Otago Witness , Issue 2300, 31 March 1898, Page 11
Thanks to
THE OLD IDENTITY WITH BRIEF NOTICES OF A FEW OF THE PROMINENT COLONISTS OF LATER YEARS. [Continued from pages of Daily Times and Witness Otago Settlement Jubilee Number.]
PLEASE NOTE - these are not in alphabetical order but as in the newspaper report. Surnames recorded as for example M�LAREN I have written as McLAREN so are easy searchable.
ADAM Alexander, born East Lothian arrived Nourmahal 1858 first carpenter, then farming Otakia. Family, seven.
ADAM Thomas, born East Lothian arrived Strathmore 1856 followed trade of carpenter Mosgiel, Dunedin then farming Otakia and Waihoa resides later place. Family, seven.
ADAM, William, born East Lothian arrived Robert Henderson 1857 farming Otakia.
ADAMS, John Archibald Duncan, born April 5, 1844, at St. Boswell's, Roxburghshire arrived Blundell worked various occupations studied law with W. W. Wilson and afterwards Sir Robert Stout admitted barrister August 12 1874 now in business with brother. One daughter.
AFFLECK, Andrew, born East Lothian, August 10, 1827 arrived by Jura September 23, 1858; employed carpentry trade, Waikouaiti where now resides. Family, five sons, five daughters.
AITCHISON, William, born Edinburgh 1832 arrived Mooltan 1849 farming Clutha, but went to Australian goldfields returned 1857 took up land Kaitangata has remained there since. On his land first coal discovered in district. Family, six sons, two daughters.
AITKEN, Mrs James, arrived Simla 1851 now residing Mosgiel.
AITKEN, William, born Edinburgh May, 1855 arrived Strathallan 1858 has been engaged farming, blacksmithing, contracting, and cropping in Oamaru and Timaru districts some years past binder expert. Family, five sons, four daughters.
ALLAN, Mrs William (nee SEATON) arrived with her parents Philip Laing 1848 removed in 1879 to Waimate, where she now resides.
ALLOM, Albert J., born London arrived Wellington, February, 1842 employed survey cadet on site of present City of Dunedin in 1843 returned to Wellington in 1848 sailed for England assisted Mr Wakefield with his book A view of the Art of Colonisation, and in despatching first ships to Canterbury now resides Auckland. Family, eight.
AMIES, Edward A., arrived Strathmore 1856 resides Main Gully, Naseby.
ANDERSON, John, arrived by Bernicia 1848 settled Blueskin where he had sheep and cattle run removed to Wyndham 1857, where he remained till his run was needed for close settlement, when he removed to Hawke's Bay and there died.
ANDERSON, John, was in Dunedin 1848 employed as shepherd with his father took up run at Wyndham he and his brother first white men to visit Waikawa from inland resided 30 years in Otago, now in Napier, where he has lived for 20 years.
ANDERSON, Millar, born Stewarton, Ayr, January 26, 1825 arrived by Southern Cross February 22, 1857 has been in business many years as baker in High street, Dunedin. Family, five sons, three daughters.
ANDREW, John, and family, arrived by first trip of Maori resides at Taieri.
ANGELO, Stewart, arrived Jura now resides Frankton.
ARMSTRONG, Harry, settled Winton 1862 member Provincial Council 1864 till 1869 Provincial Executive Councillor May, 1866, till June, 1867, and September, 1867, till March, 1869 Provincial Government agent brig Amherst to establish depots Southern Islands 1868 residing now in Bedford, England.
AYSON, Alexander, arrived in Otago in ship Royal Albert on March 18, 1853, and now resides at Toiro.
AYSON, Douglas L., born Glenshee, Perthshire arrived Royal Albert 1853 farming in Clutha district since that year. Family 10.
BAIN, John, born Edenborough October 31, 1843 arrived by Larkins 1849 engaged in farming and dairying pursuits at Halfway Bush was councillor West Ward Borough Maori Hill. Family, four sons, two daughters.
BAIN, Mrs James, born Edenborough, Scotland April 4 1820 arrived by Larkins 1849. Family, five sons, one daughter. Now resides Maori Hill.
BAIN, Thomas, arrived by Mariner 1849 was first merchant tailor Dunedin died early period of settlement.
BALFOUR, James Melville, born Edinburgh, 1831 arrived Sir Ralph Abercromby, September, 1863 first marine engineer to Otago Provincial Government then same position to General Government till drowned off Timaru through a surf-boat capsizing. Left widow and one daughter.
BARRON, William, born St. Andrews, Fifeshire, Scotland, 1837 arrived by Lady Egidia January, 1861 engaged mining and storekeeping Gabriel's, subsequently storekeeping Dunedin. Member of House of Representatives 12 years is Grand Master New Zealand Grand Lodge of Freemasons has been city councillor. His services in connection with Otago Central railway have been great, having continued the efforts of Hon. Vincent Pyke. Family five sons, six daughters.
BARRY, Jane Fitzgerald, born 1810 arrived by brig Magnet 1841 resided Waikouaiti, Green Island, and the Heads subsequently farming Kuri Bush, now residing Otakia. Family, seven.
BASKETT, William, arrived Maori 1853 contractor at Invercargill came to Dunedin 1861, where still resides. Family, eight.
BATES, Mrs (nee Mosley) arrived with her parents by John Wickliffe now residing at Port Molyneux.
BATSON, F., arrived Bosworth 1857 resides at Dunedin.
BAYNE, P. arrived Sir Edward Paget Aug. 14, 1856 Mrs Bayne and family (6) accompanied him; resided North-East Harbour 1 7 years, Mrs Bayne now residing Tapanui. Family, 14, 64 grandchildren, 1 great grand child.
BECK, Mrs James {nee Mary Rennie), arrived Strathfieldsaye resides at Milton.
BEGG, Adam, jun., born Liberton, Edinburgh arrived Blundell September, 1848 farmer Anderson's Bay, now of Hillend.
BEGG, John Macquoin, BEGG, Thomas, and BEGG, Matthew, are all sons of Mr Adam Begg of Anderson�s Bay, and were born at Anderson's Bay.
BEGG, William, born Liberton, Edinburgh arrived Blundell September 1848 farmer, Anderson's Bay, now of Hillend. Family, two sons.
BELL, G. M., arrived in 1867 bought large estate in Southland which he afterwards sold in 1878, but bought Wantwood estate in 1884, where he now resides.
BELL, John, was born in Glasgow, in 1826 came Otago in Philip Laing settled in North Taieri district, his homestead being property on which the Wairongoa Mineral Springs are situated, of which springs Mr Bell was discoverer; removed West Taieri where he died in 1887. Mrs BELL was born Berwickshire came Otago Alpine September, 1859 died at West Taieri, April 29, 1891. Family, seven sons, three daughters.
BELL, Mrs Jane (nee Jane TAYLOR), Waikouaiti, born Duns, Berwickshire, November 16, 1834 landed Otago by Jura, September, 1858 has been engaged with her husband in farming pursuits. Family, six sons.
BELL, Peter, born Druse, Berwickshire arrived Jura 1858 resides Clutha, where he follows farming. Family, 12.
BENNETT, James, arrived Regina 1858 Major Croker being a fellow passenger. Mr Bennett now resides Lovell's Flat.
BISHOP, Ann (nee MORRIS), born Rempston, Nottinghamshire arrived with parents in Nourmahal in 1858.
BISSETT, Mrs Agnes, born Edinburgh arrived Mooltan 1849 husband farmer Mrs Bissett resides Oamaru. Family, 14.
BLACK, Andy, first postman (before Jock GRAHAM) Australian native; supposed to have killed a man who had killed Andy's mother, and ran off to Sydney, where he swam off to a trader owned by John Jones and Co. and was brought; over here as cook shepherded for Mr Jones at Waikouaiti and for Mr James Smith at Greenfield.
BLAIR, Robert and John, arrived George Canning 1856 have been farming at East Taieri for many years.
BLATCH Emma, and Mary E., daughters of Mr A. F. Blatch, arrived John Wickliffe; both dead.
BLATCH, Alfred Frederick, born Surrey arrived Philip Laing worked for various settlers at farming pursuits went to diggings afterwards drover, shepherd settled on Otago Peninsula as dairy farmer, but took up land at West Waiau, where he now resides. Family, nine sons, three daughters.
BLATCH, Margaret (nee M'KENZIE) born Dumbeth, Caithness, Scotland arrived Rajah died October 19, 1897. No family.
BLATCH, Thomas Henry Joseph, born Hammersmith, London, March 10, 1834 arrived Otago John. Wickliffe while employed shepherding for Mr SUISTED lived alone in cave for 12 months on what is now Totara Estate, nearest white neighbours being at Otepopo on south, and Rhodes's, Timaru, to north afterwards engaged farming Maungatua, where now fruitgrowing, beekeeping, &c. was in police force (under St. John Branigan), volunteer force (holds long service medal) was crack shot, won many prizes. No family.
BLUES, Mrs James (nee DUTHIE), born Kincardineshire; arrived by Maori 1856 husband storekeeper and farmer Tokomairiro Mrs Blues resides at Roslyn. Family, three sons, two daughters.
BOOTTEN, James, born 1826 arrived Lord Worsley 1858 labourer, Sawyers' Bay. Family two sons and daughter born England three sons, two daughters born colony.
BORRIE, the Rev. David, born Perthshire, October 30, 1846 arrived Maori, April, 1857 was farming West Taieri, now Presbyterian minister North-East Valley. Family, four daughters, three sons.
BORRIE, Donald, born Perthshire March 23, 1843; arrived Maori April, 1857.; farming and carrying to gold diggings till 1865, since then farming Oamaru district. Chairman Otago Education Board chairman Waitaki High School Governors member Waitaki County Council, Oamaru Harbour Board, North Otago A. and P. Association, Oamaru Licensing Committee. Mrs Borrie also arrived by the Maori in 1857. Family, six sons, four daughters.
BORROWS, T., arrived George Canning is now photographer resides Dunedin.
BOWER, Hugh, born Inverness-shire Feb.. 12, 1830 arrived by Larkins September 11, 1849 was at first engaged at bushwork and subsequently farming. Family, four sons, two daughters.
BOWER, Joseph, born Edinburgh, October 22, 1835 arrived Larkins 1849 engaged shepherd, bush work, and farming 33 years. Eight family.
BRASH William, born Midcalder arrived Three Bells 1858: farming Saddle Hill, subsequently removed Mosgiel, where now resides. Family, seven.
BROOKES, Thomas, arrived colony 1841 was mate Government brig Victoria came to Otago 1848 lived first Dunedin, afterwards farming Tokomairiro, then town clerk Milton, which position he held till death, December 30, 1886. Widow still living. Daughter first girl born Tokomairiro Plain.
BROTHERSTON, Charles, born Edinburgh, 1822 came colony Larkins 1849 is carpenter with exception of three years on Australian goldfields has resided Dunedin since landing.
BROWN, Alexander, born Morayshire arrived by Eden 1850 resided first Anderson's Bay, then Tokomairiro, where he has remained.
BROWN, James, arrived Bernicia 1848 carried on business for many years at corner Stafford and Princes streets, opposite Mr J. Hopkins's confectionery now living in retirement. Family, 12 children, 21 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren. Mrs Brown's death in 1888 was the first in the family since then a daughter has died.
BROWN, John, born 1839 arrived Wellington July, 1852, and Port Chalmers November 29, 1852, by Stately; settled Mataura 1855, subsequently Murihiku, now Southland lived continuously in South of New Zealand for 43 years.
