Last Updated: Saturday 28 April 2007
With much thanks to Bill Martin for extracting these valuable pieces of genealogical information.
From the Otago Police Gazettes:
An inquest was held on the 6th January 1873, at the Golden Age Hotel Cardrona, by H A STRATFORD, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of James LLOYD, a miner, aged 40 years, who was found dead in a shaft at Cardrona on the the 4th January, and who it is supposed was killed by falling into it on the night of the 1st January. Verdict - Killed by falling into a shaft.
An inquest was held on the 22nd January 1873, at Blacks No. 3, by E H CAREW, Esq., R M and Coroner on the body of David Henry GOODWIN, a miner aged 54 years, who had died there the previous day from the effects of injuries received by falling out of a spring cart, which he was driving while drunk at Black�s on the 19th January. Verdict - Death caused by injuries received by falling from a spring cart.
An inquest was held on the 15th February 1873, at Clyde Hospital, by W L SIMPSON, Esq., R M and Coroner on the body of Samuel HOWELL, a miner aged 48 years who died there on the 13th February. Verdict - Died from disease of the heart.
An inquest was held on the 3rd March 1873, at Naseby Hotel, Naseby, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Walter MORNINGTON, a miner aged 44 years, who was killed at Naseby on the 1st March while fighting with John GLEESON. Verdict -Manslaughter against John GLEESON, who has been arrested and committed for trial. Note: John GLEESON was tried at the April sitting of the Supreme Court in Dunedin and was acquitted
An inquest was held on the 4th March 1873, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Oamaru, by T W PARKER Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of a man (name unknown but supposed to be James LYONS), whose body was found in the Oamaru Creek, Oamaru, on that day, and who it is supposed had fallen into the creek a week previous and was drowned. Verdict - Found drowned. Deceased appeared to be a miner , aged about 32 years, 5 feet 11 inches high, slight active build, sandy hair whiskers, beard and moustache, thin features, no marks on the body; was dressed in light brown tweed coat and vest, dark coloured woolen vest worn over tweed vest, shepherd�s plaid shirt, moleskin trousers, watertight boots, and red and black woolen comforter round the neck.
An inquest was held on the 29th March 1873, at the Royal George Hotel, Lawrence, by Vincent PYKE, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Robert LONDON, a miner aged 46 years who was found hung (sic) from a rafter in a stable at Lawrence on the previous day. Verdict - That the deceased committed suicide, by hanging himself, while in a state of temporary insanity.
An inquest was held on the 29th March 1873, at the Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, Beaumont Ferry, by Alexander STEWART, Esq., J P., on the body of David ROBERTSON, a miner aged 45 years, who was found dead at the door of his hut at Beaumont, on the 27th March. Verdict - Died from natural causes.
An inquest was held on the 29th April 1873, at the Taupeka Hospital, , by Vincent PYKE, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of David JONES, a miner, aged 59 years, who died there on the 27th April. Verdict - Died from asphyxia.
An inquest was held on the 12th May 1873, at the Naseby Hospital, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of John O�LOUGHLIN, a miner, aged 36 years, who died there on the 10th May from the effects of of injuries sustained by by a large mass of earth falling upon him while mining at Surface Hill, Naseby, on that day. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 29th May 1873, at the Lunatic Asylum, Dunedin, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Leong KONG, a miner aged 40 years, who died there on the 27th May. Verdict - Died of exhaustion caused by inflammation of the brain.
An inquest was held on the 17th June 1873, at the Kaikori Hotel, Green Island, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John MOTHERWELL, a miner aged 38 years, who was killed by falling down the shaft of a coal pit at Green Island on the previous day. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 14th July 1873, at the Wakatipu Hotel, Queenstown, by R BEETHAM, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of William WILLIAMSON or WILLIAMS, a miner, aged 44 years who was found dead outside his hut at 25 Mile Creek, Wakatipu district on the 10th July. Verdict-Died from natural causes.
An inquest was held on the 28th August 1873, at Lawrence Hospital, by Edward HERBERT, Esq., J P., on the body of John INGRAM, a miner aged 49 years, who died there suddenly on the previous day. Verdict-Died from disease of the heart.
An inquest was held on the 30th August 1873, at the hospital, Switzers, by J W WOOD, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Perry ADAMS, a miner, aged 60 years, who died there on the previous day. Verdict- Died from natural causes.
An inquest was held on the 13th September 1873, at the Ballarat Hotel, Arrowtown, by H A STRATFORD, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of CHEONG AH SING, a miner, aged 30 years, who was on the previous day found dead in a gully at the Eight-mile, Arrow River. Verdict- Found dead.
