The Southern Cross began as a weekly paper in Auckland on 22 April 1843. In 1862 it became the first daily newspaper in Auckland, changing its name to the Daily Southern Cross. The Southern Cross was merged with the New Zealand Herald, which is still published today, in 1876.
These have been kindly indexed by Jacqueline Walles. If you think any of these entries belong to you, they can be researched in greater detail through the Papers Past website. There are sometimes follow-ups at later dates.
1 January 1873 - From Dunedin — At Teviot a German named BECK was severely wounded by a neighbour with a tomahawk. The cause was jealously.
1 January 1873 - From Waiuku — 29 December, William SUTHERLAND was accidentally drowned in Waitangi Creek while bathing. Deceased was about 16 years of age and a steady industrious young man.
2 January 1873 - From Ahaura — Mr James HAYES, a draper, was stuck up by some bushrangers last night three miles out from town. He was robbed of 369 oz of gold, also of notes and cheques, in all making a total value of �1, 600.
3 January 1873 - From the Tararu Butts — A fine lad named James MIDDLEBROOK, Auckland, but who has been in the employ of Mr Clark, timber merchant, Grahamstown, suffered an accident which is feared will result in the loss of the right arm. It is believed that a shot fired by a Volunteer was the cause.
3 January 1873 - From Grahamstown - The unfortunate man MIDDLEBROOK who had his arm shot, is progressing favourably and strong hopes are entertained of saving his arm.
3 January 1873 - From Kaiwaka — On 22 November two men named John EYTON and Edward McADAM, gumdiggers, had an altercation. Eyton was struck by McAdam and fell, expiring about half an hour later. An enquiry returned a verdict of manslaughter and McAdam was placed in custody.
3 January 1873 - Mr J W DIDDAMS, collector and valuator to the City Council, was found with a deep cut across his throat. He leaves a wife and six children. Inquest held.
3 January 1873 - The house at Epsom occupied by Captain F G ARMSTRONG, his wife and two children, was burnt, with the occupants having a narrow escape albeit with burns.
3 January 1873 - From Thames — The 3 year old daughter of Mr John BYRNE, miner, Tararu, drowned on 7 December 1872.
3 January 1873 - From Ngaruawahia - Mr John WILSON was accidentally killed when the wheel of the dray he was driving ran over a small cutting, capsizing the dray which fell across his chest. He was formerly in the 2nd Regt, Waikato Militia.
3 January 1873 - Henry N NEWSTEAD, lately a tobacconist in Auckland, suddenly expired on 14 December 1872, from heart disease.
3 January 1873 - From Waiwera — The 11 year old daughter of Mr W Sullivan, was lost in the bush on 7 December and has not been found. The district has been searched by a large body of settlers.
3 January 1873 - From West Taieri — On 20th ultimo, a Maori called "Skipper" was attempting to make his horse leap the Tees stream when they fell, the horse rolled over his rider, who sustained such injuries that he died very shortly after the occurrence.
3 January 1873 - On 29 December 1872 a young man named William SUTHERLAND was accidentally drowned in Waitangi Creek whilst bathing.
6 January 1873 - Middle Star mine — Richard THOMAS receiving injuries affecting his eyes which are so much swollen and scorched that they cannot be seen, much less can he see with them.
6 January 1873 - Mr SULLIVAN of the Oriental Hotel, died suddenly on Saturday. It is understood that he has been ailing for some time but his condition was not considered critical until a short time before his death. Funeral today.
6 January 1873 - Mr W GALBRAITH of the Eden Vine Hotel, is beginning to recover from the accident which befell him. His eye-sight has partly returned but his medical attendant does not yet consider him out of danger.
6 January 1873 - From Waiuku — Inquest on William SUTHERLAND, accidentally drowned in the Waitangi Creek. Interred in the Waiuku cemetery.
6 January 1873 - Inquest at Tahurangiruru on an aboriginal native named Hori Toi, who was found suspended by a piece of flax to a fence near his whare. Deceased was a single man about 30 years of age. He was low-spirited because the native woman he was living with had been taken from him and given to another, according to Maori usage.
7 January 1873 - From Puhoi - A young man named John BARKER had a narrow escape from drowning in the Puhoi River while bathing.
7 January 1873 - From Dunedin — Detective FARRELL was fired at near First Church, the shot grazing his face but the fourth entered his side. His assailant was and ex Police sergeant named RYAN who was arrested.
8 January 1873 - A boy named George BENNETT had a narrow escape from drowning while swimming near the Auckland Gas Works but was assisted by another boy who helped him to shallow water.
8 January 1873 - From the Waikato Times — Mr SHAW met with a serious accident whilst engaged on his reaping machine at Mr Burgess�s which may result in the loss of some of his fingers.
8 January 1873 - A serious accident occurred yesterday to a 12 year old girl, Kate SHIELDS, Mt Eden, when she received a severe kick in the mouth which fractured her jaw and knocked several of her teeth out. She is said to have swallowed at least four of them but is progressing under medical treatment.
8 January 1873 - Supreme Court — Manslaughter charge against Edward MACADAM for feloniously killed one John EYTON, gumdigger, at Kopuru, Northern Wairoa.
9 January 1873 - George WILLIAMS of Whanganui narrowly escaped death by accidentally drinking muriatic acid.
10 January 1873 - From Parua Bay — Mr R A MILLAR�s fine little boy was accidentally drowned during the absence of his mother.
14 January 1873 - From Napier — The cutter Margaret owned by Mr ROBINSON of Napier, was seen bottom upwards in Tolaga Bay. All hands are supposed to have been lost.
14 January 1873 - From Wellington - Captain FROUCHE, master of the cutter Glimpse fell overboard at Wharema and was drowned.
14 January 1873 - From Napier - The cutter Margaret owned by Mr Robinson of Napier was seen bottom upwards in Tolaga Bay. All hands are supposed to have been lost.
16 January 1873 - A widow named Mary MURPHY, residing in Hobson-street, died suddenly today. She was about 58 years of age.
16 January 1873 - Mr Charles PALMITER, railway workman, suffered a fracture of the left leg above the ankle joint with dislocation of the foot and extensive contusion of the inner part of the thigh. The patient is recovering as favourable as could be expected.
17 January 1873 - Inquest on Catherine MURPHY. Verdict of death from natural causes — serous apoplexy.
20 January 1873 - During the passage of the Lochnager from London, the steward Ralph ARMITAGE, died of inflammation of the bowels.
20 January 1873 - From Thames — Mr MACPHERSON, an old colonist, lately employed as Government artificer at the Thames waterworks, died suddenly on Saturday. Deceased was well known and much respected. His remains will be brought to Auckland this evening.
20 January 1873 - From Thames - Alexander McPHERSON, one of Auckland�s oldest settlers, died yesterday. The body will be sent to Auckland for interment tomorrow.
20 January 1873 - From Coromandel — A miner names MULGROVE met with a serious accident to the spine in the Tokatea by a fall of earth and was removed to the hospital seriously ill.
21 January 1873 - Frances JACKSON, five year old daughter of James Jackson, miner, narrowly escaped drowning on Sunday. It appears she was actually blown off the wharf. The mate of the Clio, Thomas Cave, jumped to her rescue.
21 January 1873 - From Thames — Mr Archibald McPHERSON�s death is attributed to an attack of bronchitis that originated in a severe cold, caught whilst discharging his duties as foreman in charge of the Thames Waterworks. He was a Freemason and member of the United Service Lodge, Auckland.
21 January 1873 - A daughter of Mr AVEY, landlord of the Masonic Hotel, was yesterday attacked by a rat in her bed. No serious consequences are apprehended from the occurrence.
22 January 1873 - Mr Archibald McPHERSON�s funeral took place yesterday, largely attended by his brother Masons and private specimens. Rev Bruce officiated.
22 January 1873 - De LEE of this city is dangerously ill, suffering from having eaten cucumber. He now lies in a precarious state.
22 January 1873 - From the �Waikato Times�- A youth named MORRIS, aged about 16, died suddenly at Queen�s Redoubt on Saturday. The circumstances are sufficient suspicious to render an inquest necessary. We understand the youth is the son of a Cambridge settler.
22 January 1873 - From Coromandel — The young man MULGRAVE, slightly injured last week by a slip of earth in the Tokatea stopes, is so far recovered that he may be expected to be about in a day or two.
22 January 1873 - James MALLAY, recently brought to the hospital from Drury after being assaulted, is sinking rapidly and thought not likely to survive. He and two others, Nicholas STAUNTON and Michael MALONE were involved in a fight at the Farmers� Hotel, Drury.
