1915 - 1918
A - C
These are extracts from the Auckland Weekly News - available on microfilm at the Auckland City Library. I do not personally have any more information than is shown here. Thanks to Jacqueline Walles for these.
The death occurred on Sunday in a private nursing home of Mr Laurie Abrahams of Auckland. The late Mr Abrahams arrived from London 10 yrs ago and entered the service of Messrs Hancock & Co. He was unmarried and was 35 yrs of age. While in Auckland Mr Abrahams became very popular as an amateur entertainer and was a valuable member of the Auckland Amateur Operatic Society. He played leading parts in performances produced by that body. He always gave his services freely and willingly in the cause of charity and these will be greatly missed. [AWN 11.11.1915]
The sudden death of Mr W J Adams, manager of the Waitangi mine, Thames, occurred on Sunday. The deceased was returning home from church when he collapsed, apparently from the effects of apoplexy. He was at once conveyed to his home at Tararu and died shortly afterwards. Mr Adams was an old and respected resident of the goldfield. [AWN 25.07.1918]
ALEXANDER, Captain James
Who for nearly half a century had been a prominent figure in Auckland shipping circles, died at the residence of Mr J BROWN, Jervois Rd, Ponsonby, at the age of 84. He was a native of Montrose, Scotland. After rising to the position of commander in the service of one of the Scottish shipping lines, he came to NZ in 1870 in command of the Roslyn Castle which brought to Otago about 300 of the early settlers of that province. From that time until his retirement from the sea a few years ago, he held various commands in the Pacific Island and other trades. He went Home on several occasions to bring out new steamers for the Pacific and inter-colonial services. He also brought out the Auckland Harbour Board�s dredge No.121 from Glasgow by the Mediterranean route. For some time he was in command of the brigantine Clansman running between Auckland and Australia. He had many eventful experiences during his long term of sea life and on one occasion he narrowly escaped death through an explosion on the steamer Waimate of which he was chief officer, when off the South American coast. [AWN 29.05.1919]
The death occurred on Sunday of Mr Neill Ryrie Alexander at his residence, Avon St, Parnell. He was 83 yrs of age and had been in failing health for some time. Many years ago the late Mr Alexander was associated with his brother, Mr Charles Alexander, in a sharebroking business, the latter being a member of the Auckland Stock Exchange. After the death of his brother, Mr Neill Alexander carried on the business for some years and since then has been living in retirement with his sister. [AWN 22.06.1916]
ANDREWS, Mr Arthur Lockyer
Well known figure in NZ shipping circles, principal of the firm of A L Andrews & Co, shipping and customs agents, died on Sunday afternoon. Deceased, who was only 40 years of age, had a heart seizure some days ago and sank rapidly. Mr Andrews, who was born in Parnell and lived in Auckland practically the whole of his life, was the youngest son of the late Mr Henry Freeman Andrews, who at one time occupied the position of Collector of Customs in various parts of the Dominion. The grandfather of the deceased was Dr Andrews, a medical officer in the Auckland Hospital in the early days of the province. Mr Andrews leaves a widow and three children. His brother, Mr L W D Andrews, is manager in NZ of the United Insurance Co. His mother resides in London with an unmarried daughter who is secretary to Lord Cowdray. [AWN 10.08.1916]
ASHBY, William
An old Thames identity, died in Auckland recently in his 82nd year. He was born at Maitland, Huntingdon, North Wales, and came to Auckland with his parents when 14 years old. When gold was discovered at Thames, Mr Ashby went to that field and followed mining for the remainder of his working day. His first miner�s right is dated October 17, 1867. At one time he worked in the old Una claim and afterwards became amalgamator in the Moanataiari battery. Subsequently he went to Reefton, where he resided for several years, being manager of the battery at the Big River mine for about a year. He returned to the North Island nine years ago and resided with his daughter, first at Komata and latterly in Auckland, where he expired after about three weeks� illness. Mr Ashby was superintendent of the old High Street Wesleyan Sunday school for five years and superintendent of the Shortland Wesleyan Sunday School for 17 years, during most of which time he also was choirmaster in the church. His wife died 19 years ago. Mr Ashby leaves a grown up family of two sons and two daughters — Mr W W Ashby of the Dunedin staff of the Bank of NZ; Mr H J Ashby of Hamilton; Mrs S McMiken of Epsom; and Mrs A Sherlock of Reefton. [AWN 07.02.1918]
The death occurred on Thursday of Mr William Aspinall of Ranfurly Rd, Epsom, in his 43rd year. The late Mr Aspinall has been well known in musical circles during the past 20 years particularly as a member of the Lyric Four, which he formed about 12 years ago and as a member of the Auckland Male Choir. Mr Aspinall underwent an operation for appendicitis and had made satisfactory progress towards recovery, his death occurring suddenly. He was the only son of Mr O Aspinall, Great South Road, having been born in Halifax, Yorkshire. He came to Auckland with his parents as a youth. Mr Aspinall leaves a widow and four children. [AWN 01.06.1916]
BAKER, Mrs Charles Pratt
An old Auckland identity, died at Fleet, Hampshire, England, last April, aged 90. She arrived in NZ from Oxford in the �sixties�. Taught in Maori schools in the Bay of Islands until war broke out when she had to flee for her life with her baby, the Maoris having set fire to her home. She resided at Parnell and 18 years ago Mrs Baker and her daughter — now Mrs Lankester — went to Sydney where they resided until two years ago when they went to England. Niece, Mrs J W Warren, Hamilton; Nephew, Mr Cattley, New Plymouth. . [AWN 08.07.1915]
