1915 - 1918
K - O
These are extracts from the Auckland Weekly News - available on microfilm at the Auckland City Library. I do not personally have any more information than is shown here. Thanks to Jacqueline Walles for these.
An old resident named Peter KELLER who had been in business at Paeroa as a draper for 20 years, died on Tuesday at the age of 80 years. [AWN 01.03.1917]
The death occurred on Tuesday of Mr John Edward Kelsall at his residence, Queen St, Onehunga. The late Mr Kelsall was 59 yrs of age and came to NZ with his parents in the ship British Crown which arrived at Lyttelton in the year 1863. His father was a Lancashire operative. Mr Kelsall learnt his trade with Messrs Price Bros. When their factory was working in Queen St, Onehunga, before being removed to Thames. Later he started in business in Onehunga as a decorator and painter. For many years the deceasede acted as a churchwarden in St Peter�s Anglican Church. He was also a director of long standing in the Onehunga Building Society and a member ofr Court Pride of Onehunga, A.O.F. Mr Kelsall married a daughter of the late Mr Daniel HILLS, by whom he is survived, together with their three children, one son and two daughters. [AWN 02.09.1915]
A well known resident of Matamata, died on Friday. He was a member of the Matamata Town Board and previous to coming to the district was a chemist at Eketahuna. [AWN 29.05.1919]
KENNEDY, Mrs Margaret
Died at Auckland on Tuesday, aged 74. She arrived in 1861 on the Black Eagle and resided at Buckland, the w/o John Kennedy. In 1863 a force of Natives attacked her parents� homestead. Her mother, Mrs WATSON, was an invalid and the deceased hid with her under the bed while the Maoris looted the house. Mrs Kennedy is survived by her husband. . [AWN 08.07.1915]
KENNY, Mr Harry Eyre, late District Judge
Ex Judge KENNY, who was born in Montreal, Canada, was a son of Colonel the Hon. W H Kenny who, during the Maori troubles of 1860-1, commanded the garrison of Auckland and who was a member of the first General Assembly of NZ, being called to the Legislative Council. Ex Judge Kenny arrived in NZ in 1847, in which year his father brought the first detachment of NZ Fencibles to the colony. He was educated at St John�s College, Auckland, articled as a law clerk, was subsequently secretary to Sir George Arney, at that time Chief Justice of NZ and then practiced for two years in Auckland. Mr Kenny was registrar at New Plymouth in 1867; appointed resident magistrate in 1869 and District Judge in Taranaki, Patea and Wanganui in 1870, Hawkes Bay and Poverty Bag in 1879. He resigned in 1882 and eight years later was appointed magistrate at Westport, Thames 1893, Wellington 1897, District Judge at Wanganui, West Coast and Wairarapa 1898, West Coast (South Island) 1904. Judge Kenny finally resigned in 1905. [AWN 02.03.1916]
KING, Mrs Philip
Centenarian One of the very oldest settlers in NZ, whose lifetime dated back to the days before the country became a British possession, has just passed away at Waiuku — Mrs Philip King, relict of the late Mr Philip King, one of the pioneer missionaries to the Maoris. Mrs King was a daughter of Captain FISKE, an officer of the East India Co�s service and was born in Tasmania on 11 January, 1816. In the early part of 1840 she arrived at the Bay of Islands in the brig Falcon which, on its way from Sydney, had sighted HMS Herald, bearing Captain Hobson on his mission to take possession of NZ in the name of the British crown. A few months later Miss Fiske was married at Russell to Mr Philip King, still an earlier colonist, for he had arrived in 1814 with his father, Mr John King, one of the staff of the Rev Samuel Marsden, of the Church Mission Society. During the Heke war of 1845 Mr & Mrs King had to take refuge in the then infant town of Auckland and stay there for some 12 months. In 1854 they left the bay and settled in Parnell. Mr King acted as a native interpreter during the Waikato war and at the close of the hostilities he settled in Waiuku where Mrs King has lived for the last 5? Years, latterly with her son. Mrs King lived in the reigns of six British sovereigns, from George III to George V and she leaves six children living, 40 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren and several great-great-grandchildren. Several of her descendants are now fighting for the Empire in France. The old lady was in full possession of her faculties up to the time of her final illness and at the celebration of her 101st birthday in January she received congratulatory telegrams from all parts of NZ and from Australia. [AWN 01.03.1917]
Who died at Mangere this week, was an old colonist, having arrived in Auckland in 1862 by the ship Romulus. She was the widow of the late Mr M M Kirkbride who for some years represented Manukau in the House of Representatives. Mrs Kirkbride, who was in her 80th year, had lived at Mangere for many years and was greatly esteemed in the district. [AWN 14.03.1918]
The death is announced at Wellington of Mr Herbert B KIRKCALDIE, a member of the firm of Messrs Kirkcaldie & stains, at the age of 42 years. The cause of death was pleurisy following influenza. [AWN 2.08.1917]
There died at Karangahake on Wednesday last an old and respected resident in the person of Mrs E J Kitching, wife of Mr E J Kitching, chief clerk of the Talisman Consolidated. Mrs Kitching had been ill for some time and her death was no unexpected. She leaves a husband and a son and daughter. The interment took place at Waikumete Cemetery on Friday, where the graveside service was conducted by Messrs F W Greenwood and McCallum. [AWN 30.12.1915]
LAING, Mrs Marshal