22 January 1873 - From the South — Benjamin LOUGH, employed at Omarama, died on Friday last of idiopathic tetanus. He had been five days suffering, which resulted from catching cold.
23 January 1873 - John MALLAY, severely injured at Drury, is rapidly sinking. His skull is fractured besides other severe injuries. The doctor holds no hopes of his ultimate recovery.
23 January 1873 - From Coromandel — An accident happened to a man named SULLIVAN, late of Howick, while log falling at Harris� Mill. His ribs and chest were broken and he is not expected to live.
23 January 1873 - A serious accident occurred at Mangarewa when a piece of rock fell on one of Mr JORDAN�s workmen.
23 January 1873 - A young man, the son of Mr Thomas GRANTHAM, was gored by a bull yesterday and is not expected to recover. One horn penetrated the cavity of the chest so seriously injuring the lungs that the patient is not expected to recover. One of his arms was also broken.
24 January 1873 - The unfortunate man John MALLAY, died about midday yesterday.
24 January 1873 - Inquest at the Pokeno Hotel, on a young man, about 17 years of age, found lying dead on the morning of the 19th, outside the hotel. He appeared to have had overdosed on strong drink.
24 January 1873 - From the Waikato — The native Peni was killed this morning by a fall from his horse. He died almost immediately.
25 January 1873 - From Wellington — Inquest on Frank DILLAN, who committed suicide with a chisel, was held today with a verdict of temporary insanity. Evidence showed he had been drinking.
25 January 1873 - Inquest on John MALLAY. Inquest adjourned.
27 January 1873 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum on William LYNCH, a patient. Verdict: General paralysis.
27 January 1873 - From Dunedin — Mr McGREGOR, a solicitor, died suddenly at Queenstown today.
27 January 1873 - From Wellington — A bank of earth fell behind the Assembly building yesterday. Three men were buried, two taken out nearly suffocated. One named CASHIONS had his hip dislocated; another named JACKSON had his arms and ribs broken, and the other named MILLER, was only slight injured.
27 January 1873 - From the �Bruce Herald� — Mr John CORBETT, a farmer employed at Selwyn, Canterbury, has been frightfully gashed by a reaping machine.
27 January 1873 - Tetanus, brought on by catching cold, has caused the death of a man named LOUTH at Omarama.
28 January 1873 - Mr R T EBBORN met with a very serious accident yesterday whilst riding on horseback along Karangahape Road. He had been cut very severely about the face and head, He had just, a few hours previously, been thrown overboard from one of the ferry steamers which came in violent contact with the wharf at the North Shore.
29 January 1873 - From Coromandel — A bushman, accompanied by a native, proceeded yesterday from Whangapoua to Mercury Bay and was drowned. The name of the unfortunate fellow is not known.
29 January 1873 - A man named MILES drowned on Tuesday 14th inst. in the Manukau Harbour. Along with DELANEY and BURKE, he left Awhitu, down the South Channel and was as far as the Papakura channel when the boat was swamped. DELANEY and BURKE managed to swim ashore but MILES and the boat have not been heard of since.
29 January 1873 - Inquest on John MALLAY. Inquest verdict: Died from injuries received in a fiht at Drury and that Nicholas STAUNTON and Michael MALONE were implicated.
30 January 1873 - Mr Thomas KIRK, F.L.S., has been seriously ill for he last few days. Hopes of his recovery are now confidently cherished.
31 January 1873 - Inquest held at Kennedy�s Bay on William BURNS whose body had been found floating in the harbour. Verdict: Accidental death by drowning by the upsetting of a boat.
31 January 1873 - A woman named ANSTEY, past middle life, died of poisoning yesterday. She had bought some rat poison at the chemist. She then had a glass of beer at the Edinburgh Castle Hotel. She collapsed in New North Road.
01 February 1873 - A little boy named SMITH, the son of the engineer of the Enterprise, was yesterday kicked by a horse, inflicting a very serious wound and fracturing his skull. He was conveyed to the Provincial Hospital where he now lies in a very precarious condition.
01 February 1873 - Inquest yesterday on Mary ANSTEY, poisoned. Verdict: Met with her death by administering poison to herself while in a state of unsound mind.
04 February 1873 - Mr William GRANT died at Havelock, Westland on 31 December last, of sunstroke.
04 February 1873 - From Coromandel — Inquest on a child of Mr W ROBERTSON which had died suddenly. Verdict: Died from natural causes.
05 February 1873 - A five year old daughter of Mrs BOONSTRE, Lorne St, was yesterday badly burned whilst playing with a fire. There are but little hopes of her ultimate recovery.
05 February 1873 - At the funeral of a young lady, which took place a Reefton recently, the coffin was borne by four young maidens.
05 February 1873 - From Whanganui — Lieut DAY of the Whanganui Cavalry, was buried with military honours.
06 February 1873 - Major General Burton DAVENEY, father of Captain Daveney of this city, died at Norfolk England on 24 November last. He was aged 72 years.
06 February 1873 - Inquest yesterday at the Nottingham Castle Hotel (Morrinsville?) on Girtina Olive BOUSTRE, who died of burns. Verdict: Accidental death with a rider that the mother was much to blame in leaving so young a child in the manner she had done.
13 February 1873 - A man named JONES was drowned at Mangawai on Sunday 2 February. He was on a raft with three other men named MORGAN, REDMAN and THOMAS, and fearing the raft would be carried out to sea, went into the water but was carried under and drowned.
14 February 1873 - From Coromandel — Robert MONTGOMERY, lately teacher of THORLEY�s children, has been found dead.
15 February 1873 - The funeral of the late Mr George ROGERS, solicitor etc., took place yesterday in the Church of England cemetery, the service being performed by Rev C M Nelson, St Paul�s.
15 February 1873 - Inquest on MONTGOMERY. Verdict of Died of disease of the heart, accelerated by want of proper nourishment. Deceased was a native of Belfast and was respectably connected.
15 February 1873 - From Whanganui - An old woman was knocked down on the racecourse yesterday by a horse. She is not expected to recover.
15 February 1873 - From the Poverty Bay Standard - A very promising young man named Thomas HART, one of the Constabulary stationed at Ormond, accidentally drank a mixture of bluestone & arsenic, believing it to be water.
17 February 1873 - Inquest on Nathaniel Moore MONTGOMERY, native of Belfast, Ireland.
18 February 1873 — The young son of Mr CAMPBELL, Pirau, Wairarapa, whilst playing in the bush, accidentally cut off a finger of his sister. No serious results are anticipated.
19 February 1873 — From Grahamstown - Mr PRIOR, manager of the Hauraki Saw Mills, died suddenly last night. An inquest is to be held.
20 February 1873 - Inquest on William PRIOR, late manager of the Hauraki Sawmills above Roper on the river Thames.
20 February 1873 - Mrs HAWKES who was suddenly taken ill on Monday last while coming from Onehunga to Auckland, is now being attended to in the Provincial Hospital.
22 February 1873 — Mr George L LOW died accidentally on the road between the Harp of Erin Hotel and Panmure on Thursday evening.
24 February 1873 - The funeral of George L LOW took place yesterday at Onehunga.
25 February 1873 - John ROBINSON, aged 44, a farmer, died after falling off a dray.
28 February 1873 - From Invercargill - A man named Alexander WALLACE blew his brains out with a pistol in his own house when slightly under the influence of liquor.
28 February 1873 - From Greymouth - James HICKS cut his throat and jumped into the sea. His body was recovered. He had been drinking.
01 March 1873 — From Invercargill — Alfred VALLANCE shot himself in the head while intoxicated. Death was instantaneous.
03 March 1873 - The remains of the late Alfred DUFF of the No.1 Royal Company Volunteers, were interred on Saturday afternoon in the Church of England cemetery with military honours.
04 March 1873 - James SHAW, an old man, employed by James Hunt, farmer, Panmure, died in hospital yesterday from the effects of injuries received on Saturday last.
04 March 1873 - William GRESSON, inmate, Lunatic Asylum, killed a miner named Walter Mornington by a blow, because the latter, who had been drinking, said something annoying.
04 March 1873 - A woman named Honoria BOYLE died at Nelson Creek, on the West Coast the other day at the advanced aged of 101 years.
04 March 1873 - From Port Chalmers - James BENNETT, a single passenger by the Charlotte Gladstone died on Saturday of typhoid fever, at the quarantine station.
