Last Updated: Friday 07 July 2006
With much thanks to Bill Martin for extracting these valuable pieces of genealogical information.
From the Otago Police Gazettes:
A Magisterial enquiry was held before Edward CROKER., R.M, at the Waipori, on the 10th February 1862, on the body of John MACNAMARA, a miner, who was drowned in the Waipori River on 31st January last when he was trying to swim across it. Verdict in accordance with the above facts. Deceased was a Victorian miner, and has a sister living at the Green Hills, 16 miles from Ballarat.
A Magisterial Enquiry was held at the Commercial Hotel Taupeka, by Major CROKER, R.M., on 20th February, 1862, on the body of Martin WILSON, who was accidentally killed by the falling of a quantity of earth on him when mining. Deceased was a native of Sweden, and a confectioner by trade. His property 1s.1d., has been handed to the Administrator of Intestate Estates.
An inquest was held by Henry HOWARTH, Esq., on 3rd April 1862 at the Nonpareil Dining Rooms, Dunedin, on the body of a man - name unknown - aged about 40 years; 5 ft 10 in. high; very straight build, sallow complexion, black hair and whiskers; dressed in blue guernsey shirt and moleskin trowsers (sic) ; who arrived in Dunedin from the Goldfields on the 1st instant. Verdict, "The deceased, a man unknown, died from natural causes on the 2nd inst. The deceased had in his pocket a letter addressed to Mr LOGAN, Superintendent�s Office, Dunedin, requesting admission into Dunedin Hospital, but no trace of his identify can be obtained there from.
A Magisterial inquiry was held by Edward CROKER, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on 16th April 1862 , at the Melbourne Hotel, Gabriel�s Gully, over the body of Theodore LYMAN, miner, aged 60 years, native of Essex, Mich., America. Verdict - "That the deceased committed suicide by strangulation, whilst labouring under temporary insanity, on the morning of the 16th inst. The following property was found on deceased: - One miner�s right, one memorandum book, one bag containing �2 15s 6d. The property is now in the possession of the Police, excepting cash which was expended for his interment, by order of the Resident Magistrate.
An inquest was held at the Glenmore Hotel , Woolshed Diggings, on the 28th May 1862, by Captain BALDWIN, R.M. over the body of Jeremiah O�BRIEN, aged 29, miner, when the jury returned the following verdict: - " That the deceased met his death by drowning, having been knocked into a water hole by a blow, inflicted by John GIBSON, and the said John Gibson is guilty of manslaughter." The accused person has been arrested.
An inquest was held on 29 November 1862, at Taupeka, on the body of a man, name unknown, who had been found drowned in a water hole. From the evidence it is probable the deceased was drunk when he fell in, as the depth of the water was only 4 ft 6 in. Description of body: A man about 37 years of age, 5 ft 5 in high, dark brown hair, grey eyes, beard worn all round chin, no moustache, high cheek bones, fresh complexion, bald, and wore a truss, dressed in a monkey jacket, moleskin trousers, knee boots, blue shirt, and cloth cap, apparently a miner. His property consisted of two shillings and sixpence halfpenny and an old swag, which with his cap were lying on the bank of the shaft where he was found. Verdict -" Found Drowned."
An inquest was held at McGaffins tent near the Dunstan, on the body of a man named Peter the Prussian, who was accidentally drowned by the swamping of a ferry boat at the Junction of the Kawarau and Clutha rivers, on 30th November 1862. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on 15 December 1862 at Reilleys Ferry, from the Dunstan Camp, on the bodies of Thomas MILLS and John ROBSON, who were accidentally drowned by the upsetting of a boat whilst crossing the Molyneux River, on 30th November 1862. The bodies of three other men who were also drowned at the same time have not yet been recovered. MILLS was 35 years of age, a miner, and has relatives at Oxford, Canterbury. ROBSON was 30 years of age, a miner and has friends residing at Oldham Road, Manchester, England. Verdict - found drowned. The Jury added a rider reflecting on the authorities for allowing such small boat to ply on the Molyneux River.
An inquest was held on 17 December 1862, four miles from the Dunstan, on the body of Mathew MURRAY, who was drowned on the River Clutha, on 30th November 1862. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was 35 years of age, a Scotchman, and has a brother in Ballarat, Victoria.
An inquest was held by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., R.M. on the Dunstan Gold Field, on 5th January 1863, on the body of a man, name unknown, who was found lying dead on the east bank of the Clutha River. Deceased was 5 ft 7 or 8 in. high, stout build, dark complexion, dark hair and whiskers worn round face, shaved on chin, wore moleskin trousers, white inner flannel shirt, blue shirt outside, blue worsted socks. There were no marks of violence on the body. Verdict - Found dead on the banks of the Clutha River, but how or by what means he came there, there was no evidence to show.
An inquest was held by John DEWE, Esq., District Coroner, at the courthouse, Woolshed, on 9th May 1863, on the body of Christopher FITZPATRICK, aged 30 years, a miner, who arrived in this Province from Victoria by steamer Omeo, on 30th April last. Verdict accidentally killed, by the falling of a quantity of earth while mining for gold.
A Magisterial inquiry was held by T W ROBINSON, Esq., R.M., at the Gorge Ferry near the Teviot, on 15th May 1863, over the body of Henry FIELD, aged 35 years, miner, who drowned by falling into the creek emptying itself into the Molyneux at that place, when in a state of intoxication, on 12th May, 1863. Verdict - Accidental death.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Criterion Hotel, Manuherikia on 23rd May 1863 by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., on the body of William GROSE, aged 25 years. Verdict - Died from injuries received by falling down a precipice on the west bank of the Molyneux River on the night of 20th May 1863. Deceased had a brother residing in Long Gully, Bendigo.
