The Southern Cross began as a weekly paper in Auckland on 22 April 1843. In 1862 it became the first daily newspaper in Auckland, changing its name to the Daily Southern Cross. The Southern Cross was merged with the New Zealand Herald, which is still published today, in 1876.
These have been kindly indexed by Jacqueline Walles. If you think any of these entries belong to you, they can be researched in greater detail through the Papers Past website. There are sometimes follow-ups at later dates.
02 January 1872 - From Dunedin - All the bodies of the men that were lately drowned, except one of the SCRIMGEOURS, have been found. Page 2 (See 30 December 1871)
02 January 1872 - From the Thames - Mr Peter DIXON, the contractor for the telegraph line from the Thames to Tauranga, died this morning. Page 2
03 January 1872 - From Port Albert — Three of Mr A WOODCOCK�s children were bathing in the Hotea River when one of them, a lad aged 10, ventured out of his death and drowned. Page 2
03 January 1872 - From Te Awamutu — A new arrived English settler named WESTERN, killed on his farm between Te Awamutu & Ohaupo. Page 3
04 January 1872 - From the Thames — A quarryman named Patrick KEARN, working at the stone quarries near Boundary Creek on the Tararu Road, was killed by a fall of rock. Page 3
04 January 1872 — Funeral of Peter DIXON. Page 3
05 January 1872 — After complaining of feeling unwell, Mr Walter STEVENSON, residing in Jermyn-street, took a fit from which he never rallied. Page 2
05 January 1872 - Mrs BRAUND, wife of Captain Braund, died suddenly at her residence in Graham-street. Deceased lady had given birth to an infant eight days back. Page 2
06 January 1872 — Inquest on James TOBIN who died from injuries received by falling from the roof of a lean-to, the same being part of a house known as Tuck�s Hotel, Masterton. Page 2
06 January 1872 - From Hokitika - Robert THOMPSON, a son of Mr Thompson of the Arahura Bridge, was drowned on Sunday while bathing in a lagoon close to the bridge. Page 3
08 January 1872 - At Ross the other day, a little girl named TAYLOR, about 6 years old, fell 40 feet down the Band of Hope Claim. She lived for a short time after. Page 2
10 January 1872 - Mr James MILLER�s house at Maungakaramea, caught fire and his young son was burnt to death. Page 2
11 January 1872 — Inquest on George William RICKARD who was drowned in the Kauwaeranga creek last Tuesday. Page 2
11 January 1872 - As William Phelps was branding logs in Rogan�s Creek on 21 ult, he found a body, supposed to be that of Denis EGAN who was drowned in the creek on 1 January 1871. Page 2
11 January 1872 - Enquiry into the death of John LEES, ticket-taker at the Theatre Royal. Page 2
12 January 1872 - Report of death of William REYNOLDS jun., as a result of his horse falling on him at Martyn�s farm, Tamahere. Page 3
12 January 1872 - From Cambridge — Inquest on a man named McGURK died at Mr Romney�s. Page 3
13 January 1872 - From the Nelson Mail - Fears are entertained for the safety of Richard TOWNSEND, employed by the Bishop of Nelson, who has been missing for several days. Page 2
13 January 1872 - From Dunedin - The body of Peter SCRYMAGEOUR has been found. Page 3
13 January 1872 - From Dunedin - Arthur ANDERSON, a resident at the Clutha, has shot himself while in a state of temporary insanity. Page 3
13 January 1872 - From Hokitika - The body of a man named Hugh SLUTCHELL, a miner, native of Londonderry, was found yesterday in the Kawhaka Creek. The deceased was missing since 28 December. Page 3
19 January 1872 - Inquest on Sewerd B GUBTILL. Deceased had been sent from Whangaroa to the Asylum and the cause of death was ascertained to be excessive diarrhea. Page 2
19 January 1872 - Inquest on William DALZIEL. Deceased had been admitted to the asylum on 8 September 1871 and the cause of death was found to be apoplexy. Page 2
19 January 1872 - From Cambridge - Thomas VERRAN, driver for Quick�s coach, drowned in the Karapirau to give them a wash. Page 2
25 January 1872 - From the South - A man, supposed to be a tailor, named MURPHY, has been found drowned in the Otira river, Westland. Page 3
25 January 1872 - From New Plymouth - Mr RATTENBURY who on Friday last cut his eye out, died this morning. Page 3
01 February 1872 - � sudden death occurred on board the American war ship St Mary yesterday morning. Benjamin BROWN, a corporal of marines, by birth a Prussian, after a very short illness, died rather suddenly. Page 2
06 February 1872 - John William HARRIS, an old and respected settler, a resident at Poverty Bay, came by his death through taking an overdose of acetate of morphia at Parnell. Page 2
07 February 1872 - The body of Elizabeth McKINLAY was found in a canal at Glasgow on 31 October. She was said to have arrived in Glasgow from New Zealand a year previously with the captain of a ship. Page 2
07 February 1872 — A young daughter of Mr O�BRIEN, carpenter, Edwards-street, died after being struck by a cab. Page 3
08 Feb 1872 — Inquest on Ada Floss BRYANT. Page 2
08 February 1872 - An infant four days old died suddenly yesterday. Mother believed to be named McKENNA, a resident of Wakefield-street. Page 2
08 February 1872 - Mr John CROSBIE was killed and four persons named Isaac HARRISON, Thomas MESSENGER, Thomas DOYLE and Thomas DALTON met with injuries more or less serious as a result of a cab accident. Page 2
09 February 1872 — Inquest on John CROSBIE — Page 2
12 February 1872 — More on John CROSBIE. Page 2
13 February 1872 - Mohi te HARAREI, one of the principal chiefs of the Ngatipaoa tribe, died a day or two ago at the Piako. Page 2
13 February 1872 - From the Miranda (Guardian) - Mr Thomas GORDON, a flax-dresser and well known as an old colonist was killed when about 3 cwt of earth fell upon his chest. Page 2
14 February 1872 - Mr Christopher MAXWELL who has so ably fulfilled the duties of Chief Interpreter to the Native Lands Court since the institution of the Court in this province, has died. Page 2
14 February 1872 - The case of the miner JEWETT who was hurt in the Caledonian Mine yesterday is very serious. He is not expected to live. Page 2
14 February 1872 - A grave-digger who had buried a Mr Button, sent the following bill to his widow "To making a button-hole, 2s."