Auckland Mrs Laing, wife of Mr Marshall Laing, chairman of the Waitemata County Council, whose death occurred on 27 January, had lived in the Auckland district for 36 years. Her father, the late Mr Archibald MORRISON, came from Scotland with his wife and family in the ship Wigtonshire in 1881 and took up land at New Lynn. In January 1884, Miss Morrison was married to Mr Marshall Laing and went to her new home, at what was then known as Big Muddy Creek, Mrs Laing afterwards renaming the place Brooklynn. For 28 years Mr & Mrs Laing lived on their farm at Brooklynn but about five years ago Mr Laing retired from active farm work and settled at New Lynn. During her whole lifetime, Mrs Laing took a keen interest in philanthropic and religious work, being a staunch supporter of the Presbyterian Church, both at Brooklynn and New Lynn. [AWN 08.02.1917]
LAMB, Mrs Robert S
Sydney News was received in Auckland by cablegram last week of the death in Sydney of Mrs Lamb, widow of the late Mr Robert S Lamb, formerly of Auckland. Mr Lamb, who died in Sydney two or three years ago, was a son of the late Mr John Lamb, a well known local business man in this city. [AWN 18.01.1917]
Government Inspector of Surveys, died on Thursday at his residence Hamilton Road, Ponsonby, of heart failure, aged 61 yrs. He came to NZ from Melbourne 54 years ago. He carried on surveying duties in Otago and was subsequently Chief Draughtsman in the Government service at New Plymouth for three years. For the past 10 years he held the post of Government Inspector of Surveys. He leaves a widow and 3 sons — L., Eric and Ivan Langmuire - and 1 daughter, Miss Dorothy Langmuir. [AWN 16.03.1916]
A well known Auckland identify, passed away on Friday. Mr Lanigan, who was a prominent contractor 40 years ago, carried out many important works in the Auckland district and was associated with bush works of considerable magnitude when timber getting was one of the province�s chief industries. Mr Lanigan was also closely associated with the development of the gold mining industry. [AWN 30.08.1917]
LAURIE, Charles G F
The well known biscuit and confectionery manufacturer, died at his residence, Ayr St, Parnell, on Tuesday last week. He was 52 years of age. The cause of death was pneumonia supervening upon influenza. The deceased was born in Auckland. For 12 years he was a member of the Newmarket Borough Council and at the time of his death was the president of the Auckland centre of the Dominion Bowling Assn. He was prominent in the establishment of the Carlton Bowling Club. Mr Laurie was twice married and he leaves a widow, two sons and four daughters. His eldest son is a returned soldier and is at present seriously ill with influenza. [AWN 21.11.1918]
Deputy registrar and permit officer, and registrar of the electors for Auckland West, died on Thursday. He was 65 years of age, born in England and later went to India where he became a tea planter. He was a major in the Indian Militia. He lived in Wellington for several years before coming to Auckland where he held office for eight years. Mr Livermore leaves a widow, a son who is at the war and has been twice wounded, and a daughter who is on the nursing staff of the Auckland Hospital. [AWN 30.08.1917]
LOCKART, Sir Robert Duncan Sinclair, Bart.
Died suddenly at his residence, Upland Rd, Remuera, yesterday. Sir Robert, who was 58 years of age, was a son of the late Mr George Duncan Lockhart and on the death of his uncle in 1904 he succeeded to the baronetcy. His estate is at Castle Hill, Lanark, Scotland. He also held the baronetcy of Sinclair of Stevenson. In 1895 he married a daughter of Captain Edward POWER. There is one daughter and five sons, of whom Mr Graeme D P LOCKHART, who recently returned from active service, is heir to the title. At one time Sir Robert was a member of the auctioneering firm of Wakelin and Crane, Whangarei, from which he retired on assuming the title. The deceased was greatly interested in all forms of sport and was a keen yachtsman and polo player. As a member of the Pakuranga Hunt Club he was a regular follower of the hounds. He was a steward of the Auckland Racing Club and also a member of the committee of the Auckland A & P Society. He is survived by Lady Lockhart and their family. [AWN 14.11.1918]
Of the firm of Messrs Alison, Alison & MacCormick, solicitors, died last week of pneumonia at his residence, St Martin�s Lane, Symonds St. He was the youngest son of the late Mr J C MacCormick and was 36 years of age. He was educated in Auckland. He was a well known amateur vocalist and representative footballer and cricketer. He was a brother of Mr C F MacCormick, Judge of the Native Land Court. [AWN 21.11.1918]
MacDONALD, Captain J S
News of the sudden death of Captain J S MacDonald, master of the Union Steam Ship Co�s steamer Aparima has been received in Christchurch. He died in England of heart attack following influenza after a very short illness. The Aparima was the ship in which the Union Steam Ship Co. trained its cadets, who were formerly trained in the sailing ship Dartford and Capt MacDonald, who formerly was master of this ship, proved particularly successful in handling these young men, from whom the company draws the majority of its officers. Capt MacDonald himself was trained in one of Messrs Devitt & Moor�s training ships and just before he joined the Union Steam Ship Co., he was chief officer of one of their vessels. Capt MacDonald was very well known in the NZ trade, being a popular and efficient officer and his loss will be severely felt by the company. His parents reside in Christchurch and he leaves a widow and two children who reside at Sumner. [AWN 09.11.1916]
MacDUFF, Mr Robert B
Chairman of the One Tree Hill Road Board, died at his residence at Te Papapa last week. He was 40 years of age. Mr MacDuff was a civil engineer by profession and practiced with Mr Lockie Gannon. He was advisory engineer to the Onehunga and the Taumarunui Borough Councils and other local bodies. He was very prominent as a footballer a few years ago and represented NZ and Auckland. He was held in high esteem by a large number of people. [AWN 21.11.1918]
