1915 - 1918
D - J
These are extracts from the Auckland Weekly News - available on microfilm at the Auckland City Library. I do not personally have any more information than is shown here. Thanks to Jacqueline Walles for these.
An old and well known resident of Auckland (Cheltenham Rd, Devonport) died at the Auckland Hospital on Tuesday at the age of 68 years. Mr Dacre was born in Sydney, NSW in 1848 and came to Auckland in 1859 by the barque City of Melbourne. After receiving his primary education in Auckland he went to England and entered the Royal Agricultural College, returning to NZ in 1870 and starting farming at Whangaparaoa. He ultimately entered business in Auckland as a grain merchant on his own account. Mr Dacre was elected a member of the Devonport Highways Road Board in 1880 and a member of the Auckland Harbour Board in 1900. He was connected with the Auckland Regatta for over a quarter of a century as honorary secretary and as a footballer was one of the representative players of Auckland, taking part in the first interprovincial match against Canterbury, played here. Mr Dacre was one of the founders of the Takapuna Jockey Club. [AWN 01.03.1917]
On Monday, widow, at her res. Tunatahi, Victoria Avenue, Remuera, aged 70. Arrived on the West Coast of the South Island with her husband in the 1860�s. In 1868 her husband was manager of the Auckland Branch of the Union Bank of Australia; founded the present town of Dargaville; represented Auckland West in the General Assembly 1881-1887. Mrs Dargaville was a prominent member of Church of England. She leaves a sister, Mrs Robert Dargaville of Auckland and the following children — Mrs J F Hosking, Dargaville; Mrs E J Shepherd, Epsom; Mrs Harold Thomson, Inglewood; Miss Dargaville, Remuera; Mr E J Dargaville, Dargaville, and Mr E A Dargaville, Auckland. [AWN 08.07.1915]
DEATH, Mrs George
Another of the fast diminishing band of old colonists, in the person of Mrs George Death of Dominion Road, died at her late residence on Thursday evening at the age of 79 years. Mrs Death, who was born in Collington, Cornwall, was brought to NZ by her parents, the late Mr & Mrs Thomas POAD, landing at Wellington in February 1840. After her marriage in 1857, Mrs Death resided in turn at Wellington, Rangatikei, Whenuakura and Waverley, coming to Auckland about 17 years ago. The deceased lady, whose husband died in 1910, is survived by 13 children, 51 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The funeral will take place today. [AWN 25.07.1918]
Who died at the Auckland Hospital last week, was a member of a family whose record of service in the Maori war is probably unique. His father, Mr John Delaney snr, who died at Opotiki some years ago, served in the Kaffir and Maori wars and, as recruiting sergeant, assisted the late Colonel Pitt in organising the 1st, Waikato, Regt. All Mr Delaney�s three sons, William, John and Walter, served in the field at a very early age as buglers, Walter, the youngest, taking part with his elder brother, William, in the East and West Coast campaigns of 1868-9, under the late Sir Geo. Whitmore. Of the three, Mr Walter Delaney is now the only survivor. [AWN 20.06.1918]
DIBBLE, Ambrose
An old and highly respected settler, Russell, died last Tuesday. Born at Paywell, Mendip Hills, Somerset. Came to NZ between 30 and 40 years ago. Engaged in dairy and agricultural pursuits at Mangere, Three Kings, Panmure & Otahuhu. Recognised as an authority on dairy cows. Survived by his wife, 2 daughters and 4 sons, the eldest of whom is now serving with the New Zealanders at the front. [AWN 17.06.1915]
Of Merivale, Christchurch, a Crimean veteran, has died. He was also attached to the Indian Army and held responsible positions in the Imperial Government. He settled in Cust in 1864 where he was engaged in farming pursuits subsequently retiring to reside in Merivale. [AWN 04.01.1917]
DIGNAN, Richard
An old resident of Auckland, Mr Richard DIGNAN, died recently at Domett Ave, Epsom, aged 64. He was the fifth son of the late Hon. Patrick Dignan MLC and was educated at the Auckland College and Grammar School. He was 34 years in the Customs Dept and was for some time acting Collector of Customs at Oamaru and later in Wellington and was chief clerk at Auckland for some years. He retired from the Dept several years ago. He is survived by a widow. Fourteen of Mr Dignan�s nephews have been on active service. [AWN 21.11.1918]
Late Registrar of Deeds, many years in Mt Albert, aged 75, died at his residence at Kihikihi and buried in St Luke�s Cemetery, Mt Albert. He was a member of the Auckland Club. He is survived by his widow, 8 children, 22 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. The children are: C H W Dixon, late Deputy Commissioner of Stamps, Wellington; Clement Dixon, Bulawayo, mining expert; J H Dixon, Vancouver, sharebroker; Mrs E B Dufaur, Howick; Reg. Dixon, Auckland, surveyor�s assistant; Mrs Harold Law, Waverley; Mrs Taylor, Kihikihi; Mrs Fulton, Trentham. [AWN 07.10.1915]
DODD, Samuel
Pioneer settler, Northern Wairoa, died on Sunday at Mititai, aged 70. Fifty years ago he and his father settled at Mititai and established the first sawmill in the district. He was a storekeeper and pastoralist. Member of the Hobson County Council. He leaves a widow and 7 children. [AWN 08.07.1915]