15 February 1872 - From Christchurch - A groom named Robert GREEN, in the employ of Sansom & Co, Leithfield near Christchurch, died through having, whilst under the influence of drink., swallowed some poison in mistake for soda water. Page 3
15 February 1872 - From Christchurch - A daughter of Mr George BEDFORD, farmer at Courtenay, aged 4 years, died after drinking whiskey and eating tobacco which they found in a sheaf whilst harvesting. Page 3
15 February 1872 - From West Coast - George LAWSON was accidentally drowned in the Waiohine, having fallen from his horse. Page 3
16 February 1872 - From Wellington - Patrick MORAN, formerly of the 65th Regiment and for many years storeman to Mr Waring Taylor, was found drowned this morning. Page 2
19 Feb 1872 - A young man named McGLONE, aged 28, drowned at Freeman�s Bay. Page 3
19 Feb 1872 - Elizabeth W(H)ITTEN, a resident at Mr Taylor�s farm, near Henderson�s Mill, was admitted to the Asylum suffering from mental derangement brought on by puerperal fever. Page 3
20 Feb 1872 — Inquest on Edmund McGLONE, Page 2
20 Feb 1872 — A seaman of the Lapwing named Joshua STOREY was struck by the boom and knocked overboard. It is believed he was stunned by the blow as he never rose to the surface after he was immersed. Page 3
21 Feb 1872 — Funeral of Benjamin BROWN, corporal of marines on the American war ship St Mary. Page 2
21 February 1872 — Body of Joshua STOREY not yet recovered. Page 4
21 Feb 1872 — WHITTEN Very long report of the circumstances of this death. Page 5
22 February 1872 — Inquest at the asylum on Mrs WITTEN. Page 3
22 February 1872 - From the Marlborough Press - A miner named David TUTCHEN has been killed by a landslip at Duffer Creek. Page 3
22 February 1872 - From the Marlborough Press - Mr S I FELL who left Brooklyn, Arapawa Island, Marlborough, for Picton on 9 February in a boat usually used for the purpose, is feared drowned. Page 3
22 February 1872 - From the Inangahua Herald - Mr Patrick HUNT of Murray Creek is missing. A hut and garden belonging to him have been swept away in the recent flood and no trace of him can be found. Page 3
22 February 1872 - Inquest on Patrick MORAN who appears to have died at the breastwork. Page 3
23 February 1872 - Mr James KEMP of the Kerikeri, Bay of Islands has died. He was a native of Norfolk and came out under the auspices of the Church Mission, arriving in 1819. Page 2
24 February 1872 - Henry MANNING who was accidentally killed by falling from the deck-house of the barque Caduceus was buried yesterday. Page 2
24 February 1872 - Mr Frederick HESKETH, brother of Mr Hesketh the barrister of this city, drowned in a water hole while on a survey party. Page 3
26 February 1872 — Inquest on HESKETH, Page 2/3
26 February 1872 —Inquest on Joshua STOREY, late of the Lapwing. , Page 2/3
26 February 1872 - Mr John SOUTHCOTT, grocer in Queen-street, died yesterday under somewhat peculiar circumstances. Page 2
26 February 1872 - From Hokitika - John BLOY, a patient in the Lunatic Asylum, while out with his keeper on Saturday taking a walk, ran away, plunged into the river and attempted to swim across. He was drowned and the body has not been recovered. Page 3
26 February 1872 - A man named HOWLAN, of Dunedin, drowned in the Rangitata. Page 3
27 February 1872 - From Dunedin — A man named MASON, North-East Valley was burnt to death when a chimney ignited the thatched roof of his house. Page 2
28 February 1872 - A young boy named GOODWIN, the son of a settler in the district, was lost at the Kaukapakapa when he was washed off a log. Page 2
01 March 1872 - From Otago - One of the Maori prisoners named Netana (NATHAN), a member of the Ngatiruanui tribe, died in the Dunedin hospital, aged 17 yrs. Page 3.
07 March 1872 — Septimus MACE, steerage passenger on the Naomi died on 14 February during the passage from London. Page 2
09 March 1872 - From Hokitika - Archibald BONAR, father of the Hon James Bonar, died last night. Page 3
09 March 1872 - From Westport — Guiseppe PEDROTTI killed when his horse fell and rolled over him whilst riding from Coldsbrough to Italian Gully, Westland. Page 3
13 March 1872 - Rev T BOOKER, Congregational minister lost his life on 7th inst at Maungaturoto, Kaipara, when felling trees. Page 3
14 March 1872 - The chief TARAIA is dead. His nephew telegraphed to Mr Mackay to get a coffin with a glass lid made so as to keep his body visible. Page 2
15 March 1872 - Further on the chief TARAIA. Page 2
18 March 1872 - From Wellington - William PAGAN, Controller of the Money Order Post Office Savings Bank, died yesterday from pulmonary consumption after three hours� illness. Page 3
19 March 1872 - From Grahamstown — William POWELL, aged 3, drowned when he fell down the shaft at the Herald Company�s mine. Page 3
20 March 1872 - Inquest on William POWELL, aged 3. Page 5
20 March 1872 - Inquest on Rev T BOOKER. Page 5
20 March 1872 - Mr William POTTER of Epsom, one of the earliest settlers in the province. Page 5 [Note: Page 2, 21 March 1871 — The gentleman was not Mr Will Potter of Epsom but should have read Thomas Potter of Great North Road,]
20 March 1872 - Inquest yesterday at the Lunatic Asylum on an inmate named Richard Preston JONES, admitted 7 December last. Page 5
21 March 1872 - Mr David MAYMAN, engineer at Harris� mill, Whangapoua, has been killed through getting entangled in the machinery. Page 2
23 March 1872 - From Christchurch - The regatta has been postponed in consequence of the sudden death of MACFARLANE of the Canterbury Club crew. Page 3
25 March 1872 - Inquest on David MAYMAN. Page 2
25 March 1872 - From Coromandel Mail — John STANCLIFF has died of injuries received in an accident at Mr Pollard�s mill at Port Charles. Page 2
28 March 1872 - From Wellington - A clerk named PURDIS employed by Mr Holdsworth, ironmonger, was accidentally shot dead by a companion while returning from a shooting excursion. Page 3
28 March 1872 - From the South - A little boy, two years old, named Charles MEADOWS, has been drowned near Stafford Town, Hokitika, through falling into a water-race. Page 3
28 March 1872 - From the South - A groom in the employ of Mr Barker, hotelkeeper at Reefton, has been drowned in the Inangahua river. Page 3
28 March 1872 - From the Kaipara - A man named MURPHY, employed as a guide by Mr Berry, lost his life on Monday last. Page 3
29 March 1872 - Inquest at Railway Terminus Hotel on Walter MURPHY at Riverhead. Aged 32, single, native of Dublin. Page 3
30 March 1872 - From Christchurch - The Timaru and Christchurch coach capsized in the Rangitata River. Mr GARRONS, a passenger by it, received injuries which subsequently proved fatal. Page 3
02 April 1872 - From the Guardian - The native chief Pahau NGATAWA has died at his settlement, Warahoe, a few miles above Shortland. Page 2
02 April 1872 - From the Advertiser - Inquest Edward DESMOND, who died suddenly on Thursday last at the Kauwaeranga gum diggings. Page 2
02 April 1872 - John TURNER, a groom, died at Dunedin on 26 March from the effects of a fall from a horse when returning from the races. Page 2
02 April 1872 - From Whanganui -Richard CROSSING and his wife have thrown themselves from Whanganui bridge and were drowned. Page 3
04 April 1872 - From Whanganui - The body of a woman was found near the bridge, who had apparently been strangled. It is believed to be the body of a woman who drowned herself with Richard CROSSING. Page 3
05 April 1872 - From the Wanganui Herald — More on Richard CROSSING. Page 2