A Magisterial inquiry was held, by J.N. WOOD, Esq., R.M. Queenstown, on 27th May 1863, over the body of Alexander HOCKEN, aged 28 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed at the Shotover River on 23rd May 1863. Verdict accordingly. It is reported that John HOCKEN, a brother of the deceased, resides at Heathcote, Victoria.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Rising Sun hotel, Dunstan, on 27th June, 1863 by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of John RHODES, aged 50 years, a miner. Verdict - Died from natural causes. Deceased is reputed to have wife and family residing in Collingwood, Victoria.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Court House, Dunstan, on 5th July 1863 by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., Resident magistrate, on the body of Hugh MAIR, a miner, aged 35 years, who was accidentally killed by a slip of earth falling on him while working in the Government prospecting shaft on Dunstan Flat on 1st July 1863. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a married man, and is reported to have a wife and two children living in Rose Street, Shepherds Paddock, Sydney.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Shamrock Hotel, Manuherikia on 8th July, 1863 by John J. HICKSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Andrew Jackson REED, aged 32 years, a miner. Verdict - died from a disease of the heart. Deceased supposed to have a wife and child residing at Buckland Victoria.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on 10th July, 1863, at Foster�s Ferry, Shotover River, by Richmond BEETHAM Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Patrick GLEESON, aged 35 years, a miner, who was accidentally drowned while attempting to cross the Shotover River on 8th July 1863. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on 16th July, 1863, at the Big Beach, Arthur�s Point, Shotover, by Richmond BEETHAM Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Alexander MCINTOSH, aged 37 years, a miner, who was drowned in the Shotover River on 12th July 1863, by being swept into the river by land slip at Moa Creek. Verdict accordingly. Deceased is reputed to have a brother working on Morrison�s Diggings, Victoria.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the hut of Thomas SWENNEY, at the Dunstan, on 21st July, 1863 by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Thomas HOWELL, aged 35 years, a miner who died from the effects of a gun shot wound caused by the accidental discharge of a gun when in the deceased�s own hand on the 18th July 1863. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Milford Haven, England.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Court House, Dunstan, on 22nd July, 1863 by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Alexander LESSON, age 30 years, a miner. Deceased had been an inmate of the temporary hospital, Dunstan, about six weeks. Verdict - Died from natural causes.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Arrow Police Camp, Wakatipu, on 25th July, 1863 by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate on the body of William BOURKE, aged 28 years, a miner, who was accidentally drowned in the Arrow River on the 9th day of July 1863. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 26th July, 1863 by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate on the body of Michael TOWNSEND, aged about 27 years, a miner, who came to his death through suffocation, caused by a landslip on the Shotover River, on Sunday the 12th July 1863. Verdict accordingly. Deceased�s father resides at Roharbough, Callan, County Kilkenny, Ireland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at Maori Point, on 28th July, 1863 by C. WILLIAMSON, Esq., warden, on the bodies of William CUMMINS, William WILSON, Samuel WILSON, John HORNBUCKLE, George JACK, Joseph MORTIMER, David ANGUS, James GRAHAM, John FRAZER, John ALLEN, who were suffocated in their huts by a land slip falling thereon on 26th July 1863. Verdict - Accidental death. Two other men, Samuel GRETTON and Peter HUNTER, are also supposed to have perished at the same time, and their bodies were wept into the river, as neither has as yet been recovered. The following additional particulars have been obtained respecting the above - CUMMINS was a single man a native of the County Clare, Ireland; the two WILSON�s, brothers, both married, their widows reside in Dunedin; HORNBUCKLE, a single man, a native of Nottingham, England; JACK, a single man, a native of Montrose, Forfarshire, Scotland, had a brother on the Eldorado, Victoria; MORTIMER, married, a native of Dartmouth, England, had a wife and family in Melbourne; ANGUS, single, a native of Montrose, Forfarshire, Scotland, parents reside in Ballarat, Victoria; FRAZER, married, widow resides at Buningong, Victoria, son, Robert at Arthur�s Point; ALLEN, a Scotchman, county etc unknown; GRETTON, a native of Nottingham, England; HUNTER, a native of Arbroath, Forfarshire, Scotland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at Queenstown, on 29th July, 1863 by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate on the bodies of John LYNCH, aged about 60 years, a miner; and Michael EGAN, aged about 33 years, who came by their death through suffocation, caused by a landslip at Moa Creek, on the Shotover River on the night of Saturday, the 25th July 1863. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on 31st July, 1863, at the Big Beach, near Arthur�s Point, by Richmond BEETHAM Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Joseph BARSTON, aged 30 years, a storekeeper, who was found drowned on the Big Beach, Shotover River, on the evening of Wednesday, 29th July 1863. Verdict - Found drowned.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the William DE VINES, Deep Creek, Alexandra, on 20th August, 1863 by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of John PENFOLD, alias Thomas PENFOLD, aged 46 years, a miner, who died from exposure to cold on the track to Campbell�s Gully, and whose body was found on the 16th August 1863. Verdict accordingly. Deceased's father supposed to be residing at the East End of London, and a brother, a brewer, residing between London and Brighton.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Arrow River Police Court,, on the 22nd August, 1863 by J.S. HICKSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate on the body of John DONOUGHE, aged 32 years, a miner . Verdict - That the deceased died from cold and exposure on the Crown range on or about the 28th July, 1863.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Aldinga Hotel, Alexandra, on the 7th September, 1863 by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Charles NEIL, aged 35 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a bank of earth falling on him while working on his claim in Alexandra, on the 5th September 1863. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at Maori Point, on the 14th September, 1863 by Charles WILLIAMSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of William PEARCE, aged 32 years, a miner , who died at Moa Point on the 11th September ,1863 from inflammation of the briain, caused by a fall accidentally received at Stoney Creek, on the 27th August, 1863. Verdict to that effect. Deceased was a native of Whitechurch, Belfast, Ireland. A nephew, John PURSE, resides at the Herald Office, Melbourne.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Golden Age Hotel, Waitahuna, on 19 October 1863, by W R G SAMUELS Esq., coroner, on the body of Thomas CONNELL, aged 25 years, a miner, who was accidentally drowned while under the influence of liquor in Macgregor�s Gully, Waitahuna on the 18th October, 1863. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Court House, Dunstan, on 20th October, 1863 by Jackson KEDDELL, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Bartholomew FREEMAN, aged 26 years, a miner, who died at McPherson�s Ida Burn, on the 22nd September 1863. Verdict- Natural causes.