A well known resident of Auckland, especially in athletic circles, Mr George Donaldson, passed away at his residence in Union Street on Saturday. Mr Donaldson, whose death was sudden, was only 48 yrs of age. The deceased was elected a member of the City Schools Committee on two occasions. He was also closely connected with football activities and was for some years connected with the Grafton Football Club as secretary. Later when the boundaries were altered, he filled a similar capacity with the City Club. Mr Donaldson was recently in Rotorua, where he managed a hotel. The deceased is survived by a widow and four sons. One of the latter left for the front last week with the eighth reinforcements. [AWN 02.12.1915]
DONOVAN, Captain Andrew
Who was a well-known figure in the coastal trade some years ago, died at his residence, Ponsonby, on Monday. He was 76 years of age and arrived in NZ in 1864 by the ship Lightning. Shortly afterwards he joined a coasting vessel trading out of Auckland and remained in this trade until about 12 years ago, when he retired owing to failing health. He was a widower and is survived by three sons and five daughters. [AWN 25.07.1918]
Who died at Wellington last week, had been master of the Monowai for about five years. He had been in the Union Co�s service for about 20 years. He was a skilful navigator and possessed the confidence and esteem of the travelling public. Before joining the Union Co. he sailed out of Auckland in local vessels, two of them being the Isabel and Akaroa. He leaves a widow and one daughter, who reside at Stanley Bay. [AWN 14.11.1918]
DUNN, Miss Alice
A survivor from the Wimmera disaster on 26 June last, has died at Whangarei. Miss Dunn, who left by the Wimmera with the intention of visiting her parents in Sydney was one of the party of thirty who at first were reported missing but who, after spending nearly two days and a night in an open boat, finally landed at Okituma Bay near Mangonui. She showed conspicuous self-sacrifice in caring for the other survivors and her subsequent ill health was attributed to the exposure in the open boat. Miss Dunn, who was born in Sydney, came to Auckland about seven years ago and had been engaged in various parts of the North Island. Recently she went to Whangarei where twelve days ago she contracted influenza which proved fatal on Friday. Her only relatives in NZ are her two sisters, Mrs F H Lyndon and Miss M Dunn, Collingwood St, Ponsonby. [AWN 05.12.1918]
EADY, William
Of Ross Rd, Mt Eden, early member of the Auckland Harbour Board staff. Member of Auckland Choral Socy for 40 yrs. As a volunteer he held the Queen Victoria & NZ long service medals, member of the Veterans Assn., member of Dominion Road Bowling Club. Aged 60, leaves a widow and two sons and two daughters. Sons - Mr Kenneth Eady is on active service in France & Mr Gordon Eady is in Auckland. [AWN 13.05.1915]
Died at his res. Moewak, Avondale, aged 83. He was born at Kilmore, Ireland on 12 July 1832 and came to NZ in 1864 where he joined the Waikato Militia during the Maori War then went gold-mining at Thames. He also farmed at Harrisville near Tuakau for 20 years. He was a trustee of the Methodist Church. His sons are Rev W J Elliott, Supt of the Ashburton Baring Square Methodist Church, and Mr J E N Elliott, Headmaster, Te Kopuru School. [AWN 29.07.1915]
FEARNLEY, Mr Stephen
Of Otahuhu, who died last week, was born at Lewisham, Kent, England, in 1839. He arrived in Auckland in the ship Victory with his parents in April 1851. He was apprenticed to the late Mr S Vaile as a carpenter and when the Maori war broke out worked on the stockade at Otahuhu and various other buildings for soldiers. He took part in the gold rush to the Thames and worked a claim adjoining the renowned Shotover mine. Subsequently he resided at Albany till 1881, when he removed to Otahuhu, where he lived till his death. [AWN 26.09.1918]
An old colonist, died at her residence at East Tamaki recently, at the age of 74 years. The deceased came to the Dominion in 1847 in the ship Sir Robert Sale and with her husband resided for many years at Howick. Nine of Mrs Finlay�s eleven children survive her. [AWN 18.04.1918]
FIRTH, Miss Evelyn Clifton
Daughter of the late Mr J C Firth, died at Devonport last week. Miss Firth, who possessed unusual talents for organization, was responsible for the formation of the Epsom Division of the St John Ambulance and for the establishment of the Epsom Convalescent Home for soldiers, which has been staff entirely by members of the division. In her capacity of superintendent, she won the highest regard of the soldiers who came under her care. With them, as with her staff, she was most popular and was beloved for her cheerful spirit and devoted work. Miss Firth was also a prominent worker for the Red Cross Society. When influenza broke out at Narrow Neck camp recently, Miss Firth immediately offered her services and while helping to nurse the native soldiers, contracted the complaint from complications of which she died. She gave her life in the service of humanity and she will be remembered as a true heroine. [AWN 21.11.1918]
The death has occurred of Mr Samuel FLETCHER of Gore, aged 66 years. He was for many years connected with the stock business as a dealer. [AWN 07.03.1918]
A very early resident of New Plymouth, died on Monday aged 87. She was the daughter of the late Mr & Mrs J Perry and arrived in 1841 by the Amelia Thomson. Her husband, Mr Samuel Ford, was killed by the Maoris at Omata on 27 March 1860, the day before the battle of Waireka. [AWN 18.07.1918]