06 March 1873 - From Grahamstown - The young man, James KELLY, who was kicked in the abdomen by a horse on Monday evening, died at the hospital.
06 March 1873 - From Howick — Ann FOOKES, aged 73, Howick, committed suicide.
07 March 1873 — More on Ann FOOKES from the Thames Evening Star.
08 March 1873 - Inquest on Jane BROWNE, late wife of James Clayton Browne of the Albion Hotel.
10 March 1873 - From Russell - A man named HUDSON, aged 24, was killed by a fall of coal at the Kawakawa coalmines.
11 March 1873 - A child named SEABROOKE died under rather curious circumstances on 10th inst after taking ill suddenly and dying in a few minutes.
12 March 1873 - From Grahamstown - A boy named PEARCE, aged about 5 years, died suddenly at Punga Flat today.
13 March 1873 - From Grahamstown - A Maori boy named PAUL was drowned at Ohinemuru by the upsetting of a canoe.
14 March 1873 - From the Thames Advertiser — A little boy named William Alfred PEARCE, son of Samuel Pearce, a miner, died suddenly at his father�s house, Punga Flat.
15 March 1873 - From Drury - An accident which may be attended with fatal consequences, occurred at Drury to a man named Robert EAST of West Pukekohe on 13 March.
17 March 1873 - From Lyttelton - Captain EVANS of the brig Ben Nevis was drowned last night while going off to his vessel along. The cause of the accident is unknown.
18 March 1873 - From Invercargill - A workman named LATTER fell into a meat-preserving bath at the company�s works, Woodend. He died next day from the injuries he received.
19 March 1873 - A carter named George L LOW, in the employ of Messrs Ireland Brothers, was thrown from a cart on the Panmure Road on 20 February and killed on the spot.
22 March 1873 - A man named John BURKE died under rather peculiar circumstances yesterday.
24 March 1873 - Inquest on John BURKE, labourer, Cook-street, who died suddenly.
24 March 1873 - James Biggs WILSON, gum-digger — missing.
26 March 1873 - From Wellington - Funeral of Dr BARKER.
27 March 1873 - From Dunedin - A man named HUMPHREYS died at Balclutha under the influence of chloroform.
27 March 1873 - Southern News - A child 2 � years old has died in Christchurch from the effects of tumbling into a tub of hot water while the mother was washing.
27 March 1873 - From The Otago Daily Times - During last week an old native named STEPHEN, well known in New Plymouth, died. His exact age is not known but he is supposed to be nearly a hundred years old.
28 March 1873 — Captain John SALMON, a very old pioneer, has died.
29 March 1873 - From Christchurch — James STEVENS, railway employee, run down in a tunnel.
31 March 1873 - Four little girls, the eldest 11 years old and the youngest a baby in arms, were reported to the Police last night as missing from their home since 11 o�clock in the morning.
02 April 1873 - Inquest on James Biggs WILSON, whose body was found in a swamp at Riverhead.
02 April 1873 - From Dunedin - Mr John ANDERSON of Kaikaku, one of the oldest settlers, died suddenly.
02 April 1873 - The body of a man has been discovered in the water near the end of the wharf. Mr Noah PEPLER of Papakura is at present missing.
03 April 1873 - The clothes found on the body of the man discovered in the harbour on Tuesday are now in the hands of the Police awaiting identification.
03 April 1873 - Inquest on James Beggs WILSON, the man found dead in a creek at Riverhead.
03 April 1873 - The body of Adam CHISHOLM, a man very well known in Auckland, was found drowned near the Wynyard Pier.
04 April 1873 — More on Adam CHISHOLM.
04 April 1873 - From Dunedin - A fatal accident occurred at Pembroke by which James PARKINS, a team-driver, was killed and a man named HOGG severely injured.
05 April 1873 - More on Adam CHISHOLM re his request to be admitted to the Provincial Hospital.
05 April 1873 - From Dunedin — James GREARSON of the Pioneer was drowned after being knocked into the sea when the boom jibed at Cape Saunders.
07 April 1873 - From Coromandel - A dead body supposed to be that of a man known as "Soldier Tom" has been found in Courthouse Creek in an advanced stage of decomposition.
09 April 1873 - From Coromandel - The body of Thomas MILAN, alias "Soldier Tom" who was resident here during several years, presented a touching spectacle when discovered.
09 April 1873 - From Charleston - Rev RUSBY has been drowned while bathing in the surf.
09 April 1873 - From Otahuhu - Mr W J YOUNG of the Grange has been shot but it is not known whether by accident or otherwise. It was later learned he had shot himself whilst wild duck shooting.
10 April 1873 — A child aged 2 � has died in Christchurch from the effects of tumbling into a tub of hot water while the mother was washing.
10 April 1873 — Inquest on Mr YOUNG of the Grange.
10 April 1873 - From Nelson - Dr VICKERMAN, an old settler, dropped down dead this morning.
10 April 1873 - Inquest on Adam CHISHOLM.
10 April 1873 - Inquest on body found in the harbour but whose identity is still unknown.
10 April 1873 - Inquest on John BURKE, labourer. Death was caused by exhaustion produced by haemorrhage brought on by injury to the bladder.
10 April 1873 - Inquest on how James Biggs WILSON came by his death on 9 March.
11 April 1873 - From Reefton — Mr TAYLOR, a brick-layer has died in a fire caused by a burning candle.
11 April 1873 - From Whanganui - Mr ?ATOMETLY, who was drowned at the pilot station, had been drinking heavily.
12 April 1873 - Inquest at Karangahape Road on a child named Bridget Ann KELLY, aged 5, daughter of Mary Kelly residing on the Great North Road, Newton.
17 April 1873 - The burial of the wife of John HOLMES took place at the North Shore yesterday afternoon.
17 April 1873 - Southern News - A man named HAMILTON was drowned in the Ruamahunga River (Wellington) on Tuesday.
18 April 1873 - The marriage of Mr J M SHERA and Miss BALNEAVIS was solemnized yesterday at St Paul�s Church and caused considerable stir in the fashionable circles of our city.
19 April 1873 - From Dunedin - Patrick LEARY, a resident of Blacks, committed suicide by hanging.
21 April 1873 — A man named Henry HIGGINSON has died suddenly at Mangere.
23 April 1873 - Inquest on Henry HIGGINSON at Mangere.
24 April 1873 - From Dunedin - A carrier named Billy McKENZIE committed suicide at Waikouaiti by hanging himself at Shand�s accommodation.
24 April 1873 - From Wellington - Captain TUCKER of the barque Camille well known in the New Zealand trade, died yesterday.
24 April 1873 - From the South - A man named WILLIAMS, at Whanganui, lately drank the contents of a bottle of hydrochloric acid, supposing it to be brandy and died in consequence.
24 April 1873 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum yesterday on a patient, Charles KING, who died at the Asylum.
25 April 1873 - Inquest at Pitt-street, on William TURNBULL, a child aged 5 months.
25 April 1873 - A woman named Jane CRICK was last night almost burned to death. She was removed to the hospital but is not expected to recover, the trunk of her body being almost roasted.
25 April 1873 - From Cambridge - Information that a European named SULLIVAN had been shot by a party of Maoris about 7 miles from Cambridge near the Mangapiko river.
26 April 1873 - The woman Jane CRICK, lies in a very precarious state in the Provincial Hospital.
26 April 1873 - Inquest on Timothy SULLIVAN.
26 April 1873 - A little boy named Adolphus Alfred BACH died at 2 a.m. yesterday under circumstances which have called for official inquiry.
28 April 1783 - From Helensville - Inquest at Kaipara Hotel, on William MARTYN, a navvy employed on the Helensville portion of the Kaipara Railway.
28 April 1873 - Inquest at Princes-street on Adolphus Alfred BACH, aged 4 yrs.
28 April 1873 - From Alexandra - The supposed leader of the murderers, Paiutari (sic) is the same who attempted the murder of some Europeans a short time since.
29 April 1873 - Inquest at the hospital on Jane CRICK resulted in a verdict of accidental death by burning.
30 April 1873 - Published depositions taken at the inquest held at Cambridge.
30 April 1873 — From Alexandra — The murders of Timothy SULLIVAN are at Te Kuiti. They arrived at Orahiri on Friday with what pomp they could make by carrying the heart of the murdered man on the top of a pole.
01 May 1873 - From Grahamstown — Mrs BROWN and her infant were found drowned in a well in Murphy�s Lane, Block 27, Shortland.