Who died on Saturday at Tuhimata from complications following upon influenza, was one of the best known farmers in the Franklin district. He took a prominent part in local public affairs and was a member of the executive of the Franklin A & P Society. [AWN 21.11.1918]
BANKS, James
One of the pioneer settlers of the Ashley district, has died. Born at Caithness, Scotland, in 1830, he arrived in NZ by the ship Victory in 1859 and took up land at Ashley, which he retained till the end. For some time he had a coal, timber and building business in Ashley township but for a number of years he had lived a retired life. He was chairman of the first Ashley Road Board. Mrs Banks pre-deceased him by 24 years. He leaves a family of five sons and two daughters. Mr W A Banks of Rangiora, well known in educational circles, is the eldest son, the others being Messrs James Banks, farmer, of Winslow; E C Banks of Matamata, a member of the Auckland Education Board and of the Council of Education; D C Banks, solicitor, of Hastings; and F Banks, farmer of Waipahi. The daughters are Mrs J McIntyre of Tokomaru and Mrs Jas. Milson of Ashley. [AWN 11.01.1917]
BANKS, Colonel J Henry
The death of Colonel J Henry BANKS, who had command of the Auckland military district from about 1896 to 1901, when he left NZ for South Africa, in command of the sixth contingent, occurred at Borella, Colombe, early in April. The Archdeacon of Colombo officiated at the graveside. Captain G B BANKS, of the NZ Staff Corps, is a son of the deceased. Colonel Banks was born on 24 Dec 1843 and received his first commission in the army on 26 June 1867. After serving in different regiments he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel of the Dragoon Guards on 8 April, 1902. He retired on 24 Dec, 1891, and was re-employed on August 15, 1902 and took part in the South African war. He went on half-pay on 8 April 1902 and retired on full pay the same year, after 33 yrs service. Colonel Banks took part in the Egyptian expedition in 1882 and was present at the actions of Masameh, when his horse was shot, and Kassassin. He was awarded the medal and bronze star of the fourth class Medjidje. He also took part in the South African war, 1901-1902, when he was in command of the Sixth NZ Contingent from March to July 1901 and was afterwards employed with remounts. He was present at the operations in the Transvaal from March to July 1901 and the operations in the Orange River Colony in July 1901. He held the Queen�s Medal with three clasps. [AWN 18.05.1916]
Aged 87, Palmerston North An old Wellington pioneer, Mrs E BANNISTER, died at Palmerston North on Tuesday at the age of 87. She arrived in Wellington in 1841 in the ship Arab with her parents, Mr & Mrs Peter TUTCHEN. Mrs Bannister lived in Happy Valley for many years and latterly in Palmerston. She leaves three sons and four daughters, the former including Messrs R E Bannister of Sydney and C M Bannister of Queensland. [AWN 15.02.1917]
Hamilton�s centenarian, died on 19 June aged 100 years and 5 months. He was born at Calcutta on 18 January 1816 and was a son of Sgt Barker of the Bengali Native Co. When 12 years of age he entered a riding school and two years later joined his father�s company. He had exciting experiences in the native troubles and served 15 years in the Army. When discharged Mr Barker went to England and came to NZ in 1861. The Maori War was in progress and he was drafted into the 3rd, Waikato, Militia, serving till the end of the war. He participated in the Thames gold rush but lost all his money. Mr Barker came to Hamilton in 1877 and resided here ever since. He celebrated his 100th birthday in January with a large gathering of friends from all parts of the Dominion and received felicitations from the Prime Minister and other Cabinet Ministers. Mr Barker retained his faculties and had a wonderfully clear mind. He was able to read and take an intelligent interest in passing events to the end. Up to a couple of months ago Mr Barker was able to potter about the garden and perform odds and ends but gradually failed. For the past few weeks he had been confined to his room. He expired at the residence of his daughter, Mrs Pickup. [AWN 22.06.1916]
BATT, Mrs Ann
Aged 95, died at Waititi near Nelson, arrived in Nelson with her husband in 1842. She leaves 4 daughters, 6 sons, 44 grandchildren, 53 great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild. [AWN 13.04.1916]
BELFIELD, Mr Herbert
The death occurred at Dawlish, Devon, on 10 July, of Mr Herbert BELFIELD, one of the pioneers and for many years a leading citizen of Timaru. In 1864 the Timaru Herald was founded by Messrs A G Horton and F Younghusband and two years after its commencement Mr Belfield became joint proprietor with Mr Horton. In 1871 Mr Belfield became sole proprietor. He was also editor until the arrival of Mr Edward Wakefield in 1874. Mr Belfield went Home to England in 1882 after the paper had been sold to a company and did not return again to NZ. He died at the age of 83. [AWN 13.09.1917]
BELL, Edmund
Who for many years followed the profession of architect in Auckland, died on Sunday at the age of 76. He went to Vancouver about 12 years ago, since when he made numerous visits to NZ. He came to Auckland on what proved to be his last visit in October, since when he had been in ill health and for the last three months was practically an invalid. [AWN 05.07.1917]
BENJAMIN, Ernest Davis