06 April 1872- From Whangarei - A young man named Aaron NOBES, whose mind for some time back has shown symptoms of derangement, was missed from home a few days ago. He was found yesterday on the bank of a stream not far from his home. Page 2
06 April 1872 — Mary WILLETTS who resided at the North Shore in a small cottage about three miles from the landing-place has died suddenly. Page 3
08 April 1872 - Mr Edward NORMAN, proprietor of the United Service hotel, died suddenly on Saturday. Page 2
08 April 1872 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on Patrick SKERRY, inmate, who died on 4th inst. Page 2
08 April 1872 - From Northern Wairoa - Robert ALRIGHT, bushman, has been drowned at Mangawhare. Page 2
08 April 1872 - From Taranaki - A man (name unknown) has been drowned in the Waitati river today. Page 3
08 April 1872 - From Greymouth - A man named Richard MULLIGAN and two horses were drowned here today whilst tracking a boat across the mouth of the Arnold River. Page 3
08 April 1872 - From Whanganui - The body of Richard CROSSING has been found. Page 3
10 April 1872 - From Dunedin - A young man named JANVEREN, while shooting at Papanui inlet, was caught by the tide and drowned. Page 2
11 April 1872 - More on the mysterious suicide at Whanganui (CROSSING) — lengthy. Page 3
11 April 1872 - From the South - Robert ROGERS, a carpenter, hung himself this morning in the Turakina gaol. Page 3
13 April 1872 - From Wellington - A settler named McCOWAN, residing at Wairarapa, has been killed by a fall from his horse. Page 3
13 April 1872 - From Port Chalmers - Arrived: Edith Havillan from Mauritius with 8,656 barrels of sugar for Dunedin and 4,868 barrels for Lyttelton. The second mate was killed in a gale which was experienced on the passage. Page 3
15 April 1872 - Inquest on Patrick McINLEY. Deceased has a wife and four children at Blenheim. Page 2
15 April 1872 - Yesterday two men were walking along the pavement opposite the Union Bank in Queen-street when one of them suddenly stopped short, turned to his side and exclaimed "Steve, hold me!" The man dropped down on the pavement and died instantly. Inquest today at the Clanricarde Hotel. Page 2
15 April 1872 - From Napier - A child named EDWARDS, 19 months old, has been poisoned through sucking Lucifer matches. Page 3
16 April 1872 - From Charleston - A man named Laurence LAHAN was killed today by a fall of earth. Page 3
17 April 1872 - The funeral of Mr JANVIREN who was drowned on Sunday last, was attended by 400 people. Page 2
17 April 1872 - Abel Goldsworthy was interred The deceased was followed to the grave by a large retinue of the brotherhood of the I.O.O.F, M.U. Page 2
17 April 1872 - The body of Robert ALLRIGHT, drowned at Mangawhare on 26th ult., has been found. Funeral service was read by Rev Breach. Page 3
18 April 1872 - Inquest on James FEENEY, miner who died suddenly whilst working in his claim, the old Onehunga, Karaka Creek. Page 3
19 April 1872 - From the Southern News - The death of the late Mr W Pagan of Wellington and life insurance. Page 3
22 April 1872 - Edward M HUTTON, son of Rev T B Hutton and grandson to the late Archdeacon Williams, was accidentally killed at Pariaka, Bay of Islands. Page 3
26 April 1872 - From the Guardian — Meti, daughter of a well-known Maori chief belonging to this district has died aged 25. Page 2
27 April 1872 - Inquest on infant child James STOREY, Nelson-street, aged 7 months, scalded. Page 2
29 April 1872 - From the South (the Examiner) - The list of accidents and offences in our files is scarcely so numerous as usual. The man BRADLEY, who sustained severe injuries by falling down the hold of the brig Gazelle in Lyttelton, has since died from injury received to the spine. — At an inquest held at Waltham near Christchurch on the body of a girl named Isabella THOMPSON, whose death was supposed to be the result of beatings with a whip inflicted by her master, Mr Birch, the jury found that the deceased died from natural causes but were of opinion that Mr Birch and his wife did not treat the child well and that she was harshly used and put to very severe work for her age. — William BEATTIE, a miner, was killed at the Eight-Mile, Westland, on 13th inst. Deceased and two of his mates — one of them being his brother — were in the act o filling a truck in the face of their sluicing claim when a tree fell from the top of the face and knocked the three of them down. The other two men quickly extricated themselves but deceased was held down by a portion of the trunk of the tree, which had apparently struck him on his back, quite dead. Page 3
01 May 1872 - From Whanganui - A man�s cap and socks have been found on the Whanganui bridge. The owner is supposed to have committed suicide. Page 3
01 May 1872 - From Timaru - A man named George BRADFORD, while attempting to cross the suspension bridge at Temuka, was drowned. Page 3
02 May 1872 - Supreme Court — In Chambers - Mr Edward NORMAN, landlord and lessee of the United Service Hotel, Queen-street, died suddenly. Page 3
04 May 1872 - Claims against the estate of the late Edward NORMAN. Page 2
04 May 1872 — William ALLEN, Cochrane-street, died suddenly at Grahamstown. Page 2
06 May 1872 - The name of the man who was drowned at Mangawhare last month was HOLROYD, not ALRIGHT as erroneously printed in our account of the accident a few days ago. Page 2
06 May 1872 - From Wellington - A man named DRUMMOND has been found dead at Waipukurau. Page 3
08 May 1872 - From Charleston - A miner named DEVINE has been found dead in bed at Brighton. Page 2
08 May 1872 - The body of a youth aged about 10 years of age (Edward WEBB) was found by a waterman floating a little below the surface of the water. Page 2
09 May 1872 - Inquest on Henry WEBB, found drowned near the watermen�s steps, Queen-street Wharf. Page 3
09 May 1872 - From the South - The man RILEY, killed at Timaru by the surf-boat last week, turns out to be the discoverer of the Dunstan goldfields. Page 3
09 May 1872 - From the South — Peter CAMPBELL drowned at Balclutha. Page 3
13 May 1872 - From Northern Wairoa — The 12 year old son of William GEAR accidentally shot. Page 2
15 May 1872 - From the Thames - Mr George BULL of Bull�s machine, was thrown from his horse at Shortland, and is in a dangerous state in Hospital. Page 3
15 May 1872 - From the South - Inquest on John DRUMMOND. Page 3
16 May 1872 - From Westport - The body of Mr E De CARLE was found this morning in the harbour. Page 3
16 May 1872 - From the Thames - Mr BULL is paralysed on one side. Page 3 17 May 1872 - From Blenheim - A man named Nehemiah McRAE was drowned yesterday. Page 3
18 May 1872 - From the Thames - Mr Bull died this morning at ten o�clock, he did not recover consciousness. Page 3
20 May 1872 - From the South — Mary COSTELLO, aged 2 � years, died at Hokitika. Page 3
20 May 1872 - From the South — Paul MILLAR has died at Hokitika. Page 3
20 May 1872 - From the South - Column 6, page 3 — Suicide by hanging of miner at Waikaka. Page 3
20 May 1872 - From the South - A man named JOHNSTONE has been crushed by logs. Page 3
21 May 1872 - The funeral of the late Mr BULL. Page 2
21 May 1872 - From Blenheim - Mr NELSON, solicitor, died suddenly today in a fit of apoplexy. Page 3
22 May 1872 — Captain John LILLEWALL has died very suddenly. Page 2
24 May 1872 - From Whanganui - The son of TOPIA, a Tuaroa chief, of Upper Whanganui, was thrown from his trap today and killed. Page 2 24 May 1872 - From the South - A child, aged two, was accidentally drowned at Manutahi. Page 3
