The Southern Cross began as a weekly paper in Auckland on 22 April 1843. In 1862 it became the first daily newspaper in Auckland, changing its name to the Daily Southern Cross. The Southern Cross was merged with the New Zealand Herald, which is still published today, in 1876.
These have been kindly indexed by Jacqueline Walles. If you think any of these entries belong to you, they can be researched in greater detail through the Papers Past website. There are sometimes follow-ups at later dates.
02 January 1871- from Hokitika - At the Eight-mile Diggings, two miners named William KING and C JORGONSEN, were killed on the 20th by a fall of earth while working a hydraulic sluicing claim. A third man QUINN was fearfully injured. Page 3
02 January 1871 - from Invercargill - The Stewart's Island Maori reserve survey party report finding two skeletons at Port Adventure. The natives suppose they are the men who deserted a whaler at Pegasus nine years ago. Page 3
02 January 1871 - from Whanganui - Mr Walter BULLER is very unwell in consequence of being stung in the hand by a venomous spider. Page 3
04 January 1871 - from Taranaki - A young man named D BISHOP, was riding on the racecourse when he collided with another J HOOKER. BISHOP died on Wednesday morning (28th) from injuries sustained. Page 3
05 January 1871 - from Napier - John CARTY, formerly of the 65th Regt, fell off Cobb's coach at Te Aute yesterday and was killed. Page 3
05 January 1871 - From Hokitika - The funeral of the two men killed at Woodstock was attended by 200 persons. Page 3.
05 January 1871 - from Greymouth - 29 Dec: A miner named George PATNODE (sic) was murdered on Tuesday at Noble's diggings, Grey River, being stabbed in the heart. He died immediately. Page 3 (or PATENAUDE)
05 January 1871 - from Greymouth - A boatman named Samuel WOGAN or WOLGAN, while drawing a bucket of water at Grey Quay, fell in and was drowned; his body is not yet found. Page 3
05 January 1871 - from Christchurch - A man named Thomas GROGAN was stabbed in a drunken row at Le Bon Bay on 23rd inst. He died immediately afterwards. Page 3
05 January 1871 - Mr F C LANE, at Sydney, lately arrived from Auckland, jumped overboard from the Morpeth steamer when she was out at sea and was drowned. Page 2
07 January 1871 - An inquest was held on the 30th inst at Akaroa on the body of Thomas GROGAN, killed in a drunken quarrel at Le Bon Bay. Page 3
07 January 1871 - Mrs GUNSON, died in Nelson-street with symptoms of cholera. Page 2
07 January 1871 - Inquest on NISBET who was recently drowned, a verdict of Accidentally Drowned was returned. - Page 3
07 January 1871 - Nathan Charles Findlay LANE, a passenger on the Morpeth on a trip from Sydney to Newcastle, apparently leaped or fell overboard. Page 3
07 January 1871 - William BARNES, an old settler, aged 75, residing at North Makara, Wellington, was found dead in his bed on 2nd inst. Page 2
09 January 1871 - Mrs MORLEY died suddenly in the street after attending service. Page 2
10 January 1871 - Inquest on Mrs MORLEY, aged 33. Page 3
11 January 1871 - Mr Alexander KERR has died at Sydney on 31 December. Page 2
14 January 1871 - Patrick McDONNELL, of Chancery-street, a 2nd Bengal Regt pensioner, has died suddenly. Page 3
16 January 1871 - from Hokitika - Antonio NOBLE arrested after the rape & murder of an 8 year old girl. Page 3
16 January 1871 - from Hokitika - David SOUTER was indicted for the murder of Mary Ann HAMIL and found guilty and received sentence of death. Page 3
16 January 1871 - from Christchurch - George ALLEN, an old settler, died suddenly today. Page 3
18 January 1871 - Two skeleton have been found on Stewart's Island and are supposed to be those of two men who ran away from a whaler at Pegasus, a long time ago. Page 2
18 January 1871 - Inquest on George PATENAUDE. Page 3
18 January 1871 - Mary Jane MOLAUMBY, aged 8, murdered at Hokitika. Page 3
18 January 1871 - from Christchurch - Simon CEDENCH, a native of Panama and butler to Mr Robinson, station-owner, stabbed two of his fellow servants. He has been committed for wilful murder. Page 2
18 January 1871 - from Turakina - Infanticide of a new-born male child found upon the premises of Mr HURST at Turakina. Dr Hooper was of the opinion that Mrs Hurst was of weak intellect. Page 3
18th January 1871 - A miner named PATTEN has been killed by a fall of earth at Connolly's Creek, the Arnold. Page 2
19 January 1871 - More on the murder at Hokitika of Mary Jane MOLAUMBY. Page 2
19 January 1871 - from Christchurch - Mrs Frederick WILLIAMS, while bathing at Sumner yesterday, was carried out to sea and drowned. Page 2
19 January 1871 - from the South - Mr John MARSH, as he was returning home from his work at Taranaki, suddenly dropped dead from the effect of bursting a blood-vessel. Page 3
19 January 1871 - from the South - Mr James HYDE of Spring Grove, Nelson, committed suicide by throwing himself into the Wairoa River. Had left a note intimating his intentions. Page 3
19 January 1871 - from the South - On 15th inst Adam GROTT of the cutter Dawn lying in the Manawatu river fell overboard and was drowned. Page 3
23 January 1871 - A little girl named Elizabeth CLARK, aged about 10, has either strayed or been "detained". If "detained" the advertiser threatens prosecution. Page 2
26 January 1871 - Mrs BELL, wife of William Bell of the firm of Williams & Co. of this city died in giving birth to twins which are also dead. Page 2
30 January 1871 - Hans NEILSEN, seaman on the Merlin found on Saturday morning drowned in the vicinity of the Wood Wharf and near the Breakwater. Page 2
30 January 1871 - from Dunedin - Dr BURNS' funeral was attended by 1,000 persons and the day was observed. Page 3
01 February 1871 - Report to the Police that an 11 year old girl named Mary Jane KELLY was missing. Page 2
07 February 1871 - Inquest yesterday at the Lunatic Asylum upon the remains of an inmate named Patrick DONNOLLY. Page 2
07 February 1871 - Mr James Butler BEALE died at Wellington on 23rd ult. Page 2
13 February 1871 - From Upper Wairoa, Kaipara, we have an account of the drowning of a man named James WELSH by the accidental capsizing of a canoe. Page 3
13 February 1871 - Page 3 -Obituary re the death of Captain G I R WYNYARD, son of the late Major General Robert Henry Wynyard, C.B., 58th Regt, Commander of the Forces in NZ.