The funeral of the late Mr Ernest Davis BENJAMIN, a director of the firm of L D Nathan & Co. Ltd, took place last week, the cortege leaving the residence of the deceased�s uncle, Mr N Alfred Nathan. Prominent among the numerous floral emblems were handsome wreaths from the staff of the firm and from the staff of the Gisborne branch. The service at the grave was conducted by the Rabbi, the Rev S A Goldstein assisted by the Rev S Katz, the chief mourner being Mr Murray Benjamin. In an eloquent address Mr Goldstein referred to the sterling social qualities of Mr Benjamin. The funeral was attended by all the surviving directors, Mr N Alfred Nathan, chairman, Mr David L Nathan, vice chairman and Mr H W Hudson, director and secretary. All the senior members of the staff were present as well as several ex members, while all sections of the mercantile community were very
Ex Magistrate, died at Christchurch on Saturday. Mr Bishop, who retired from the magisterial bench some months ago on superannuation, was born at Tichborne, Hants, England, in 1851, and was the son of the Rev A C Bishop, MA. He arrived at Lyttelton in 1869 and entered the Native Lands Dept in 1873, becoming secretary and interpreter to Judge Maning — the author of �Old New Zealand�. In 1876 he was appointed clerk and interpreter to the Resident Magistrates Court, Hokianga, and was appointed to the magisterial bench at Mangonui in 1882. In 1905, Mr Bishop was appointed stipendiary magistrate in Christchurch. He visited Auckland in connection with the Rev Howard Elliott�s charges against the administration of the post office and was for some time a member of a Military Service Board. [AWN 14.11.1918]
Church of England clergyman, died at Whangarei on Sunday, aged 79 yrs. Mr Bispham was born at Barbadoes and came to NZ in 1880. He resided at Courtenay, Canterbury, for two years and later came to Auckland where he had charge of a school. From Auckland he went to Pokeno but a little later removed to Coromandel and then to Te Awamutu. In 1896 he went to Whangarei where he had resided ever since. [AWN 18.05.1916]
BLACK, Mrs Ethel
By the death of Mrs Ethel BLACK of Hauraki Road, Takapuna, the Auckland district has lost an enthusiastic war-worker and Takapuna one of its most esteemed residents. Mrs Black was the widow of the late Mr John Black who was a well known business man at the Bay of Islands and was descended from two of the earliest missionaries of NZ. Her paternal grandfather, the late James Kemp, landed in the Far North in the year 1818 as a catechist of the Church Missionary Society and her maternal grandfather was the Rev Richard Davis of the same mission, who arrived about 1824. Mrs Black was born at Kerikeri, Bay of Islands, in a building which is pointed out as the oldest wooden structure in NZ, her father, the late James Kemp, being in business in the Bay district. The deceased leaves a family of two sons — one of whom Sergeant David BLACK, is in France on active service with the NZEF — and six daughters. Miss Frances Black is mistress of the Newmarket Kindergarten, Miss Mary Black is an assistant teacher in the Parnell school and two other members of the family are on the nursing staff of the Auckland Hospital. [AWN 20.06.1918]
An officer of the P & T Dept, was for some 10 years Postmaster at Dannevirke, died Sunday morning. He resided at King�s Avenue, Mt Eden. Born at Invergordon, Rosshire, Scotland and came to NZ in the early 70�s. He joined the P & T and has been stated at Whites Bay near Blenheim, Wellington, Featherston, Greytown, Riverton and Milton. He leaves a widow (nee Miss Annie TAIT) of Blenheim, 3 sons -, C.S., B.W. & Duncan BLACK, and 2 daughters, Mrs F V Frazer & Miss Effie Black. [AWN 13.01.1916]
Aged 92, Nelson. For health reasons he came out to NZ from London in 1854, practicing his profession, first at the Hutt and then at Wellington. Later he took a farm at Masterton and in 1870 accepted an appointment of surgeon to the Nelson Hospital and Asylum. He retained that position for 27 years, when he resigned. He lived for some years in the North Island and since 1911 he has lived in retirement at Nelson. Dr Boor was one of the oldest and most prominent Freemasons in NZ and in the early days held very high Masonic rank. [AWN 22.02.1917]
BOWEN, Sir Charles C
Formerly Speaker of the Legislative Council, died at Christchurch on 12th December, aged 87 years. He was born in Co. Mayo, Ireland, and arrived in NZ in 1860 with the first party of Canterbury settlers. He was private secretary to Mr J R Godley for two years. He became a member of the Provincial Council, being Treasurer and member of the Executive. He worked with Mr Moorhouse to establish the Christchurch-Lyttelton railway, the first line in NZ. He was appointed resident magistrate at Christchurch in 1864 and held office for 10 years. In 1874 he was called to the Legislative Council and became Minister for Justice in the Vogel Ministry. Resigning, he was returned to the Lower House for Kaiapoi in 1875, held portfolios in the Pollen Ministry 1875-76, second Vogel Ministry and the Atkinson Ministry 1877 and remained member for Kaiapoi till 1881. He introduced the Bill which subsequently became law as the Education Act in 1877, establishing the present national system of primary education. He was reappointed a member of the Legislative Council and in1891 and was chosen Speaker in 1905 in succession to Sir A J Cadman. Sir Charles Bowen was knighted on 24 June 1910 and was made K.C.M.G. in 1914. He was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. [AWN 20.12.1917]
BRETT, Harry Lloyd
Aged 44 The death occurred on Friday morning of Mr Harry Lloyd Brett at the age of 44 years, after a long and painful illness. The second son of Mr Henry Brett, the late Mr Brett was for many years connected with the commercial staff of the Auckland Star but impaired health compelled him to retire from active business life two or three years ago. Mr Brett was a well known vocalist and at one time his tenor voice was much in request. He is survived by Mrs Brett, who is a daughter of the late Major Mair and also by one son and two daughters, one of whom is Mrs Guy Pierce. [AWN 18.01.1917]