24 May 1872 — From the South - A man named WOODS, a shepherd on the East Coast, has been drowned in one of the coast rivers. The death of another man named PERRY is reported to have occurred in the same neighbourhood. Page 3
25 May 1872 - From the South — Hugh MUIR, aged 3, North-East Valley, Otago, has died of scalds. Page 3
25 May 1872 - From the South - Mr COX, baker, has died after apparently falling 40-50ft. Page 3
25 May 1872 - From the South - Mr E De CARLE has been drowned in the Buller river under unusually painful circumstances. Page 3
29 May 1872 - From Dunedin - The daughter of Mr SWANSTON, 3 years old, whose clothes caught fire on Saturday, while her parents were absent, died yesterday. Page 3
29 May 1872 - From Napier - Captain J C L CARTER died last night, he was the second Superintendent of Hawke�s Bay. Page 3
29 May 1872 - From Charleston - Samuel RANDALL of Hope Tce, Brighton, has been killed by a fall of earth. Page 3
30 May 1872 — Mr Robert POLLOCK, well-known cart proprietor, died suddenly aged 68. Page 3
31 May 1872 — Inquest on Robert POLLOCK. Page 3
31 May 1872 - Lt Col the Hon. Ponsonby PEACOCKE, has died at Howick. Page 2
31 May 1872 - From the South - At Rangiora, a man named PEARCE, has hung himself. Page 3
01 June 1872 - From the South — Mr ERNEST, miner at Appo�s Gulley, Collingwood, has died from a fall of earth. Page 2
01 June1872 - From the South - Mrs YATES, Malvern, has died in a cart accident at the Hawkins River. Page 2
03 June 1872 - At Foxton there died at an advanced age, William CHAPMAN, a miserable miser, worth �50,000 which he has left to an illegitimate son of his. His last wish was that his stick might be put in his coffin that he might give "Old Stratford" a thrashing with it when he met with him because he disappointed him of buying some land years ago. Page 2
04 June 1872 - From Wellington - Bishop VIARD, Roman Catholic Bishop of Wellington, died yesterday afternoon. Page 2
04 June 1872 - Dunedin - Funeral of Bishop VIARD. Page 2
06 June 1872 - From Whanganui - Mr SIMPSON, flax-dresser, died from the effects of an accident whilst attending to machinery. Page 2
06 June 1872 - From Dunedin - William PARKER has been killed by a quantity of earth falling upon him. Page 3
06 June 1872 — Mr John OGILVIE, secretary to the Harbour Board, died at his residence yesterday. Page 2
07 June 1872 - George LINDEN sustained a severe accident in Cook-street and is now in hospital. Page 2
07 June 1872 - From Grahamstown — John QUINN, sub-contractor on the telegraph line, has been found drowned. Page 3
07 June 1872 - From Dunedin - COFFEY, one of the constables who struck work, has died suddenly. Page 3
08 June 1872 — Inquest on John QUINN. Page 2
08 June 1872 - From the South - A well known miner named Charles OSTERLAND or German Charlie, is missing from Deadman�s Creek, Westport. It is feared that he has been drowned. Page 3
08 June 1872 - From the South — The 3 year old daughter of Mr WANSTON has died of burns. Page 3
10 June 1872 — Funeral of Dr VIARD. Page 3
11 June 1872 - From Bluff - When the s.s, Rangitoto was leaving here for Dunedin a man was found hanging by a rope to the gangway, quite dead. A book containing a draft in favour of John RADDON for �294 was found in his pocket. Deceased was unknown on board the steamer. Page 3
12 June 1872 - From Wellington - Inquest on Mr MANSON, found in the harbour. Page 3
12 June 1872 - From Charleston - A fall of earth in the Nile Claim today killed a man named Jeremiah O�CALLGHAN and severely injured Thomas ELLIS. Page 3
14 June 1872 - Last view of the moral remains of Bishop VIARD t St Mary�s Cathedral. Page 3
17 June 1872 - From Greymouth - Cornelius WARREN and John DEMPSTER have been smothered in a claim. Page 3
18 June 1872 - Destitute babies in Wyndham-street. Page 2
18 June 1872 - From Greymouth - A man named John BUTTEN has been drowned in the Grey River. Page 3
19 June 1872 - From the Waikato Times — Unknown man drowned near the Churchill Flax Mill, Waikato. Page 2
19 June 1872 - From Grahamstown - Inquest on Mr TRUMPER�s child when a verdict of Accidental Death was returned. Page 2
20 June 1872 - The body of Charles MANSON has been found in the sea near Pipitea Point, Wellington. Page 2
24 June 1872 - Further on Edward NORMAN. Page 3
24 June 1872 — Alfred MARRIAGE, journeyman shoemaker of Camp-street, has died suddenly. Page 2
25 June 1872 - Mr Henry THOMPSON has died in hospital of smallpox. Page 2
27 June 1872 — Funeral of Hugh COOLAHAN. Page 2
27 June 1872 - From Greymouth - The body of Freddy HODGE compositor, has been found in the snowdrift near Inangahua. It is supposed he had fallen exhausted. Page 3
28 June 1872 - From Hokitika - The body of John WILSON was washed up on the beach. An inquest was held when a verdict of "Accidentally drowned" was returned. Page 2
29 June 1872 - From the Waikato Times - The body of Edward ROGERSON, drowned on the 15th inst., has not yet been recovered. Page 2
01 July 1872 - Inquest on Thomas NICKLES, of the Helenslee, had died suddenly. Page 2
01 July 1872 — From Christchurch - Dr PEARSON of Akaroa was found dead in the bush, stark naked. Page 3
02 July 1872 — From Christchurch - Inquest on the late Dr PEARSON of Akaroa who was found dead in the bush. Page 3
02 July 1872 - From Grahamstown - The funeral of Mrs WRIGHT, wife of our esteemed fellow-townsman, Surveyor Wright. Page 3
03 July 1872 - From the Waikato Times - Inquest on Edward ROGERSON. Page 2
08 July 1872 — James BROWN of the Diamond taken to hospital after falling in the harbour. Page 2
09 July 1872 - Inquest on James BROWN. Page 2
09 July 1872 - Mrs GARDNER of Gardner�s Dining-rooms, Queen-street Wharf, died from suppressed smallpox. Page 2
09 July 1872 — Mr SYKES of the Coromandel has died after sustaining a leg accident. Page 2
09 July 1872 - From Grahamstown - A miner named William EVANS was killed this afternoon in the upper levels of the Una mine. Page 3
09 July 1872 - From Wellington - Mr WESTON, a settler at the Hutt, has been accidentally killed. Page 3
09 July 1872 - From Christchurch - A miner named Edward WRIGHT was killed this morning by the falling of a tree, up the river. The deceased has relations in Christchurch. Page 3
10 July 1872 — Inquest on Thomas NICKLES, Page 3
10 July 1872 - Mrs GARDNER buried yesterday. Page 3
10 July 1872 — Henry THOMPSON, butcher, died of smallpox. Page 3
10 July 1872 — Funeral of Hugh COOLAHAN. Page 3
10 July 1872 - More on the fatal accident to James BROWN. Page 7
10 July 1872 - More on the accident to Mr SYKES. His funeral took place on Tuesday 9 July. Page 7
11 July 1872 — Edward RYAN, aged 16, died whilst felling a tree at Waiwera. Page 2
12 July 1872 - From Dunedin - A man has been found frozen to death near Hyde. The ice is several inches thick at St Bathans. Page 3
13 July 1872 — William Nixon MORTON, inmate at the Lunatic Asylum, died and an inquest was held yesterday. Page 2
13 July 1872 - From Coromandel - Mr TOWNSEND, manager of the Matawai Company, Tiki, died suddenly this morning of bronchitis. Page 3
15 July 1872 - From the Waikato Times - Inquest at Cambridge on Arthur R LAWRENCE, aged 17 months. Page 2
15 July 1872 - From Wellington — Mr HARLEY, captain of the Agnes Jessie from drowned at Guard Bay. Page 2
16 July 1872 - Malcolm McGREGOR, the smallpox patient who died in the Hospital yesterday was buried at 11 o�clock. Page 2
