These dates are taken from: -
Cowan, J., The Maoris in the Great War: a history of the New Zealand native contingent and Pioneer Battalion: Gallipoli, 1915: France and Flanders, 1916-1918 (Auckland: Whitcombe & Tombs [for] Maori Regimental Committee, 1926)
Pugsley, Christopher., Te Hokowhitu a Tu: The Maori Pioneer Battalion in the First World War (Auckland: Reed 1995 and reprints)
and various newspapers from PapersPast
1914 | |
05 Aug | New Zealand time - Britain declares war on Germany. |
06 Aug | Telegrams received from Te Arawa, Ngati Apa and Ngati Kahungunu (Wairoa) wanting a Maori force go to the war |
01 Sep | "Native force should not take part in wars between the White Races" - speech in NZ Parliament |
16 Sep | NZ government received a reply from Britain that a Maori Contingent of 200 men should go to Egypt |
18 Sep | A recruiting Committee formed, consisting of Hon. Sir�James Carroll, Sir�Maui Pomare�(Western Maori), Hon.�A. T. Ngata�(Eastern Maori), Dr.�Peter H. Buck, (Maori name Te Rangihiroa �(Northern Maori)), and Taare Parata (Southern Maori). This committee allotts the proportions of the Contingent of 500 thus: Tai Tokerau (Northern District) 100 men; Tai Hauauru (Western Maori) 180; Tai-Rawhiti (East Coast) 180, and the Wai-Pounamu ("Waters of Greenstone"�the South Island) 40.� |
22 Sep | This is a notice that is desired that a Maori Contingent numbering 550 men should be sent to Samoa and Egypt. Wherefore, this is a call to the Maoris and their descendants in Aotearoa and Te Waipounamu to assist this call. Persons between the ages of 21 and 40 years will be selected. They should be men of good health, strong and upright and men who are unencumbered. It is hoped that the name of the Maori Race, though small, should be heard of in the midst of the many nations who uphold the sovereignty of King George the Fifth. It should be understood that the length of their service as soldiers will be the duration of the war. Signed James Carroll, Apirana Ngata, Taare Parata, Te Rangihiroa, Mauo Pomare. |
16 Oct | New Zealand Main Body departs from Wellington in 10 troopships. |
17 Oct | Maori recruits begin arriving at camp established at Avondale Racecourse, Auckland near the Auckland-Kaipara railway line. |
17 Oct | Recruits from Mangonui and Auckland arrive at Avondale |
19 Oct | 50 men arrive from the South Island and 36 from Hauraki and Ngati-Maniapoto at Avondale |
20 Oct | 92 recruits arrive at Avondale from Whanganui, Ngati-Apa (Manawatu), Ngati-Raukawa and Ngati-Toa (West Coast North Island) |
20 Oct | 90 recurits arrive at Avondale from Te Arawa, Ngati-Awa (Whakatane), Opotiki (Ngati-Whakatohea) East Coast as far as Tikirau (Tai-Rawhiti) |
21 Oct | Ngati-Porou arrive at Avondale (Maori from Gisborne to Waiapu) |
21 Oct | Hawkes Bay and North of Auckland Maori arrive at Avondale |
21 Oct | Sir James Carroll, Lady Carroll, Wi Pere and Taare Parata visit the Minister of Defence and ask him not to seperate the Maori but to send them to Egypt as one force |
22 Oct | Ngati-Kahungnu (from Wairoa) and Wairarapa arrive at Avondale |
23 Oct | Visit to Avondale Camp from Colonel Robin - Officer Commanding the Dominion Forces after the departure of General Godley |
24 Oct | Visit to Avondale Camp from Hon. James Allen, Minister of Defence |
28 Oct | British Government are again cabled that "Leading representatives of Maori race are very anxious that whole Native Contingent 500 strong should be sent to Egypt�" |
02 Nov | The Ottoman Empire enters the War. |
05 Nov | The British Empire, including New Zealand declare war on the Ottoman Empire |
06 Nov | The Maori Contingent divided into two companies |
A Company | |
Platoon 1 - Men from Tamaki to North Cape | |
Platoon 2 - Men from Tamaki to Parininihi, Hauraki, Maniapoto, Tuwharetoa, Tauranga | |
Platoon 3 - Men from Waitotara, Whanganui, Taihape to Palmerston North | |
Platoon 4 - Men from Horowhenua to Wellington and the South Island | |
B Company | |
Platoon 5 - Men from Te Arawa | |
Platoon 6 - Men from Te Awaateatua to Whangaparaoa, Waiapu | |
Platoon 7 - Men from Tolaga Bay to Gisborne to Paritu | |
Platoon 8 - Men from Te Mahia to Hawkes Bay and Wairarapa | |
The Maori Contingent is known as 'Te Hokowhitu a Tū' (the seventy twice-told warriors of the war god), signifying the 140 warriors of the war god, Tū-mata-uenga. The badge consists of two traditional Māori weapons, the taiaha and tewhatewha, crossed through a crown. | |
07 Nov | Cable received from England — It has been agreed that the whole of the Maori Contingent of 500 strong should go to Egypt |
17 Dec | Second visit to Avondale Camp by Hon. James Allen, Minister of Defence |
1915 | |
06 Jan | Soldiers entertain their relatives at the Avondale Camp |
10 Feb | The 1st Maori Contingent parade down Queen Street, Auckland to their transport HMNZT20 Warrimoo which is bound for Wellington |
12 Feb | HMNZT20 Warrimoo arrives at Wellington |
13 Feb | The men march from the wharves to Newtown Park, Wellington where they are farewelled along with European soldiers |
14 Feb | HMNZT20 Warrimoo left Wellington bound for Port Suez, Egypt. 15 officers and 494 rank & file (509) onboard. Also in the flotilla were HMNZT24 Maunganui, HMNZT18 Tahiti and HMNZT19 Aparima. |
06 Mar | Corporal Mikaera Te Moananui (16/477) dies on board the Warrimoo |
26 Mar | HMNZT20 arrives at Port Suez with 508 men of the 1st Maori Contingent on board - 1 had been left in hospital in Albany, Western Australia (Major Peacock), 1 had died at sea and 1 had been transferred from the Wellington Mounted Rifles 3rd Reinforcements. |
Upon arrival entrained to Cairo and marched out to Zeitoun Camp | |
03 Apr | Haka staged for the British High Commissioner to Egypt, Sir Henry McMahon |
Australia and New Zealand Army Corps, as part of the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force begin to leave for action on the Dardanelles (Gallipoli Peninsula). | |
05 Apr | The 1st Maori Contingent leave for Malta on board the Runic for training and to begin garrison duties at Ghain Tuffiah Camp, about 16 miles from Valetta |
09 Apr | The Narrow Neck Military Camp is established beside Fort Takapuna, Auckland under Major Peacock. The camp could train 400 men while Trentham Camp could train 14,000 and Featherston Camp, 7500. |
25 April | Australia and New Zealand Army Corps begin landing at what later became known as ANZAC Cove on the Gallipoli Peninsula |
30 Jun | The 1st Maori Contingent leave Malta for the Dardanelle Peninsula (via Alexandria). Also on board are the New Zealand Mounted Field Ambulance Detachment, the Australian Light Horse Field Ambulance, and 84 Royal Garrison Artillery |