A Magisterial enquiry was held on 28th October 1863 at McKay�s store, West Taieri diggings by C WILLIAMSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of a man only known by the name of ALLAN, aged 45 years, 5 ft 11 in. high, thin features, very small whiskers, clean shaved, a miner, who died at Nicol�s Gully, Taieri Diggings, on the 25th October , 1863. Verdict - Inflammation and congestion of the lungs.
A coroner�s inquest was held at the Commercial Hotel Taupeka, on 29th October, 1863, by W R G SAMUELS Esq., coroner, on the body of Michael CALLAVAN, aged 35 years, a miner, which was found in a water hole between Taupeka and Wetherstone�s on the evening of the 27th October 1863. Verdict: found drowned. Deceased is supposed to have been a native of Carrick-on-Suir, Tipperary, Ireland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Royal Mail Hotel, Alexandra, on 31st October, 1863, by H W ROBINSON Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Patrick RYDER, aged 33 years, a miner, who died suddenly at the Bendigo Hotel, Alexander, on 30th October, 1863. Verdict - natural causes.
A coroners inquest was held on the 2nd November 1863, at the Police Camp, West Taieri, by F. M. HOCKEN, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Jeremiah SCULLY, aged about 35 years, a miner, who died at the police camp on his way from the diggings to Dunedin hospital, on 31st October 1863. Verdict - Died of Typhoid fever.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at Queenstown, on 9th November 1863, by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of a man, supposed name Bryan REDMOND, aged 35 years, 5 ft 6 inches high, stout build, fair complexion, sandy hair and whiskers, a miner, which was found drowned in the Lake Wakatipu, on 8th November, 1863. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held at the Royal Mail Hotel, Alexandra, on 18th November 1863, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of NIHILE, aged 34 years, a miner who died suddenly in his tent at Campbell�s Gully, on 13th November 1863. Verdict, Apoplexy.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on 14th December, 1863, at the Dunstan Hospital, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Charles NORMAN, aged 30 years, a miner, who died in the above hospital on 10th December 1863, from injuries received by a large piece of rock falling upon him while at work at the Kawarau, on 3rd December, 1863. Verdict, accidental death. Deceased was a native of Sweden, a single man and had no friends in any of the Australian Colonies.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 16th December, 1863, at the Royal Mail Hotel, Alexandra, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of John LOVE, aged 27 years, a miner, who died from exposure to the cold on the Old Man Range, on the night of the 9th December, 1863. Verdict, accordingly. Deceased was a Scotchman, married, his wife resides at Fintry, Scotland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 16th December, 1863, at the Royal Mail Hotel, Alexandra, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of George HYDE, aged 34 years, a miner, who died from exhaustion and exposure to the cold on the Old Man Range, on the 10th December, 1863. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Parfleet, Kent, England.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 23rd December, 1863, at the Bridge Hotel, Lower Waitahuna, by W R G SAMUELS, Esquire, Coroner, on the body of Frederick FINCH, aged 50 years, a miner, who died near the Halfway House, between Waitahuna and Wetherstone's, on the 22nd December, 1863. Verdict, pulmonary apoplexy. Deceased was supposed to be known to a Mr ROBINSON, a Ginger Beer manufacturer, Victoria.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 26th December, 1863, at the Maori Point, by Loather BROAD, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of William MORRISON, aged 22 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a fall, while under the influence of liquor at Maori Point, on the 25th December, 1863. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Glasgow, his nephew, Andrew WHITE, is employed at the Queen Street station of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 24th December, 1863, at Mitchell�s Accommodation House, Waipori, by W R G SAMUELS, Esquire, Coroner, on the body of Patrick HAGLE, aged 35 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed while employed sinking a shaft at Tankey Point, Waipori, by the sides of the said shaft falling in upon him. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 25th December, 1863, at the Court House, Dunstan Camp, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Keyran RIGNEY, aged 23 years, a miner, who expired while on his way from the Dunstan Creek Diggings to the Dunstan Hospital, on the 23rd December 1863. Verdict, Natural causes. Deceased was a native of King�s County, Ireland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 29th December, 1863, at the Arrow River by Loather BROAD, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of George A CONROY, aged 22 years, a miner, who died at the Arrow River on the 28th December 1863, from the effects of strychnine. Verdict - Deceased died from the effect of strychnine, administered by his own hand on the 28th December 1863. Deceased was the nephew of Mr Charles DEAN, landlord of the Royal Charter Hotel, Bourke Street, Melbourne.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 13th January, 1864, at McRae�s Hut, Sexton�s Station, Hamilton, by Edward HARDCASTLE, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Patrick FITZGERALD, aged 50 years, a miner, who died near McRae�s Hut, on the 10th January 1864, from eating the berries of the tutu plant. Verdict accordingly. Deceased had a wife in Dunedin.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 18th January, 1864, at the Roxborough Hotel, Teviot Junction, by W Lawrence SIMPSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the remains of a man, name unknown, but supposed to be John DERRICK, aged 35 years, a miner, which were found at the top of the Range between the Teviot and Campbell�s Diggings, on the 15th January, 1864. Verdict - That the deceased came by his death while crossing the Ranges by exhaustion, having been overtaken by a snowstorm about four months ago. A brother of the deceased was at the Teviot, but is now supposed to be in Victoria; his name is Samuel DERRICK.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 23rd January, 1864, at Queenstown, by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Cornelius REARDON, aged 21 years, a miner, who was accidentally drowned while rafting some timber across the Shotover River on January, 22nd 1864. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Parish of Glynn, County Limerick, Ireland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 30th January, 1864, at the Court House, Clyde, Dunstan, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of James MERRILEES, aged 42 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed while working in his claim by the land falling upon him. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Glasgow, Scotland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 27th January, 1864, at Pleasant Creek, Upper Shotover, by Charles WILLIAMSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of George MATHEWS, aged 23 years, a miner who was accidentally killed by a piece of rock falling upon him while working on his claim at Pleasant Point, on the 26th January 1864. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Camden, New South Wales; his brother, Thomas MATHEWS, resides at South Gundagai, New South Wales.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 15th February, 1864, at the Junction Hotel, Cromwell, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John HAMILTON, aged 34 years, a miner, who was accidentally drowned by falling over a precipice into the Kawarau River, when returning from prospecting to his tent on the 5th February, 1864. Verdict accordingly.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 31st March, 1864, by W R S SAMUELS, Esq., Coroner, at Taupeka Hospital on the body of James COCHRANE, aged 38 years, a miner, who died at the above hospital on the 30th March, 1864, from the effects of a rupture of a blood vessel. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of the County of Derry, Ireland. His wife and family reside at Wetherstone's.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 9th of April, 1864, at the Taupeka Hotel, Teviot Junction, by W L SIMPSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Robert GELLATLY, aged 35 years, a miner, whose body was found on the Pomahaka Ranges, on the 8th April, 1864. Verdict, that the deceased died on or about the 3rd day of April, 1864, on the Pomahaka Ranges, died from exhaustion while crossing the ranges in a storm. Deceased is reported to have a father, a bookseller, residing in Perth, Scotland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 20th of April, 1864, at the hut of George THOMPSON, Dunstan, by W H Robinson, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of JOHN STEVENS, aged 30 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by being thrown from his horse at the Dunstan, on the 18th April, 1864. Verdict accordingly. The father of the deceased resides in Ireland, his address being Mr Michael STEVENS, Post Office, Aclair, County Sligo, Ireland
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 3rd May, 1864, at the Golden Age Hotel, Waitahuna, by W R G SAMUELS, Esq., Coroner, on the body of George GREEN, aged 30 years, shoemaker, but recently engaged mining, who was accidentally killed while working his claim at Waitahuna Gully, on the 2nd May, 1864, by a quantity of earth falling upon him. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 5th of May, 1864, at the Court House, Teviot, by W L SIMPSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Henry ROLLARD, aged 27 years, a miner, who was found dead in his bed at the Miners� Home, Teviot, on the morning of the 3rd May, 1864. Verdict, natural causes, accelerated by habits of intemperance. Deceased was a native of Stanford, Lincolnshire, England, where his father and two brothers reside and are butchers.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 14th May, 1864, at the Roxborough Hotel, Teviot, by W L SIMPSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Hugh ROSS, aged 40 years, a miner, who accidentally drowned in a water race on the west bank of the Clutha, while in a state of intoxication, on the night of the 12th May, 1864. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Scotland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 22nd May, 1864, at Queenstown, by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Daniel BOHEN, aged 25 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a stone falling upon him while asleep in his tent at Arthur�s Point, on the morning of the 21st May, 1864. Verdict accordingly.
A magisterial inquiry was held on the 23rd May, 1864, at the Dead Horse Creek, Moonlight, by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of George FULLER, aged 26 years, a miner, who died on the 19th May, 1864, through accidentally falling over a precipice, while intoxicated. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of London.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 26th May, 1864, at Hamilton, by Charles BROAD, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of James Brook STIRLING, aged 45 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by the falling in of his claim at Hamilton on the 26th May, 1864. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 1st June, 1864, at the Dunstan Hospital, on the body of John CHRISTEMAS, aged 32 years, a miner, who died on the 30th May 1864, at the above hospital, having received an injury to his right foot on the 11th May, 1864. Verdict, tetanus, the effects of amputation of the right foot, and debility. Deceased was a native of Cambridgeshire, England.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 7th June, 1864, at the White Star Hotel, Wetherstone's by W R G SAMUELS, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John HAYES, aged 40 years, a miner, who was found dead on the morning of the 6th June 1864, at the bar of the house. Verdict, accidentally suffocated while in a state of intoxication. Deceased was either a native of Tipperary or Limerick, and has a brother living in McIvor, Victoria.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 29th June, 1864, at Donald MCCANN�s Accommodation House, near the Beaumont by W L SIMPSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of William ORR, aged 45 years, a miner, who died at the above house on the morning of the 26th June, 1864. Verdict, died by the visitation of God.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 8th July, 1864, at the Half Mile Beach, Molyneux,by John S HICKSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of James Charles ROBERTS, aged 26 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a land slip while working his claim at the Half Mile Beach, on the 8th July 1864. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 6th August, 1864, at Queenstown, by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Uriah JAMES, aged 27 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a quantity of earth falling upon him while working in a drive at Arthur�s Point on the 4th August, 1864. Verdict accordingly
