on Thomas CALLAGHAN, a discharged soldier of HM 70th Regt who died very suddenly this morning. . Page 5
18 June 1870 - From Canterbury - A body found in the Rakaia, has been identified as that of John WEBB, who together with William WILLIS, was supposed to have crossed the Rakaia on 8 February last. Page 6
18 June 1870 - Mr Thomas POTTER was mortally wounded by the accidental discharge of a gun. He died in a few hours. .Page 5
18 June 1870 - The body of James McELWAINE, a packer, has been found in the snow. Page 6
20 June 1870 - Mr Peter GRACE, a settler of 27 years standing in Auckland, expired at his residence, Wyndham-street, on Saturday morning after a short illness. Page 3
21 June 1870 - Inquest on John HANNIGHAN, living at the old Asylum at Cox's Creek with a number of other pensioners. He had been found drowned in the Creek on Sunday night last. Page 3
22 June 1870 - Mr James CHAPMAN of the Clanricarde Hotel, Wyndham-street, expired very suddenly yesterday evening at his residence. Page 3
22 June 1870 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on Sarah NEWDICK who died suddenly on Sunday last. .Page 3
30 June 1870 - A child of Mr SPILLARD, Charles-street, Kaiapoi, accidentally drank a quantity of scalding hot tea and died from the effects during the course of the night. . Page 3
30 June 1870 - At Dunedin an action by Mr Donald ROSS against Mr Chaplin, coach proprietor, to recover damages for the loss of his daughter by drowning in the Kakanui River, was heard in the Supreme Court and resulted in a verdict for the defendant. .Page 3
30 June 1870 - from Wellington - Mr KANE, a Wellington pioneer, was found dead in his bed. .Page 4
30 June 1870 - from Otago - A man named GULLIVAN has been drowned in crossing the Pomahaka River. .Page 4
30 June 1870 - from Nelson - At Paddy's Gully, No Town, the Grey, on 11 June, Alexander KOFEHIL and Robert RUSSEL had a fight, when the latter fell and hurt his spine so seriously that death afterwards ensured. KOFEHIL, who is a German, lies in Cobden gaol await the result of the inquest. .Page 4
30 June 1870 - from Nelson - At Paddy's Gully two miners, named Robert KOMMODE and Robert BLAKE were sitting in a tent when a tree fell upon them. Kommode was crushed to death and Blake was dreadfully injured. . Page 4
30 June 1870 - from Canterbury - The body of Captain George DAVIDSON, master of the schooner Bonnie Lass, supposed to have been drowned, was found washed up under the breastwork at the railway station. . Page 4
30 June 1870 - from Canterbury - The body of John WEBB who was missed about four months since, was found on the banks of the Rakaia. . Page 4
30 June 1870 - from Westland - Mr LOWE, Superintendent of the Greymouth Hospital, has died suddenly. . Page 4
07 July 1870 - from Otago - A little girl named Christina BAND fell over a banister a distance of ten feet, on her head. She died in the evening from concussion of the brain. Page 4
08 July 1870 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on John George PETTINGALE who died in the morning of the same day. Page 3
08 July 1870 - Inquest on the body of a Maori called Heni TE PARU an inmate of the Asylum since 1866. .Page 3
08 July 1870 - from Thames - The fragments of a body were found up Kauwaeranga Creek. Except for the foot and skull it was merely a collection of bones. A purse contained �2.10s.3d and there were two miner's rights in his pocket, the latest issued December 1869, the name, James DURANT. .Page 3
09 July 1870 - from Thames - Body found on beach near Kauwaeranga Creek, believed to be the remains of Martin KELLY, Page 3. Also 11 July - page 4
09 July 1870 - from Thames - The interment of Mr H P STARK took place yesterday. Page 3
09 July 1870 - from Thames - Inquest on the remains of the man found in Kauwaeranga Valley on Tuesday, supposed to be those of James DURANT. Page 3
09 July 1870 - Mangawai - The body of a man named William HAGGIN had been found dead, nearly doubled up in a chimney in a whare near the beach at Mangawai. Page 4