The death took place in America early in August of Mr F W Frankland, at one time commissioner of the Government Insurance Dept in NZ. The deceased gentleman had a brilliant career at University College, London, more especially as a student of mathematics. It was his intention on leaving University College to proceed to Cambridge but a breakdown through overwork led to his making a voyage to NZ in the hope of regaining his health. On his recovery, his high mathematical attainments found scope in the newly formed Government Ins. Dept of NZ of which he afterwards became chief commissioner. He represented NZ as statistical delegate at the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, held in London in 1891. His reputation as an actuary led to his being called to fill appointments in London and in New York and during the past two years he acted as consulting actuary to the Equitable Insurance Co. of New York. [AWN 21.09.1916]
FRENCH, Robert
Thursday night last, Mr Robert French, resident of Belmont Tce, Remuera, after a short illness, aged 60. The deceased gentleman took a lifelong interest in political and temperance reform and some years ago displayed an active interest in the �knights of labour� movement. The late Mr French was a candidate for Parliament on three occasions, standing twice for Auckland City and once for Eden. He was one of the best known temperance leaders in the Dominion. [AWN 07.01.1915]
Died at Reefton Hospital at the age of 86. He was the discoverer of Gabriel�s Gully and received the reward for first finding alluvial gold in NZ. [AWN 04.10.1917]
GARLAND, Mr Henry Nelson
Secretary and treasurer to the Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board, died at his residence, Prospect Rise, Mt Eden, at half past eight o�clock yesterday morning. He had been suffering from heart trouble for some time and had been granted 12 months� leave of absence from his duties. This leave expired at the end of February and Mr Garland had his resignation drawn up but was too unwell to sign it. He was born in London in 1841, was the second son of the late Rev J V GARLAND, formerly incumbent of St John�s, Jamaica. Mr Garland landed in Nelson in 1957 and after engaging in sheep farming there, came to Auckland in 1867 when the Thames goldfields were attracting hundreds of men. He was amongst those who tried their fortune on the fields. He was legal manager of various mining companies, one of these being the Alburnia of which Mr Garland retained the books, showing the large sums distributed to shareholders in dividends. He was also secretary of Dacre�s Freehold. After ten years residence at Thames, he returned to Auckland. At various times he held the position of secretary to the School Commissioners and to the Committee of Management for the Auckland Hospital. Mr Thomas Peacock is now the sole survivor of that committee. Mr Garland was appointed secretary and treasurer to the Auckland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board on 5 March 1885. He was for many years a member of the Auckland Choral Society and also acted as secretary for a time. He was an enthusiastic member of the Mt Eden Bowling Club of which he was at one time president. He was a prominent member of the Masonic Order, being a past master of Lodge Maungawhau. For a number of years Mr Garland was a vestryman of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Khyber Pass and was a treasurer of the new church building fund up to the time of the consecration of the present structure. Mrs Garland died about 8 years ago but Mr Garland is survived by three daughters — Miss Garland, Mrs Julia Heather of Mt Eden, and Mrs G Trevithick of Devonport. There are also five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. [AWN 14.03.1918]
GIBBONS, Captain John
Who died recently at Devonport, was at one time well known in shipping circles. He was for some time master of the barque Lurline, afterwards going to Scotland to bring out the Banks Peninsula, now known as the tug Waitangi. Later he purchased the schooner Clyde for coastal work and afterwards the barque Laura for the Lyttelton-Newcastle trade. Defective eyesight caused his retirement from the sea. [AWN 20.06.1918]
An old settler, Mr Thomas Gilbert of Woodville, Hawkes Bay, died on Wednesday last week in his 82nd year. He came to NZ in the Indian Queen 59 years ago and was engaged in farming at Ohariu Valley near Wellington until his removal, about 27 years ago, to Woodville where he also engaged in farming. He was the eldest son of Mr John Gilbert of Water Orton, Warwickshire, England. Mr Gilbert leaves a widow and eight sons and two daughters. One of the sons is at the Front. Mr Gilbert�s brother lives at Fearnlea, Ngaruawahia. [AWN 01.06.1916]
GILLETT, Richard
Drowned in December last while crossing the Mediterranean Sea in a vessel which was torpedoed. He was the second son of Mr R Gillett, The Drive, Epsom. He was born in Canterbury in 1875 and four years ago went with his parents to the Waikato district. He was educated at the Hamilton East school; afterwards qualifying as a surveyor. In 1902 he entered the Public Service of the Federated Malay States, with which he was still connected at the time of his death. Mr Gillett, with Mrs Gillett, who formerly was Miss E Boulton of Auckland, visited Auckland about a year ago, both sailing for England on a steamer which was torpedoed in the Mediterranean. They were saved but on the return journey Mr Gillett met his death. Mrs Gillett was not on the vessel. [AWN 07.02.1918]