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 6th August, 1864, at the Union Hotel, Teviot, by W L SIMPSON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Daniel MCAULIFFE, aged 40 years, a miner who died suddenly in his hut at the Teviot, on the 6th August, 1864. Verdict natural causes, disease of the heart. The deceased is reported to have a wife and two children living in Sydney, to be heard of at Mr E PASCALL�s, No 40 Windmill Street, Sydney New South Wales.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 5th September, 1864, at the Criterion Hotel, Dunstan Creek, by Dr JACKSON, Coroner, on the body of Henry Lawrence MCCANN, aged 50 years, a miner, who died suddenly at the Dunstan Creek on the 2nd September, 1864. Verdict - apoplexy. Deceased had a wife, and a married daughter named CHATTERTON, residing at La Grange, New York.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 10th September, 1864, at the All Nations Hotel, Monroe�s Gully, by Edward CROKER, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Samuel MILLS, aged 35 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a bank of clay falling on him while working at MONROE�s on the 9th September, 1864. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Castlederry, County Tyrone, Ireland, where it is supposed his mother still resides. The Rev. Mr HUTCHINSON, Presbyterian Minister, Woollongong, New South Wales, is an uncle of the deceased.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 12th September, 1864, at the tent of John MCLACHLAN, Quartz Reef Point, Cromwell, by Henry JACKSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John MCLACHLAN, aged 26 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by about 2 tons weight of earth falling on him. Verdict accordingly. Deceased had his brothers Colin and William, miners, working on Mitchell�s Creek, New South Wales.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 22nd September, 1864, at the Clyde Hotel, Clyde, by Henry JACKSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Mary Ann Alen GRINDLEY, aged 18 months, who was accidentally drowned by falling into a wash tub at the Dunstan on the 21st September, 1864. Verdict accordingly.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 10th October, 1864, at the Twelve Mile Hotel, Alexandra, by Henry JACKSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Burnard MULRINE, aged 55 years, a miner, which was found floating in the Molyneux River on the 7th October, 1864. Verdict, Found drowned.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 14th October, 1864, at the Antrem Arms Hotel, Clyde, by Henry JACKSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John SMYTH, aged 33 years, a miner, who committed suicide by taking laudanum, on the 11th October, 1864. Verdict, Felo-de-se.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 26th September, 1864, at Fullerton�s diggings, by Edward HARDCASTLE, Esq., Resident magistrate, on the body of Michael ROWAN, aged 40 years, a miner who died at Fullerton�s diggings on the 26th September, 1864, not having been medically attended. Verdict, inflammation of the lungs and bowels, accelerated by an excessive dose of Holloway�s Pills. Deceased was a native of county Cork, Ireland.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 29th September, 1864, at the Royal Hotel, Hyde by Charles BROAD, Esq., Resident magistrate, on the body of William F DAVIS, aged 28 years, a miner, who died suddenly at Hyde on the 29th September, 1864. Verdict, natural causes, inflammation of the lungs. Deceased was a native of Monmouthshire, Wales; had a brother Charles, in the employment of David JONES, Criterion House, Ballarat, Victoria.
A magisterial inquiry was held on the 25th October, 1864, at Union Hotel, Teviot Junction, by W. L SIMPSON Esq., R.M., on the body of Joham RATHAGEN, aged 24 years, a miner, who accidentally drowned in the Clutha River, on the 3rd October 1864, at Butcher�s Point. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 27th October, 1864, at Queenstown, by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident magistrate, on the body of John WALSH, aged 30 years, a miner, who was accidentally drowned by falling into the Shotover River, on the 5th October 1864. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 7th and 8th November, 1864, at the Nil Desperandum Hotel, Sowburn, by Charles BROAD, Esq., R.M., on the body of John RUSSELL, 37 years old, a miner, who died from the effects of a stab inflicted by a miner named MYLES. Verdict, willful murder against James Myles. (NOTE: James Myles was tried and convicted of manslaughter at the Supreme Court on the 1st December, 1864 and was sentenced to 3 years hard labour.)
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 5th December, 1864, at the Roxborough Hotel, Teviot, by W L SIMPSON, Esq., Resident magistrate, on the body of Patrick CONNOR, aged 34 years, a miner, whose skeleton remains were found on the Pomahaka Ranges, on the 28th November, 1864. Verdict that the deceased died from the effects of wet and cold, and exposure to the atmosphere on the Pomahaka Ranges on the 13th February 1864, while in a state of intoxication. Deceased was a native of the north of Ireland.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 7th December, 1864, at the Halfway House Hotel, Cromwell, by H JACKSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Thomas HAY, aged 29 years, a miner, who, while in a state of intoxication, was accidentally drowned in the Clutha River, on the 10th December 1864. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Glasgow; his mother�s address is Mrs John JEFFREY, 14 Geroged Road, Town Head, Glasgow
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 10th December, 1864, at Butcher�s Point, Shotover, by Justice AYLMER, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of George HUTTON, aged 32 years, a miner, who was accidentally drowned by falling out of a boat at Maori Point, Upper Shotover, on the 4th November, 1864. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Aberdeen, Scotland, and had two brothers in Victoria, Robert Joseph, in the employ of Messrs. Younghurst and Co., Elizabeth Street Melbourne, and Robert, a miner at Inglewood.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 21st December, 1864, at the Victoria Hotel, Upper Taieri, by Charles BROAD, Esq., Coroner, on the body of James HENNESY, aged 22 years, a miner, who was accidentally drowned while bathing in the Taieri River, on the 18th December, 1864. Verdict accordingly.