BROWN, John, Mrs Brown, and family, arrived Strathfieldsaye May, 1858. Mr Daniel Brown (a brother of above) and family also arrived by same vessel.
BRUGH, S., arrived at Lyttelton Glentanner 1857 came on to Otago the Glentanner was dismasted on passage and one sailor lost off Cape of Good Hope. Mr Brugh now resides Dunedin.
BUCHANAN, John, arrived Philip Laing worked for Mr A. J. Burns at Grant's Braes; was "minister's man" at First Church for many years died in 1880. Mrs Buchanan resides with her daughter at Otepopo. Mr Gilbert Buchanan (a son) has been printer of Evening Star for upwards of 20 years.
BURNS, Arthur J., son of Rev. Dr Burns arrived Philip Laing farming Grant's Braes, bought land Taieri and named it Mosgiel started Mosgiel Woollen mills managed Westport Coal mine was M.P.C. for Taieri and member Executive was M.H.R. for Bruce 1869, Caversham 1869, oldest J.P. province; resides Dunedin.
BURNS, Dr Robert, born Edinburgh 1834 educated Royal High School and Edinburgh University is Fellow Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh became house surgeon Leith Hospital for two years after obtaining surgeon's diploma left for New Zealand on account of health giving way arrived in Three Bells 1858 began practising profession in Dunedin district, which comprised Milton to Palmerston and Otago Heads to Deep Stream was associated with Provincial surgeon in hospital 1861 to 1865 medical officer to gaol and Industrial School. Dr Burns takes a deep interest in educational matters, and is member of University Council.
BURNS, Miss, arrived Philip Laing with her parents Rev. Dr. and Mrs Burns resides Dunedin.
BURR, Mrs John (nee FAIRLEY) arrived Three Bells 1858 died 1889.
BUSH, Mrs (Dr) G. F. (nee ALEXANDER), arrived by John Wickliffe. Now living with her sister, Mrs A. D. BAYFIELD, at Westport.
CALDER, John, born Wick arrived Mariner 1849 engaged building contracting now residing Caversham. Family, three sons, three daughters living, four.
CALDER, George, whose photo is shown elsewhere, is the well-known resident of North-East Valley has been mayor of that borough and a member of most of local bodies of district.
CALDER, Mrs Peter (nee Sinclair), arrived Maori 1857 now resides Gore.
CALLENDER, James, of East Taieri, arrived with his parents by Philip Laing 1848 Mrs Callander arrived George Canning 1857. CALLENDER, John and Alexander, also arrived by the Philip Laing, and reside at Scrogg's Hill.
CAMERON, Alexander, born December, 1850 arrived Slain�s Castle with parents George and Christina Cameron, both of whom dead followed station life, now overseer Linnburn Station, Patearoa.
CAMPBELL, Robert, born September 1814, at Renton, Cardross, Dumbartonshire apprenticed calico printing trade becoming slack made several sea voyages one to America and several in Mediterranean on returning from one voyage was given employment at Dalmonach Print Works during his stay there organised the Loch Lomond Regatta Club, the membership of which now numbers 1300; in 1839 married Miss Christina M'ARTHUR in 1848 emigrated to New Zealand in Ajax was employed by Mr KETTLE on survey for some time bought land on west side of harbour and lived there for several years in 1856 bought 80 acres at Kaikiku, which it took five days to reach increased his holding and named it Glenfalloch, after the village at head of Loch Lomond things prospered with him and in 1880 made a trip to Scotland with Mrs Campbell left her in Scotland and returned to New Zealand, making a second trip in 1882 to bring her back on his return built a residence at St. Clair, where he now resides.
CANTRELL, Richard Seaward, arrived April, 1858 represented Caversham in Provincial Council and in House of Representatives Captain South Dunedin Rifles. Family, six sons, two daughters.
CARGILL Lieutenant-Colonel Spencer, R.A.; arrived John Wickliffe with parents, Captain and Mrs Cargill returned England, entered Royal Artillery after long service, chiefly in India, retired with rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1886 now resides at Dinapore, Bengal.
CARGILL, John (son of Captain Cargill), arrived John Wickliffe had been in Royal Navy, when his ship was on Australian station settled in Ceylon as coffee planter till 1846 was elected first representative to House, of Assembly for country districts of Otago was elected to Provincial Council later date was an enthusiastic volunteer, and became colonel in command of militia and volunteers in Dunedin was a runholder for a number of years died in February, 1898. Family first marriage, two sons, three daughters two survive of second marriage.
CARRICK, Robert, born Glasgow arrived Philip Laing 1 848 shepherd on coasting boat visited Australian colonies returned, engaged farming pursuits killed in Port Molyneux district. Family,five.
CARTER, James, born County Cavin, March 28, 1828 arrived True Briton 1852 has been shepherd, farmer, etc. now resides Waikouaiti. Mrs Carter arrived Jura.
CARTER, Price and John, arrived by Cornwall 1849 both dead.
CHALMERS, Robert, was born Fife arrived Otago Robert Henderson 1856, with his wife and family of eight settled at Tokomairiro remained there till his death. Family 8, grandchildren 60, great grandchildren 19.
CHALMERS, Robert, born Dunfermline arrived Robert Henderson; farming Tokomairiro, afterwards settled Puerua, where he has been 23 years. Family, 12.
CHALMERS, David, ditto, settled Tokomairiro married Miss Black, who arrived 1853. Family, nine.
CHALMERS, James, ditto, settled Tokomairiro. Family, four.
CHALMERS, Thomas, ditto, settled South Clutha married Miss Sophia Careless, who arrived 1854. Family, 11.
CHALMERS, John, ditto, resides Napier.
CHAPMAN, J. arrived Cornwall went Wellington province.
CHAPMAN, James, born Stirlingshire, Scotland arrived in 1857 has been storekeeping Balclutha many years.
CHASE, Frank, arrived by Bosworth 1857 now residing Oamaru.
CHRISTIE, James, arrived Seville 1858 farming West Taieri for 16 years carting etc Gabriel's when rush took place resides Waikaka Valley.
CHRISTIE, Mrs T., her husband (Mr T. Christie), two sons (William and Thomas), and niece (Sophia TODD), arrived Strathmore 1856. Mr Christie died in 1873 at Otakia William died 1892 at Seadown, Canterbury Mrs Christie and her son Thomas now reside at Seadown, South Canterbury Miss Todd now living at Gisborne, North Island.
CHRISTIE, Robert, born Perthshire arrived Rajah 1853 farming at East Taieri and Puerua resides in latter district.
CHURCHILL, William, born London March 14, 1835 arrived Thetis August 2, 1854 maritime and other pursuits. Married Miss Annie HAIR, one of the Philip Laing passengers. Family, five sons, six daughters three deceased.
CLAPCOTT, Henry, arrived Carnatic December, 1852 had been educated tor church, but took up run Popotunoa Gorge subsequently connected with Government Life Insurance department as agent and lecturer died in September, 1897.
CLARK, Archibald, born Edinburgh 1830 arrived Three Bells 1858 farming. Taieri, now residing at Double Hill, Blueskin, Waitati. Family of 15, four of whom were born at Home 35 grandchildren.
CLARK, George, David, and Jaspar, born Dunse, Berwickshire arrived by Jura 1858 George settled at South Dunedin, but David and Jaspar followed farming pursuits at Tokomairiro. Families, George five children David six children.
CLARK, Henry, arrived Jura 1858 resides at Waitati has been member local boards and school committee. Family, two.
CLARKE, Hender Luke Noble, arrived Larkins 1849 now residing Havelock, Marlborough. Family, six.
COOKE, John, born Fifeshire arrived Jura 1858 entered police force became sergeant had charge of first escort from Gabriel's residing Maitland street . Family, ten.
COPESTAKE, Thomas, arrived Bosworth November, 1857 now residing at Sandon.
CRAIG, James, born Glasgow arrived Maori farming Riversdale district. Family, six.
CRAIG, William Francis, born Dromore, County Down, Ireland enlisted came to Auckland May 1846, troopship Java with 65th Regiment fought in Waikato War, also Wanganui, where he was wounded in two places May I8, 1849 (in this campaign saved adjutant TAYLOR, who was wounded, by carrying him off the field) obtained discharge 1851; went Sydney; returned 1858 joined colonial forces, went through second Waikato War has two medals came Otago 1867 engaged farming, now express proprietor. Family, four sons, four daughters.
CRAIG, William and John, born Stranraer, West Galloway arrived Maori settled, William at Shag Valley, John at Goodwood.
CRAIGIE, Richard, born Ronsay, Orkney Islands, September 20, 1828 arrived Bernicia, December 23, 1848 some years North- East Valley, then Taieri Ferry followed various occupations, but now farming Waihola. Some time member Waihola Road Board chairman Taieri Ferry School Committee 15 years. Family, five sons, five daughters.
CRANE, James, Waihola, born September 1 1828 arrived Lady Clark May 16, 1850 farming Tokomairiro, Waihola; member Waihola Riding, Bruce County Council. Family five sons, four daughters three daughters and one son dead.
CRANSTON, James, born Edinburgh arrived Three Bells July, 1858 engaged as coachman.
CRANSTON, Mrs James arrived Three Bells July, 1858 now residing Peter street, Caversham.
CRAWFORD, Elizabeth (nee FLEMING); arrived Palmyra 1858 married John Crawford residing Clutha.
CRAWFORD, John arrived Robert Henderson 1858 settled Tokomairiro district, Clutha in 1862 resides there at present. Family, 11.
CURIE, John, born Edinburgh arrived Mooltan Christmas morning, 1849 business as plumber and tinsmith about 20 years died 1891. One son first wife family five second wife.
CURIE, James, born Edinburgh arrived Mooltan 1849 with parents in ironmongery business farming now living Caversham 10 years in Huzzars, 15 B Battery, represented Otago annual prize firing. Family, six.
CURIE, David, born Troon, Scotland emigrated Melbourne 1852, where engaged in carrying and shipping business arrived 1857 in his own galliot, a 100-ton schooner; brought with him on deck of schooner iron hull of 25 ton screw steamer Victoria Provincial Council had offered �500 for first steamer between Port Chalmers and Dunedin, and Captain Curie was beaten in competition for this by Mr Macandrew engaged timber trade between Dunedin and Waikawa with schooner Port Arthur had other boats but disposed of them 1865 and settled St. Leonards. Mr Curie owned the Ruby first steam lighter, which he purchased from Hon. Mathew Holmes, and has had other vessels.
DALL, Thomas, and Mrs, arrived by the Slain's Castle many years in Tokomairiro district. Mr Dall died in 1891 Mrs Dall resides Forth street, Dunedin. Family, nine.
DALLAS William, arrived Jura settled first Tokomairiro, afterwards at Clutha, where he is residing. Mrs Charles Dallas, who arrived Jura, is also resident Te Houka.
DALRYMPLE John Taylor, youngest of Dalrymple family, is now sheep-farming in Rangitikei district with a friend he visited the country at head of Lake Wakatipu before any settlement in that locality, but rats ate all the provisions of the party and they were forced to retreat, arriving at nearest station in an exhausted condition after settling in Wellington was elected to Provincial Council of that province. Family, five sons, three daughters.