02 May 1873 - The inquest on the bodies of Mrs BROWN and infant was held today.
03 May 1873 - The funeral of Mrs BROWN and infant.
06 May 1873 - Mr W GREENE who was wounded with a revolver bullet last week, still lies very poorly.
06 May 1873 - From the Bombay Settlement — John Morris MATTHEWS was killed by the falling branch of a tree last Friday.
06 May 1873 - From Coromandel - James MARKS of the Mercury Bay Sawmill Co. has been missing in the district for the last ten days.
06 May 1873 - From Dunedin - A married woman named MAIN died under suspicious circumstances in the house of a carpenter named Atkinson at Clyde.
08 May 1873 - The death of Mr GREENE who was wounded by a revolver bullet, took place at the Bank of NZ yesterday.
09 May 1873 - An old man named Alexander OLIVER, Chancery-street, living by selling water cress, was knocked down by a horse. The old man was taken to the hospital with a fractured skull.
09 May 1873 — The body of William REYNISH was found floating in the water below the fish-market.
10 May 1873 — Inquest on John REYNISH, found drowned.
10 May 1873 - The old man, Alexander OLIVER, who was knocked down by a horse on Thursday in Queen-street and died the same day.
10 May 1873 - Long account of inquest on John REYNISH.
12 May 1873 - Account of inquest on Saturday on Alexander OLIVER, who died at the Provincial Hospital last Friday.
12 May 1873 - A man named MARKS, late clerk to the Mercury Bay Sawmill Co, has disappeared and it is the opinion that he has come to an untimely end.
12 May 1873 - From the Kawau - A man named Peter BLUERS (sic), is believed missing under suspicious circumstances.
13 May 1873 - The remains of the late W P FOOKS, veterinary surgeon, were interred in the Church of England Cemetery.
14 May 1873 - Inquest on Peter BLEUS or BLEWETT (sic).
14 May 1873 - We regret to learn that a telegram was received late last night by Messrs T & S Morrin to the effect that Mr William MORRIN had died in Canada. 15 May 1873 - The front of Messrs T & S Morrin�s shop in Queen-street was hung with crape yesterday on account of the death of Mr W Morrin.
15 May 1873 - From Grahamstown - A telegram from Ohinemutu has just been received announcing the death of Mr David GRAHAM, one of Auckland�s earliest settlers.
15 May 1873 - Inquest at the Lunatic Asylum yesterday on Margaret WHITLOCK, aged 30, who died on 12th inst.
16 May 1873 — A man named John SINNETT, employed by P & J McLeod in one of their cutters, has disappeared suddenly.
17 May 1873 — Funeral of Mr David GRAHAM.
17 May 1873 — George BUNCE was throw from his horse and is not expected to recover.
19 May 1873 — Interment of Mr David GRAHAM.
19 May 1873 — The body of James MARKS, missing since 24 April, was found on the 12th inst. lying on the beach in a decomposed state.
19 May 1873 — Richard MORTON, aged 22, drowned in the harbour on Saturday.
20 May 1873 - - The search for the body of Mr MORTON was resumed yesterday without success.
20 May 1873 — Richard DUNN drowned in the Waikato River on 13th inst.
20 May 1873 — From Grahamstown — Thomas PILKINGTON, injured at the All Nations mine, can scarcely recover. Doctors pronounce the spine to be dislocated.
22 May 1873 — Thomas PILKINGTON, injured at the All Nations mine, has seriously affected lungs but the doctor thinks he may linger for some time yet.
26 May 1873 — Inquest on John SINNOTT at Helensville.
27 May 1873 — In Christchurch an infant a year old has died from some scalding cocoa falling on its face and breast.
27 May 1873 — Mr R MORTON, accidentally drowned in the harbour on 17th inst.
27 May 1873 — An English telegram announces the death of Mr John Stuart MILL.
28 May 1873 — No paper available.
30 May 1873 — Inquest at Rangiriri on Richard DUNN, drowned in the Waikato River.
02 June 1873 — During the passage of the Woodlark from London, a young lad named Alfred GOODMAN, drowned.
02 June 1873 — Inquest at Russell on Thomas H GARRITY, stabbed by Joseph EPPWRIGHT.
02 June 1873 — Kidnap of foster child of a couple at Wairoa by the Band of Brothers.
02 June 1873 — From Alexandra - A constable named BRENNAN was accidentally killed at Kihikihi by a comrade named VERNER. Death was almost instantaneous.
02 June 1873 — From the Thames - Inquest on Mrs SIMMONS.
02 June 1873 — Inquest at the Asylum on William YATES, patient.
02 June 1873 — Inquest at the Asylum on Margaret WHITLOCK, inmate.
02 June 1873 — Interment of Mr David GRAHAM at Symonds-street Cemetery.
03 June 1873 — More on the accidental death of E BRENNAN.
04 June 1873 — Men drowned at Northern Wairoa — Thomas WILKES, Major DOYLE, Peter LANE.
05 June 1873 — From Taranaki — Mr Richard LETHBRIDGE, the great pioneer settler, is dead.
05 June 1873 — James GARROD, butcher, who arrived here three weeks ago from Dunedin, fell down dead today.
06 June 1873 — From Whangarei — Mr George NAYLOR, an old settler, died on Friday.
07 June 1873 — Inquest at the Asylum on Francis SMITH, a patient.
07 June 1873 — Mr Henry BOWMAN, plumber, died very suddenly in a house in Albert-street.
07 June 1873 — Henry WILLIS alias Henry Brougham WILLIS is advertised for. A reward of �5 is offered for information leading to his discovery or proof of death.
07 June 1873 — SULLIVAN�s murder — there are many articles touching on this matter and researcher would need to follow through day by day from the time of his death.
09 June 1873 — No inquest necessary re the death of Henry BOWMAN.
10 June 1873 — Mr Robert LLOYD has died at his residence, Mount Pleasant, Shortland.
11 June 1873 — Inquest at Northern Wairoa on Major DOYLE, drowned. WILKES and LANE have not yet been recovered.
11 June 1873 — Inquest at the Gaol on Patrick DOLAN, aged 43.
11 June 1873 — Inquest at the Asylum on John McWALTERS, inmate.
13 June 1873 — From Lyttelton — A portion of the remains of the late Captain ELGAR, brought from the Amuri, has been identified by his clothes.
14 June 1873 — Inquest on Mr Levi COCKERTON, late messenger at the Bank NSW. .
14 June 1873 — Daniel BURKE arraigned on the charge of murdering James MARKS at Mercury Bay.
14 June 1873 — The body of an old woman named Maria RANDALL, a notorious drunkard and vagrant, was found in the cemetery at Symonds-street.
16 June 1873 — Inquest on Maria RANDALL, found dead in the cemetery on Friday.
16 June 1873 — More on Maria RANDALL.
18 June 1873 — A man named DEARDEN has died at Christchurch from the effect of a coach accident on the Queen�s Birthday.
19 June 1873 — From Drury - A man named SWEENY was killed yesterday on the railway works near Pukekohe.
20 June 1873 — Mr James MERRITT threw himself into the Hokitika river but was rescued. He died a few hours afterwards.
24 June 1873 — Mr Edward WATERS of Ashton Farm, Papatoetoe, has died.
24 June 1873 — Inquest on a Hindoo named GOOEY, died in Bacon�s Alley, Chancery-street.
24 June 1873 — From Christchurch — G B STIFFE died suddenly under somewhat suspicious circumstances.
24 June 1873 — Inquest on Hindoo GOOEY.
25 June 1873 — Inquiry re death of James MARKS, supposedly murdered circa 24 April last.
25 June 1873 — From Charleston — Robert McKERRON, miner, was killed by a fall of earth in the Nile Claim.
25 June 1873 — From Christchurch — Inquest on G B STIFFE.
26 June 1873 — From Tauranga — An Omoaroa native named TAMONA is missing, believed drowned.
26 June 1873 — Telegrams report the death of Mr GRAY, Inspector of Post Offices, at San Francisco.
26 June 1873 — From Christchurch — Inquest on L B STIFFE.
27 June 1873 — Rev Dominic GALOSI, O.S.P. has died in Italy, previously connected with this province.
27 June 1873 — From Dunedin — A boat capsized on the Molyneaux River near Alexandra and two men, named SCOTT and Captain ANDERSON, were drowned.