11 July 1870 - from Thames - A man named John WINDSOR, who lately had been hawking poultry for sale, was arrested on a charge of Vagrancy. When the cell was opened this morning the poor fellow was lying dead. Page 4
11 July 1870 - from Thames- A man named WALLACE died as a result of injuries sustained in a fight between Thomas Johnstone and Reid at a boarding-house. Page 4
14 July 1870 - Mr William GRIFFIN, died at the Provincial Hospital yesterday. He first settled in Auckland in 1842. . Page 3
15 July 1870 - The Wellington Independent of 7th inst. - Chief Officer McLEAN and a seaman of the Frowning Beauty drowned when they were knocked off the boom by the flapping of a sail. Page 3
18 July 1870 - from Wellington - A man named Andrew McMASTERS has hanged himself at Wairarapa. A Coroner's jury returned a verdict of Temporary Insanity. Page 3
18 July 1870 - from Canterbury - A boy named FERRICK accidentally cut himself severely with a knife between the thumb and forefinger and died from lockjaw. Page 3
19 July 1870 - The body of Mr LAMPLOUGH, mail contractor, was discovered on 14th on the beach between Petane and Tongoio. Page 3
19 July 1870 - from Hawkes Bay - Constable Seth McNAMARA died suddenly on 11th of disease of the heart. .Page 3
22 July 1870 Thames Advertiser - At Coromandel a passenger on the Lalla Rookh was about to leave for the Hospital but had not sooner reached the deck of the vessel than he fell down and expired. His name is not known but has been employed as manager for Mr M Constable of the Emma Challis Claim. .Page 3
23 July 1870 - from Westland - Adolphe EISFELDER, a butcher, was found dead in his bed on 13th. Page 3
23 July 1870 - from Westport - Joseph BROWN, a boatman, has been drowned near the ferry, the horse on which he was crossing having been carried off its feet. .Page 3
23 July 1870 - from Westport - The infant son of Mr McRAE died suddenly and at the Coroner's inquest an open verdict was returned. .Page 3
27 July 1870 - Thomas COURTNEY, employed on the Three Sisters reported to the water police that a dead body lay in the intake near Customhouse-street. The body was later identified as that of John HOLMES who, with his wife and two children, arrived here in the Wonga Wonga on her last trip from San Francisco. Page 3
27 July 1870 - from Hokitika - A boat from Okarito, manned by five men, was upset while crossing the bar today and two men, named John BROWN and Henry MILLER were drowned. Miller's body has been picked up. .Page 3
27 July 1870 - from Invercargill - The captain of the Brothers has been drowned off Mokomoko. .Page 3
27 July 1870 - from Canterbury - John MANN, a shepherd in the employment of Messrs Holmes & Co., died suddenly at Brown's Bridge Hotel on 15 July. Page 3
27 July 1870 - from Canterbury - Thomas BERRY, aged 15 years, son of Mr Berry, engineer, died suddenly. .Page 3
27 July 1870 - from Otago - A man named William PENBERTHY was found dead in his bed in his hut at Skipper's Creek at about 11 a.m. on 8th inst. .Page 3
29 July 1870 - A miner named John CARKILL, working in the Welcome Home Claim, Moanataiari Creek, yesterday expired suddenly whilst his mates were conveying him from the claim to the Hospital. Page 3
01 August 1870 Page 3 - Foundering of the steamer Tauranga. Left Auckland Saturday 23 July for Russell, halfway on her voyage when suddenly, in the darkness, she was run into by a miserable little ketch (the Enterprise) and has not since been seen or heard of. Names mentioned - Edward R HECTOR; WALL: WALTERS; LAND; A Maori, name unknown: Edward Vincent BOLGER; W HARWOOD; John D MUNROE; Griffiths PRITCHARD; C LAW; William E RANSOME; W FOSTER; George OLDHAM; William DAVANEY; Christopher REYNOLDS; Charles JOBSON; William HAHAN; Henry CLIFFORD; Henry ??; [Much more on this on later dates] Also 3 August - Page 3. Also 4 August - Page 3. And more...