GLADDING, Corporal F
The death occurred at the Palmerston North Hospital last week of Corporal Frederick Gladding, a member of the Field Ambulance in camp at Awapuni. Death was due to an internal complaint. The deceased was a well known Aucklander and for many years he took a keen interest in many forms of sport. He was one of the fastest sprinters in Auckland some years ago. He was a member of the City Football Club and afterwards played for the North Shore Albion Club. The deceased went through the South African campaign with the sixth contingent of the NZ Forces. He was a member of the City Fire Brigade for eight years. He was 35 yrs of age and was a married man with two children. [AWN 30.12.1915]
The death occurred on Saturday afternoon of a well known citizen in the person of Mr Patrick Gleeson of Parnell at the age of 78 yrs. Mr Gleeson was born in Tipperary and came out to Australia at the age of 14. He led a very adventurous life and was present at the �battle� of the Eureka Stockade at Ballarat. He worked at the Ballarat and Bendigo goldfields and came to NZ goldfields in the early �sixties�. He settled in Napier and then removed to Auckland where he became largely interested in the hotel business. He is survived by his wife and by the following sons and daughters: Mrs M J Gleeson of Napier; Mr P S Gleeson of Auckland; Mr J C Gleeson, an ex City Councillor, of Auckland; and Mrs M Treston of Napier. The interment will take place at Napier. [AWN 09.03.1916]
GOLDING, Mr Nicholas
Aged 97, died at New Plymouth, s/o Mr E A GOLDING. He was a veteran of the Maori War and a Sergeant of the 65th Regt, which landed at Taranaki in the �sixties�. He is survived by two daus., Mrs E M Smith, widow of late Mr E M Smith, M.P., and Mrs Thomas Hickman, w/o Constable Hickman of the Armed Constabulary Force. . [AWN 22.04.1915]
GOOCH, Mr Thomas F
Died recently at Timaru at the age of 90. He saw service in the Far East and was present at the taking of the Chinese fort Taku, on the Peiho River, in 1859. For many years he was organist at St Mary�s Church, Timaru. [AWN 01.08.1918]
GRACE, Mr Martin
The death occurred on Saturday last at his late residence, Lower Vincent St, formerly for several years, Chief Detective in Auckland, aged 78. He had been suffering from an internal complaint for two months and, complications setting in, his illness terminated fatally. He first joined the police force in 1970 and was promoted to the rank of detective ion 1874 when he went to the Thames. In the following year he came to Auckland, remaining until 1879 when he was transferred to Napier. In 1892 he returned to Auckland as chief detective, remaining in that position until 1903 when he retired on superannuation. He leaves a widow and an adult family comprising three sons and four unmarried daughters. He was highly esteemed in the force and during his years of service won a reputation for great integrity. [AWN 17.08.1916]
GRACE, W F, Auckland
News was received in Auckland last week of the death of Mr W F Grace, general manager for the Waihi Grand Junction Gold Mining Co. The late Mr William Frank Grace, FCS, MIMM, MAIME, was in his 54th year. He came to NZ towards the close of 1909 from London, where he had for some time acted as a consulting mining engineer under engagements to the Waihi Grand Junction Gold Mining Co. to examine and report on the company�s mine and plant at Waihi. In January 1910 he was appointed general manager in succession to Mr F C Brown and held that position up to the time of his death. His wide experience on various mining fields, including Mexico, Australia and other parts of the world, together with his ability as a mining chemist, eminently fitted him for the position and during his term of office he was responsible for the introduction of several improvements and alterations to the treatment plant, which materially reduced the cost of gold production and also for the more speedy and thorough opening up of the mine at depth. While insisting upon full recognition of his company�s rights and privileges, Mr Grace claimed the confidence and the respect of the official staff and of the large body of workers under his control because he had always shown a readiness to meet demands of the workers for improved conditions when their representations appealed to him as fair and reasonable. Mr Grace had not enjoyed robust health for some time prior to his departure on leave. Accompanied by Mrs Grace, he left for England last September with the object of consulting leading specialists. Upon receipt of the news, the flag of the Northern Club, of which Mr Grace was a member, was placed at half-mast. [AWN 08.02.1917]
Died at her son�s residence Dunbar Street, Mt Eden, aged 70. She arrived in NZ on 27 July 1872 on the Celestial Queen and resided in Parnell for 40 yrs. Her son, Major John Graham, is on active service in France. [AWN 13.07.1916]
GRAHAM, Thomas Gore
Died at Palmerston North recently aged 89. He arrived in Auckland in 1862 on the Hanover. For some time he was a teacher in Bishop Williams� Native School at Poverty Bay, subsequently joining the staff of the Bank of NZ at Auckland. He retired from active business life 16 years ago and took up his residence at Palmerston North. [AWN 31.01.1918]
GRANT, George, C.E.