01 Jul | The troopship enters Mudros Harbour, Lemnos Island |
02 July | The 1st Maori Contingent is transhipped to the Prince Abbas and sails for the Gallipoli Peninsula at 5 p.m. |
03 Jul | The 1st Maori Contingent lands at ANZAC Cove in the early hours of the morning. The contingent is 16 officers and 461 men - 30 men are in hospital in Egypt and Malta. The 1st Maori Contingent are used as 'pioneers' . In military terms, a �pioneer� is a soldier who is employed to perform engineering tasks such as field fortifications and general construction and building. Another word for pioneer is sapper. The 1st Contingent make their base at No 1 Outpost on North Beach, which soon becomes known as the Maori Pa. While at ANZAC the contingent completes the Great Sap, a communication trench 8 feet deep and wide enough or two stretchers side by side ... |
07 Jul | The first Maori Contingent casualty on Gallipoli Peninsula - Private Rangi Elers (16/206) is wounded in the shoulder by a shrapnel bullet while working in a sap on Walker's Ridge |
24 Jul | Captain Ennis, Dr. Buck and Padre Wainohu make their way to Walker's Top and then through the trenches to Courtney's Gully.�The Turkish trenches are around 15 yards away. |
Early Aug | The 1st Maori Contingent is divided into platoons among the regiments of the NZ Mounted Rifles |
6/7 Aug | Attempt made to capture Chunuk Bair |
7/8 Aug | Evening Post, Volume XC, Issue 154, 28 December 1915, Page 8 SOME BATTLE INCIDENTS — THE HILL 971 FIGHT� TWO FAVOURITES. All the Maoris pay high tribute to Surgeon-Captain Buck and the Rev. Wainohu. They say these two, were never absent from the Maoris in the firing line. They took all the risks the Maoris took. They tell the story of a wounded Yorkshire officer who, retiring wounded, in the dark came across an isolated impromptu hospital tent. He heard voices inside, but could not distinguish what was being said, and wondered for the moment if he had got inside the enemy's lines. But he saw the Red-Cross, and, entering, asked if they were Gurkhas. He found they were Captain Buck and the Maori chaplain, who had been conversing in their own language, and they dressed his wound� |
21 Aug | Battle of Hill 60 (Kaiajik Aghala) - orders are received for 100 men to report to the Canterbury and Otago Mounted Rifles, for an attack on the left front. |
24 Aug | The 1st Maori Contingent parade for the last time as a separate unit. The contingent is split among the four battalions of the NZ Infantry Brigades due to a lack of numbers in both Maori and Infantry battalions. |
29 Aug | New Zealand has control of Hill 60 |
17 Sep | New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 16025, 17 September 1915, Page 8 MAORI CONTINGENT. MEN GO SOUTH TO-DAY, AUCKLAND'S FAREWELL. GREY STATUE MEETING. The second Maori contingent will leave Auckland to-day for Wellington, and the public will have an opportunity of saying farewell to the troops at the Grey Statue at 2.15 p.m. The Maoris will leave their camp at Narrow Neck at one o'clock, and will embark at the Victoria Wharf, Devonport at 1.25 p.m., for Auckland. Upon arrival at The Ferries they will be met by the band of the 3rd, Auckland, Mounted Rifles, and the Garrison Artillery Band and will march up Queen Street to the Grey Statue. The two bands will amalgamate for the occasion, and will be under the baton of Lieutenant Cater bandmaster of the Garrison Artillery Band. A guard of honour will be drawn from the St. Stephen's School Cadets. War Dance by Native Women. Several addresses will be delivered at the statue, the speakers being the Mayor of Auckland, Mr. J. H. Gunson, the officer commanding the district, Colonel J. Hume, Messrs. J. S. Dickson, M.P., C H. Poole, M.P., and A. E. Glover, M.P. A party of women from the Arawa tribe headed by Bella Papakura, will greet the troops upon their arrival at the statue with the ancient Maori song and dance of welcome. Later, they will perform the traditional war dance, a feature of which is the invocation of the warriors with the words, "Ka mate ka mate," the interpretation of which is "Together we live." The Maoris will then reply with Ka ora kaora which means "Together we die." The women will be garbed in the old-time costumes and will wear flax pui puis and kiwi shoulder mats, while they will carry tawhiri twigs in their hands. The dances will be led by two men with taiahas. The people of Auckland will give the natives an enthusiastic reception, and the Mayor stated yesterday that he hoped a liberal display of bunting would be made from public buildings and business premises. In order that the proceedings may be carried out smoothly the military authorities trust that the public will refrain from breaking through the enclosure within which the troops will be assembled. Special Train for Wellington. The men will leave for Wellington by special train at four o'clock. The gates of the railway station will be locked at 3 p.m., and the general public will not be admitted to the platform until the men have stowed away their baggage. The contingent has been training at Narrow Neck for over two months, and during that time its members have gained by their conduct and demeanour, the respect of the community. Although it is recognised that the farewell to the contingent will be representative of the whole of Auckland, many people in Devonport have expressed a wish that there should be a more intimate leave-taking. Opportunity for the residents of the borough to extend their good wishes to the Maoris' will be given when the force assembles on the Victoria Wharf at 1 p.m. before crossing to the city. A brief address will be delivered to the men by the Mayor of the borough, Mr. A. M. Pickford. It is not anticipated that the third Maori contingent will be brought into camp before the middle of October. |
18 Sep | Otago Daily Times , Issue 16540, 13 November 1915, Page 11 - The first Maori to die in this country [England] was Tumai PENAMENE [Tamati Tumaru PENEAMENE (16/284), who was a patient at the Dudley Road section of the First Southern Military Hospital, Birmingham. He was buried last week at Lodge Hill Cemetery, with military honours. The High Commissioner for New Zealand sent a beautiful wreath, which was placed on the coffin, the latter being covered with the Union Jack. The Rev. W. W. Holdsworth, Wesleyan chaplain, officiated, and Mr M. Muir (late of Dunedin, a regular visitor to the New Zealand patients at the Birmingham a hospitals attended the funeral.- PENEAMENE, TAMATI TUMARU - Rank: Private Service No:16/284 Date of Death:18/09/1915 Age:33 Regiment/Service: New Zealand Pioneer Battalion Grave Reference: Screen Wall. B10. 608. Cemetery: BIRMINGHAM (LODGE HILL) CEMETERY Additional Information: Son of the late Maaka and Hokepa Peneamene, of Waihao New Zealand. |