03 August 1870 - from Thames - The body of a man, believed to be that of James STEENS, a Tararu miner, was found on the beach about half a mile beyond Tararu. . Page 3
03 August 1870 - from Thames - John WYNDER/WINDER, apparently lost in the bush. Later found in the Thames river about 5 miles from Shortland. .Page 3 Also 5 Augusut - Page 4.
03 August 1870 - Deaths during the passage of the Argyleshire from Glasgow. Robert NICHOL - consumption; George MOFFET. James MACKINTOSH jumped overboard and was drowned. James HENDERSON, an apprentice, jumped overboard after his hat blew off - picked up exhausted. Page 3
04 August 1870 - from Thames - Inquest on body found in the surf near Tararu, believed to be Stephen HYNES. .Page 3
04 August 1870 - A man named McGINLEY died at Otahuhu after being thrown out of his wagon and the wheel passing over his head. .Page 3
04 August 1870 - from Napier - The mail carrier left Wairoa on Tuesday, accompanied by COOPER. A report has just reached here that the mail carrier's body was seen rolling in the surf. .Page 3
04 August 1870 - from Dunedin - Two men have been drowned at Shag Point through the capsizing of a boat. .Page 3
05 August 1870 - Inquest re the late accident near Otahuhu. The unfortunate man McGUIRE (sic) leaves a wife and three young children, the wife not being in good health and left in very indigent circumstances. .Page 3
05 August 1870 - Inquest on of Daniel McGAHAN, labourer, killed on the Great South Road. .Page 4
08 August 1870 - Further on the road accident at Otahuhu where Daniel McGANN (sic) was killed. .Page 3
08 August 1870 - from Canterbury - The son of Mr WRIGHT was accidentally drowned. .Page 3
08 August 1870 - from Otago - A boy named Robert SANDERSON was gored to death by a bull. .Page 3
08 August 1870 - from Nelson - Mr BROWN and Mr MUELLER drowned when their boat capsized on the bar at Hokitika. .Page 3
08 August 1870 - from Nelson - Mrs SPANTON died suddenly, she was 70 years of age. A woman named Mrs MORLEY died in childbirth. .Page 3
08 August 1870 - from Hawkes Bay - Mr James TAIT of Waikari has been accidentally drowned. Page 3
10 August 1870 - from Thames - A child named Margaret CRUTCH aged about 3, died suddenly up the Karaka Creek today. Page 4
10 August 1870 - from Thames - Inquest re Thomas COMISKY at Waiomu, between Tararu and Tapu, held at Shortland Court-house. . Page 4
13 August 1870 - Inquest on Lovelock COUSINS who was found dead in his dwelling-house on Thursday. Deceased was 69 and very feeble. Page 4
15 August 1870 - From Canterbury - A little girl named Mary BROWN, aged 3, residing with her parents at the South Selwyn, was seriously burned. She died 5 hours afterwards. Page 3
15 August 1870 - from Nelson - On August 2, a woman aged above 70, named Mrs SPANTON, was found dead on the road leading to her residence. Page 3
15 August 1870 - from Canterbury. - Mr James ROLLS, farmer, Lincoln, has been found dead in a ditch. It is supposed he fell into the ditch while in a fit. .Page 3
15 August 1870 - from Canterbury. - On the same date, and in the same district, Mr George HAWKINS fell into the fire while in a fit and was burnt so severely that death ensued half an hour afterwards. Page 3
15 August 1870 - from Canterbury. - A son of Mr W H PERRYMAN, farmer, stumbled into a basin of water and was so severely scalded that he died the same evening. Page 3
15 August 1870 - from Canterbury. - Mary BROWN, a girl three years of age, residing with her parents at the South Selwyn, was seriously burned on the evening of 25th ult. She died five hours afterwards. Page
15 August 1870 - from Otago - A man named Paul Dexter MILLER has been killed by falling 100 feet down an old paddock at Moke Creek near Queenstown. Page 3
