These are inquests and newspaper reports that I have been sent for various drownings. They are not in any particular order so you may like to use Ctl+F to search. Thanks to Bill Martin for many of these.
WASHED ASHORE. NEW PLYMOUTH YACHT. NO TRACE OF OCCUPANTS. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM) NELSON, March 12. The police found the wreckage of an upturned boat on the coast, two miles from Cable Bay. Heavy seas had smashed the small craft almost to matchwood. There appears to be no doubt that the vessel is the small craft from New Plymouth. The planks are greenish. A lawn mower, used as an anchor, was found among the wreckage. There is no trace of the bodies of the two occupants, S. J. H. Sylvester and H. C. R. Hudson. Mr Samuel John Holden SYLVESTER was, up to the end of last year, one of the most popular lecturers at Canterbury College. His home was at Tangitere, Hawke's Bay, and he was educated at Wanganui College. Mr Sylvester entered the University at Christchurch after a successful school career, and began his studies for a degree in engineering. During the war he enlisted, and went to England with the Expeditionary Forces. On his return he decided to devote his attention to geology, a branch of science in which he had always been intensely interested. He graduated B.Sc. in 1926, and for several years acted as student lecturer in geology. For the last two years Mr Sylvester has held the position of assistant lecturer to Professor R. Speight. As a teacher he was very successful, and his activities on the practical side of geology were of great value to his students. Active and energetic, Mr Sylvester was very enthusiastic, and the camps and tramps which he organised in connection with his work were exceedingly popular among those studying geology. An indefatigable walker and mountaineer, he made the practical expeditions as enjoyable and interesting as they were instructive. He was adventurous, and daring, and made light of risks and danger. Mr Sylvester came of a very distinguished family on his mother's side, one of the most famous of his ancestors being the Burton who wrote the "Anatomy of Melancholy.� Mr Hubert Cyril Rollo HUDSON, a resident of Eltham, was educated at New Plymouth High School and Wanganui Technical College. He came to Canterbury College in 1929, armed with an engineering scholarship, and began a very successful course for his B.E. degree. Last year he obtained the Exhibition Engineering Scholarship. A keen student, Mr Hudson was brilliant in those subjects leaning to the electrical side of engineering. He was a good boxer, and represented Canterbury College at the tournament in Auckland in 1930 being unlucky in a good bout. Long distance running, was another of his sports. Mr Hudson was a very popular member of the College, and possessed an attractive, cheerful disposition, which won him many friends. His interest in boating was a favourite topic of his and it is almost certain that he had such an adventurous trip on his mind for quite a long time. PRESS, VOLUME LXVII, ISSUE 20185, 13 MARCH 1931
We regret to learn of the death by drowning on Wednesday week, of Mr David HUNTER, contractor for the Waitaki Bridge, who, it appears, while employed in supervising the progress of the work, accidentally slipped from a platform or gangway into the swift flowing river. Mr Hunter was one of the oldest and beat known contractors in Otago, and we believe had no equal in the Colony as a practical worker in stone, as evidenced by the First Church, Dunedin, and the University or new Post Office, both of which were executed by him. The deceased was a comparatively young man, and possessed many qualities specially fitting him for the execution and management of large undertakings in the building trade, or other large public Works.LAKE COUNTY PRESS, VOLUME IV, ISSUE 171, 11 SEPTEMBER 1874
An Inquest was held at Patchett's Royal Oak Hotel [Arrowtown] on Saturday last touching the death of the lad Thomas TOBIN, who was drowned in Walkers dam, Whitechapel Flat, on Friday, 26th ult. A jury having been sworn, Mr Pritchard was chosen foreman. Denis Fox, being called - I am a draper; I reside with Mrs Tobin; she is my aunt...LAKE COUNTY PRESS, VOLUME I, ISSUE 10, 2 FEBRUARY 1883
The body of the girl Mary TOBIN, who was drowned in the Arrow river about nine days ago, was found in the Kawarau river, below the Bannockburn junction. On Wednesday, Sergt. Brown received a telegram about the discovery from police at Cromwell. The mother and brother of deceased went down to Cromwell on Wednesday. An inquest was to have been held yesterday, when no doubt a verdict of found drowned was returned. It is intended to bury the body at Cromwell. LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, ISSUE 1524, 26 MARCH 1886
The tunnel race taken through the rock for a distance of 200 ft at the Londonderry claim by the Skippers Sluicing Company near Skippers Point [Arrowtown], discharging into the Shotover River, got blocked last night by a fall. Three men � James SCOTT (manager), Martin TOBIN, and William LOW were busy removing the obstruction in the tunnel, when the whole mass of tailings and the dead water standing in the paddock (the race water having been turned off) broke away, overwhelming the three men. Scott was carried down the tunnel, and shot out into the Shotover. The other two men were buried in the mass of water and tailings and were smothered. Martin TOBIN was about 33 years. He was married, and leaves a widow and three children and a widowed mother. Mr SCOTT was the manager of the claim. He was a competent miner, and was very popular with all who knew him. He had the full confidence of the board of directors. Willism LOW was an elderly man, well known in the district, and, with Tobin had been for some time in the employ of the company. The bodies of Tobin and Low were recovered, but not that of Scott. OTAGO WITNESS, VOLUME 14, ISSUE 2435, 14 NOVEMBER 1900
The body of Anthony GRAETZ,a German, was found floating in the lake early on Wednesday morning last between the breakwater and "Rotten Row." [Queenstown] The police were immediately aquainted of the finding of the body and it was subsequently removed to a building close by pending an enquiry. The deceased was last seen on the evening of the 8th January, after returning from Closeburn Station. He appeared to have been drinking and seemed somewhat melancholy. An inquest was held before Coroner Hotop, but no evidence was forthcoming that would throw any light upon the fatality. A verdict of "Found drowned" was brought in. Deceased was a widower with three grown-up daughters, two of whom were married. He was 65 years of age and a native of Danzig, Prussia. Deceased was employed in various ways on Closeburn and Walter Peak Stations, and was much respected. The remains were interred in the local cemetery on the same day as the body was found.LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, ISSUE 3063, 27 JANUARY 1914
DROWNING ACCIDENTS. Dunedin, Monday. At Arrowtown yesterday the body of Michael Joseph CALLAGHAN was found in the Cardrona River. The deceased was teacher of the Catholic School at Arrowtown. NEW ZEALAND HERALD, VOLUME XXV, ISSUE 9168, 25 SEPTEMBER 1888
THE LATE ACCIDENT ON THE LAKE. INQUEST ON THE BODY. An inquest on the body of a man, named Joseph CROUCHER, who it may be remembered, fell overboard from the "Wakatip" steamer about a fortnight ago, but whose remains were not recovered till Wednesday last, was held in Bracken's Hotel [Queenstown], at 12 o'clock on the same day...LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, VOLUME I, ISSUE 1, 2 MAY 1863
Patrick GLEESON, a miner on the Shotover, was drowned on Wednesday in attempting to cross that river, near the Ferry, on his way from Queenstown to the Arrow. The unfortunate man's horse missed its footing, and to all appearance fell on his rider, as he never rose to the surface, but was carried down the stream. The body was recovered on the sand-bank, close to the junction of the Kawarau, but life had been some time extinct. An inquest was held yesterday, when a verdict was returned to the effect " that the deceased, Patrick Gleeson, was accidentally drowned while attempting to cross the Shotover River, while in a flooded state, on Wednesday, 8th July, 1863." LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, VOLUME I, ISSUE 21, 11 JULY 1863
At Cromwell on Tuesday, James Ledingham appeared before Messrs Murrell and Jolly, J's.P., charged with manslaughter in connection with the accident on the Central Electric dredge by which William MORGAN was drowned. He was remanded till the 8th inst., to appear before Mr Burgess, S.M., and admitted to bail, himself in �200, and two sureties of �100 each. MATAURA ENSIGN, ISSUE 825, 6 DECEMBER 1900
I regret I have to add to the number of casualties, amongst others Mr. Joseph BASSON [also recorded as BARSTON], a native of Yorkshire, storekeeper, who was drowned on Friday morning last, at Packer's Point [Shotover River, Queenstown]. While in the act of crossing a temporary bridge, formed of a couple of logs, at that place, he missed his footing, and was suddenly precipitated into the rapid current below. He made several ineffectual attempts to swim, but the current being too strong, carried him about 400 yards below on the opposite side of the river, when an eddy from one of the abutments of the rocks sucked its unfortunate victim into its treacherous depths...LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, VOLUME I, ISSUE 25, 25 JULY 1863
�10 REWARD. NOTICE to any person who may find the Remains of BALDER MILOVICH, of Dalmazia, who was drowned on the 3rd October, at Arthur's Point, Shotover, with �l5 and several Bank documents, and a Miner's Right on his person. The above reward will be paid on receiving information at the Camp, Arthur's Point, or to his brother, George Milovich. GEORGE MILOVICH, 598 Arthur's Point.LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, VOLUME I, ISSUE 50, 21 OCTOBER 1863
INQUEST.An inquest was held on Thursday, before R. Beetham, Esq., Coroner, and a jury, on the body of Rufus P. WINLOCK. George Smith, sworn, stated that he was a carpenter, residing at Queenstown, and knew the deceased. On the 26th ultimo he and witness left Mr Rees's jetty together in a small boat, between 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon. They had proceeded about 500 yards up the Lake, witness pulling, when deceased attempted to pass him, when he capsized the boat. Held deceased up in the water for some time, when he caught hold of witness, and they both went under together. Got clear of him and rose to the surface. Saw his head come to the top of the water, but was out of witness's reach, though he tried to grasp his hair. Stopped by the boat for some time, to see if he would come up again; but finding he did not, witness swam ashore. The body now in the camp was that of the deceased. By the jury � I consider deceased sober at the time. The boat is about nine feet in length. He has no relations in the colony. He had a watch and a pound or two in his pocket at the time he was drowned. He belongs to the city of Rome, state of New York. His age was about 31...LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, VOLUME II, ISSUE 53, 31 OCTOBER 1863
We understand that a man named Con REARDON was drowned yesterday afternoon at Butcher's Point, Upper Shotover [Queenstown], while rarafting timber. LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, VOLUME II, ISSUE 77, 23 JANUARY 1864
INQUEST.On Friday last an inquest was held at Foster's Ferry, Shotover, on the body of a man named William COLVILLE, who fell from his horse and was drowned, while crossing the river the day previously. Frederick Foster, sworn � Was a publican and kept the ferry. Yesterday, about 12 o'clock, a lad entered and informed him that an accident had happened on the river. He ran down to the junction of the Shotover and Kawarau rivers, and saw the body of the deceased lying on a sand-spit...LAKE WAKATIP MAIL, VOLUME II, ISSUE 84, 17 FEBRUARY 1864
This morning Mr J. M. Killen, coroner, and Constable Power went out to Purua [near Whangarei] to hold an inquest concerning the death of Mr Joseph TEMPLE, whose body was recently found by Mr Drake hanging over a snag in the Wairua river just below the Purua bridge. The tragic drowning event took place on the 22nd of last April. Northern Advocate, 14 October 1918, Page 2
Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 249, 21 October 1929, Page 7 MAN DROWNED IN SURF. AFTER EPILEPTIC SEIZURE. RESCUED WHEN TOO LATE. (By Telegraph.�Press Association.) NAPIER, this day. Phillip Rex DODWELL, aged 36, had an epileptic seizure while surf bathing on the Napier beach on Saturday afternoon. He was floating face downwards for some time before he was noticed, and artificial respiration was applied without success. He was an unmarried man, and formerly was a bank clerk. A formal verdict of death by drowning was returned.
Mark LICKFOLD born 1877 Westland District, West Coast, New Zealand Drowned 21 December 1900 at Kāwhia, Waikato, North Island, New Zealand Son of Mark Lickfold and Ellen Tonkin. Husband of Elizabeth Ellen Parish Father of Alexander John Kemp Lickfold and Mark Alfred Lickfold
A telegram from Westport states that an awful tragedy occurred at Karamea on Sunday evening at six o'clock accounting for the lives of Mrs THEIMER and her two children and a man named Harry HARRIS. In the morning Dr Theimer and his wife and two children went from Karamea to spend some time the Oparara beach, a couple of miles away. The doctor rode on horeseback and the others were in a gig driven by Henry Harris. On their way home in the evening the doctor forded the Oparara stream, the horse having to swim from the south bank of the river. He called out to his wife that the tide was dangerous and she had better fo further down stream, where he thought the water was shallower. Harris did as he was directed. When half way across the horse and gig got got among a quicksand or pothole or something of the kind, after a few splashes all disppeared. Mrs Theimer's body was recovered. A telegram today says none of the other bodies have been found and search parties are still out. Horowhenua Chronicle, 3 December 1918, Page 2
Hamilton, 19 August 1918, James FORBES, a young farmer, aged 19, was crossing the Marakopa River with a horse and dray, when the horse got into difficulties. Forbes tried to help the animal, which kicked and stunned him, and he was drowned. His mother was on the opposite bank of the river and saw the accident. Te Puke Times, 20 August 1918, Page 3
WAIROA, 25th October 1921.- At 6.30 o'clock this evening Sergeant Wade received a telephone message confirming an earlier rumour that a fishing launch party of two was missing. The launch was found on the Opoutama beach, near Waikokopu. It appears that the launch left Wairoa at 9 a.m. on Monday, manned by Robert LOGAN (44 years, a married man with six children) and Frank NELSON (a returned soldier [#13794] and unmarried), both experienced fishermen. It came on to blow very hard in the night, and the craft was seen at anchor off Waikokopu between 8 and 10 p.m. This morning the launch was found on the Opoutama beach. Her deck and fittings had been smashed, and benzine tins were scattered along the beach, but otherwise the hull was intact. There was no sign of the two men, but it was surmised that they might have gone to their fishing station on Mahia. Sid Nelson, a brother of one of the missing men, reports that they have not been there. The police have the matter in hand, and it is feared that another tragedy of the sea has occurred. Mrs. Logan, with her children, reside here. Date of death 24 October 1921. Evening Post, Volume CII, Issue 101, 26 October 1921, Page 8
An inquest was held this morning in the Exchange Hotel [Wanganui], before H. J. Perham, Esq., Coroner, and a jury of twelve, on the body of John CONROY, who was drowned off a punt on Friday morning. James HORNE said I am a soldier on leave I belong to the Royal Artillery; the last time I saw the deceased was on Friday morning about 7 o'clock on a punt going up to Waipakaka; when we got to Walker's, at Aramaho, the deceased and I went ashore; I got a bottle of rum and we went aboard again, we then started up the river; we had got about thirty chains from Walker's; Conroy said, boys, we'll have a jolly dinner to-day. Conroy was at the bow of the boat; I was lighting my pipe, and had my back to him, when I heard a splash in the water; I rose to my feet, and saw Conroy about the length of the punt behind we then tried to back the punt, but he drifted faster than we could in about two minutes he went down with his arms up. By a juryman � I rose immediately I heard the splash; he had two glasses before he was drowned. Six glasses had been taken out of the bottle when the man went over, there were three of us I was in the hold when Conroy went over; we left Wanganui at 3 o'clock in the morning. William SPELTY, sworn, said � I am a sailor; I last saw Conroy alive on Friday I was in charge of the punt; I think Horne was asleep when we left; when we got beyond Walker's Conroy had the pole, he was standing up pushing the punt along; I had got ashore just below the pa, and was pulling I saw Conroy loosing the pole and jump overboard to get it; the water came up to his breast; he got into the punt again I then got into the punt, and went to the stern and commenced pulling after we got a little further up, Conroy was talking about having a swim I told him to wait until we got home, and we would have a wash I was looking the other way when I saw the oar he had been using I looked round and couldn't seen Conroy; I saw him astern trying to swim he lifted up his arms when Conroy came on board he wasn't perfectly drunk, nor perfectly sober either; Conroy slept on Thursday night in one of Jackson's houses. Thomas ELEY said � I knew John Conroy I picked him up yesterday evening, floating past, opposite the Market Place. The jury returned a verdict � drowned accidently, but could not say from the evidence whether deceased was drunk or sober at the time. Wanganui Herald, Volume I, Issue 177, 26 December 1867, Page 2
WANGANUI LAUNCH FATALITY - MINISTER'S RELATIVE DROWNED. Further details are available concerning the three men drowned as a result of the sinking of the launch Monarch. Mr Oswald LEWIS (50 years), one of those drowned, was until recently a well-known farmer in Mangamahu district, and had lately come to town to live, having taken up his residence at Castlecliff. He was a married man, and was married to a sister of the Hon. T M WILFORD. There is still some doubt as to the third man in the launch, but he is believed to have been an elderly man, Mr William BATEMAN (65 years). Mr Patrick Cornelius BEGLEY (30 years) was also lost. He was well known in rowing circles, having been an active member of the Aramoho Club. He took a keen interest in Labour matters, and was for some time one of the Labour representatives on the Technical College Board. New Zealand Herald, Volume LV, Issue 16834, 26 April 1918, Page 4
Accident at the Hutt � An inquest was held on the bodies of Eliza MUDGWAY and Gustavus JOHNSTON, who were drowned in the Hutt River. It appears that Eliza Mudgwav went to the theatre, accompanied by her father and sister; during the performance her nose began to bleed. Her father accompanied her out, and then left her for a short time, when she appears to have accidentally walked over the bank of the river. Gustavus JOHNSON [sic] who was near at the time threw off his clothes and jumped in after her he succeeded in getting hold of her, but as the current was too strong, he was unable to reach the shore, and was swept down by the current and drowned. Eliza MUDGWAY, 15, buried Bolton Street Cemetery, Wellington. Wanganui Herald, Volume I, Issue 56, 6 August 1867, Page 2
Inquests were held yesterday at the Commercial Hotel [Wanganui], by H.J. Perham,Esq. on the bodies of Peter GUNN, late cook of the Christina Thompson, and Thomas PRENDEVILLE, Private 18th Royal Irish. On the body of Peter Gunn. Edward ROBERTS, being sworn, said I am a corporal in the 18th Royal Irish. I was in company with the deceased Peter Gunn on the night of the 2nd August. I recognise the body as that of deceased. I left him at the corner of the street and watched him on the Wharf, close to where the ship was lying. I saw no more of him till this morning. James McDONALD, being sworn, said I am the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel. I know the deceased by sight, and that he was a seaman. I last saw him three weeks ago in my bar. He left the house about twenty-five minutes to twelve. He was not drunk, be was capable of taking care of himself. R. C. EARLE, being sworn, said I am a surgeon practising in Wanganui. I have seen the body of the deceased. From the superficial observations that I have made, there is nothing to account for any violence externally. He has a bruise upon one of his eyes which may have been very slight during life, but from decomposition it has a more formidable appearance. Thomas KINSELLA - From the description I received from the Captain of one of his men named Gunn, who was missing, I have come to the conclusion that deceased is the man. Verdict - Found drowned in the Wanganui River, but there is no evidence to show how he became drowned. On the body of Thomas PRENDEVILLE.� Patrick McGIN being sworn, said I am a private in the 2nd batallion 18th Royal Irish. I last saw the deceased on the 30th July in O'Hanlon's public-house, between 10 and 11 o'clock. I had been drinking with him for about two hours. We all left together. Did not miss deceased till answering my name to the guard. He was not capable of taking care of himself. Jeremiah BEW being sworn said � I am a private in the 18th Royal Irish. I felt O'Hanlon's public-house with deceased between 10 and 11 on the night of the 27th July. We had been drinking freely. Henry McLACHLAN swore to the finding of the body in the river. Robert Charles EARLE said � I am a Surgeon. I have every reason to believe that the deceased died from suffocation, caused by drowning. Verdict � Found drowned in the Wanganui River, but there is no evidence to show how he became drowned.Wanganui Herald, Volume I, Issue 71, 23 August 1867, Page 2.