16 July 1872 - From Napier - A man named ROE has been found dead in the Waitangi river with marks of violence on his person. Page 2
17 July 1872 - Mr Matthew John PERSTON, Secretary to the Kauwaeranga Highway Board, at the Thames, a victim of his own rash act����..Page 2
18 July 1872 — Testimony at the inquest on William Nixon MORTON. Page 2
20 July 1872 - Thomas Gray, an old settler in Papakura, has died. Page 2
22 July 1872 - Further lengthy article on the inquest held at Papakura Hotel on Thomas GRAY. Page 3
22 July 1872 - From Napier - Inquest at Napier on a man named WHITAKER, found drowned on the beach - W WILSON, a boy of 14, was drowned in the creek at Pakowai yesterday. Page 3
23 July 1872 — From Wellington — The wife of Mr George HUNTER, member of the House of Representatives for Wellington, died this morning. Page 2
23 July 1872 - From the South - Mr Thomas BERRY, messenger at the Nelson Government building, has died. Page 3
24 July 1872 - From Grahamstown - Women and three children drowned. A boat accident at Tararu resulted in the death of the HYAM family, mother, one girl three months old, and a boy three years old. Page 2
24 July 1872 — From the Hawkes Bay Times — A man named WHITAKER has disappeared while suffering from delirium tremens. [Subsequently found drowned] Page 2
24 July 1872 — Further to the HYAM drowning. Page 2
24 July 1872 - From Grahamstown - Mr MANING, the athlete, is said to have been killed on the West Coast while wrestling. Page 2
25 July 1872 - The inquest on the bodies of Mrs HYAM and children has been adjourned until tomorrow. Page 3
26 July 1872 - We have received contradictions from various sources of the report circulated at the Thames relative to the supposed death of Mr MANING. Page 2
26 July 1872 — A bushman named STEWART has been killed near Hamilton. He had been engaged cutting down a tree which struck him in its fall. Page 2
26 July 1872 - From the Westport Times - Mr MANING is not here. There is no report circulating in Westport that he has been killed while wrestling. Page 3
26 July 1872 - Constable Walker has received information that the dead body of a man unknown had been discovered in the creek at Drury. Page 2
26 July 1872 - From Greymouth - A man named HARDING has been drowned at Motueka. Page 3
26 July 1872 — From Grahamstown — Inquest on Alice HYAM and her 2 children, drowned last Tuesday. Page 3
27 July 1872 - From Wellington - It was a brother of Mr KENNAWAY, the Secretary of Canterbury, who was washed overboard with the captain of the ship Zealandia which put into Valparaiso for repairs. Page 3
27 July 1872 — A child of Mr REDMAN�s has died in quarantine of the small-pox. Page 3
29 July 1872 - Eruere te NGAHUE, a chief of the Ngatimaru tribe of Hauraki, has died. Page 2
29 July 1872 — Mr Samuel MILL, a very old colonist, has died Page 2
29 July 1872 — Robert STEWART has died as a result of a logging accident. Page 2
29 July 1872 — Manukau REWAREWA, principal chief on the Arapaua River, Kaipara district, had died. Page 2
30 July 1872 - From Wellington - A man named SIMS was drowned at Hutt on Saturday night. Page 2
30 July 1872 - From Christchurch - Mr John Terry MURPHY, a run-holder, has died from the effects of a fall in a recent paper hunt. Page 2
01 August 1872 — John LAWLOR has died at the Alburnia Mine. Page 2
02 August 1872 — Inquest on John LAWLOR. Page 2
03 August 1872 - John James JACKSON, seaman, has been accidentally shot in the groin at Motuihi. Page .2
05 August 1872 - From Christchurch — Mr HUNT, mate of the schooner Blackwall was overcome by charcoal fumes and is not expected to live. Page 3
06 August 1872 - From Christchurch - The mate of the schooner Blackwall has recovered. The fire which caused the suffocation was of Greymouth coal and not of charcoal as stated. Page 3
06 August 1872 - From the Taranaki Herald — The 16 year old son of Mr WARD, an old and respected resident in Patea, was killed when the wall of a well fell on him. Page 2
06 August 1872 - From the Advertiser - Eruera te Ngahue, who died some days ago at Whangamata, was buried on Saturday near the native settlement of Parawai. Page 2
07 August 1872 — The infant child aged 3 months, of Mrs BROWN, Matron of the Hospital, has died of smallpox. Page 2
07 August 1872 - From Papakura — The 7 year old son of Mr John WORTH of Mauku has died as the result of a tree felling accident. Page 2
07 August 1872 — John WILLIAMS, of the Bright Smile mine has been injured by a fall of mullock and rock and has severe damage to his spine, if not a broken back. Page 2
07 August 1872 - From Wellington - George BRITT died suddenly last night. An inquest will be held tomorrow. Page 3
10 August 1872 - Further account of accident to the son of John WORTH by a falling tree. Page 2
10 August 1872 - From the Thames Star - The body of a man named Thomas BRUCE has been found in the bush about 12 miles from Whangamata. Page 2
13 August 1872 — From Dunedin — Mr JAMES, second mate of the Maori was washed overboard during a heavy gale on passage from Lyttelton to Port Chalmers, Page 2
13 August 1872 - Mr CANTWELL, late member of the House of Representatives for Caversham, who was compelled to resign his seat through bad health, died yesterday. Page 2
14 August 1872 - From Invercargill - A man named SIMMONDS has died in the hospital. Page 3
16 August 1872 - Inquest re Robert MOORE, employed by John Boyd at the time of his death. Page 2
17 August 1872 - Mr Robert MOORE�s interment at the Church of England. Page 2
17 August 1872 - Fatal accident on Great South Road near the junction of the Onehunga & Waikato Railway on Wednesday to John McCRORY. Page 3
20 August 1872 - Inquest on John McCRORY. Page 3
21 August 1872 — From the Thames — Mr James SMITH, managing engineer, Kuranui Co., is in hospital, one of his legs having been torn off and afterwards amputated higher up. Page. 2
21 August 1872 - Inquest on Frances Mary LAMB. Page 3
23 August 1872 - From Wellington - Mr ARNOT of the Wairarapa Mercury who had been committed for trial upon a charge of embezzlement, has been found dead. It is supposed that he poisoned himself. Page 3
24 August 1872 — Mr W POWDITCH, a very old settler, has passed away at the residence of his son in law, Mr T D CLEGHORN, Epsom. Page 2
24 August 1872 - From Wellington - Inquest on Mr ARNOT, formerly proprietor of the Wairarapa Mercury. Page 3
26 August 1872 - From Otago Daily Times - John INGLIS, settler, Tokomairiro, a very promising young man, has died. Page 2
26 August 1872 — A son of Mrs KENT has died at Kumeu. Page 2
27 August 1872 - Letter to the Editor — Re the death of James STANLEY. Page 2
28 August 1872 - Inquest on Patrick KENT at Riverhead. Page 2
29 August 1872 - From the Guardian — A girl aged about 12 and a younger boy, children of Mr J W R GUILDING, have been drowned. Page 2
29 August 1872 - From Dunedin - A man named ROBERTS, lately employed at Strachan�s brewery, hanged himself today. He had recently arrived from Lyttelton. Page 3
02 September 1872 - From Northern Wairoa - A little boy named Walter JOHNSON, son of Mr Johnson of the Aratapu Sawmills was drowned last week in the Aratapu Creek. Page 3
03 September 1872 - From Dunedin - Mr George GREEN, one of the earliest settlers in Otago, died on Saturday. Page 3
04 September 1872 - Mr Robert MILNE, chief officer of the City of Auckland has drowned at Madeira. Page 4
06 September 1872 - A young man named John PREECE who was hurt in the Bright Smile mine some five weeks ago, has died. Page 2