15 August 1870 - from The Times - Article re death of Charles DICKENS. Page 3
22 August 1870 - from Hamilton - A young man named HARGROVE, nephew to Mr Hughes, died whilst pig hunting near Mystery Creek. Page 2
22 August 1870 - From Oruawharo - Dr BELL, settler, has died aged 34. Leaves a widow and 8 children. Page 3
22 August 1870 - A man named PATRICK, cut his throat and is in the Provincial Hospital. It is problematical whether he will recover. Page 2
22 August 1870 - A man named Mrs HOWARD, inmate of the Lunatic Asylum, died yesterday. Page 2
23 August 1870 - J MORRISSY, a discharged soldier of the 18th Royal Irish, Manukau, died after a fight. Manslaughter charge against a woman. Page 2
24 August 1870 - Inquests on the bodies of two inmates of the Lunatic Asylum - Mary Anne HOWARD and John CAESAR, a Malay. Page 3
24 August 1870 - Inquest at Onehunga, on James GAFFANY, seaman and lamp trimmer on board s.s. Taranaki, about 29 years of age. Page 3
27 August 1870 - Three young men have been drowned at Port Cooper by the accidental capsizing of a boat. They were named McCORMACK, MURPHY and John SMITH. A fourth, EMMETT, was saved. Page 2
30 August 1870 - from the Nelson Colonist - Mysterious disappearance of Mr BARCLAY after 21st August. Page 2
30 August 1870 - from Wellington - Mr CLARKE, schoolmaster, Wai-nui-o-mata, died of exhaustion. His body was found within ten minutes walk of a ridge from the top of which Mr Prouse's house is visible. Page 3
30 August 1870 - from Whanganui - Inquest on Richard CURRY found drowned in a creek on the Westmore Farm, in about 6 inches of water, lying on his face. Page 3
01 September 1870 - from Wellington - A man named DUIRDEN was smothered in a mass of earth whilst working on the Little River Road. Another man named WALKER had a narrow escape. Page 2
01 September 1870 - from Hawkes Bay - Mrs ROLLIN, wife of the Overseer of Roads, residing on the White Road, expired suddenly. Page 2
01 September 1870 - Page 2 - from Hawkes Bay - At Poverty Bay - the Body of David MORRISON was found in a state of decomposition.
01 September 1870 - Page 2- from Otago - Henry LAWRENCE, a sausage-maker, was found dead in his bed.
01 September 1870 - Page 2- from Otago - The infant daughter of Mrs Annie HENDERSON was accidentally smothered.
01 September 1870 - Page 2- from Otago - A melancholy accident occurred on Thursday last at Otakia, Otago, resulting in the death of a little boy. It appears the child got hold of some matches and accidentally set on fire some straw in an outhouse in which he was playing. He must have been rapidly enveloped in the flames as when found the body was quite charred.
01 September 1870 - Page 2- from Canterbury - A female child, aged 2 and a half, fell down a well and was drowned.
01 September 1870 - from Southland - A child belonging to a family named Caulfield, Galla-street, Invercargill, fell into a vessel of boiling water recently, and got severely scalded. It has since died. . Page 2.
01 September 1870 - Page 3 - from Greymouth - Two crewmen, Peter SHIELDS and James CARR of the Constance drowned when the ketch capsized while attempting to sail in over the bar at dead low tide.
01 September 1870 - Page 2 - Information respecting Jamex WHILLEY is requested at the Colonial Secretary's Office: Occupation - farmer & brewer. General appearance - light complexion, 5 ft 9 inches height. Usual residence before coming to the colony - Wisbech. Age - 46. Married. Left London 21 August 1865. Last heard of in NZ in December 1865.
05 September 1870 - Page 2 - Horace JOHNSON, aged 10, nephew to James BRAY, farmer near the Three Kings Institution drowned in a pond.
