From the Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, 1 July 1854, Page 2.
ADAM | Stephen | Haven Road | Publican | Town of Nelson |
ADAMS | Henry | Trafalgar St | Solicitor | Town of Nelson |
AIKEN | George | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper | Town of Nelson |
AITKEN | Alexander | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper | Town of Nelson |
AITKEN | Alexander | Bridge St | Storekeeper | Suburban Districts |
ALLAN | David | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper's assistant | Town of Nelson |
ALLPORT | Alfred | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
ALLPORT | Henry | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
ALLPORT | Thomas | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
ANDERSON | Robert | Suburban North | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
ARMSTRONG | John | Town of Nelson | Carter | Town of Nelson |
ASKEW | Thomas | Town of Nelson | Baker | Town of Nelson |
BAILEY | James Lugsdin | Town of Nelson | Printer | Town of Nelson |
BANKS | Archibald | Bridge St | Cooper | Town of Nelson |
BARLTROP | Henry | Bridge St | Miller | Town of Nelson |
BARNETT | William | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
BATCHELOR | Thomas Charles | Bridge St | Builder | Town of Nelson |
BEACH | Blaise | Cambria St | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
BECKMANN | Frederick | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
BELL | Francis Dillon | Wellington | Commissioner of Crown Lands | Town of Nelson |
BERRY | Frederick T | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
BERRY | Thomas | Town of Nelson | Turner | Town of Nelson |
BEST | Job | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
BLANCHETT | Thomas | Suburban north | Shoemaker | Suburban Districts |
BONNINGTON | Charles | Trafalgar St | Teacher of Music | Suburban Districts |
BROWN | John | Happy Valley | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
BUNGETT | Joseph | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
BURNETT | Richard | Stoke | Gardener | Suburban Districts |
BUXTON | Edmund | Stoke | Gentleman | Suburban Districts |
CARSWELL | Thomas | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
CHING | Richard | Stoke | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
CLOSE | Stephen | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
COLEMAN | Edward | Town of Nelson | Cabinet maker | Town of Nelson |
COLLIER | Frederick Leonidas | Town of Nelson | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
COLLINS | Arthur | Nelson | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
COLLINS | William | Milton St | Gentleman | Town of Nelson |
COLLINS | William | Milton St | Gentleman | Suburban Districts |
COOMBS | Henry | Town of Nelson | Sawyer | Town of Nelson |
COWARD | George | Nelson | Printer | Town of Nelson |
COX | Charles Henry | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
CRESWELL | Edward | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
CRISP | Benjamin | Town of Nelson | Carter | Town of Nelson |
CROSS | James Smith | Mary Ann Street | Pilot | Town of Nelson |
CROWTHER | William | Town of Nelson | Ship carpenter | Town of Nelson |
CUNDY | John | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
CURTIS | Herbert Evelyn | Bridge St | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
CURTIS | Oswald | Bridge St | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
DALE | William | Town of Nelson | Horse Breaker | Town of Nelson |
DANE | Hiram | Town of Nelson | Boatman | Town of Nelson |
DANIELL | Arthur T | Brook St | Clerk in Land Office | Town of Nelson |
DANIELL | Henry Cooper | Town of Nelson | Clerk in Land Office | Town of Nelson |
DAWES | Thomas | Brook St | Carpenter | Suburban Districts |
DAY | John | Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
DEVANEY | Andrew | Town of Nelson | Carter | Town of Nelson |
DILLOW | John | Town of Nelson | Fisherman | Town of Nelson |
DIXON | Daniel | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
DOBSON | Alfred | Emanu St | Civil Engineer | Town of Nelson |
DODSON | Thomas | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
DOLAMORE | Decimus | Town of Nelson | Baptist Minister | Town of Nelson |
DOUGHTY | Thomas | Suburban north | Bricklayer | Suburban Districts |
DURRANT | Robert Jeffrey | Milton St | Maltster | Town of Nelson |
DYSON | William | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
DYSON | William | Suburban north | Carpenter | Suburban Districts |
EDMONSON | Henry | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