10 February 1914 - A roadman named Bert Jones was drowned in the Wanganui river, off Kaiwaiki Pa, at 5 p.m. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, 11 February 1914, Page 5 1914/1350 Jones Bert 27Y
On the 14th instant a bathing accident occurred at Overstrand, on the Norfolk coast [England], when two New Zealand boys, Ralph De Bois MACLAREN and Oswald Tom MACLAREN, were drowned. Both were sons of the late Rev. Walter G. Maclaren, of New Zealand and Glasgow. It seems that three brothers and a sister, who were camping in a field at Sidelands, went for a sea bathe on Saturday evening. Two of the young men, aged respective 23 and 29, ventured out of their depth, and were drowned, and their bodies were not recovered until Sunday morning. Press, Volume LVI, Issue 16953, 30 September 1920, Page 8
TAIHAPE, this day. Yesterday afternoon, while a team of six horses was hauling timber logs over Gibbs' suspension bridge, across the Otaihape river at Utiku, one of the side cables, gave out, tipping all into the river, a drop of about 200 feet. Up to the present no trace has been found of the men or horses. The men were named Ernest PINK and Richard HOPWOOD, both single.
1912/6125 Pink Ernest 26Y
Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12817, 17 July 1912, Page 5
FOUR MEN DROWNED- CHRISTCHURCH, this day. By a boating accident at Saltwater Creek yesterday four men were drowned. A party was trawling near the north bank, and entered a punt to cross to the southern side. A south-west wind made the water choppy. Seven men were in the punt. Water was shipped, and the boat capsized. The members of the party were clothed. John ASHBY (Sefton) wearing waders got ashore; Whillian [sic] CLEARK (Sefton) swam ashore; Matthew GALLAGHER (Christchurch) clung to the boat, and the other four � Frank POWELL [Francis POWELL, 50y], Leslie PARKER [30y], Robert RAPSON [28y] (all of Sefton), and Frederick [William Frederick] CHALLIS [30y] (Christchurch) were drowned. Powell was middle-aged, and leaves a wife and eight children, and Challis a wife and child four months old. The bodies, except that of Challis, were found this morning. Poverty Bay Herald, Volume XXXX, Issue 12966, 27 January 1913, Page 5
TRAGIC DROWNING ACCIDENT - A tragic drowning accident occurred at the railway wharf last evening [09 January], the victim being a schoolboy named John Stephens. The father and three sons were fishing at the end of the railway wharf about 6 p.m., when some other boys came on the scene, and commenced "skylarking." John STEPHENS, who was about 10 years old, was standing on the extreme end of the wharf, and by some means was precipitated into the water. It is alleged that he was accidentally pushed into the sea by another boy whose name has not yet been ascertained. Thames Star, Volume LII, Issue 13867, 10 January 1919, Page 3
DROWNING FATALITY - CARTERTON, Nov. 20. A tragic drowning accident occurred at the Lake Ferry yesterday. Four men, George DUNNING, Silas DAVIS, John ROBINSON, and Morley SAXTON were crossing the lake at the Ferry when the boat capsized, all being precipitated into the water. Saxton swam ashore and succeeded in assisting two of his companions to land, but Dunning was washed out to sea. The body was found this morning on the Whangamoana beach. Deceased was aged 30 years. Marlborough Express, Volume XLV, Issue 271, 21 November 1911, Page 7
Coroner's Inquest. Death by Drowning. On Wednesday, 8th inst, an inquest was held at the Royal Hotel, Eden-crescent, on view of the body of Michael James WALL who was found drowned on the previous day, by two young females bathing in St. George's Bay. The body of deceased was naked; and was discovered floating to and fro close to the sand, about half way between high and low water mark. At a distance of 250 yards from the body, under the cliffs between St. George's and Mechanics' Bay; clothes were found which were ascertained to have belonged to the deceased. There was no precise or direct evidence to show under what circumstances had occurred, but the presumption was that the unfortunate man (who is a brother of Mr. Edward Wall, of this city, and 58 years of age) had been bathing, and being overpowered by the heat of the sun or cramp, had perished. There were no marks of violence. The verdict of the Jury was Drowned while bathing. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XV, Issue 1195, 10 December 1858, Page 3
Word came to the police this morning from Pahiatua that the body of a settler named BAMBRY had been found yesterday in the Mangatiti Stream. Deceased was married, and leaves a large family, the place of residence being at Mangatiti, which is about 12 miles from Makuri. An inquest was to be held to-day at Makuri.[1899/2415 Bambry William 55Y] Evening Post, Volume LVII, 19 April 1899, Page 6
WANGANUI. Wednesday. A man named HARVEY was drowned on Sunday while bathing m Fleetwood Creek. [16 Feb 1885 1885/1572 Harvey William John 45Y] Bay Of Plenty Times, Volume XIV, Issue 1803, 19 February 1885, Page 2
Wanganui, Dec 13. The body of Frank CLINTON, who was drowned in the river on the 4th inst. was recovered this evening.[1904/1756 Clinton Frank 22y] West Coast Times Issue 13392, 14 December 1904, Page 4
Accident at the Hutt � An inquest was held on the bodies of Eliza MUDGWAY and Gustavus JOHNSTON who were drowned in the Hutt River. It appears that Eliza Mudgway went to the theatre, accompanied by her father and sister; during the performance her nose began to bleed. Her father accompanied her out, and then left her for a short time, when she appears to have accidentally walked over the bank of the river. Gustavus Johnson who was near at the time threw off his clothes and jumped in after her he succeeded in getting hold of her, but as the current was too strong, he was unable to reach the shore, and was swept down by the current and drowned. Wanganui Herald, Volume I, Issue 56, 6 August 1867, Page 2
Wanganui - Inquests were held yesterday at the Commercial Hotel, by H J Perham, Esq. on the bodies of Peter GUNN, late cook of the Christina Thompson, and Thomas PRENDERVILLE, private 18th Royal Irish... [1867/3047 Gunn Peter 32Y] Wanganui Herald, Volume I, Issue 70, 22 August 1867, Page 2 and Wanganui Herald, Volume I, Issue 71, 23 August 1867, Page 2
From Wairarapa we learn of another death by drowing. The unfortunate victim is a Mr Thomas GREY and we understand he met his death while endeavoring to cross the Ruamahanga River. The horse belonging to the deceased was swept for some distance down the river. The body had not been recovered when our informant left the district. Wanganui Herald, Volume I, Issue 70, 22 August 1867, Page 2
AUCKLAND, This Day. An officer of the Royal New Zealand Air Force was drowned and another was seriously injured when the De Havilland Tiger Moth training machine in which they were flying dived from 200 ft into the sea about half a mile off the northern end of Narrow Neck Beach shortly after 10 o'clock on Saturday morning. The rescued man owed his life to the prompt action of the master and crew of the port examination vessel, which went to his assistance. The man drowned was Pilot Officer Robert Michael GOLDSTONE, aged 21, son of Mr. J. Goldstone, of 21 College Street, Wanganui. Pilot Officer Boyd Victor LE PINE, aged 24, son of Mrs. V. Le Pine, 161 Barnard Street, Highland Park, Wellington, suffered severe concussion, shock, and lacerations to the face, knees, and arms...Evening Post, Volume CXXX, Issue 55, 2 September 1940, Page 9
WANGANUI, Sunday. When a three-seater motor car skidded on frozen snow and went over a bank into a creek near Taihape this afternoon, Mr. John PERSSON, a contractor, of Mangaweka, was drowned. The car was driven by Mr Persson's brother, Mr. J. A. Persson, whose wife was also in the car. Both escaped injury. Mr John Persson was pinned under the car and was dead when extricated. He was a married man with four children. [1937/21364 Persson John 51Y] Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 133, 7 June 1937, Page 9
PALMERSTON NORTH This Day. One man was drowned and two men had to fight for their lives when a boat capsized in the heavy surf at Tangimoana yesterday afternoon. The victim was Maurice PARKES, aged 21, single, farm hand, employed by Mr. M. Rowlands, of Awahuri. His parents reside at Wanganui. Accompanied by the two Nicholson brothers, of Awahuri, who are slightly older than himself, Parkes had gone through the surf in an open 18ft keel boat. The sea was rough at the time and one wave larger than the others caused the boat to capsize. When the men were thrown into the water they decided to make for the shore, but Parkes, who was not as strong a swimmer as the others, became separated from his companions in the breakers. After a struggle, the two Nicholsons managed to reach the shore with the aid of those who happened to be on the beach, which was rather deserted. They were thoroughly exhausted, and one of them had to be given artificial respiration. Evening Post, Volume CXXVI, Issue 135, 5 December 1938, Page 11
PUKEKOHE DROWNING - Despite the brave efforts of her brother, a 10-year-old girl was drowned at the Elbow, a point on the Waikato River near Puni, about three o'clock yesterday afternoon. She was Miss Dorothy Winifred HISCOCK, daughter of Mr and Mrs F V Hiscock, of Puni. With her sister and two brothers Miss Hiscock went on a bathing trip, and three of them left the water together. The older sister was still swimming, and a call for help was heard. Her younger brother Archibald Hiscock swam after her. The older brother raced up the bank to launch a boat, but the younger boy's strength gave out before they could be pulled aboard, and his sister disappeared. The accident occurred in deep water. The current is treacherous and previous fatalities have occurred at the spot. Miss Hiscock was not a strong swimmer, and her brothers were only fairly proficient. [1940/21378 Hiscock Dorothy Winifred 19Y [sic]]Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 298, 18 December 1939, Page 11
A two-year-old girl was found drowned in a copper at her home at Waharoa yesterday morning. The victim was Elaine Margaret GUY, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs William Guy. She had been playing with a dipper, and was shortly afterwards found floating face down in the water, which came within about 6in of the top of the copper. For two hours a St. John Ambulance officer and a medical man from Matamata applied artificial respiration without success. An inquest was opened yesterday before Mr. A. J. Tong, district coroner. [1939/20312 Guy Elaine Margaret 2Y] Auckland Star, Volume LXX, Issue 298, 18 December 1939, Page 11
TAUMARUNUI, This Day. Freedom John Valentine COOMBES, aged 21 a Lance-Corporal on final leave from Papakura, was drowned in the Wanganui River yesterday afternoon at Tewhakarae, a few miles from Taumarunui. The deceased was swimming across the river with a boy, Richard Woolston, aged 9 on his back when he was seized with cramp and sank. A brother of the boy, Alan Woolston, aged 12, rescued Richard and then recovered Coombes's body speedily after considerable effort. He tried artificial resuscitation but unsuccessfully. At the inquest today a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. The Coroner commended the bravery of Alan Woolston and said that he would recommend him for the Humane Society's decoration. [1939/23561 Coombes Freedom John Valentine 21Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXVIII, Issue 147, 19 December 1939, Page 13
WANGANUL January 5. The first drowning fatality at Castlecliff Beach this summer occurred late this afternoon, the victim being Stanley HIGGS, aged 14, whose parents reside in Wanganui. Higgs, who was bathing with two other boys, disappeared in the heavy surf. His body has not been recovered. Evening Post, Volume CXXIX, Issue 5, 6 January 1940, Page 13
WANGANUI RIVER TRAGEDY. Advice was received in Wanganui late tonight that the river steamer Ohura overturned in a rapid four miles above Pipiriki late on Monday afternoon. Her cargo of cattle was thrown into the river and it is feared that three of the crew were drowned. Those thought lost are: Mr Robert GRAY, engineer, married, with with a large grown-up family. Mr George ROPATA, a Maori, married, with eight children. Mr Amokawa TE HORI, a Maori, married, with a small family. He was a returned soldier. The master, Captain Andrew Wilson, and his nephew, a deck hand, managed to reach the shore. Nothing was known of the disaster till another steamer went up the river from Pipiriki this morning and found the Ohura upside down and dead cattle floating downstream...[1940/30196 Gray Robert 59Y] Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 108, 8 May 1940, Page 9 and Auckland Star, Volume LXXI, Issue 227, 24 September 1940, Page 11
TAUMARUNUI, this day. An employee of the Public Works Department on the Waioru Road was drowned while bathing in the Wanganui River. He was Mr Edmund Joachim Halron NEILSON, aged 50, single, a labourer. In company with friends, Mr Neilson was spending Wednesday on the banks of the river about two and a half miles below Taumaruntii, and in the afternoon, when they decided to bathe, he entered the water up to his armpits. Suddenly he was seen to raise one hand and disappear under the water without a cry. A search was made but was not successful until 11 a.m. yesterday, when Constables Bissett and Edwards recovered the body. The district coroner. Mr. W. Thomas, returned a verdict of accidental drowning at the inquest held yesterday. [1941/17204 NEILSEN Edmund Joachim Halvor 50Y] Auckland Star, Volume LXXII, Issue 2, 3 January 1941, Page 3
A searching aeroplane observed the body of Pilot-Officer J. R. M. STEWART of Eltham, who was drowned at Tangimoana on Sunday, floating in the sea near Foxton. The Foxton police were advised and recovered the body. [1941/17817 Stewart John Rowley Miller 26Y] Auckland Star, Volume LXXII, Issue 2, 3 January 1941, Page 3
WAIROA, January 29. While playing in a canoe with two other children on the Wairoa River, Api STEVENSON, aged six, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Stevenson, Ruataniwha Road, was drowned. The canoe capsized. A boy of eight swam ashore, and a girl, aged four, clutched a paddle and was saved. [1941/31121 Stevenson Api 7Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 25, 30 January 1941, Page 7
WANGANUI, February 9 - The body of a police constable guarding the wreck of the Port Bowen on the beach at Castlecliff was found at high-water mark this morning. The deceased. Constable N L BERNTSEN was 25 years of age, married, with two children. Apparently he had been fishing off the vessel and at high water on Saturday night his line had fouled. He had decided to go out at low water at 2 o'clock this morning. Evidently he got into difficulties. He was a permanent policeman doing duty at the wreck, taking over his watch when the men dismantling the vessel ceased work each day. [1941/17883 Berntsen Neils Godley French 25Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 34, 10 February 1941, Page 4
Sir I have the honour to forward you the enclosed letter from the Colonial Secretary, in answer to your presentment as foreman of the jury assembled at the inquest on the body of Mr Donald DRUMMOND lately drowned in the Wairarapa lake. I have the honour, etc, J. Fitzgerald, M.D. Coroner. Coroner's Office, Aug. 26, 1850...Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume IX, 14 September 1850, Page 116
NEW PLYMOUTH, March 30. When a sedan car plunged over a 30-foot bank into the Awakino River today Mrs Ida DINGLE, aged 47, of Tauwhare. Waikato, was drowned. Her husband. Mr Percy Dingle, driver of the car, had a fortunate escape with shock and cuts from broken glass. The Dingles were returning from a visit to their sons at school at Wanganui. At a narrow bend in the gorge they met another car and had insufficient room, their car crashing over the bank into the Awakino River, landing on its wheels in 12 feet of swiftly flowing water. Mr. Dingle kicked out the window of the car and crawled through. He attempted to drag out his wife, who was unconscious, but was washed off the running-board. He made his way back to the car, but Mrs Dingle had then disappeared. Mr Dingle called assistance and although injured, he assisted the police in the search and the dragging of the river till nightfall; but the body was not recovered. The car met by Mr. and Mrs. Dingle did not stop. The driver might not have been aware of the accident. Besides two sons at Wanganui Collegiate School, Mr Dingle has a son aged 11 at home. [1937/21023 Dingle Ida 46Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXIII, Issue 75, 31 March 1937, Page 8
WANGANUI, November 20. The men who had been in camp in Waiouru for a week, spent Saturday afternoon and evening on leave in Taihape. Travelling in a truck, part of the anti-aircraft equipment of the camp, and driven by Gunner Hobson, they left on the return journey at 11.15 p.m. It was a dark, stormy night, and rain was falling. Thirteen miles north of Taihape and about a quarter of a mile south of Hihitahi on the Main Trunk line, the lorry crashed through the light truss bridge spanning the swiftly flowing Hautapu River. Whether the lorry skidded into the side of the bridge or whether the structure collapsed under the weight of the vehicle has not yet been determined, but the whole of the bridge collapsed, dividing into three pieces. The lorry canted over on its side. Gunner BOURKE was pinned beneath it and was drowned. There was about four feet of water in the stream. Gunner COLWILL apparently was drowned also, but he showed signs of having been injured. Gunner DAVIDSON died probably within a few minutes of the crash... [1939/14445 Bourke Leslie Joseph 23Y] [1938/26209 Colwill Basil Willis 24Y] [1938/26210 Davidson Alfred Norman 22Y]Evening Post, Volume CXXVI, Issue 123, 21 November 1938, Page 10
WANGANUI, Monday. A 14-year-old girl, Rosaleen MOYLE, daughter of Mr and Mrs H A Moyle, 41 Alexander Street, Wanganui, was drowned in the Wanganui River shortly after noon to-day. The girl was a member of a picnic party near Parikino. Two older girls swam across the river and the deceased set off to follow them. After swimming some of the distance she was advised not to go further and was observed to turn back and almost immediately got into difficulties. Miss Eva Matthews, one of the girls who had swum ahead, turned back and went to her assistance, pluckily holding the other girl above the water. Unfortunately Miss Matthews strength failed before help could arrive. A young man, Mr B Matthews, hearing cries, dived in and attempted to get the struggling girl out of the swift current, but he also was unsuccessful in his attempt at rescue. The river was running very strongly at this point. The girl's body disappeared and has not yet been recovered. [1938/20618 Moyle Rosaleen Elva 13Y] Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 307, 28 December 1937, Page 3
WANGANUI, January 19 - Helen Doreen GRAY, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs A Gray, of Longacre, was drowned in a water trough near the homestead today. The discovery was made by her mother, who found the body after it had been in the water only a few minutes. [1938/20628 Gray Helen Doreen 1Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 16, 20 January 1938, Page 9
An inquest into the death of Mr Thomas MAWSON, aged 45, a farmer, o� Aramatai, about 19 miles from Te Kuiti, who was drowned last Sunday when his motor-car plunged into a a lagoon below the road, was held before the Coroner, Mr. R. M. Somerville, at Te Kuiti, states a Te Kuiti correspondsent. Evidence dealing with the circumstances of the accident was given by the deceased's wife. Mrs. Mawson said that when the car capsized in the lagoon she and her two young children entered the water and made a frantic search. Her children went for help, and several men arrived shortly afterwards. The body was not located until after the arrival of the police. Constable Fraser said he could see that the deceased had attempted to free himself from the car, but was prevented from doing so by a fence on the side from which he was endeavouring to get clear. When found, the deceased had his head and one arm through the fence. A verdict was returned that the deceased was accidentally drowned as the result of his car leaving the road, overturning in the lagoon, and pinning him beneath it. [1938/17342 Mawson Thomas Lean 45Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXV, Issue 135, 10 June 1938, Page 8
WANGANUI, This Day. Apparently through falling into the Wanganui River while gathering firewood near Hallswell Street last evening, Roy Jack CALVER, aged 9, of 78 Glasgow Street was drowned. His younger brother and another boy were with him when the accident occurred but the alarm was not given till some time later. The body has not been recovered. Evening Post, Volume CXXI, Issue 35, 11 February 1936, Page 6
WANGANUI, This day. The body of Mrs. Bertha ADAMSON, aged 68, a widow, who lived with Mrs Ander, at 6 Eastown Road, was found in the Wanganui River this morning. The woman was last seen at 9.30 last night. A torch was clasped in one of the woman's hands. Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 65, 17 March 1936, Page 8
WANGANUI, March 10 - Getting out of his depth while fishing with a dragnet on Kaitoke Beach, five miles south from Wanganui, this morning, Frederick PRITCHARD aged 50, farmer, Kaitoke, was drowned. The body was recovered about 400 yards further down the beach, but resuscitation was unsuccessful. Mr Pritchard with a daughter, was using the dragnet in the surf, and when they were obviously in difficulties a son, Gordon Pritchard, and a friend, Neil Crabbe went to their assistance. Crabbe managed to get the girl ashore, but Gordon Pritchard was forced to relinquish his hold on his father in heavy surf, and the body was not recovered till it had drifted further along the beach. Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 59, 11 March 1941, Page 5