DALRYMPLE, William, born Brechin, Valley of Strathmore, Scotland with his family took passage for Wellington by Rajah in 1853, but owing to damage to vessel during a storm was detained Port Chalmers bought 600 acres at Goodwood, where he resided, after a short visit to Wellington, for two years then went south and engaged sheep farming sold his run shortly after gold discoveries and took up his residence in Dunedin and afterwards for 13 years Port Chalmers was contributor to Dunedin press chairman Acclimatisation Society, in which body he opposed proposed introduction of rabbits to province. Died Rangitikei, November 19, 1882 aged 81 years.
DALRYMPLE, William, jun., arrived 1858 tried station life, but relinquished that occupation and obtained clerkship in Land Office afterwards conducted Land Transfer Office till his death in May, 1881.
DAVIES, J. R., was in Southland in 1862 had a patent for railways with wooden rails took contract from Provincial Council to run line to Lakes, but it was never finished, the line being discontinued at Makarewa he left the colony early.
DAWSON, Benjamin, born Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire arrived Rajah 1853 farming in Waihola district entered railway service now stationmaster at Ravensbourne. Family, 12.
DAWSON, Benjamin, born in Norwich 1812, arrived by ship Tasmania February 1853 gardener, Dunedin. Family three sons, two daughters.
DAWSON, William, arrived ship Phoebe Dunbar 1850; resided Green Island worked Horseshoe Bush, then lnchclutha, to which place Mr Dawson and wife walked for ploughing used horses, which Mr Dawson led while Mrs Dawson held plough handles was first settler at Wangaloa removed to farm at Woodlands now resides Tapanui. Family, three sons, four daughters. Has been member of Road Boards, Southland.
DE LACY, Thomas C, born Pont-y-ruchan, near Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, June 10, 1823 arrived. Royal Albert, June 10, 1853 engaged first at farm work, since various occupations. In customs and other Government offices mayor West Harbour Borough chairman Licensing Bench justice of peace 20 years.
DICKSON, arrived September 14, 1863 came as engineer for roads and bridges under Provincial Government, but died three months after arrival.
DICKSON, Alexander, born Portpatrick, Wigtonshire, May, 1811 arrived Philip Laing 1848 farm labourer till 1857 when settled at Kuri Bush, where he remained till death, August, 1889. Was member Road Board and School Committee. Family, two sons.
DICKSON, Mrs {nee Dalziel), born Kardaroch, arrived Philip Laing residing at Roslyn. Family, four.
DOUGLAS, John T., arrived Jura 1858 settled on the Taieri, and was for some years clerk of the County Council was accompanied to Otago by his mother and sisters Dr Bur (Mosgi�mother dead sisters now are Mrs �ns (Union street), Miss M. A. DOUGLAS (Mosgiel), Miss C. DOUGLAS (Mosgiel), Mrs David C. HUTTON (Dunedin), and Mrs Keith RAMSAY (Dunedin).
DOW, James and Alexander, born Glen Isla arrived Agra 1852 settled West Taieri, where still residing.
DOWIE, Robert, arrived Blundell 1848 farming since arrival at East Taieri. No family.
DOWNES, Edward, born Shropshire, September, 1813 arrived Stately February, 1853 shoemaking Sawyers' Bay, 1853 to 1861 farming, Waitati, 1861 to 1877 died November 13, 1897. Family, five sons, one daughter.
DOWNES, Rosetta {nee ELMER), born Gravesend, Kent, June 13, 1844 arrived Thetis, August, 1854. Now residing Forth street wife of Thomas H. Downes, contractor
DOWNES, Thomas Henry, born at sea 1842 arrived Otago by Sarah and Esther has been railway contractor, Otago, Auckland, Patea, Wellington, and Napier. Family, eight sons, two daughters.
DRINNAN, James, born Symington, Ayrshire arrived Jura 1858 employed as farm servant at first subsequently took up land at Tokomairiro, where now residing. Family, 10.
DRYDEN, George, arrived Jura 1858 had teams on road to diggings first one stuck up by Garrett at Maungatua, who let him pass on, not suspecting that �3000 was concealed in the horses' collars carried on business for many years in Russell and Arthur streets farmed at Sandymount. Left widow, eight sons, and 45 grandchildren. Mrs Dryden still living at Arthur street.
DUNKLEY, George, born Keddlingworth, Leicestershire, January, 1836 arrived by Palmyra, February, 1858 employed various occupations before gold discoveries since 1861 followed mining pursuits been 35 years in Roxburgh district.
DUNKLEY, R., arrived George Canning 1857 has been labourer, express proprietor, now wharf labourer; resides Dunedin. Family, one.
DUTHIE, James, born Kincardineshire arrived Maori 1856 engaged carrying trade to diggings subsequently settled Tokomairiro now member firm railway carriers, Dunedin. Family, five sons, two daughters.
DUTHIE, Jane Martin, born Moneymore Januarys, 1815; landed Wellington Lady Nugent 1841, Otago February, 1846 settled Tokomairiro 1852 only two or three European women Otago when Mrs Duthie arrived only six settlers Tokomairiro when she went there with her husband. Family, four sons, two daughters.
DUTHIE, John, born Kincardineshire 1846; arrived Jura 1858 employed in drapery store 1860 storekeeping on diggings subsequently joined Blues and James Duthie in farming and storekeeping, Tokomairiro came Dunedin 1879 with brother started well-known drapery business in George street of which still has management. Been member Union Street School Committee some years, and has been its chairman.
DUTHIE, Robert, sen., born Kincardineshire arrived by Maori 1856 was overseer of works under Dunedin Town Board, until changed to Municipality then settled on farm at Tokomairiro died 1897 Mrs Duthie died at Roslyn in 1897, aged 79. Family, 11 sons, 1 daughter.
DYER, Mrs William {nee REDMAYNE), born West Yorkshire arrived Bosworth November 26, 1857; governess with Mr J. Jones's family 22 years in Tokomairiro residing Dunedin at present.
DYER, William John, born London 1830 arrived Sydney 1839 trading from latter port to New Zealand and Islands came Otago 1857 was in business in Dunedin, afterwards Milton had Taieri ferry punt when goldfields rush took place was in Provincial Council, and was Mayor of Milton while in Provincial Council was instrumental in obtaining an endowment for Milton. Mr Dyer is now insurance canvasser. He is a freeman of the City of London.
ELDER, James R., arrived 1858 has been farming in North Otago for many years. He is well known and highly respected.
ELMER, John, born Barking, Essex, 1823 was by profession master mariner arrived by Thetis in 1854 became landowner in Port Chalmers, Deborah, and Sawyers' Bays. Was councillor Port Chalmers Council. Mr Elmer died June 18, 1874. Elmer, John (son), well known at Port Chalmers (where he was in business for number of years), Waitati, and Dunedin. Mr Elmer died March 3, 1895.
FAMILTON, A. 55, arrived Three Bells residing Oamaru.
FAMILTON, Robert, arrived Columbus 1852 now residing Hampden.
FAIRLEY, George, arrived Three Bells 1858 seaman died 1897.
FAIRBAIRN, Thomas, born Fifeshire arrived Jura 1858 shoemaker in Dunedin, now residing Anderson's Bay. Family, three sons, three daughters.
FAIRBAIRN, James, arrived Jura 1 858 now farming, Highcliff.
FAZAKERLEY Henry, born Liverpool 1811 arrived Strathallan 1858 gardener at Fern Cottage, Pelichet Bay, soma years died February, 1874 Mrs Fazakerley died 1878. Family, four daughters, one son two daughters living (one Mrs J. GIBSON, Roslyn).
FLEMING, John, arrived Palmyra 1858 farming, Kaihiku.
FLEMING, Thomas, born Blackwater, Perthshire arrived with two sons and two daughters Palmyra 1858 manager of Mr James Macandrew's farm; subsequently farming at Southbridge, Tokomairiro, and Kaihiku.
FOSTER, Henry Angel, born Guernsey arrived Mary 1849 followed trade of carpenter first at Green Island subsequently business in Dunedin as builder and contractor. Mrs Foster, who was born St. Austel, Cornwall, but lived many years Island of Guernsey, and who accompanied her husband in the Mary, now resides in Clyde street, Dunedin. Family, one son (Henry Charles Foster, partner in firm of Foster and George, contractors, Dunedin), two daughters (one died other Mrs George), 19 grandchildren.
FORSYTH, David, born Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire, November 20, 1833; arrived Strathallan, January, 1858 carried on business as builder in Dunedin erected many of the well-known premises o� the early days was on the goldfields in 1862. Family, two sons.
FOWLER, James, born East Lothian arrived Three Bells 1858 followed his trade of blacksmith in Dunedin, Mosgiel, and The Grange, East Taieri. Family, eight.
FRANCE, Mrs Helen (nee ANDERSON), born North Scotland 1837 arrived with parents, late John Anderson and wife, in Bernicia married Mr Henry FRANCE 1858, then resided Oamaru. Her daughter, now Mrs BELLING, was first European child born in Oamaru.
FRANCE, Henry, born London 1821 was medical student afterwards surgeon whaler Artic ocean proceeded West Indies, engaged mercantile pursuits arrived Otago 1852 sergeant police, Dunedin next opened general store, Otepopo, subsequently removed Oamaru, where opened store first postmaster Oamaru afterwards merchant, commission agent, and auctioneer Member first and second councils, Borough Oamaru member of Provincial Council for Lindis died 1872. Family, six.
FRANCE, John, arrived George Canning 1857 settled in Tokomairiro, where he died Mrs France still resides there. Family, eight.
FRASER, John, born Sutherlandshire, Scotland, February 13 1823 arrived Strathmore 1856 farmer, Clarendon district. Family two sons.
FRASER, William Junor, born Ross-shire, Scotland, April 21, 1831 arrived by Strathfieldsaye April, 1858 had been constable at Home became chief constable, governor gaol, Invercargill, in which town was also librarian Athenaeum. Family, two sons, one daughter.
FRAZER, James, born Inverness, February, 1808 arrived Bernicia, December 2, 1848 engaged farming at Halfway Bush, then at Tuakitoto, where he remained till his death. Was member Tuakitoto Road Board. Family, five daughters, nine sons.
FRAZER James, born Inverness, December 2, 1847 arrived with parents in Bernicia December 2, 1848 engaged farming, building, in Kaitangata, Tuakitoto, and Colyton districts. Family, one daughter.
FULTON Francis, arrived Maori 1851 carried on farming and business pursuits chartered first large steamer Easby for trade between Dunedin and Sydney. Now resides Hawke's Bay.
FYFE, George Gibb, born February 14, 1825, Kincardineshire, Scotland arrived Phoebe Dunbar, October 26, 1850 engaged in farming pursuits went to Australian goldfields returned, followed pastoral pursuits, cattle-dealing, &c, now resides at Wyndham one of those who brought first wool drays from Taieri in 1851, when working for Mr Edward LEE in company with Mr John DUNCAN crossed the first fat sheep from West Taieri.
GARDNER, Robert S., born Edinburgh arrived Strathfieldsaye 1858 schoolmaster at West Taieri afterwards private academy Dunedin now residing Opoho in retirement.
GEARY, Hannah [nee NUTTALL), was born Nottinghamshire June 9, 1831 came Otago Sir Edward Paget, landing on August 14, 1856 now resides at Hooper's Inlet. Family, two daughters.
GEBBIE, James, jun., born Ireland arrived Mooltan 1849 followed occupation of nurseryman is now curator Public Gardens, Oamaru. Mr James Gebbie, sen., whose portrait we publish in this number, resides in St. David street, Dunedin, and also arrived in the Mooltan.
GIBSON, Robert, well-known farmer at North Taieri. Mrs Gibson and 11 of their family are shown in group on another page.