An inquest was held on the 30th September 1873, at the Tuapeka Mouth Hotel, Tuapeka Mouth, by Alexander Stewart, Esq., J P., on the body of a man supposed to be John BROWN, a miner aged 40 years, who was drowned at Alexandra on the 17th July 1872, and whose body was found on the 14th September 1873, on the bank of the Molyneaux River, between Tuapeka Mouth and the Beaumont. Verdict - Found dead. NOTE: Deceased when found was dressed in dark broad ribbed tweed trousers, grey crimean shirt, dark woollen scarf with white stripes, common leather belt, and strong watertight boots, which had been half soled.
An inquest was held on the 11th October 1873, at the Commercial Hotel, Riverton, by F A MONCKTON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of William MADDEN, a miner aged 37 years, who died there on the 9th October from the effects of injuries sustained by a quantity of earth falling upon him in his gold mining claim at Orepuki on the 5th October. Verdict - Died from the rupture of the bladder, accidentally caused by a fall of earth.
An inquest was held on the 22nd October 1873, at Nugget Reef, near Skippers Point, by R BEETHAM, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of William WILLIAMS, a miner aged 38 years, who committed suicide on that day by drowning himself in the Shotover River, at Nugget Reef. Verdict - That the deceased drowned himself while in a state of temporary insanity.
An inquest was held on the 22nd October 1873, at the Sluicers� Arms Hotel, Kawarau Gorge, by James CORSE, Esq., J P & Coroner, on the body of Joe CHAPMAN, a miner aged 26 years, who was killed at Kawarau Gorge on the previous day while employed mining there. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 25th October 1873, at the provincial Hotel Waipori, by J H CAREW, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Samuel John VIAL, a miner aged 35 years, who was killed by a quantity of earth falling upon him while mining at Waipori on the 23rd October. verdict - Died from suffocation.
An inquest was held on the 28th October 1873, at Messrs Cargill and Anderson�s station, Moa Flat, by John BEIGHTON, Esq., J P on the body of James SCOTT, a miner, who was drowned on the 24th June 1873 in the Molyneux River, near Alexandra, by upsetting of a boat when proceeding to the dredge Galatea, and whose body was found in the Molyneux River at Moa Flat, on the 27th October. Verdict - Found drowned.
An inquest was held on the 1st December 1873, at the Tuapeka Mouth Hotel, Tuapeka Mouth, by E H CAREW, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of James McINTYRE, a miner, aged 40 years, who was drowned in the Molyneux River near Alexandra, on the 24th June 1873, by the upsetting of a boat, and whose body was found in that river between Tuapeka Mouth and the Beaumont Ferry on the 26th November. Verdict - Found dead.
An inquest was held on the 16th December 1873 at the Tuapeka Mouth Hotel, Tuapeka Mouth, by E H CAREW, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of AH HECK, a miner, aged 56 years, who was found dead in his tent at Tuapeka Flat, on the previous day. Verdict - Died by the visitation of God.
An inquest was held on the 20th December 1873, at the Pack Hotel, Arthur�s Point, by R BEETHAM Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of William HATTON, a miner aged 40 years, who was killed at Arthur�s Point the previous day, by a quantity of earth falling upon him while at work in a quarry there. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 13th January 1874, at the Harp of Erin Hotel, Queenstown, by R BEETHAM, Esq., R M & Coroner on the body of William TORR, a miner aged 27 years, who while trying to cross the Shotover River on the fluming of the water race of the Nugget Reef Crushing Mill, on the 6th January, fell into the river and drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 17th January 1874, at the Golden Age Hotel, Waitahuna, by E H CAREW, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Thomas THORNTON, a miner aged 33 years, who was found dead in his mining claim in Quartz Reef Gully, Round Hill, Waitahuna, on the previous day. verdict - That the deceased was found dead in Quartz Gully, on the 16th January 1874, such death being caused by dislocation of the neck, but how such dislocation was caused, there is not sufficient evidence to show.
An inquest was held on the 27th February 1874, at the Lunatic Asylum, Dunedin, by W D MURISON, Esq., J P & Acting Coroner, on the body of John TYRETT, a miner, aged 32 years, who died on the previous day. Verdict _ Died from chronic inflammation of the brain.
An inquest was held on the 9th April 1874, at the Golden Age Hotel, Waitahuna, by E H CAREW, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of JACOB LORENZEN, a miner, aged 45 years, who was killed on that day while mining at Ballarat Gully, Waitahuna, by a quantity of earth falling upon him. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 25th April 1874, at the Sow Burn, by W GRUMMITT, Esq., J P and Acting Coroner, on the body of OLIVER JACKSON, a miner, aged 41 years, who died suddenly on the day previous. Verdict - Died by the Visitation of God.