DUNEDIN, March 9 - While bathing at Brighton on Saturday Mr John McLEAN, aged 66, a baker, residing at Green Island, was drowned. He was observed by Mr Roy B Mclntosh who obtained assistance and reached him whenhe was 50 yards from the shore. Mr McLean was brought to the beach and found to be dead. An inquest was opened today before Mr H W Bundle, S.M., and after evidence of identification was adjourned sine die. Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 59, 11 March 1941, Page 5
WANGANUI, February 6 - A young girl named Cameron was drowned at Ranagawa. [1905/1333 Cameron Clare Florence 2Y] Thames Star, Volume XLII, Issue 10531, 6 February 1905, Page 2
WANGANUI, Feb. 11. A roadman named Bert Jones was drowned in the Wanganui river, off Kaiwaiki Pa, at 5 p.m. [1914/1350 Jones Bert 27Y] Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XLVI, 11 February 1914, Page 5
Boat Accident and Loss of Life. COGLAN's boat, heavily laden with timber, with Mr DUNN, a gentleman who had occasionally officiated here in the absence of an authorised minister of the Protestant Church, and four hands, left the River Hutt on Saturday afternoon for Wellington. When about half-way across, she encountered a sudden squall from the S.E. and it was supposed, foundered. Every search has been made for the bodies, but up, to this time, without avail. Mr Dunn was highly respected here, and has left a widow and an infant to mourn his untimely fate. Coglan, also, has left a widow. We have not heard yet who the other parties were. New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume II, Issue 98, 15 December 1841, Page 2
WANGANUI - James BAILY, a labourer, supposed a native of Bristol, was drowned in the Wanganui River on the 16th instant. It appears that he was intoxicated, and when crossing the river in a canoe alone fell overboard. His body has not been found. New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume IV, Issue 302, 29 November 1843, Page 2
Accident. A young man named James SMALL, 16 years of age, in the service of Mr Best, a settler on the Manawatu, was drowned in the Ohau River, on Wednesday, the 21st ult. Mr. Best having offered a reward for the body, it was found by the natives upon the 27th, and upon searching the pockets, a bank check and a letter were found, which were forwarded to Wellington the same day. It is some consolation to his distressed parents that the body was interred by the Rev. Henry Govett, of the Church of England. Wellington Independent, Volume I, Issue 49, 4 February 1846, Page 3
WANGANUI - By private letters from Wanganui we learn that the Castor arrived there on the evening of the 16th, and anchored off the mouth of the river. Mr King the police magistrate put off in a whaleboat to pay his respects to his Excellency on his return from the vessel, the boat upset on the bar, and a man named George SMITH was unfortunately drowned... New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume II, Issue 77, 28 March 1846, Page 3. A letter from Wanganui, dated 30th March, states that the body of George Smith, who was unfortunately drowned by the upsetting of a boat on the occasion of the Governor's visit, was found by the natives on the 28th March, about four miles on the P.N. side of the heads, in a very extraordinary state of decomposition, so that it was almost impossible to identify the body. Wellington Independent, Volume II, Issue 60, 22 April 1846, Page 3
It also appears from the testimony of Burr, that as he was coming from Wanganui, a chief by the name of KOROTEA was drowned about six miles beyond Rangitiki [sic] river, and he saw the body lying on the beach...The chief who was drowned owned land at Manawatu, and before his death he had also expressed a wish to sell land to the Europeans. New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume II, Issue 83, 9 May 1846, Page 3
Kaipara Harbour Tragedy. The bodies of two more of the six Maori children who were drowned in the Otamatea River estuary, Kaipara harbour, have been recovered, states a Press Association message. The children lost their lives through the capsize of a punt in which they were being ferried across the estuary. Five of the bodies have now been recovered, the latest being those of Robert TIMO, aged eight, brother of two of the other victims, and Edie CONNOLLY, aged 10. No trace has been found of Marina PAIKEA. [1943/32288 Timo Tui 6Y,1943/32296 Timo Violet 13Y, 1943/32297 Timo Robert 8Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 96, 20 October 1943, Page 4
WELLINGTON, Friday. When an aircraft of the R.N.Z.A.F. was engaged in night-flying from a North Island air station it crashed into the sea at 8.30 p.m. on Thursday. One member of the crew Was drowned. He was: Pilot-Officer Norris McIntyre BEE, of Wairoa. The other two occupants, Sergeant Derek Aylmer LESLIE (mother Mrs. C. Leslie), of Gisborne, and Aircraftman Alfred Norman LARKMAN, of Wanganui, received injuries classified as not serious. [1943/19591 Bee Morris McIntyre 23Y] Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 66, 20 March 1943, Page 7. A member of the crew, Pilot Officer Morris Mclntyre BEE (father, Mr. F. G. Bee, care Mrs. W. A. Kennedy, Marine Parade, Wairoa), was drowned. Evening Post, Volume CXXXV, Issue 66, 19 March 1943, Page 3
A young Maori Home Guardsman was drowned early yesterday morning when an Army truck in which he was travelling left the Kohukohu-Mangamuka road and fell into the river below. He was Joe RINI, aged 19, next-of-kin, Mrs. Lawrence Omeroa, Kohukohu. At the point where the accident occurred the river is over 12 feet deep. Soldiers on leave who were travelling in the truck said they heard Rini call out as the truck left the road, but lost sight of him. The body was recovered. Though shaken, the others escaped injury.[1943/31969 Rini Hohepa 19y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXV, Issue 50, 1 March 1943, Page 4
WANGANUI, This Day. The body of James C. BROWNIE, of College Street, was recovered from the Wanganui River today near the Town Bridge. Marks on the face and skull indicate that he met with an accident. Mr. Brownie had been missing since Monday. [1941/24948 Brownie James Christie 47Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXI, Issue 143, 19 June 1941, Page 13
WANGANUI, January 2. Kenneth FLYGER, 35, farmer, of Turakina, was drowned while swimming in the Turakina River about 12 miles from Wanganui on Saturday. The accident was witnessed by members of his young family of four. The body has been recovered. [1944/19744 Flyger Kenneth Edward 35Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 1, 3 January 1944, Page 3
WANGANUI, Monday. While swimming in the Mangawhero River, 27 miles from Wanganui, yesterday, a Maori boy was drowned. He was Peter MARK, aged 15, of Otoko Pa. A plucky attempt at rescue was made by another Maori boy, Winai WHATU, aged 14, but Mark sank in 15ft of water a few yards from the bank. There was practically no current. He is described as having been a good swimmer. Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 15, 19 January 1943, Page 4
WANGANUI. September 6. A farmer and his wife were drowned when a motor-car in which they were travelling from Karioi to Taihape on Saturday morning left the road and fell upside-down into the Wangaehu River. The victims were Jackie Paiwananga MARONEY, Karioi, a native of Rarotonga, aged 38, and Tira Ereupi MARONEY, a Maori, aged 36. They were the only occupants of the car. The accident occurred near Karioi and about 12 miles south of Ohakune, at 7 a.m. At a bad bend the car apparently became out of control. It fell 30 feet into six feet of water, and the occupants were trapped undemearth. The bodies were recovered by the police. Evening Post, Volume CXXXIV, Issue 59, 7 September 1942, Page 4
WANGANUI, February 23. A search was made yesterday along the beach at Castlecliff for the body of a boy who lost his life on Monday while bathing in the surf about a chain north of the band rotunda. He was Eric KIRKBY, 17, whose parents live at Kaitoke. The youth, who recently joined the auxiliary staff of the fire brigade at Castlecliff, went to the beach with another boy, Gilbert HURLEY. They had a swim and about 3.45 p.m. entered the surf for the second time. Neither was a strong swimmer and Kirkby suddenly disappeared. Hurley made an attempt at rescue, but could do little. He then rang the alarm bell and a search was made without success.[1944/16364 Kirkby Eric 17Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 45, 23 February 1944, Page 6
WANGANUI, August 13. A motor-car with its driver, believed to be Mr. Robert W. ORTON, a well known farmer of Wanganui, plunged into the Wanganui River about seven miles from the city yesterday afternoon. So far, neither the vehicle nor its occupant has been located in water at least 20ft deep at low tide. It is not known at what time the accident occurred. Mr. Orton was last seen at the Makirikiri store shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the storekeeper seeing the car drive away along the road in the direction of Mr. Orton's farm, which is about a mile and a half away. When Mr. Orton was missed a search was begun, and indications were found that a vehicle had left the road and plunged over a steep bank through the undergrowth to the river. A harbour board launch and one of the river steamers aided in the police search today, but it is thought that a diver will be necessary before the driver can be located. [1944/24920 Orton Robert William 59Y]Evening Post, Volume CXXXVIII, Issue 38, 14 August 1944, Page 3
WANGANUI, January 25. A schoolboy was drowned today while bathing in the lake near Ratana Pa. He was William VEDDER, aged 14, son of Mr. A. Vedder, a storekeeper at Mokai, near Taupo. The boy was unable to swim and got into difficulties in deep water. The body was recovered later. [1945/29675 Vedder William John 14y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXIX, Issue 23, 27 January 1945, Page 9
WANGANUI, October 21. A Maori boy, James TOURA, aged 10, was drowned in the Wanganui River at Castlecliff Wharf early on Saturday night. The crew of the steamer Foxton heard the sound of a splash and noticed a bicycle on the wharf. The indications were that the rider had fallen over the edge of the wharf. The police recovered the body an hour later. [1945/33332 Toura James 10Y]
AUCKLAND, May 15. A Whangarei sportsman who was after duck in the Hikirangi swamp area today was drowned when his punt capsized. The deceased, Bertie Reginald MILLER, 54, went out with his son-in-law, John Teesdale. Mr. Teesdale went to his home adjoining the swamp area and Mr. Miller was left on his own. At midday Mrs Teesdale took refreshments to her father but could not find him and later the overturned punt was found. The body was discovered in six feet of water. [1945/20203 Miller Bertie Reginald 53Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXIX, Issue 114, 16 May 1945, Page 6
WESTPORT, Jan. 23. Idris HOLBROOK, aged eight, was drowned in the powerhouse dam at Denniston today. The boy was playing in the vicinity of the dam while several others were at the swimming baths and was not missed for some time.[1944/19752 Holbrook Idris 8Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19, 24 January 1944, Page 3
When she was carried away by the current while bathing in the Rangitikei River, Janet Audrey PERRY, aged 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Perry, of Ohingaiti, was drowned on Sunday. While swimming in a natural pool in the Hautapu River, Taihape, on Sunday, a boy, Stanley GARDNER, was drowned. The body was recovered later. [1944/19692 Perry Janet Audrey 13y] [1943/27131 Gardner Stanley Alexander 18Y] Auckland Star, Volume LXXIV, Issue 306, 27 December 1943, Page 5
CHRISTCHURCH, This Day. Alan GILMOUR [sic] aged 27, was drowned at North Brighton beach, Christchurch, on Christmas morning. He leaves a wife and two young children. The North Beach Surf Club rescued one of Mr. Gilmour's companions, but was unable to rescue Mr. Gilmour, whose body has not yet been found. [1944/16925 Gilmore [sic] Alan 26Y] Evening Post, Volume CXXXVI, Issue 153, 27 December 1943, Page 3
Yesterday W. HUCKLE, 18-year-old son of Mr. H. Huckle, was drowned at Opatu, 18 miles from Ohura, while crossing a stream during a pig-hunting expedition. His companions state that he was washed off his feet and was not seen again. The body has not been recovered. [1945/26460 Huckle Walter Ronald 18Y] Evening Post, Volume CXL, Issue 103, 29 October 1945, Page 8
We regret to have to record the death of Master Alfred Howel RAYNER,stepson of H Stillings, Esq. who was unfortunately drowned in the River Hutt, on Saturday last. It appears that the two brothers, Robert and Alfred, had crossed the river in a canoe, to leave orders at the butcher's and were returning home, when the canoe came in contact with a snag and capsized, precipitating them both into the river. Robert being the strongest of the two, managed to lay hold of the canoe, but Alfred was carriied down by the strength of the current.A heavy freshet had taken place during their absence, which was the occasion of the melancholy accident. The body was found on Monday by two natives and conveyed to the Aglionby Arms. An inquest was held yesterday, before J P Fitzgerald Esq. and a verdict of accidental death by drowning was returned. [1850/394 Rayner Alfred Howel 10Y] Wellington Independent, Volume VI, Issue 503, 7 August 1850, Page 2
An inquest was held here on Tuesday evening last, on view of the body of a man named CURTISS, a private in the 60th Regiment, belonging to the detachment stationed here. The deceased had been missing for nearly three weeks, and it was supposed that he had gone to Wellington, from which place he had lately arrived. The body of deceased was found floating down the river near the heads by the natives. The jury, after mature consideration, returned a verdict of fouud drowned. Wellington Independent, Volume IX, Issue 939, 11 October 1854, Page 3
Fatal Accident. On Sunday night last, a man named Henry WOULDHAM met his death in the following manner. Deceased was a passenger in the Tyne, from Wellington, which vessel had arrived only a few hours previously. Two days after he had been on board he had a fit, and during the rest of the passage he behaved like a maniac. Captain Bell took all the precaution possible with him, landed him safely, and gave him over in charge to Corporal Dunleavy, of the police. The man was lodged in the lock-up, and attended by the Colonial Surgeon, who prescribed for him and had him removed to a better cell. His comrade, a man named Stanton, consented to watch him during the night, but the latter was weary, and fell asleep. Deceased took advantage of the moment, made a rush, burst the door open, and fled. Stanton overtook him at Messrs. Taylor and Watt's Wharf, but no persuasion could induce him to return. Stanton then left him and went in search for aid of the police, and when he returned with the Corporal deceased could not be found. An unavailing search was made until two o'clock next morning. Subsequently the body was found in the river, opposite the Market-place. An inquest was held on the body, at the York Hotel, on the 3rd instant, and the jury came to the following verdict, with its addendum We find that the deceased was drowned during a fit of temporary insanity. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XV, Issue 69, 26 November 1856, Page 2. See NZSG Cemetery Records.
TURAKINA. An inquest was held on Friday, the 29th inst., before S. M. Curl, Esq., Coroner for the District, at the house of Mr John Cameron on the body of Charles PECK who was found on Thursday morning last on the bank of the Makiri stream. It was supposed that the deceased in attempting to cross the stream, on the night of the previous Tuesday, was owing to the heavy fresh, washed away. A verdict of "accidentally drowned" was returned. The jury also recommended that the streams in the Turakina and Rangitikei districts should be bridged, several cases having come before their notice of persons having nearly lost their lives during the heavy freshets. Colonist, Volume III, Issue 289, 27 July 1860, Page 4
On Saturday a settler named BURDEN, of Watersford Road, Hunterville, was drowned while crossing the Rangitikei river. [Thames Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 8576, 3 February 1897, Page 2]
A melancholy and fatal accident occurred to day by drowning, Richard CHILMAN, eldest son of Mr Chilman, was bathing in the Henui river [New Plymouth] with several other lads, when he was observed to sink. His companions shouted for help, and several Volunteers from the Henui blockhouse ran down to the river and succeeded in recovering the body. It was taken up to the blockhouse, and prompt remedies applied, but life was unhappily extinct. It is supposed that the unfortunate youth was seized with a fit whilst in the water.[1861/2595 Chilman Richard 15Y] Colonist, Volume IV, Issue 362, 12 April 1861, Page 1
Fatal Accident. On Saturday last, Mr. James Thomas CANTY, master of the ketch Brothers, fell overboard and was unfortunately drowned. The deceased was observed to fall from his vessel, by a person on board another craft close by, and who gave the alarm, and endeavoured to save him, but without avail. After dragging with a grappling for about twenty minutes, the body was found, and conveyed to the Nag's Head Inn, accompanied by Dr. Williams and a policeman, when every effort was made to restore animation, under the new system of Dr. Marshall Hall but notwith standing the most persevering. efforts for nearly two hours, the case was considered hopeless. Drs Monteith and France were also present to render assistance. An inquest was held at the Nag's Head Inn, on Monday last at noon, by Mr. Kebbell, Esq., Coroner, and a respectable jury on view of the body. Several witnesses were examined, and after a patient investigation, a verdict of Accidental death by drowning was returned, with a rider requesting the Coroner to bring under the attention of the Superintendent the necessity of providing drags and buoys at the different wharves in the harbour, so that they might be in constant readiness in case of similar accidents. The deceased was highly respected and has left a widow and six small children (almost totally unprovided for) to lament his loss.Wellington Independent, Volume XVI, Issue 1492, 29 January 1861, Page 5
By a letter from Wanganui we learn that the body of Dr. CHAMBERLAIN who was unfortunately drowned in the Rangitiki [sic] a short time since, was found the week before last, and buried by the natives of that place.New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume IX, Issue 870, 3 December 1853, Page 2. The body of the late Mr W B Chamberlain, who was unfortunately drowned on Wednesday the 21st September while endeavouring to cross the Rangitikei River was found by the Natives on the 24th of October, and information was immediately furnished by them to the white inhabitants of the district. Taranaki Herald, Volume II, Issue 71, 7 December 1853, Page 3. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, SOUTHERN DISTRICT - In the Estate of William B. Chamberlain, deceased Intestate. PURSUANT to the Rule of this honorable Court, the Creditors of the above named deceased are, on or before the 20th day of April next, to come in and prove their debts- before Robert Rodger Strang, Esq., Registrar of the said Court, at his office in the Court House, Wellington, or in default thereof, the will be peremptorily excluded from all benefit arising from the said Estate. Robert R. Strang, Registrar. 21st January, 1854. New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, Volume IX, Issue 890, 11 February 1854, Page 4 [1853/221 Chamberlain William 35Y]
A young man named Thomas COLLIS was drowned in the Rangitikei River, on Saturday afternoon, by the upsetting of a canoe. [1895/3018 Collis Thomas 15Y] Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XVI, Issue 5018, 6 May 1895, Page 3
Death by Drowning. On Sunday afternoon, about 3 o'clock, Mr William BURDETT, master of the schooner Ocean Queen, and a Maori, were unfortunately drowned in the Rangitikei River, by the vessel they were in fishing coming into contact with the anchor. There were three persons in contact with the boat, at the time of the accident, but George ASKEW, the other party managed to swim ashore, while Burdett and the Maori were swept a way by the current. New Zealander, Volume 6, Issue 449, 3 August 1850, Page 2
January 6. A man named Robert HENDERSON was drowned yesterday while bathing at the mouth of the Rangitikei River. His body was recovered to-day. [1908/1239 Henderson Robert 22Y] Star , Issue 9126, 6 January 1908, Page 3
At the inquest on the body of James THOMAS, engine-driver of the ship Rangitikei, a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. Dr. Wilkins deposed that the deceased died of apoplexy through drunkenness, not drowning. [Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume V, Issue 862, 30 July 1884, Page 2]
Southland Times, Issue 1063, 4 December 1868, Page 2
On Wednesday, the town was thrown into a state of painful excitement by the report that a boat known to belong to Mr Edward Hart, Invercargill, and who had only a few days previously completed a contract for the supply of posts for the Agricultural and Pastoral Association's Show Yards, had been found on the beach near the Kew Railway Station. It being known that Hart was working on the opposite side of the estuary, fears were entertained that, with the daring for which he was remarkable, he had attempted to cross while the gale was raging, and the boat had upset, all on board being drowned. Messrs. Coutts and Campbell who first discovered the boat, having communicated with the police, steps were taken to ascertain if Hart had left Fraser's Saw Mills in his boat on the previous evening. A party proceeded to that locality, when the worst fears were confirmed. They learned that Hart and four others had left Mr Fraser's Jetty on the previous evening in the boat that had been found.
The occupants of the boat were Messrs Edward HART, Frank BRYSON, William McCULLOCH, William NELSON (or NAYLOR) and Henry TREMORE(*).