06 September 1872 - From Dunedin - The body of a man named ECCLES has been discovered near Hakonui. It is supposed that he perished in a snowdrift. Page 3
07 September 1872 - From Grahamstown - Inquest on John HOLT. Page 3
09 September 1872 - Edward JONES of Edwardes-street, died from the effects of an injury received on Friday. Page 2
10 September 1872 - Inquest on Edward JONES. Page 3
10 September 1872 - From Napier - GORTON, who was lost in the bush, cannot be found. Page 2
10 September 1872 - From Dunedin - William SULLIVAN, a miner, cut his throat on Saturday. There is little hope of his recovery. Page 2
11 September 1872 - Inquest on the body of a European found some seven miles down the river Oruawharo from Port Albert. Page 2
14 September 1872 - From Tauranga - An accident occurred today by which Albert LAIDLEY of the Armed Constabulary stationed here, lost his life. Page 3
16 September 1872 - More on the circumstances of the drowning of Albert LAIDLEY at Tauranga. Page 3
16 September 1872 - Robert Bruton ATKINSON, at one time staff sergeant of the 1st Waikato Militia was, on Monday night, found dead in bed at Tauranga by his son Herbert Atkinson who had come from Maketu on a visit. Page 2
16 September 1872 - John FARRABY, late a member of the Constabulary stationed at Taupo, died very suddenly recently. Page 2
19 September 1872 - From Thames - A man named Thomas DUFTY, a married man with a family, lost his life at the Shortland beach. Page 3
19 September 1872 - From the Otago Times - A man named William Charles ROBERTS, a maltster, committed suicide at his house in Grange-street. Page 3
20 September 1872 - Inquest on Saturday at the Victoria Hotel, Tauranga, on Albert LADLEY (sic). Page 2
20 September 1872 - Mr Louis HETIT has died as Alexandra. Page 2
20 September 1872 - From Panmure — The small child of Mr EVANS, toll keeper at the Tamaki Bridge, has been crushed to death. Page 2
20 September 1872 - Eru Patuone, Tamati Waka�s elder brother, died at his residence, North Shore, yesterday morning. Page 2
20 September 1872 - From the West Coast - At the R.M.Court, Reefton, on 4th inst., Charles SIBREE (alias Yankee Charley) and George BARTON (alias Yorkey) were charged with feloniously killing and slaying Thomas COSTELLO at Boatman�s Creek in August last. Remand granted to 11th instant. Page 2
21 September 1872 — Funeral of Eru Patuone. Page 2
23 September 1872 - More on Patuone�s funeral. Page 2
23 September 1872 - Andrew MURRAY, waterman, aged 55, died at the Provincial Hospital after a lingering illness, brought on by a cancer in the breast and brain. Page 2
24 September 1872 — An old man named David KELLY, a shoe-black, is reported as missing. Page 2
24 September 1872 - From the Pollok Settlement — Mr Robert McEWEN�s youngest child, a daughter aged 15 months, has drowned. Page 2
25 September 1872 - John William CAZALY, one of the directors of the Green Harp Gold mining Company, has died in terrible agony from strychnine. Page 3
26 September 1872 — From Alexandra — Re Mr Louis HETTIT of Otorohanga. Page 2
26 September 1872 — Inquest on James William CAZALY. Page 3
27 September 1872 — More on death of Mr CAZALY. Page 2
27 September 1872 — Re subscription towards Mrs MILNE, wife of the late chief officer of the City of Auckland. Page 2
30 September 1872 — More on the death of Mr CAZALY. Page 2
01 October 1872 — Inquest on John COWAN, farmer, of Pukekohe, who died as the result of injuries received while felling trees. Page 3
01 October 1872 - From Christchurch - Mr J MILLER, farmer, has been committed for trial on a charge of fracturing a man�s skull with an iron bar. Page 3
03 October 1872 - From the South - A man named James ARROLL was found drowned in the Bay at Dunedin. Page 3
04 October 1872 - From Reefton - DARTON, charged with the murder of COSTELLO, has been discharged. Page 3
05 October 1872 - A lady named Miss HUNT has been killed in a tunnel on the Brighton Railway. Page 2
07 October 1872 - From the South - A man named James ECCLES has been found dead at Hokonui, Otago. Page 3
07 October 1872 - From the South - Rev R G GASKIN appears to have drowned while attempting to cross the Ruataniwha tidal creek when the current was running out with great force and rapidity. Page 3
08 October 1872 - From Coromandel - George CHUMAN (sic), carpenter, was found dead this afternoon in the Nil Desperandum race. Page 3
09 October 1872 - Inquest on George CHUDMAN (sic). Page 3
09 October 1872 - William PEACOCKE who dropped down in a fit in Shortland-street on Monday, has since died. Page 2
10 October 1872 - From Christchurch - FAWCETT, a bricklayer, has been found dead in a paddock. He had been drinking hard. Page 3
10 October 1872 - Inquest on William CHAMBERS. Page 3
14 October 1872 - Funeral of Cpl Frederick KIRKLAND of the Victoria Company. Page 2
14 October 1872 - From the South - A son of Mr C BROCKLEY, tinsmith of Greymouth, aged between 2 and 3 years, has been drowned in the lagoon south of that town. Page 3
16 October 1872 - A lad named Walter VICARS died on Monday at the Provincial Hospital. He had been subpoenaed from the Thames as a witness for the prosecution against a prisoner named Kerr and was received here on Saturday by the Police. Page 2
16 October 1872 - From Napier - Inspector McDONNELL was buried with military honours last week at Wairoa. Page 3
18 October 1872 - Inquest on Margaret HARDAKER. Page 2
19 October 1872 - From Napier - The body of Rev GASKIN has been found in the Aorere River. Page 2
19 October 1872 - William PHILIPS, journeyman blacksmith, severely crushed at Grahamstown. He is not expected to survive the day Page 2
21 October 1872 - Mrs MACREADY of the Star Hotel, Albert-street, expired on Saturday last after a very short illness. Page 2
21 October 1872 - Mr Alexander RINTOUL, Matakohe, has died aged 69. Page 2
21 October 1872 - The poor man PHILIPS who was so desperately hurt last Friday was still alive at the hospital on Saturday but not the slightest hope of his recovery is entertained, every part of him excepting the head being paralysed. Page 2
22 October 1872 - Funeral of Mrs MACREADY. Page 2
22 October 1872 - From the Thames Advertiser - Mr Jerry WAITE, carter, dropped down dead in the Theatre Royal bar on Sunday forenoon. Page 2
22 October 1872 - From Invercargill - Mrs WHITTING, a poor woman, drowned on Saturday night last three of her own children in the Waikara river, aged from one to 8 years. She attempted also to drown a daughter aged nine but the girl managed to escape and gave an alarm. Page 3
23 October 1872 - Funeral of the late Mr J WAITE. Page 2
23 October 1872 - From Invercargill - A verdict of willful murder has been returned against the woman WHITTING. Medical evidence states that she is not sane. Page 2
23 October 1872 - The body of a man, apparently between 35 and 40 years of age, was found this morning (Tuesday) about � mile below high water mark on the Shortland beach. Page 2
24 October 1872 - A carpenter named JACKSON (sic) was injured while working at the Oddfellows Hall, Cook-street and is not expected to recover. Page 2
25 October 1872 - Inquest yesterday on the body of the man found on the Shortland beach. Page 2
25 October 1872 - The carpenter who was so seriously injured by a fall on Wednesday last is progressing as favourably as can be expected but little hopes are entertained of his recovery. Page 2
26 October 1872 - Mr B TAYLOR, is still progressing favourably and hopes are entertained of his recovery. Page 2