EDWARDS | Charles | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
EDWARDS | Charles | Suburban north | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
EDWARDS | George | Grove St | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
EDWARDS | George | Town of Nelson | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
EDWARDS | Joseph | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
EDWARDS | Nathaniel | Hardy Street | Surveyor | Town of Nelson |
ELLIOTT | Charles | Examiner Street | Printer | Town of Nelson |
ELLIS | George | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
ELLIS | Montague A | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
EMPSON | Charles | Haven Road | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
EPPS | Thomas | Hardy Street | Gardener | Town of Nelson |
EYLES | Daniel | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
FELL | Alfred | Brook St | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
FELL | Alfred | Brook St | Merchant | Suburban Districts |
FIELDES | William | Town of Nelson | Sawyer | Town of Nelson |
FLOWERS | Henry | Nelson | Carpenter | Suburban Districts |
FOX | William | Grove St | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
FOY | Thomas | Town of Nelson | Butcher | Town of Nelson |
FRANKS | Jacob | Hardy Street | Miller | Town of Nelson |
FRANKS | Jacob | Nelson | Gardener | Town of Nelson |
FRASER | John | Wairau | Shepherd | Town of Nelson |
FRAZER | David | Suburban north | Gentleman | Suburban Districts |
FRAZER | David (Jnr) | Suburban north | Gentleman | Suburban Districts |
FREEMAN | Thomas Graham | Town of Nelson | Shipbuilder | Town of Nelson |
FROST | Dennis | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
FROST | Edward | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
FROST | William | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
FULLER | John | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
GALLOWAY | James Thomson | Collingwood St | Clerk | Town of Nelson |
GARDENER | William | Suburban South | Ropemaker | Suburban Districts |
GARDINER | William | Suburban south | Ropemaker | Town of Nelson |
GAUKROGER | Thomas | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
GENTRY | Charles | Town of Nelson | Brickmaker | Town of Nelson |
GILL | William | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
GOODMAN | Thomas | Town of Nelson | Baker | Town of Nelson |
GORRIE | James | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
GRAHAM | James | Town of Nelson | Carter | Town of Nelson |
HALE | William | Town of Nelson | Gardener | Town of Nelson |
HALLIDAY | Charles | Bampden Street East | Constable | Town of Nelson |
HARGREAVES | John Beauland | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
HARKNESS | Charles | Suburban South | Schoolmaster | Suburban Districts |
HARLEY | Charles | Bridge St | Yeoman | Town of Nelson |
HARLEY | Charles | Bridge St | Yeoman | Suburban Districts |
HARMAN | Thomas | Brook St Valley | Carpenter | Suburban Districts |
HARPER | James | Town of Nelson | Shoemaker | Town of Nelson |
HARPER | James | Hardy Street | Constable | Town of Nelson |
HARVEY | Isaac | Suburban north | Sawyer | Suburban Districts |
HASLAM | Jonathan | Collingwood St | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
HIBBERD | Isaac Weldon | Suburban north | Carpenter | Suburban Districts |
HILL | Isaac Mason | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper | Town of Nelson |
HODGSON | Benjamin Oliver | Town of Nelson | Writing Clerk | Town of Nelson |
HODGSON | Benjamin Oliver | Town of Nelson | Writing Clerk | Suburban Districts |
HODGSON | James | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
HODGSON | William Charles | Wakapuaka | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
HOLLAND | George | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
HOLLIS | James | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
HOOPER | George | Hardy Street | Brewer | Town of Nelson |
HOOPER | George | Hardy Street | Brewer | Suburban Districts |
HOUGH | William | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper | Town of Nelson |
HUGHES | William | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
HUMPHREY | John | Suburban north | Cartwright | Suburban Districts |
HUMPHREYS | Edwin | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
HUMPHREYS | Henry | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
HUNTER | Graham Douglas | Nelson | Gentleman | Town of Nelson |
HUNTER | Robert | Town of Nelson | Watchmaker | Town of Nelson |
IRONSIDE | Samuel | Tasman Street | Wesleyan Minister | Town of Nelson |