BRODIE, Captain Francis
In the death of Captain Francis Brodie, which occurred at his residence, Lake St John, Remuera, on Monday, Auckland loses another old identity. At an early age the deceased joined the 71st Highland Light Infantry and while associated with that regiment experienced some severe fighting in the Umballah campaign in India. At that time he saw much of the late Lord Roberts, then holding the rank of captain and the late Bishop Cowie. A sketch of the bishop returning to camp at the head of a small force and bearing a standard captured from the enemy, was one of Captain Brodie�s most cherished possessions. Subsequently she deceased wrote a book detailing experiences during the campaign and circulated a number of copies among his old associates. When holding the rank of captain in 1869, he retired from the army and took up his residence in Auckland where he continued to reside until his death. He held the position of town clerk for some years, the late Mr P A Phillips, then being Mayor. The deceased never completely recovered from a severe illness contracted last winter. He leaves a widow, three daughters and two sons. The funeral will leave his late residence this morning for the Purewa Cemetery. [AWN 15.06.1916]
The Rev Mother Mary St Theodore (BROPHY) died at the Mater Miseracordiae Hospital, Auckland. The deceased was a daughter of Mr M Brophy of Ashburton and was mother superior at the Opotiki Convent. [AWN 13.09.1917]
BROWN, Mr John
An old colonist, died at his residence, Bayswater, Auckland, on Friday last, at the age of 79. For over half a century Mr Brown was associated with the public and commercial life of the province and has left behind him a long and honourable record of service in helping to shape the destinies of this young land. He was born in Perth, Scotland, where he learned the engineering trade. In 1860 he came to NZ with his parents, who took up land near Tokatoka, in the Northern Wairoa. After experiencing the rugged pioneering life for some time, Mr Brown came to Auckland where he was employed in the engineering works of the late Mr George Fraser. Soon after gold was discovered at Thames he went there and for several years was manager of the Kuranui Gold Mining Co., retiring from that position in 1871. At this time he was a director of the Moanataiari mine. Later, with the late Mr R Bleazard, he owned a tailings plant at Tararu and a battery at Waitekauri, both producing rich bullion. While living at Thames he was returned as a member of the Auckland Provincial Council and also sat on the Thames Harbour Board, In 1881 he came to Auckland, where he has lived ever since. He was a director of the Auckland Gas Co., the Hikurangi Coal Co., the Northern Steamship Co. and of the Northern Roller Milling Co., since its foundation 20 years ago. He was formerly a director of the Riverhead Paper Mills and one of the founders of the D.S.C. His only public office since coming to Auckland was on the Manukau Water Supply Board. Mr Brown is survived by Mrs Brown, a daughter of the late Mr Robert Bleazard, formerly of Mt Eden, and a family of five — Mrs R S Biss and Mrs Harold Mahon, Mr Stanley Brown of Orini, Mr A St Clair Brown of Messrs Bamford & Brown, barristers, and Captain J Falconer Brown, NZMC, who is on active service. [AWN 07.03.1918]
Mr Thos. George Brown, of the firm Brown & Stewart, died Sunday at his res. Dunnottar, Home Bay, aged 48. Born at Stonehaven, Scotland, 1866, 31 yrs in NZ. Served apprenticeship with Messrs John Walker & Co, London. Employed in NZ by Collins Bros. Was in partnership with Mr R L STEWART thus founding the firm of wholesale stationers. The deceased had been a traveller for the greater part of his life and was one of the best known and most popular men �on the road�. The cause of death was cerebral haemorrhage. . [AWN 25.03.1915]
BUDDLE, Mr Thomas
Of the legal firm of Buddle Richmond & Buddle, died at his residence, Victoria Avenue, Remuera, on Friday. He had been in failing health for some time past. Born in Auckland on 16 April 1847, Mr Buddle, who was the second son of the late Rev Thomas Buddle, resided in this city during the 71 years of his life. He was educated at the old Wesleyan College, Upper Queen St. On leaving school in 1861 he was articled to the late Mr Thomas Russell, then practicing here as a barrister and solicitor. Mr — afterwards Sir — Frederick Whitaker, joined Mr Russell in the same year, forming the firm of Whitaker and Russell. At the age of 21 Mr Buddle was admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court. He became managing clerk of the firm and subsequently was taken into partnership. After the death of Sir Frederick Whitaker and the retirement of Mr Russell, Mr Buddle was joined in partnership by Mr C E Button and by his younger brother, Mr C F Buddle. The present firm of Buddle, Richmond and Buddle was subsequently constituted, the deceased gentleman retaining the senior partnership up to the time of his death, though he had ceased to practice for some years past. He was a director of the NZ Insurance Co. from 4 May 1877 until February 1917 — nearly 40 years. He was also a director of the Auckland Gas Co. and the Colonial Sugar Refining Co., besides having held many public positions in connection with religious and educational institutions. Mr Buddle is survived by his widow, a daughter of the late Mr Carpenter Arthur; two sons, Mr Thomas Buddle, who is in India and Lieut Harold Buddle, now in hospital in England wounded, and four daughters, two of whom are married, namely: Mesdames Maitland of Christchurch, and Minnett of London. [AWN 19.09.1918]
BUICK, David, MP Died on
Tuesday aged 70. He was born at Karori, Wellington and educated at Hutt and subsequently devoted himself to stock raising. He was a well known race horse owner. He was elected member for Palmerston in 1911. [AWN 21.11.1918]