28 June 1873 — A child aged 2, named BAIRD, has been reported as missing from his home in Grey-street.
28 June 1873 — John MONAGHAN, driver, cut his throat on 8 June at Onehunga.
30 June 1873 — Inquest on a 3 months old infant named Lizzie Ada PLANTE.
30 June 1873 — Serious accident to a nurse girl and her two charges, aged 3 yrs and 18 mths, on the Tararu Road.
30 June 1873 — From Christchurch — Charge of manslaughter re death of Mr STIFFE.
30 June 1973 — From the Thames — Margaret CLARKSON, run over by a horse, is still unconscious and in a very critical state. Her recovery is doubtful.
01 July 1873 — Inquest on James Newberry TAYLOR, found dead at his house in Dedwood on Sunday last.
01 July 1873 — Mr J H A LOWE, who had connections with the Daily Southern Cross, will be interred this afternoon.
01 July 1873 — From the Thames — Margaret CLARKSON who was run over by a horse, is still insensible. .
01 July 1873 — John LAURIE, Karaka near Otahuhu, has died very suddenly.
01 July 1873 — Inquest on Stephen Newberry TAYLOR, aged 63.
02 July 1873 — Inquest at Mt Eden Gaol on the body of a prisoner who died on Monday.
02 July 1873 — From Coromandel — The late Mr CHAPMAN, one of the oldest settlers here, was buried today.
02 July 1873 — Inquest at Mt Eden Stockade on Edward MOYLE, aged 45, an inmate.
03 July 1873 — The body of a man named WARRINGTON, who has been missing for some time, was found up a tree in the Puhoi bush.
04 July 1873 — From Christchurch — The Crown Prosecutor has decided to indict Miss HERBERTE and the others charged with manslaughter in STIFFE�s case.
05 July 1873 — Margaret CLARKSON, run over by a horse six days ago, still survives but continues unconscious.
07 July 1873 — From Napier — Inquest on WARRINGTON found he had hung himself while in an unsound state of mind.
08 July 1873 — The wife of Col NUGENT, formerly 58th Regt., has died. She was daughter of the late Major General PITT, for some time commander H M Forces in NZ, and died in Auckland in 1851.
09 July 1873 — Rev George A PANTON has died in Edinburgh in March last. He was the first Presbyterian minister in Auckland.
09 July 1873 — From Dunedin — Supreme Court case against William ATKINSON for murder.
10 July 1873 — Last week three infants in Masterton died of whooping cough
10 July 1873 — From Dunedin — Mr BRADSHAW, M.H.R., was drowned in the Taieri river while duck shooting.
10 July 1873 — From Dunedin — William AITKEN has been convicted of manslaughter, sentence deferred.
11 July 1873 — Patrick HUNTER, stabbed in the groin by William KINNISON at the Queen�s Redoubt on Monday, is said to be in a dying condition.
11 July 1873 — William Edward BOOTH, aged 15, son of Mr Booth, brickmaker at the Steam Navigation Co�s coalmines, Waikato River, has died, during an epileptic seizure.
11 July 1873 — At the Supreme Court, Joseph EPPWRIGHT indicted with wilful murder, and William FISHER with accessory to murder. Both found guilty and sentence of death passed.
12 July 1873 — Re the death by drowning of Patrick HOGAN in Wellington harbour.
12 July 1873 — From Christchurch — A man died from exposure to cold on the West Coast road.
12 July 1873 — More on the Pokeno stabbing case — Patrick HUNTER and William KINNISON.
14 July 1873 — From New Plymouth — Ihaia, the celebrated friendly chief, is dead. .
15 July 1873 — Re hearing of charges against William ROBERTS for manslaughter.
15 July 1873 — Margaret CLARKSON, the young girl run over by a horse on 28th of last month, died on Sunday at her father�s residence, Tararu Road.
15 July 1873 — Inquest on Rose Eleanor EVINSON, aged 9 weeks, daughter of Eleanor & Samuel EVINSON of Karangahape Road. .
15 July 1873 — Hopes of recovery re entertained for Patrick HUNTER, recently stabbed at the Queen�s Redoubt.
15 July 1873 — From Grahamstown — Inquest on Margaret CLARKSON.
15 July 1873 — From Greytown — Michael TROY, and old shepherd at Castle Point, was found dead by the roadside on Tuesday.
15 July 1873 — Supreme Court — Manslaughter — William ROBERTS arraigned.
16 July 1873 — Rev D HAMILTON, Presbyterian minister at the Whau, is missing in circumstances that leave little hope of his being found alive.
16 July 1873 — Funeral of Margaret CLARKSON.
17 July 1873 — The case of murder against Daniel BURKE will be called on at 9 o�clock this morning at the Supreme Court.
17 July 1873 — Traces found of the Rev D HAMILTON.
18 July 1873 — Additional information re Rev D HAMILTON.
18 July 1873 — Re Supreme Court sittings — Daniel BURKE for the murder of James MARKS at Mercury Bay.
18 July 1873 — From Dunedin — Mr MACPHERSON ha been killed by a railway train.
18 July 1873 — Supreme Court — Charge of murder against Daniel BURKE.
19 July 1873 — Patrick HUNTER, stabbed at the Queen�s Redoubt died.
19 July 1873 — Peter BOYLAN charged with brutally assaulting his wife who late died.
19 July 1873 — Rev D HAMILTON still missing.
19 July 1873 — The son of Ahipene who married Sophia TAWHIAO�s sister, died last week. .
21 July 1873 — Body of Rev D HAMILTON, Presbyterian minister of the Whau, found in Foote�s Creek.
21 July 1873 — Rev David JONES has died in Sydney and buried in the Haslem Creek Cemetery, Sydney.
21 July 1873 — Inquest on Patrick HUNTER, died as a result of being stabbed by William KINNISON at Queen�s Redoubt, Pokeno, on 7th inst.
21 July 1873 — Inquest on Maria Louisa BOYLAN, died suddenly at her residence, the Royal Hotel, Eden Crescent.
21 July 1873 — Peter BOYLAN charged with having killed his wife.
21 July 1873 — At the morning service at St Patrick�s Church yesterday the congregation were requested to pray for the repose of the souls of Patrick HUNTER and Maria BOYLAN. The funerals of these ill fated persons took place at the Roman Catholic burial-ground yesterday. A great concourse of spectators attended on each occasion. We understand hat, in the case of HUNTER, over 100 sympathizing friends arrived from the Thames to pay their last tribute of esteem to the unfortunate man.
22 July 1873 — More on the death of Rev D HAMILTON.
22 July 1873 — In consequence of the deaths of the Rev David JONES and the Rev P HAMILTON, Mr Browne�s concert did not take place at the Choral Hall last night.
23 July 1873 — Recovery of Rev HAMILTON�s body.
23 July 1873 — John BURNETT, aged 9, residing with his parents in West Queen-street, died suddenly yesterday.
23 July 1873 — Inquest on Maria Louisa BOYLAN.
23 July 1872 — Adjourned inquest on Maria Louisa BOYLAN.
24 July 1873 — Inquest on Rev D HAMILTON.
24 July 1873 — Inquest on John BURNETT, aged 9.
24 July 1873 — Inquest and funeral on Rev D HAMILTON.
26 July 1873 — Joseph EPPWRIGHT, convicted of the wilful murder of Mr GARRITY at Russell, Bay of Islands, is to suffer the extreme penalty of the law.
28 July 1873 — Edward GLOVER, passenger on the Southern Cross died on the passage from Tauranga.
28 July 1873 — From Greymouth — A woman named MORGAN, the wife of a butcher, has been burned to death through falling into the fire.
28 July 1873 — Bishop Cowie preached in St Matthew�s Church upon the death of the late Rev D JONES.
28 July 1873 — Funeral sermon by Rev D Bruce on Rev D HAMILTON.
29 July 1873 — Examination of the body of Edwin GLOVER ex Southern Cross.
29 July 1873 — Re death of Rev D HAMILTON.
29 July 1873 — Sudden death of Alexander HOOD.
30 July 1873 — Re Joseph EPPRGHT, now deceased.
30 July 1873 — John GWYTHER aged 41, died very suddenly at the Provincial Hospital yesterday.
30 July 1873 — Execution and inquest of Joseph EPPRIGHT.
30 July 1873 — Accidents and Offences re Lizzie Ada PLANTE: John LAURIE: Stephen Newberry TAYLOR: Edward MOYLE: William Edward BOOTH: Margaret CLARKSON: Rose Eleanor EVINSON: Patrick HUNTER: Maria Louisa BOYLAN:
30 July 1873 — More on Rev D HAMILTON, lost in the bush.
30 July 1873 — WARRINGTON�s body found up a tree in the Puhoi Bush.
30 July 1873 — Michael TROY found dead on the road.
01 August 1873 — From Wellington — Intelligence re loss of Rangitoto on passage from Nelson to Wellington. Passengers included PAULING, HECTOR, SHARP, GOULD, CARANDINI, DAVENSON, PARRY, FRITH, KINNINMONT, ANDREW, NACARROW, BLACKWOOD, PARKER, SMITH, CUNNINGHAM, HILL, McCABE, JONES, DAVIS, BRADSHAW & MONRO.