19 Sep | The 2nd Maori Contingent sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT29 Waitemata for Egypt |
19 Sep | Maori hold a church service in the evening at ANZAC Cove |
03 Oct | Contingent break camp and go aboard mine-sweeper Partridgefor leave on Lemnos Island |
04 Oct | Arrive at Mudros, Lemnos Island.� Upon landing the Maori are broken up in to platoons and located with their previous regiments. They camp at Sarpi, 3� miles out from the port for returning to ANZAC Cove |
26 Oct | The 2nd Maori Contingent arrives at Suez, bringing 300 Maori reinforcements who then go into camp at Zeitoun. They are posted to the Otago Infantry Regiment |
15 Dec | Evacuation of the Gallipoli Peninsula begins. Of the Maori Contingent, 32 men had been killed in action and 18 died in hospital, 89 were wounded and 2 were missing. 16 were in hospital being evacuated earlier. |
27 Dec | Members of the Maori Contingent disembark at Alexandria from ANZAC Cove via Mudros. [Some, if not all were on board HMT Huntsgreen] |
MAORI CONTINGENT LETTER FROM LIEUT KAIPARA. HOW THE MAORIS ESCAPED FROSTBITE. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13935, 7 March 1916, Page 3 The many friends of Lieut. A. P. Kaipara, the well-known New Zealand footballer, will be pleased to learn that he has been able to resume duty after his severe illness. In a letter to Mr E. E. H. Hooper, he states - Just a few minutes before going on duty, I pen this short letter to acquaint you that I am back at duty. You have learnt from newspapers the general news of the part played in this great war by the Maori troops. I commence my letter from the date of evacuation of Gallipoli Peninsula by the Allied troops - after due consideration by Lord Kitchener and the report of General Sir Charles Monro to the British Cabinet to that end. The manoeuvre had to be carried-out secretly and in quick time. The military authorities estimated a loss of 7000 men in order to carry out evacuation successfully. However, as it is all over now, we are very fortunate in having a casualty list of five men killed only. Of course, it was a dangerous, and a huge undertaking, devolving on the shoulders of General Birdwood, the then Commander-in-Chief of the Gallipoli campaign. Each battalion was withdrawn without a hitch. It was a great undertaking. The Maoris, two officers, and 135 men returned as one body with the Otago Battalion to Mudros East; Lemnos Island, about 40 miles from Gallipoli Peninsula, where Lieut. J. C Tikao and I with 18 men, are to rejoin them for duty. The anxiety of gun and rifle fire were dispelled for a time, and the troops were quite cheerful and contented. They had quite a trying time for a duration of three weeks; under snow, sleet, and rain, with a moderate ration of three biscuits a day per man and one �bully� per three men. To prove the severity of the winter, 5000 cases of pakehas with frostbite� but not a single Maori suffered�were invalided back to Mudros Hospital, England, Alexandria, and Malta. It was a strange sight to see healthy and stout men bound up in bandages from head to foot. The Maoris, being sons of Nature, instinctively adapted themselves to circumstances. They were and are enjoying good health, they were the most cheerful unit that returned. They play Rugby (with a Soccer ball) and sing in their tents and on route marches. The undermentioned are the Gisborne boys who returned from Gallipoli during the evacuation: Second Lieut. E. R. Broughton (of Hawkes Bay), Sergts. Kahutia te Hau and Thomas Halbert, Lance-Sergt. Richard Hale (of Tolaga Bay), Corpls. Honeycombe, T P. Sidney, M. Heany, Wiremu Kingi and Wiremu Kouka, Privates Rawiri Grant, Karawia Kingi, Piana Pera, Hekiera Tantuhi, and Tihema te Puni (left at Lemnos in hospital with a bad eye). Please convey to the parents, guardians, and relatives of the killed and wounded, or those who have died from wounds or illness, my deepest sympathy. Of course Corporal T Carroll was killed a few days before the evacuation. My condolences to Sir James and Lady Carroll, as well as the Pohatus. Kei te ora matau enei moehu ate mataa. | |
1916 | |
04 Jan | Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 3, 4 January 1916, Page 8 - The following arrangements have been made by the High Commissioner's office for the care of sick and wounded Maori members of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force who may be in England:� When Maoris are in hospital they are visited by a sergeant attached to the Record Ofiice so that their requirements may be ascertained and comforts supplied. When they are discharged from hospital they are met at the railway stations in London and sent, in the majority of cases, to Mrs. Scott's house at Acton. Mrs. Scott is a half-caste Ngapuhi lady whose husband is in charge of a wireless telegraphy school, and she has a large house, which has been specially fitted up to receive Maori men as boarders. There is accommodation for twelve to fifteen members, and it is not thought likely that there will be a larger number of Maoris than this in London at one time. The Rev. Mr. FRAER and Captain TAHIWI, of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, visit them regularly, and Corporal WARBRICK, who is a quarter-caste Maori, and has been before a Medical Board and declared fit for light duty only has been appointed to the Record Office specially to keep in touch with all Maori men on furlough, and, as far as possible, to keep them from getting into difficulties. |
05 Feb | The 3rd Maori Contingent sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT44 Navua. Included are 50 men from the Cook Islands along with 153 Niueans, 15 Fijians, Gilbert and Ellis Islanders (now Kiribati), Tahitians and Western Samoans. |
20 Feb | The New Zealand Pioneer Battalion is formed from 1st and 2nd (and later 3rd) Maori Contingents and remaining men of Otago Mounted Rifles. The Otago men were as angry as Maori at losing their identity and fiercely resent becoming �pioneers�. A new badge is issued with the words NZ Pioneer. The Battalion is under Major General George Augustus King with Major Peter Buck as second-in-command. |