The death of another of Auckland�s old colonists is announced, in the person of Mrs Sarah Burgess, widow of the late Captain I J Burgess. The deceased lady was born at Andover, in England, in 1828 and came to NZ in 1842 in the ship Lord Auckland. The family settled in Nelson but shortly afterwards moved to Auckland. In 1848 the deceased married Captain Burgess, who was shortly afterwards appointed to the control of the harbour and pilotage. This necessitated their living in Devonport, where she continued to reside until her death. She leaves 13 children and a large number of relatives. [AWN 18.05.1916]
The death is announced of Hugh BURNSIDE, one of the last Crimean veterans, serving throughout the campaign in the 6th Brigade of the Royal Artillery under General PENNEFATHER. For 44 years he has been a well known figure at Lyttelton. Seven of his sons and grandsons are at the war. [AWN 26.04.1917]
Who died at her residence Pitt St, Ellerslie, at the age of 67, was a very old colonist. She was brought to NZ by her parents at the age of four, her father, the late Mr Alexander Hastie, settling at Waitati, Otago. Mrs Burt, who was married in 1870 at Port Chalmers, is survived by her husband, three sons, two of whom are married, and five married daughters. Her youngest son, Mr H A Burt, is about to leave on active service. There are also 37 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mrs Burt had been in ill health for some time following the death of her second son as the result of an accident on the football field. [AWN 26.09.1918]
CAHILL, Thomas F
An old resident of Auckland, died at his residence, Tawera Rd, Green Lane, early on Thursday morning at the age of 54. Mr Cahill, who was born in Ireland, came to Auckland with his father, the late Mr Fergus Cahill, in 1875 and had resided here ever since. For about 37 years he was in business in the city as a land and estate agent and during that time assisted with the sub-division and disposal of large holdings owned by the late Sir John Logan Campbell and the late Hon. Hugh Mosman of Queensland. He had been in ill health for the last two years but it was only during the last two months that his condition caused his relatives uneasiness. Mr Cahill is survived by Mrs Cahill, youngest daughter of the late Mr Thomas Deacon of Riverhead, two sons and one daughter. The interment will take place at Waikaraka Cemetery this afternoon. [AWN 10.10.1918]
The death occurred on Saturday at his residence, Kipling Ave, Epsom, of Captain Alexander Campbell a resident of 52 years standing. He was 85 years of age and was well known in local shipping circles. [AWN 27.07.1916]
By the death of Mr Colin Campbell, JP, of Devonport, which has occurred at a private hospital, in his 84th year, New Zealand has lost one of her oldest pioneers. Mr Campbell was born at Lochnell, Argyllshire, Scotland, and came to NZ when a young man, arriving in Dunedin by the barque John Rankine. From Dunedin he went to the Dustan goldfields and subsequently became manager successively of the branches of the Bank of NSW at Kumara, Ross and Hokitika. Later he joined the Bank of NZ and was appointed as manager of that institution at Reefton and afterwards at Milton where he remained for 15 years and then retired from the service of the bank, having reached the retiring age. Mr Campbell then came to Auckland, where — in recognition of his valuable services in the past — he was appointed property manager to the Bank of NZ, a position which he vacated several years ago. Upon his retirement from this appointment, Mr Campbell bought property at Stanley Bay, built a residence and spent the latter part of his days in amateur gardening. He is survived by Mrs Campbell and five sons and daughters — Lieutenant Colin Campbell, who, after acting as consulting engineer to many of the more prominent Rhodesian mines, upon the outbreak of war enlisted and was appointed to garrison duty in India; Malcolm Campbell, third engineer on the hospital ship Maheno; and Clarence Charles Campbell, who has latterly been in training in the engineering division of the eighteenth reinforcements at Trentham but is at present on sick leave; Mrs J Olsen of Hamilton; and Mrs Roger Bourke of Nelson. Mr Campbell had a very wide circle of friends. [AWN 14.09.1916]
Cheltenham News was received in Christchurch on Thursday last by cable of the death at Cheltenham on 30 January of Mr Patrick Campbell who was well known throughout NZ. Mr Campbell was born in Perthshire, Scotland, 73 years ago and was educated at Cheltenham. He served some years in the Indian Civil Service. In 1866 he came to NZ with the late Hon. W Robinson who, on arrival in NZ, settled on a farm at Cheviot. Mr Campbell married Miss Emily Robinson, a daughter of the Hon. W Robinson. He took a keen interest in racing and owned several horses which he frequently rode at race meetings in the early days. He won the Canterbury Jockey Club�s Derby in 1874 with Tadmor. Mr Campbell also bred Strathbraan, the winner of the Wellington Cup in 1897. During some years before leaving for England he resided at Riccarton. There were four children by his marriage, two sons and two daughters. One of the sons, Lieut Ian CAMPBELL, who held a commission in the Queen�s Own Cameron Highlanders, was killed in action in France a year ago, while the elder son, Lieut Kinloch CAMPBELL of the Black Watch, was wounded twice and is again at the front. Both the daughters are engaged in war work, one in England and the other in France. [AWN 08.02.1917]
The death is announced from Dunedin of Mr James Caradus who was formerly well known in Auckland. As a youth the deceased was employed on �The New Zealander�, subsequently joining the mechanical staff of the �Weekly News� shortly after its establishment. Latterly he was employed as proof-reader in Dunedin until the time of his death. Deceased is survived by a widow and five children. [AWN 27.07.1916]