14 February 1871 - Death of the father of Rev Mr BRUCE at Dundee, Scotland also Rev Bruce's wife died after a short illness. Page 2
18 February 1871 - A child named BEST has been accidentally scalded to death at the Wairara. Page 3
20 February 1871 - A lad named SCHUMACHER was killed at the Styx flax mill, Canterbury, on the 11th. Page 2
21 February 1871 - From the Thames Advertiser - A man, whose surname is not known but who was known as 'Jemmy' and who was formerly a servant in Mr Bonfield's hotel, Shortland, drowned in the Thames near Kirikiri on Friday night. [We learn that the proper name of the man who was drowned in the Thames, as stated in yesterday's paper, was John WOODLOCK. He was a native of Victoria and had been in the 2nd Waikato Regt.] Page 2
23 February 1871 - Inquest on Robert LENDRUM who died at the Lunatic Asylum on 21st int. Page 2
24 February 1871 - Mrs Norton's 2 yr old son, Richmond-street, Thames drowned after falling into an open well. Page 2
25 February 1871 - from Christchurch - Inquest on a woman named McLEOD who was stabbed by her husband a few days ago. Page 3
01 March 1871 - Thames Correspondent. - The body of the unfortunate lad KENT who was drowned through the capsizing of the boat Challenger, has been, together with the mast and gear of the boat, washed ashore nearly at the exact spot where the surviving man landed. Page 3 Also 03 March 1871, Page 2.
03 March 1871 - from Coromandel - Frederick WILSON has been found drowned at Kennedy's Bay. Page 2
03 March 1871 - from Coromandel - A little boy, the son of Mr EDWARDES a resident at the Upper Township, was found drowned in the creek near his parents' residence yesterday. Page 2
04 March 1871 - from Otago - A child belonging to a family named BATT, resident in the Waikiwi Bush, met its death by accident the latter end of last week. Page 3 04 March 1871 - Richard KNOX was drowned whilst bathing in the river Selwyn, a short distance from the Railway Station. The body was recovered. Page 3
04 March 1871 - Edward TOZER, working at Messrs Saxton & William's sawmills, Robinson's Bay near Akaroa, met with his death while employed in cross-cutting a log in order to facilitate its descent from the top of a cutting where it had fallen. Page 3
04 March 1871 - Inquest on Jessie ARNOTT was dragged by a horse and when stopped it was found that the rope was fastened around his ankle. A doctor was sent for but did not arrive till after death. Page 3
04 March 1871 - James HUGHES fell overboard from the ship Wild Duck and drowned. His body was found near the stranded hulk. Page 3
04 March 1871 - Paul DORAN, the discover of Doran's Reef, died at Whangapeka. It seems he was undermining a piece of ground when the top gave way and crushed him in falling. He died before he could be brought into the township. Page 3
13 March 1871 - On Wednesday the body of a man was found floating in the Whangarei river near Limestone Island. Page 2 [Name later found to be BLACK - 17 Mch 1871. Page 2] 20 May 1871 - Page 5.
17 March 1871 - Frederick CAINS, 14 yrs, leg amputated. Page 2
17 March 1871 - from Grahamstown - The Evening Mail reports a fatal accident in the Havilah Claim, Tapu, to a man named Charlie REDWOOD. Page 2
18 March 1871 - Mr James NAUGHTON, Resident Magistrate of Onehunga and formerly Commissioner of Police in Auckland has died very suddenly. Page 2
18 March 1871 - Inquest on John McLEOD, drowned while attempting to cross the Waiwera River on the night of the 7th. Page 3
20 March 1871 - Robert CANNING, a single man, died very suddenly yesterday. Page 2
22 March 1871 - Mr HALSTEAD's 14 year old son died of his injuries after being thrown from his horse on Monday's sports at Otahuhu. Page 2
24 March 1871 - Constable JONES, drowned in attempting to row across the Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, in a small canoe. Page 2
24 March 1871- From Hamilton - Constable MUIRHEAD has committed willful murder by shooting a comrade, Constable GILFILLAN, at Rangiaohia. Page 2
25 March 1871- From the Grey River Argus 11 March - Edmund TRAHEY, keeper of the Teremakau Hotel, has drowned in a West Coast river. Page 2
25 March 1871- From the Canterbury Press - Mrs BERG, wife of Captain Berg of the Ann drowned in the Heathcote River. Page 2
25 March 1871- From Cambridge - Mr James Sims COOPER, late of Red Hill, Surrey, drowned in the Waihi River. Page 3
25 March 1871 - Mr Daniel LORRIGAN, a young man of about 20 years of age, has died very suddenly. Page 3
27 March 1871 - George STAUR (sic), miner at the Cape of Good Hope Claim, Moanataiari Creek, was killed instantly when a tree fell on his whare. Page 2
27 March 1871 - Funeral of Daniel LORRIGAN. Page 2
27 March 1871 - More on the murder of Constable GILFILLAN. Page 2
28 March 1871 - From the Alexandra Times 10 March - About a year ago, William RUSSELL, a carpenter by trade who used to be an industrious man in our township had �750 left him by a relative in the old country. Since then, neither he nor his wife has been sober a single day. For several months pat Russell, although only 45 years of age, has been barely able to walk a hundred yards within an hour, purely from the effects of drink. On the Sunday before last Mrs Russell died and whilst a few neighbours were in the act of burying the unfortunate woman, Russell died. Page 2
29 March 1871 - Inquest on the miner George FARR [STAUR] who was killed on Saturday by a tree falling on him whiles asleep in his whare, Moanataiari Creek. Page 2
29 March 1871 - From Thames - The unfortunate man Michael SHEERAN who was injured by the explosion of a blasting charge in the Morning Star Claim on Saturday last, died yesterday (Monday) at the Hospital. Page 2
30 March 1871 - Mr T E L GUILDING, Clerk in the harbour-master's office, has died. Page 2
30 March 1871 - Thames - William FOREMAN who was working in the upper tribute of the Imperial Crown mine, has died suddenly. Page 2
31 March 1871 - Eliza TREVARTHEN has died suddenly at Newton. Page 2
01 April 1871 - At Whangaui on 27 March, Francis BAIL, ropemaker, Wilson-street, put an end to his existence by hanging himself on a post at the foot of his garden or rope-walk. Page 2
01 April 1871 - Inquest on Elizabeth Trevarthen, aged 65. Page 2
01 April 1871 - From the Thames - John BROWN, a resident of the Waiotahi Creek, has died suddenly. Page 2
06 April 1871- from Wellington Independent - James NASH, bachelor aged 35, has committed suicide by hanging. Page 5
06 April 1871 - From Dunedin - Mr W F DOWNES' son, a small toddler, died after being scalded by falling into a tub of hot water. Page 5