01 August 1873 — From Whanganui — James FOX, steeplechase rider, was killed jumping his horse of a fence.
02 August 1873 — From Raglan — Mrs R GALVIN expired very suddenly on Saturday 26 July. The child was stillborn.
04 August 1873 — More on the loss of the Rangitoto.
05 August 1873 — From Wellington - Mr HARTMANN, on behalf of the NZ Shipping Co., purchased the wreck of the Rangitoto for �165.
06 August 1873 — Inquest at the Asylum on Thomas FAGAN, aka Tom the Shingler, and Bartholomew CONWAY.
07 August 1873 — From Tauranga — A seaman named SMITH was accidentally drowned at Opotiki.
07 August 1873 — Haka ARAUA cut his throat at Orakeikorako. He is said to have been insane at the time.
09 August 1873 — From Tauranga — Old Phillip TAPSELL died at Maketu on Wednesday after a fortnight�s illness. He is believed to be 96 years of age.
11 August 1873 — From Dunedin — Mr STEVENSON, a very old resident of the province died suddenly this morning at Taieri.
12 August 1873 — Whiriwhiri — Ann Norah EGAN, aged 2 years, has burned to death.
13 August 1873 — Tauranga — More on the death of Philip TAPSELL.
14 August 1873 — Henry COWAN, inmate, died at the Asylum yesterday, inquest this morning.
15 August 1873 — Funeral of Brother COWAN, Fountain of Friendship Lodge, took place yesterday.
15 August 1873 — Inquest on Henry COWAN.
15 August 1873 — Mercer - Thomas CARSON, labourer, aged c.35, ex 57th Regt. has cut his throat and died on Sunday morning.
15 August 1873 — From Christchurch — A man named James MAIN, aged 50, storekeeper on Papanui-road, has committed suicide by taking strychnine.
18 August 1873 — Inquiry is made through the Colonial Secretary�s Office for George William BREWER, native of London, aged 35, middle height, dark curly hair, brown eyes, teeth rather prominent. Also for John MACDONALD, native of Scotland, last heard of at Shortland, Thames Goldfields, about 2 years ago when he was mining with a cousin named Donald McLEAN. Had a brother named Angus MACDONALD, mate of a steamer who was accidentally drowned on a voyage between NZ and Australia.
19 August 1873 — Account of the funeral of Phillip TAPSELL.
21 August 1873 — An apparently new born child�s body was found in one of the Domain creeks yesterday.
23 August 1873 — Funeral meeting tomorrow at the Loyal Fountain of Friendship Lodge, Cook St, re Mr MITCHELSON.
23 August 1873 — The body of Charles PEARCE, labourer, about 30 years of age, was found at the foot of Fort Britomart facing the Breakwater.
23 August 1873 — Dunedin — George LANGLEY, Tokomariro, died suddenly of apoplexy.
23 August 1873 — Dunedin — James RITCHIE, settler, Tokomariro, was found dead on the road to his home, having been thrown from his horse.
25 August 1873 — Inquest on Charles PEARCE.
25 August 1873 — A man named McDONALD fell off the wharf at Mercer on Friday and was drowned.
25 August 1873 — Captain W CRANCH, master of the Bessy has drowned.
25 August 1873 — Inquest on Charles PEARCE.
26 August 1873 — Funeral of the late Captain W CRANCH.
26 August 1873 — Inquest on William CRANCH.
26 August 1873 — Isaac BEST, Wakefield-street, has died by poisoning.
26 August 1873 — Inquest on Captain CRANCH.
26 August 1873 — Inquest on Isaac BEST.
26 August 1873 —Accidents and Offences — Thomas FAGAN: Alexander SMITH: Ihaka; Ann Norah EGAN; Thomas CARSON: Dr John PARSONS: Henry CARSON: Captain SMITH: Mr MACONOCHIE: Robert CLIFFE: Charles PEARCE: William CRANCH.
28 August 1873 — Henry BROWN, aka Harry BLUFF, seaman on Southern Belle, missing since 18th inst. His body was found yesterday in the harbour.
29 August 1873 — Inquest on Henry BROWN.
01 September 1873 — From Timaru — The skull of a boy named ROWLEY was fractured with a stone by another boy it is thought.
02 September 1873 — From the Sydney Mail of 23 August. "EPPWRIGHT, a constable, who stabbed another constable, was hanged at Auckland on 29 July. He made a speech exculpating Fisher, stating that he stabbed GARITY in the heat of a quarrel without intent to kill him. He denied that he had ever been in gaol before. After the cap was fitted the drop was knocked off but only 6 inches and efforts to pull it down proved ineffectual. The culprit was then taken off, the drop was readjusted and the second time it fell clear, causing instantaneous death."
02 September 1873 — Hokianga — Mr SIMPSON, Harbourmaster and pilot, has been accidentally drowned whilst in the execution of his duty.
02 September 1873 — Mrs SCUDDER�s 8 week old child was overlain accidentally in their bed at Karangahape Road. Inquest today.
03 September 1873 — Inquest re death of infant child of Ellen SCUDDER. Manslaughter.
04 September 1873 — Ellen SCUDDER�s children, aged 7, 9 and 12, were committed to the Home for Neglected and Destitute Children.
04 September 1873 — From the Thames — A miner at Dixon�s No.1 mine named Henry LEVY was killed in a fall of earth.
04 September 1873 — From Hokitika — Peter MULROY, for shooting at Hugh CALDON with intent to kill, has been sentenced to 8 years imprisonment.
05 September 1873 — Thames - Inquest on Henry LEVY, killed yesterday in Dixon�s No.1 mine.
05 September 1873 — Tauranga — The son of Mr GREEN, a settler, was killed yesterday in the bush by a falling log. Accidental death.
05 September 1873 — Mr John REID died suddenly yesterday as he was starting to work. Heart disease.
08 September 1873 — Mr C E BOWDEN, livery-stablekeeper, died suddenly in Queen-street on Sunday morning.
09 September 1873 — A young lad, son of Captain MURRAY was yesterday in Queen-street struck across the temple with a piece of led by a lad named SOUTH. The boy was knocked insensible and in his all received injury to his spine. He is now in a very dangerous state. The boy SOUTH ran off.
09 September 1873 — Dunedin — Mr A FLEMING, rector of Invercargill High School, died yesterday.
10 September 1873 — The funeral of the late Mr Elias BOWDEN at the Church of England Cemetery.
10 September 1873 — Northern Wairoa accidents — Inquest on Thomas DAVIS, found dead in bed.
10 September 1873 — Peter Henry MORGAN, aged 8 or 9, eldest son of John Morgan of the Aratapa flaxmills drowned when he fell out of a punt.
10 September 1873 — A man named EATON attacked a man known as "Scotty", cook at the Kaihu Store, with a tomahawk. He is not expected to live.
10 September 1873 — Christchurch — A man named BOWES, a Cockatoo farmer near the South line, was run over by the down train and cut to pieces.
10 September 1873 — Dunedin — A Maori named TAITU was burned to death at Taiora in his hut yesterday.
10 September 1873 — George GREEN, son of Mr George Green of the Quarter acres, was accidentally killed in the bush at Oropi.
12 September 1873 — The lad MURRAY who was struck in the eye with a piece of lead by the young man SOUTH, lies in a very precarious condition. At the Police Court SOUTH was further remanded for a week.
12 September 1873 — Dunedin — St John BRANIGAN died last night, funeral tomorrow.
15 September 1873 — The 12 year old son of Mr S J WILLIAMS, Onehunga, was thrown from a pony, receiving a concussion of the brain which terminated fatally.
15 September 1873 — Richard WHITE was accidentally drowned near the Wade Bridge on 11th inst.
15 September 1873 — Coromandel - Edward GUNN, a miner, was found dead on the beach today.
15 September 1873 — Dunedin — BRANIGAN was buried today with military honours.
15 September 1873 — Lyttelton — The ships in harbour, Government and private, have their flags hoisted half-mast as a token of respect for Captain ROUSE who was washed overboard from the Claude Hamilton.