26 October 1872 - From Christchurch - Henry BROOKES, carrier, fell under his dray and was killed instantaneously. Page 3
26 October 1872 - From Nelson - A human skeleton has been found at Wakapukua hills. There was a watch in his pocket but no money. The body is supposed to be that of Mr DECAMPO, a West Coast butcher. Page 3
29 October 1872 - A few days back we recorded a very severe accident to a carpenter named TAYLOR who fell from the roof of the Oddfellows Hall and sustained very severe external and internal injuries. Mr TAYLOR died yesterday morning. Page 2
29 October 1872 - From Nelson - Inquest on the body of DECAMPO. Page 3
29 October 1872 - From the Advertiser - The identity of the man found floating in the harbour on 22 inst is believed to be that of David WEATHERLY, or EVANS, a seaman, a native of Greenwich. Page 2
30 October 1872 - From Invercargill - Mrs WHITTING, charged with drowning her three children, was examined before a Magistrate and committed to take her trial for murder. Page 3
31 October 1872 - From Charleston - Funeral of infant son of Mr James HATCH. Page 2
31 October 1872 - From Dunedin - Mr Charles McTAGGART of Palmerston has committed suicide. Page 3
01 November 1872 - Jos HART, miner, killed by an explosion at the Manukau Mine. Page 5
01 November 1872 - Inquest on William CHAMBERS, bootmaker who had died suddenly that morning. Page 7
01 November 1872 - A journeyman blacksmith named William PHILIPS, in the employ of Mr Seager of Grahamstown, has died from injuries received by a quantity of boiler-plate iron falling upon his chest. Page 7
01 November 1872 - A carpenter named TAYLOR who suffered an accident at the Oddfellows Hall on 23 October, expired a few days afterwards. Page 7
02 November 1872 - The man SMITH who so narrowly escaped the fate which befell his mate HART in the Manukau mine is not very severely injured. Page 2
02 November 1872 - A man named Patrick REARDON, one of the hands engaged at W S Grahame's sawmills at Kapuni, Wairoa, Kaipara, has been found drowned in a stream above Mangwhare. Page 3
02 November 1872 - From the South - A man named John DAY, met his death suddenly in the Wairarapa. Page 3
02 November 1872 - From the South - A young man named Thomas O'NEIL was accidentally killed on Watson & Blair's contract of the Clutha Railway on the 19th ult. by a quantity of earth falling on him while at work. Page 3
02 November 1872 - Re Mrs WHITTING who drowned her children. Page 3
04 November 1872 - Mr COLMAN of the Waikato, who suffered injuries from a fall under his horse, is progressing as favourably as possible in the Hospital. Page 2
04 November 1872 - Inquest on Joseph HART. Page 2
04 November 1872 - From Rangiriri - Inquest on Robert Alexander HILL, aged 8 yrs. Page 3
05 November 1872 - From Riverhead - The body of Thomas KANE (sic), a young man, was brought to Auckland by the Gemini and deposited by the parents at a private house in West Queen-street, there to await a coroner's inquest. Page 2
05 November 1872 - Mr James SMITH, late managing engineer of the Kuranui Company battery died on Saturday last. Page 2
05 November 1872 - Mr BRODIE, late accountant in bankruptcy, died yesterday. Page 3
05 November 1872 - Mangawai - Mr John TUTIN died on Friday last at the parsonage, Hakaru, Mangawai. Page 3
06 November 1872 - Inquest on Thomas CANE (sic). Employed as bullock-driver at Brigham's flaxmill, near the Kaipara Railway. Page 3
07 November 1872 - Meeting of the friends and neighbours of the late Benjamin TAYLOR, carpenter, who died as a result of injuries received at the Odd Fellows Hall. Page 2
09 November 1872 - Captain John George FREER died yesterday evening having suffered from an affection of the lungs for the last few weeks. Page 2
13 November 1872 - An old man named NELSON has been missing since 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Lately employed on the s.s. Gemini. Page 2
14 November 1872 - From Invercargill - Mr KIDD, who was injured by the jacks at the sawmills a few days ago, died today. Page 3
16 November 1872 - Inquest re cause of death of William NELSON. Page 2
18 November 1872 - From Nelson - Two men from the City of Newcastle - Mr ABBOTT, a passenger, and the ship's cook, were drowned in trying to reach land. Page 3
19 November 1872 - From Christchurch - A horse driven by Mr R BLACK of Christchurch, on the Akaroa Road, bolted and capsized over a precipitous bank. Mrs Black was killed and Mr Black has since been reported dead. Page 3
19 November 1872 - From the South - Detective Brown is still in Okarito endeavouring to trace the cause of the disappearance of C. MORRA, late ferryman at Three-Mile Creek. Page 3
19 November 1872 - A man named William REID has been smothered in his claim at the Razorback. Page 3
19 November 1872 - The body of Carl FABRICIUS, commonly known as Charles ROSS, who was buried in a claim at the Lagoon Lead, South Beach, has been recovered. Page 3
19 November 1872 - A man named McTAGGART has committed suicide by cutting his throat at Palmerston, Otago. Page 3
19 November 1872 - A fine little fellow, son of Alfred BAIGENT, was accidentally drowned at Lower Wakefield by falling into the mill-lead. Page 3
20 November 1872 - From Christchurch - Mr BLACK, injured at Akaroa Road through his horse bolting was much hurt but is not dead. Page 2
20 November 1872 - John KELLY, seaman on the Helen Denny was swept overboard and drowned during the voyage from Greenock. Particulars will be found in our shipping columns. Page 2
20 November 1872 - Inquest on Robert JAMIESON who died suddenly at the Lunatic Asylum. Page 2
21 November 1872 - From Invercargill - Mrs WITTING (sic) was found guilty of drowning her three children. Page 2
21 November 1872 - From Lyttelton - A man named Nelson BELL has had his head nearly severed from his body. An inquest will be held tomorrow. Page 2
22 November 1872 - From Timaru - Murdoch McLEAN was found this morning drowned in Washdyke Creek, having a piece of iron round his neck. Page 3
23 November 1872 - James BURWOOD, miner, died as a result of an accident at the United Pumping Assn's shaft. Page 2
25 November 1872 - From Dunedin - A man named BROWN residing at Queenstown, while in the act of killing a sheep, put the knife handle into his mouth and the sheep jumped up and kicked the handle down his throat. The injury was fatal. Page 3
25 November 1872 - From Dunedin - Inquest on George BLACKALL (sic) was adjourned for further evidence. Apparently he was accidentally drowned. Page 3
25 November 1872 - From Dunedin - Inquest on Murdoch McLEAN. Page 3
26 November 1872 - From Bluff - A little boy, son of a miner named DAVIS, fell into the Mataura river. His sister jumped in after him to endeavour to save him and both were drowned. The bodies have not been recovered. Page 3
26 November 1872 - The name of the unfortunate fellow killed in the Association's shaft last week is BIRDWOOD, not BURWOOD. Page 2
29 November 1872 - From Timaru - At the inquest on BLACKALL, the jury insisted on a fresh medical examination. Page 3
30 November 1872 - From Greymouth - Mr O'BRIEN, a publican at New River, has been drowned in a deep hole. Page 3
30 November 1872 - From Wellington - A child aged 2 drank out of the spout of a coffee-pot and was so severely scalded that it died in three hours. Page 3
02 December 1872 - Mr Joseph COOMBE, accountant of the Auckland Savings Bank, expired at his residence, Grafton Road. Page 2