W Fraser stated that previous to the boat leaving he had remarked, "It was overloaded," to which Hart replied "he would rather have seven than five in it." Mr W. Tait, who was present stated that he had watched the boat from the time it started until it was opposite Captain Thompson's (ship builder) yard, up to which time all appeared safe. A heavy squall then came on, and the boat was lost to view. A careful search was then made by the police and volunteers for other evidence of the accident. W. Coutts found the oars at the breakwater on the line of the Bluff Harbor and Invercargill Railway, and Mr H. Pierce found, at the far side of the breakwater, Hart's cap, together with a black felt hat, which has been identified by Mr Vale as that worn by one of the missing men. Yesterday morning a swag was found on the beach ticketed with the name of McCulloch, and another, which as yetis not idenfied. The search for the bodies was continued during the whole of yesterday by the police boat's crew, and three or four boats with volunteers, but without success. There can be now no doubt but that the whole five men have perished, and we regret to say that at least two were married men with families. The search for the bodies will be still prosecuted. This sad accident has thrown a gloomy cloud over the community.
Also see Southland Times, 16 December 1868 and Southland Times, 23 December 1868. * This surname may be incorrect as their is not a burial for a TREMORE at the Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill, where the others are buried. (Thanks to Jim Watson for this.)
There is good reason for believing (says the Advocate) that a man named W. WATERS, who was employed by Mr Richard Hammond, was drowned in the Rangitikei river on Tuesday. Mr William Hammond left the station in the Otamakapua block on Monday, after having given Waters instruction to go to Hunterville for grass seed on the following day. Yesterday morning the horse that had been ridden by Waters, also his pack mules and dogs were found on the other side of the river near the Oingehiti ford, but no trace of Waters could be discovered. The saddles on the horse and mules were soaking wet. Waters, who was a strong man in the prime of life, was an expert swimmer. Mr T. Hammond telegraphed to the friends of the ununfortunate man, who live at Waverley, to-day. The supposed fatal accident occurred at the same spot where a young Maori was drowned some time ago. Messrs. William and Herbert Hammond, J. Hartley, C. Hartley, and two Maoris started in two canoes at daylight this morning to search for the missing man.Manawatu Standard, Volume X, Issue 1452, 11 September 1885, Page 2
1885/4576 Waters Wilfred John 30Y
Telegraphic intelligence was received in town on Saturday that a man named Ryan, Mr Bull's wagoner, came to an untimely death by drowning in the Rangitikei river. The particulars of the accident are not to hand.
Wellington Independent, Volume XXVIII, Issue XXVIII, 17 February 1873, Page 2
1873/16 Ryan Michael Unknown
On Saturday last a native named TE WAKA was drowned in the Rangitikei River. The deceased was on his way home from Mr. R. Hammond's. As the river was only about waist deep, and the deceased a good swimmer, it is supposed he was seized with a fit when crossing. The body was shortly after found by some of his friends who were passing. Evening Post, Volume V, Issue 224, 30 October 1869, Page 2
Death by Drowning at Rangitikei. We regret to say that Mrs WHALE, the wife of Mr. Whale, jun., Rangitikei, was drowned while crosssng one of the rivers on horseback last week. Our information is meagre, and we are unable to give any details, but the accident is very melancholy in itself and intensified by the fact that Mrs. Whale had an infant with her, which shared the sad fate of its mother. The river was in flood at the time. Wellington Independent, Volume XXI, Issue 2424, 6 October 1866, Page 5
The dead body of a man named JOHN DUNNITHORNE, who has been missing for some time, was found on Thursday in a creek near the residence of Mr Arthur Amon, Bulls. Hawera & Normanby Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 3246, 11 May 1896, Page 2
A flaxmiller, Mr JOHN ANDERSON, was drowned south of Foxton, near the wreck of the Hydrabad on Friday. He and his son were returning from Kapiti in an open boat, and when the gale sprang up they decided to land on the beach. In turning, the boat capsized, and both clung to her for a time. The son left the boat to swim for the shore, and reached it in an exhausted condition. He never saw his father after. The body is not yet washed up. Deceased leaves a wife and large family, partly grown up, for whom much sympathy is expressed. Feilding Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 244, 20 April 1897, Page 2
A man named FRANCIS PLAISTED is supposed to have been drowned in the Rangitikei river. He was in the township of Moawhango on the 15th February and although warned that the river was in a state of flood owing to previous rains insisted upon starting on the evening of that day for Boyd's station, twenty-five miles away, where he had a fencing contract. He has not been seen since, and it is feared that both he and his horse were swept down the river and drowned. Daily Telegraph , Issue 8001, 1 March 1897, Page 3
Our readers will regret to learn that Mr Thomas PATERSON,C.E., met his death by drowning on the 15th inst. It seems that the Oamaru upcoach, when crossing the Kakanui river, was upset, and two passengers drowned Miss ROSS, late teacher in the North Dunedin School, and Mr PATERSON. Southland Times, Issue 1185, 20 December 1869, Page 2
1870/6961 Ross Elizabeth 21Y
1870/6958 Paterson Thomas 38Y
At the inquest before A. Ross, Esq, Coroner, on the body of the boy CAMERON, who was drowned, no mention was made of the truly heroic efforts to save the life of the drowning boy by JAMES EWEN, who was preceding the boy through the rushing torrent on horseback. On witnessing the accident Ewen threw off his coat and vest, containing his watch and about �6, which, of course, were lost he jumped from his horse into the water, and swam with desperate energy to the fast sinking boy, whose life he felt was entrusted to his unaided efforts. The boy was now invisible, and Ewen dived several times into the deep and muddy water, ferreting about in dangerous bottoms of snags and driftwood, till the brave swimmer was himself caught by the clothes by a sharp and rugged broken root or branch. When Ewen tarried so long underneath, a thrill of horror ran through the few onlookers, who thought him also a victim to the dangerous driftwood but his clothes were gradually tearing, and at last giving way, he rose to the surface quite exhausted. He afterwards renewed his searches, but the water being too muddy to enable a person to see far ahead, they were reluctantly abandoned, and James Ewen, with tears in his eyes at non-success, departed to tell the sad news to the widow already mourning the sudden loss of her husband. Some are anxious to obtain for James Ewen the Humane Society's Medal, or at least some recognition of his bravery, which was undaunted by great difficulties, unwitnessed by an applauding crowd of spectators, and continued until his own life was well nigh lost...Wanganui Herald, Volume VIII, Issue 2625, 9 November 1875, Page 2
A correspondent writes to us from Bull's, Rangitikei, that a sad accident happened there on Thursday evening between seven and eight. It appears that Mr William SANSON, along with his wife and child about six months old, left his residence at Sandon to attend a Feistite meeting in the township at Bull's. In crossing the Rangitikei river, they kept too much below the ford, although the ferryman had marked it distinctly with flags. Still they had crossed all but the last channel but in this, the water being a little too deep, Mrs Sanson let the child drop partly into the water, and in reaching after it lost her balance, and the next instant both were swept down the current. Mr Sanson immediately plunged after them, but was a second too late, for wife and child sank to rise no more almost within his grasp. Mr Sanson is left with six children to mourn the loss of his wife. The body of Mrs Sanson has since been found, but not that of the child. An inquest will be held.Wellington Independent, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3707, 18 January 1873, Page 2
1873/13 Sanson Agnes 30Y
1873/15 Sanson Thomas 5M
Death by Drowning. Information has reached us that a man named J HARDY, a rabbiter on Sunnyside Station, was drowned in the Waiau on the evening of Wednesday last. It appears that the unfortunate man was one of a party who were swimming horses across the river, one of whom is said to have shouted several bottles of grog to his comrades. The deceased went to a publichouse in the neighborhood to obtain the liquor, and returned to the ferry late in the evening in a state of intoxication. While the boat was being taken across for him he appears to have got on a gravel spit and to have walked into the river as if to meet it. He was at once swept off by the current, and was never seen again. There can be no doulit as to the unhappy man's fate. Search parties were organized, but up to the time that our information was despatched no trace of the body had been discovered. We understand that the police have been commuricated with, and that a searching inquiry will be made into the circumstances of the case. Southland Times, Issue 3798, 23 August 1880, Page 2
1880/2885 Hardy James 35Y
HUGH O'CONNOR - Coroner Report: 14 Dec 1909, Waihuka Valley, Gisborne, New Zealand. At a railway camp in the Waihuka Valley
yesterday afternoon, Mr C. E. Armstrong, JP ., conducted an inquest into the recent drowning fatality in which Hugh O'Connor, a railway employee, was drowned on Sunday afternoon. Thomas Corcoran, laborer, at Waihuka Valley, gave evidence that he had known deceased for ten months, having been working with him on the railway works. Witness was camped within a chain from deceased tent, and they were bachelorising together with his brother Cornelius Corcoran. About 4.30pm on Sunday deceased and witnesses brother came from the store carrying stores. The deceased was perspiring on arrival. After being there about two minutes,
deceased asked witness if he would go in for a bath with him in the pool opposite our camp. Witness refused to go, and deceased said he would go himself, and he took off his clothes , except his pants and boots, at the same time passing the remark that he was perspiring. Witness heard a scream about twenty minutes after in the direction of the pool, and witness and his brother went to the pool. Witness saw deceased pants on the bank, but could not see deceased. Witness
then went into the water up to his waist, but could find no trace of deceased. The water was dirty at the time and he could not see into it. Witness called George Stanton, who tried five or six chains away. About 20 minutes after witness hear the scream A. McShane arrived. Witness identified the body as that of Hugh O'Connor. Cornelius Corcoran gave similar evidence to that of the previous witness as to knowing deceased. Witness refused to go for a bath when asked by deceased.
Deceased was very warm before going into the water, owing to having carried the stores. Witness saw deceased standing in about three feet of water, naked about five, minutes later he heard a scream, and ran with his brother to the pool, but could not see deceased. Witness went into the shallow water, about three , feet, but could find nothing of the body.
Witness sent for George STANTON, also Anthony McSHANE. McShane went into the water, and ultimately recovered the
body from the stream. This would be about 20 minutes to half an hour from the time witness heard the scream. They
immediately tried resuscitation. He identified the body as that of Hugh O'CONNOR. Deceased was unable to swim. Anthony
McShane stated he knew deceased. About 4.30 pm he was called by CORCORAN, who asked witness if he could swim, as a
chap was drowning. Witness ran to the pool, and went into the water, ultimately recovering the body in about 4ft of
water. Witness found the deepest, portion of the pool from 8ft to 9ft. Witness thought it likely that deceased had been in
the deep pool, but had been washed down the stream. Constable Myles Doyle deposed that he had found no marks of
violence on the body. The jury returned a verdict that the said Hugh O'Connor came by his death accidentally by
drowning when bathing.
-Poverty Bay Herald 14 Dec 1909 Page 6
His body was recovered and he is buried in the Ormond cemetery near Gisborne also on 14 December 1909.
Thanks to Russell Thorne for this.
An inquest was held at Howick on the 2nd of December on the body of J. M. HARRISON, who was found drowned at Maraitai three days before. The evidence went to show that Mr. Harrison had been drowned by the upsetting of a dinghy. The body of a man named BLAKELY, who was with Harrison in the dinghy, has also been picked up. [Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2943, 31 December 1866, Page 6]
Our Cambridge correspondent reports the occurrence of a fatal accident at Pukerimu, by the upsetting of a canoe. A military settler named Charles McDONALD was observed floating down the stream clinging to the canoe, and has not since been been heard of. [Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2943, 31 December 1866, Page 6]
On the upward trip of the 'Rangatira' from Taranaki, on December 17, Mr George FISK was accidentally drowned by falling from the bridge of the steamer. Mr. Fisk, who was well known and respected in Auckland, fell off at the moment of a sudden lurch of the vessel, and although every effort was put forth to save him he was not recovered. The body has since been found on the coast of Taranaki, and buried there. Deceased leaves a wife and family to mourn their loss. [Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2943, 31 December 1866, Page 6]
A fatal accident occurred at Ihumatao Creek on December 20 to a boy named Patrick QUANE who was a passenger to Auckland by the 'Ida Ziegler. It appears that, whilst playing with a boat he fell overboard and was drowned. [Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2943, 31 December 1866, Page 6]
Our Hokianga correspondent reports the accidental death by drowning of William PYECROFT, cook and steward on board the barque 'Lion' of Sydney. He fell overboard when pulling up a bucketful of water. It being ebb-tide, with a strong wind seaward and quite dark at the time, the attempt to save him was ineffectual. He leaves a wife and child in Sydney. [Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3134, 2 August 1867, Page 5]>/p>
On October 29 the body of a man names Alexander WILLIAMSON was reported to Sub-Inspector Goring by the master of PS Ranguri[?] as floating in the river in the narrows between Hamilton and Cambridge. It appears that the deceased was last seen alive at Cambridge on Monday the 20th Oct. Mr Goring immediately despatched two of the Constabulary in the boat of the steamer, lent for the purpose, with instructions to convey it to Hamilton; they arrived with the body the same evening. It was carried to Hamilton Hall to await an inquest. On the following day at 2 O'clock a jury was empanelled by order of Dr Beale, coroner. On viewing the body a cut extended backwards about six inches from the right ear and some cuts on the left leg were visible. After hearing the evidence of Constable Farr as to the findings of the body, and as to the last time the man was seen alive, the inquest was adjourned in order that a post mortem examination might be held and the presence of the mate of the deceased, named KILEY might be secured. [Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 5070, 20 November 1873, Page 2]
Malcolm Ronald BARNES born in 1951 in Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. He married Joy Radcliffe. Malcolm was lost at sea, aged 24, on 27 December 1975 (Hukerenui Cemetery Records Online -
Iris Ivy CUNNINGHAM was the twin daughter of Mr and the late Mrs Fulton Cunningham "Helenslee" of Kaipaki. She married Walter George KELLY. The following are extracts from the Cambridge Independent Newspaper, dated 3 August 1939. WOMAN MISSING - RESIDENT OF LEAMINGTON - ABSENCE SINCE YESTERDAY �A young married women, Iris Ivy Kelly, wife of Walter George Kelly, of Leamington, has been missing from her home since 7.30 a.m. yesterday morning. She may be suffering from loss of memory, and enquiries are being made as to her whereabouts. She had not been in good health. A bicycle which she usually uses was found yesterday morning near the High Level Bridge. A search was made of the river by Mr K. L. Wilkinson in his motor-boat, without success. When she left her home she was believed to be wearing a brown dress, purple and fawn check overcoat and lace-up gum-boots. Mrs Kelly is the mother of two children, the younger being a few months old. Extract from the Cambridge Independent Newspaper, date 5 August 1939 MISSING WOMAN - STILL NO TRACE - SEARCH OF RIVER �Although a search has been maintained, there is still not trace of Mrs Iris Ivy Kelly, wife of Mr W. G. Kelly, of Leamington, who has been missing from her home since Wednesday morning. The river has been closely watched. On Wednesday morning, Mrs Kelly left her home to drive some cows to a nearby paddock. She did not return and later her bicycle was found lying near the High Level Bridge�. Iris is said to have died on 2nd August 1939 (source: Walters marriage certificate to Mavis Garmonsway). Iris and Walter had two boys - one around six years old and one a baby. It seems that her body was never recovered. No inquest or any death certificate can be found. He then married Mavis Kathleen Garmonsway on 10th August 1940 at St David�s Presbyterian Church at Otorohanga (source: marriage certificate no. 15, Otorohanga ref 12119).
Leonard Thomas ALLAN was born 27 March 1905 in Hukerenui, Whangarei. At age 17, on 9 March 1924 (reg. 1924/1038), he drowned in the Waikato River. He was buried in the Purewa Cemetery on 29 March 1924 (Block B, Row 6, Plot 012) (Purewa Cemetery Online). His headstone reads �In loving memory of Leonard Thomas ALLAN, accidentally drowned 9 Mar 1924, aged 18 yrs, sleep in dear son and take thy rest, we miss you most who loved you best�.>
Star , Issue 7302, 23 October 1891, Page 4
A SAD AFFAIR. GREYMOUTH, Oct. 22. A sad drowning fatality occurred this afternoon. Frank LORD, aged twelve years, Thomas LORD about nine, and SHARP about eight, were amusing themselves in an old scow on the lagoon near the Hospital. It is supposed that the boat became filled with water, and that the boys, frightened, jumped out. All were drowned. Frank Lord and Sharp, when found, were clasped in each other�s arms. The third body was recovered shortly afterwards by dragging with a rope armed with fishhooks. The scow drifted ashore. Two of the boys were sons of Mr E. J. Lord, the well-known surveyor and engineer; the other was the son of a wharf labourer. An attempt was made to resuscitate the first two, as their bodies were not rigid, but in vain. The accident was seen from the hospital.
1891/5058 Sharp James 10Y
1891/5056 Lord Francis Owen 11Y
1891/5057 Lord Tom Mansell NR
Southland Times , Issue 9413, 11 January 1887, Page 2
Two Sisters Drowned.� The Paparoa (Kaipara) correspondent of the New Zealand Herald gives particulars of the drowning of the youngest daughters of Mr Joseph MASEFIELD, of Auckland : � " The children, who were aged thirteen and eleven years respectively, left home on the 17th uit., on horseback, for their uncle's farm, a few miles distant, and being fearless riders were without saddles. The usual route was across a creek with a h�rd bottom. They did not return, and at night tbeir mother, with a neighbour or two, went by boat to the uncle's farm to see if they had been there. She found the animals watered and fed and everything done which they were expected to do, and returned thinking to find the children at home. In this expectation she was disappointed, and as soon as Mr Masefield and his sons came home on Saturday they went in search of the missing ones. Supposing they were lost in the bush, they lit fires and searched with lanterns all night, but in the morning they found the bodies in the creek about a quarter of a mile apart, and the horses standing over one of them. It is supposed that they attempted to cross ere the tide was out, that the youngest one's pony was frightened, throwing her in the water, and that the other in attempting to help her was also drowned.
Wellington Independent, Volume XXIV, Issue 2788, 23 January 1869, Page 2 - DEATH from Drowning. We (Wanganui Times) deeply regret to have to record another sad bereavement which has sorely afflicted the family of an old and respected townsman, Mr John GARNER. It appears that on the afternoon of Thursday the 15th instant, Master Tyrrell GARNER, son of the late Mr Thomas GARNER, went with other boys to bathe in the Wanganui River, nearly opposite Putiki, and was accidentally drowned. The body was discovered on Saturday morning near Churton's creek by Mr Ward, and taken to the Steam Packet Hotel, where an inquest was held. The jury returned a verdict of "Accidentally drowned." (Tyrell Stephen GARNER - Birth 1860 in Wanganui, New Zealand Death 15 JAN 1869 in Wanganui, New Zealand. Son of Thomas John Tyrell GARNER 1831 — 1864 and Ellen Eleanor PENFOLD 1839 — 1878)
Bay of Plenty Times of the 25 July 1892 - "SAD BOATING FATALITY — THREE MEN DROWNED. Quite a gloom was thrown over Katikati and Tauranga on Saturday by a rumour which proved only too true, that a terrible mishap had overtaken the newly purchased Katikati fishing boat, Hit or Miss, and that her owners, Messrs George Vesey STEWART, junior, and Frank ANDERSON together with their assistant, a man named IRWIN, had all been drowned. It appears that the party named left Katikati on one of their usual fishing trips on Friday afternoon, intending to go outside the Bowentown Heads, but finding the sea on the bar too heavy returned and anchored inside the Heads for the night. On Saturday morning early they again started, there being hardly any wind, and drifted out with the ebb tide. At 8 o'clock, the boat was seen by Mr Alfred FAULKNER, looking over the low lying neck of land north west of the heads, to be in dangerous proximity to the break on the outer (submerged) bank, about a mile from shore; a few minutes later Mr Faulkner, with the aid of a glass saw a big wave break over the boat and when it cleared off she appeared to be swamped and the three occupants were clinging to the mast, and a succeeding wave hid them from sight for ever, it being evident that the boat, having 4� tons of iron ballast on board, settled down under them. News was at once sent by Mr Faulkner to the families of the unfortunate men, and the ill news travelled apace. Within a very short time search parties were out, headed by Messrs Mervyn Stewart, and Bertie Anderson, brothers of two of the lost, in hope that some, at any rate, of the party might have struggled to shore, a hope destined to be most sadly crushed out as the day wore on, and the parties returned at nightfall with the painful news that all hope must be abandoned. The boat was an eight tonner, cutter rigged, and half decked with a small cabin abaft the mast, but no hatches over the well; she was recently bought in Auckland, where she had been used for fishing and was reckoned a smart boat. George Stewart was the second son of Mr George Vesey Stewart, the founder of the Katikati settlement, and was married about 2 years ago to Miss Anderson, sister of his partner, and he leaves a widow and two little ones. Frank Anderson, was a son of Mr T G Anderson, also of Katikati, and was married in April last, at Tauranga, to Miss Ethel MANSEL, niece of Miss Mansel, of Yatton. Irwin was a resident of Auckland, and a professional fisherman and fish -curer, and also leaves a widow and children in that city to bewail the loss of the breadwinner of the family. Yesterday large search parties again left Katikati to search the beaches east and west of the Heads and a party also left Tauranga and searched the beach from Panipani to within about ?????? of the Katikati entrance, but without needing a trace of the ill-fated vessel or her crew. On every hand the greatest sympathy is felt and expressed with the occupants of the homes thus tragically rendered desolate, and with the parents of the deceased. The kinship of the two settlements of Tauranga and Katikati could not be better exemplified than by the heartfelt expressions of regret and sorrow that we have heard in the former place since the first news of the catastrophe was received, and in conveying the knowledge of these feelings to the sorrowing families of the dead we desire also to add our own tribute of esteem for the latter and sympathy with the living. LATER. A black soft felt hat was found by the search party on the Waihi beach yesterday; it is supposed to be Anderson's. Mr Faulkner states that the three men appeared to have lashed themselves to the cutter's mast, probably thinking that she would remain upright when the hull was resting on the bottom. He saw them in this position for about seven minutes, the seas, which were very heavy, breaking over them all the time, then both men and mast disappeared. There would be about two fathoms of water where the boat sunk. Anderson for some years led a seafaring life and held a master mariner's certificate; Robert Irwin was also an experienced boatman. A boat went out yesterday and endeavoured to find the position of the wreck but could see no trace of her.