A coroner�s inquest was held on the 22nd December, 1864, at the Mantree Station, Dunstan, by Henry JACKSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of a man know as "Big Jack," aged 45 years, a miner, which was found on a sand bank in the centre of the Manuherikia River, about one mile from the Mantree Station, on the 6th December 1864. Verdict, found drowned.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 7th January, 1865, at the Shamrock Hotel, Hamilton, by Charles BROAD, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of David DAWE, a miner who was found dead in his tent on the 7th January 1865. Verdict, died from natural causes.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 10th January, 1865, at the Twelve Mile Creek, Lake, Wakatipu, by Richmond BEETHAM, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Robert MCKINLAY, a miner, who was accidentally killed at Twelve Mile Creek, on the 9th January 1865 by a fall of earth , while at work. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Scotland, and has a sister residing at Melbourne, Victoria.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 20th January, 1865, at Nokomai, by J M WOOD, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the bodies of Flora and Elizabeth MCLEAN (mother and child) who were accidentally drowned while crossing the Nokomai River on her journey to join her husband Donald MCLEAN, miner, of Nokomai. Verdict, accidentally drowned.
An inquest was held on the 25th January, 1865, at the Miners� Arms Hotel, Blue Spur, Taupeka District, by Edward CROKER, Esq., Coroner, on the body of James MCLEAN, aged 26 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a fall of earth while working in his claim on the 24th January 1865. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 22nd February, 1865, at the Golden Age Hotel, Waitahuna, by C WORTHINGTON, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of John JOHNSON, a miner who was drowned while in a state of temporary insanity caused by excessive drinking. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 19th May, 1865, at Stapelton�s beach, Upper Shotover, by Justice AYLMER, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Jeremiah LYNCH, aged 24 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed on the 24th May, 1865, by a fall of earth while working in a claim near Stapelton�s beach. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of New South Wales.
An inquest was held on the 12th June, 1865, at the Shamrock Hotel, Hamilton, by Charles BROAD, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John MCIVOR, aged 22 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by the falling of a tail race, on the 10th June 1865. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 12th June, 1865, at the Court House, Hindon, by Charles BROAD, Esq., Coroner, on the body of George Thomas SHARPIN, a native of All Saints, South Lyan, Norfolk, England, aged 28 years, a miner, who perished in a snow storm about 3 miles from Hindon. Verdict - death through exposure to cold.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 16th June, 1865, at Maori Point, Upper Shotover, by Justice AYLMER, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of Robert GIBSON, a native of County Down, Ireland, aged 28 years, a miner, who died through congestion of the brain, and exposure to cold on the 15th June 1865. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 5th July, 1865, at the Caledonian Hotel, Vincent, by Charles BROAD, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Alexander FORREST, aged 45 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a quantity of earth falling on him on the 4th July 1865. Verdict, accidental death.
An inquest was held on the 19th July, 1865, at the Universal Dining Rooms, McRae�s Flat, by Charles BROAD, Esq., Coroner, on the body of William CAMPBELL, aged 47 years, a miner, who died on the 11th July from natural causes. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 4th August, 1865, at the Commercial Hotel, Dunstan Creek, by John S HICKSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Felix HACKETT, aged 23 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed on the 3rd August, 1865, by the fall of a bank of earth while working. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 7th August 1865 at the Camp Hotel, Waipori, by Charles WORTHINGTON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Charles MARTIN, aged 24 years, a miner, who suddenly fell down dead while at work, on the 4th August 1865. Verdict, death from disease of the heart.
An inquest was held on the 23rd August, 1865, at Lower Taupeka Flat, by Edward CROKER, Esq., Coroner, on the body of William KEATING, aged 26 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed on the 22nd August, 1865, through a quantity of earth falling on him while at work. Verdict, accidental death.
An inquest was held on the 23rd August, 1865, at the Kawarau Hotel, Cromwell, by Henry JACKSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Lott READING, aged 32 years, a miner, who died from natural causes on the 20th August, 1865. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 7th September 1865, at Kelly�s Terrace, Upper Shotover, by William L SIMPSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Peter Walter MENNIE, aged 37 years, a miner, who died suddenly on the 4th September, 1865, at Kelly�s Terrace, Upper Shotover. Verdict - died by the visitation of God. The deceased was a native of Aberdeenshire, Scotland and has a daughter 7 years of age, and two brothers-in-law, residing on the Durham Lead, Bunningyong, near Ballarat, Victoria.
An inquest was held on the 14th September, 1865, at the house of William NIVILLS, Quartz Reef Point, by Henry W ROBINSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Andrew GREY, a miner aged 29 years, who was accidentally killed on the 12th September, 1865, through a large stone falling on him while working. Verdict, accidental death.
An inquest was held on the 22nd September, 1865, at the Scandinavian Hotel, Kawarau Gorge, by Henry W ROBINSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of John EDE, a miner aged 52 years, who was accidentally killed, on the 20th September, 1865, by a landslip, while sluicing in his claim at the Kawarau Gorge. Verdict, accidental death.
A magisterial inquiry was held on the 26th September, 1865 at the Dunstan Hospital, by William BALDWIN, Esq., Resident Magistrate, on the body of John HARRISON, aged 30 years, a miner a native of Geffebirg, Sweden, who died on the 23rd September, 1865, through want and exhaustion, while being conveyed to the hospital, having been overtaken by a snow storm on the Pomahawk Ranges. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 26th September, 1865, at Skipper�s Point, Upper Shotover, by William L SIMPSON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Josias TEAR, aged 26 years, a miner, who was accidentally killed by a fall at Skipper�s Creek on the 24th September, 1865, while under the influence of drink. The deceased was a native of Scotland, and has an aunt (Mrs MCALLAN) residing in George Street, Launceston, Tasmania.
An inquest was held on the 16th October, 1865, at the Junction Hotel, Waipori, by Charles WORTHINGTON, Esq., Coroner, on the body of Thomas WILLOUGHBY, aged 36 years, a miner, who died suddenly at Waipori, on the 12th October, 1865, through inflammation of the bowels. Verdict accordingly. Deceased was a native of Illogan, Cornwall, England.