Director of Gisborne Publishing Co., died recently as a result of injuries sustained by being thrown from his horse. He had been in Gisborne for about 35 years. He was born in London and educated in England and Germany, qualifying as a civil engineer in London. For some years he was an officer with the Public Works Dept and went to Gisborne in 1881 and for 12 years held the position of Government Valuer in the Poverty Bay district. [AWN 04.01.1917]
Died at his residence, Auckland, on Thursday, aged about 50, second s/o Mr Alexander Grant of Stellarton, Nova Scotia, Canada, was trained at the Queen�s University, Kingston, Ontario. He arrived in NZ about 1892 and commenced practice in Auckland in 1897. A member of the Auckland Club. Has been suffering from ill health for approximately the last two years. [AWN 29.04.1915]
GRAY, John A F
Aged 57, died at his residence Thornleigh, St George�s Bay Road, Parnell. For 25 yrs he was a representative of Bycroft & Co. His widow was the daughter of the late Mr Henry NICOL of Devonport. His son, Lieut Wynne P GRAY, is at present serving in France. Mr Gray�s sisters and brother are: Mrs G J Lawlor, Mrs F D Yonge & Mr Wynne Gray of Auckland; Mrs Dampier-Crossley and Mrs W J Webb of Canterbury; Mrs H Matthews of Waitotara. Mr Gray was the son of Mr W Peyton Gray and grandson of Colonel Gray of the 40th Regiment. [AWN 13.07.1916]
GREEN, Mrs Eliza
One of Auckland�s oldest residents, died at the residence of her daughter Mrs R H AUGER, 18 Scarborough Tce, Parnell, on Thursday. Mrs Green who was in her 83rd year, arrived at Auckland with her parents, Drum Major and Mrs DALTON by the sailing ship Minerva in 1848 and with the exception of eight years, which were spent at Mercury Bay, she resided in Auckland during the intervening 71 years. At an early age she was married to the late Captain G ROLTON and in 1868 she was married to Mr William GREEN, by whom she is survived. The latter, who is still remarkably well at the age of 93, arrived in he province by the ship Westminster before his late wife, and till a few years ago followed the occupation of a bush contractor. Mrs Green is also survived by 11 children and a great number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. [AWN 29.05.1919]
A well known resident of Rotorua died last Friday morning at the age of 64 years after a short illness. He had lived in Rotorua for about 12 years, having gone there from Palmerston North, where he was engaged in farming. In his younger days he followed the sea. He was a fellow cadet with Viscount French on the Britannia and was for 20 years an officer in the P & O and other services. He afterwards served in the NZ defence forces and is said to have laid the first submarine mines put down in Wellington Harbour. [AWN 29.06.1916]
HALL, Mr John William
A very old and respected resident of Thames, died Monday, aged 85 yrs. He was a chemist and a native of Leicestershire. Came to NZ on the Egmont in 1857. With his cousin, Mr Bassett, he made a tour of the North by cutter inspecting land. Purchased a farm at Mangere in partnership with the late Col LYON. Served with the militia for home defence during the Maori War and was at Thames at the opening of the goldfields where he went into business as a chemist, having served his apprenticeship in London. He was in partnership with Mr Thomas SPENCER. His native tree plantation near Thames is well known to botanists and he has distributed native tree seeds all over the world. He was a veritable encyclopaedia on all matters relating to NZ plants & ferns. [AWN 27.05.1915]
Mission House, Gray St, Auckland, Tuesday — Order of the Good Shepherd. Over 20 years ago Sister Charlotte, with Sister Frances, under the direction of the late Rev L Fitzgerald, started the work of the Order in Auckland. She is the d/o the late Mr Leigh D Halstead and sister of Mrs Sydney Weetman, Remuera, and Mrs E D Lewis, Ellerslie. [AWN 22.07.1915]
Mayor of Hamilton, died on 20 June aged 40. He suffered from an affliction of the heart for a considerable period and, three weeks ago, was attacked by bronchitis. He rallied for a few days but had a relapse and gradually sank. Mr Hammond had been a resident of the town for 25 years and built up the business of J E Hammond and Co. plumbers. He served the town in various capacities. He was formerly an enthusiastic cricketer and supported all branches of amateur sport. Mr Hammond was a leading figure in Masonic and Oddfellow circles. He was a member of the Borough Council for years and as chairman of the Gas Works Committee rendered excellent service. He was elected unopposed to the Mayoralty last year. Naturally of a retiring and unostentatious demeanour and a man of character, he maintained a reputation for integrity and thoroughness. Mr Hammond was born in Kent in 1876 and came to NZ with his father in 1880. He served his apprenticeship with Branston & Foster of Auckland. Mr Hammond leaves a widow, two daughters and one son. [AWN 22.06.1916]
HANCOCK, Sister Janet
Whose death from pneumonia took place at Auckland on Monday, arrived from England over 10 years ago to take charge of St Mary�s Homes. She had been lady superintendent of those establishments ever since, devoting her life and talents for the benefit of the inmates. When the epidemic broke out, she volunteered with Nurse BENNETT to take charge of Kilbride Temporary Hospital. After three days there she contracted the complaint which brought about her death yesterday. [AWN 21.11.1918]
An old and respected resident of Thames died on Tuesday last week in the person of Mrs Hanlen, wife of Mr Alexander Hanlen. Mrs Hanlen, who was 70 yrs of age, had been well and active until quite recently. Both Mr & Mrs Hanlen are descendants of soldiers. Mrs Hanlen was the daughter of the late Mr J H Syms of the 2nd Queen Bays (Dragoon Guards). Mr & Mrs Hanlen were married at St Paul�s Church, Auckland, in July 1864. They arrived at Thames in 1867 and resided there ever since. The deceased lady leaves a husband, seven sons and daughters and a large number of grandchildren. [AWN 11.11.1915]