MACINDOE, Mr Francis Buchanan
An old and respected resident of Auckland, died at a private hospital on Saturday morning, aged 66 years. He was born in Glasgow in 1853 and arrived at Port Chalmers in the sailing ship William Davis in May 1873. He was married in Auckland on 12 March 1887 to Miss Agnes GRIERSON. Subsequently he was engaged in the kauri gum business with the firm of H P BARBER & Co, now defunct. For the last 15 or 20 years he had practically lived in retirement. He leaves a family of five, including two daughters — Mrs A E TATTLEY and Mrs H P B FOSTER — and three sons — Messrs W G, C G, and O K MACINDOE of Auckland. [AWN 29.05.1919]
Who died recently at Invercargill, had reached his 100th year. He was born on 18 April 1819 at Fifeshire, Scotland. He was an engineer by trade and came to Dunedin in 1874. When he was 94 he erected a binder-twine plant in Winton. [AWN 18.07.1918]
MACKAY, Richard
The death of Mr Richard Mackay, chief engineer on the Auckland Harbour Board�s No.121 Dredge, at the age of 32 yrs, took place on Saturday at his residence, St George�s Avenue, Epsom. Some months ago Mr Mackay met with a fall while on the dredge and had never been in good health since the time of the accident. He entered the hospital about ten weeks ago and it was thought that he was suffering from some internal injury as a result of the fall. He apparently made fairly satisfactory progress towards recovery and went to Waiheke for a holiday but about four weeks ago he was again compelled to enter the hospital where he gradually sank. The late Mr Mackay was a son of Mr Richard Mackay of Graham Street. [AWN 18.05.1916]
The death occurred on Monday afternoon of Mr Joseph James Macky at his residence, Kelmarana Ave, Herne Bay. He had complained of a slight indisposition on Sunday but it was not supposed that his usual vigorous helath had been in any way impaired. While resting on a couch he quietly passed away. The late Mr Macky was 68 yrs of age and was the third son of the late Rev John Macky, who was for many years minister of the Presbyterian church at Otahuhu and the first moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembley of NZ. His eldest brother, Mr S Cochrane Macky, died some time ago and his other brother, Mr John Macky is accountant for the Auckland Education Board. He had been for many years intimately associated with mining activities and was for a lengthy period legal manager for the Victoria and other mining companies. During recent years Mr Macky had conducted a land and estate agency business. Mr Macky was married some 35 years ago to Miss Kate Spencer, daughter of the late Mr Thomas Spencer of Thames. Their family comprises three sons and three daughters — Mr Spencer M Macky, an artist, residing in San Francisco; Mr John Victor Macky, accountant; Mr Joseph Carn Macky who was associated with his father in business; Mrs Pallow, Napier; Miss Macky; and Mrs Harold Hercus, Hamilton. [AWN 02.09.1915]
Macky, a very well known & highly respected resident of Auckland, Mr Samuel Cochrane Macky, passed away at the Auckland Hospital on Monday, after an illness extending over a month. The late Mr Macky was the eldest son of the late Rev John Macky, Presbyterian minister at Otahuhu, and the first Moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly, who came to NZ in 1854. Mr Macky was born in Londonderry, Ireland, in 1844, was educated in NZ and in 1859 was sent to Victoria to study farming. Returning to NZ two years later, he was engaged in farming at East Tamaki until 1873, when he sold his holding and became interested in mining at the Thames. As the result of a severe illness, he had to give up active participation in mining matters and accepted the appointment of collector for the Thames County Council. Mr Mackay (sic) was business manager for the Thames Advertiser for some years, after which he received an engagement as traveller for the firm of Messrs Ehrenfried Brothers. Mr Macky was legal manager for a number of gold mining companies and he floated the Victoria Gold Mining Company. [WN 05.11.1914]
Headmaster of Te Papapa Public School, died at Onehunga. [AWN 17.08.1916]
MADILL, Marcus
Of Stanley Bay, Auckland, an old colonist of fifty years standing, passed away recently. He was born in Drum, Co. Monaghan, Ireland, in 1843, was educated at Queens College, Belfast and in 1863 went to America and engaged in business in New York. He returned to his native land four years later and left shortly afterwards for NZ by the ship Queen Bee. Mr Madill went to the Thames district at the time of the gold rush and there joined the police force. Later he was transferred to Northern Wairoa and remained there for some years. He then resigned from the force and took up land in the Pukekohe district. This he sold some 14 years ago and after a trip to England and America settled at Papatoetoe. Mr Madill was a keen farmer and was one of the first to pack butter for export. He took another trip to the Old Land shortly before the outbreak of war and afterwards settled at Stanley Bay. He leaves a widow and grown up family of six daughters and three sons. Three sons have served in the war; one was killed 18 months ago, one has returned since his father�s death, and the other is expected to return shortly. Mr Madill was closely associated with the Presbyterian Church, being on several occasions a representative elder to the General Assembly. [AWN 13.02.1919]
MANDEL, Mr Joseph