06 April 1871 - From Dunedin - Samuel WALKER was brought from the Waikaka to Switzers Hospital in a state of insanity in which he had tried to cut his own throat. He died on 19 March. Page 5
06 April 1871 - From Taranaki - Mr BOSWORTH, a clerk in the Registry Office, was drowned whilst bathing on Friday last. Page 5
06 April 1871 - From Dunedin - A boat accident occurred at Pleasant River on Sunday by which a boy named RYAN was drowned. Page 5
06 April 1871 - From the Thames - Mrs RILEY, wife of a miner, and her son James died when their house was overwhelmed by a slide of earth during a gale. Page 5
07 April 1871 - A man named William James REID, storekeeper of Tauranga, came up from that place on Wednesday night for the purpose of purchasing some stores, died suddenly Page 2
07 April 1871 - From Wellington - Information was received last evening that the cutter Dawn had gone ashore at Manawatu and the captain was unfortunately drowned. The vessel was the property of Captain HENDERSON and was uninsured. Page 3
07 April 1871 - From Grahamstown - Inquest on Mrs RIGLEY and child. Page 3
14 April 1871 - From Alexandra - Mr P H SADLER, a son of W E Sadler of Parnell is missing and any information respecting him will be thankfully received by his friends. He was last seen on Wednesday afternoon and was then in a very unsettled state of mind. Page 2
17 April 1871 - A little girl named Mary Ann BUSHNELL is missing from her home. She was last seen on Saturday afternoon about 3 p.m. playing outside her parents' house, Newton. Page 2
21 April 1871 - Mr George WEBSTER of Hokianga, died suddenly on Saturday last. Page 2
21 April 1871 - From Alexandra - Mr David CAUGHEY, settler, died after sustaining injuries when his horse fell. Page 2
22 April 1871 - From Queenstown - Mr John PASCOE, was killed this morning at the company's claim at Skippers. Page 3
22 April 1871 - From Napier 13 April - The driver of Cobb's coach reports that a Jew, a travelling dealer named A BARNETT, while suffering from delirium tremens, attempted to drown himself twice in Akiteo river and was rescued. Page 3
01 May 1871 - From Hawke's Bay Herald - The remains of Captain ST GEORGE, who was killed in an engagement with Te Kooti at Pourere have been brought from that place by Sub-Inspector Gascoigne, to Petane. Page 2
01 May 1871 - From the Thames - Martin TIMS, near the junction of Tararu Creek and Tinker's Gully died of a fit from excessive drinking. Page 3
02 May 1871 - Inquest on Alfred MAULE who died suddenly at his house near the Church of England Grammar School, Parnell, on Sunday night. Page 2
02 May 1871 - Mr Hugh DALGLEISH, Devauchelle's Bay, his wife, the latter's sister, a young girl named E SHADBOLT and a man named George BYRON were drowned in Akaroa Harbour. Page 2
03 May 1871 - A little girl named Mary Agnes BARSTOW is missing, having left her home, in Vincent-street between 4 and 5 p.m. yesterday. Page 2
03 May 1871 - A Greek named Vasila MITRI was buried in a tunnel at Irishmen's Creek at the Lyell on 14th April. Page 2
03 May 1871 - George TAYLOR, miner, died instantly when a large boulder fell on him at the Greenstone, Westland, on 23 April. Page 2
03 May 1871 - Emily CRUICKSHANK, Upper Hutt, has died of burns. Page 2
08 May 1871 - From Dunedin - At Caversham a woman named McPHEE, 35 years of age, the wife of a publican, killed herself and her child after she was ravished by a man named KANE, her husband's partner. Page 2
09 May 1871 - From Wellington, 3 May - Charles BULL, a bookbinder from Melbourne, was found drowned this morning. Page 2
10 May 1871 - From Papakura - An adopted daughter of Mr & Mrs SMITH of Papakura Valley has presumably died in a house fire. Page 2
10 May 1871 - Joseph CONNOR was washed away when the boat from the Hero was swamped within 10 yards of the shore. Page 2
13 May 1871 - From the Post - A young man named William BIDMEAD, aged about 24, hung himself with a comforter to the bedpost. Page 2
19 May 1871 - From Hamilton Correspondent - A young woman named Elsie KNOX, daughter of James Knox of East Hamilton, drowned in the Waikato River. Also 09 August 1871 - Page 2
20 May 1871 - From Whangarei - Detective Jeffery has been north examining the circumstances connected with the death of the late Robert BLACK. Page 5
22 May 1871 - From Wairoa, Kaipara - Mr James BROWN, a settler residing near the Mangonui Creek, drowned at the Kaipara. Deceased was a relation of the boy Francis NORTHWOOD who was drowned last week. Page 3
22 May 1871 - From Wairoa, Kaipara. - The deceased Francis TULLOCK was formerly captain and part owner of the Minnie Dyke. The lad NORTHWOOD was brother in law to Mr Fitness. Page 3
25 May 1871 - � little girl named Harriet LAMBERT (sic) was found dead in her bed about a quarter past seven o'clock. Page 2
26 May 1871 - Inquest on Harriett LOMBARD.(sic) Page 2
26 May 1871 - From Whangarei - A man who has been for some time employed in digging gum at Ruatangata and who has been loafing about the public houses drinking for several days, died early this morning after a very short illness of inflammation of the bowels. Page 2
27 May 1871 - From Wellington - The bodies of the two men drowned from HMS Virago have been recovered. TAYLOR was buried yesterday with military honours. SMITH will be buried tomorrow. Page 2
29 May 1871 - From Northern Wairoa - Inquest on the bodies of Henry TULLOCK and James Arthur BROWN who were drowned while conveying gum up the river. Page 3
30 May 1871 - From Grahamstown - Messrs GREEN, DANIELS & LANE were fishing in the Firth of Thames when their boat capsized. Daniels & Lane were drowned; Greene died in the hospital. Page 2
30 May 1871 - The chief Kitahi te Taniwha of Coromandel is dead and that natives are mustering from all parts of the country to take parting the funeral obsequies. Page 2
05 June 1871 - At Skipper's in the Lake district of Otago, a man named John R PASKO, shareholder and director of the Nugget & Cornish Company, was killed while oiling a quartz-crushing machine during the time that it was at work. Page 2
05 June 1871 - George RITCHIE, solicitor, was thrown from his horse and instantly killed. Page 3
06 June 1871 - Inquest on George RITCHIE, solicitor. Also 06 June 187 - Page 2
06 June 1871 - From the Thames Advertiser - Alexander GROVE, aged about 7, son of Daniel Grove, lost his life on the tramway. Page 2
09 June 1871 - From the Thames - A boatman named Charles TREVLEN alias "old Charley" drowned at the Thames. Page 2
10 June 1871 - From Dunedin - A servant girl named Bridget GEE murdered her newly born infant. Also 15 June 1871 - Page 3