16 September 1873 — Jeremiah McQUEA drowned yesterday when he was knocked off the Triad off Shelly Beach.
16 September 1873 — Christchurch — Mr Thomas WATSON, the well known diver, is reported to have died in the Cassius shaft at Ross but the story is not true.
17 September 1873 — In consequence of the severity of the weather during yesterday the search for the body of the man McQUEA, who was drowned off the cutter Triad on Monday last, could not be renewed.
17 September 1873 — Coromandel — Inquest on Edward GUNN who was found on the beach on Sunday last.
18 September 1873 — Inquest at Mercer on John McDONALD drowned in the Waikato River on 21st ult.
18 September 1873 — Wellington — Inquiry regarding the loss of Captain ROUSE of the s.s. Claude Hamilton.
19 September 1873 — Christchurch — A man on horseback, whilst crossing the South line today, was killed by a train running over him and the horse.
23 September 1873 — Agnes IRVING, a married woman residing at Tucker Flat near Hokitika, died very suddenly if disease of the heart.
23 September 1873 — Nelson — Mrs SMITH, wife of Captain Smith of the English barque Anna Braginton, fell dead in the street today.
24 September 1873 — A man named PHILLIPS was drowned yesterday at Freeman�s Bay.
24 September 1873 — Coromandel — John CROTTY, a workman employed in the upper stope of the Royal Oak mine died after a stone from the hanging wall fell on him.
24 September 1873 — Dunedin — Two men engaged floating timber on the Teirei River have been missing since the 12th inst. It is supposed they have been drowned in consequence of the great floods in the river.
25 September 1873 — The body of the unfortunate man McQUEA, who was drowned a short time back from the cutter Triad was found floating near the Wynyard peer yesterday.
29 September 1873 — Blenheim — Mr David MAIN, well known in Canterbury, and Dr BESLEY, late of Halcione, have been both drowned crossing the new channels in the Opara River. Dr Basley�s body was found but Mr Main�s has not been recovered.
29 September 1873 — Lyttelton — The health of the Punjab immigrants still causes great anxiety. Another death has occurred, a young woman named Matilda FERGUSON, aged 17.
01 October 1873 — Charles LODGE aged 13, met with a very serious accident at George Hemus�s boot manufactory in Karangahape Road. Hopes are entertained for his recovery.
02 October 1873 — The body of the man PHILLIPS who was drowned a short time back was found floating alongside the Queen-street wharf.
02 October 1873 — Charles LODGE, the lad injured at the boot manufactory, is progressing as well as could be expected.
02 October 1873 — New Plymouth — An inquest was held on the body of Constable SOLE. Verdict: Accidental death.
03 October 1873 — Inquest on Richard PHILLIPS, drowned on 23rd September. Several witnesses were examined and the evidence went to show that the drowning was the result of an accident. Verdict returned accordingly.
03 October 1873 — Thames Evening Star — Very sudden death of a man named KAY at the Karaka. Came into town from Daldy�s Mills and while talking to a friend broke a blood vessel and died.
03 October 1873 — Grahamstown — At the inquest on the body of Susan ANDREWS a verdict of accidental death was recorded.
03 October 1873 — Inquest on Richard PHILLIPS.
03 October 1873 — Peter BARRETT, seaman of the p.s. Lady Bowen has been missing since Wednesday last. Married with four young children.
03 October 1873 — Thames — Susan Edith ANDREWS, aged 11, daughter of John Andrews, miner, working in the Kuranui mine and residing near the Una, was killed by a truck.
07 October 1873 — Little doubt can now exist but that the unfortunate man Pete BARRETT who has been missing several days, has met with a watery grave.
07 October 1873 — Mr THORNTON, landlord of the Royal George Hotel, Newmarket, yesterday attempted to commit suicide. He is expected to recover.
09 October 1873 — The remains of Peter BARRETT were yesterday recovered near the North Shore ferry steamboat.
09 October 1873 — Christchurch — James WOOD, a builder, was found dead in bed this morning. He is supposed to have died of heart disease.
09 October 1873 — Northern Wairoa — Patrick POWERS, died at the Wharau Bush on Wednesday.
09 October 1873 — Mr M COBBALD of Te Kopuru met with a painful accident on Tuesday. He is suffering intense pain and it is feared the results will be serious.
10 October 1873 — Inquest on Peter BARRETT. Verdict: Found drowned.
10 October 1873 — Dunedin — A plasterer named SMITH fell sixty feet while working on a building in Princes-street and was seriously injured — it is feared fatally.
10 October 1873 — Inquest on Peter BARRETT.
11 October 1873 — Accident to Mr CALVERT, veterinary surgeon of Otahuhu, yesterday. Painful if not dangerous.
11 October 1873 — Christchurch — Walter TAYLOR, jockey, aged 28, died in the hospital today of inflammation of the lungs which was caught while riding the Geraldine races on 21 September.
11 October 1873 — William MADDEN, miner at Orepuki, was seriously injured by a fall of earth in the Old Claim in front of which he happened to be walking, on Sunday. He was brought to Riverton on Wednesday and died yesterday.
13 October 1873 — A Maori named KOPA who was undergoing short term imprisonment at Mt Eden gaol, died between Saturday night and Sunday morning in the hospital there. An inquest will be held today.
13 October 1873 — Tauranga — A respectable married man, ex 1st Waikato Regt., had suffered from ill health since being locked up for drunkenness three weeks ago and finally succumbed either last night or very early this morning.
14 October 1873 — Inquest at the Mt Eden goal on the prisoner KOPA.
14 October 1873 — Tauranga — Inquest on John CADENHEAD, settler, suspected to have died through violence whilst being arrested by Police.
14 October 1873 — Christchurch — Funeral of James WOOD yesterday was attended by 350 persons. There were 3,000 at the cemetery.
14 October 1873 — Mr Allan McDOUGAL died on Saturday, leaving a widow and a large family.
14 October 1873 — Mercury Bay — Tom SULLIVAN, while breaking up a jam of timber in the Wade Creek, sustained an accident which laid open his thigh. Dr Agassiz has very little hope of his ultimate recovery.
15 October 1873 — Charge of manslaughter against Peter BOYLAN at the Supreme Court.
15 October 1873 — Christchurch — Another death, that of Ellen HAYES has occurred amongst the Pumjaub immigrants. There are 33 cases in the hospital, 12 being convalescent.
16 October 1873 — Peter BOYLAN found guilty of manslaughter.
20 October 1873 — Charles WESTON attempted to cut his own throat on 15th inst. at Hugh Chalmers� house, Maungakaramea.
20 October 1873 — John MOYLE (sic), aged 6, son of Lawrence Moyle, died after falling over the cliff at the foot of Chapel-street.
21 October 1873 — Inquest on John MILES (sic) who fell over the cliff at the end of Chapel-street.
21 October 1873 — Tauranga — Death of Mr CADENHEAD.
21 October 1873 — Mr NELSON, 3rd Engineer of s.s. Star of the South fell down the main hatchway and was seriously cut about the head.
22 October 1873 — Accidents mentioned — Charles LODGE, aged 13; HAY at Karaka; Richard PHILLIPS, drowned; THORNTON, attempted suicide; Patrick POWERS; KOPA, Mt Eden Gaol; Peter BARRETT, drowned.
27 October 1873 — A little child aged 3 � named COLLINS, whose parents live near the College Road, Dedwood, was seriously burned on Friday last and died on Saturday.
27 October 1873 — Coromandel — Inquiries proceeding respecting the body of a Maori picked up near the beach at Te Kuma. It is supposed to be the native chief EDWARD.
28 October 1873 — Inquest on Peter COLLINS, the young boy who died of burns.
29 October 1873 — On Thursday last, 23rd inst., Thomas KELLY was killed at Tangowahine Bush by a loaded truck passing over him.
30 October 1873 — Police received information yesterday that an infant of 11 weeks of age named Selina BELL had died suddenly that morning.
30 October 1873 — Another early Auckland settler, Captain John CRAWFORD of the cutter Ellen passed away yesterday.
30 October 1873 — Inquest on Selina BELL.
31 October 1873 — The body of the man WILLIAMS who had been missing for some time and who was supposed to be drowned in the Waikato River was recovered on Wednesday last.
31 October 1873 — Dunedin — A woman named Kate McDONALD has nearly killed a man named Richard BRIGGS with a spade. His dying depositions have been taken.