Citizen of Wellington, who was well known throughout NZ, died last week. He had undergone an operation for acute appendicitis and gradually sank. He arrived in NZ in 1875 and later commenced business as a tobacconist in Wellington. Subsequently he took the lease of the Club Hotel at Masterton, some years after acquiring the Empire Hotel, Wellington. Later he had an interest in the Grand Hotel, Wellington, the United Service Hotel, Christchurch, and the Grand Hotel, Dunedin. He also was interested in the establishment of marble bars in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. His eldest son, Dr Leo Mandel, is a member of the staff of the Royal Naval Hospital, Edinburgh. [AWN 28.03.1918]
MANNING, Nurse Maud
Whose death took place at Narrow Neck on Monday, was a sister of Dr L S Manning of Christchurch. She was trained as a nurse at the Christchurch Hospital ten years ago and had been engaged as a mission nurse among the Maoris ever since. She was stationed most of the time at Paeroa. When the epidemic broke out she volunteered for service at Narrow Neck where she contracted the complaint herself. [AWN 21.11.1918]
MARCH, John Edwin
An early colonist who did much for the progress of Canterbury, died at Timaru recently in the person of Mr John Edwin March, England, and arrived in Canterbury in October 1853. Later he went to Nelson and in 1863 entered the employment of the Canterbury Provincial Government as clerk in the immigration office. He was appointed chief immigration officer for the South Island in 1872. In 1885, Government immigration having ceased, the late Mr March was transferred to the Land & Survey Dept of the General Government as steward of village settlements and six years later was appointed superintendent of village settlements in NZ, a position he held until his retirement some eight years ago. He was also for a number of years administrator of charitable aid under the Provincial Government. [AWN 01.06.1916]
The death of Mrs Fanny MARSHALL, at Coromandel on 22 February removes another from among the dwindling ranks of the early colonists. Mrs Marshall, who was in her 83rd year, arrived in NZ from England about sixty years ago, landing at Lyttelton. She was married in St Michael�s Church, Christchurch, 57 years ago and about seven years later removed with her husband and family to the Chatham Islands and engaged in sheep farming. The family was there at the time Te Kooti and his followers escaped from the islands. After a few years Mrs Marshall returned to New Zealand and went to live at Coromandel in the year 1872, when the Green Harp and other mines were producing gold prolifically. The funeral of Mrs Marshall took place on Sunday at the Buffalo cemetery, the service, in the absence of the Church of England vicar, being conducted by the Rev T A Norrie, who also held a memorial service at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening. The deceased lady leaves a family of two sons and three daughters, her husband having pre-deceased her by about ten years. [AWN 07.03.1918]
MARSHALL, Mrs Vincent
Died (influenza) at Ohaupo on Wednesday, only d/o late Primate of NZ, Bishop Cowie. Her eldest brother is the Archdeacon of the Waikato, her second brother the vicar of Paeroa and the youngest is a missioner at Auckland of the Church of England Mission to Seamen. The deceased leaves a husband and four young children. [AWN 29.04.1915]
MATTHEWS, Bernard, M.A.
Classical master at Christ�s College, died on September 9, after an illness of ten days. Deceased was the fourth son of the late Rev J D H Matthews of Penley Rectory, Reading, England, and was 30 years of age. He graduated as master of arts at Cambridge and from 1907 to 1909 was assistant master at King William College, Isle of Man. In 1909 he was a master at Naish House, Burnham, Somerset. In 1910 he joined the staff of Wellington College, Berkshire, and from 1910 to 1912 he was senior classical master at St Peter�s School, York. Early in 1912 he came to NZ as senior classical master at Christ�s College. [AWN 16.09.1915]
MAUNSELL, Mrs Elizabeth Mary
Widow of the late Rev G Maunsell, died on Monday at her residence, Stanmore Road, Grey Lynn. Mr Maunsell was the son of Archdeacon Robert Maunsell who was associated with early Anglican Church life in this province. He was vicar of St Mary�s, Parnell, and archdeacon of Waitemata which subsequently became the archdeaconry of Auckland. Archdeacon Maunsell translated the Bible from the original Greek and Hebrew into Maori. His son, the Rev G Maunsell, who died three or four years ago, was a Maori missionary for many years. Mrs Maunsell was a lady of very estimable qualities and was held in very high esteem. She was a sister in law to Canon C M Nelson and a niece of the Rev Mr Keatinge, at one time temporary vicar of St Matthew�s Church and also of the late Rev John Mitchell. She leaves three daughters and one son. [AWN 25.10.1917]
War veteran, died at Te Aroha on Tuesday. Born England 23 June 1836, joined the Royal Navy, served in the Cream War on HMS Majestic; in the China war on Shannon and in the Indian mutiny in Peel�s Naval Brigade. Came to NZ & served with Capt STAPP & Major ATKINSON at Patea & other places. Although nearly 80 he volunteered for active service at the outbreak of war and was advised he would be called upon when necessity demanded. Awarded 3 medals for the Crimean; 1 Indian mutiny; 2 Maori War; 3 Humane Socy. . [AWN 19.08.1915]
MAYS, Mrs Mary Jane