Mr Chas Chitty, who was the oldest settler in the Cambridge district, dropped dead at his residence at Leamington last week. The deceased, who was 70 yrs of age, arrived at Cambridge in 1863 with a telegraph transport, under General Cameron, when hostilities with the Maoris was in progress. He subsequently joined the Armed Constabulary of which he was a sergeant taking his discharge on the disbandment of that body. Mr Chitty also saw active service in the Maori War on the West Coast. Later, he was clerk of the old Resident Magistrate�s Court here for many years. As a Freemason, licensed lay reader of the Church of England, and one of the original members of St Andrew�s vestry, Mr Chitty was a useful and highly esteemed citizen. He leaves a widow and married daughter, the latter residing at Remuera, Auckland, while the son, Mr Horace Chitty, is farming at Hinuera. Dr STAPLEY, who was the deceased�s medical adviser, has given a certificate as to the cause of death, so an inquest will not be necessary. [AWN 04.11.1915]
CHRISTIE, Walter Laurie
The death of the late Walter Laurie CHRISTIE, I.S.O., of Wellington, has brought to a close an interesting career. Born at Paisley, Scotland, 75 years ago, he left home at the age of 18 and journeyed to Australia, where he spent some years on the goldfields. In 1863 he came to NZ and tried his luck on the goldfields of Otago. When the call for service against the Maori rebels came he joined the Defence Force and later the Wanganui Yeoman Cavalry. With a troop from the latter he took part in many actions in various districts on the East and West Coasts of the North Island. On one occasion he saved the life of Captain Percy at Opotiki. He was at one time engaged in carrying despatches between Patea, Wanganui and Turakina. After the war he was attached to the Defence Dept in Wellington and in 1909 he retired after nearly 45 years service in the employ of the NZ Government. He was the first New Zealander to receive the Imperial Service Order for �long and meritorious service�. [AWN 25.10.1917]
CLARK, Sergeant Andrew
Died Thursday evening, a well known resident of Devonport. Born 1838, Co Armagh, Ireland, came to Auckland on Ganges, 1863. When the Maori war broke out he left a farm at Otahuhu to join the cavalry. After the war joined the Police Force and was one of the mounted escorts during the Duke of Edinburgh�s visit to Auckland. For some years was in charge of the Newton Police Station and later transferred to Papakura. Promoted to the rank of Sergeant and for a while was in charge of the Auckland Water Police. [AWN 17.06.1915]
CLARK, James
Another old colonist, Mr James CLARK, died at his residence, Pokeno Valley, on Monday, aged 79. He was born at Inverness in 1838 and educated at Bell�s Institute, Inverness, later working for a number of years as a carpenter in England and Scotland. He arrived in Auckland by the Chili in 1866, working at his trade in Auckland and Papatoetoe until 1868, when he entered the flax-dressing business. Two years later he settled at Pokeno where he had been living until the time of his death. [AWN 20.12.1917]
Died at his residence Tennyson St, Grey Lynn, last Saturday. He came to NZ aged 8 on the Gertrude. He leaves a widow, 3 sons and 2 daughters. [AWN 06.04.1916]
An old and respected settler, Mr John B Clarke, died at the Waimate North parsonage on Sunday aged 77. He was the youngest son of the late Mr George Clarke, one of the early missionaries and who held the office of protector of aborigines under Governor HOBSON. He also was a brother of the late Archdeacon E B Clarke. He at one time occupied several public positions. He was a member of the Bay of Islands County Council, president of the Bay of Islands Pastoral and Industrial Assn and first chairman of directors of the Bay of Islands Dairy Co. He leaves a widow. [AWN 16.11.1916]
Who died at Rawene at the age of 81, was the widow of the late Mr J R CLENDON who was for many years resident magistrate of the North Auckland district. Mr Clendon, who was one of the early settlers in the north, having arrived in NZ in 1840, died several years ago. Mrs Clendon, who was his second wife, is survived by two children. [AWN 29.05.1919]
CLOW, Peter
One of the oldest settlers of Whakatiri, Clevedon, died recently. He was born at Whakatiri 57 years ago and was about five years old when his father, the late Mr William Clow of Papakura, was obliged to take refuge up the Wairoa River, owing to the outbreak of the Maori war. He married Miss BENTLEY of Hunua and returned 22 years ago with his wife and family to Whakatiri. His eldest son is now on active service. [AWN 15.06.1916]
COLEMAN, William
Barrister & solicitor, Auckland, eldest s/o William Coleman, merchant of Sydney and Auckland. Born Sydney, arrived Auckland in the �fifties�. Early Mayor of the Borough of Parnell. Md 1890 Miss Rika MYERS, only d/o Mrs Louis Myers, sister of the Hon Arthur M Myers, Minister for Customs and Munitions. Survived by widow, two children — Miss Ruby Coleman and Master Clive Coleman; three brothers — Edward Coleman of Auckland, John & Thomas A Coleman, public accountants of Gisborne; three sisters — Mrs F H Coombes, Remuera and the Misses Coleman, Parnell. [AWN 19.08.1915]
An old and respected colonist in the person of Mr W S Collins passed away at his residence at Ponsonby on Sunday. The deceased gentleman arrived in NZ in 1860 and saw service in the Maori war. He was a well known commercial traveller, having been in the service of Messrs Heather Roberton Ltd for the last 14 yrs. He was also a prominent Freemason being one of the two oldest members of Lodge Prince of Wales. He leaves a widow and a family of two sons and two daughters. [AWN 30.12.1915]
CONNOR, Mr James