02 December 1872 - Mr Richard ARMITAGE, died suddenly on the Onehunga Road. Page 3
02 December 1872 - Manslaughter at Northern Wairoa - John EYTON and Edward McADAM. Page 3.
02 December 1872 - Duncan MATHESON, was accidentally killed at Mercury Bay while tree felling. Page 3
03 December 1872 - Inquest on Richard ARMSTRONG. Page 2
03 December 1872 - Andrew John McDONALD came to his death accidentally on 13th November while bathing in the Waipaoa river. Page 2
03 December 1872 - A little boy attending the Wellington Academy, Hepburn-street, was playing near the school when he lost his footing and rolled down the steep gully that bounds the eastern side of Hepburn-street. Page 2
04 December 1872 - From Sydney - The John Knox from Lyttelton, picked up three men and four women who had been in an open boat sixteen hours. This is the missing boat from the wreck of the City of Newcastle. They were brought on to Sydney. Page 3 04 December 1872 - The young lad William NEWBURN who fell down the gully in Hepburn-street on Monday last, died at his father's residence the same night. Page 2
04 December 1872 - From Reefton - The dead body of German Jerry, a prisoner who escaped from Constable Chichester, has been recovered. Page 3
04 December 1872 - Very long article on the suicide of Mr J W DIDDAMS, collector and valuator to the City Council. Page 3
05 December 1872 - Very long report of the DIDDAMS inquest. Page 2/3
05 December 1872 - Inquest on Jane Ann MAHON. Page 2
05 December 1872 - From Wellington - More on the rescue by the John Knox. Page 2
06 December 1872 - Long article re Jane Ann MAHON. Page 3
06 December 1872 - Dixon's No.1 mine, Thames, James BAILEY, boss of the shift. Page 3
07 December 1872 - Mr WEST, music-teacher and dancing-master died suddenly yesterday at his residence, Alma Place, Freeman's Bay. Page 3
07 December 1872 - From Nelson - Inquest into the suicide case at Wakapuaka, Nelson, of William SMALL. Page 3
07 December 1872 - From the South - A young man named WHEELER, whose parents reside at Rangiora was thrown from his horse at Moeraka Downs, Canterbury, and died from the effects of the fall. Page 3
07 December 1872 - From the South - Inquest at Ross on Nathaniel MARKS, hairdresser, apparently poisoned. Page 3
09 December 1872 - From Nelson - The Caledonian Society awarded a medal to HAMMILL for his conduct at the wreck of the barque City of Newcastle. Page 3
10 December 1872 - From the Thames - A fine little girl aged 3 years, the daughter of John BYRNE, miner, Tararu near the crushing machine, has drowned. Page 2
10 December 1872 - From Grahamstown - At the inquest a verdict of accidentally drowned was returned in the case o Mr BYRNE's little daughter. Page 3
10 December 1872 - From Napier - At the Supreme Court today MAAKA was tried for the murder of Scout in 1868. Page 3
10 December 1872 - From the Star - Michael BRICKLEY, one of the seamen belonging to the ill-fated ship the City of Newcastle managed to swim ashore after 36 hours exposure. Page 3
11 December 1872 - James BAILLIE who was so seriously injured by a fall of earth in Dixon's No.1 mine, still lies in the Hospital in a precarious condition. Page 2
12 December 1872 - Mr James MITCHELL, late manager of the Otago Claim, died yesterday at the Governor Browne Hotel, Hobson-street. Page 2
14 December 1872 - Alfred SMITH, run over by cart in Queen-street. Page 2
16 December 1872 - From the Northern Wairoa - A man named HARRIS or HARRISON, a gumdigger, drowned at the Kaihu Wharf. Page 2
16 December 1872 - Inquest on Henry N NEWSTEAD. Page 3
16 December 1872 - From the Star - Five men have been buried alive in Wheeler's claim at the Half-ounce Diggings. George Wheeler and his son are saved. Walker, Joseph Wheeler and Rowlands have been killed and Francis Lousheim's fate is uncertain. Page 3
17 December 1872 - A waterman named MASON and two bushmen are missing after a boat capsized off Tapu. Page 3
18 December 1872 - From the Thames - It would appear that drunkenness was at the bottom of the boat accident. On Monday George MASON, a waterman - a very worthy and reliable person - engaged to convey three bushmen named Joseph TRAVERS, Charles DOWNEY and James MORAN to Daldy's Bush, Waikawau. Page 2
18 December 1872 - John WILSON, ex 2nd Regt Waikato Militia, died as a result of an accident with a dray. Page 2
18 December 1872 - The funeral of Thomas WATTERS sen., a very old and respected colonist took place yesterday. Page 2
20 December 1872 - Long article re a girl aged about 11 lost in the bush near Waiwera. She is believed to be Bridget SULLIVAN, daughter of Daniel Sullivan, Pukapuka, Lower Mahurangi. Page 3
21 December 1872 - From Dunedin - A man named HARVEY was killed by falling over the track at Arrow River. Page 3
24 December 1872 - From Dunedin - Rev Mr WILLIAMS, Baptist Minister, has died from the effects of a coach accident which occurred on Friday. Page 3
25 December 1872 - The search for the girl Bridget SULLIVAN, lost in the bush at Mahurangi, has been kept up but no further traces of her have been found. Page 2
27 December 1872 - From the South - Walter Thomas TUNNICLIFFE, aged 14 years, son of H J Tunnicliffe, sawyer, was drowned at Waimea South whilst bathing. Page 2
27 December 1872 - From the South - A man named HUMPHRIES died suddenly at Manawatu after walking about 25 miles in a day. Page 2
27 December 1872 - From the South - A farm servant named Thomas McEVEDY has been killed at Southbridge, Canterbury, by being knocked down by two horses attached to a reaping machine which was dragged over him. Page 2
27 December 1872 - From the South - A little boy under three years of age, the son of Mr PARKINSON, stationer, Greymouth, died lately from the effects of eating a quantity of phosphorous matches. Page 2
28 December 1872 - From Christchurch - A boat containing Mr BEAN and three sons was capsized; the youngest, 7 years old, was drowned. Page 3
30 December 1872 - A fatal accident occurred at West Taieri on 20th ult. to a Maori called "Skipper". Page 2
31 December 1872 - Inquest on the three year old son of Mr PARKINSON, stationer, Greymouth. Page 2