05 September 1870 - On Saturday last a fatal accident occurred by a man falling over Queen-street Wharf and getting drowned. LEGG, a sailor, endeavoured to save him. .Page 2
06 September 1870 - from Oruawharo - The death of Dr BELL is reported, a settler who earned the respect of every one who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Page 3
06 September 1870 - Inquest on James GALLANY, [?GAFFANY] aged 29, Seaman & lamp-trimmer. Page 3.
07 September 1870 - from Taranaki - Joseph WHEELER fell into the water whilst fishing but died before reaching land. .Page 3
07 September 1870 - from Greymouth - William HALL fell from the wharf into the Grey River and in the presence of over 20 spectators was drowned. .Page 3
07 September 1870 - from Otago - Mr Francis H MALLOCH, formerly a clerk in the Bank of Otago, died suddenly. .Page 3
09 September 1870 - from Raglan - Mr KINNAIRD, settler, missing. .Page 2 Also 17 Sept 1870 - Page 3.
13 September 1870 - Mr W B UPTON, senior partner of the firm of Upton Brothers, has died. Page 2
17 September 1870 - The body of a man named FLYNN was found floating near the watermen's steps at Queen-street Wharf. .Page 3. Also 19 Sept 1870 - Page 3.
17 September 1870 - from the South - Robert DUNCAN, a miner, has lost his life through suffocation at McHardy's Gully, Upper Shotover, Otago. . Page 3
17 September 1870 - from the South - A little girl named Olivia Georgina Mary McGRATH has been drowned at Christchurch. . Page 3
17 September 1870 - From Napier - A man named BRUCE, managing contractor, has been lost between Taupo and Rununga. Page 3
17 September 1870 - from the South - A man has been found drowned in the Tokomairiro river, Otago. In his pocket was found a card with "Robert Miller, Whangaloa" written on it. Afterwards his name was found to be William AITKEN. . Page 3
17 September 1870 - from the South - Mr Francis H MALLOCH, late a clerk in the Bank of Otago, has committed suicide in Dunedin by taking laudanum. Page 3
17 September 1870 - from the South - A woman named FITZPATRICK has been so severely burned at Stafford Town, Westland that she died. . Page 3
17 September 1870 - from the South - Mr John PAGE a commission agent at Oamaru, has committed suicide by taking poison. . Page 3
17 September 1870 - From the South - A young man named William HALL fell from the wharf at Greymouth and was drowned. Page 3
17 September 1870 - from the South - Taituha KAIPAI, a Maori lunatic at Wellington, hanged himself. . Page 3
17 September 1870 - From the South - Joseph WHEELER has been drowned at Waiiti, Taranaki. Page 3
17 September 1870 - From the South - A little girl aged 2 � , daughter of James McGRATH, Kilmore-street East, Lyttelton, fell into a well and was drowned. Page 3
17 September 1870 - From the South - Martin GIBBS, fell down a cliff onto rocks at Nelson, 60 feet, and fractured his skull. Page 3
17 September 1870 - from the South - A wagoner named William COLGAN got stuck with a load of goods near Mount Ida. He asked assistance of a fellow wagoner which was refused and in despair he hanged himself to the roof of his wagon. . Page 3
17 September 1870 - from Raglan - A boy aged 14 or 15, lately working for Mr Wilson (later found to be William O'BRIEN) drowned when a boat capsized. Page 3 Also 19 Sept 1870 - Page 3.