GIBSON, William, horn Haddington 1807 arrived by Blundell farming at North Taieri till death. Both he and Mrs Gibson dead number years. Family, four sons, three daughters (Mr J. Gibson, of Scoullar Bros., and Mr R. Gibson of North Taieri, two of sons).
GILLON, Edward Thomas, arrived with his parents in 1852 became a contributor to the Witness and afterwards chief reporter Otago Daily Times special correspondent for Times at Gabriels became editor of Evening Post, Wellington, but resigned to become manager of Press Agency; in 1884 again became editor of Post which position he held till his death. Was for a time parliamentary clerk of Private Bills was an authority on parliamentary usage. Held position of deputy Grand Master of Freemasons holding under New Zealand constitution.
GILLON, James, born Ireland. 1800 arrived Maori, March, 1852 engaged farming and stock raising Waihola Lake district. Family, three sons, eight daughters. Widow resides Mornington.
GOODALL, William, arrived in 1849, now residing in Maheno farming pursuits.
GOURLAY, Elizabeth (nee DAWSON), arrived by ship Tasmania 1853 now residing Forth street, Dunedin.
GRAHAM, Francis, born Greenock, Scotland, May 31, 1843 arrived by ship Pladda, August 1861 in business as painter, now agent Allen Bros. has always been active in movement, in which was associated with Dr. Purdie and Mr A. Rennie first Patriarch Sons and Daughters Temperance; first G.W.P. Grand Lodge New Zealand, same order; first president Prohibition League.
GRANT, James Gordor. Stuart, born 1837, Strathspey educated Aberdeen, Edinburgh, St. Andrews emigrated to Melbourne, then to Dunedin in 1855 opened educational academy, Dunedin made tour of New Zealand and Australia, opening academy in Wellington 1857, but returned to Dunedin elected to Provincial Council 1865 at head of poll fought hard for a university while member of Council, and for 13 years carried on agitation advocated appropriation of �20,000 for free public library. Has for many years devoted his attention to pamphleteering.
GRANT, Mrs (nee BUCHANAN), born Kirkintilloch, Dumbartonshire arrived Philip Laing Mr Grant settled Tokomairiro, where Mrs Grant resides. Family, eight.
GRANT, John, born in Crumble, Strathspey, December 25, 1825 arrived by Glentanner at Lyttelton, from which port he came to Port Chalmers in the Kate Kearney, landing in October 25, 1856, and worked as carpenter Dunedin many years. Was elder Knox Church 20 years founded Sunday school at Pelichet Bay was city councillor. Family, son and daughter. He resides in Forth street, Dunedin.
GRAINGER, Thos, was born in Anderson's Bay on March 8, 1850; and is farming in that district at present. Family, seven.
GREGG, John, born Windermere, Westmoreland arrived by Gil Blas in 1855 was messenger and clerk to Captain Cargill. Died many years ago widow now resides in St. David street, Dunedin. Family, two sons, one daughter.
GREY, John, arrived Jura 1858 farming Brighton district, then Pine Hill now residing Dunedin. Family, 11.
GRIFFITH, Mrs E. C. (nee Mosley), arrived with her parents by John Wickliffe now resides at Riverside, Clutha.
HAMILTON, Mrs A., nee Chalmers, born Fifeshire, February 24, 1849 arrived Robert Henderson, February 1858 lived in Otago and Canterbury since. Family, four sons, five daughters.
HAMILTON, Andrew, born Lanarkshire arrived Otago by Robert Henderson engaged farming since. Family, four sons, five daughters.
HAMILTON, Mrs John Frank, arrived Rajah October, 1853 residing Palmerston. One daughter.
HARDY, John, arrived by barque Dunedin, 1856 took up land on Tokomairiro plain was architect and surveyor built the first English church at Milton built first ferry house at Molyneux was M.P.C. for Toko. Provincial treasurer and secretary 1863. Gabriel Read from his employ went on prospecting tour was one of first on Gabriels; many years in Oamaru as architect and surveyor. Died there 1882, leaving widow (who now resides Ashburton), seven sons, five daughters now 30 grandchildren.
HARDY, Thomas S., arrived 1856 by Dunedin which made record passage to that date farming Tokomairiro drove Gabriel Read, John Hardy, and L. Brookes to Gabriels after Bead's discovery became surveyor and civil engineer now fruitgrower at Waimate. Family, three sons, three daughters.
HARE, Mrs, born Norfolk arrived Rajah 1853; Mr Hare settled Waihola, where Mrs Hare now resides. Family, seven.
HARRIS, Mrs John Hyde (nee Cargill), arrived John Wiclcliffe has been dead some years.
HARRISON, Thomas, born Edinburgh, November 10, 1815 arrived Blundell 1848 farming East Taieri. Family, two sons, six daughters (Messrs James and John HARRISON, Mesdames J. CALLAGHAN. R.BLAIR, H. SWALLOW, J. PARLANE, R. LAW, J. HAZELL).
HARROLD, James, born Kirkwall, Orkney Islands; employed Hudson's Bay Co.; arrived Otago Bernicia had Taieri Ferry accommodation house settled Stewart's Island early in sixties residing there at present. Family, one son. Mr Harrold�s age is 85years.
HARVEY, James, barrister, Invercargill, was educated at High School and University of Edinburgh served his articles under firm of Messrs Morton, Whitehead, and Grey, writers to the signet, Edinburgh after passing his exams., left for New Zealand was admitted to colonial Bar 1861 practised in Auckland till July, 1862, but then left for the south, founding his business in Invercargill in August. 1862 Mr Harvey is a Fellow of Royal Geographical Society, was at one time Provincial Solicitor of Southland, and was first commanding officer of Southland volunteer district.
HARWOOD, Mrs O., Mrs STEWART, Mrs DRIVER, Mrs T. HARRISON, and Mrs A. INGLIS. are all daughters of the late Mr T. ROBERTSON, of Anderson's Bay, and all arrived by the Philip Laing in 1848.
HASTIE, Thomas, born in Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland, May 2, 1831 arrived by Philip Laing in 1848 at first engaged sawmilling, subsequently agricultural pursuits was first to carry Her Majesty�s mail overland from Dunedin to Port Chalmers. Family, nine, four of whom are living. Mr Hastie resides in Oamaru.
HAY, George, born Banffshire; arrived Ajax 1849 settled Romahapa dead some years. Mrs HAY resides on farm. Family (portraits of whom are given) William (farmer at Romahapa), Jessie (Mrs BELL, Perth, W.A.), George (farmer, Glenoamaru), John (chief surveyor, Otago), Jane (Mrs BEGG, Lochnagar, Scotland), Mrs Peter MILLER (first white child bora Clutha), and James HAY.
HEENAN, Edward, born Parsonstown, King's county, Ireland arrived Mariner August, 1850 farming North-east Valley and Maungatua, Taieri on school committee. Family, 10 sons, four daughters. Mr HEENAN is a son of Mr Denis Heenan, sen. whose descendants comprise 60 grandchildren, and 23 great grandchildren.
HEENAN, Michael, born King's Country arrived Mariner 1850 settled West Taieri, afterwards Waimea plains, Southland, where he is residing. Family, 11.
HENDERSON, Alexander, arrived Strathallan 1858 farming Tomahawk till death some years ago. Family, three daughters, four sons all arrived with parents. HENDERSON, Arthur, arrived Strathallan 1858 farming Tomahawk. HENDERSON, David, arrived Strathallan 1858 well-known artist, Melbourne. HENDERSON, James, arrived Strathallan 1858 coal merchant dead number years.
HENDERSON, Mrs John (nee Calder) arrived Mariner 1849 farming with her husband at Caversham and East Taieri now resides Caversham.
HENDERSON, Thomas, born Lasswade arrived Gil Blas 1855 from Victoria resided Green Island farming East Taieri and Otepopo residing latter district now was on survey staff under Mr J. T. Thomson when Invercargill was surveyed.
HENDERSON, William, born Dollar, near Edinburgh 1820 arrived Strathallan 1858 farming at Tomahawk; member Road Board. Family, 4 sons, three daughters.
HIGGINS, Jessie, arrived Slains Castle 1852 now residing Castle street, Dunedin.
HISLOP, John, born July 16 1838 arrived Palmyra February 14, 1858 is a carrier.
HOWORTH, Thomas, arrived Poictiers 1850 was one of earliest settlers in Green Island district was elected member of first School Committee Green Island many years chairman of Seaside Road Board present chairman Walton Park School Committee.
HUNTER, Catherine, arrived Columbus 1852 now residing at Blackstone Hill.
HUTTON, David C born Dundel, December 21, 1844 art master Perth School of Art arrived by the Christian McCausland Mrs Hutton (nee Helen B. DOUGLAS) born Edinburgh, June 21, 1849; arrived Jura 1858. Family, four sons, six daughters.
HUTTON, Peter, born Auchterarder, Perthshire arrived Three Bells 1858 sawyer at Milton Bush carried on business as blacksmith at Milton farming at Clutha, finally at Akatore, where he died. Member Glenledi Road Board and School Committee. Died, leaving widow, five sons, four daughters.
HUTTON, William, born Dunfermline, Scotland, July 3, 1822 damask weaver came in Strathallan 1858 first engaged surveying, following various occupations subsequently has been chairman North East Valley School Committee and Chairman Road Board. Family, two sons.
INGLIS, Thomas, sen., born Glasgow in 1810 arrived Strathallan January 8, 1858 farming on Peninsula till death. Family, six. Died 1889.
INGLIS, Thomas, jun., born Glasgow arrived Strathallan 1858 farming, but for many years engine driver Oamaru breakwater was well-known, highly respected in Oamaru and Otago Peninsula. Died November, 1896.
INGLIS, William, born Glasgow October 14, 1837; arrived Strathallan 1858; mason, various occupations was in party that took first sheep to Dunstan for Mr Watson Shennan. Family, five living.
JACKSON, John, arrived Three Bells 1858 residing Oamaru.
JAGO, John arrived George Canning 1856 builder and contractor at Mosgiel. JAGO, Sydney, arrived George Canning 1856; followed carpentering trade in Dunedin
JAMES, Sydney, arrived from Victoria by s.s. Queen 1858 well-known Secretary Dunedin Jockey Club prominent Mason was elected auditor of city 12 consecutive years. Family, eight.
JEFFCOAT, F., arrived by Slain's Castle 1852 settled Green Island died many years ago. The late Dr Jeffcoat was his son.
JEFFREYS, William Richard, born London, son of Rev. Charles Jeffreys many years in Union Bank of Australia living in retirement at Mornington. Family, eight.
JOHNSTON, Alexander, and Mrs Johnston, arrived Jura resident at Puerua.
JOHNSTON, Hugh, born in Linlithgowshire. May 25, 1835 arrived Three Bells July, 1858 has been engaged in farming pursuits, now residing at West Taieri. Family, one son.
JOHNSTON, John, born Moffat, Dumfriesshire arrived Royal Albert 1853 settled first Green Island, subsequently Kaihiku, where residing at present. Family, 10.
JOHNSTON, Mrs Marion (nee CARGILL) arrived John Wickliffe married Mr Johnston, well known in early days, but who died many years ago Mrs Johnston resides Dunedin.
JOLLY, William Martin, went to sea when 14 was second mate in wool ship between Tasmania and London on Victoria, Otago, and Westland diggings for 30 years at Otago Heads, now living between Ratanui and Tahakopa.