A Company - No 1 and 2 Platoons (Northland and Waikato Maori) | |
A Company - No 3 and 4 Platoons (7th Squadron Otago Mounted Rifles) | |
B Company - No 5 and 6 Platoons (North Island West Coast, Wanganui and Wellington Maori) | |
B Company - No 7 and 8 Platoons (5th Squadron Otago Mounted Rifles) | |
C Company - No 9 and 10 Platoons (Bay of Plenty, East Coast, Taupo and South Island Maori) | |
C Company - No 11 and 12 Platoons (12th Squadron Otago Mounted Rifles) | |
D Company - No 13 and 14 Platoons (Poverty Bay, Wairoa, Hawkes Bay and Wairarapa Maori) | |
D Company - No 15 and 16 Platoons (A mixture of NZ Mounted Rifles) | |
20 Feb | Colonist, Volume LVII, Issue 14171, 9 May 1916, Page 4. NEWS OF THE DAY. Writing from Egypt on February 20th to an East Coast resident, Chaplain-Captain Wepiha Wainohu, of the Maori Forces, says a divisional Rugby football competition was in full swing, and the Maoris were keeping their end up. - Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 13976, 26 April 1916, Page 4 - They [the Maori] treat route marches over the desert and divisional training as part of a huge game, and put their whole energy into it, and yet in returning to camp, are as happy as children, and indulge in sports with their pakeha comrades, and fairly relish chasing and kicking the football. The Y.M.C.A. for Egypt have erected several huge tents, and concerts are held nightly. There is also a divisional rugby football competition in full swing, and the Maoris keep their end up. By weekly matches are played on Wednesday and Saturday or Sunday, respectively and to-day our boys licked the New Zealand Engineers by 39 points to three. Last Sunday, they beat the Rifle Brigade by six points to nil. |
01 Mar | The New Zealand Division is formed from the New Zealand infantry component of the disbanded New Zealand and Australian Division together with reinforcements from New Zealand. It is commanded by Major General Andrew Hamilton Russell for the duration of the war |
15 Mar | Orders are received to pack up camp and move east of the Suez Canal |
16 Mar | The 3rd Maori Reinforcements arrive in Egypt. They are put into isolation camp due to measles on board |
21 Mar | Orders received for Battalion to return to Moascar. Camp is cleared up, all the other New Zealand infantry units were also moving. At 10 o'clock the Battalion, in hollow square, is inspected by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, and various other officers.� Haka by Ngati Porou |
07 Apr | Transport ship TS Menominee departs from Port Said with Battalion's transport and pack animals. Also on board are members of NZ Motor Ambulance Section Army Service Corp. |
09 Apr | Pioneer Battalion leaves for France from Port Said on board TS Canada. Also on board are 2nd Canterbury Infantry Battalion |
12 Apr | Gas masks issued to all those on board TS Canada |
14 Apr | Pioneer Battalion reach Marseilles, France from Port Said. The transport ship Menominee bringing the transport and pack animals had left Port Said before the Canada but had not yet arrived |
15/16 Apr | Pioneers travel by train from Marseilles to Steenbecque via Versailles and Abbeville. Camp established at Morbeque |
17 Apr | Orders received to move camp to Cercus with the remaineder of the Menominee detachment. Time is spent with route marches, bayonet fighting practice and platoon drill. Inoculations for paratyphoid are completed |
23 Apr | Lieutenant Maclean and 60 other ranks, march to La Motte, in the For�t de Nieppe, to start tree-felling under official forest control. |
30 Apr | A forestry competition is held at La Motte between the Maori bushmen and the French bucherons - a tree-chopping contest, six men a side. |
01 May | Pioneer Battalion moves on to Estaires, a march of 17�miles, by way of Morbecque, La Motte, and Neuf Berquin, and go into billets previously occupied by the Australians.� |
06 May | The 4th Maori Contingent [1st Platoon] sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT52 Mokoia |
15 May | Pioneers move into the combat zone at Armentieres in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of northern France. Here their job is digging trenches, laying railway tracks and plank roads and building casualty clearing posts and bunkers. Members of the battalion still die as the result of artillery and sniper fire. |
21 May | A wood-chopping competition is held in the Foret de Nieppe, between teams from the 3rd Canadian Division, two Australian Divisions and the New Zealand Division. |
30 May | The Nuie Islanders leave Armentieres for Etaples enroute for England and New Zealand. The Islanders find it too cold and most of them collapse on the first march on the paved road. Over time the other Pacific islanders - Tongans, Samoans, Fijians and Tahitians etc are gradually returned to New Zealand. The Rarotongans however serve in Sinai and the Palestine. |
16 Jun | Gas alarm at Armentieres but the Pioneers escape |
June | New Zealand Pioneer Battalion reorganises into A and C, the Maori companies and B and D, the European companies |
21 Jun | The 4th Maori Contingent arrive in Egypt [HMNZT52 Mokoia and/or HMNZT53 Navua]. |
26 Jun | The 4th Maori Contingent [2nd Platoon] sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT56 Maunganui and HMNZT57 Tahiti |
29 Jul | The 5th Maori Contingent sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT 60 Ulimaroa |
14 Aug | Battalion march to Steenwerck, six miles, and entrain for E'taple, where the Pioneers detrain and find billets waiting in a very clean little village, surrounded by rich farming land all in crop. Some days were spent here, a pleasant relief from the trench work under shell-fire.� |
19 Aug | Pioneers are the first unit of the New Zealand Division to move to the Somme. They are sent ahead to prepare for the arrival of the rest of the New Zealand Division and begin work on an eight-kilometre communications trench, known as 'Turk Lane' which led to the front line. |
19 Aug | The 7th Maori Reinforcements sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT61 Aparima. [Regimental number system 16/ no longer used] [There is no 6th Maori Contingent] |
22 Aug | The 4th Maori Contingent [2nd Platoon] arrive - HMNZT56 Maunganui at Plymouth and HMNZT57 Tahiti at Devonport |
25 Aug | Members of the Pioneers are used as the firing squad in the execution of Private Frank Hughes of the Canterbury Battalion. |
03 Sep | A, B, and C Companies each worked one shift on Turk Lane. D Company worked one shift on dug-outs for themselves on the ridge behind High Wood.� |