Crimean and Maori Wars veteran, has died aged 83 years. He was born in Ireland and enlisted in the Imperial Army at an early age. He served in the Crimean War and took part in the battles at Alma, Balaclava and Inkerman. With his regiment he proceeded to India and assisted in restoring order after the mutiny, his service in India lasting several years. Mr Connor came to NZ in 1864 and served in the Maori war, participating in the attack on Gate Pa, Tauranga. After obtaining his discharge, he came to Opotiki in 1866 and settled on a section of land which he farmed to the date of his death. [AWN 06.06.1918]
COOPER, Mrs Charles
One of NZ�s early settlers, died suddenly at Helensville on Saturday morning. Mr Cooper, who had resided in Bourne St, Mt Eden, for a considerable time, suffered for many years from an affection of the heart. He was on a visit to Helensville with his wife and daughter, and while shopping in the town on Saturday morning was seized with an attack from which he died immediately. He leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter. Mr Cooper was the third son of Mr George Cooper, MRCS, and was born in Greenwich, London, in 1842. He came to NZ in 1865 with the intention of taking up sheep farming in Canterbury but was attracted by goldmining on the West Coast. He followed the occupation of a miner for many years, on the West Coast and at Coromandel and Thames. Subsequently in partnership with the late Mr Edward Champtaloup, he started the Auckland business of Champtaloup and Cooper, booksellers and stationers. [AWN 19.09.1918]
Died last week at Auckland Hospital, aged 73, one of the oldest shipwrights in Auckland. He arrived in Auckland in the Ida Zeigler 47 years ago. [AWN 29.04.1915]
COTTON, Captain Henry
The death occurred on Saturday at Greenhithe of Captain Henry Cotton at the age of 61 years. He was the owner and master of the schooner Frank Guy and was formerly in charge of various intercolonial sailing vessels, including the Bella and the Examiner, belonging to Mr W Turner of Christchurch. He was a native of Cornwall. He leaves a widow and one son, Dr C A Cotton of Victoria College, Wellington. [AWN 27.07.1916]
COURT, Mr Kenneth Reeve
Aged 32, the adopted son of Mr & Mrs James Court of Onehunga, died on Friday at the public hospital, from pneumonia. He leaves a wife and two young children. Mrs Court is at present in hospital. The deceased took a keen interest in all kinds of sport and was a representative hockey player. At one time he was in business in Cambridge but latterly he was a departmental manager in Messrs George Court & Son�s establishment. For all patriotic objects he was a zealous worker. [AWN 21.11.1918]
COX, William
Aged 36, married, of Hill St, Onehunga, died at Auckland Hospital on Saturday afternoon as the result of injuries received in a shunting operation at the Newmarket railway station. He was assistant foreman at the Taupo Totara Timber Co. A number of empty trucks were being shunted from the station to the company�s yard and deceased, who was not noticed by the shunter until the trucks were in motion, was standing on the brake of the fourth truck from the engine. He appeared to lose his footing and fell with his head and body between the rails and his legs across one of the rails. The wheels of four trucks passed over him, badly mutilating both legs. Dr Williams, who was passing, was called in and he ordered the removal of the injured man to the hospital. Deceased was admitted to the institution at 10.30 am and an operation was performed immediately but he died about four hours later. Mr F V Frazer, S.M., held an inquest on Sunday, when a verdict to the effect that death was due to shock following on injuries received was returned, in accordance with the medical evidence. A rider was added that it was highly undesirable that persons not connected with the Railway Dept should be permitted under any circumstances to take part in shunting operations. The deceased, who had been to the front and had been invalided home, was a well-known athlete and as a member of the Onehunga Fire Brigade, had taken part in numerous fire brigade competitions with marked success. He was an extremely able fireman. He was a prominent member of the Auckland Amateur Athletic and Cycling Club and was the winner of the "Sportsman" Cup at the athletic meeting held at Alexandra Park three seasons ago when he won the mile and half-mile running handicaps. He was also a member of the committee of the Onehunga Swimming Club. He left no children. [AWN 21.03.1918]
CRAIG, Mrs Isabella
One of the few remaining pioneer settlers of Pokeno, died recently at the residence of her son in law, Mr W Dean, Dominion Rd, Auckland, at the age of 86. She arrived with her husband, the late Mr Alexander Craig, and two children by the ship Helenslee from Glasgow in 1864. The family settled at Razorback, where they remained for 38 years, removing in 1902 to Thames, where she resided till the death of Mr Craig in 1913. Mrs Craig then returned to Auckland. She leaves three sons and three daughters, the sons being Mr John Craig of Parnell; Mr Alexander Craig of Manurewa; and Mr William Craig of Netherton; and the daughte4rs, Mrs William Dean, Dominion Rd; Mrs Arthur Fausett of Ngaruawahia; and Mrs John Comber of Hamilton. There are also 34 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Four grandsons are on active service. [AWN 19.09.1918]
CRAIG, Joseph James