JONES, J. R., son of Mr John JONES, the well-known merchant of early days has been connected with Union Steamship Company from its inception, and is now one of its directors. Portraits of Mrs John Jones (nee SIZEMORE), Mrs BISS, and Mr Thomas JONES (nephew of Mr John Jones), are published in this issue.
KEDZLIE, John, born Musselburgh arrived Otago 1856 by Thomas and Henry farmer at Halfway Bush. Family, eight living.
KENWARD, Mrs {nee M'LAY), came to Otago with her parents in Mooltan, landing New Year's Day, 1849. Mrs Kenward now resides at Beach street, Waikouaiti.
KENNARD, Alfred, born Waikouaiti, June, 1843, farmer; now resides at Palmerston. Family, two.
KIRKLAND, Alexander, assisted his father on farm at Green Island visited Gabriels intending to commence storekeeping, but returned ill has since resided in Green Island district.
KIRKPATRICK, Hugh, born Kirkcudbrightshire emigrated to Victoria 1849 after serving apprenticeship to drapery trade in Ireland returned Home married Miss SHENNAN, and commenced drapery business in Dumfriesshire came to Otago 1860 in Evening Star commenced business 1861 in Princes street was there till 1884 then went into pastoral pursuits. Died July, 1891. Family, five sons, three daughters.
KNEWSTUBB, Thomas, born Ravenstone Dale, Westmoreland, August 4, 1821; arrived Mary April, 1849; farmer Waikouaiti and Carey's Bay. Family, four sons, one daughter.
LAING, J. W., arrived Wellington 1842, came Dunedin in 1851 went to Australia, then to Wellington, and finally at Brockville. Family, nine.
LAMBERT. Mrs David, born Dollar, Scotland, December 28, 1801 arrived Three Bells 1858 she resides with her son at Ardgowan, Oamaru; is in 98th year. Mr David Lambert was a soldier fought at Waterloo died at Dollar, Scotland, January, 1841.
LAMBERT, James, born Dollar, Scotland, October 24, 1837; arrived Three Bells July 1858 carpenter and joiner, Oamaru, now farming Ardgowan. Family, three sons, four daughters.
LAW, Robert, born Leith arrived Blundell 1848 settled Anderson's Bay subsequently East Taieri. Family, 13.
LEEDER, William, sen., born Norfolk, England arrived Lord Hardinge 1857 now residing at Blackstone Hill, where his occupation is that of a miner.
LEGGATT, Mrs William Luke (nee REDMAYNE), arrived by Bosworth 1857 resided in Dunedin, Christchurch, and Sydney died latter city in 1897.
LEITH, Margery (nee CLARK), born Edinburgh 1816 arrived Mary 1839 farming with husband at Gladfield, Taieri, till 1861 subsequently in Southland, where she still resides hale and hearty though 82. Family, two sons, two daughters, 32 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren.
LEITH Alexander, born Sutherlandshire, Scotland 1809 arrived May 1849 farming first at Taieri, subsequently in Southland, where he died 1865. Family, two sons, two daughters.
LEMON, Mary Emma (nee SUMPTER) arrived Dolphin November, 1854 has lived many years in Oamaru, where her husband (Mr John Lemon, who arrived by the Mary) was an architect, in partnership with Mr T. FORRESTER many of Oamaru's magnificent buildings designed by this firm. Mrs Lemon resides North road, Oamaru, but Mr Lemon died some years ago.
LILLYCRAP, Captain H. Vernon, late of Her Majesty's 1st Batt., The King's Royal Regiment, landed 1860 has been in civil and military employ of New Zealand for 11 years, and has resided in Invercargill for 31 years helped to raise Wellington colonial defence force in 1863 was its adjutant for some months; served during Maori War, 1863-64. Before coming colony served in Indian Mutiny received medal and Lucknow donation batta also served in Burmah.
LOCKHART, William, arrived Strathfieldsaye 1858 farming at Milton. LOCKHART, James, saddler, Milton, and LOCKHART, Alexander, Milton, also arrived by same vessel.
LOGAN, William Sutherland, born Bonar Bridge, Scotland, October 16, 1838 arrived Palmyra February 14, 1858 engaged farming Tapanui and Otama. Family, three sons, three daughters.
LONGUET, Lewis, arrived by Ajax 1849 settled in Invercargill after a few years, and died there in 1894 in his 81st year. Widow resides in Bowmont street, Invercargill. Family two daughters, one son.
LOTHIAN, Mrs James, born Edinburgh arrived Ajax 1849 some time Grant's Braes, then Anderson's Bay now Cumberland street, Dunedin.
LOVELL, George, born London April 22, 1786 arrived Tasmania 1853 was in business London, of which city was freeman had honour of kissing Queen Caroline's hand two occasions went into sheep-farming after year or two went Home again, but returned 1864 died October, 1865. Family, two sons, two daughters.
LYON, W. A., arrived Jura; resident Isla Bank, Southland.
McALLAN (M'Allan) Amelia Dempster, born Tillicoutly, Clackmannanshire arrived Stately 1852 settled with her husbind at Moeraki, where she still resides. Family, seven.
McALLAN (M'Allan), John, arrived Three Bells 1858 residing Hillgrove, Moeraki
McARTHUR (M'Arthur), Duncan, arrived shortly after foundation of Settlement settled Southland one of founders Southland Caledonian Society was member Southland Provincial Council, also of Otago Council, representing Southland on Executive Council was Inspector of Forests.
McCARTNEY (M'Cartney), Mrs John (nee SEATON) arrived with her parents in the Philip Laing has resided in the Portobello district for very many years.
McCAUGHAN (M'Caughan), P. X., came from Australia to manage Wantwood for Mr Joseph Clark, and Purchased the Caroline estate for him he returned to Australia, where he prospered, and built extensively in Melbourne was in Southland recently on a visit.
McDAIRMID (M'Diarmid), Angus, arrived by Marmosa 1856 carried on business as blacksmith has lived in retirement some years is a noted bowler. Family, two.
McDOWALL ( M'Dowall), Captain James, arrived Philip Laing with his parents John and Elizabeth M'Dowall April 1848 now captain steamer Ben Lomond, Lake Wakatipu.
McGREGOR (M�Gregor), Peter, arrived Robert Henderson, November, 1857 worked for Mr T. Oliver for some years, then settled North- East Valley, where he now resides can tell many entertaining stories of the early days.
McKAY (M'Kay), Mrs Samuel, arrived Sevilla now resides Laurie Place, Mosgiel.
McFARLANE (M'Farlane), Duncan arrived Three Bells 1858 ;as also did Mrs M'Farlane. Carried on trade as carpenter.
McINTYRE (M'lntyre), David, born Comrie January 18, 1834 arrived Melpomene, 1857 station work, Tokomairiro subsequently in Wangaloa and Owaka at bush work now resident Rimu Block near Papatowai. Family, four daughters, five sons.
McKERCHER (M'Kercher), James, arrived Strathallan 1858 farming at Woodlands, Southland.
McLAREN (M'Laren), Peter, born 1842 in Kenmore, Perthshire arrived by Mariner June 5, 1549 engaged farm work Green Island, West Taieri, Forbury, Upper Kaikorai, finally on his own land Caversham district, where he resided till his death in September 1889. Mrs M'Laren, who accompanied her husband in the Mariner, still resides on the farm. Family, seven sons, three daughters.
McLEOD (M'Leod), Cornwall (nee MUIR) born on board ship Cornwall during voyage to Otago 1849, named after ship now residing with husband and family near Palmerston.
McLEAN (M'Lean), John, well-known runholder in Waitaki district was member Legislative Council but resigned his seat.
McMASTER (M'Master), Miss, Arabella, and Jessie, born Argyleshire arrived by Larkins 1849 settled at Waihola, where they still reside.
McNEIL (M'Neil), J. B arrived Simla 1851 now residing at Blairdale, Balclutha.
McNEILL (M'Neill), Margaret 8., born Staffordshire arrived Simla 1851 in 1859 settled with her husband in Clutha district, where now resides. Family, two.
McPHERSON (M'Pherson), Alexander, arrived Palmyra 1858 resides at Moa Flat.
McTAGGART (M'Taggart), William, bom Falkirk, September 12, 1833; arrived Three Bells, July 1858 at one time foreman to Hon. W. H. Reynolds, now wharf cooper, Dunedin. Family, two sons.
MACDONALD, Christina {nee HENDERSON), arrived Strathallan 1858 now resides Northeast Valley.
MACDONALD, John Archibald, Charles Paterson, and Christina Murray (now Mrs WILSON), all arrived with their parents (Mr and Mrs Archibald Macdonald) in Philip Laing, and now reside in Dunedin and district.
MACGREGOR, Charles, born Renfrewshire, Scotland arrived Wellington 1858 barque Melbourne, and some months afterwards came on to Dunedin where he resided till 1884, he then took up land in Mataura district, in which district he has since resided. Family, 10.
MACGIBBON, Thomas and John arrived Mooltan with parents 1849; now carry on extensive business at Mataura.
MACKAY, John; arrived Rajah 1853 now residing in Milton.
MACKAY, Robert, was born at Bonar Bridge, Sutherlandshire, Scotland arrived Otago in Strathfieldsaye on May 14, 1858; farming first at Popotunoa then Maniototo six years afterwards Shag Valley 15 years took up land Waihemo, and subsequently at Gimmerburn now resides at Maniototo.
MAINLAND, John, arrived Three Bells 1858 residing Oamaru.
MALCOLM, Captain James, born Liverpool arrived Thomas and Henry 1857 shipmaster Union Co., &c. Family, three sons, two daughters.
MANSON, William, born Berwick March, 1834; arrived Strathfieldsaye 1858 was on diggings now farming Waitati. Family, six sons, four daughters.
MARR, David, born St. Morrance, Fifeshire, August 2, 1826 arrived Strathfieldsaye May 1858; by trade cooper. Family, three sons
MARSHALL, David, brother of above arrived Simla December, 1851.
MARSHALL, David Johnstone, born Greenock; arrived Clara 1851 settled at East Taieri where he still carries on farming pursuits.
MARSHALL, Hugh, arrived Three Bells 1858 farming at Edendale, Southland.
MARSHALL, Mary Stirling, born Berwickshire, Scotland, June 7, 1825 arrived by Jura September 1858 engaged farming pursuits Southland.
MARSHALL, Lewis H. J., born Falkirk arrived Cornwall 1849 with parents; storekeeper near Roslyn officer Wakari Rifles. Family, six living.
MARSHALL, Robert arrived Clara November, 1851 now residing at Mosgiel.
MARSHALL, Robert, born Edinburgh February 11, 1819 arrived Three Bells on July 24, 1858 engaged farming in West Taieri district. Family, three sons.
MARSHALL, Thomas Frazer, born Midcalder, 15th August, 1818 arrived by Jura 1858 has been engaged farming.
MATHIESON, Alexander, born Midcalder, Scotland, September 2, 1832 emigrated Victoria, 1854 followed trade of millwright and digging arrived Otago Lord Worsley steamer; carried on dairy farming Anderson's Bay and Tomahawk since. Family, three sons, five daughters.
MATHIESON, John, born Midcalder, Scotland, July, 1822 arrived by Jura September 1858 carried on dairy farming Anderson's Bay and Highcliff. Family, one son, two daughters.
MATHESON, William, born Caithness arrived Cornwall September 23, 1849 opened first blacksmith's shop at Port Chalmers in 1852; went Victorian diggings returned 1855, purchased land at Clarksville still settled there. Married Miss Jane BROWNE, who arrived by Ajax. Family, two sons, one daughter.