An inquest was held on the 8th June 1874, at the Shamrock Hotel, Nevis, by JAMES CORSE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of WONG TIE, a miner, aged 27 years, who was killed on the 5th June, while mining at Nevis Gorge, by a portion of rock giving way and falling upon him. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 28th August 1874, at the Lunatic Asylum, Dunedin, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of WILLIAM BLAIR, a miner, aged 36 years, who died there on the day previous. Verdict - That the deceased died from exhaustion, following paralysis.
An inquest was held on the 10th September 1874, by L W BUSCH, Esq., J P and Acting Coroner, on the body of JOHN MARKE, a miner, aged 55 years, who died suddenly there on the previous day while at dinner. Verdict - Died from suffocation caused by a piece of meat sticking in his throat.
An inquest was held on the 18th September 1874, at the Court House, Lawrence, by E H CAREW, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of WILLIAM CARR, a miner aged 43 years, who was killed by a quantity of earth falling upon him while mining at Weatherstones on the previous day. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 22nd September 1874, at the Court House, Lawrence, by E H CAREW, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of AH OEY, a miner aged 28 years, who was found dead in his hut at Post Office Creek, Waipori, on the 18th September. Verdict - Died from natural causes.
An inquest was held on the 28th September 1874, at the Carrier�s Arms Hotel, Dee Street, Invercargill, by - CUTHBERTSON Esq., J P and Acting Coroner, on the body of THOMAS KING, a miner, aged 34 years, who died suddenly there on that day. Verdict - Died from natural causes.
An inquest was held on the 7th December 1874 at the Roaring Meg Hotel, Roaring Meg, by James CORSE esq., Coroner, on the body of Timothy O�LEARY, a miner aged 37 years who was killed on the 5th December at Browns Flat, Roaring Meg, by a quantity of earth falling upon him while mining there. Verdict - Accidently killed.
An inquest was held on the 14th December 1874, at the Bannockburn Hotel, Bannockburn, by JAMES CORSE, Esq., Coroner, on the body of SAMUEL BOTTERERELL, a miner, aged 28 years, who was killed on that day by a quantity of earth falling upon him while mining at Pipe Clay Gully, Bannockburn. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 24th December 1874 at the Sluicer�s Arms Hotel, Kawarau Gorge, by James CORSE Esq., Coroner, on the body of George HAYES, a carrier and miner, aged 57 years, who died there on that day from the effects of injuries sustained on the previous day on the road at Kawarau Gorge, by a barrel of beer falling off a dray and rolling over him. Verdict Accidently killed.
An inquest was held on the 29th December 1874, at Matakenui Hotel, Drybread, by W L SIMPSON Esq., R M and Coroner, on the charred remains of the body of John OWEN, a miner, aged 54 years, who was burnt to death on the night of the 27th December, at Drybread, by his hut taking fire. Verdict - That the deceased was accidently burnt to death at Drybread on the night of the 27th December 1874.
An inquest was held on the 12th January 1875 at the Ballarat Hotel, Arrowtown, by H A STRATFORD, Esq., R. M. and Coroner, on the body of Ah LOOK, a miner, aged 33 years, who, when crossing the Matatapu Creek on the 8th January, fell into the creek and was drowned. Verdict - Accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 1st February 1875 at Eichardt�s Hotel, Queenstown, by R BEETHAM, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Charles MURRAY, a miner aged 53 years, who died on the previous day on Lake Wakatipu, while being conveyed from Moke Creek to Frankton Hospital. Verdict - Died from acute inflammation of the bowels.
An inquest was held on the 11th February 1875, at the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock Hotel, Green Island, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Patrick DEMPSEY, a miner, aged 26 years, who was killed on the day previous, by a quantity of earth falling upon him while at work in the railway tunnel at Chain Hills. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 11th February 1875, at the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock Hotel, Green Island, by T M HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Thomas KERR, a foreman miner, aged 37 years, who was killed on the day previous, by a quantity of earth falling upon him while at work in the railway tunnel at Chain Hills. Verdict - Accidentally killed.
An inquest was held on the 6th April 1875, at the Lunatic Asylum, Dunedin, by T M HOCKEN, Coroner, on the body of Henry LUTZEN, a miner aged 42 years, who died there on the 6th April . Verdict - Died of exhaustion consequent on acute mania.
PLEASE NOTE: This was the last inquest published in the Otago Police Gazette. The final Gazette was published June 15 1877.