William Henry THORNE
D 1907/6396 Thorne William Henry 62Y
occ: coal merchant, date of death: 27 Aug 1907, bn c1845 Newnham GLS ENG, years in NZ: 44, cause of death: drowned, verdict of coroner
Grey River Argus , 2 September 1907, Page 3
FOUND DROWNED. CHRISTCHURGH, Aug. 31. An inquest was held to-day on the body of William Henry Thorne, which had had been found in the Heathcote River yesterday. An open verdict (found drowned) was returned. Deceased was a. married man with five children and was 61 years of age.
Ashburton Guardian, Volume xxix, Issue 7270, 31 August 1907, Page 4
CHRISTCHURCH, August 30. An old man named William Henry Thorne, 63 years, of age, was found drowned in the Heathcote river this afternoon. He had been missing since yesterday.
Ashburton Guardian, Volume xxix, Issue 7271, 2 September 1907, Page 3
CHRISTCHURCH, Aug. 31. The body of William Henry Thorne, who had been missing since Monday, was found in the Heathcote river on Friday afternoon. Deceased was a married man with five children, and was 62 years of age. An inquest was held at Christchurch on Saturday, before Mr H. W. Bishop, S.M., District Coroner. A verdict of "Found drowned" was returned.(Thanks to Glen Currey.)
John Harris CHING (s/o Richard CHING & Jane HARRIS) bn c1843 Cornwall, ENG?; d. 14 Dec 1870 Nelson, NZL
Nelson Colonist, Volume XIV, Issue 1380, 16 December 1870, Page 3 DEATHS: John Harris Ching, of Wakapuaka, aged 27 years.
Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXIX, Issue 103, 17 December 1870, Page 2 DIED. On the 14th December, accidentally drowned, Mr. John Harris Ching, of Wakapuaka, aged 27 years.
Nelson Evening Mail, Volume V, Issue 299, 20 December 1870, Page 2 BIRTH. Ching. - Dec. 17, at Stoke, the wife of the late Mr. John Harris Ching, of a son. (Wife was Emma nee JELLYMAN)
Evening Post, Volume VI, Issue 265, 21 December 1870, Page 2. We learn from the Nelson Colonist that John Harris Ching, about 27 years of age, a farmer at Wakapuaka, was drowned at the Rocks last Wednesday evening. The deceased was coming round the Rocks on horseback in a few inches depth of water, when the horse suddenly shied, and man and horse went into deep water. The horse came ashore, but the body of his rider was not recovered in time to restore animation. An inquest was held; and a verdict of accidental death returned.
Wellington Independent, Volume XXV, Issue 3088, 22 December 1870, Page 2. Fatal Accident.-� The "Nelson Mail" of the 19th says :� A sad accident happened yesterday evening to a young man named John Ching, while riding round " the rocks" from the Waimea. Instead of keeping to the newly cut track, he rode nearer to the sea, and when opposite Mr Baly's residence, his horse shied, and he was thrown into a deep hole. The accident was witnessed by some persons not far off, and they went for assistance, and a boat was speedily procured, but by the time the poor fellow was taken out, life was extinct, and all attempts to restore animation proved unsuccessful. (Thanks to Glen Currey.)
(Nelson)Colonist, Volume V, Issue 457, 11 March 1862, Page 2
Death by Drowning.
A carpenter, named George CRAIB, in the employ of Mr. TROLOVE, was drowned in the Clarence on Sunday, the 16th February, under the following circumstance's. The deceased had brought his wife and child (who had lately arrived from Nelson) to the river bank late in the evening, and instead of waiting for the ferryman he attempted to ford the river to fetch a boat across. When in the middle of the river his wife lost sight of him, and only once afterwards saw him rise above the water. An alarm was given, and in less than a quarter of an hour from the time of the accident Mr. TROLOVE, jun., and the ferryman succeeded in finding the body, which was about a quarter of a mile below the place where the unfortunate man first disappeared, and had been washed over two falls. Every effort was made to restore animation without effect. In the absence of a coroner or a sufficient number to form a jury, J. D. Tetley. Esq., the magistrate nearest to the spot, instituted an inquiry into the circumstances, which was quite conclusive as to its being a case of accidental drowning, and the body was ordered to be interred. The burial service was read by the Rev. W. Bird. (Thanks to Glen Currey.)
North Otago Times Wednesday 24 1894
In New Zealand during 1893, 147 persons lost their lives through
drowning. Of these, 21 fell into rivers or harbours, 10 were bathing,
5 children in tubs, carelessly left exposed, 36 in boat accidents, 13
were travellers crossing rivers, 6 were overtaken by flood, 4 in
shipwrecks on the coast, 13 were found drowned, and 1 committed suicide. - Thanks to Bill Martin for this.
Inquest COR 1955 No 64 for Stuart WEIR, 17 years, 1955: He drowned on Jan 18, his body found Jan 19. Inquest 20 Jan at Taumarunui. Coroners Inquest, received Justice HO Wellington on 1 Feb. Copy now in Archives Wellington. His body was identified by his 2nd cousin Ian Robertson McKenzie WEIR, timber merchant, lived at 11 Ward St, Taumarunui. Ian's wife Nancy Joan WEIR said she went to the Wanganui River swimming spot by the Wanganui River Rail Bridge at Matapuna about 3.30 pm with her 3 daughters & 2 other children. John & Leonard DOOGUE arrived at the river about 4.45 pm with Graham WEIR & Stuart WEIR. Graham (10y) could not swim, and Stuart told them in the car he could not swim. Len a secondary school student who lived at 17 Ward St said he met the deceased at Weir & Kenny's Timber Yard. They noticed Stuart missing about 5.45 pm, looked for him and called the police. His body was not found until 1 pm about half a chain from the "beach". Results of post mortem given. His parents not mentioned, nor where he was buried. Were Stuart & Graham brothers? Were they living in Taumarunui or holidaying there, and were they staying with Ian & Nancy WEIR (and working at his Timber Yard)? (John Wilson)
A man named Allan JACKSON, one of the crew of the schooner "Defiance", drowned at Kakanui on 26th May 1869. On the morning of the day JACKSON and another crew member put off from the schooner in a boat, intending to go ashore, but shortly after entering the river the boat struck a rock and filled, both men being thrown into the water. Both were good swimmers and regained the boat to which they clung, and in this position were drifted out among the breakers. JACKSON continued to cling to the boat and was drowned and was drowned by the waves breaking over him; the other man, with better judgement, and being a superb swimmer, let go of the boat as he saw the wave coming, and rose upon it, afterwards regaining the boat. Meanwhile one of the surf boats was launched and was in time to save JACKSON�s companion but was unable to save JACKSON. JACKSON�s body was washed ashore three days later but as the accident was witnessed by several persons who were on the beach at the time, the District Coroner considered that under the circumstances an inquest was unnecessary.
An inquest was held on the 5th February 1868, at the Totara Station, near Oamaru, by T W PARKER, Esq., R.M., and Coroner, on the body of Thomas LOUDEN, a carpenter, aged about 45, employed on the above station. Deceased with his wife, son, and a little girl named Annie SMITH, occupied a house on the banks of the Waireka Creek, which owing to the sudden rising of the creek on the occasion of the great flood on the night of the 3rd instant, was bodily swept away, and all the inmates drowned. - Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 6th February 1868, at the Oamaru Hotel, Oamaru, by T W PARKER, Esq., R. M., and Coroner, on the bodies of David PETRIE, aged about 25, and William BROOKS, aged about 33, seamen aboard the British ship, "Star of Tasmania," who were drowned on the occasion of the wreck of that vessel off Oamaru, during the great storm on the night of the 3rd instant, while endeavouring to swim ashore from their ship.- Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial enquiry was held on the 5th February 1868, at West Taieri, by James FULLTON, Esq., R. M., and Coroner, on the body of John CHAPMAN, a labourer, aged about 35, who was drowned on the Whare Creek during the great flood of the 3rd instant, when the above creek rose to an unusual height, and the deceased was carried away while endeavouring to escape from an Accommodation House on its banks, in which he was sleeping at the time. - Verdict accordingly. An inquest was held on the 5th February 1868, at the Commercial Hotel, Tokomairiro, by John DEWE, Esq., R. M., and Coroner, on the body of Edwin DRAPER, a butcher, aged about 32, whose death took place at Tokomariro on the occasion of the great flood the previous day. Deceased was on horseback, endeavouring to save some cattle, when his horse lost its footing, and both horse and rider were carried away by the flood and drowned. - Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 30th July 1872, at the Queens Arms Hotel, Queenstown, by R BEETHAM, Esq., R.M., and Coroner, on the body of Thomas RUSSELL, aged 15 years, who was drowned in Lake Wakatipu, while washing a horse therin on the 28th July. Verdict.- Accidently drowned.
An inquest was held on the 5th August , at the Empire Hotel, Oamaru, by George SUMPTER, Esq., J.P., on the body of Isaac DAVIS, a shopkeeper, aged 45 years, who drowned in a lagoon at Oamaru on the 1st August. Verdict.- Found drowned.
An inquest was held on the 23rd September 1872, at the Supreme Court Hotel, Jetty Street, Dunedin, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Thomas Cairns BROWN, a joiner, aged 21 years, whose body was found in the Dunedin harbour the previous day, and who was supposed fell through a bridge on the Port Chalmers railway line into the harbour, on the night of the 21st September. Verdict.- Accidently drowned.
An inquest was held on the 24th September 1872, at the Pier Hotel, Stuart Street, Dunedin, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Thomas James ARROLL, a plowman, aged 44 years, whose body was found in the Dunedin harbour that day, and who it is supposed fell off the end of the jetty into the harbour, on the night previous while in a state of drunkennes.. Verdict.- Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 27th October, at the Clyde Hotel, Clyde, by E.H. CAREW, Esq., R.M., and Coroner, on the body of Thomas HUTTON, a carpenter aged 42 years, who fell off the Bannockburn punt into the Kawarau River, at Bannockburn , on the night of the 7th July 1872, and was drowned. drowned.
An inquest was held on the 22nd October 1872, at the Bay Road, Waikivi Bush, by T A MONCKTON, Esq, Coroner, on the bodies of Frederick WHITTING, aged 8 years; Charles WHITTING, aged 5 years; and John WHITTING, aged 10 months; the children of Charles and Caroline WHITTING, who were drowned by their mother in the Waikivi River, Southland District. Verdict.- Wilful murder against Caroline WHITTING.
An inquest was held on February 5th 1868, at the Totara Station, near
Oamaru, by T Wq PARKER, Esq., and Coroner, on the body of Thomas
LOUDEN, a carpenter, aged about 45, employed on the above station.
Deceased with his wife, son and a little girl named Annie SMITH,
occupied a house on the banks of the Wareka Creek on the occasion of
the great flood on the night of the 3rd February was bodily swept
away, and all its inmates drowned.- Verdict accordingly
An inquest was held on the 6th August 1872, at the Windermere farm, Kakanui, by F A CLOWES, Esq., J P., on the body of Bridget FAIR, or MCCULLOCH, a domestic servant, aged 40 years, who was found dead in a lagoon near Kakanui, on the 3rd August 1872. Verdict - Found dead.
An inquest was held on the 17th December by T.W. PARKER, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, at the Kakanui Hotel, on the body of Thomas PATTERSON, civil engineer, aged 38 years, who was accidentally drowned, the previous day by the capsizing of of one of J. Chaplin & Co�s coaches (in which he was a passenger) while passing the kakanui in flood. From the evidence of the survivors, it appears the accident was attributed to the alarm of some of the passengers at the appearance of water coming into the coach, upon which some of them clambered on top, causing the vehicle to become top-heavy, when it upset. Verdict - accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 17th December by T.W. PARKER, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, at the Kakanui Hotel, on the body of Elizabeth ROSS, school teacher, aged 21 years, who was accidentally drowned by the capsizing of a coach , in the Kakanui River, in which she was a passenger, during flood on the 16th. Verdict - Accidentally drowned. The jury at the above two inquests comprised of Messrs. Hector Brown (foreman), John Barraclough, W. Crawford, J. McArtney, W. Brown, J. Pepperd, John Russell, Robert West, Edward Flynn, Robert Smart, Geoffry Williams, William Dewer.
An inquest took place on Tuesday morning at the Empire Hotel, on view of the body of Anna HARPER, before W J STEWARD, Esq., J. P., Acting Coroner, and a jury of fourteen, whose names are as follows, viz:- John J SPENCE (foreman), J H CLEGHORN, Alfred HEADLAND, Robert GRAY, Robert HOME, Richard LEIGH, John CAGNEY, Benjamin PERRY, James LAWSON. W H ROYAYNE, Charles R LAWRIE, R RICHARDSON, Philip MASON, and Elias HARDING. Sub-Inspector conducted the examination. The jury having viewed the body. The first witness called was Alexander HARPER, the husband of the deceased, who deposed that the deceaswas 22 years of age. They had been married for two years. The face was very livid, and the gooseskin appearance peculiar? to cases of drowning was apparent. Deceased had all the appearance of death from suffocation from asphyxia, produced by drowning. There was no evidence in the condition of the body of any violence sufficient to cause death. Witness (doctor) was of the opinion that the deceased died from drowning. This completed the evidence, after consultation, found as follows: That the deceased, Anna Harper, did come to her death by being accidently drowned in the lagoon at the mouth of the Oamaru Creek, on the morning of the 10th day of September, instant.
An inquest was held on the 12th November 1872, at the Waihemo Hotel, Waihemo, by J W MURDOCH, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of William Pringle ROBERTSON, aged 8 years, who was drowned while bathing in a water dam at Waihemo, on the 10th November 1872. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 28th November 1872, at the Eagle Hotel, Campbelltown, by Francis A MUCKTON, Esq., Coroner, on the bodies of Ann DAVIS, aged 13 years, and Joseph DAVIS aged 30 months, who were drowned in the Mataura River on the 24th November. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on 30th November 1872 , at the Matakanui Hotel, Drybread, by E H CAREW, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Thomas MELLOR, aged 3 years, who was drowned in a tail -race at Drybread on the previous day. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 28th December 1872, at the Northern Hotel Oamaru, by T W PARKER, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Charles Henry DONNELLY, a cook, aged 37 years, who drowned whilst bathing in the Oamaru Creek, at Oamaru , on the previous day. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 15th January 1873, at the Kaitangata Hotel, Kaitangata, by J G SMITH, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Mary REID, aged 9 years, who while plucking flowers on the bank of the Molyneux River, at Kaitangata, on the 6th January, fell into the river and drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 24th January 1873, at Edgar�s Royal Hotel, Waikaka, by J N WOOD, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Ewen MCPHERSON, a shepherd aged 54 years, who was found drowned in the Waikaka River on the 22nd January, and who it is supposed was crossing the river on or about the 8th January. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 17th February 1873, at the Albion Hotel, Invercargill, by F A MOCKTON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Joseph BENNETT, a bullock driver, aged 28 years, who committed suicide by drowning himself in a waterhole at Woodend township, Bluff Road, on the 15th February. Verdict - The deceased committed suicide by drowning while in a state of temporary insanity.
An inquest was held on the 18th February 1873, at the Reliance Hotel, Otakia, by James FULTON, Esq., R M and Coroner on the body of John Robert KIRK, aged 10 years, who was drowned in the Taieri River, at Otakia, on the previous day, while sculling a boat across the river. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 1st April 1873 at Inch Clutha Hotel, Inch Clutha, by by J G SMITH Esq., Coroner, on the body of Robert STEWART, a labourer, aged 60 years, whose body was found drowned on that day in the Molyneux River, at Inch Clutha, and who it is supposed fell into the river on the night of the 23rd March, while under the influence of drink and was drowned. Verdict - Found drowned.
An inquest was held on the 4th April 1873, at the Toll Gate, East Taieri Ferry, by James P MAITLAND, Esq., R M and Coroner on the body of Silvester KINGSLEY, a labourer, aged 30 years, who was drowned in the Taieri River, at East Taieri, on the 25th March, by the upsetting of a boat. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 12th April 1873, at the residence of Thomas TRUMBLE, Broadland, near Winton, by F A MONKTON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of William Henry TRUMBLE, aged 13 years 6 months, who was drowned on 30th March , in the New River, at Menzies Ford, by the upsetting of a boat. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 15th April 1873, at the residence of Thomas BUXTON, Makarewa Bush, Southland district, by J M MCLURE,Esq., J P., on the body of Robert BUXTON, aged 13 months, who was drowned on the 13th April , by falling into a cesspool in his father�s garden, at Makarewa. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 29th April 1873 at the Roaring Meg Hotel, Roaring Meg, by W L SIMPSON, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Elizabeth HARVEY, married woman, aged 38 years, who fell over a cliff at Gibston into the Kawarau River, on the 19th December 1872. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
Lewis, (or Louis) Rhodes was born 18 January 1884 in Patea and was drowned
on 20 December 1908 at Waitara and was buried in the Waitara cemetery on 20 December 1908.
From "The Taranaki Herald" Monday December 21 1908
"A sad drowning accident occurred at Waitara on Sunday afternoon. A young man named Lewis RHODES, in company with another man named CROWLEY, went to the river near the boatsheds to swim their horses. Neither of them was able to swim. RHODES had entered the water several times. The last time he lost control of the horse and disappeared. CROWLEY made an attempt to rescue RHODES, but being unable to swim any distance, narrowly escaped drowning himself. The affair happened only a few yards from the shore. Mr MITCHELL was on the bank, but, being unable to swim, could not assist the unfortunate man. Constable PRICE was soon on the spot and dragging operations were at once proceeded with. Deceased was a son of Mrs RHODES, boardinghouse-keeper of Waitara, and was about 25 years of age. He was employed at Mr McKENZIES livery stables.
The body was found at 3 this morning, close to the spot where deceased was seen to disappear.
An inquest will be held."