19 September 1870 - from the South - A child of Mr PICKERING fell into a hole at Westport and was drowned. . Page 2
21 September 1870 - Inquiry at the Provincial Hospital re the death of Peter LAMB, nephew of John LAMB of Lamb's Mill, aged 25. Page 3
21 September 1870 - from the South - An aged man names Alexander PATTERSON died suddenly at the Hutt. Page 3
21 September 1870 - from the South - At Waipouri a child named Maggie JOHNSON was last week taken out of a race, dead; a week before she was rescued from out of another. This is the third child drowned in the races. Page 3
21 September 1870 - from the South - A man named McGILLIVRAY has been drowned in the Molyneaux, Page 3
23 September 1870 - Mr George MARSHALL, a fine young man, was drowned this morning in the Kauwaeranga Creek. Page 2
23 September 1870 - The body of Mr CASSETT of the firm of Cassett and Forceau, storekeepers, Shortland, was found with a recently discharged revolver beside the body. Page 2
29 September 1870 - from the Fiji Times of the 17th - Captain COOK of the schooner Sea Breeze died suddenly at Levuka. Page 2
30 September 1870 - from Wellington - James PALMER, seaman, died suddenly last night on board the Ruby lying alongside the wharf. Page 2
30 September 1870 - from Nelson - William BEATTIE who was recently injured at the Lyell, is dead. Page 2
01 October 1870 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on Charles MASON, an inmate for the last three years. Page 2
07 October 1870 - The death of Brevet-Major A STRANGE, 2nd battalion 14th Regt, while on his passage home from Australia, has been officially reported. The gallant major saw some service in NZ. Page 2
11 October 1870 - Henry GREEN, married, was drowned in the Waipu River, whilst trying to cross it on horseback. Page 2
12 October 1870 - From the Thames - A child has been run over by a dray at Tararu and dreadfully injured and is not likely to recover. Page 2
12 October 1870 - At Manutahi, a child about fourteen months old, named Allan COPESTAKE, fell into a tub of water and was suffocated. Page 3
12 October 1870 - G W SWAINSON of Marton, was found dead in his bed yesterday in Polgreen's hotel. Page 3
13 October 1870 - The 2 yr old child of Mrs COSTELLO, Mt Eden, died from scalds. Page 3. Also 14 Oct 1870 - Page 2.
13 October 1870 - The 16 month old daughter of Mr COLLETT of the Tararu Store died after being run over by a quartz cart driven by Thomas Crowe, from the Golden Crown mine. Page 3
14 October 1870 - W PENNINGTON died on the Great South Road by the upsetting of a dray. Page 2
15 October 1870 - A telegram was received in Whanganui on 10th inst. stating that Mr G W HOLLAND of Patea had been killed by a slip of the cliff near Boundary Creek. Page 2
15 October 1870 - Mr George (sic) MACRAE, aged about 50, died suddenly whilst talking to his wife and Mr James Hedley at the corner of Chapel and Albert-streets. Page 2
17 October 1870 - Inquiry re the sudden death of James McRAE. Page 3
18 October 1870 - Mr James SIMMONDS, comedian, died very suddenly yesterday. Page 2
19 October 1870 - Mr G COX, settler, Mauku, missing. Page 3
20 October 1870 - from Nelson - A woman named Mary Ann HAMILL has been so severely beaten at Hokitika by a man named David Souter, that she died. Page 3
21 October 1870 - from the Bay of Islands - A young man at Mr Cook's died yesterday from injuries supposed to have arisen from his having previously occupied himself in carrying on his head bricks in loads much too heavy. Page 2
22 October 1870 - from the Hawks Bay Herald, 18 October - On Saturday last a native named TUPURUPURU, cousin to Te Hapuka drowned himself near Pukipuki. Page 2
24 October 1870 - Albert SMITH, seaman on HMS Blanch drowned after falling from the fore-rigging. Page 2
27 October 1870 - from Wellington - John Hammond HORNER, auctioneer, an old settler, died last night. Page 2
28 October 1870 - Inquest on John ALLWOOD, pensioner, aged 65, residing in Barrack-street, who was found dead, at the foot of the cliff at Fort Britomart close to the Breakwater. Page 2
31 October 1870 - from Canterbury - An inquest was held on the body of Mr INNES, the landlord, who died from injuries received in descending from one of his own stacks. Page 2
31 October 1870 - from Otago - Mr John BOWER, who was travelling from Dunedin to the Benmore Station, was drowned in the Otematata River. Page 2