10 June 1871 - A child named GOODAL (sic) severely burnt on Thursday; not likely to recover. Page 3
10 June 1871 - From Foxton - A man named LAWRENCE was drowned near Ngawhakarau. Page 3
10 June 1871 - Inquest on Charles TREVLEN, waterman, found dead in the mud off Grahamstown Wharf. Page 3.
12 June 1871 - Mr BATES died from the effects of dysentery whilst en route from Levuka on the Kenilworth. Page 2
12 June 1871 - Inquest on Michael GEARY, alias John BARRY, bushman, about 33 years of age. Page 3
13 June 1871 - From Grahamstown - The body found near Cooper's Creek has been identified as LEAN and an inquest will be held tomorrow. Page 2
13 June 1871 - From Mangonui - An old settler named GRAHAM, has died but more from the breaking up of the constitution and old age than any particular disease. Page 2
13 June 1871 - From the Supreme Court - Criminal Sittings - Thomas Pollock MUIRHEAD was indicted for that on 20th March 1871 he did feloniously, willfully and with malice aforethought, kill and murder one George Bond GILFILLAN. Page 3
15 June 1871 - From Dunedin - A woman named McDONALD in an altercation with her husband at Wangatua threw a pitchfork at him, which entered his side. Little hopes are entertained of his recovery. Page 5
15 June 1871 - From Dunedin - The coroner's jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against Bridget GEE. Page 5
15 June 1871 - From Dunedin - A woman of the name of EASTMAN has been thrown out of her buggy at Lawrence and killed. Page 5
16 June 1871 - From Waiuku correspondent - William George PLOUGHMAN, formerly a sergeant in HM 18th Regt, drowned in the Stoney Creek Bridge. Page 2
16 June 1871 - From Ngaruwahia - Inquest on Patrick KEANE who drowned in the Waipa River. Page 2
17 June 1871 - From Omaha - Inquest on the body of a man who had been found washed ashore in a sandy bay near the harbour. Believed to be James McHARDY. Page 3
17 June 1871 - Inquest on Percy RIDINGS, aged 48, inmate of the Asylum. Page 3
19 June 1871 - Richard HOOPER, seaman on the Alexandrina drowned in the harbour near Queen-street wharf. Page 2
21 June 1871 - Yesterday a widow woman named Charlotte MERRICK (sic) residing in Nelson-street was found in her bed dead. Page 3
22 June 1871 - Inquest on Elizabeth MEYRICK (sic) who was found dead in bed on Tuesday morning last at her residence in Nelson-street. Page 2
22 June 1871 - William McINTOSH, a miner, aged 34, was accidentally killed at the Orepuki diggings, Southland district, on 27 May by being struck by a fall of earth while mining. Page 2
22 June 1871 - The miner named John SALMON who was hurt by falling down a cutting on the Waiotahi Creek, died this morning in hospital. Page 3
23 June 1871 - From the Hawkes Bay Herald Tamati Waka, an old friendly chief, died at Aramohoe on the 2nd. Page 2
24 June 1871 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on Thomas WALSH who died there on 21st inst. Page 3
27 June 1871 - From Grahamstown - Inquest on the child Alexander MUNRO, a verdict was returned that deceased died from the effect of narcotic poison but by whom it was administered the evidence did not show. Page 2
01 July 1871 - From the Thames - Enquiry on John CHANDLEY, drowned off the Grahamstown Beach. Page 3
03 July 1871 - The funeral of the late James PEARCE will take place today and the members of the I.O.O.F, M.U., A.D., Loyal Good Intent Lodge are requested to meet at the British Hotel at 2.30 p.m. for the purpose of following his remains to the grave. Page 2
03 July 1871 - From Taranaki - Mrs WILSON, relict of Dr P Wilson, died suddenly on Saturday; she was a very old settler. Page 3
03 July 1871 - From Dunedin - George CLARK was run over at the Octagon by a cab on Saturday last and was instantaneously killed. Page 3
04 July 1871 - From Greymouth - John MOUNCE was burned to death in his hut at the Government Reserve. Page 3
07 July 1871 - George CLARK died in Princes-street, Dunedin, after being run down by a cab. Page 2
07 July 1871 - Four natives were drowned during the launching of a new canoe at Maaratapu, a settlement halfway between Raglan township and Port Waikato. They were Rehinan ti KAHUKOTI, Te WIKIRIWHI, HETARAKA and Reupene te POHAU. None of the bodies have been recovered. Page 2
08 July 1871 - From Grahamstown - The wife of the Rev Mr MAUNSELL died today of consumption. Page 2
12 July 1871 - Subscription list set up for the mother of John CROSBIE who drowned last Friday. Page 4
13 July 1871 - From Greymouth - Wellington Independent - Mrs KEMBLE of Carterton died of burns. Page 3
14 July 1871 - The wife and four children of the Rev T A FALKNER of Weymouth were suddenly seized with illness which took the form of gastric fever. Mrs Falkner has since succumbed to the disease and the children are scarcely expected to recover. Page 2
15 July 1871 - Funeral of St John JONES at the Thames on Thursday. Page 2
17 July 1871 - From Dunedin - A man named CRIAGIE, one of the crew of the lighter Victoria was knocked overboard in the upper harbour on Saturday by a tarpaulin and drowned; body not yet recovered. Page 2
18 July 1871 - From Thames - Seymour Gilbert HALL, formerly of Dunedin, met with a fatal accident in the Tookey mine. Page 3
22 July 1871 - William FOTHERINGHAM, labourer of Howe-street, was run down by a dray in Kyber Pass Road. Page 2
24 July 1871 - Inquest on William FOTHERINGHAM. Page 2
25 July 1871 - From Whanganui - The Whangaehu Hotel was totally destroyed by fire last night and a man named Peter FINN burned to death. A terrific gale was blowing at the time. Page 2
25 July - from Nelson - Manson SINCLAIR shot. Page 2
25 July 1871 - Mr R W WYNN expired at his residence, North Shore, yesterday morning. Page 2
25 July 1871 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on Verney CHILCOTT, inmate, who died on Saturday last. Page 2
26 July 1871 - From Papakura - On 19 June James BERRY left to visit Mr R B Underwood about 4 miles from Mercer but two days later his canoe was found bottom up near Tuakau. Page 2
26 July 1871 - Funeral of R W WYNN - Page 2
27 July 1871 - Funeral of the late Mr WYNN - Page 2
29 July 1871 - From Dunedin - Mr John GILLIES, father of the Superintendent of Auckland, died on 22nd instant aged 70. Page 2
29 July 1871 - From Charleston - Edwin GOODALL, a miner from Otago, was killed on Wednesday last by a fall of earth in his claim. Page 2
29 July 1871 - From Dunedin - William HOUGH, a hawker, committed suicide yesterday. Page 2
29 July 1871 - From Dunedin - A foreigner named John HAUSEN and a young man named BREMNER died suddenly yesterday. Page 2
31 July 1871 - From Coromandel - A man, name unknown lately at work for the Mercury Bay Sawmill Company, is supposed to have been drowned. Page 2
31 July 1871 - From Dunedin - Inquest at Invercargill on the body of a newly born female child of Agnes WALKER which died on or soon after the day of its birth. Page 3