JACKSON | Adam | Town of Nelson | Carter | Town of Nelson |
JACOBSEN | Andrew | Town of Nelson | Shipwright | Town of Nelson |
JACOBSEN | Hans | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
JACOBSEN | John Sigismund Martin | Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
JAMES | John | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
JASPER | Henry | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
JELLIMAN | Enoch | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
JENKINS | Alfred George | Suburban south | Gentleman | Town of Nelson |
JENKINS | Alfred George | Suburban South | Gentleman | Suburban Districts |
JENKINS | William | Town of Nelson | Upholsterer | Town of Nelson |
JENNENS | Charles | Bolton Square | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
JENNINGS | William | Bridge St | Baker | Town of Nelson |
JOLLIE | Francis | Selwyn Place | Esquire | Suburban Districts |
JOLLIE | Francis | Selwyn Place | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
JONES | Thomas | Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
JONES | William | Waituea East | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
KARSTEN | Christopher Martin | Gleenwood | Sawyer | Suburban Districts |
KARSTEN | John Christopher Martin | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
KELLING | Charles Frederick Christian | Waimea East | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
KELLING | John Fedor Augustus | Waimea East | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
KIDSON | John | Brook St | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
KING | James | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
KINZETT | George | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
KNYVETT | Edmund | Nile Street | Teacher of Music | Town of Nelson |
LADD | John | Scotland St | Bricklayer | Town of Nelson |
LANEY | Edward | Town of Nelson | Baker | Town of Nelson |
LAWRENCE | James Ross | Suburban north | Gentleman | Suburban Districts |
LEE | James | Halifax Street | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
LIGHTBAND | George Wales | Nile Street East | Tanner | Town of Nelson |
LIVICK | Jonathan | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
LLOYD | Richard | Town of Nelson | Shoemaker | Town of Nelson |
LUCAS | Charles | Town of Nelson | Shoemaker | Town of Nelson |
LYFORD | Lawrence | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
MACINTOSH | John | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
MACKAY | James | Suburban north | Gentleman | Town of Nelson |
MACKAY | James | Suburban north | Gentleman | Suburban Districts |
MANSSEN | George Heinrich Conrad | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
MANSSEN | George Henry | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
MARSDEN | Thomas | Suburban south | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
MARSDEN | Thomas | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
MARSH | William | Halifax Street | Gardener | Town of Nelson |
MARTIN | Henry | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
M'ARTNEY | John | Town of Nelson | Tinsmith | Town of Nelson |
M'ARTNEY | Joseph | Town of Nelson | Constable | Town of Nelson |
MATHEWS | Charles | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
MATTHEWS | John | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
McKENZIE | James | Bridge St | Clothier | Town of Nelson |
M'DONALD | George | Suburban north | Shoemaker | Suburban Districts |
M'DONALD | John | Brook St | Gardener | Town of Nelson |
M'GEE | Alexander | Town of Nelson | Publican | Town of Nelson |
M'GEE | Charles | Bridge St | Shoemaker | Town of Nelson |
M'GLASHEN | John Freeman | Haven Road | Ropemaker | Town of Nelson |
MONRO | David | Waimea West | Flock owner | Town of Nelson |
MOORE | Daniel | Hardy Street | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
MOORE | Thomas | Hardy Street | Pensioner | Town of Nelson |
MOORHOUSE | William | Town of Nelson | Bellhanger | Town of Nelson |
MORLEY | George | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
MYERS | George Henry | Grove St | Gentleman | Town of Nelson |
NATTRASS | Luke | Town of Nelson | Gentleman | Town of Nelson |
NEAL | John | Town of Nelson | Brewer | Town of Nelson |
NEAME | John | Selwyn Place | Clerk | Town of Nelson |
NEWCOINE | Richard Kindersley | Town of Nelson | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
NEWMAN | John | Town of Nelson | Blacksmith | Town of Nelson |
NEWPORT | James | Brook St Valley | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
NEWPORT | Samuel | Brook St | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