An inquest was held on the 10th July 1873, at the Outram Hotel, West Taieri, by James FULTON, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Andrew BRADSHAW, a labourer, aged 30 years, who was drowned on the 5th July in the Taieri River by the capsizing of a boat in which he was crosing the river. Verdict- accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 12th July 1873, at the residence of Edward COUSTEN, Warepa, by John G SMITH, Esq., Coroner, on the body of David COUSTEN, aged 2 years & 9 months, who fell into a well at Warepa, on the previous day and was drowned. Verdict-Accidently drowned.
An inquest was held on the 22nd July 1873, at Dunedin Hospital, by T M HOCKEN, esq., Coroner, on the body of John McLEOD, a wool sorter, aged 45 years, who fell from the bridge into the Water of Leith River at Dunedin on the previous day and was drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 27th August 1873, at the Mosgiel Factory, East Taieri, by J TODD, Esq., J P., on the body of William DOBSON, aged 2 years & 2 months, who fell into the water race at Mosgiel, on the 25th August, and was drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 29th August 1873, at the Mosgiel Hotel, Mosgiel, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Charles FORRESTER, a farmer, aged 47 years who was drowned at East Taieri on the previous day when crossing the Silver stream. Verdict - Accidentally drowned,
An inquest was held on the 1st October 1873, at the Courthouse, Port Chalmers, by David O�DONOGHUE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Peter WILSON, a sailor, aged 29 years, who fell overboard from the ketch Fanny at Port Chalmers, on that day and was drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 22nd December 1873, at Dunedin Hospital, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Thomas BEAMISH, a labourer, aged 32 years, who was drowned in Dunedin harbour on the 16th December by the upsetting of a boat. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 24th January 1874 , at the Wyndham Hotel, Wyndham, by J A R MENZIES, Esq., J P & Coroner, on the body of Jonathan JAMIESON, a farmer aged 23 years, who was drowned while bathing in the Wyndham River, on the 22nd January. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 29th January 1874, at at the Shotover Ferry Hotel, Shotover Bridge, by R BEETHAM, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of William McGRATH, aged 2 years 6 months, who was found drowned in a well near his parents residence, at the Shotover Bridge, on that day. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 32st january 1874, at the residence of Adam BEGG, Anderson�s Bay, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Charles Peter BEGG, aged 21 years, who was drowned at the Ocean Beach, Anderson�s Bay on the previous day while bathing there. Verdict- Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 9th February 1874, at the West Taieri Hotel, Outram, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Henry KIXON, a farm servant, aged 18 years, who was drowned in the Taieri River, at West Taieri, on the 4th February, while fording the taieri River on horseback. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 21st March 1874, at Dench�s Jerusalem Coffee and Chop House, Port Chalmers, by David O'DONOGHUE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John MURPHY, a seaman, aged 22 years, who fell off the lighter Alexandra into the Bay at Port Chalmers on the 12th March and was drowned. Verdict Accidentally drowned.
The following persons were drowned by the upsetting of a boat, on the 15th of August (1841), at Britannia (Petone), the new name of the capital of New Zealand:
Mr. John PIERCE, late of Birmingham
Mr. W. ELSDON, late of London
Mr. Richard HIGHT
Mr. J. LANCASTER, late of London
Mr. Josias TUCKER, late of Cornwall
Mr. GRIFFIN, late of the "Cuba"
Mr. ROGERS, late of Cornwall
Mr. MARTIN, mariner.
ROOTS family and Mary FEIST n�e ROOTS:
Mary married Alfred FEIST in Wanganui in 1868. She drowned in the
Waingawa River, but in 1869 (RG No 263, Wairarapa) not "about 1873" as
A.H. Carman has in "Tawa Flat and the Old Porirua Road 1840-1955"
page 88 (1956; revised 1970, 1982).The marriage was 1868 from the Marriages CD, and a search of the RG
Death Indexes found her death in 1869. The Coroner's Inquest ref. is J1
COR 1869/1354, for the inquest held on (Monday) 17 May 1869 at the
house of Alfred FEIST known as The Institute, Masterton.
Alfred said that yesterday he was going from Masterton to Carterton with
his wife & Peter BACKLAND in a one-horse trap. He noticed the river was up
and swollen, and they waited a quarter of an hour. Alfred wanted to wait,
but Mr BACKLAND said he would be late for the meeting, and said the river
was shallower further up. When they were crossing, Mr BACKLAND was
nervous and put out his hand to a rein. One wheel of the trap went on the
bank and one in deep water, so the trap capsized. The jury verdict said they
were accidentally drowned from not knowing the proper fording place.
Evidence also by Jack KENNEDY & John Hy WILSON. Coroner was Hy Thos
SPROTT. Inquest 8 pages of evidence plus final page with jury list &
The ITM notice was BDM 20/13 page 219 no 21 (RG 1868 No 1012)
Alfred FEIST, Widower storekeeper 33, Res Wanganui 1 week
Mary ROOTS, Spinster - 27, Res Wanganui 6 mo
Marriage by Registrar, Wanganui. Notice/Certificate 25 April 1868
May 16 1882, drowned Timaru. Three of the bodies of the men lost on Sunday washed ashore near Whales' Creek, and have been conveyed to the Melville Hotel, where they await an inquest. One identified as Emanuel NEILSON, a Swede, boatman, Timaru, formerly in the employ of the Harbour Board.
Wreck of the s.s. Tararua 29 April 1881 : Drowned:
Ashburton: Mr Carl CARLBURG was for many years on the farm of Mr Joseph
CLARKE, at Winchmore. He was a Swede by birth, and was on a visit to his
native land.
Mr Benjamin HANSEN, a Swede, well known in the Timaru District, where he and
his brother were farming. They both sold out, and his brother left for Utah
by the last San Francisco mail. The deceased took a ticket for London, and
from there was going to Sweden to see his aged mother. He was 31 years of
age, dark hair and beard and when leaving Lyttelton had on a dark tweed
suit. He had a draft for �50 on the Bank of New Zealand, Christchurch, with
him. He is a relation of Mr O. LARSON, Knightstown, Christchurch.
The body brought by the Hawea has been recognised as that of a Swede named
Andrew ANDERSON, from Carrick Ranges, aged about fifty. He had been stopping
for some days at Boaz's boarding-house, Port Chalmers but it was Mr George
MARTIN. After working for many years in the Crowell district, Mr ANDERSON
came to Dunedin a few days ago for the purpose of transacting some business
before leaving for the Home Country. He intended to go on board the Tararua
to proceed Home via Melbourne. His business, however, delayed him in
Dunedin, and he resolved to wait for the next boat.
An inquest was held on the 21st March 1874, at Dench�s Jerusalem Coffee and Chop House, Port Chalmers, by DAVID O�DONOGHUE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of JOHN MURPHY, a seaman, aged 22 years, who fell off the lighter Alexandra, into the bay at Port Chalmers on the 12th March and was drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 23rd March 1874, at Ormond�s Hotel, Roxburgh, by JOHN BEIGHTON, Esq., J P and Acting Coroner, on the body of William Frederick MILLER, aged 7 years, who drowned while bathing in the river Molyneaux at the Teviot on the previous day. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on 1st June 1874, at the Court House, Port Chalmers, by David O�DONOGHUE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Frank CASSELLS, a tailor, aged 36 years, who was drowned in the Upper Harbour, Port Chalmers, on the 25th May, by the upsetting of a boat. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 15th July 1874, at the Court House, Port Chalmers, by David O�DONOGHUE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Alexander NOALES, a seaman, aged 53 years, who died on board the ship Caroline on that day, from the effects of injuries sustained on the previous night, by falling off the ship�s side, at the Port Chalmers Railway Pier, while under the influence of drink. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 17th July 1874, at the Mosgiel Hotel, Mosgiel, by James FULTON, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of June MCNEIL, a married woman, aged 45 years, who was found drowned in a ditch near Mosgiel on the day previous. into which she is supposed she fell on the night of the 15th July, while under the influence of drink. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 13th August 1874, at the Hospital, Dunedin, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John WALKER, a bootmaker, aged 45 years who drowned in the Dunedin Bay on the 11th August, by the capsizing of a boat. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 2nd September 1874, at the Hospital, Dunedin, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Charles BURGESS, a bricklayer, aged 37 years, who was drowned in Dunedin Bay , near Vauxhall Bridge on the 31st August. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 4th September 1874, at the Swan Hotel, Oamaru, by George SUMPTER, Esq., J P and Acting Coroner, on the body of David HUNTER, a contractor, aged 34 years, who fell off an iron girder, at the railway bridge, at Waitaki, into the Waitaki River on the 2nd September. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 14h September 1874, at the Court House, Port Chalmers, by David O�DONOGHUE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John McMAHON, a seaman, aged 33 years, who was drowned in Port Chalmers Harbour on the 11th September while attempting to swim ashore from the ship "Tweed." Verdict - Accidentally drowned
An inquest was held on the 15th September 1874, at the Hospital, Dunedin, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Malcolm MCGREGGAN, a seaman, aged 29 years, who died there on the 13th September from the effects sustained on the day previous by falling off the railway pier at Port Chalmers into the bay, between the pier ant the ship Otago. Verdict - Died from acute congestion, caused by accidentally falling into the water at Port Chalmers Railway Pier.
An inquest was held on the 14th December 1874, at the Bannockburn Hotel, Bannockburn, by James CORSE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Samuel BOTTERERELL, a miner, aged 28 years, who was killed on that day by a quantity of earth falling upon him while mining at Pipe Clay Gully, Bannockburn. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
Andrew Sydney SANDS & Mary Ann McKENZIE: There was an inquest on the couple; they drowned in the Dunsdale Stream near Hedgehope. The verdict was suicide by drowning in the Dunsdale Stream between 16th & 28th December 1924. Their bodies were tied together; he put his arms around her from behind, then she tied his arms together with cloth probably from her skirt. The inquest was on Monday 29 December in the dwelling house of Mrs McKAY, after the bodies were found. Evidence from Mary's brother William, and her mother Mary Sturgeon McKENZIE, who said she was a good girl but had given her cheek when she checked her for going about so much with Andrew. She last saw her daughter on the 13th, and reported her missing on the 15th. Andrew's father Ambrose said she stayed at the SANDS' place on the 13th, when she slept with his girls. I think she was sent there with a message? The Inquests (2 files) were received in Wellington in January; J 46, 1925 Nos 37 (SANDS) & 38 (McKENZIE). PS: the coroner was told that there was only one inquest, so he would only be paid for one, please resubmit your voucher (claim).
Lyttleton Times - 22 Jun 1880 - A melencholy accident by which 2 men named ROWLAND and WALLER happened at Waikerikikeri (now Hickory Bay) on Saturday morning last. It appears that the surf boats used by Mr SINCH in loading his vessels with timber had partly loaded in the E.U. Cameron on the day previous. On Saturday morning the first boat reached the vessel safely, but the second boat, manned by the 2 unfortunate men and another named KENCH, was being launched when it hung sometime on the ways shipping a great deal of water, and before the men could drag it outside of the breakers the boat filled and capsized. WALLER was seen for some afterwards and appeared to be heading towards Cameron when suddenly he threw up his hands and disappeared. Rowland attempted to reach the shore, and battled bravely with the surf for a considerable time but ultimately went down. KENCH clung to the upturned boat and was afterwards rescued by the crew of the other boat. ROWLAND was a native of Wales and WALLER had been in the district about 2 years. The body of the man Waller was washed ashore at Waikerikikeri on Sunday morning. An inquest will be held tomorrow.
Lyttlelton Times - 25 Jun 1880 - The Recent Fatal Accident - One of the unfortunate men who lost his life by the upsetting of a surf boat at Waikerikikeri on the Peninsula, as reported in our issue of June 22 was the son of Mr Robert WALLER of Loburn. Deceased was 23 years of age and was much respected by those with whom he worked.
Sent in by Margaret Lyne, Palmerston North.
An inquest was held on the 16th November 1874 at the Bridge Hotel, Kaitangata, by E H CAREW Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of John MORTON, an engineer, aged 33 years, who on the 13th November fell into the Matua branch of the river Molyneux, at Kaitangata and was drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 24th November 1874, at the White House Hotel, East Taieri, by J E BROWN Esq., J.P. , on the body of Joseph BAXTER alias John ELLIS, a tailor and labourer, aged 28 years, who fell off a punt on the Taieri River on the 21st November and was drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 28th November 1874, at the Dunrobin Hotel, Spylaw, by John F HERBERT Esq., J.P., on the body of William Lorimer SHIRLAW, a station labourer and tutor, aged 20 years, who, on the day previous was drowned while bathing in Swift Creek, Spylaw. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 8th November 1874 at the Taieri Ferry Store, East Taieri, by E H CAREW, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Henry Crompton HIGGINS, a draper aged 25 years, who was drowned in the taieri River at East Taieri on the 6th November by the capsizing of a dingy. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 24th November 1874, at the Geelong Hotel, Alexandra, by W L SIMPSON Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Frances Louisa HOOD, aged 19 months, who accidentally fell into a pond of water at Galloway Station, Manuherikia, on the day previous and was drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 2nd January 1875, at the West Taieri Hotel, Outram, by James FULTON, R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Henry SUTHERLAND, a seaman and labourer, aged 20 years, who was drowned while bathing in the Taieri River at East Taieri on the 29th December 1874. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 18th January 1875, at the Waitaki Bridge Hotel, Waitaki, by T W PARKER, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Jennie VERTON, a theatrical performer, aged 20 years, who was drowned in the Waitaki River on the day previous by the upsetting of an express in which she was crossing the river. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
Thanks to Jeni Palmer for the following which come from her CD "Waikato BDMs 1864-1900". See GENCENTRE for further details.
ALFORD On 26 December 1885, at Cambridge, Marian Emma, the beloved daughter of Samuel Alford, drowned while bathing in the Waikato River, aged 14 years and 10 months. [Waikato Times, Tues 5 Jan 1886 + report body found Sat 16 Jan 1886 + report on inquest Tues 19 Jan 1886, see Skelton also]
ALLEN On the 24 inst. at the Bluff Stockade, Waikato River, drowned by the accidental upsetting of a canoe — Private Henry Allen of H M 40th Regt, in the 22nd year of his age. Much regretted by the officers and men of his detachment. [New Zealander, 29 Oct 1863]
BARKER Death by drowning. A boat accident happened on the Waipa River on Monday night, by which a young man named George Barker lost his life. Deceased was employed by Mr Price of Hamilton in the erection of a house for Mr Rathbone on the west side of the Waipa above Ngaruawahia�He was only 23 years of age and was a native of Plougheast Durham where his mother resides, his father having been killed in a trap accident 2-3 years ago. He has it is believed a married sister in the colonies, but he was himself ignorant of her exact whereabouts.� [Waikato Times, Thur 12 Aug 1880] At Ngaruawahia, on August 9 1880, by drowning, George Barker of Hamilton, aged 25 years. The funeral will leave the Victoria hall at 3pm this day. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. [Waikato Times, Thur 2 Sep 1880, inquest report on this day also]
BAYLISS Coroner�s Inquest. An accident which resulted in the drowning of a son of Mr Bayliss of Alexandra occurred on Monday evening. The deceased when returning from school remained behind with a number of other boys to bathe in the Mangapiko creek. None of them could swim and the eldest was only 13 years of age. Two of them, Albert Bayliss and Edward Sturmer remained in the water after the others had gone out and dressed and venturing out of their depth were carried away by the stream. Sturmer rose twice to the surface and grasping an overhanging branch was saved. The body was found next morning held down by a snag. The boys went home that night and fearful of being punished for bathing said nothing of the accident which was not known to the parents until the next day. An inquest was held on the body yesterday when a verdict of "accidentally drowned" was returned. [Waikato Times, Thur 29 Jan 1880, a further report on the inquest was published Sat 31 Jan 1880]
BELL On December 27 at Te Awamutu, drowned whilst bathing, John, the eldest and beloved son of Richard and Margaret Bell of Te Rahu, aged 18 years. [New Zealand Herald, Tues 1 Jan 1895]
BENTLEY The body found in the river by natives near Rangiriri of which Sergt McGovern received notice on Sunday last turns out, as was expected, to be that of G Bentley. It had been removed to Churchill and Sergt McGovern at once recognised it both by the clothes and by the peculiarity that deceased�s left arm was crippled and turned inwards. Bentley was formerly in the army and for this wound received in the arm above alluded to was in receipt of a pension of three shillings a day. He had been missing some three weeks from Hamilton and when last seen had been drinking�An inquest was held on Monday�.and a verdict of "found drowned" was returned. [Waikato Times, Thur 6 Sep 1877]
BERRYMAN We regret to have to report the death by drowning of Mrs Berryman the wife of a respectable labouring man residing in Whatawhata�. [Waikato Times, Tues 7 Jan 1879]
BERRYMAN We regret to have to report the death by drowning of Mrs Berryman the wife of a respectable labouring man residing in Whatawhata�. [Waikato Times, Tues 7 Jan 1879]
BISHOP Wreck at Raglan. Loss of life, Ngaruawahia, Sunday. The schooner �Echo� foundered when going out of Raglan Harbour this morning, owing to the tiller-chain breaking. There was a crew of five, three natives and two Europeans. The former saved themselves on the hatches; the latter, Simmonds Jackson and Adam Bishop were drowned. The crew stuck to the vessel until she capsized. [Waikato Times, Tues 21 Aug 1877]
BROWN Supposed case of drowning. In our issue of Thursday we reported the supposed drowning of a man who left Major George�s place at the Piako to buy provisions from Messrs Mowbray and Even�s Store. The man whose name we have since learned to be Henry Brown, was sent by Mr Wallace to the store about 4 o�clock on Monday afternoon but as he did not return the same night, the following morning Mr Wallace made a search for him. He found the horse near the bank of the Piako River, with the saddle and bridle on, but no trace of Brown. Search was continued that evening and the following day by Major George, Mr Ticklepenny and Mr Wallace without obtaining any clue as to his whereabouts. Footprints of a horse however were traced to the ford and these were continued on the opposite bank of the river. There was a heavy fresh in the stream at the time that the unfortunate man started and it is supposed that he being a bad rider and not knowing the ford, his horse stumbled into a deep hole near the ford and threw it�s rider who it is supposed has been carried over the falls a short distance from the crossing. It is believed that his body has become entangled in the snags in which case it is doubtful whether it will ever be recovered. Brown was a new arrival, having come out by the Immigrant ship British Empire a few weeks ago. He was 35 years of age and unmarried and as far as can be ascertained has no friends or relations in the colony. [Waikato Times, Tues 9 Nov 1875]
CHEEK The body of the young man, John Cheek, who was drowned in the Kaueranga River yesterday, was recovered today. Deceased was about 26 years of age and it is believed his mother (a Mrs Abbott) resides at Lucas Creek, Auckland� [New Zealand Herald, Mon 1 Apr 1895]