31 October 1873 — An inquest has been held upon Ann McCONNOR. Verdict: Died from natural causes. .
01 November 1873 — Coromandel — BROWN, a very influential Cabbage Bay chief, died suddenly this morning. There is great regret and no doubt a large tangi will follow.
03 November 1873 — On Wednesday the body of a man named Alexander WILLIAMSON was reported as floating in the river in the narrows between Hamilton & Cambridge.
03 November 1873 — Whanganui — Mr BRIGGS is still dangerously ill.
03 November 1873 — Fatal accident last evening at Manuka Creek when William RUTHERFORD, driver of a waggon and one horse was drowned.
04 November 1873 — Lyttelton — Captain HARDING, an old colonist, lately returned from England, was found drowned off the Wharf this morning.
05 November 1873 — Yesterday the body of a woman was found lying on the beach above high-water mark, 150 yards from the Flagstaff Hotel. Identified as Mary WILDS, lately a servant in the employ of Mr V E Rice.
06 November 1873 — Inquest into the death of Mary WILD resulted in a verdict of Found Drowned.
06 November 1873 — Dunedin — Two inquiries have been held on a person accidentally drowned in the River Molyneaux.
07 November 1873 — A young man named James QUIGLEY, son of Mr Quigley, cooper, of Auckland, died yesterday.
08 November 1873 — Alexandra — Hepi KOPUA, the chief who died about a fortnight since, was buried yesterday, the prophet failing to bring him to life. He has now lost all influence.
08 November 1873 — Christchurch — Inquest on Captain HARDING — verdict: Found drowned.
08 November 1873 — Dunedin — SCHMIDT, who was burnt out at the late fire in Princes-street, died in the hospital last night.
10 November 1873 — The man BIGGS who was assaulted with a spade by Kate McDONALD, died in hospital last night. It is thought not to have been maliciously done.
11 November 1873 — Napier — John McLAUGHLIN died in the hospital after the administration of chloroform for the purpose of performing an operation for cancer upon his lip.
11 November 1873 — Dunedin — The man KEMP who fell from the window of one of the hotels, died in the hospital yesterday.
11 November 1873 — Dunedin — An inquest has been held upon the man BIGGS, when the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter against Kate McDonald.
11 November 1873 — Dunedin — Samuel CLELLAND, a labourer, working on the railway at Otepopo, was buried and killed by a fall of earth. .
12 November 1873 — Napier - Inquest on John McLACHLAN. Died from the effects of chloroform administered prior to the performance of an operation.
14 November 1873 — Dunedin - At the inquest on KEMP the jury added a rider calling on the City Council to pass a by-law compelling masters to provide proper protection to servants cleaning windows.
15 November 1873 — Alfred BE**AN fell from a scaffold yesterday and received severe injuries to his head. He was removed to the hospital.
17 November 1873 — It is announced in the Waka Maori that "Bloody Mary" alias Mere PARARI, is dead. This woman will be well remembered by many who fought with the Colonial forces during the war. On one occasion, if we are rightly informed, this woman rushed into a river and tomahawked an enemy of the Pakeha when about to work mischief.
17 November 1873 — Dunedin — Jane DUKE died in the hospital last night under the influence of chloroform. She had been put under the influence of chloroform in order to make an operation for cancer in the breast.
18 November 1873 — Grahamstown — A boy named George HYAM, aged about 14, was drowned today whilst crossing the Kauwaeranga Creek above Parawai, on horseback.
18 November 1873 — Dunedin — The verdict on the inquest of Jane DUKE was that it was accidental death and no blame was attached to the medical men.
19 November 1873 — Grahamstown — The body of George HYAM has not yet been recovered. It is supposed it has been washed out to sea.
19 November 1873 — A young man named Frederick ROBINSON, aged 21, lost his life in a boat accident at the Manukau on Monday last.
24 November 1873 — The body of Frederick ROBINSON who was drowned a few days ago in the Manukau was recovered on Saturday near to where he was drowned.
24 November 1873 — Tauranga — The body of John BUTLER, one of Mr Floyd�s party, was discovered by two Maori women in the Waioeka River, Opotiki. Inquest verdict: Accidentally drowned.
25 November 1873 — Jane CLARKE who has been for some time in the Lunatic Asylum, died on Sunday last. She came from Mahurangi and has been an inmate since January.
25 November 1873 — Inquest on Frederick ROBINSON drowned on 17th inst. at the Manukau.
25 November 1873 — Full report of inquest on Frederick ROBINSON.
26 November 1873 — Inquest on Jane CLARKE late of Mahurangi.
26 November 1873 — At the inquest on the body of the Chinaman who died from the effects of taking opium, an open verdict, to the effect that he poisoned himself whilst in a state of temporary insanity, was returned.
27 November 1873 — The remains of the late Sub Lieut Robert Richley WELLS of the Naval Volunteers were interred yesterday in the cemetery.
27 November 1873 — Grahamstown - Charlotte NELSON jumped off the goods wharf today and was dragged out by two Constables. She will be brought before the Police Court charged with attempting suicide.
29 November 1873 — Lyttelton — Petara KUOHUTUANI, the oldest chief of the Rapaki natives, is dead. His age is stated to be 120 years.
02 December 1873 — Captain John SMITH of the Laetitia died suddenly at Mercury Bay, of apoplexy on Sunday last.
04 December 1873 — At the Thames Police Court today, Elizabeth Jane NELSON alias Charlotte NELSON — attempted suicide.
06 December 1873 — Inquest on James GORDON, found in Cox�s Creek.
06 December 1873 — James GORDON, blacksmith/miner at Thames committed suicide by drowning himself at Cox�s Creek.
08 December 1873 — Grahamstown — Elizabeth Jane NELSON appeared in the Police Court on a charge of attempted suicide.
08 December 1873 — Nelson — Mr Robert LEE is dead. He was master of the Bishop�s School, Nelson and late of St Mark�s Training College, Chelsea.
08 December 1873 — Whanganui — Edward LEWIS, late of the William Tapscott fell from the fore-topsail yard of the Malay last night. His death was instantaneous.
12 December 1873 — Charles BROWN, formerly a Sergeant Major of Police in Auckland has died on board the Two Brothers while on passage from the Wade.
13 December 1873 — Hokitika — Captain H McLEAN, late of the Aldings, who recently underwent amputation of the leg, died this morning. The flats are half-mast high.
13 December 1873 — Dunedin — A verdict of manslaughter has been returned against Honora BRADSHAW she having overlain her infant through drink.
15 December 1873 — Mrs HARKINS, wife of John Harkins, a carpenter, residing in Dublin-street, Newton, died suddenly on Saturday afternoon.
17 December 1873 — The funeral yesterday of the late George Burton SMITH.
18 December 1873 — Inquest at the gaol on Dr W W JONES of the Waikato district.
18 December 1873 — Inquest on William Walters JONES.
19 December 1873 — A Maori boy named WYNYARD, was severely injured at Frazer & Tinne�s flax-mill.
19 December 1873 — Waikare, Bay of Islands - Haare NGAIKA shot accidentally in the bush.
23 December 1873 — Mr J J O�BRIEN, manager of the Queen of Beauty mine, has suffered a serious accident at the mine.
23 December 1873 — A child of Mr BRYSON was drowned in a pool of water close by the father�s residence.
24 December 1873 — Inquest on the Maori youth WYNYARD.
24 December 1873 — Mr J WAYMOUTH sen., met with a serious accident yesterday.
24 December 1873 — Grahamstown - Mr O�BRIEN, manager of the Queen of Beauty, is progressing favourably.
24 December 1873 — Grahamstown - Inquest on a child named BRYSON.
25 December 1873 — Yesterday a young woman named Maria YEOMAN was discovered in a fit near Upper Queen-street. At a late hour last night she was still insensible.
25 December 1873 — Inquest on Thomas ADAMS.
29 December 1873 — Greymouth - Mr Michael DONUHU, choked on a piece of meat whilst eating breakfast at Greymouth last Saturday.
30 December 1873 — Peter REID died in the Lunatic Asylum yesterday where he has been four about four months.
30 December 1873 — Grahamstown - The body of George HYAM, the boy who drowned in the Kauaeranga river on 17th December, was found yesterday.
31 December 1873 — Inquest on Peter REID.
31 December 1873 — Eliza Jane MARTIN, aged 1 yr 11 mths, Parnell, drowned yesterday in a tub.
31 December 1873 — Thames — Inquest on George HYAM, drowned in the Kauwaeranga River.