Early on Thursday morning, the 13th inst., Mrs Wm Harrison of Mangapai passed peacefully away. Her death was not unexpected, she having been confined to her room for the past eleven months. Deceased was born at Newry, Co Down, Ireland, on 8 January 1825 and lived there with her parents till leaving for NZ, arriving at Auckland in the ship Tornado in 1859. With her brothers, Messrs W & S DONALDSON, she went to Maungakaramea and settled there for a time. Returning to Auckland, she commenced in business as a milliner and it was from there she became the second wife of Mr Wm Harrison. Away back in those pioneer days half a century ago, life was not so rosy as today. It meant hardship, rigid economy and strenuous work but Mrs Harrison faced it all with a stout heart and proved herself a true helpmeet indeed. Harrison�s Store is one of the old landmarks of the district and to her, in a great measure, the continued success of the business must be attributed. Owing to advanced age, Mr & Mrs Harrison retired from the business many years ago, settling down close by. Mrs Harrison�s only son succumbed to an attack of measles while in the prime of life. The body was removed early on Saturday morning to the Presbyterian Church. At 2 o�clock service was held, the church being well filled. Many floral wreaths, tokens of love and respect, were in evidence. Through a blinding storm of wind and rain, a large number of people followed the remains. Mr Harrison, who is also in his 92nd year, was the recipient of many telegrams of condolence. [AWN 27.07.1916]
The death has occurred from pneumonic influenza of Mr W H HARTGILL, manager of the Dannevirke branch of Messrs Barraud & Abraham and the well known racing judge. He became ill on his return from the NZ Cup meeting. [AWN 21.11.1918]
An old identity of Auckland, died on Sunday, at Elgin St, Grey Lynn, aged 79. He arrived on the Pegasus in 1865. He resided in Auckland then the Thames goldfields with his wife and took a prominent part in the work of St Paul�s church. His wife died about two months ago and he is survived by two sons and four daughters. [AWN 12.08.1915]
HAWES, Captain R N
One of the surviving veterans of the wars with the Maoris of 50 years ago passed away at Epsom last week, in the person of Captain Robert Norgate HAWES, who had lived to his 83rd year. Captain Hawes was a younger son of an old English family and left England for Australia in the early �fifties� of last century. After staying on the gold-diggings there for a time, he came on to Otago at the period of the Gabriel�s Gully rush. From there he went to Taranaki and joined No.10 Company of the Taranaki Military Settlers in September 1964. In the first half of 1865 he was sent with his company to Pipiriki on the Wanganui River, to erect three redoubts and garrison them, in order to prevent the King Country natives from travelling down the river and attacking Wanganui. With No.10 Company went also No.8 Company under Captain WILSON and the Patea Rangers, under Captain NEWLAND. This force was attacked in July 1865 by Topia Turoa and 600 or 700 King Country natives and was under fire for 12 days, being very short both of ammunition and food. Relieved by a force under the late Colonel ROOKE, the garrison was sent to Opotiki, reinforced to 600 men, still under Major BRASSEY who had commanded at Pipiriki. After conquering Opotiki, where there was much fighting, and many prisoners were taken, Nos. 8 & 10 Companies were ordered to Wairoa, Hawkes Bay, under the command of Major FRASER. Many miles up the Wairoa River the troops came into action with the Urewera Hauhaus on Christmas Day 1865. There Captain HUSSEY of No.10 Company, was killed, together with four others — friendly natives under Major ROPATA. Captain Hawes and four others were wounded but not before Captain Hawes had shot the man who killed Captain HUSSEY and also another. Next the force was removed from Opotiki and Wairoa to Taranaki, where it was engaged in desultory fighting for more than a year, when the war seemed to die out and the men were discharged. In 1868, however, Titokowaru raised the torch of rebellion. All the settlers, from Wanganui to New Plymouth, were organised into companies and redoubts were built. Captain Hawes was at Waverley — then called Wairoa — on his land and was given the command of the company raised there. Early in November 1868 Colonel WHITMORE, then in command of the coast, arrived at the Wairoa Redoubt, bringing two or three companies of Armed Constabulary under Captains ROBERTS and GORING, both afterwards colonels. Then came the disastrous attack by the whole force on the fortified pa at Moturoa, three miles east of Waverley, a position so strong that it could not be taken by assault without the aid of artillery. The Armstrong big guns that were available had been left at the redoubt against the advice of Captain Hawes, who knew the ground. In this action the Government forces had 26 killed and 26 wounded and missing; the killed including Major HUNTER. Captain Hawes and his company had the post of honour in the retreat, fighting a stiff rearguard action. After this there was no more very serious fighting, though the redoubts were occupied till late in 1869. Mrs Hawes survives her husband. [AWN 11.01.1917]
HEDLEY, Mr Allan
Who died in the South recently, was one of Auckland�s earliest residents. He arrived here in the ship Ida Zeigler in 1864. Later he became manager of the Awarua Estate, then an auctioneer and finally manager of the stock department of the North Otago Farmers� Co-operative Assn. Mr Hedley was Mayor of Oamaru from 1901 to 1903. [AWN 06.06.1918]