08 Sep | Reinforcements arrive in camp, including some Samoans |
09 Sep | All the companies are engaged in cleaning up and "duck-walking" Turk Lane, which is now fit for traffic from Montauban Alley to Black Watch Trench, and duckwalks have been constructed to the bottom of Devil's Valley, the junction of Turk and St. George Lanes. |
11 Sep | Battalion digs in east of Pommiers Redoubt, so as to be nearer the work on Turk Lane� |
15 Sep | Battle of Flers-Courcelette [The Battle of Bezantin Ridge]. Tanks are used for the first time |
16 Sep | Turk Lane' is completed- this trench along with its companion, 'Fish Alley', is part of a two-metre-deep artery that gives men moving to and from the front line a degree of cover. |
25 Sep | The 8th Maori Reinforcements sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT65 Pakeha |
25/26 Sep | Lieut. Stainton's party from A Company, complete their digging task to Factory Corner, a standard-size trench 160 yards long. C Company, under Lieut. Dansey, dig 650 yards northwards and join the North Road up with the outpost line. D Company, under Captain Gibbs, dig in 500 yards of standard-size along Abbey Road connecting up the outpost line on Ridge. |
29 Sep | The 5th Maori Contingent arrive at Devonport, England on board HMNZT 60 Ulimaroa |
03 Oct | Battalion shifts camp�via�Pommiers Redoubt to a site near its first camp at the cross-roads near Fricourt. |
05 Oct | Battalion moves to a reserve camp at Fontaine-sur-Somme |
11 Oct | The 9th Maori Reinforcements sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT67 Tofua |
11 Oct | After a rest of several days at Fontainesur-Somme, the Battalion with transport entraine at Longpre for Caestre (west of Armentieres), and from there the men go on by motor lorries to Neuf Berquin.� |
25 Oct | The 7th Maori Reinforcements arrive at Devonport. |
31 Oct | Medal decoration day. General Godley with William Massey, Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Sir Joseph Ward, inspect the Pioneers |
15 Nov | The 10th Maori Reinforcements sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT69 Tahiti |
16 Nov | The 11th Maori Reinforcements (Rarotongans) sail from New Zealand on board Manuka (No HMNZT number designated). Transhipped at Sydney to RMS Malwa |
19 Nov | The 8th Maori Reinforcements arrive at Devonport, England on board HMNZT65 Pakeha |
25 Dec | Christmas dinner consisting chiefly of pigs and fowls bought locally are steam-cooked in�a hangi |
28 Dec | The 9th Maori Reinforcements arrive at Plymouth, England on board HMNZT67 Tofua |
1917 | |
New Zealand Pioneer Battalion is reorganised into A, C and D the Maori companies and B, the European company | |
A Company - Ngapuhi and the South Islanders (Ngai-Tahu) | |
C Company - Bay of Plenty Maoris,�Ngati-Porou, Hawke's Bay and Wairarapa | |
D Company - Arawa, Waikato, Wellington, West Coast, Whanganui, and Taranaki men | |
02 Jan | The 12th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board the HMNZT73 Opawa. Some on board were off loaded at Cape Town, South Africa and camped at Simons Town. They were then transferred to RMS Walmer Castle at Cape Town on 24th February. They disembarked at Devonport on 27 March 1917. |
19 Jan | The 13th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board the HMNZT75 Waitemata |
24 Jan | The 11th Maori Reinforcements (Rarotongans)arrive Egypt on board RMS Malwa |
29 Jan | The 10th Maori Reinforcements arrive Devonport, England on board HMNZT69 Tahiti |
06 Feb | Twenty cases of toheroa�arrive from New Zealand |
16 Feb | The 14th Reinforcements New Zealand Pioneer Battalion depart Wellington on board HMNZT76 Aparima |
19 Feb | D Company march out from camp for the Oosthove Farm, Belgium, to relieve A Coy., 25th Div. Pioneers |
22 Feb | C Company march over and relieve C Company of the 6th (Pioneer) Battalion The South Wales Borderers |
27 Mar | The 12th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive London on board the HMNZT73 Opawa. Some on board RMS Walmer Castle arrive Devonport |
27 Mar | The 13th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive Plymouth on board the HMNZT73 Waitemata |
03 Apr | The 15th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT80 Corinthic |
26 Apr | The 16th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT82 Pakeha |
26 Apr | The 17th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT84 Turakina |
02 May | The 14th Reinforcements New Zealand Pioneer Battalion arrive Plymouth, England board HMNZT76 Aparima |
07 Jun | New Zealand attack on the town of Messines. The Pioneers link the newly captured Messine Ridge to the existing front line by digging communication trenches and also extend the light railway lines on to the new position. |
10 Jun | The 15th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive Devonport on board the HMNZT80 Corinthic |
12 Jun | The 18th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT86 Maunganui |
12 Jun | Battalion moves to Nieppe Chateau |
26 Jun | Conscription under the Military Service Act of 1916 extended to include Maori |
29 Jun | Battalion pulled out of line to rest at Vieus Berquin |
03 - 13 Jul | The Pioneers along with the 3rd NZ Rifle Brigade are attached to the First French Army to assist in digging in positions and telephone cabless |
14 Jul | Pioneers marched out to Eecke |
15 Jul | The march is resumed to Vieux Berquin, in the New Zealand Divisional area - a six-mile march at the usual pace, three miles an hour |
16 Jul | The 19th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT88 Athenic |
19 Jul | Battalion march out for Le Seule - camp is made at Leeuwert Farm. All hands practise gas-helmet drill daily |
20 Jul | The 17th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive at Plymouth, England on board HMNZT84 Turakina |
26 Jul | The 20th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT90 Ulimaroa |
28 Jul | The 16th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive at Devonport, England on board HMNZT82 Pakeha |
03 Aug | Pioneer Battalion constructs wire entanglements in front of the posts from Le Rossignol-Warneton Road to the River Lys, east of La Bassevill |
15 Aug | The 18th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive in the United Kingdom on board HMNZT86 Maunganui |
15 Aug | The 21st Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT92 Ruahine |
26 Aug | Battalion moves from Leeuwerck Farm to Tahuna Camp, D Company, owing to lack of accommodation, remains temporarily at Leeuwerck�Farm. |