The death took place on Wednesday morning of one of Auckland�s best known citizens, in the person of Mr Joseph James Craig. He had been in poor health for some time and recently returned from a trip to Australia. For over a week Mr Craig had been away from business, suffering from heart trouble which was the cause of his death. Mr Craig was born in Auckland in 1860 and at the conclusion of his school days he entered his father�s office and in 1885 the business came into Mr Craig�s possession. A great deal of his business was connected with Auckland�s shipping but in addition to land and sea transport he established brick and pottery works at Avondale and had a great deal to do with the development of other industries in NZ, especially with the opening up of coal mines and lime works and goldfields. He was recognised as a man gifted with great powers of organisation and on several occasions his powers have been requisitioned for purposes other than business, a notable instance being the campaign to raise �10,000 for the WYCA to which he devoted much energy. He sat on the licensing bench for a number of years and was at one time a member of the Harbour Board. The late Mr Craig was married in 1888 to Miss J CAMPBELL, daughter of Captain Alex CAMPBELL of Prince Edward Island. The following are the children: Mrs Dr KINDER, Misses Constance, Marjorie, Joan and Jessie CRAIG, Messrs J C CRAIG (now at the Front), Alexander and Selwyn CRAIG. [AWN 13.07.1916]
Of Green Lane, one of the victims of the influenza epidemic, was well known in commercial circles in Auckland and throughout the North Island. Mr Crawford was secretary to the Earthenware Pipe Co. Ltd., a position he had held for nine years. Prior to that he was secretary to R G Clark Ltd, and had been connected with the sanitary pipe trade for over 16 years. [AWN 05.12.1918]
An old identity in the person of Mr David Linklater CROMARTY has just died at the age of 73 years. The deceased arrived with his parents in the William Watson in the year 1859 and was believed to be the last surviving passenger by that vessel. Mr Cromarty saw active service under Colonel HAULTAIN in the Maori War and was for many years an enthusiastic volunteer. [AWN 09.02.1916]
CROOK, Mr Thomas
Died at Auckland Hospital on 1st April 1916, aged 84. He arrived in Auckland 1875 having resided also in Christchurch. He is survived by 5 sons and 5 daughters and 75 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. [AWN 06.04.1916]
Death has removed another pioneer settler in the person of Mrs H CULLEN of Maungaturoto who died at her late residence on the 6th inst. A native of Warwickshire, England, she arrived in Auckland 55 years ago in the ship Tyburnia, her brother and her future husband being also passengers by the same vessel. In November 1863, a few weeks after the vessel�s arrival, Mrs Cullen — then a girl of 14 — left with a number of families bound for Maungaturoto where, except for a little more than a year spent at the Thames goldfield, where she and her husband went immediately after their marriage, she resided up to the date of her death. She is survived by her husband, seven sons, three daughters and 39 grandchildren — nine of the latter are with the NZ forces at the front. One grandson, R E FLOWER, fell at the battle of Messines Ridge. [AWN 26.09.1918]
CULPAN, Mr James Gartside
The death took place on Sunday of Mr James Gartside Culpan of Auckland, in his 73rd year. The deceased was an old colonist, his parents, the late Mr W Culpan Snr and Mrs Culpan, arriving in NZ in the ship Jane Gifford on 10 October 1842. The late Mr Culpan was born in Tasmania, whither his parents removed, owing to the disturbances caused by Hone Heke�s war. They returned to Auckland when their son was a few months old. Deceased was educated at Wesley College and during the earlier years of his business life, he was engaged in the timber trade. He was also well known in musical circles. His father was first organist at St Patrick�s Cathedral, first organist at St Paul�s Church and one of the first organists and choirmasters at the Old High Street Wesleyan Church. Latterly Mr J G Culpan was registrar of electors for Eden and he also carried on a land agency business. About two months ago ill health caused him to resign his registrarship. Mrs Culpan pre-deceased him by a little over three years. He leaves the following children — Mr Bert & Mr Arthur Culpan, who are on active service; Mr W G Culpan; Mrs Archdale Taylor; Mrs E D Ashton; Mrs E Howard; Mrs Graham Robertson; and Mrs Heald of Papakura. [AWN 22.06.1916]
CULPAN, Mrs William
Died Monday at her residence Matatea, Selwyn Tce, Parnell. Born in Auckland, second d/o of the late Hendry & Elizabeth SOMERVELL who arrived in Auckland on the same day, 18 Oct 1842, the former in the Duchess of Argylle and the latter in the Jane Gifford. . [AWN 22.04.1915]
An old Auckland identity in the person of Mr Joseph Cunningham, died at his residence, Onslow Rd, Epsom, on Sunday evening in his 89th year. Mr Cunningham was in his earlier years a well known Public Servant, having spent several years in the office of the Provincial Government, Auckland, and in the office of the Official Registrar General. He afterwards became chief clerk of the Police Court, holding that position for 30 years until the time of his retirement on pension. His wife predeceased him five years ago. An adult family, including one son, who is on active service, survive him. [AWN 27.07.1916]
Of Dunedin died last week at the age of 91. She was the eldest daughter of the late Captain Cargill, the founder of Otago. She arrived in Dunedin with her father in the ship John Wickliffe in 1848. She was the mother of Mr E C Cutten, S.M., of Auckland. Her death recalls many interesting events concerning the foundation of the settlement in Otago. Her father, Captain William Cargill, leader of the Otago settlement, was born in Edinburgh in 1784. He served in the Peninsula War. When the first NZ Constitution was granted he was unanimously elected first superintendent of the Province of Otago. He was elected to the General Assembly and attended the sessions of 1856 and 1858 at Auckland. He was re-elected superintendent in 1955 and held office till January 1860, from which time he lived in seclusion until his death in 6 August 1860. Mr & Mrs William Henry Cutten were married in 1850 and had a family of 11 children, a number of who are settled in Otago. [AWN 03.10.1918]