31 July 1871 - From Dunedin - Mr Duncan FERGUSON of Breadalbane, Finegand, was found in a creek n the vicinity of his own property. It is surmised that the horse had stumbled into the creek which was much swollen at the time. Page 3
31 July 1871 - From Dunedin - A miner named Hugh McCONVILLE has died from injuries received from falling down a shaft at the Kanieri. Page 3
31 July 1871 - From Dunedin - A child named HENDERSON of Tomahawk Valley has been burned to death. Page 3
31 July 1871 - From Taranaki - Mr John KNIGHT, Sen., MPC, who held the honorary office of Provincial Treasurer, has met his death by drowning. Page 3
31 July 1871 - From Wellington - A man named ANDREWS, aka "Dirty Dick" has been burned to death in the stables of the New Zealander Hotel, Wellington. Page 3
31 July 1871 - From Hokitika - Mr Mark SPROT the well known cattle dealer of Hokitika, is dead. Page 3
31 July 1871 - From Whangaehu - Peter Finn McPHERSON, burnt to death when the Caledonian Hotel was razed. Page 3
31 July 1871 - From Whanganui - The cutter Patea went ashore at the South Spit today. She is a total wreck. It is feared the master, named TINIELLAY and a man have been drowned. Page 3
01 August 1871 - From Whanganui - Captain TAYLOR of the firm of Taylor & Watt, has been drowned from the Lady Denison on her voyage from Sydney to Kapiti. Page Also 01 August 1871 - Page 2
02 August 1871 - From the Tuapeka Times - A son of Mr James KERR, aged 5 years, died of scarlatina and two other boys about the same age - one belonging to Mr PERDUE and the other to Mr ALLAN - are now suffering from the same disease. Page 2
02 August 1871 - From the Cantebury Press - Human bones were discovered by some men whilst pig hunting on Saturday last in a fissure of a rock at Wainui in Banks Peninsula. It is supposed that they are the remains of Mr DICKENS who was lost some 14 years ago. Page 2
07 August 1871 - A man named Samuel CLOSE fell off the wharf and later died from his injuries. Page 2
07 August 1871 - The famous old chief Tamati WAKA of the Bay of Islands has died. Page 2.
07 August 1871 - From Port Albert - Inquest on 29 July of a man about 40 years of age who had for some years been living with the Maoris in the Kaipara, gum-digging. His name was found to be Patrick McDERMOTT. Page 2
07 August 1871 - From Greymouth - Father Columb has been drowned in the flooded Grey River. Page 2
08 August 1871 - From Christchurch - Edward SCRIVENER who was confined under a Magistrate's order on suspicion of lunacy, has been found dead in his cell. Page 3
08 August 1871 - From Christchurch - The coach from Dayleston to the Burnham Station upset yesterday in the River Selwyn, the driver and a boy being drowned. Page 3
08 August 1871 - From Christchurch - At the Lyttelton Station yesterday a man was killed between two buffers. Page 3
08 August 1871 - From Lyttelton - The funeral of the man McCORMICK who was killed on the railway the other day, took place today. Page 3
08 August 1871 - From Port Chalmers - Inquest on John AITCHISON who died on board the Alhambra on her passage from Melbourne. Page 3
08 August 1871 - Miss AYLMER a saloon passenger Nelson to the Bluff died on board the Rangitoto on the passage from Lyttelton. Her body is to be taken on to the Bluff where her friends reside. Page 3
09 Aug 1871 - Inquest on Samuel CLOSE. Page 6.
09 August 1871 - Long obit re death of Tamati Waka Nene. Page 5
10 August 1871 - From Opotiki - John FOX died as a result of an accident at Poptiki. Page 2
10 August 1871 - From Dunedin - A man named Edward McCULLOCH threw himself into the Molyneux at Alexandra on Tuesday. Page 3
11 Aug 1871 - Burial of Father COLUMB. Page 2
14 August 1871 - Mr E G HALL, superintendent of telegraphs under Mr Floyd, Electrician, engaged in the construction of the line from Tauranga to Katikati, has been drowned. Page 3
15 August 1871- From Dunedin - FLEMING, a late patient in the lunatic asylum has shot himself. Page 3
15 August 1871 - From Ohinemuri - Reported murder of a native woman named MATUNA at Hikutaia. Paged 2
17 August 1871 - From Cambridge - A man named George JOHNSON has been drowned in the Waikato River near Cambridge. Page 2
18 August 1871 - A child aged 1 yr 7 mths, belonging to Mr MORGAN, builder of Ponsonby Road, suddenly expired whilst in the care of his 15 year old sister. Page 2
19 August 1871 - From the Grey River Argus - Joseph O'NEILL who has been missing since Sunday night, is believed drowned, Page 2
21 August 1871 - From Coromandel - The body of Duncan CAMERON, the man drowned three weeks ago at Mercury Bay, has been found and buried. Page 2
21 August 1871 - From Westland Independent - The funeral of two miners, Nicholas PANAM and George NELSON, who were smothered in the Greeks' Claim at Half Ounce last week, took place at the Ahaura on Sunday. Page 2
22 August 1871 - Mary Ann HARRISON, known to the police by many aliases, and a woman of dissolute habits, was found dead in her bed in a house off Albert-street, early on Sunday morning last. Page 2
22 August 1871 - From Christchurch - A daughter of Dr PATRICK aged seven years, has been drowned in the river Avon. Page 3
22 August 1871 - From Westport - John ANDERSON, a miner, has been killed by an explosion. Page 3
22 August 1871 - From Tarawera - Charles GROGAN, a late member of the Armed Constabulary, died after a short illness of five hours and a quarter at Te Harato on Saturday 12 inst. Page 3
24 August 1871 - From Westport - A canoe has been upset in the Maneahua river, drowning a man named Michael ZAMBUHETCH. Page 3
28 August 1871 - From Oamaru - Inquest on Mr MILLER who shot himself in the press-room of the Oamaru Times office, with a rifle. Page 3
02 September 1871 - Fund for the widow and children of the late William FOTHERINGHAM. Page 3
04 September 1871 - From Wellington - Walter HARRIS has been missed since yesterday and is supposed to be drowned. Page 3
05 September 1871 - George RUSSELL of the Eagle was washed overboard during a gale. Page 2
06 September 1871 - The late Mrs W BUCKLAND, Grafton Road, had on Monday morning while suffering mentally, committed suicide. Page 5
07 September 1871 - Joseph GRANGER, an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum since 22 April 1870, died yesterday. Page 2
08 September 1871 - Inquest at the Wade on man drowned in the Wade river. Page 2
08 September 1871 - From Raglan - Suicide of the widow of WIKIRIWHI. Page 2
09 September 1871 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on Joseph GRAINGER. At the time of his admission in 1870 he was suffering from consumption of which he died. He was a native of Ireland and has left no relation in the colony. Page 2
09 September 1871 - A man named SMITH died suddenly at his residence in Elliott-street yesterday. Page 2
11 September 1871 - From Wellington - Mr HOGGARD, postmaster, Wellington, is dead. Page 3
11 September 1871 - From Wellington - A timber wagon upset at the Hutt, fatally wounding the driver, named George RYAN. Page 3.