Another of the fast diminishing band of NZ�s pioneers passed away suddenly on Thursday at Devonport in the person of Mrs Mary Jane Mays, widow of the late Mr Oliver Mays, one of Auckland�s best-known public men. Mrs Mays arrived at Auckland from England in 1860 and joining her husband here went to reside at Woodside near Papatoetoe. The advance of the rebel Maoris into the Lower Waikato, however, necessitated the hurried removal of all the women and children from the outlying districts into Auckland. Mrs Mays and those in the same conveyance with her were fired upon and pursued by the natives and escaped with difficulty. She resided at Devonport since 1863 and was closely identified with the progress of that suburb. Her name has been long associated with many kindly acts and benevolent movements. Mrs Mays had just entered upon her 83rd year and practically to the end appeared to retain the vigour and good health which characterises the early colonists. She is survived by her one sister, four daughters and four sons. The youngest son, Mr Arthur Mays, has been at the front for the past three years. Another son, Mr J P Mays, was killed in the Boer War whilst serving with the NZ Field Artillery. Other sons are Mr Selwyn Mays of Auckland, Mr T C Mays of Te Aroha and Mr H Mays, Mt Albert. [AWN 15.08.1918]
McCABE, Mrs Susan
One of the earliest colonists in NZ, died on Monday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs E Anderson, Beaconsfield St, Grey Lynn, at the age of 75. She came to NZ in the ship Anne in 1844 with her parents, Mr & Mrs Dennis SCULLERN. They settled at the Bay of Islands. In 1859 she married Mr James McCabe of the 58th Regt, a veteran of Heke�s war. After her husband�s death she left Russell and came to Auckland, residing first at College Hill and later at Grey Lynn. She leaves one son, Mr John McCabe of Waihi, 15 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. [AWN 06.09.1917]
McCONNELL, Robert William
The death took place on Saturday at his residence, Huntly Avenue, of Mr Robert William McCONNELL, solicitor. Deceased was ill for only a week, succumbing to bronchial pneumonia, following influenza. He was the only surviving son of the late Sgt Major T McConnell of the Imperial Army and Mrs McConnell, Petone. His only brother was killed on Gallipoli. He was educated at the District High School, Petone, and Victoria College, Wellington, and after a brilliant scholastic career he passed the LL.B. examination at the age of 20 and was one of the youngest barristers in NZ. He received his legal training with Mr T M Wilford, Wellington, and came to Auckland four years ago to enter the service of Messrs Bamford & Brown. At the beginning of this year he entered into partnership in the firm of Glaister & McConnell. The deceased was a well known figure in the civil and criminal Courts where he had gained an extensive practice. He was assistant law lecturer at the Auckland University College. The deceased took a keen interest in sport and was secretary of the Auckland Tennis Club. He leaves a widow and an infant son three weeks old. [AWN 14.11.1918]
McDELL, Mr John
The fast dwindling band of Indian Mutiny veterans was further diminished on Wednesday last week by the death of Mr John McDell at the age of 85. The deceased joined the Indian Artillery in 1852 and subsequently became a gunner in the Royal Horse Artillery. He was stationed in India for 12 years during which he saw service in the Indian Mutiny. After leaving the army he came to NZ 40 years ago and resided in Auckland for a number of years. [AWN 27.07.1916]
Of Otahuhu but for some 22 years of Epsom. His death removes another of the old colonists widely known to many of the earlier generation of Aucklanders and esteemed by all who knew him. Mr McDonald, who was born in Leith, Scotland, arrived in Auckland by the ship Avon in 1860 and commenced business as a nurseryman in St George�s Bay. Subsequently he was in business at Newmarket and Epsom. In 1910 he removed to Otahuhu where, in conjunction with his son, Mr Alfred McDonald, he continued to carry on business. His wife predeceased him three years ago. [AWN 15.06.1916]
Acting Govt. Surveyor of ships at Auckland, s/o late Capt J McKenzie, an old Auckland shipmaster. Formerly employed by Union Steamship Co. and for some time acted as the company�s pilot in the South Sea Islands. In later years he was Chief Officer of the Tofua. [AWN 22.07.1915]
The funeral of the late Mr David McLaren took place last week. The cortege was accompanied to the graveside at Waikaraka Cemetery by a large number of friends and representatives of the building trade, sports and other clubs. The chief mourners were the deceased�s two eldest and two youngest sons. Among the many floral tributes were those from the Manukau County Council, Auckland Bowling Club, Orphans Club and Football Association. Mr McLaren was born in Auchtermuchty, Scotland, 63 years ago and with his family left Edinburgh for Auckland some eight years ago. Since then he had become well known here and as clerk of works supervised several large public contracts, including the Auckland Town Hall and the new ferro-concrete bridges at Mangere and Panmure. The deceased is survived by his widow and a grown up family of six sons; Thos. McLaren of Bank of NZ, Wellington; Edward D McLaren, quantity surveyor of Auckland; David with the 13th NZF Engineers; Isaac with the Otago MR, Main Body; Andrew and John, both in Auckland; and two daughters, Mrs J P Lornie and Miss McLaren, both in Auckland. [AWN 29.06.1916]
McMULLEN, Private John
A member of the 65th Regt which participated in the Maori War, died at the Veterans Home on Monday. Arrived NZ with his regiment in 1846, took his discharge in 1865 since when he has been residing in Auckland. A military funeral is accorded. [AWN 24.06.1915]
McLEAN, Murdoch