An early colonist of Auckland, Mr John HENDERSON, died on Tuesday at the residence of his daughter Mrs A J Richmond, Curran St, Ponsonby. Mr Henderson, who was 79 years of age, arrived in NZ with the 58th Regt, his father taking part in the wars against Hone Heke. In the sixties Mr Henderson set up the business of a painter and decorator in Victoria Street but later moved to High Street. He was a member of the Orphans Glee Club and belong also to the Choral Society. He was at one time a member of the old St Matthews Church choir and also of All Saints Church, Ponsonby. [AWN 20.12.1917]
HESLOP, Mr George
Of Clontarf, St Stephens Ave, Parnell, late of Hawkes Bay.[Page 18] [AWN 27.04.1916]
A well known NZ journalist, died at Melbourne on Sunday. He had been ill for a long time past. He commenced his journalistic career in NZ on the literary staff of the Evening Post, Wellington, about a quarter of a century ago. He was afterwards for about 11 years in Sydney, returning to NZ in the latter end of 1906. Thereafter he was connected with various newspapers in Wellington, Palmerston North and Christchurch. He went to Australia last year, joining the Melbourne Herald, to which he was attached when overtaken by the illness to which he succumbed. [AWN 07.02.1918]
Of Auckland, aged 72, has died in London. He was at one time general manager of the Bank of NZ and latterly a member of the London board of the bank. He received his early training in one of the Indian banks. In 1890 he was engaged by the Bank of NZ as chief executive officer in the colony and took up his residence in Auckland, then the executive headquarters of the bank in NZ. When the headquarters were transferred from London to Wellington in 1894, Mr Holmes went to London and accepted a seat on the London board which he retained until the time of his death. [AWN 05.07.1917]
HOLMWOOD, Captain Charles
Opahi, Wairarapa, has died aged 63. He came to NZ in 1878 in command of the clipper Hyderabad of which he was part owner. The vessel was wrecked at Otaki. [AWN 31.10.1918]
The death occurred at Waiuku on Friday of Mr Caleb HOSKING, a settler who has been in that district over sixty years. The deceased was in his 85th year. He was born in Devonshire in 1833 and educated at his native place and afterwards brought up to farming. He left England for NZ in 1854 by the ill-fated ship Polar Star which was burned at sea. This vessel caught fire when 22 days out from London and after she had been burning for three days the Hanza Mooka, on a voyage from Callao to Cadiz, came in sight and rescued the passengers. They were landed at St Helena and after remaining there a week were conveyed back to London. Mr Hosking landed in NZ in 1855 by the ship Rock City after a passage of 88 days and the ship was first boarded by the late Sir John Logan Campbell who was agent of the shipping company. Mr Hosking, after spending some weeks in Auckland, determined to try New Plymouth, where numbers of his countrymen were settled but, owing to its disturbed state through native troubles, he returned to Auckland and settled down at Waiuku. The district was then in a rough state but he was not deterred by his unpromising appearance and gradually converted his land into a fertile and valuable estate. During his long residence in Waiuku he took a share in all the general public administration of his district. He was an energetic member of the Road Board for many years and during that time was for three years chairman. He also took a great interest in the social questions of the day, acted on the School Committee for some time and did good service in the cause of temperance. As a member of the Wesleyan Church he gave his time and labour for its advancement and was for many years a trustee of that church. The late Mr Hosking married Miss Barriball, a daughter of the late Mr Charles Barriball, one of the pioneers of the district. His family consists of six daughters and two sons, one of whom, Mr J P Hosking, is well known in Auckland legal circles. The late Mr Hosking is survived by his widow. [AWN 13.06.1918]
An old colonist, died at his residence, Station Rd, Remuera, on Monday in his 70th year. Mr Hughes was the son of the late Mr S E Hughes, barrister and solicitor and was born at Chatham, England. He came to Auckland as an infant with his parents in the ship Clara in 1849. He was a land agent by occupation and was prominently identified with many of the social and other activities of Auckland. He was one of the promoters and a life member of the Auckland Orphans Club and also was one of the founders of the West End Rowing Club. [AWN 26.09.1918]
Aged 75, born Scotland. Arrived Auckland on the Devonshire 1863. Served in the Maori War with the Waikato Regt. Member of the Auckland Telegraph staff and later Postmaster at Miranda and Collingwood. Retired in 1907 after 40 yrs service and has since lived with his family at Birkenhead. [AWN 22.07.1915]
IGNATIUS, Rev Mother Mary
One of the oldest Sisters of Mercy in NZ, passed away at St Mary�s Convent, Ponsonby, last week. Her surname prior to her entry into the religious life was PRENDERGAST. The deceased, who was aged 79, came to Auckland from Ireland in 1858 as a young woman of 20 and after spending her novitiate in the local convent, made her final profession at St Patrick�s Cathedral in 1863. Later she became superior at St Mary�s but ill-health compelled her to relinquish the responsibility some twenty years ago and for many years past she has been an invalid. [AWN 13.12.1917]
The death has occurred at his residence, Glasgow Terrace, Auckland, of Mr David Jackson, aged 83 years. Mr Jackson arrived in Auckland when quite a young man and saw service in Maori war. He married a daughter of the late Mr James Sims who, with his family, arrived here in the Duchess of Argyle in 1842. He leaves six children. Mr R Jackson of Auckland; Mr F Jackson, resident in Sydney; Mr David Jackson, of London; Mrs W E Baxter, and the Misses M & J Jackson of Auckland. Mr Jackson was very highly respected and possessed many friends. [WN 05.11.1914]