12 September 1871 - Inquest on Simeon FULL, 2 � months old, son of Simeon & Anne Full, Albert-street who died at the above residence. Page 2
12 September 1871 - From Grahamstown - Thomas DAVIS who was hurt this morning at the Tweedside mine by earth falling upon him, died this evening. Page 2
13 Sept 1871 - Inquest on Thomas DAVIS. Page 2
15 September 1871 - The well known chief of Kapanga, Pita TAURUA, died on Wednesday at Beeson's Island. Page 2
15 September 1871 - From the Taranaki Herald - Inquest on Patrick GILDEA who was found hanging by the neck in a stable in Devon-street. Page 2
16 September 1871 - From Wellington - McDONALD was convicted of murder last night and sentenced to death. Page 3
16 September 1871 - From Port Chalmers - A seaman on board the Shun Lee was killed by a fall from a loft. Page 3.
18 September 1871 - Captain WILLIAMS and Mr F ROBINSON, drowned at Parua Bay, Whangarei, on 14 September 1871. Page 2
18 September 1871 - From Port Chalmers - Inquest on George ONEHILL who fell from aloft on board the ship Shun Lee yesterday. Page 2 18 September 1871 - From Greymouth - William JONES, a miner, was killed at Nelson Creek on Saturday by falling from a flume 150ft high. Page 2
18 September 1871 - From Christchurch - An elderly woman named GRIMISHER has hanged herself while in a fit of despondency. Inquest verdict of Suicide while in a state of temporary insanity. Page 2
19 September 1871 - Suicide of Mrs GRIMSHER. Page 2
21 September 1871 - From the East Coast. Thames Advertiser - Captain BRISTOWE, a well known old settler of that district was found dead near a creek at Te Kaha on 15 inst with bruises about the head, caused it appears by being thrown off his horse while crossing the creek. Page 2
21 September 1871 - From Grahamstown - Thomas DUNSTAN died at the Caledonian mine after being struck by falling stone. Also 22 Sept 1871 - Page and 23 Sept 1871 - Page 3
21 September 1871 - From Wellington - A boy named James DUNN fell into a boiler at Rangitikei and was scalded to death. Page 3
21 September 1871 - From Wellington - The remains of Walter HARRIS, missing since 22 August, were found in the harbour. Page 3
21 September 1871 - From Timaru - The funeral of Dr McLEAN took place yesterday and was largely attended. Page 3
21 September 1871 - From Dunedin - A man named WHITE has been killed at Switzer's by a fall of earth. Page 3
21 September 1871 - From Dunedin - Michael COWITAN, a farmer at Arrow, was killed by falling from his horse. Page 3
21 September 1871 - From Nelson - Messrs William WEBBER and SLEAVER, and Caroline REYNOLDS and child were drowned when the boat they were in tried to come through the boat passage in the Boulder Bank. Page 3
26 September 1871 - Inquest on Jane HALL aged 28. Page 2
26 September 1871 - From Wellington - John HARTLEY killed by a land slip at Mungaroa. Page 2
26 September 1871 - From Hokitika - Wife of Carl ROHLOFF died through congestion of the brain in consequence of an overdose of alcoholic liquor. Page 2
28 September 1871 - Mr C ARTHUR, senior partner in the firm of C Arthur & Son, auctioneers has died aged 64. Page 2
02 October 1871 - Funeral of Mr C GREENAWAY's youngest son took place on Friday last. Page 2
03 October 1871 - From Nelson - The bodies of Miss REYNOLDS, MATTHEWS, the boatman and the child, drowned while crossing the Boulder Bank in a boat, have been recovered. Another boat accident is reported by which two fishermen have been drowned. Page 2
03 October 1871 - From Nelson - Another boat accident is reported by which two fishermen have been drowned. Page 2
03 October 1871 - More on the drowning of Captain WILLIAMS & Mr F ROBINSON at Parua Bay, Whangarei on 14 September. Page 2
03 October 1871 - Mr Charles SANDERSON, C.E., has met with an untimely death at the saw-mill at Tairua. Page 2
03 October 1871 - From New Plymouth - The chief Mahau is dead. Page 2
03 October 1871 - From Kawakawa - Allan FAULDS, aged 53, miner, died as the result of an accident at the colliery. Page 2
03 Oct 1871 - C ARTHUR Funeral Page 2
04 October 1871 - From Wellington via Napier - James HALL, a boy about 10 years old, had his brains kicked out by a pony at the Hutt on Saturday. He is not dead yet but there is no hope of his recovery. Page 5
05 October 1871 - Mr S J STRATFORD, MRCS and member of the Provincial Council has died. Page 2
05 October 1871 - From Whanganui - W H SHEPHERD, was thrown from a coach and kicked in the side by the horse on Wednesday. He lingered for a time in great agony but died this morning. Page 3
05 October 1871 - From Blenheim - A shoemaker named JACKSON cut his throat and is dead. Page 3
07 Oct 1871 - Funeral of Mr S J STRATFORD - Page 3
09 October 1871 - Mrs Samuel GRAHAM of Hamilton has died and will be interred in St Stephen's Cemetery, Judges Bay. Page 2
09 October 1871 - James SHEARER was severely burned when a boiler burst at the Three Kings. Taken to the Provincial Hospital where he died. Page 2
09 October 1871 - From Coromandel - Tama te Koota after his return home from the funeral of Pita TAURUA took ill suddenly and died in a few hours. Page 2