CLARKE We learn that a young lad named Edward S Clarke, step-son of Mr Mackay, 14 years of age, employed as an assistant cook on board the SS Rangiriri was drowned at Ngaruawahia on Thursday evening. The steamer was lying at the time at Lamb�s Wharf and the boy is thought to have fallen overboard. Up to last accounts the body had not been found. [Waikato Times, Sat 11 Dec 1880 + article on inquest when body found Sat 30 Jul 1881]
CLEARY Drowning at Auckland. The man who drowned from the wharf last night and who had a Te Awamutu railway ticket in his pocket is believed to be Angus Cleary. [Waikato Times, Thur 23 Jun 1887]
COGAN On February 20, drowned at Cambridge, Waikato, Francis Cogan; aged 28 years. Nelson papers please copy. [Southern Cross, Fri 26 Feb 1869]
CONOLLY William. A gloom was cast over the township of Ngaruawahia yesterday by the accidental drowning of a man named William Conolly, who in his position in life commanded the respect of all. It appears that a boy about 7 years of age was playing in a canoe; the canoe by some means or other broke adrift and floated down the river. The accident was reported to the deceased who started in a small canoe accompanied by a man named Thomas Wright, in pursuit of the fugitive which, before they caught it, had become entangled between two logs and the strength of the current prevented it being extricated. The two men determined to leave her where she was and return to the township in the small canoe; in getting into her she was swamped. The survivor Thomas Wright succeeded in getting hold of the boy and getting ashore with him by Conolly drifted down the river. Wright says he called out to him to strike for the shore, whether he attempted to do so he cannot say, however that may be the unfortunate deceased sank�Conolly leaves an aged and infirm widow to mourn his loss, for whom great commiseration is felt. [Waikato Times, Thur 18 Jun 1874, p2, col 1]
COOPER On March 18, drowned while crossing the Waihou River, James Sims Cooper Esq, late of Red Hill, Surrey. [Southern Cross, Sat 25 Mar 1871]
COULTAS At 11 o�clock on Sunday morning last, Mr John Abbott, merchant of Parnell received a telegram from Whangamarino to the effect that Miss Mary Coultas, aged 13 years, the only daughter of Mr John Coultas, proprietor of the Whangamarino flax mills, Waikato (late of E J Cox) had been drowned in the week.� [Southern Cross, Tues 8 Jan 1870]
COWPER Lamentable boating accident, Auckland, last night�three persons were drowned, Captain Daniels, Miss Laura Cowper and Miss Agnes Lyell� Miss Cowper was a young lady from Hamilton on a visit for a few days in Onehunga. One body was found, being that of Miss Cowper� [Waikato Times, Sat 22 Mar 1890] On Thursday 20th inst, Laura Matilda, the eldest and dearly loved daughter of Henry A and Mary E Cowper, who was drowned by the upsetting of a boat, aged 20 years and eight months. [Waikato Times, Tues 25 Mar 1890]
COX Drowning accident at Rangiriri�found the body of John Cox close to the spot where the accident occurred�The deceased who was 38 years of age leaves a widow and eight young children. [Waikato Times, Tues 11 Aug 1885]
DAVY It is with much regret that we have to record the death of Mr Edwin Davy, surveyor, who was drowned while bathing near Shortland on Saturday morning last. The news was brought up to town by the �Royal Alfred� late on Saturday night, by one of the men in the employment of Mr Hardington. That gentleman who was brother-in-law to the deceased was immediately communicated with and informed of the melancholy event and in company with his sister left for Shortland yesterday afternoon in the ps �Lalla Rookh�. The deceased gentleman has been engaged at Shortland for some little time past as surveyor and his wife only left town to visit him on Saturday morning and on landing learned the sad news of her husband�s death. [Southern Cross, Mon 15 Feb 1869 + notice Tues 16 Feb 1869]
DIXON An old Waikato resident named Dixon, commonly known as Sir Willoughby Dixon was drowned in the Puniu at Anderson�s crossing on Friday 9th inst. It appear he had come from Paterangi — where he has lived for more than 20 years - to celebrate the Prince of Wales� birthday and on the way back from here he turned up the road past Mr Bryant�s farm and following it got down to the Puniu where in attempting to ford it he was drowned.� [Waikato Times, Tues 13 Nov 1888]
DUNN Our Huntly correspondent writes: Through the description given by the police at Drury the body of the man found drowned at Sippery [sic] Creek has been identified as that of James Dunn, late mine manager for Whitaker and Russel of this place�He leaves a wife and seven children totally unprovided for. [fuller article follows, Waikato Times, Tues 27 Jul 1880]
EDE A particularly sad drowning accident occurred at Hamilton yesterday by which a promising young lad named John Ede, 16 years of age, of Woodlands, lost his life.� [Waikato Times, Thur 2 Oct 1884 + Sat 4 Oct 1884 + Tues 7 Oct 1884]
FLEMING A coroner�s inquest took place on Tuesday the 11th inst at the Delta Hotel�to enquire as to the cause of death by drowning of Mr Richard Fleming of Ngaruawahia.� [Southern Cross, Tues 18 May 1869]
FLETCHER A sad drowning occurred in the Waikato River at Hamilton on Saturday afternoon at about 4pm. A young man, aged 21, named Francis Fisk Fletcher, son of Mr J Fletcher, tailor of Hamilton East and minister of the Church of Christ was paddling up the east side and when near the last willow tree below Coates�s landing he stood up to adjust the mast. The frail craft heeled over and young Fletcher was precipitated into the water.� [Waikato Times, Tues 22 Feb 1887 + body found Tues 1 Mar 1887]
FOLEY On May 29 1900, accidentally drowned at Katikati, Dennis, second son of the late Edmund and Winifred Foley and brother of Thomas Foley, of the Shakespeare Hotel, aged 60 years. The funeral will leave the Shakespeare Hotel, Albert St for the Symonds St Cemetery tomorrow at 3pm. Friends please accept this intimation. [New Zealand Herald, Sat 2 Jun 1900]
FOOTE Thomas, died 24 Jun 1906, at Huntly, aged 41 years, flax miller. Cause of death accidentally drowned in Lake Waikere. Buried Kimihia Cemetery, Huntly. Born South Australia, in NZ 28 years. Son of James Foote, ?farmer and Ann Foote, nee Griffen. Married at age 19 in NZ to Mary Stewart Hill. Male issue living aged 19 and 5, female issue aged 16, 13, 12, 10 and 6. Anglican. Informant James S Bond, Coroner, Hamilton. [RG1906]
FRY Drowned in the Waikato, on November 16, John Starkey Fry, aged 42 years. [Southern Cross, Fri 4 Dec 1868]
FRY Drowned in the Waikato, on November 16, Charles James George Fry; aged 11 years. [Southern Cross, Fri 4 Dec 1868]
GILLESPIE A private telegram received here states that S Leonie and Viva Gillespie, aged 14 and 16, daughters of Mr H C Gillespie, manager of the Kauri timber works, Thames, were drowned in the Kaneranga yesterday afternoon. [Christchurch Star, Wed 1 Apr 1891]
GLYDE The body of Glyde, the engineer who was drowned off the Rangiriri below Mercer a fortnight ago has been recovered. [Waikato Times, Thur 5 Feb 1885]
HALL On October 2, drowned at Hape Creek, Mr Joseph Hall. The funeral will leave Mrs Hall�s residence Grafton Rd, on Wednesday at 3 o�clock. Friends will please accept this invitation. [Southern Cross, Tues 5 Oct 1869]
HARGROVE A melancholy accident occurred at Mystery Creek near Mr Gane�s farm close to Cambridge on August 17 resulting in the death [by drowning] of a young man named Hargrove, nephew to Mr Hughes� [Southern Cross, Tues 6 Sep 1870]
HARLING The body of Miss Maud Harling, who drowned at Motatapu on Saturday last was recovered on Tuesday near the place where the accident occurred. The body was conveyed to Auckland and placed to the morgue. [Waikato Times, Thur 23 Feb 1891]
HARVEY Drowned in the Waikato River on the 5th January, Samuel Harvey, carpenter, aged 48. [Waikato Times, Tues 8 Jan 1878]
HENARE Native chiefs drowned. Paeroa Wednesday. A good deal of excitement has been caused among the Ohinemuri natives consequent on the death of Pareana and Henare, two well known characters, by drowning. [Waikato Times, Thur 11 Feb 1886]
HIRA A native drowned at Cambridge. Unusual excitement prevailed in this township during the afternoon of Sunday last, when it became known that a native named William Hira of the Maungatautari tribe had accidentally met his death whilst bathing in the river� [Waikato Times, Tues 29 Mar 1881]
HUGGERS Paeroa. A man named Jas Huggers, a miner, was washed from his horse while attempting to cross the Hikutaia River near Crawfords house this morning and was drowned� [Waikato Argus, Thur 20 May 1897]
HUKUNUI Drowning of a native chief and recovery of body�Hukunui, who was a Ngatihaua chief residing at Maungatautari of some consideration was drowned� [Waikato Times, Thur 15 Nov 1877]
INNES Inquest Te Awamutu yesterday. The inquest was held this morning in the Public Hall before Thomas Gresham Esq (Solicitor) District Coroner. From the evidence it appeared that the deceased, Isabella Winifred Innes, the infant daughter of Mr Charles Innes, brewer, was playing with her sister and brother, aged respectively 3 and 4 years when she fell into a tub of water and was drowned. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the evidence. [Waikato Times, Thur 6 May 1880]
JACKSON The police were informed yesterday that the body of the lad Frank Jackson who was drowned in the Waikato River near Taupiri some days ago has been recovered and he now lies a the Coal Mines Hotel where an inquest will be held today at 10am. [Waikato Times, Tues 8 Jun 1880 + inquest report 12 Jun 1880]
JAMES Boating accident Thames. A melancholy boating accident occurred at the entrance of the Thames River yesterday about noon. Four men named Rea (senr), Rea (junr), Coloquohon and John James started from Tararu for the Piako in an open boat during a severe north-westerly gale�The boat was found this morning in mid channel bottom upwards but no sign of the occupants�[Waikato Times, Tues 12 May 1885] John, on 9 May 1885 at Firth of Thames, miner, aged 44 years. Cause of death, verdict of jury accidentally drowned. Son of Joseph James, miner and Jane Williams formerly James born Hodge. Buried 17 May 1885, Tararu, Wesleyan. Born Cornwall, England in NZ 28 years. Married in Thames at age 35 to Harriet Poulgrain. 4 female issue aged 8 �, 4, 2 �, 8 months. Informant James Kilgow, coroner. [RG1885/41]
JOHNSTON Drowning accident at Cambridge. Whilst playing on the grounds adjoining the house of Mr W Moon of Cambridge the illegitimate [18 month old] child of a girl named Emily Johnston was accidentally drowned�[Waikato Times, Thur 28 Dec 1882]
JOHNSTONE Karamu Drowning Accident, Body Discovered. The body of Mr Lindsay Johnstone was recovered from the flood water near Mrs Bruce�s residence at Karamu, shortly before midnight last night and was taken to the residence of Mr Campbell Johnstone. An inquest will be opened this afternoon. The funeral will leave the Frankton station at 1.30 pm tomorrow (Thursday) for the Hamilton West Cemetery. [Waikato Times, Wed 28 Jul 1915]
JUKES A melancholy accident occurred on Tuesday whereby one of our most respected settlers met with his death. Mr Jukes who some little time since purchased the farm of Mr Hunt, on the Waikato River, had started for the sale at Harrisville and having swum his horse across the river with the help of a canoe and safely landed on the other side just opposite Mr Ashwell�s remounted for the purpose of proceeding up to Harrisville. Immediately on mounting his horse turned restive and commenced back jumping and backing into the river threw his rider, who was kicked in the head by the horse and thus being rendered unable to save himself was carried away by the stream and drowned. Mr Jukes was a married man but we believe without a family. [Waikato Times, Thur 1 Apr 1880] The inquest on the body of Charles Priestly Jukes was held at Taupiri Hotel yesterday morning at 10 o�clock before Dr Beale coroner and a jury of 12. Horace Reeves his brother-in-law gave evidence�A verdict of accidental drowning was returned. The body was interred on the west side of the river, a goodly number of settlers attending. The Rev William Calder read the service. [Waikato Times, Tues 6 Apr 1880]
KEAN A youth named James Kean, aged 16 was drowned on Thursday last the 14th, in the Mangapiko creek, an affluent to the Awaroa which falls into Lake Whangape. The lad was accompanying his uncle Mr J Gedsell with whom he resided� [Waikato Times, Tues 19 Sep 1893]
KINGDON The particulars of the sad drowning accident which befell the youth S Kingdon while attending the Wesleyan picnic on the property of Mr Richard Reynolds, Pukerimu, on Monday last have come to hand� [Waikato Times, Thur 4 Jan 1883, + Sat 6 Jan 1883]
LAMPRA The Te Kuiti drowning case. The body of Lampra, drowned some four weeks since has been recovered in the river at Te Kuiti� [Waikato Times, Tues 30 Jul 1889]
LAVER Our Raglan correspondent writes. It becomes my sad duty to have to chronicle the death by drowning of Miss Edith Wallis, daughter of Mr W Wallis JP and also that of a young lady, 16 years of age, named Miss Minna Laver, who was staying with Mr Wallis� family. They were returning from church at Raglan on the 24th inst by boat which was proceeding under sail when a squall of wind struck her causing her to capsize suddenly� [Waikato Times, Thur 28 Dec 1882 + inquest Sat 30 Dec 1882]
LAYCOCK On March 16, accidentally drowned, Mary Ann Laycock, mother of Henry Laycock, proprietor of Sir George Grey Hotel, Tairua, aged ?86 years. Deeply regretted. Home papers please copy. [New Zealand Herald, Tues 14 Apr 1896]
LIPSEY We regret to have to announce that one of the sons of Mr George Lipsey of Te Aroha was drowned yesterday evening while out in a canoe on the river near his father�s house with another boy, Waldo Smith�though his brother August, who was in another canoe further down the river, dived in to his rescue, he was unable to save him�The deceased was only 10 years of age and much sympathy is felt for this family in their sad loss. [Waikato Times, Thur 14 Jan 1892]
McCANN An inquest was held on Thursday �into the drowning of Mrs Ellen McCann� [Waikato Argus, Sat 21 Nov 1896]
McDONALD On May 14, drowned at Maungatawhiri Creek, Thomas, son of Edward McDonald, of Carnagrove, Ballyjamesduff, County Cavan, Ireland. Home papers please copy. [Southern Cross, Wed 12 Jun 1867]
McGUINNESS On July 15, accidentally drowned at Gumtown, Mercury Bay, James, youngest son of the late Patrick and Margaret McGuinness and brother of Mrs A McMillan, Alexandra St, aged 53 years. RIP. [New Zealand Herald, Sat 21 Jul 1906]
McINTOSH Drowned in the Waikato River on the 15th September 1853, William McIntosh, Carpenter to the Waikato Heads Institution, his brother Alexander and his eldest son. [New Zealander, 5 Oct 1853]
McLEAN The body of the late Mr James McLean, who was drowned in the Piako River on Sunday last, was discovered about three o�clock on Monday afternoon� [Waikato Argus, Thur 6 Apr 1899]
McLIVER A woman drowned in the Waihou. Supposed to be Mrs H McLiver. This afternoon the body of a well dressed strongly built woman about 35 years of age was found floating in the Waihou some miles below Te Aroha and now lies at the Palace Hotel. Nothing is known respecting the deceased. The body has apparently been in the water for about three weeks. [Waikato Times, Thur 28 Oct 1886]
McMAHON On Monday evening last a child named McMahon [son of Patrick McMahon] was drowned in a place called Clare�s swamp at Cambridge� [Waikato Times, Thur 28 Oct 1886]
MACKY A sad accident occurred on Saturday (writes the Thames correspondent) at Belmont, Paeroa by which a young lady named Mary R Macky lost her life [by drowning]�She was the only daughter of Mr S C Macky of the Thames and granddaughter of the Rev J Macky of Otahuhu. Her death will be mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends. She was 18 years of age. [Waikato Times, Tues 21 Mar 1882]
MARSHALL The body of the Mr George Marshall [late of Otahuhu] who was accidentally drowned at the Thames on Thursday last was brought up to town in the p.s. Williams last evening. [Southern Cross, Sat 24 Sep 1870 + longer article same day]
MARTIN On February 7, Peter Martin, by drowning, aged 19. [Waikato Times, Sat 14 Feb 1874]
MATHEWSON Found drowned, Tauranga. The body of a man named H Matthewson was found floating in the harbour today. He had been missing for several days. [Waikato Times, Thur 16 Jun 1881]
MELSOP On Sunday afternoon a lad named Henry Melsop was drowned at Coromandel by the capsizing of a boat. There were two others in the boat, Alfred Chapman who swam ashore and William Melsop, brother of the deceased, who was rescued by a settler named Browland, who seeing the accident at once put out his boat. The search for the body has been unsuccessful. [Waikato Times, Thur 26 Feb 1891]
MOFFITT At Ngaruawahia, on Wednesday March 2, James Henry, eldest son of Edward John and Sarah Ann Moffitt. Drowned in the Waikato River while bathing, aged 17. Jesus has gathered him Home. [Waikato Times, Sat 5 Mar 1892 + memorial notice Sat 3 Mar 1894]
MULLIONS Joseph, died 27 Aug 1869, Waikato River, aged 19 years, assistant steward on board steamer "Bluenose". Cause of death — drowning. Informant B C Beale, coroner, Hamilton. [RG1869]
NEILSON The late fatal case of drowning. An inquest was held yesterday at Ngaruawahia on the body of the unfortunate man, William Neilson, who was drowned in the Waikato river during the week before last by falling from the steamer ?alert, into the river about 3 miles above Ngaruawahia. The jury returned a verdict of "accidentally drowned", adding by way of rider, that the steamer was not sufficiently equipped with means for saving life. [Waikato Times, Tues 28 Nov 1876]
NEWELL On Sunday morning about 10 o�clock, Robert Henry Newell, aged 35 years was drowned while bathing in the Waipa River at Ngaruawahia�He was the only son of Mr Hamilton Newell of Ngaruawahia and leaves a wife and a young family of three children� [Waikato Times, Tues 3 Nov 1891]
PAHEHA Maori drowning accident at Taupo. The body picked up at Cambridge...came to the conclusion that the body was that of Hoani Paheha� [Waikato Times, Sat 7 Jul 1883]
PARK A boy about 12 years of age, son of Robert Park and nephew of the well known canoeist was drowned on Monday last. He was in a boat with his father and another man. The current carried the boat over the bar. The deceased was drowned in the surf but the two men were rescued. The body has not been found. [Waikato Times, Thur 6 Feb 1890]
PARKES Huntly. The late drowning accident. The body of the lad [George] Parkes drowned on Wednesday last was found early on Sunday morning, being brought to the surface by the explosion of dynamite cartridges� [Waikato Times, Tues 15 Nov 1892]
PEARSON Sad accident at Raglan. We regret to have to record the death by drowning of Mr A B Pearson of Canterbury� [Waikato Times, Thur 9 Nov 1882]
PICKUP Rangiriri Death by Drowning. An unfortunate case of drowning occurred on Thursday at Rangiriri opposite the house of Mr Sherly. A lad named John Pickup, the son of one of the settlers there, went to bathe about two o�clock and alone. At four o�clock on looking for him — he had been missed from home — his clothes were found on the bank. At that spot the river is most dangerous, suddenly alternating from about two feet of water to twenty-feet. It is supposed that he stepped over the ledge into deep water and being unable to swim was drowned. Constable Coyle and others searched the bank some distance down and the river was dragged but the body has not been recovered. [Waikato Times, Sat 13 Jan 1877]
PORCH We regret to have to announce the death by drowning of Miss Emma Porch, sister of Mr Campion of Mercer. It appears that the deceased young lady went to bathe in the Waikato River on Sunday morning. She was accompanied by a servant girl, who having finished her bath and dressed herself returned to the Hotel, leaving Miss Porch in the water. As she did not return to the Hotel within reasonable time she was searched for. Her clothes were found on the bank of the river but no sign of the young lady could be discovered up to the time of our going to press, no tidings of the discovery of her body reached us. We fear that there is no room to hope that the missing young lady has not met with a watery grave. [Waikato Times, Tues 29 Dec 1874]
POUKENA The inquest on Poukena, the native tohunga who was found drowned at Mercer, resulted in an open verdict. [Waikato Times, Thur 17 Jul 1890]
PRIOR The late drowning accident at Raglan. It is with deep regret that I have to report a very sad accident here. A boat left Waitetuna on the morning of Thursday, the 15th inst, for Raglan containing three settlers, Messrs William Robertson, Thomas Prior and Richard Wilson junr�no signs of Mr Robertson�The funeral of the deceased Thomas Prior took place on Sunday afternoon. He was the son of a London Barrister�He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss...Mr Robertson leaves a wife and a large family of young children. [Waikato Times, Tues 19 Oct 1886 + inquest report]
REYNOLDS The body of Mrs Richard Reynolds was found floating amongst the timber in the booms near the Waikato River at Cambridge on Thursday morning about 7.45am. This clearly proves that the conjuncture of the search party was correct viz that the deceased lady had met her death by drowning�. [Waikato Times, Sat 19 Dec 1891]
SANDERSON An inquest was held on Tuesday� touching the death of Alexander Sanderson whose melancholy decease by drowning in the Waikato River at Ngaruawahia was referred to in our last issue... [Waikato Times, Thur 2 Jan 1879]