MAWSON, Mrs (nee MILLAR), born Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, arrived in Philip Laing now resides at Purakanui. Family, 12.
MAXWELL, James, Mrs Maxwell, and family, arrived Jura reside in Waikouaiti district.
MILLAR, Andrew, born Eaglesham September 17, 1827 arrived Robert Henderson February 9, 1858 farming Otago resides Sawyers' Bay. Family, six sons, two daughters. Mrs Millar died July 27, 1897.
MILLER, Mrs Christina (nee M'Kay), born Caithness arrived Robert Henderson 1858 farming Maungatua. Family, two sons, one daughter living. Mr Alex. Miller dead many years.
MILLER, Robert, born Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, August 22, 1841 arrived Robert Henderson February 12, 1858 engaged sheep station, survey party, gold -mining for last 30 years dairy farming. Sawyers' Bay. Councillor Borough West Harbour, member Sawyers' Bay School Committee. Family, four sons, two daughters.
MILLER, Walter, well-known runholder of early days, arrived by Larkins 1849 was deeply impressed with capabilities of the country Miller's Flat named after him resides in Dunedin.
MILLS, John, arrived Philip Laing was one of first settlers in Green Island district carried on farming there till his death in 1893. Mrs Mills, who was a daughter of Mr David CALDER arrived Mariner 1849 died February 1898. Family, five sons, six daughters.
MILNE, Peter Yule, born Inverurie. Scotland November, 1835 arrived Strathfieldsaye May 1858 engaged farming at Tokomairiro and Woodlands. Family, six sons, three daughters.
MILSTEAD, Joseph, arrived Ajax January 1849 carried on business as builder in Dunedin till 1859 when removed to Oamaru subsequently went to Wellington as foreman of firm of John and Charles LEMON Mr Milstead died there in 18S4, and Mrs Milstead in March, 1898.
MONCKTON, Dr, settled in Southland in 1858 practised his profession in Invercargill, being appointed surgeon to hospital and gaol shortly before re-union he went to North Island, and now resides there.
MONSON, Mrs W. Henry (nee BATCHELOR), arrived by John Wickliffe married Mr W. H. Monson; went Home, came back to Otago. Dead many years.
MONSON, William Frederick arrived 1857 son W. H. Monson, who arrived by John Wickliffe has been North Island and Melbourne, but has lived principally in Otago was storekeeping Blueskin 1874-75. Family, six.
MOODIE, Thomas, born Saline, Fifeshire, May 8, 1836 arrived Jura September, 1858 had been shipping clerk with James and William Stewart, shipowners, Greenock; came under engagement to J. Macandrew and Co. entered customs instead joined Fred. Greer and Co., who, with Macandrew, established steam service with Melbourne entered service Dalgety and Co., 1863 with Mr Connell, founded business of Connell and Moodie, which finally merged into Perpetual Trustees Company taken interest bowling is prominent Mason. Family, four sons, three daughters.
MOODY, Mrs (nee DALZIEL) born Cardunnock, Kirkintilloch arrived by Philip Laing with her parents Mr Moody was a master mariner and was lost in the wreck of his vessel. Family, two.
MOORE, Mrs (nee FINCH), born Derbyshire arrived by John Wickliffe settled at Milton. Family, five.
MORGAN, Mrs Charles arrived Simla; now residing at Taieri Beach.
MORRIS,Agnes (nee SMELLIE) arrived Strathmore 1856 now resides Littlebourne. Family, two.
MORRIS, Benjamin and George arrived Nourmahal now residing Catlins. MORRIS, Samuel arrived Nourmahal now farming at Sandymount. MORRIS, Thomas, born Rempston, Nottingham arrived Nourmahal , farming on Peninsula, where resided till death. Family, four sons, one daughter.
MORRISON, James, born Lochabers, Morayshire, 1821 arrived Strathmore 1856 for many years carried on business in Dunedin as bootmaker three years ago removed to Wellington. Mrs Morrison accompanied him to colony. Family, two sons, two daughters (Mrs PATERSON und Mrs Lachlan M'LEAN) reside Dunedin.
MOSLEY (Miss), arrived with her parents by John Wickliffe now resides at Inchclutha.
MOSLEY, W. A., arrived John Wickliffe settled 1852 in Clutha district member of Provincial Council. Died in 1889.
MOUAT, John, born November 12, 1830 in Unst, Shetland Islands arrived in Victoria November 10, 1852 engaged in goldmining there arrived Otago December 22, 1861 went to Tuapeka goldfields elected Provincial Council for goldfields November 1864; non-official member Provincial Government December, 1865, but resigned few days later joined Mr Julius Vogel as Provincial Secretary and Secretary Public Works in November, 1 866 resigned offices May, 1867 commenced study law with late Mr B. C. HAGGITT, being admitted New Zealand Bar April 30, 1 872 commenced practice at Lawrence, but returned Dunedin, 1874 was member commission to revise goldfields regulations 1868 associated with late Mr B. C. Haggitt and Mr T. L. SHEPHERD in drafting Consolidated and Amended Mining Act chairman second mining commission considerable time on official member Mr Donald Reid's Government took active part in promoting construction Lawrence railway, being secretary local association assisted in establishment first newspaper, Lawrence, The Tuapeka Recorder now practising in Dunedin. Family, four sons.
MUIR, David, born Ayrshire, Scotland. 1847 arrived Cornwall 1849 farmer, Oak Hill, Green Valley.
MUNRO, George, arrived Strathmore shepherding Tuapeka when gold discovered Gabriels Mr and Mrs Munro still residing district Munro's Gully named after him. Family, three.
MUNRO, Hector, arrived Palmyra 1858; stonemason, but followed mining many years now residing Oamaru. Family, eight.
MUNRO, William, born Dornoch, Sutherlandshire arrived Robert Henderson February 1858 farmer at Berwick. Family, two sons, two daughters
MURISON, W. D., born Alyth 1837 arrived colony 1856 took up run Maniototo with brother; M.H.R. for Waikouaiti a promoter 1865 Exhibition, Benevolent Institution, and Otago Institute shareholder, director, and editor for some years of Otago Daily Times. Died 1877.
MURRAY, Hugh, born Kirkcudbrightshire arrived 1854 settled Tokomairio and still resides there. Family, four.
NICOL, D. (West Dunedin), and NICOL, W. (Mornington), arrived Strathmore 1856. Mr D. NICOL is the well-known newsagent on the south express, and has on several occasions contested Dunedin seat in Parliament.
NICOL, T. S., arrived Strathmore 1856 worked as bullock-driver, gardener, stockman now managing sawmill at Centre bush. Prominent Oddfellow, volunteer champion rifle shot of Southland three years) mayor of Avenal three years, councillor five years president Invercargill Trades Council.
OLIVER, Thomas, born Roxburghshire arrived Cresswell May 1851 was road engineer for 15 years under Provincial Government, then for various road boards and county councils has been engaged farming. Now residing at Wakari Family, four.
ORBELL, Macleod C, arrived Mariner for 42 years in Waikouaiti district, now residing at Geraldine was in Vogel's Provincial Executive 1866. Portraits of Mr and Mrs Henry Orbell are also given in this issue.
OUTRAM, Albert; arrived Nourmahal 1858 iron founder resides Grange street, Dunedin. OUTRAM, John, born Leicester 1831 arrived Nourmahal 1858 storekeeping on diggings in police force, being first sergeant in 1862 joined gaol staff; chief overseer of public works done by prison labour superintended removal of Bell Hill retired 1878, now living Royal terrace. Family, eight, three of whom arrived with their parents in Nourmahal.
PALMER, Edward, born Tasmania came when boy to Bluff with his uncle, Edward Palmer, several years before Settlement then stationed with Chasland at Catlins sawing at Port Chalmers on survey of the town of Dunedin, also at Tokomairiro resided Taieri Mouth many years.
PARK, Gavin M'lntyie, born Glasgow arrived Philip Laing, April, 1848 carried on farming married Miss Grace Jane STOBIE on board Philip Laing. Family, five sons, one daughter. Now residing Mount Somers, Canterbury.
PARK, Walter, born Peebles, January 1, 1837 arrived by Alpine first engaged as sawyer next digger, then fellmonger, and now farmer at Waitati. Family, five sons, three daughters.
PATERSON, Thomas, born Edinburgh 1830 arrived 1863 railway engineer to the Provincial Government was drowned in Kakanui River December 15, 1869.
PATTERSON, James, and Mrs Patterson and family, arrived Jura resident Port Molyneux.
PATRICK, Mrs James (nee SIMPSON), born Aberdeen arrived Mary 1849 has resided in Dunedin since her arrival. Family, 10.
PATRICK, James, jun., born Glasgow arrived Philip Laing farming at Tomahawk, Otago Peninsula. Family, eight.
PATON, Captain John, born Arbroath, Forfarshire arrived by Clutha 1854; commanded the Clutha, the Ann Jane, and the Thomas and Henry then a vessel of his own subsequently on the pilot service of Otago Harbour Board now residing in retirement at Port Chalmers. Family, 10.
PERKINS, W. R., born Manchester arrived Mooltan 1849 father died of cholera on board, leaving six family built first stone house Otago drove first trap from Dunedin to Invercargill ran first excursion steamer from Invercargill to Stewart Island has had more than fair share of adventures now resides in Invercargill.
PEARCE, Mrs T., arrived Jura 1858; resides at Parkside, Caversham.
POPPELWELL, William, on New Zealand coast in 1840 went Home and returned in Blundell many years Tokomairiro, where he died. Family, 11.
PRINGLE, John, born West Linton, Peeblesshire, April 5, 1831 arrived Strathfieldsaye May 1858 general farm work till 1863 then married, settled down farming. South Tokomairiro was 18 years member Southbridge School Committee. Family, four sons, one daughter.
PRYDE, James, born Caithness-shire arrived Straihmore 1856 farming in Oamaru district. Family, five.
QUERTIER, A., born on Island of Guernsey arrived with his wife by Kinnard July 7, 1860; brought Guernsey cattle, descendants of which he has now took flour to Dunstan rush; settled at Clutha in 1863; sold out after 18 years and went to Mataura, where he now resides.
REDMAYNE, Catherine, born Yorkshire arrived Bosworth music teacher died on West Coast, November, 1868. REDMAYNE, Margaret, born 1799, in Lancashire arrived Bosworth with son, three daughters resided Dunedin till her death, August, 1868. REDMAYNE, Thomas, born 1832, West Yorkshire arrived Bosworth 1857 speculated in land, building, etc. retired left Otago, settled Alameda, California, where he died 1886. Was an able caricaturist conducted Dunedin Punch. Family, eight.
REES, W. G., born Gloucester had run at Wakatipu before gold discoveries Rees River named after him Frankton after Mrs Rees.
REID, James arrived Gil Blas 1856 from Melbourne now Broomfield Mains, Taieri.
REID. J., born Aberdeen shire 1829 arrived Pudsey Dawson 1854 cattle dealing, dairy farming chief draughtsman survey office farming at corner Bush, Otago, and Monte Christo, Southland now chief of John Reid and Sons, Dunedin. Picture is a family group.
RENTON, John, born Carnbee, Fifeshire, October 15, 1830 arrived by Palmyra February 1858 farmer. Mrs Renton, born Newburgh, Fifeshire, May 12, 1831. Family, four.
REYNOLDS, C. H., with Mr FITZGERALD and another started Southland Times, fire in Tay street burnt their premises Mr Reynolds continued the publication of the paper for some seven years, then sold it, and went to Australia, where he died.