An inquest was held on the 14th November, 1865, at Frankton Hospital, by Richmond BEETHAM, esq., Coroner, on the body of John MALONEY, aged 40 years, a miner, who died from inflammation of the liver, which was brought on by being precipitated into the Shotover River by a fall of earth while engaged mining. Verdict accordingly.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 18th December 1865, at the Montezuma Hotel, St Bathan�s by John S HICKSON, Esq., R M on the body of William PELLING, alias James WHITE, a miner aged 28 years, who died suddenly on the 16th December, 1865, from congestive apoplexy . Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on 9th January 1866, at the Waihemo Hotel, Waihemo Valley, by J W MURDOCK Esq., Coroner, on the body of Charles WRIGHT, a miner, aged 24 years, who died suddenly on the 7th January, 1866, from inflammation of the bowels. Verdict - Died from natural causes.
A magisterial inquiry was held on the 25th January 1866, at the Caledonian Hotel, German Hill, by Charles BROAD, Esq., R M., on the body of William PEARS, a miner, about 35 years of age, who was accidentally killed through a quantity of earth falling on him when working in his claim at German Hill, on the 23rd January 1866. Verdict - accidental death.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 9th February 1866, at Messrs. Pearce and Washaw�s Store, Lower Dunstan Creek, by John S HICKSON, Esq., R.M., on the body of William PARRY, a miner, aged 35 years, who was accidentally killed on the 8th February, 1866, through a quantity of earth falling while working in his claim at the Lower Dunstan Creek Diggings. Verdict. - accidental death.
An inquest was held on the 10th February 1866, at Drapper�s Store, Monroe�s, by Charles BROAD, Esq., R.M. on the body of John LOCKIE, a miner, aged 32 years, who was accidentally killed on the 17th February, 1866, through a quantity of earth falling on him while working in a tail race in the Hit or Miss Company, Monroe�s. Verdict - accidental death.
A Magisterial inquiry was held on the 19th February 1866, at the Liverpool Arms Hotel, Mt Ida, by Charles BROAD, Esq., R.M. on the body of Morgan MORGAN, a miner, aged 27 years, who was accidentally killed on the 17th February, 1866, through a quantity of earth falling on him while working on in a tail race in Speck Gully. Verdict - accidental death.
An inquest was held on the 15th March 1866, at Black�s Diggings (No.1) by W H ROBINSON, Esq., R.M. on the body of Julius G NEILSON, a miner, aged 42 years, who was accidentally killed on the 13th March, 1866, through a quantity of earth falling on him while working on his claim at Black�s Diggings (No.1). Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 5th May 1866 at the Nokomai Diggings, by J N WOOD, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Anne FITZGERALD, a married woman, aged 34, who was accidentally killed on the morning of that day by a quantity of earth falling upon her while mining with another woman at Cameron�s Spur, Nokomai. Deceased has left three children under seven years of age, almost destitute, their father, Frederick FITZGERALD, a carpenter, formerly of Kyneton, being at the present time in some part of Victoria. Verdict - Accidental death.
An inquest was held on the 12th May 1866, at the Courthouse, by H.W. ROBINSON, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of John HARAHAN, a miner aged 48 years , who on the previous day, while in a state of temporary insanity, committed suicide by plunging into the Molyneux River. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 5th September 1866, at the Bridge End Hotel, Arthur�s Point, Lake Wakatipu, by Richard BEETHAM, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Denis MCNAMEE, a miner and packer who was accidentally killed the previous day by falling down a cliff at Arthur�s Point. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 29th September 1866 at the Court House, Alexandra, by H W ROBINSON, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the bodies of Ronald MCDOUGALL, aged 31, and Robert BOYD, aged 38, miners, who were accidentally killed the previous day, by a large quantity of earth and stones falling upon them while working their claim at Manuherikia. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 29th November 1866, at Glaister�s Store, Blue Spur, Taupeka, by Edward CROKER, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Charles DISS, a miner, aged 35, who was accidentally drowned in a water race at the Blue Spur two days previously. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 24th December 1866, at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Waipori, by Edward CROKER, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Jeremiah CALLAGHAN, a miner, aged 40, who was found drowned the previous day in the Waipori River. Verdict accordingly (In this case there is every reason to believe that deceased committed suicide, while in a state of temporary insanity)
An inquest was held on the 12th January ,1867, at Naseby, Mt Ida district, by Charles BROAD, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Hugh ROSS, a miner aged 42, who was accidentally killed on the morning of that date by the falling of a large quantity of earth upon him while working in a mining claim at Naseby. Verdict - accidental death.
An inquest was held on the 24th January 1867, at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Waipori, by Edward CROKER, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Jeremiah CALLAGHAN, a miner aged 40, who was found drowned the previous day in the Waipori River. Verdict accordingly ( in this case there is every reason to believe the deceased committed suicide, while in a state of temporary insanity.