Work concentrated on trench tramways | |
01 Sep | Pioneer battalion becomes a full Maori unit again known as the New Zealand Pioneer (Maori) Battalion. The original badge is re-instated. Commanding officer is Lieutenant-Colonel C G Saxby |
Badge-swapping becomes a craze and men are warned that on no account are they to part with their badges and any man found without the badges will be charged under Section 24 [2] of the Army Act and ordered to suffer stoppage of pay to replace the badges at the rate of 5/- per set in addition to such other punishment as may be deemed necessary. [Five shillings was a day's pay] | |
01 Sep | Battalion moves to Bournoville - there for several days the Battalion put in five hours a day in squad, platoon, company and battalion drill. |
14 Sep | The New Zealand Pioneer (Maori) Battalion parade before Commander-in-Chief Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig |
16 Sep | The 19th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive Liverpool on board HMNZT88 Athenic |
24 Sep | The 20th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive at Plymouth, England on board HMNZT90 Ulimaroa |
26 Sep | The Battalion arrive at Hazebrouck after a 25-miles march from Harletts, with all transport. A spell of a day there and then a move on to Watou No. 3 Area. � |
28 Sep | The Battalion arrive in Ypres |
02 Oct | The 21st Reinforcements NZ Pioneer Battalion arrive in Glasgow on board HMNZT92 Ruahine |
October | The battle for the Passchendael Ridge in the mud of the Gravenstafel swamp and below Belle Vue Spur. |
04 October - Third Battle of Ypres - Gravenstafel Spur | |
12 October - Disastrous attack on Belle Vue Spur, Passchendale. Over 3700 NZ casualties | |
13 Oct | The 22nd Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT93 Corinthic |
14 Oct | Burial of Lieutenant-Colonel G A King who was killed at Belle Vue Spur, Passchendaele on the 12 October |
21 Oct | Battalion moves on by 'bus to billets at Bournonville, where training and musketry are carried on |
06 - 07 Nov | New Zealand Pioneer Grand National Steeplechase held at Bournonville |
12 Nov | Battalion move to Dickebusch, a two-days' journey on foot and in train. |
22 Nov | The 23rd and 24th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT95 Willochra |
08 Dec | The 22nd Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive in Liverpool on board HMNZT93 Corinthic |
December | Battalion headquarters, A Company and one platoon of B Company move to new billets in Ypres. The remainder of B Company move into new billets in Ypres, and D Company return to their work on Westhoek Road. |
25 Dec | Pork and potatoes cooked in a hangi. The 20th Reinforcements arrive in camp |
31 Dec | The 25th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT99 Athenic |
The total strength of the Battalion in the field at the end of 1917 is 928 , consisting of 29 officers and 899 other ranks. A Company numbered 196, B Company 203, C Company 182, and D Company 236; transport 66. In addition there were are 50 men at Etaples ready to come forward, a further contingent at Sling Camp, and 15 N.C.O.'s at the O.T.C. (Officer Training Corps) | |
1918 | |
A Company�Revetting and building up the "P. and O." communication trench. | |
B Company�Construction of light railway to Crucifix | |
C Company�Working with B Company and salvaging material; constructing Wattle Spur Line; doubling plank road from Westhoek to Divisional boundary; building Y.M.C.A. hut at Lille Gate. | |
Each Company works three platoons a day, Sundays included. This scheme works well and insures continuity of work. The ground is frozen hard. | |
07 Jan | The 23rd and 24th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive Liverpool on board HMNZT95 Willochra |
14 Jan | The Rarotongans and other Pacific Islanders (50) leave to join Rarotongan Company in Egypt |
17 Jan | Major�Peter Buck�leaves the Battalion on transfer to the New Zealand Medical Corps |
February | Four members of the Pioneers are selected for divisional rugby trals. B Geary is selected to play against a French Army team. |
08 Feb | The 26th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT100 Ulimaroa |
25 Feb | The 25th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive Glasgow on board HMNZT99 Athenic |
March | Spent in Ypres area carrying on the trench and wire work, wiring south of the Menin Road and strengthening the Frezenberg Post. |
03 Mar | The 27th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT101 Tofua. By this time 2740 men had departed from Narrow Neck Camp including Maori, Pacific Islanders and some from tunnelling reinforcements |
21 Mar | News came through of the German offensive in the Cambrai area |
22 Mar | Battalion moves to a camp near Ouderdom after three months in Ypres |
26 Mar | Battalion arrives at Amiens, Somme. After a meal the men left by motor lorry for Pont Noyelles, thence on foot to Hedauville, where they spend a very cold night. |
27 Mar | Battalion move from Hedauville to Bertrancourt and then to Sailly au Bois.� |
29 Mar | The 26th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive Liverpool on board HMNZT100 Ulimaroa |
02 Apr | Battalion move to Bertrancourt |
06 Apr | Battalion located at La Signay Farm, France. C Company and two platoons D Company, dig platoon posts to command the Hedauville Valley in case the right flank Division gives way. A, B, and C Companies then concentrate on wiring until the 20th. |
08 Apr | The 27th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive England on board HMNZT101 Tofua via stopovers at Suez, Marseilles and Le Havre |
23 Apr | The 28th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT102 Willochra |
25 Apr | Handing over the of Mailly Maillet sector and taking over the Hebuterne part |
May | In New Zealand the first of three ballots under the Military Service Act are held. In the three ballots up to 17 August 1918 479 names are drawn but only 136 are deemed fit |
09 May | The 29th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT103 Maunganui |
07 Jun | The New Zealand Division is relieved by the British 42nd Division, and the Northumberland Fusiliers (Pioneers) take over the Maoris' work and camp. The NZ Battalion then takes over the camp at Coigneux, vacated by the relief. A good deal of work is done here when orders are received to shift to a camping area nearer Souastre. |
13 Jun | The 30th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT106 Athenic |