31 October 1870 - from Nelson - An old man named Charles Samuel CAVE, residing near Richmond, died somewhat suddenly. He was about 72 years of age. Page 2
31 October 1870 - from Nelson - Inquest on a man found near Langley Dale station, the remains proved to be those of David LITTLE who came to Nelson from South Australia some months ago. Page 2
31 October 1870 - from Pukekohe West - Patrick FEGAN was fatally injured at Pukekohe West on Wednesday last, 26th inst. He was at the time engaged felling timber. Page 2
31 October 1870 - from Napier - The skeleton of a man named RATHBONE who was killed at the massacre of Poverty Bay (10 Nov 1868) has been found. Page 3
02 November 1870 - from Wellington - The body of the missing man PORTEOUS which was seen in the harbour was found last night fearfully disfigured. Page 2
02 November 1870 - from Wellington - The body of a 10 yr old boy named TANDY was found by his father last. He is supposed to have fallen from the jetty and been drowned during the afternoon. The tide washed the body on to the beach. Page 2
02 November 1870 - from Dunedin - The body of a man with several wounds on his throat has been found at Mataura. [Believed to be Richard HUNTER.] Page 2
08 November 1870 - from Otago - George ROBERTSON, a miner employed by Messrs Hales & Hinds, Bluespur, was crushed by the fall of a large block of cement while at work. Death was instantaneous. Page 2
09 November 1870 - from Northern Wairoa - A gumdigger, believed to be a Scotchman, has been drowned in the Creek, Northern Wairoa, by falling out of a boat in the Kaihu Creek whilst in a state of intoxication. Page 2
09 November 1870 - from the South - James SIGNALL's young son of Whanganui, is reported to be missing after falling off the wharf at Taupo Quay. Page 2 Also 10 Nov 1870 - Page 2.
10 November 1870 - from Whanganui - The funeral of the late Mr D ATKINSON was well attended. Page 2
10 November 1870 - A man named WILLIAMS, believed to be ex Waikato Regiment, fell from the Asp at Oakura Point and apparently drowned. Page 2
10 November 1870 - from Napier - Three boys, two of them brothers named GREENWAY and one named MAHONEY were drowned yesterday while bathing in the harbour. Page 2
11 November 1870 - The man WILLIAMS who was supposed to be lost by falling overboard from Major Stoney's cutter, escaped by swimming to the shore at the Oakura and reached Lucas's Creek yesterday. Page 2
11 November 1870 - The son of Robert GILMOUR died at Raglan from ulcerated sore throat. Page 2
11 November 1870 - from Omaha - James ANDERSON Jun. died last Thursday. Page 2.
14 November 1870 - from Hawkes Bay - Three boys were drowned whilst engaged in bathing; two lads, named GREENAWAY, probably 10 or 12 years, and one much younger named MALONEY. Page 2
14 November 1870 - from Grahamstown - A gumpacker named WILSON fell off his horse while crossing the Kauwaeranga Creek today and was drowned. Page 2
14 November 1870 - from Christchurch - A man named JOHNSON, a sailor, is missing; he is supposed to have perished in a fire. Page 2
14 November 1870 - from Christchurch - The death of Mr SELFE, late English agent for Canterbury, excites much regret here. Page 2
14 November 1870 - from Hawkes Bay - A native, named Buku (hunchback) TANIERA, had his arm drawn in up to the elbow in the scutching-machine at Mr Harrison's flat mill at Pakipaki and it was immediately crushed to a jelly. The man died the same night. Further accident of the same nature to a boy named George GARDINER, whose arm will have to be amputated. Page 2
14 November 1870 - from Dunedin - Cobb's coach capsized yesterday at Taieri ferry. Mr RYRIE of Balclutha was killed. He was married in Dunedin the previous day. Page 2
14 November 1870 - from Dunedin - HONAN, the man injured in the fire on Monday, died yesterday. Page 2
15 November 1870 - from Mangapai - Mr Meredith ROUNTREE, a local Wesleyan preacher, died on 6th inst. Page 2
16 November 1870 - The Body of John MOORE, storekeeper at the diggings, who drowned in the Kauwaeranga Creek, has been recovered. Page 2
18 November 1870 - from Hamilton - Mrs KURSHLIT died 10th inst. at her residence on the Te Awamutu road, five miles from Hamilton. Page 3
25 November 1870 - from the North Shore - Mrs NICHOLSON and a grandchild, William McFETRIDGE aged 3 yrs 11 mths, drowned while crossing a mangrove paddock on the way to the Shoal Bay Ferry. Page 2. Mrs Nicholson's body not yet found. 26 Nov 1870 - Page 2. 28 Nov 1870 - Page 3.