REYNOLDS, William, arrived Strathfieldsaye, 1858 resides Dunedin.
RICHARDSON, James Warner, born Burton on Trent, May 18, 1836 arrived Bosworth November 26, 1857 been employed sheepfarming chiefly.
RIDDLE, Thomas, born Inverness-shire, Scotland April 26, 1828 arrived s.s. Queen 1858 shepherd, Horseshoe Bush then on Totara estate; last 28 years farming, Warepa. Family, two sons, three daughters
RIDDELL. Walter, born Dumfriesshire, Scotland, February 28, 1837 arrived Grasmere; carpenter farming Sandymount now manager Taieri and Peninsula Milk Supply Co. Sandymount School Committee 20 years member Portobello Road Board. Family, four sons, six daughters.
RITCHIE, Mr and Mrs Archibald, arrived by Jura 1858 built a fern tree house, which still stands at corner Pitt street and Royal terrace Mr Ritchie cut the trees and Mrs Ritchie dragged them to site their nearest neighbour on the hill was late Mr John Logan in 1859 shifted to Port Chalmers, and started grocery and bakery business Mr Ritchie died in 1870, but business is still carried on by Mrs Ritchie.
ROBERTS, James, and Mrs Roberts, arrived Jura resident Kaihiku.
ROBERTS, Mrs Philip (nee FAIRLEY), arrived Three Bells now resides in Caversham. ROBERTS, Mrs W. J. (nee FAIRLEY), arrived Three Bells now residing Smith street, Caversham
ROBERTSON, Mrs James, arrived Robert Henderson 1858 now residing in Reed street, Oamaru.
ROBERTSON, Thomas, arrived Jura; now resident in Sawyers' Bay. ROBERTSON, John also arrived Jura resident Sawyers' Bay.
ROBINSON, William, born Westmoreland arrived in Otago by Larkins 1849 had grocery business Dunedin, now residing Tokomairiro Family, eight.
RODGER, John, born West Linton, Peeblesshire, Scotland, December 1814 fought first Carlist War, has medal for service 23 years in marines British Navy through Crimean War, has Alma medal; at bombardment of Sebastopol present when Fort Constantine blown up. After leaving service was in woollen mill, arrived Otago Strathfieldsaye 1858 farming .Broad Bay, Otago Peninsula. Been member Road Board and School Committee. Married, no family.
ROSS, Donald, arrived at Otakou May 1846 from North Island was crier of court and sheriffs officer. Family, five sons (three surviving), seven daughters (three surviving)
RONALDSON, Rev. William, born London, December, 1828 emigrated to Sydney in 1839, but returned to London in 1843 left London for Wellington in 1844 thence to Wanganui, where he became Native school teacher, catechist and lay reader (daring absence of missionary) before returning to England in 1849 to offer himself for ordination, read burial service, by request of Archdeacon Hadfield, over great chief Te Rauparaha received thanks from Sir George Grey in name of Queen for services rendered during Native war in Wanganui district; ordained deacon in 1854, priest in 1855 by Bishop of London was interpreter to Tamihana te Rauparaha when that chief was presented to the Queen, and had honour of kissing the Queen's hand on returning to New Zealand was stationed in the Wairarapa, where he had a wide district in 1868 was appointed warden of college at Wakarewa, Nelson in 1871 accepted incumbency of Holy Trinity, Picton, in 1877, St. John's, Milton, and in 1880 St. Peter's, Caversham has been clerical secretary of Nelson and Dunedin Diocesan Synods, and filled same office in General Synods of 1877, 1880, and 1889 in 1890 he accepted office of grand secretary of Grand Lodge of Freemasons, N.Z.C, which office he now holds. Married Miss Arabella RIDGE in 1855; family, two sons three daughters. (Added later - In the Rev. Mr RONALDSON's biography read 1823 for 1828, and family, four sons and five daughters two sons and three daughters living).
ROSS, Rev. Donald, born Fearn, near Tain, County Ross, Scotland, June 8, 1832 educated Andersonian University, Glasgow also Glasgow University five sessions in Edinburgh in connection with United Presbyterian Church held charge of Presbyterian Church, Queenstown, for 22 years. Family, five sons. Has been taking services in North Island since resigning Queenstown.
SALMOND, John, arrived with wife in Larkins September 1849 settled Tokomairiro 1850, still resides there. Family, three children, nine grandchildren.
SANDILANDS, John, arrived Jura 1858 resident Balclutha farming Clutha district.
SANDILANDS, Mrs Thomas, arrived Gloucester resident Anderson's Bay.
SCOTT, Matthew, settled Aparima East, 1856 was Deputy Superintendent, Southland still residing Southland.
SCOTT, Mark (nee BROWN), born Grange, Banffshire arrived by Eden 1850 settled with her husband at Milton. Family, four.
SCOTT, Matthew Gardiner, born Uddingone, Lanarkshire, November 2, 1838, arrived Strathallan January 8, 1858 various occupations. Family, 5 sons, one daughter.
SEWELL, Captain arrived Bosworth 1857 the captain settled in Oamaru, where he for very many years occupied the position of harbourmaster was well known to all seafaring and mercantile people, and he and his family were highly respected by the whole community.
SHAND, William, born Aberdeenshire arrived Maori 1852 farming in Clutha and Southland distiicts resident in latter district now. Family, nine.
SHAND, William, born Inverurie arrived Phoebe Dunbar 1850 farming at Taieri. Family, two.
SHANKS, Wm., Mataura arrived by Kelso in 1849. Mrs Shanks arrived by Strathallan in 1858
SHANKS, Charles B, arrived by Southern Cross November, 1 857 joined staff in work of triangulation and topographical survey Otago removed Canterbury 1877, where now resides.
SHAW, John arrived Phoebe Dunbar 1850 was successful rider in early days, when races held on hills behind Dunedin won chief event one occasion with his horse Rob Roy has travelled over New Zealand from North Cape to Campbell Islands now residing Centre Bush, Southland.
SHIELS, James, Mrs Shiels, and family, arrived Jura resident Port Molyneux district.
SIM, Alexander, born Perthshire, November 20, 1825 arrived Jura September 1858 station life Waitaki 26 years, since on own property. Family, four sons, one daughter.
SINCLAIR, Alexander, born Fifeshire, July 16, 1837 arrived George Canning 1857 carpenter Oamaru and Dunedin. Family, three sons, three daughters
SINCLAIR, Mrs Sutherland (nee Janet HISLOP) arrived Jura 1858 has lived all her married life (over 30 years) at Waihola. Has 10 children and 14 grandchildren.
SMAILL, Alexander, was born Corstorphine, December, 1849 came Otago with parents Strathallan which arrived January, 1858 is farmer at Tomahawk, Peninsula has been member of Road Board and School Committee. Family, five sons and two daughters.
SMAILL, Charles, born Berwickshire Oc tober 20, 1809; arrived Strathallan 1858; farmer, Tomahawk dead many years. Family, six sons, three daughters.
SMAILL, William, born Manor Parish, Peeblesshire, March 12, 1839; arrived by Strathallan January, 1858 overseer roads and works Water of Leith to Taieri 1858-62 inspector roads Clutha district district road engineer districts south of Dunedin, till abolition county engineer Tuapeka County 1878-85 served on School Committee, now farming Summerhill, near Kaitangata. Family, three sons, three daughters.
SMALL, Caleb, born June 2, 1837, landed Otago s.s. Lord Worsley 1858 has been farmer and sawmiller. Family, four daughters, two sons.
SMALL, Charles, born Midlothian August 21, 1840 arrived Strathallan January 8, 1858 engaged farming, Clutha. Family, one son, two daughters.
SMEATON, Mrs James (nee JOHNSTON) arrived Three Bells 1858 resided North Taieri now at Mosgiel. Family, ten sons, three daughters.
SMELLIE, James, born Edinburgh, October 8, 1826 arrived Strathmore, October, 1856 farmer, North Taieri been member School Committee and Road Board. Family, two daughters, one son.
SMELLIE, William, arrived Strathmore 1856 labourer. Family, seven.
SMITH, James arrived Three Bells 1858 farmer, Fortrose.
SMITH, James, born Fettercairn, Kincardineshire September, 1820; arrived Kelso November 20, 1849 been farmer and storekeeper now resides High street, Dunedin. Family, two sons, one daughter three dead.
SMITH, Mrs Robina, arrived Three Bells 1858 settled Invercargill subsequent to her husband's death at Flag Hill, Fortrose, where she now resides.
SMITH, Peter, born Aboyne, Aberdeenshire arrived by Larkins 1849 settled Clutha district, where he now resides. Family six.
SMITH, William, arrived Three Bells 1858 settled Invercargill road contractor and farmer at Myross Bush died 1870. Family, seven.
SOMERVILLE, Isabella (nee BEGG), accompanied her parents to Otago in Blundell now residing Waitepeka. Family, four.
SOMERVILLE, Mrs John (nee BROWN) arrived Eden 1850 with her parents, Mr and Mrs George Brown now residing Waitepeka.
SOUNESS, Agnes (nee ROBERTSON), born Edinburgh November 27, 1840 arrived Jura September, 1858; resides Dunedin.
SOUNESS, James, born Salton, Haddingtonshire, May 14, 1808 arrived Cresswell, May 1851 followed trade of carpenter. Family, four sons, two daughters.
SOUNESS, James, born North Berwick arrived Otago in 1858 builder, proprietor flaxmills, 'Wyndham, Whare Flat. Died 1881. Family, two sons (well-known jewellers, Princes street), two daughters.
STEVENS, Captain Lawrence Peter, born Canada. January 20, 1833 arrived schooner Sybil, 1854 traded on coast of New Zealand afterwards shipbuilding at Macaandrew's Bay subsequently officer on various vessels then in pilot service, and has been deputy-harbourmaster at Dunedin for many years. Family, three sons, one daughter.
STEVENS, Rev. Andrew arrived Carriboo 1865; took charge of Wallacetown, Forest Hill, and all intermediate districts, afterwards Wallacetown alone died some years ago. Family, seven. Mr Stevens was much beloved by all his people, to whom he ministered for 16 years, and then retired owing to ill-health.
STEVENSON, James, born Glasgow, April 4, 1821; arrived by Philip Laing 1848; by trade a carpenter, he was employed on several of the early buildings, among them being the Mechanics' Institute, which served so many purposes in the early days walked through the bush to Dunedin from Port Chalmers on landing from Philip Laing settled in West Taieri where he remained 20 years sold out and took up large property at Limestone Plains, Southland, which turned out unsatisfactorily now resides at Riverton. Mrs STEVENSON (nee M'INDOE (McINDOE)) arrived by Mooltan. Family Mrs Catherine Allison HAUGH (resides at Dunrobin, Kelso), Robert M'lndoe STEVENSON (farming near Orepuki), James B. STEVENSON (farming near Orepuki), William (farming at Isla Bank), Mrs Annabella PENNINGTON (residing at Waianiwa) two dead.
STEVENSON, John, born Glasgow 1840 arrived Larkins 1849 has been manager of Henley estate almost continuously since 1870.
STEVENSON, Mrs James, born Dumbartonshire arrived Slain's Castle 1852 with her husband was farming for many years in Taieri resided since 1871 in Dunedin.
STEWART, Duncan, born Perthshire arrived Ajax 1849 was farming on Taieri till his death. His widow resides on farm. Family, 10.
STEWART, John, arrived Robert Henderson 1858 took team overland to Invercargill from Dunedin now residing Stoneburn.