NICHOLSON | Thomas Dickson | Collingwood St | Presbyterian Minister | Town of Nelson |
NICHOLSON | William Robert | Town of Nelson | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
NICHOLSON | William Robert | Town of Nelson | Merchant | Suburban Districts |
NISBETT | John | Town of Nelson | Blacksmith | Town of Nelson |
NIXON | John | Shakspeare Walk | Carter | Town of Nelson |
NIXON | John | Collingwood St | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
NORGATE | David | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
OCKLEY | William | Waimea Road | Shoemaker | Town of Nelson |
OCKLEY | William | Waimea Road | Shoemaker | Suburban Districts |
OTTERSON | Francis | Rostrevor | Agriculturist | Town of Nelson |
OUTRIDGE | Richard Pitman | Town of Nelson | Merchant's clerk and auctioneer | Town of Nelson |
PAAP | Heinrich Christian | Town of Nelson | Thatcher | Town of Nelson |
PACKER | Jabez | Town of Nelson | Schoolmaster | Town of Nelson |
PAGE | William | Raaitai | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
PAGE | William | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
PAHL | William | Town of Nelson | Cooper | Town of Nelson |
PARKER | James | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
PARKER | William | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
PEARSE | Samuel | Brook St | Gardener | Town of Nelson |
PERCY | John | Town of Nelson | Schoolmaster | Town of Nelson |
PIERSON | Joseph Margett | Thackwood | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
POWELL | Robert | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper's clerk | Town of Nelson |
POYNTER | John | Haven Road | Solicitor | Town of Nelson |
PRATT | Thomas | Van Diemen St | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
RANKIN | Alexander | Town of Nelson | Baker | Town of Nelson |
RANKIN | William | Town of Nelson | Druggist | Town of Nelson |
RAY | Roger | Waimea East | Cashier | Town of Nelson |
RAYNER | William | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
REDWOOD | Henry | Waimea West | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
RENWICK | Thomas | Hardy Street | Doctor of Medicine | Town of Nelson |
RENWICK | Thomas | Hardy Street | Doctor of Medicine | Suburban Districts |
RICH | Thomas | Town of Nelson | Ginger Beer Maker | Town of Nelson |
RICHARDSON | George | Motueka | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
RICHARDSON | Ralph | Nelson | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
RICHARDSON | Ralph | Nelson | Esquire | Suburban Districts |
RICHMOND | Matthew | Hardy Street | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
RICKETTS | Ambrose | Town of Nelson | Wheelwright | Town of Nelson |
RIDINGS | George | Town of Nelson | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
RILEY | John | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
ROBB | Robert | Town of Nelson | Hotel Keeper | Town of Nelson |
ROBINSON | John Perry | Town of Nelson | Turner | Town of Nelson |
RODGERSON | William | Shelburne St | Gaoler | Town of Nelson |
ROSS | George | Bridge St | Baker | Town of Nelson |
ROSS | Kenneth | Happy Valley | Sawyer | Suburban Districts |
ROWBOTHAM | James | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
SADD | James Barton | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
SAIT | Francis | Stoke | Innkeeper | Suburban Districts |
SAIT | Henry | Stoke | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
SAXTON | John Waring | Waimea East | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
SAXTON | John Waring | Waimea East | Esquire | Suburban Districts |
SCHRODER | George William | Haven Road | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
SCHUMACHER | Frederick | Nile Street | Cabinet maker | Town of Nelson |
SCLANDERS | David | Nelson | Merchant | Town of Nelson |
SCLANDERS | David | Nelson | Merchant | Suburban Districts |
SELMES | James | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
SEWELL | Charles | Town of Nelson | Teacher | Town of Nelson |
SEYMOUR | Arthur Penrose | Nelson | Gentleman | Town of Nelson |
SEYMOUR | Henry | Brook St | Land Agent | Town of Nelson |
SEYMOUR | Henry | Brook Street | Land Agent | Suburban Districts |
SHANNON | Michael | Hardy Street | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
SHARP | John | Haven Road | Clerk to Magistrates | Town of Nelson |
SHEPHERD | William Luke | Wairau | Sheep farmer | Town of Nelson |
SHERMAN | William Hancock | Collingwood St | Shoemaker | Town of Nelson |
SIGLEY | Joshua | Suburban South | Storekeeper | Suburban Districts |
SIMSON | James | Waimea Road | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