26 November 1870 - from Christchurch - A shepherd named James McRAE was dragged by his horse at Mount Sommers Station on the 20th and killed. Page 3
28 November 1870 - Mrs ROBERTSON, mother of Messrs James & Robert Robertson, has died at Fort Richard, Otahuhu. Page 2
28 November 1870 - Remains found of Captain Joseph Kemp WESTON who went missing from his residence in Symonds-street on 5 November 1867. Page 3.
29 November 1870 - Mr Richard TODD, surveyor, has been shot through the head by a party of Maoris. Page 3
02 December 1870 - John HOGAN of Springbank, near Ponsonby Road, is reported as missing. Page 2
07 December 1870 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum touching on inmate Albina BALL. the death of an inmate named Albina BALL. Page 3
07 December 1870 - From Christchurch - Francis JOLLIE, M.G.A., died yesterday. Page 2
08 December 1870 - Mrs CONNOR's mother, on returning to her house, was horrified to find that her daughter had been struck dead by lightning. Page 2
08 December 1870 - from Bay of Islands - Edward HALCROW, boatswain of the Auckland died from the effects of falling from the rail of the steamer on to the kelson of the barge alongside. Page 2
16 December 1870 - Funeral of Mrs Dr KIDD. Page 2
16 December 1870 - from Invercargill - A woman and two children named RICHARDSON, went to Seward Bush and have not since been heard of. Page 3
17 December 1870 - Information received of a boat accident by which two Europeans, believed to be sawyers, are supposed to have met their death on a trip from Ngururu to Matapou. Page 2
17 December 1870 - Fourteen Maoris drowned en route from Whangaroa to the North Cape, Page 2
17 December 1870 - from Port Chalmers - Thomas RHURT has been drowned while endeavouring to swim off to his boat. He leaves a wife and family. Page 3
17 December 1870 - A youth named BAILEY has hanged himself at Christchurch. Page 3
17 December 1870 - from Christchurch - A youth named BAILEY has hanged himself at Christchurch. Page 3
17 December 1870 - from Masterton - A man named Thomas GRAHAM has died at Masterton through being thrown from his horse. Page 3
17 December 1870 - from Canterbury - Mr Alexander GILLIESPIE (sic) has been drowned while trying to cross the flooded Stoney Gully near Southbridge, Canterbury, with a horse and a dray. Page.3
17 December 1870 - from Otago - At Kaihiku, Otago, a child two years old fell the other day into the machinery of Mr Doull's flourmill and was dreadfully mangled. Page 3
19 December 1870 - Mr WINDSOR, 2nd Engineer on the Stormbird was accidentally killed through falling amongst the machinery whilst the steamer was under weigh. Page 2.
21 December 1870 - Inquest on John MOFFATT, who died suddenly at Puriri. Page 223 December 1870 - A man had been burnt to death in a whare at Riverhead on Wednesday last. The name of the person or particulars of the occurrence we have not to hand. [Late information identifies him as Denis McMANUS, gumdigger] Page 2
24 December 1870 - Mr Elias BENJAMIN son in law of Mr L D Nathan of this city, has died of heart disease. Page 2
24 December 1870 - Captain DELOITTE, died on Tuesday 13 December in Sydney. Page 2
26 December 1870 - William ANDERSON was found dead on 16th inst in the yard of the Commercial Hotel, Whanganui. Page 2
28 December 1870 - The funeral of Dennis McMANUS, burned to death in a whare at Riverhead, took place at Panmure; it was well attended and Rev Fynes read the service. Page 2
28 December 1870 - A man named GILBERT was drowned in the Waikato river. He was in a canoe with some companions and, losing his balance, fell into the water. Page 2
29 December 1870 - Mr James PREECE, a very old and much-respected settler in the colony had died. He came out as a missionary in connection with the Church Mission Society to the Bay of Islands in August 1829. Page 2
30 December 1870 - Captain DAVIES, aged 28, of the Kate Grant contracted dysentery and died on 26th inst. Page 2