09 October 1871 - From Coromandel - Inquest on John WOODS [Long report] Page 3
09 October 1871 - From Christchurch - Inquest today on Jospeh BAILLEY, a well known Christchurch builder. Page 3.
09 October 1871 - From Greymouth - Thomas MORTON, a miner has been drowned in the Paroa. Page 3
09 October 1871 - From Greymouth - Alexander BARBOUR and Peter DELL were buried in a claim at the Moonlight diggings. DELL was recovered alive much injured but BARBOUR was smothered. Page 3
13 October 1871 - Inquest on Mr WILLIAMS, drowned. Page 2
14 October 1871 - The unfortunate fireman FERGUSON who is believed to have been drowned by falling over the wharf at Onehunga, was recovered yesterday floating in the Manukau harbour. Page 3
16 Oct 1871 - Inquest on John FERGUSON. Page - 3
16 October 1871 - Inquest on Mr WILLIAMS with evidence from Charles Seymour ROBINSON. Page 3
16 October 1871 - James BROWN died as the result of a logging accident at Port Charles. Page 2
18 October 1871 - John TUCKER, injured fatally at Trunkey Creek. Inquest on 20 September. Page 2
18 October 1871 - Mr A E COHEN died suddenly last night. Page 3
19 Oct 1871 - More on Mr A E COHEN. Page 2
20 October 1871 - Mrs David SEEHAN, an old settler amongst us and one known and respected by a large circle of friends. has died. Page 2
24 Oct 1871 - Inquest on Mr A E COHEN adjourned. Page 2 Marriage notice 26 Feb 1870.
25 October 1871 - From Grahamstown - An infant named HART died suddenly at Rolleston-street, Shortland, last night. Page 2
25 October 1871 - From Wellington - A passenger named W H RAY from Dunedin to Wellington jumped overboard during the passage from Dunedin. The sea running high and he was drowned. Page 2
28 October 1871 - Mr John CAMPBELL of Shelly Beach has died. He was 72 years of age. Page 2
30 Oct 1871 - Funeral of Mr John CAMPBELL. Page 2
31 October 1871 - From Dunedin - Mrs CARGILL, relict of the first Superintendent, has died suddenly aged 81. Page 3
01 November 1871 - Very long article re the murder of Bishop PATTESON, Rev J ATKIN & three natives in the South Pacific. Page 5
01 November 1871 - A man named Samuel ATKINSON who had been staying at the Manukau Hotel, Onehunga, for a few days waiting for a steamer to proceed South, attempted suicide on Friday 6 October by discharging the contents of a fowling piece into his side, inflicting a serious and most probably fatal wound. Page 7
02 November 1871 - A young girl named Mary M BONNAR, aged 3 months, daughter of Mr Ralph Bonnar of the Bombay Settlement, has met her death by burning. Page 2
07 November 1871 - A member of crew of the Julia, named GINNINGS (sic), died at Waiheke. Page 2
07 November 1871 - From Christchurch - The body of Martha HOWROYD, wife of Jessie Howroyd of Wellington, was found in the river Avon on Sunday. Page 3
08 November 1871 - Inquest on Charles JENNINGS. Page 2
10 November 1871 - Two men named SIMONS and CONWAY were engaged in road work between Otahuhu Road and Onehunga Road when a charge exploded, as a result of which SIMONS died. Page 3
10 November 1871 - From Hikurangi - Mr Richard CARTER, died as a result of an accident in the bush on Hikurangi mountain. Page 2
10 November 1871 - From the Thames - A boy named Joseph QUINN about 13 years of age, drowned in the Kauwaeranga river, along with a would-be rescuer named John BEATTY. Page 2
11 Nov 1871 - Inquests on BEATTY and QUINN - Page 3
11 Nov 1871 - Inquest on SIMMONDS - Page 2
13 November 1871 - Rev Edward Howard HEYWOOD, incumbent of St Mark's, Remuera, has died. Long obituary. Page 2
14 November 1871 - Funeral of F A SURFLEN who recently died of consumption at the Karaka. Page 2
14 Nov 1871 - Funeral BEATTY. Page 2
16 November 1871 - The name of the missing sawyer who was last heard of at the Reefers' Arms, Punga Flat, is now reported to be Alexander McNAUGHTON and not Henry KING as reported yesterday. Page 2
16 November 1871 - From Wellington - Two brothers named JUDD started Thursday on a fishing expedition and have not yet returned. They are supposed to be drowned. The oars and sails of the boat have been found. Page 2
16 November 1871 - From Dunedin - LUSCOMBE, a miner, has been drowned in a water-race at the Carrick Ranges. Page 2
16 November 1871 - From Dunedin - Mr BELPH of the firm of Oliver & Belph, is dead. Page 2
20 November 1871 - From Ohinemuri - Late on Thursday evening the native chief Paraha Paora MATAETUERE arrived at the settlement of Te Moananui from Coromandel. He was then almost dead and died during the night. There will be a great tangi as natives are arriving from all parts with kai. Page 2
20 November 1871 - From the Wellington Independent. - Yesterday the body of Mr John HAY, editor of this journal was found on the beach.. The body was removed to the European Hotel pending an inquest. Page 3
20 November 1871 - From Wellington - Mr Hugh SINCLAIR of Wainuiomata, found dead. Supposed to have perished from cold. Page 3
20 November 1871 - From Port Chalmers - A boat belonging to the James Nicol Fleming capsized in harbour today and John McFARLANE, a seaman, was drowned. Page 3
20 November 1871 - From Port Chalmers - CRAIGIE's body, drowned in July last, found in the harbour today. Page 3
20 November 1871 - From Dunedin - A bullock-driver named John SMART has been killed by falling off a wagon at Teviot. Page 3
22 November 1871 - Inquest on John FLANAGAN, shopkeeper in Edwardes-street, ex 58th Regt, has died. Page 2
24 November 1871 - A man named BURRIDGE (sic) died at a private boarding-house in Albert-street kept by Mr Burr. Page 2
25 Nov 1871 - Inquest on Samuel BEVERIDGE. Page 2
25 November 1871 From Hokitika - A man named Charles DUCK died suddenly this morning through bursting a blood vessel. Page 3
25 November 1871 From Blenheim - The body of the missing man Archibald HAMILTON was found on the sea beach. Page 3
25 November 1871 From Blenheim - The body of Isador HAMMEL drowned seven weeks ago in the Opawa river, has been found. Page 3