21 Jun | Battalion is on the move again, and spend the rest of the month in an excellent camp at Bois de Warinmort.� |
24 Jun | The 29th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive Liverpool on board HMNZT103 Maunganui |
30 Jun | William Massey (Prime Minister of New Zealand) and Sir Joseph Ward inspect the Pioneers at Bois de Warnimont |
18 Jul | The 28th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive Southampton after being transhipped aboard line RMS Ormonde - Suez to Taranto then Duchess of Argyle - Taranto to Southampton |
28 Jul | Battalion located at Gommecourt, France |
11 Aug | An officer and 150 men of the United States Army Pioneers are attached to the New Zealanders for duty. |
17 Aug | The 31st Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT110 Ruahine |
25 Aug | Orders received to move forward to Achiet-Le Petit. Late at night further orders alter this to Irles. |
30 Aug | Battalion moves forward to Grevillers, transport duty remains at Irles. |
31 Aug | The 30th Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive at Liverpool on board HMNZT106 Athenic |
04 Sep | Battalion moves to Haplincourt. Pioneers begin a defensive line of trenches on the ridges east of Barastre and Haplincourt. |
14 Sep | Division is relieved by the 5th Division, and the Pioneers of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders took over from the Maoris, who shift back from their comparatively comfortable dug-outs to a particularly dirty camp at Sapignies. A Company went into rather better billets at Fremicourt. |
A, B and C Companies are all under strength and D Company well over strength so the Ngati-Maniapoto and Waikato men are transferred to C Company and the�Ngati-Raukawa�to B Company, making the four companies fairly equal. | |
29 Sep - 05 Oct | New Zealanders help break through the Hindenburg Line. The Battalion is for the most part engaged on road work and bridge approaches. On the New Zealand Division taking Welsh Ridge and Bonavis Ridge, the Battalion goes forward to Trescault, then to Welsh Ridge, there the Maoris were employed on the repair of roads leading to Crevecoeur and Les Rues des Vignes, and the preparation of bridge approaches thereabouts. |
October | There are 226 cases of influenza at Narrowneck Camp, Auckland. Ultimately 21 die either in the camp or in the nearby barracks.� |
03 Oct | The 32nd Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion sail from New Zealand on board HMNZT111 Matatua |
09 Oct | Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume IX, Issue 16, 9 October 1918, Page 126 LETTER FROM PRINCIPAL CHAPLAIN BURTON At Boscombe there was a crying need for a hut for the use of the Maoris of the Pioneer Battalion stationed there. This has been supplied by the Army. I have not yet seen the hut; but Padre Wainohu tells me it is filling a great need and is an immense asset to the work amongst the Maoris. In this connection I should like to mention that the Church Army have printed for us a Service Book with hymns in Maori, for the use of the Maori troops. These books are being used both in England and with the Battalion in France. Before this book was issued, there was no satisfactory Maori Prayer Book. The present book was compiled by Padres Wainohu and Hakiwai, and, as I have said, printed by the Church Army. |
11 Oct | New Zealand Division is relieved by the British 42nd Division, and go into reserve for ten days at Beauvois and�Fontaine. The Pioneers move from Esnes to Beauvois, where the Maoris all found billets in houses. |
14 Oct | Inspection of the New Zealand Division by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.� |
20 Oct | Battalion move on to Viesly, where most of the men are billeted in the village.� |
29 Oct | The 31st Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive in London on board HMNZT110 Ruahine |
04 Nov | New Zealanders surround and capture the village of Le Quesnoy. The Union Jack that flies from the town hall has been consecrated and presented to the New Zealand (Maori) Pioneer Battalion by the Māori schoolchildren of Otaki and Levin. |
04 Nov | Battalion moves up to Beaudignies, where with the exception of the transport, camp on the out-skirts. |
05 Nov | Battalion moves forward from Beaudignies to billets in Le Quesnoy.� |
Battalion gets to the Foret de Mormal and nearly on the line of the River Sambre. On the night of the 5th-6th, they are relieved by the British 42nd Division. | |
11 Nov | The Armistice for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front takes effect at 11am. |
15 Nov | Road repairing ends. |
23 Nov | Battalion moves to Bevillers - mornings spent in route marching and ceremonial drill, with a little physical training and bayonet exercise. Afternoons devoted to recreational training, in the form of inter-platoon football matches, cross-country runs, and wood-chopping competitions. |
26 Nov | First round of the New Zealand Inter-Battalion Rugby football matches played - the Pioneers beat 1st Auckland by 27 points to 3. |
27 Nov | Orders received to move to Viesly, but at the last minute these are cancelled and the Maoris are told to hold themselves in readiness to march to Germany. |
28 Nov | March begins - Bevillers to Solesmes |
29 Nov | Solesmes to Artres |
30 Nov | Heau-sur-Hon, near Tasnieres, a long day's tramp, broken near Wargnies for midday meal and rest.� |
03 Dec | Tasnieres to Roncq, on the Sambre, about four kilometres from Maubeuge.� |
04 Dec | Roncq �via�Jeumont and Sol-sur-Sambre to Merbes-le-Chateau, Belgium.� |
05 Dec | Gozee is reached |
05 Dec | The 32nd Reinforcements NZ Pioneer (Maori) Battalion arrive in London on board HMNZT111 Matatua |
07 Dec | Couillet, one of the suburbs of Charleroi, iss reached. Billeted by locals |
08 Dec | Jemeppe-sur-Sambre |
09 Dec | St. Servais, a suburb of Namur |
12 Dec | Couthiun reached - headquarters billeted at Chateau d'Envoz |