An inquest was held on the 2nd February 1867, at the Dunstan Hospital, Clyde, by H.W. ROBINSON, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Nils Auguste OLSEN, a Swedish miner, aged 34, who died on that date from injures received, on the 31st January, by a fall from the fluming erected across the Molyneux River, at Butcher�s Point, Alexander, by the Imperial Mining Company. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 27th March 1867, at Butcher�s Creek, by H.W. ROBINSON, Esq., R.M. and Coroner, on the body of Aaron BELL, a miner aged 28 who was accidentally drowned on the 31st January last, through the breaking down of the fluming erected at Butcher�s Point, Alexandra, for the Imperial Mining Company, by which means he was precipitated into the Molyneux River. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 11th April 1867, at Baldwin�s Ferry, West Clutha, by John S HICKSON, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Donald MCDONALD, a miner aged 28, who died in his hut at Baldwin�s Ferry, on the previous day, from disease of the lungs. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 20th April 1867, at Stoney Creek, near Maori Point, by R. BEETHAM, Esq., R.M. and Coroner on the body of James YEATS, a miner aged 47, who was found dead in his hut at Stoney Creek on the previous day, the cause of death being congestion of the lungs. Supposed to have been dead for about three days when found. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 9th May 1867, at the store of James BRIDGE, Arrow Ferry, by Loather BROAD, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of John BURNS, better know as "Rowdy Jack," a miner, aged 28, who died the previous morning from exhaustion, induced by exposure to the cold during the night of the 6th May, while in a state of intoxication. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 10th May 1867, at Maori Point, by R BEETHAM, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Francis DUNDAS, a miner, aged 26, who was accidentally killed the previous day by a fall of earth, while working on his claim at Maori Point. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 11th June 1867, at house of the deceased at Monroe�s Diggings, by Edward CROKER, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of James ELLIOT, a miner aged 28, who was accidentally killed the previous day by a fall of cement, while working in his claim at the Blue Spur. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 24th July 1867, at the Provincial Hotel, Evan�s Flat, by Edward CROKER, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Benjamin RAWLINS, a seaman aged 28, who died suddenly two days previously, while engaged in mining on Treweek�s Station, Taupeka District, death resulting from an abscess on the brain. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 10th August 1867, at the residence of E R ANDERSON, Esq, runholder, Teviot Station, by John S HICKSON, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of John BROUARD, a miner, aged 28, who was drowned in the Molyneux River on the 16th July 1867, while working at the end of the sluice boxes of his claim at East Roxburgh, his body not being recovered until the 9th August. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 13th August 1867, at the Waipori Hotel, by Edward CROKER, Esq., R M and Coroner, on the body of Ah CHIN, a Chinese miner, aged 22, who died from exposure to severe weather on the Waipori ranges during the night of the 7th August, his body being found there in the snow the following day. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 7th September 1867, at St Bathans, by W L HICKSON, Esq, R M and Coroner, on the body of Patrick COMERFORD, a miner, aged 30, who was accidentally killed by a fall of earth upon him while at work in his claim, at St Bathans, the previous day. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 17th August 1867, at Winding Creek, near Switzer�s Diggings, by H A STRATFORD, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of George WREFORD, a miner, aged 34, who was accidentally drowned while attempting to ford the Waikia River, on the 13th August. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 17th September 1867, at Switzers Diggings, by H A STRATFORD, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of, Malcolm MCLEAN, a miner aged 27, whose death was caused on above date by a fall of earth upon him while working in his claim at Commissioners Hill, Switzers. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 25th October 1867, at Ardmore Station, Pomahaka, by H S STRATFORD, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Vincent FIDDES, a miner, aged about 55, who was found lying dead at Scrubby Flat three days previously, death having been caused by strangulation. Verdict - "Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown.". (Vide "Murder" last issue, James WHITE, senior subsequently committed for trial, his son being discharged. The dead body of an old man named Vincent FIDDES, was found near Scrubby Flat, in the Pomahaka District, on the 22nd October, and the medical evidence adduced having proved that death resulted from strangulation, the Coroner�s jury returned a verdict accordingly. Two men name WHITE were subsequently traced and arrested by the Detective and General Police on the charge of having murdered the deceased, and are now on remand. A third man named William SHEPHERD, alias "Billy Nuts," was also arrested on suspicion, but subsequently discharged, and his evidence accepted for the prosecution. James WHITE was acquitted at the Supreme Court Dunedin on the 2nd December, 1867.)
An inquest was held on the 16th November 1867, at the Taupeka Hotel, Lawrence, by Edward CROKER, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Ah TOY, a Chines miner, aged about 50, who died of apoplexy in his tent at Taupeka Flat during the previous night. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 24th November 1867, at the Queen�s Arms Hotel, Queenstown, by Dr DOUGLAS, coroner, on the body of John MORROW, a miner, aged about 45, who was accidentally drowned, on the 19th November at Halfway Bay, Lake Wakatipu. Verdict accordingly.
An Inquest was held on the 2nd December 1867, at Sutton Creek, near Hamiltons, by J N WOOD Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Dennis BARRY, a miner, aged at 54, whose death took place there on the 29th November in consequence of the accidental fall of a quantity of earth upon him while engaged in mining. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 11th December 1867, at the Taupeka Hotel, Roxburgh, by J S HICKSON, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Ki YAN, a Chinese miner, aged about 37, who was drowned in the West Clutha River on the 2nd December 1867, in consequence of the sudden giving way of an overhanging ledge of rock upon which he was cradling at the time. Verdict accordingly.
An Inquest was held on the 10th December 1867, at the Boatman�s Arms Hotel, Alexandra, by Mr H W ROBINSON, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Robert HOOPER, a miner, aged about 38, who committed suicide the previous day, by drowning himself in a water-hole at Alexandra. Verdict accordingly.
An Inquest was held on 24th December 1867, at the Bridge Hotel, Waipori, by Edward CROKER, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Francis MCENANNEY, a miner, aged about 20, who was accidentally drowned the previous day, while bathing in a dam at Mitchell�s Flat Waipori. Verdict accordingly.
An inquest was held on the 28th December 1867, at Sutherland�s Beach, Shotover River, by Lowther BROAD, Esq., R M & Coroner, on the body of Jacob JEFFERSON, a packer & miner, aged about 28, who was accidentally drowned on the 11th December, while attempting on horseback to cross the Shotover River at Maori Point. Verdict accordingly.