Widespread regret was evidenced in Auckland city on 12 December when it became known that Mr Murdoch McLean, ex Mayor of Mt Albert, passed away while undergoing an operation for internal trouble. Mr McLean, who was 62 years of age, was one of the best known men in NZ, the ramifications of his business as a contractor having until late years extended throughout the North Island and a considerable part of the South Island. Mr McLean was the eldest son of the late Mr John McLean, founder of the well known firm of John McLean & Sons, railway contractors and wharf and bridge builders. A native of Nova Scotia, he arrived in Auckland with his parents in 1860. On reaching manhood he and his brother Neil joined their father in his business, of which they eventually became the active directors. It was the McLean firm that drove the Makarau tunnel in the Helensville Northward railway, constructed the Mamaku-Tarukenga section of the Rotorua line, the Taupo-Totara Timber Co�s railway from Putaruru to Mokai and the permanent way for the first portion of the Auckland Electric Tramways. They also undertook the huge contract for the driving of the Otira tunnel in Canterbury but handed over the work to the Government some years ago. In public life Mr McLean has been active in local politics at Mt Albert for nearly thirty years, first as a member and then as chairman of the Road Board and then as Mayor of the borough, which office he relinquished only last year. Twice he sought to enter Parliament, contesting the Parnell and Grey Lynn seats. In Freemasonry Mr McLean held high rank, having been Deputy Grant Master under the Grand Lodge of NZ and also for some time Provincial Grant Master of the Auckland district. He was one of the first members of the Auckland St Andrew�s Society and was its president for a long period, including its first two years of existence. The latter years of Mr McLean�s life were overshadowed by family affliction, two of his sons having lost their lives in the present war and a third by an accident at the Otira tunnel. Another son, Lieutenant Neil McLean, is now on the French frontier. Mrs McLean survives him and his two younger sons and three daughters. [AWN 20.12.1917]
McMILLAN, Robert
Of Rotorua, died in a private hospital at Rotorua on Sunday. He was formerly a traveller in the Waikato and King Country for Sargood Son & Ewen but had been in business in Rotorua on his own account for the past five months. [AWN 13.09.1917]
Of New Plymouth, Wellington and Auckland, d/o late Mr W HALSE, New Plymouth. [AWN 17.08.1916]
McLEAN, Mrs Catherine
One of the oldest residents of the Papakura district, died last week aged 85 years. With her husband, Mr Andrew McLean, the deceased lady arrived in Auckland 53 years ago, in the ship Viola and took up her residence at Clevedon. For the past 32 years she had lived at Papakura. Recently Mr & Mrs McLean celebrated the 60th anniversary of their marriage. There was a large and representative gathering at the funeral at the Presbyterian Cemetery, Papakura. The service at the graveside was conducted by Rev Hales. Mrs McLean had a family of four sons and two daughters. She had 24 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She was widely respected. [AWN 14.03.1918]
McGECHIE, William
A very old resident in Auckland Province died at Kohukohu recently in the person of Mr William McGECHIE, a son of the late Mr John McGechie of Papatoetoe. He was born in High St, Auckland, 69 years ago and was in business at Kohukohu for 40 years. [AWN 25.04.1918]
The death occurred at Hamilton on Wednesday, at the age of 34, of Mr W J McNicol, well known in the South Auckland district. Mr McNicol, who had been associated with the Farmers� Co-operative Auctioneering Company since its formation, contracted influenza and died after a very short illness. He was a son of the late Mr John McNicol, founder of the firm of McNicol and Co., the business of which was taken over by the Auctioneering Co. and had been closely associated with the commercial life of the district since his youth. He was recognised as an excellent judge of stock and assisted materially in building up the business of the company. [AWN 05.12.1918]
The death occurred on Tuesday of a well-known identity in the person of Mr Robert Melville at his residence Cook Street, in his 73rd year. He arrived in Auckland from Paisley, Scotland, when he was 14 years of age. He had resided in Auckland constantly since then. He commenced ship building at Mechanics Bay and was the founder of an extensive business from which he retired some years ago and latterly was in the service of the Northern S.S. Co. as Superintendent of works. During his life time, the deceased was closely identified with the affairs of the Auckland Workingmen�s Club and he was a trustee of the club�s property. Although he had been ill for three months his death came suddenly and unexpectedly. The late Mr Melville is survived by a widow, three sons and three daughters. One of his sons, Private H W Melville, is a member of the 16th Reinforcements. The interment took place on Thursday at the Symonds Street cemetery. [AWN 03.08.1916]
Died on Sunday, an old resident of Auckland. Born 1846 at Gippsland, Victoria, arrived Otago 1863. Served on the East Coast & Wanganui during the Maori War. Gum merchant. Leaves a widow & grown-up family. [AWN 22.04.1915]
On Monday afternoon, Henry MITCHELL, a very old resident of the thermal district, died at Ohinemutu, in his 81st year. He came to Taupo in 1868 as surveyor and was native land purchase commissioner and negotiated the purchase of all the blocks acquired from the Arawas. He settled in Rotorua over 40 years ago. . [AWN 08.04.1915]
Died last week at the age of 41 years. Deceased, who was the younger son of Mr & Mrs Moore-Jones of Remuera, was a member of the firm of Messrs Moore-Jones Bros, land agents and stockbrokers. For some years he was a member of the Remuera Road Board and after that district joined the city he was elected a member of the Auckland City Council. He was also a vice president of the Auckland divisional executive of the Protestant Political Association. [AWN 21.11.1918]