13 Dec | Marlborough Express, Volume LII, Issue 303, 13 December 1918, Page 2 N.Z. ARMY AT HOME. THE ENGINERS AND MAORIS. IN THE SUNNY SOUTH AND BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS. On the banks of the Stour, between the old towns of Christchurch and Boscombe, and about three miles distant from the great seaside resort of Bournemouth, is the camp where our Engineers, Tunnellers, and Maoris receive their training in England� THE MAORIS. At present two battalions of Maoris are quartered here. Captain Tahiwi is in command of them, but is responsible to Major Barclay. General Richardson's idea in sending the Maoris here instead of to Sling is to give them the advantage of the best climate in Britain. They are well under control and very popular with everybody, especially in billets, while their behaviour has been exemplary. The Rev. Wainohu exercises a good influence over them. It is surprising how they are in demand at private houses, where you will find them on the best of terms with everybody, and usually entertaining the company with popular songs and choruses for there are very few of them who cannot play the piano, either from music or by ear. At work they "enthuse" and soon master the pioneering course. All sick men are sent to Brockenhurst, which is only a few miles away, but slight cases are retained in camp by the Medical Officer for observation. Dental Officers visit the place as they are required� |
16 Dec | At Amay, a football match is played between the officers and the other ranks, resulting in a win for the men, by 9 points to 7 |
17 Dec | Angleur, a suburb of�Liege |
18 Dec | Moves to Pepinster |
19 Dec | Stembert� |
20 Dec | The battalion reaches Herbesthal over the German frontier where they are to entrain for Ehrenfeld, a suburb of Cologne. Battalion is to move into Germany in three groups |
20 Dec | British inform the Maori that they are to go back to England via Dunkirk |
24 Dec | Leave Stembert and march to Verviers |
25 Dec | Xmas Day - spent in a train going through Tournai, Lille, Armentieres and Hazebrouck |
26 Dec | Arrive Dunkirk. Over 60 men in hospital, most with influenza |
28 Dec | Pioneers O.C., Lieut.-Col. Saxby, D.S.O., dies in London of pneumonia |
1919 | |
03 Jan | Embark for England from Dunkirk on board SS St George for Southampton - train to Amesbury |
04 Jan | March in to No 5 Camp Larkhill, Salisbury Plains, Wiltshire |
12 Jan | First batch of 400 men leave on 14 days leave. The rest leave in parties between then and end of the month |
11 Feb | The Battalion parades and the G.O.C. presents decorations for gallantry in the field |
February | Sling Camp, Salisbury Plains, Wiltshire - A party of about 20 to 30 Maoris steal a 36 gallon cask of Ale from a British Battalion Line and are seen 'rolling it towards Amesbury Road.' |
Battalion football team plays three matches. The first against the Royal Naval Depot at Devonport, the Maoris win by 6 points to 3. The second match at at Swansea against Swansea is won by the Battalion, 9 points to nil. The last match, played against Llanelly, is won by the Welshmen 6 points to nil. | |
25 Feb | Final inspection of Battalion by the G.O.C |
28 Feb | Entrain at Amesbury for Liverpool - ship boarded late afternoon |
28 Feb | SS Westmoreland sailed from Liverpool via Panama Canal to Auckland |
04 April | Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14883, 10 April 1919, Page 4 The great respect which the Maori Pioneer Battalion entertained towards the Y.M.C.A. was demonstrated by a function which took place on the transport Westmoreland, a day or two before the vessel arrived at Auckland. An illuminated address, signed by every member of the Battalion aboard the transport, together with a gold watch, was presented to Mr. Baumgart, the Y.M.C.A. representative, who had been with the Maori soldiers since March, 1918. Many of the Maori boys are members of the Y.M.C.A., and enjoyed the privileges of the organisation, which commanded their very highest respect. Speaking of the work of the Y.M.C.A. in the field, Captain Broughton, an officer of the Battalion, stated that nothing too high could be said in praise of the services the Red Triangle organisation had rendered the Maori soldiers. The boys would do anything for the Y.M.C.A., and he only trusted that the good work would be continued amongst the men when they settled down in civilian life. Y.M.C.A. institutions could be made a social centre to occupy the interest of the Maori boys and keep them from the haunts of the billiard saloons and the hotels. |
05 Apr | Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 165, 7 April 1919 [Monday], Page 11 WESTMORELAND AT AUCKLAND. At 7 p.m. on Saturday [5th] the Federal-Shire steamer Westmoreland arrived at Auckland from Liverpool with the Maori Battalion on board. Cargo will be put out at Auckland, the only port of call of the Westmoreland in New Zealand, and she will then proceed to Sydney. |
06 Apr | The Maori Battalion march through Auckland to the Domain where A LARGE HUI is held. AUCKLAND MEN ON BOARD WESTMORELAND - Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 75, 28 March 1919, Page 6 TARANAKI MEN ON BOARD WESTMORELAND - Taranaki Daily News , 31 March 1919, Page 6 WANGANUI MEN ON BOARD WESTMORELAND - Wanganui Chronicle, Volume LXVI, Issue 17534, 29 March 1919, Page 5 HOROWHENUA MEN ON BOARD WESTMORELAND - Horowhenua Chronicle , 29 March 1919, Page 2 BAY OF PLENTY MEN ON BOARD WESTMORELAND - Te Puke Times, 4 April 1919, Page 2 GISBORNE AND EAST COAST MEN ON BOARD THE WESTMORELAND - and descrption of Welcome Home. Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 165, 7 April 1919 [Monday], Page 11 THE MAPOURIKA. Carrying returning troops of the Maori Battalion, ex the Westmoreland at Auckland, the Mapourika was to have left the northern port yesterday for Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington. She will arrive here about Thursday, but will not load immediately for the north. In her place the Union Company will substitute the Kakapo and she will receive local cargo for Auckland, sailing direct sometime this week. The movements of the Mapourika after her return to Wellington have not been decided |
19 Jun | Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XLVI, Issue 14940, 19 June 1919, Page 3 MAORI PIONEER TEAM. The Maori Pioneer football team arrived by the Arahura this morning from Napier, and play on Saturday against a team representing Poverty Bay. Captain J. H. Hall is in charge of the team, and is manager also. They played a match at Napier on Saturday last, and won by 25 points to 10. The members comprise no less than six decorated men, one of whom, Capt. Vercoe, has a double decoration � the D.S.M. and D.S.O. The other decorated men include Rogers, Rotoatara, Barclay (2), and Gardiner. All are returned men with a lengthy period of service to their credit, and comprise: Captain J. H. Hall (capt)., Captain Vercoe, Lieutenants J. Ormond, Barclay,. Ahana, Apanui, Jacob, G. Gardiner, Wilkinson, Rotoatara, Amohangaha, and Rogers, Sergeants Carroll, Barclay, Mopu, Teurupu, and Rogers, Corporals Edwards, Hingston, Pirihi, and Private Kingston. |
28 Jun | Treaty of Versailles is signed |