SAVAGE Supposed drowning case at Orakau. A man named George Savage, employed at the farm of the Messrs tole, near Orakau. Proceeded on some business on horseback across the Puniu River on Sunday morning and has not been heard of�Fears are entertained that he has been drowned. [Waikato Times, Thur 9 Nov 1882]
SELBY A sad gloom was cast over Cambridge on Thursday evening when it became known that Mr Arthur Selby, son of Mr Wm Selby of Hautapu had been accidentally drowned in the Waikato�Much sympathy is felt for the family to whom this will be a terrible blow for about 9 years ago they lost a fine young man by the accidental discharge of a gun. The deceased was a great favourite and highly respected. [Waikato Times, Sat 16 Feb 1889]
SHARP A drowning accident of a very sad character occurred at Horahora near the bank of the Waikato River on Saturday last, by which the 4- year-old daughter of Mr John Sharp, nurseryman, Cambridge, lost her life�[Waikato Times, Tues 15 Jan 1884 + Thur 17 Jan 1884 + body found Sat 2 Feb 1884]
SHAW Information was received here yesterday morning of another case of drowning which occurred at Waikawau about 4 miles north of Tapu creek on the previous evening. The deceased William Shaw, a blacksmith by trade, and a new arrival in the colony, went to bathe in the driving creek of Waikawau Sawmill at about 4 o�clock on Saturday afternoon. He went alone. Being missed some time after a search for him was made and his body was found in the creek� [Thames Advertiser, Mon 7 Feb 1876]
SHORT Accidentally drowned on June 9, at Te Awamutu, Joseph Henry, the dearly beloved son of Emma and Andrew Anderson, aged 22 years� [New Zealand Herald, Wed 12 Jun 1895]
SINDEN We received a telegram yesterday from our correspondent at Alexandra conveying the sad intelligence of the drowning of [Catherine Agnes, 17 years], daughter of Mr Sinden of Alexandra West on Thursday evening� [Waikato Times, Sat 18 Mar 1893 + report Tues 21 Mar and death notice Sat 25 Mar 1893]
SINGLETON Death by drowning. A young man named John Singleton, who has been engaged gum digging for some time past near Washer�s farm at Pukete was accidentally drowned on Sunday last. He went down to the river at Pukete with two others to bathe on Sunday morning and neither of the three could swim. Singleton got out of his depth and was carried away by the current. The body has not been recovered. Deceased was a native of Blackburn, Lancashire and it is said was very respectably connected. The deceased has property in Auckland. It is likely that the body will be found in the shallows down at Rangiriri, when an inquest will be held. [Waikato Times, Tues 10 Feb 1880]
SKELLERN Drowning accident at Huntly. A sad drowning accident occurred at Taupiri yesterday. A man named Charles Skellern employed by the Waikato Coal and Shipping Company was engaged in warping up a barge to the company�s wharf when he lost his footing and fell into the river. Being unable to swim he soon sank but the body was recovered within half an hour, not a hundred yards from the scene of the accident and close to the deceased�s own house. Skellern was a married man and leaves a widow and three children. An inquest will be held today. [Waikato Times, Thur 11 Nov 1886]
SKINNER Fatal accident at Huntly. A sad accident occurred at Huntly on Thursday evening, Alfred Skinner, son of Mr John Skinner, while playing in a boat on the river, fell out and was drowned. [Waikato Times, Sat 4 Jan 1890]
STEVENS Fri 21 Oct. Hamilton. The body of James Stevens, who was drowned in the Waikato River on the 3rd inst was picked up by the Waipa steamer on Wednesday last and conveyed to Rangiriri to await a coroner�s inquest which took place at Shirley�s Hotel on Friday 16th inst before Mr B C Beale, coroner and a respectable jury of which Thomas Douglas Esq was foreman� [Southern Cross, Fri 23 Oct 1868]
TAVENOR Death by drowning. George Tavenor, formerly a member of the Armed Constabulary and clerk in Colonel Moule�s office has been drowned in the Kauwaeranga creek at the Thames. He had been recently working at Waikawau bush. He left there and went up the Kauwaeranga on the 1st of this month and was last seen alive on the 3rd inst. He was then and had for days been mentally deranged from the effects of drink. When last seen by some persons he was kneeling in the dry bed of the creek. He had his hands stretched upwards and would not answer them or go with them. A verdict of drowned was returned at the coroner�s inquest on the body. [Waikato Times, Sat 20 Nov 1875]
THOMPSON On Tuesday Sep 23, drowned in the Waipa River, C Thompson, aged 45 years, late of Glasgow. [Waikato Times, Thur Oct 3 1878]
TIERNEY Death by drowning. A melancholy fatal accident happened at the Hamilton railway bridge shortly before 5 o�clock yesterday afternoon�James Tierney, was a young man about 23 years of age. ..[Waikato Times, Sat 9 Jun 1883 + Tues 12 Jun 1883]
TURNBULL On Sunday January 31st, John Turnbull, second son of John Turnbull Piako, aged 22 years. Drowned whilst bathing in the Waikato River. [Waikato Times, Tues 2 Feb 1886 + article same date + finding of body Tues 9 Feb 1886 + inquest Thur 11 Feb 1886]
VERRAN Fatal accident to one of Quick�s coachman. Our Cambridge correspondent writes "Again I have to report a fatal accident, which I am sorry to say is the third that has occurred in this district since the commencement of the year. Thomas Verran has been for the last month or two driving Quick�s coach between Cambridge and Ngaruawahia�both the horse and his rider were drawn under and drowned. By directions of Sergeant Chitty a party of Constabulary immediately proceeded to drag for the body which they found after the lapse of two hours. The deceased owing to his occupation was well known to everyone in the district and he was highly esteemed. His loss is deeply deplored by all in the settlement. [Southern Cross, Fri 19 Jan 1872]
WALLIS On Jul 5, accidentally drowned at Raglan, Jabez Bunting, youngest son of the Rev J Wallis, Wesleyan Minister, Onehunga, aged 18 years. Home papers please copy. [Southern Cross, Sat 10 Jul 1869]
WHITE �An inquest was held at Te Papa yesterday by Mr G W Russell JP, upon the remains which had been found on the bank of a creek about two miles from that place. Only the bare bones remained but Mr McClelland identified them by the clothes and also by letters in the pockets as the remains of A B White who had called at his store about five weeks ago on his way to Mr Geo. Walker�s at Hunga and had been drinking heavily. He evidently lost himself and fell into the creek and was drowned. A verdict of accidental death was returned by the jury. Constable Brennan and Mr James Master, native interpreter of Cambridge assisted the acting coroner in the enquiry. The body had evidently been devoured by eels. [Waikato Times, Sat 15 Dec 1888]
WILSON A fatal accident occurred at Kauwaeranga Creek today. A gum packer named Wilson fell off his horse while crossing and he was drowned. The body has not yet been recovered. [Southern Cross, Mon 14 Nov 1870]
WILSON It is our painful task to record an occurrence that has cast a gloom over the township. On Tuesday last, Charles William Wilson, a young lad of about 14 years of age and son of our respected fellow townsman Mr William Wilson, draper � [was drowned]. [Te Aroha News, Sat 15 Sep 1883, p.2., col. 5&6, Includes inquest details and names jurymen: Robert G. Macky (foreman), Thomas Bradley, James Clarke, Alfred Ellis, Harold Bromfield, William Jeffries, John Coleman, James Joseph Bennett, Daniel James Frazer, Daniel Redwood, Patrick Quinlan, Nicholas Clearly, Henry Smith and Robert Mackie]
WINTER Paeroa. A girl named Lucy Winter, aged 9 years was drowned at the Junction Mill yesterday evening while getting a bucket of water from the river. The body was recovered in about an hour. An inquest will be held this afternoon by Mr Phillips, deputy coroner. [Waikato Times, Thur 14 Apr 1892]
WOOD Recent drowning at Otorohanga. On Monday the district coroner held an inquest on the body of Alfred John Wood, the younger� [Waikato Times, Sat 4 Feb 1893]
YOUNG At the lake Hamilton West, by drowning, Joseph Young, aged 12 years. The funeral will leave his parents [Benjamin and Isabella�s] residence this day (Tuesday) at 3.30pm. Friends please accept this invitation. [Waikato Times, Tues 21 Nov 1876]
West Coast Times P3 C1 - June 11 1868
The cutter Louisa, owned by John HARRIS, after a severe struggle, has broken up near the Saltwater and all hands are supposed to have perished. The County Chairman has courteously favored us with the following information:- Mr BONAR has received a telegram from Greymouth to the effect that the schooner Louisa, in ballast from Pakihis, capsized three miles south of Greymouth. All hands lost. HARRIS, of Greymouth, went ashore per Bruce.
West Coast Times P2 C4 - June 12 1868
All doubts as to the fate of the unfortunate crew of the ketch Louisa is now set at rest by the finding of the bodies. Yesterday afternoon, between half-past three and five o�clock, Messrs ADELAIDE, THOMPSON and ROBINSON were traveling between the Arahura River and the Waimea track and when a short distance from the mouth of the Arahura, they discovered the body of one man, and within a few hundred yards the bodies of the other two — thus completing the number of the crew who were on board the Louisa. Two of the bodies were entirely naked, with the exception of the boots, and the other one nearly so. The bodies were at once taken to Curwen�s Lagoon Hotel, where they await the coroner�s inquest, which will be held to-morrow, the principal witness having to be summoned from Greymouth. It is somewhat remarkable that the bodies should have been washed ashore so far south of where the disaster to the Louisa occurred, and been found within so short a distance of each other, almost at the same time.
West Coast Times - June 15 1868
An inquest was held at Curwen�s Lagoon Hotel on Saturday afternoon last, on the bodies of John CODY, captain and JOYCE and KING, seamen, belonging to the schooner Louisa, wrecked off Greymouth on Tuesday last. The whole of the bodies were picked up on Thursday afternoon, between the hours of three and five o�clock, within a few yards of each other, on the beach near the Arahura, a long way south of where the disaster occurred. After a lengthened investigation, which will be fully reported in another column, the jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death"
West Coast Times P3 1C - June 15 1868
Inquest on the bodies of the crew of the Schooner Louisa
On Saturday afternoon an inquest was held at Curwen�s Lagoon Hotel, Arahura, before Dr BESWICK, coroner for the district on the bodies of John CODY, captain of the schooner Louisa; -- KING, a seaman, belonging to the same; and Matthew Lee JOYCE, a waterman belonging to the same. The bodies were much disfigured. The Louisa was originally a surf boat belonging to Mr Harry MANN, of Charleston, who raised her and converted her into a clinker-built schooner of twenty tons. She was afterwards wrecked when she was purchased by Mr HARRIS, of Greymouth, to whom she belonged at the time of the accident. Boyd THOMPSON deposed -- I am a merchant residing at the Arahura Lagoon. On Thursday afternoon, about three o�clock, I and Mr Stewart ROBINSON went down to the sea beach, and saw the body of a man floating in the surf. After trying for about twenty minutes, we managed to obtain possession of the body. We then came to the Lagoon Hotel, and met a mounted constable, whom we informed of what we had done. The constable told us he was looking for the schooner Louisa. We then searched the body, which was that of CODY, the captain, and found two documents upon him, one was an account for goods supplied, and the other was a certificate of engagement at the rate of �7 per month. The documents now produced were the same. George HADELAY deposed � I am a boatman plying on the Arahura Lagoon. About three o�clock on Thursday afternoon, several parties came to me and asked where they should put a body that had been washed up on the beach. I opened an empty house near the hotel, and the body, that of Cody, was placed there. Shortly afterwards a second body was brought in , and while engaged in laying it down , some person came and said that another body was in sight. I and several more people then went down to the beach and watched a body in the surf for about three-quarters of an hour when a heavy sea washed it ashore. The body was perfectly naked except the boots. The second body picked up was not naked, it had a pair of moleskin trousers and a Guernsey shirt. John HARRIS deposed — I am a merchant and a keeper of the Star Hotel at Greymouth. I am the owner of the schooner Louisa, recently wrecked off Greymouth. About 1 o�clock on Monday afternoon the Louisa left the Buller river, in command of Captain CODY. Before the vessel left Westport, she was surveyed and pronounced seaworthy. I believe Captain LEACH, the Harbor Master, and another gentleman, whom I don�t know, surveyed her. She was surveyed by order of Captain COLSON, the Louisa�s former commander, whom I discharged at Westport in consequence of a disagreement. The vessel was about twenty tons burden. Captain COLSON did not say she was unseaworthy. She underwent certain repairs at a cost of �14, at Westport. I should imagine the Louisa would arrive at Greymouth in about 10 hours after she left the Buller. Before she sailed, I said to Captain CODY, "Is she alright," and he replied "Yes." I saw the Louisa cross the Buller Bar in safety. My instructions to Captain CODY before he left were, as soon as he arrived off Greymouth to hoist the Union Jack for the Perservere to come out and tow her in. I afterwards left Westport for Greymouth in the Bruce, when I saw the Louisa out at sea. That was the last I saw of her until she was wrecked. The Louisa was well found in provisions. Joshua MORRIS deposed — I am a master mariner belonging to Greymouth. I know the schooner Louisa, having sailed in her as master for five months. She was a clinker-built vessel, not particularly tight, but did not make an unusual quantity of water when out at sea. She was originally built for a surf boat, and then raised. I first saw her on Tuesday afternoon about two o�clock, anchored in the roadstead at Greymouth. Shortly afterwards she hoisted up her foresail, and made preparations to run for the beach. I said to Mr Wallace WOOLFE, the butcher, who was with me, "We had better go and see if we can render any assistance," and we both rode down abreast of the Louisa on one horse. She was running on shore at the time, the wind blowing from the N.W. on the Louisa�s port bow. When she got into the breakers there was little or no wind, and she lost steerage way. She then broached to about 150 or 200 yards from the shore, I and Mr WOOLFE being abreast of her at the time. Two of the crew were steering her with a long oar. There might have been somebody at the tiller, but I did not see him The sea struck her on the starboard quarter, when she broached to and capsized. The last I saw of the crew was a man holding on to the masthead after she capsized. I and Mr WOOLFE then went along the beach to see if we could find any traces of the crew, when the hull of the vessel came ashore about 600 yards south of the mouth of the Saltwater Creek. I saw no more of the crew. When the hull came ashore I discharged fourteen kegs of butter. Mr WOOLFE then rode down as far as the Teremakau to see if any of the crew had come ashore but could find nothing of them. The only reason I can assign for the captain attempting to beach the vessel was that he was afraid to stay out all night in her. By juror — I would rather run out to sea than stand in for the land in the Louisa. I would sooner endeavor to ride out a gale in the Louisa with warps than chains. I consider the cause of the vessels capsizing was want of a sufficient number of hands. The coroner having summed up, the jury, after some deliberation, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death"
Wanganui Chronicle 15 Jan 1879
Fatal accident at Kaiwhaiki
On Sunday morning last a half-caste named Paora (Paul) ROBINSON lost his life while bathing in the Wanganui River, in company with some native lads. When nearing the left bank Robinson was noticed to throw up his hands and call out for a canoe; he sank immediately afterwards. The body was recovered yesterday a few chains from the scene of the accident, and we understand that the natives have made arrangements for its interment. A formal inquest will, however, be held at Kennedy's at noon today.
Wanganui Herald: 15 Jan 1879
A native brought information to town last evening that the body of a half-caste man named Paul ROBINSON, who had been drowned on Sunday while bathing, had been recovered a few miles up the river. Dr Tripe the deputy coroner proceeded up to Kennedy's this morning to hold an inquest, but the result had not reached town when we went to Press. There can be little doubt however that the verdict will be one of accidental death.
(He's quite likely the son of James Middleton ROBINSON and Roka HURAKI who were married 29 Sep 1850 at Tukopoto, Taupiri by Rev. Benjamin Yate Ashwell. )
Lyttleton Times: 22 Jun 1880
A melencholy accident by which 2 men names ROWLAND and WALLER happened at Waikerikikeri (now Hickory Bay, Banks Peninsula) on Saturday morning last. It appears that the surf boats used by Mr SINCH in loading his vessels with timber had partly loaded in the E.U Cameron on the day previous. On Saturday morning the first bat reached the vessel safely, but the second boat, manned by the 2 unfortunate men and another names KENCH, was being launched when it hung sometime on the waves shipping a great deeal of water, and before the men could drag it outside of the breakers the boat filled and capsized. WALLER was seen for some time afterwards and appeared to be heading towards Cameron when suddenly he threw up his hands and disappeared. ROWLAND attempted to reach the shore, and battled bravely with the surf for some considerable time but ultimately went down. KENCH clung to the upturned boat and was afterwards rescued by the crew of the other boat. ROWLAND was a native of Wales, and WALLER had been in the district about 2 years. The body of the man WALLER was washed ashore at Waikerikikeri on Sunday morning. An inquest will be held tomorrow.
The Recent Fatal Accident - One of the unfortunate men who lost his life by the upsetting of a surf boat at Waikerikikeri on the Peninsula, as reported in our issue of June 22, was the son of Mr Robert WALLER of Loburn. Deceased was 23 years of age and was much respected by those with whom he worked.
Edward Corrigill WALLER born 1856 Cramond, MDL, SCT to Robert Clark WALLER and Jean nee CORRIGILL - arrived NZ on the Clontarf March 1860.
A boy named James SCOTT, son of Mr Scott, baker, Cromwell, was drowned at about 5 pm, on the 25th ult., in the Molyneux, near Cromwell bridge. It seems the deceased, in company with three other boys, while catching the driftwood swept down the river which was then in a state of flood, fell into the water, and was almost immediately caught in an eddy and disappeared. Before he sank a Mr Barris endeavoured to catch him and extended a pole to him calling to catch it, but he was unable to do so. Constable Comyn and several neighbours dragged for the body, and looked for it till after dark, but without success. Otago Witness July 9 1870 Page 15 Col.3
William ESKDALE, aged about 40, and his newly wedded wife, nee ARNIT, of Rankleburn, aged 20, were both drowned on Sunday morning while crossing the Pomahaka River. Two witnesses to the accident warned Eskdale not to attempt crossing, as the river was in flood, but he made the attempt. On finding how deep the water was he tried to return to the bank but failed. Eskdale jumped out of his buggy into the river, but could not succeed in getting the horse round. Mrs ESKDALE either jumped or fell into the river and was never seen again. The river would have been negotiated in all probability if the horse had not been fagged by its long journey that morning. There was only a fresh in the river, and when ESKDALE jumped out at no part was the water above his waist. The horse got his head down by some means, and was drowned, but the buggy remained in an upright position, and had Mrs ESKDALE kept her seat the tragedy would not have taken place. ESKDALE, who could not swim, called out to the two men on the other side of the side of the river to go to his assistance, but they too could not swim. He then paddled across stream, touching bottom all the way, until within a few feet of a witness. He then seemed to stumble over an obstruction — a boulder most likely — and the current took him down stream. The witnesses of the disaster, two settlers living in the vicinity, followed ESKDALE, but did not succeed in getting him out until life was extinct. Mr ESKDALE�s history since he became connected with the Rankleburn country is a sad one (says the "Tapanui Courier"). On first taking up the Deloraine estate, he went there to reside with a young wife, but in little more than a year she died, and af ter living alone for some time the deceased (in company with his brother James) acquired Inglebank farm from the executors of the late R T ELLIOT. The residence was renovated and the place put in good order, Mr William ESKDALE again marrying only some few months ago. Comfortably settled in life, and with a fine farm to occupy his attention, the deceased would appear to have found a permanent spot. Yet the locality of his first severe reverse again claims not only his helpmeet but himself as well.