SINCLAIR | Donald | Collingwood St | Solicitor | Town of Nelson |
SKEET | Robert | Bridge St | Writing Clerk | Town of Nelson |
SLATTER | George | Town of Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
SMALL | William | Suburban north | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
SNOW | Edwin | Trafalgar St | Master Tailor | Town of Nelson |
SNOW | William | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper | Town of Nelson |
SONGER | William | Stoke | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
SPITTAL | James | Halifax Street | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
STAFFORD | Edward William | Nelson | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
STALLARD | William | Town of Nelson | Glazier | Town of Nelson |
STANTON | William | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper | Town of Nelson |
STEPHENS | Samuel | Town of Nelson | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
STEWART | Alexander | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
SULLIVAN | Thomas | Town of Nelson | Publican | Town of Nelson |
SUTTON | William | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
TARR | George | Town of Nelson | Butcher | Town of Nelson |
TAYLOR | George | Bridge St | Innkeeper | Town of Nelson |
TAYLOR | Joseph | Town of Nelson | Cutler | Town of Nelson |
TAYLOR | William | Washington Road | Mariner | Town of Nelson |
TAYLOR | William | Town of Nelson | Carter | Town of Nelson |
THOMPSON | George | Hillwood | Blacksmith | Suburban Districts |
THOMSON | George | Suburban north | Sawyer | Suburban Districts |
THORN | John | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
TIDD | Thomas | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
TOWNSEND | Richard | Town of Nelson | Gardener | Town of Nelson |
TRAVERS | William Thomas Locke | Selwyn Place | Solicitor | Town of Nelson |
TURNER | Robert | Town of Nelson | Storekeeper | Town of Nelson |
VAN | Henry | Suburban South | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
VANT | William | Brook St Valley | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WAGG | David | Washington Street | Schoolmaster | Town of Nelson |
WALKER | Charles | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WALKER | William | Nelson | Shoemaker | Town of Nelson |
WALMSLEY | Benjamin | Nelson | Postmaster | Town of Nelson |
WARD | John | Suburban South | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WARNER | Richard | Cambria St | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
WASTNEY | Edmund | Suburban North | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WASTNEY | John | Suburban North | Sawyer and Publican | Suburban Districts |
WASTNEY | William | Suburban North | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WATERHOUSE | John | Town of Nelson | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
WATTS | John | Town of Nelson | Blacksmith | Town of Nelson |
WEBB | Joseph | Town of Nelson | Tailor | Town of Nelson |
WELD | Frederick Aloysius | Wairau | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
WELLS | Samuel | Brook St Valley | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WELLS | Thomas | Brook St | Labourer | Town of Nelson |
WELLS | William | Suburban north | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
WELLS | William | Suburban North | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WESTLEY | William | Hillwood | Labourer | Suburban Districts |
WESTROPP | John | Haven Road | Boatman | Town of Nelson |
WHEELDON | William | Town of Nelson | Merchant's Clerk | Town of Nelson |
WHITE | George | Haven Road | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
WHITE | Joseph | Town of Nelson | Shoemaker | Town of Nelson |
WILKIE | William | Bridge St | Storekeeper | Town of Nelson |
WILKINS | Thomas | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WILLIAMS | George | Trafalgar St | Surgeon | Town of Nelson |
WILLIAMS | Henry | Suburban north | Farmer | Town of Nelson |
WILLIAMS | Henry | Suburban north | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WILSON | Joseph Foord | Tory Street | Surgeon | Town of Nelson |
WILSON | Joseph Foord | Tory Street | Surgeon | Suburban Districts |
WINTER | James | Maitai | Farmer | Suburban Districts |
WINTERBURN | Joseph | Trafalgar St | Publican | Town of Nelson |
WITHER | Charles Bigg | Wairaea East | Esquire | Town of Nelson |
WRAGG | Alexander | Bridge St | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |
WRAGG | Alexander | Bridge St | Carpenter | Suburban Districts |
YOUNG | Hugh | Nelson | Carpenter | Town of Nelson |