JACKSON, Frederick E
Principal of the Auckland firm of F E Jackson & Co. Ltd, wholesale china and glass merchants, died at Rotorua on Saturday, while on a visit to that resort. Mr Jackson, who was in his 58th year, was a native of Birmingham and arrived in Auckland in 1878 to take up the position as manager of the crockery department of the firm of W McArthur & Co. He held that appointment until the firm relinquished business in NZ about 24 years ago. He then founded the firm which bears his name. Mr Jackson is survived by a widow, four daughters, and five sons. Three of the latter are on active service. [AWN 11.04.1918]
JACKSON, Mrs Margaret
One of Auckland�s few centenarians, Mrs Margaret JACKSON, died on Thursday at the residence of her granddaughter Mrs F J GORE of Franklin Road, Ponsonby, at the age of 101 years and 5 months. Until a month or two ago Mrs Jackson had been in the best of health and in possession of all her faculties. On Sunday week last she became ill and gradually sank. The deceased lady was born in Ireland and came to NZ in 1862 in the ship Indra. She was landed in a rowing boat at what s now the foot of Shortland Street, the then site of the old Victoria Hotel. She almost immediately took up residence in Ponsonby, where she resided ever since. She was three times married, her third husband being the late Corporal Thomas Jackson, an Indian Mutiny veteran, who died about 30 years ago. Mrs Jackson had lived in the reign of six British Sovereigns — George III, George IV, William IV, Victoria Edward VII, and George V. She is survived by her daughter Mrs Rice of Wanganui, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. [AWN 16.08.1917]
JACKSON, William B
Who died at Reweti on Thursday in his 78th year, had resided in the Dominion for nearly 60 years, having arrived in Otago in 1859. Mr Jackson served in the Maori War as sergeant-major in the 1st, Waikato, Regiment and was a member of the King�s Empire Veterans. He was associated with the kauri gum business in the Auckland Province, first as manager under the late Sir John Logan Campbell and later on his own account. For several years past Mr Jackson suffered from ill health. After his removal from Mahurangi he went to live with a son at Reweti, where he passed away. His family consists of five sons and three daughters. [AWN 19.09.1918]
The death occurred at Coromandel on Monday of Mr Ben B JOHNSON, an old and much respected resident of the goldfields town. The late Mr Johnson, who was 73 years of age, was born near Belfast, Ireland, and came to NZ in 1862. A few months later he joined Colonel Nixon�s force and took part in seven engagements in the Maori War. Subsequently, he resided in Hawkes Bay for 30 years and then went to Coromandel where he had lived ever since. For many years past he had acted at the Herald�s Coromandel correspondent and agent. A year ago he celebrated his golden wedding. His wife survives him, as do three daughters, Mesdames J Tanner of Tauranga; R Skeet of Napier; and Miss Johnson. [AWN 2.08.1917]
Died at her residence, Kauri, North Whangarei, was the wife of a well-known settler, who 6 yrs ago contested the Bay of Islands seat in the House of Representatives. She is survived by two sons — Lieut Olaf and Cpl Magnus Johnson, first reinforcement, NZEF, and four daughters. The burial service was conducted by old friend Archdeacon CALDER. [AWN 15.07.1915]
An old colonist and well known resident of Auckland, Mr George JOHNSTON, died at Birkenhead on Tuesday. Mr Johnston, who was born at Armagh, Ireland, in 1837, came to NZ in the ship Mary Ann in 1858. During the Maori war he saw active service at Papakura and Drury. On the establishment of the South British Insurance Co. in 1872, Mr Johnston was appointed manager and, in 1880, became general manager. After his retirement from this company he was appointed manager of the Standard Insurance Co. being succeeded in this position by his second son, Mr E Johnston, the present manager. He is survived by his widow, two sons and three daughters. [AWN 30.08.1917]
JOHNSTON, Lieut William E
Aged 38, married, of Piopio near Te Kuiti, died at Auckland Hospital on Sunday. Upon joining the NZEF he left for the front in April 1916 and was invalided home suffering from shell shock and discharged on 31 January 1918. [AWN 24.01.1918]
JONES, Joshua
The death is announced of Mr Joshua Jones, well known for many years in connection with claims against the Government concerning the Mokau Islands. He was 73 years of age. For many years he was in the public eye as being the lessee of 53,000 acres known as the Mokau-Mohakatimo blocks. This large area he leased from the natives in 1882 and he had ambitious plans for its development, including its considerable coal deposits. To raise money he mortgaged his lease to an English firm which eventually foreclosed, his interests being purchased by representatives of the mortgagees. Thereafter the land came before Parliament on many occasions and its subsequent disposal was the subject of inquiry by Parliamentary committees. Mr Jones was aggrieved at his treatment in the matter and his petitions to Parliament were the subject of much discussion. [AWN 17.01.1918]
JOYCE, Divisional Sergeant Major William S
RNZA, single, aged 40 years, died at Devonport. He had been on duty at the forts until last Tuesday. He had had a serious illness last winter but had recovered well. He had been 18 years in the Permanent Force. Represented Auckland and Wellington provinces as a football forward of the first rank. He played for Auckland against the 1904 English team. [AWN 13.07.1916]