25 November 1871 From Nelson - Mr George CROSS aged 36, second son of Mr J S CROSS, Harbour Master, Nelson, was killed by a fall from his horse at St Leonard's Inn. Mr Cross proceeded to the scene of the accident by the Claude Hamilton yesterday [Colonist] Page 3
25 November 1871 From Dunedin - John BURNS a miner, has been killed at Big Hill by the capsizing of a dray. Page 3
27 November 1871 - From Northern Wairoa correspondent - Many persons in Auckland will regret to her of the death of Mr Joseph RODGERS on the 16th inst. at his residence, Belmont, at Tokatoka. Page 2
27 November 1871 - At the Una mine a heavy log of timber rolled over a boy named John MAY and crushed him dreadfully. He was taken to the hospital and his life is despaired of. Page 3
29 November 1871 - The case of a boy named John MAY, crushed by a log of timber at the Una mine, is exceedingly precarious. Page 2
30 November 1871 - Charles JENNINGS, of the cutter Julia, died suddenly on 5 November at Waiheke Island. Page 7
30 November 1871 - William CARROLL has suspected spinal injuries after an accident at Wood's Tribute Co. Page 7
30 November 1871 - Mr Richard CARTER was killed on Hikurangi mountain will felling bush. Page 7
30 November 1871 - A man named SIMONS has died and another named CONWAY is badly injured after a serious accident on the portion of road between the Otahuhu and Onehunga Roads. Page 7
30 November 1871 - A 13 year old boy named Joseph QUIN has drowned at Parawai, Thames. Page 7
30 November 1871 - Inquest on John FLANAGAN, small shop-keeper, Edwardes-street. Page 7
30 November 1871 - Inquest re a man named BERRIDGE who died at a boarding-house in Albert-street. Page 7
02 December 1871 - Patrick SULLIVAN, of the Una mine, has been badly burnt to the face and eyes when powder ignited. Page 2.
04 December 1871 - A subscription has been commenced in aid of the widow of the late Mr OWEN formerly master of the cutter Mera [or Meva]. [William OWEN, master of a 10 ton cutter Meva owned by W R Scott on which Natives mutineered.] Page 2
04 December 1871 From Dunedin - The body of Miss CARRIE, late a teacher of the West Taieri school who disappeared two months ago, was found in Scrogg's Creek Page 3
04 December 1871 - From Napier - Three little native girls went to bathe in the Ngaruroro. One of them, the daughter of KARAMATA, got out of her depth and was carried down by the stream. The body has not been found as yet. Page 3
04 December 1871 - A man, name unknown, who had been found lying in the mud at Cox's Creek in a complete state of insensibility was conveyed to the Hospital. His name cannot be ascertained but he is supposed to be a lunatic. Page 2
05 December 1871 - Inquest on Lunatic found at Cox's Creek. Died yesterday. Page 2
06 December 1871 - Inquiry instituted yesterday into the manner in which John PARSONAGE, found lying in Cox's Creek, came by his death. Page.2
06 December 1871 - Tangi at Ohinemuri re the recent death of the chief Paul PINEHA of Coromandel. Page 2
09 December 1871 - A woman residing in West-street, Newton, has died suddenly. Page 2
11 December 1871 - Inquest on Christiana McVICAR. Page 2
11 December 1871 - Catherine CONWAY, aged fourscore years and ten, was found stark dead in a small dwelling in Durham-street where she had lived for a time. Page 2
11 December 1871 - Inquest on a boy named DIXON, aged 8, drowned in Ring's dam. Page 2
12 December 1871 - From Christchurch - Captain John McLEAN (not of McMeckan & Co) was thrown from a buggy yesterday near Ashburton and killed. Page 2
18 December 1871 - From Christchurch - James CLARKE, a patient in the Lunatic Asylum, hung himself in the dormitory on Friday night. Page 3
18 December 1871 - From Bluff - Hugh BLACKMORE the shepherd who was reported to be missing on 27 ult and to have committed suicide but who was afterwards found to have returned home, really committed suicide today, cutting his throat with a butcher's knife in the stables of the Eagle Hotel. Page 3
18 December 1871 - From Greymouth - A man named George HEALIER has been drowned while bathing in a lagoon. Page 3
18 December 1871 - From Greymouth - A girl named Margaret HOGARTH has been drowned in a water hole in a claim on the south beach. Page 3
25 December 1871 - From Northern Wairoa - James STEVENSON employed by Fraser Tinne & Co, left the Kaihu store with a boat load of house blocks which he intended delivering at the site of the new flax mills, about 7 miles up the Kaihu Creek. As far as is known he was not again seen alive. Page 3
28 December 1871 - Inquiry is made through the NZ Gazette re a person named Michael HOGAN of Cain, Tipperary, Ireland, who left there 20 years ago and is now supposed to be here. Page 2
28 December 1871 - Inquest at the Thames on Elizabeth Margaret McGINN, an infant of four weeks old which had been found dead by its mother's side. Page 2
28 December 1871 - Inquest on George WILLIAMS, seaman on the cutter Rose. He was found dead in his bunk. Page 3
28 December 1871 - From Dunedin - Sergeant Major MURDOCK of the Volunteer staff, died yesterday. Page 3
28 December 1871 - From Dunedin - Jams NEWTON, a quarryman, has been killed by a fall of earth on the town belt. Page 3
28 December 1871 - From Whanganui - Mr Walter TAYLOR, formerly editor of the Wanganui Times died at 8 a.m. this morning. Page 3
28 December 1871 - From Greymouth - Joseph GREY, a miner at the Moonlight, is missing and is supposed to have been drowned in the late flood. Page 3
30 December 1871 - From Dunedin - A party of young men in a waterman's boat have drowned in Macandrew's Bay. They are two young men named DREW, three named SCRAMAGEOUR (sic), and PAINTERS, BRUCE and PRISTOR. None of the bodies have been found. Page 3
30 December 1871 - From Napier - Mr Dillon SMITH has been found dead, seated in his arm chair. Page 3
30 December 1871 - From Napier - TAREHA, formerly one of the native members of the House of Representatives, went out fishing on Saturday and fears are entertained for his safety as a heavy NW gale set in immediately afterwards. Page 3