Has died at Aratapu at the age of 76, which removes one of the oldest settlers of the Kaipara district. He arrived in Auckland from Wales in 1862 and for some years ran a cutter between Onehunga and Kaipara. He piloted over the Kaipara Bar the first ship to bring timber for the first mill in the Wairoa district. He started the first flaxmill in the Aratapu district, subsequently engaging in the timber milling industry and later in dairy farming. He retired several years ago. Mr Morgan was for some time chairman of the Aratapu School Committee. His wife predeceased him four years ago but he leaves two sons and four daughters. [AWN 18.04.1918]
MORRIN, Mr Thomas
The death occurred in Vancouver on Tuesday last week of Mr Thomas Morrin, formerly of Auckland. He was about 75 years of age. The late Mr Morrin was born in the County of Two Mountains, Montreal, Canada. He came to Auckland with his brother, the late Mr Samuel Morrin, in 1865. They established the business of Messrs T & S Morrin and together conducted it until its formation into a limited company. Mr Samuel Morrin died in 1886. Mr Thomas Morrin was the successful contractor for the first Auckland waterworks. He was one of the founders of the Auckland Stud Company which was afterwards merged into the NZ Stud & Pedigree Stock Co, and conducted operations at Sylvia Park, Penrose, for many years. He was also one of the originators of the Auckland Tramways Co and a pioneer of the Thames goldfields, besides being one of the promoters of the Waihi mine. He was a great lover and breeder of purebred stock and was noted for his Shorthorn cattle, sheep, etc. whilst at his homestead, Wellington Park, he kept a famous stud of thoroughbred horses. The late Mr Thomas Morrin was one of the original members of the Auckland Racing Club and for some years was its chairman. At one time also he was a member of the Auckland Harbour Board. He returned to Canada in 1905. [AWN 02.12.1915]
Another of the fast diminishing band of pioneers of Onerahi has passed away, in the person of Mr William Munro. He was in his 54th year. Mr Munro died on Monday of last week, as the result of paralysis, by which he was attacked on the Friday previous. He was born at Ballarat, Australia and arrived in NZ as a boy with his soldier father, who fought through the Maori war. His early days were passed amid the troublous scenes of the Waikato campaign, when periodically, the women and children of the settlers were compelled to seek the refuge of military blockhouses under fear of Maori incursion. Twenty-five years ago he came to Onerahi, taking up land. He has resided there continuously during that period. Foremost always in all that affected the progress of the district, he was for years a member of the early School Board and acted as people�s trustee of the original public hall. Mr Munro leaves a widow and grown up family of three daughters and two sons and seven grandchildren. The interment took place on Wednesday in the Onerahi Cemetery, the cortege being one of the largest in the history of the township. The graveside service was conducted by the Rev H A Johnston. [AWN 30.12.1915]
MURPHY, Mrs Alice
Who died recently at the residence of her son, Mr A E Murphy, Owens Road, Epsom, was born at Catonui, Lancashire, in 1828. She arrived in the colony by the Royal Stewart in 1863 and subsequently went to live at Ruarangi in the Waipu district. Three years later she came to Auckland and lived here until the time of her death. Mr Murphy, who died seven years ago, was one of the founders of the Auckland branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners. The deceased leaves one daughter and three sons. [AWN 27.09.1917]
The death occurred at Christchurch on Friday of Dr H P Murray-Aynsley, aged 57. A few months ago he returned from Scotland where he had been practising for many years. [AWN 27.09.1917]
NESS, James
An old colonist, died at his late residence, 22 Tennyson St, Grey Lynn, last week. He was born in Edinburgh in 1832 and arrived in Auckland by the ship Siam about 50 years ago. He was a shipmate of the late Dr Wm Stockwell and for about 8 years was employed on that gentleman�s farm at Piha. For many years he carried on business as a shoemaker in Great North Road. Mr Ness is survived by a widow, four sons, three daughters, 26 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Six of the grandsons are on active service, one of whom, Trooper James Creighton STOW, was awarded a military medal for gallantry during the battle of Messines. [AWN 27.09.1917]
An old resident of the Waihi district, Mr John NEWTH, died on Sunday. He was a member of the first Waihi Borough Council, formed in 1902. Six years later he was elected Mayor, which office he held for four consecutive terms. He was for some years president of the Waihi Miners� Union, a member of the Waihi Hospital and Charitable Aid Board and chairman of the Waihi Schools Committee. Mr Newth succumbed to an attack of influenza. He is survived by Mrs Newth, four daughters and six sons. [AWN 05.12.1918]
Son of the late Hon. W K NICHOLLS, Paeroa, at Coromandel, on Thursday. [AWN 06.04.1916]
The death of Mrs Emma NICHOLSON, widow of the late Mr William Nicholson, which occurred on Thursday at her residence Pitt St, Auckland, removes yet another old colonist. She arrived in NZ with her husband, from California, 62 years ago and settled at Mangonui where Mr Nicholson engaged in farming. The family removed to Auckland 60 years ago and Mrs Nicholson resided in the house they originally occupied until her death at the age of 89. She is survived by eight children — four sons and four daughters — 23 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. Two daughters re unmarried and the other two are Mrs H Taylor of Wellington and Mrs W D Buttle of Mt Eden. The sons are Mr W F Nicholson of Mangawhare, Kaipara; Mr Charles Nicholson of Newton; Mr Oliver Nicholson of Auckland; Mr Alfred Nicholson of Wanganui. [AWN 15.08.1918]
NORTON, Dr Frederick
The death occurred last week, in his 71st year, of Dr Frederick Norton, at his late residence, Tainui Rd, Devonport. The deceased was born in Northampton and came to NZ in 1863 in the Helvellyn. He obtained a position in the Government service and in 1868 was appointed dispenser and house surgeon at the Auckland provincial hospital. The latter position he retained for nine years. Then he removed to Dargaville. He became chairman of the Dargaville Town Board, judge for the local racing club and chairman of the school committee. The deceased was a justice of the peace for very many years and he was one of the founders of the Masonic Lodge in Dargaville. He married a daughter of the Rev Thomas Brown Brady, Co. Clare, Ireland, and his widow survives him. He also leaves two sons and one daughter. [AWN 04.11.1915]
NORTON, Herbert H
Aged 52, died at his residence, Symonds Street, Auckland, on Thursday last, after a short illness. He was the eldest son of the late Mr James Norton of Sydney. He came to Auckland 15 years ago to take charge of the NZ interests of Enoch Taylor & Co. of Sydney, with which firm he was connected for 32 years. He was well known throughout the Dominion and is survived by a widow, three sons and three daughters. Of the sons, Private R H NORTON left with an early reinforcement, while Sergeant S H NORTON is serving with the Australian Forces and Mr L H NORTON left for Trentham last week. [AWN 05 .07.1917]
The death of Mr Alfred NOSWORTHY, father of Mr W Nosworthy, MP, occurred today in his 90th year. He was engaged in pastoral pursuits in Canterbury for many years and well known in the early days as a breeder and owner of race-horses. He bred a number of animal famous in the history of the turf of Canterbury, including �Lurline�. He was for several years manager of the Middle Park Stud Co. [AWN 30.05.1918]
Thames, a veteran of the Crimean War, including the battles of Alma, Inkerman, Balclutha and Sebastopol, died at New Plymouth last week aged 87. During that war he secured a medal for being the best rifle shot among the British troops. He also served in India after which he returned to England. He came to NZ about 1870 and later settled in Taranaki. [AWN 04.01.1917]
A well known resident of Auckland, Mr Denis O�DONOGHUE, died on Friday at the age of 67. He followed the profession of a school teacher and in this capacity held appointments at Waikaraka, Tuakau and Mt Roskill schools. He retired on superannuation from the service of the Auckland Education Board about six years ago. [AWN 05.07.1917]
O�LEARY, Mr James Edward
Who has died at the age of 68 years, was a well known and highly respected colonist. With his parents he landed at Russell in 1840 and during the Maori war they were driven from their homes and sheltered on the warship Calliope. They came to Auckland and Mr O�Leary�s father bought land. Mr O�Leary is survived by his sister, Mrs M J Gregory, Stanley Bay, and his only son, Mr James O�Leary, who is on active service. [AWN 20.07.1916]
O�NEIL, John Henry
Died Friday at Stanley Bay. Aged 64. Chairman, Waitemata County Council for a number of years. He was the eldest s/o Allan O�Neil, a prominent colonist in the early history of Auckland and was born at O�Neil�s Point, North Shore, Auckland. [AWN 15.07.1915]
The death of Mr E D O�RORKE, formerly of Auckland, who had resided in England for the last six years, is reported in a private telegram received in Christchurch on Thursday. A Press Association telegram states that death resulted from a fall from a horse. Mr O�Rorke, who was a native of Auckland, was the only son of the late Sir G Maurice O�Rorke. In his younger days he was a member of the clerical staff of the House of Representatives. Subsequent to his marriage to Miss Rhodes of Canterbury, he took up his residence in Christchurch for a few years. Afterwards Mr & Mrs O�Rorke went to England. They afterwards resided in Auckland for many years and returned to England in 1912 and resided there during the education at the University of Oxford of their two sons. During his residence in Auckland Mr O�Rorke took a close interest in all departments of sport. He was a keen follower of the chase and was prominently identified with the Pakuranga Hunt Club, of which he was master from 1902 until he left for England. He was a steward of the Auckland Racing Club and as a judge of thoroughbreds he was a well known figure at agricultural shows throughout the Dominion. When war broke out Mr O�Rorke offered his services to the military authorities and being an expert horseman his services were largely availed of in the selection and purchase of horses for the army, including officers� chargers, which he personally tested. One of his last services to his native province was the selection of the stallions Archiestown and Day Comet for the Auckland country clubs. A recent private letter indicated that he contemplated revisiting Auckland. Mr O�Rorke�s second son, Capt Dennis O�Rorke, MC, who enlisted in England on the outbreak of war, was killed in action in March last. The elder son, Maurice, who has been twice wounded, also enlisted early in the war and is in one of the Lancer regiments. [AWN 26.12.1918]
Whose death occurred on Sunday at her residence, Eldon Rd, Mt Eden, was the relict of the late Sir Samuel Osborne-Gibbes, Bart., who died at Whangarei about 30 years ago and mother of Sir Edward Osborne-Gibbes, late Secretary for Education, the present holder of the title. Lady Osborne-Gibbes, who was over 90 years of age, arrived in NZ with her husband at an early stage of the colony�s history and from the outset made her home in the Auckland provincial district. She was a woman of strong individuality and had a large circle of friends, among the old identities of the Dominion. Her family, besides Sir Edward, consists of Mr Phillip Osborne-Gibbes, now at the Gilbert Islands, and four daughters, all resident in NZ. [AWN 19.09.1918]