STEWART, Mrs Peter (nee DALRYMPLE), resides in Horowhenua district of Wellington was there in the days of the Maori war scare. Family, two daughters.
STODDART, J. W. arrived Cornwall 1849 farming in Green Island district for some years; now resident in Taranaki. Family, 14.
STRAIN, James, arrived 1849; first sawmiller and afterwards various occupations resides North-East Valley.
STREET, Charles H., of well-known firm of Gillies and Street of early days arrived Maori on her second trip took up land in Warepa district, but afterwards went to Auckland, where he died widow resides there at present.
STUCK, James R., born Halstead, Essex, October, 1833 arrived Southern Cross February, 1856; settled Jacob's River 1856. Married Hannah Maria PAULIN, who was born at Jacob's River April 13. 1842, being probably first white child born south of Waikouaiti. Family, five sons, nine daughters 22 grandchildren.
SUTHERLAND, Donald, arrived by Royal Albert April 1853, now residing Wairarapa, Wellington.
SUTHERLAND, Mrs Robert, born Caithness arrived Clara 1851 farming at Waitepeka. Family, five.
SUTHERLAND, Robert arrived Clara November, 1851 resides at Waitepeka.
SWALLOW, Edward was first in Wellington, but came to Otago in 1851 farming in Goodwood district till 1884 now residing at Mosgiel. Family, seven.
TAGGART, William (and wife), Dunedin. and Mrs Duncan M'Farlane, Dunedin arrived Three Bells July 1858.
TAYLOR, Charles, arrived Slain�s Castle November 9, 1852 now resides Stirling.
TELFER, Thomas, arrived with his parents by Jura 1858.
TELFER, David, born Locherbie, Dumfriesshire arrived Jura 1858 at present farming at Gore. Family, five sons, three daughters.
THOMAS, Hugh, born North Wales, February 13, 1821 trade millwright arrived Caroline at Adelaide, from there came Otago Lady Clark, April 19, 1850 has been carpenter and millwright now residing Hedley, North-East Valley. Family, son and daughter.
THOMSON, Andrew, born Alloa, Scotland, January 18, 1841 arrived Thomas and Henry 1857 returned to Scotland after two years in Greenock sailed for Otago in Storm Cloud engaged in storekeeping and mining on goldfields subsequently with brother many years, ship chandlers, Port Chalmers. Put first steam dredge on Clutha engaged fishing industry in partnership late Mr Wm. Elder, built Port Chalmers gasworks had first freezing works Port Chalmers. Was member Port Chalmers Town Board and Harbour Board, many years member and chairman School Committee now chairman Dock Trust. Family, seven (one dead) first marriage one second marriage.
THOMSON, John and Mrs, of Dalkeith, Port Chalmers, whose portraits are given, arrived by Blundell. Mrs Thomson resides at Dalkeith.
THOMSON, William, born Dundonald arrived Otago 1856 after short residence in Dunedin settled Taieri, where still resides. Mrs Thomson arrived by the Rajah.
THORNTON, Thomas, born Longridge, Whitburn, October, 1832 arrived Strathfieldsaye May, 1852 farming Tokomairiro. Family, two sons.
TODD, Andrew arrived Simla 1851 settled at East Taieri, where he carried on farming till his death. He represented the Taieri in Provincial Council. His son, Robert Todd, now carries on the farm.
TODD, James Macadam, born Glasgow arrived Moultan 1849 farming Anderson's Bay East Taieri Enfield, Oamaru, where he now resides.
TODD, William Cuthbert, born Glasgow arrived Mooltan 1849 resides at Islington, Taieri, where he is engaged farming.
TOLMIE, Thomas, born Nairnshire arrived Thomas and Henry 1855 settled in Clutha district where he still resides.
TORRANCE. Isabella and Margaret, sisters Mrs John Curie, accompanied that lady in Mooltan Isabella married James Souness Margaret married Wm. Thomson, Mosgiel.
TOWNSEND, Mrs C, came to colony 1857 settled Oamaru for many years, now resides Dunedin.
TROTTER, William Sinclair, born Duncansby Head, Caithness, May 6, 1816 arrived Sydney by Boyne 1835 came New Zealand 1840, but returned Sydney; in 1855, having returned to New Zealand, took up run at Moeraki, and married Miss I. DALRYMPLE in 1857 took up Greenvale run, Wakatipu, also land Woodlands (Southland) Mount Trotter, Trotter's Gorge, Trotter's Creek named after him. Died in 1894. Family, five sons, two daughters.
TWEEDIE. David, born Lanarkshire, Scotland, February 1, 1843, arrived Alpine; engaged farming, Tokomairiro was clerk Tokomairiro Road Board is now Government land valuer. Family, six sons, one daughter.
TWEEDIE, William, born Lanarkshire, January 28, 1817 arrived by Alpine September 1859 farming Tokomairiro. Family, five sons, one daughter.
TWISS, Frederic, born Cambridge emigrated Victoria 1851 returned England 1857 married same year came New Zealand Nourmahal May, 1858; first white couple settled Lovell's Flat; left Lovell's Flat 1871 settled for seven years North Branch now resides Milton
VALPY, Miss Arabella Jeffreys, born Benares, India arrived with her parents (Mr and Mrs W. H. VALPY), in Ajax 1849 has resided in Otago almost continuously since her arrival, and now lives at Mornington.
WADE, Mrs M. arrived Columbus 1852 resides Blackstone Hill.
WAIN, W., arrived by George Canning employed principally in brewing trade, now aerated water factory.
WALKER, Mrs George Shaw, born Dudley, England, December, 1846 arrived by the George Canning 1857 resided first East Taieri, but for many years Clark's Flat, Tuapeka. Family, six sons, seven daughters.
WALLACE, Samuel, born Glasgow arrived by Philip Laing was for some years at Puketeraki some time in butchering business in Dunedin, now residing Mornington. Family, six.
WALMSLEY, Captain, of 56th Regiment arrived Larkins 1849, with eldest son, D. Walmsley, now chief clerk Land department, Wellington S. B. Walmsley, now farming Thames, Auckland Miss Walmsley, now Nelson and Thomas Tanner, now sheep farmer, Balquhidder, Napier. Did not remain in Otago long.
WARNOCK, John, arrived Palmyra 1858 resides Burnside East.
WATSON, George, born London January 17, 1828 is freeman City London and of Stationers' Company arrived Rajah, 1853 followed trade of printer in Wellington he with others started and managed Christchurch Press resided Dunedin since 1862. Family surviving, one son, one daughter.
WEIR, Mrs Alison Muir, born Musselburgh, Scotland, June 24, 1822 arrived Strathmore 1856 present residing Anderson's Bay. Family, six sons.
WHELAN, Mrs arrived Simla 1851 now residing Waihola.
WHITE, Thomas, Mrs White, and her mother, arrived Jura Mr and Mrs White reside Waikouaiti district.
WHYTE, Charles, born Forfarshire, arrived Gil Blas 1856 settled at East Taieri. Family, eight.
WILLIAMS Captain William, born Carding, Pembrokeshire landed Wellington Agra 1852, Otago brig Content 1856 has followed seafaring life now working ashore.
WILLIAMSON, Alexander, born Falkirk arrived Maori 1852 carried on business in partnership with Mr Jones in 1846 took up residence in Kaikorai Valley residing there at present manager of Kaikorai branch of Mosgiel Woollen Mill.
WILSON, Alexander arrived by Strathallan in January, 1858. Family, five sons, four daughters. Mr Wilson died in 1881, but Mrs Wilson survives, and resides at Upper Kaikorai.
WILSON, Janet (nee BEGG), born Liberton, Edinburgh; arrived with parents in Blundell; married John Wilson, carrier, Anderson's Bay. Family, one son
WINTON, John, arrived Philip Laing after short residence at Portobello removed West Taieri then on survey party in Southland now residing at Ravensbourne.
WISELY, Alexander, born Drumblade, Aberdeenshire, August 22, 1839 arrived Grasmere farming Tokomairiro member Tokomairiro Road Board. Family, four sons, three daughters.
WOONTON, Jonathan, born Chard, Somersetshire arrived Otago by Tasmania settled in Oamaru district now resides Oamaru. Family, two.
WRIGHT, Mary (nee SMELLIE), arrived Strathmore 1856 now residing Mataura. Family, 15.
BLAIR, Robert, born Ayrshire, Scotland, about 1810 arrived in Otago in 1857 by George Canning died at East Taieri 1880, leaving four sons and two daughters surviving.
CHAPMAN, Dr William, his wife, Mrs Sarah Chapman, and family arrived in Lyttelton in August, 1851, and came to Otago in 1860, where the doctor followed his profession.
SANDEMAN, David Yule, born Fifeshire arrived Strathallan 1858 carried on business as builder for many years died December, 1896.
McKAY (M'Kay), Archibald, born Gullane. East Lothian, 1839 arrived Gloucestershire 1858 farm and station hand after arrival then on diggings four years at Anderson's Bay for 33 years dairy-farming at Sandymount. Family, 11.
SOUNESS, James, born East Linton, North Berwick, November, 1836 arrived Moultau 1849 hotelkeeper Taieri, Waitati, and Waikouaiti. Family, four sons, five daughters.
FRASER, William Reynolds Falconer, born at sea on voyage to Port Chalmers of Strathfieldsaye, May, 1858 went to Invercargill with parents September, 1858, and has resided in Southland ever since; after terms in solicitor's office and Government Telegraph office, joined the Bank of New Zealand service in 1874, and for the past 17 years has been in charge at Wyndham agency.
FORD, Alexander, born Carham, Northumberland arrived Robert Henderson 1858 contracting, subsequently farming on Pine Hill Mr and Mrs Ford now living in retirement in King street, Dunedin. Family, four sons, five daughters.
MILLER, Christina, born Caithness, Scotland arrived with husband by Robert Henderson 1858 first employed by Mr A. RENNIE, West Taieri subsequently settled Braemore, West Taieri well known as breeder of high-class cattle, sheep, and horses.
The following passenger lists of the John Wickliffe and Philip Laing have been compiled from information kindly supplied to us Messrs J. R. MONSON, Mr BLATCH, BREBNER, R. FRY, Mrs WATT (nee BLATCH) (John Wickliffe), James ADAM, STEVENSON (of Riverton), CALLANDER, BUCHANAN, JAFFRAY, MERCER, and Mesdames SINCLAIR, HARRISON, JAFFRAY, WILSON, and other passengers by the Philip Laing). Mrs FERENS (of Oamaru) and Mrs MACDONALD (of Roslyn) also kindly placed at our disposal their husbands' diaries, in which were lists of the passengers of their respective ships. To Mr W. H. S. ROBERTS (of Oamaru) we are specially indebted for his exhaustive tables of particulars of the passengers of both vessels
Miss Henrietta ALEXANDER (now Mrs BUSH, Westport), Andrew HENDERSON (carpenter), Edward Bland ATKINSON, George ATKEN, Mr and Mrs Chas. BENTLEY, John BENTLEY, Elizabeth BATCHELOR, Mr and Mrs BLATCH, Thomas BLATCH, Alfred BLATCH, Ann Caroline BLATCH, Mary Eliza BLATCH, Emma Elizabeth BLATCH, Mr and Mrs T BREBNER, Adam G BREBNER, Robert BREBNER, Mr BURRELL, Captain CARGILL, Mrs (Captain.) CARGILL and three daughters (Christiana, Annie, Marion), John CARGILL, Spencer CARGILL, Mrs Catherine CARBERY, Frank CHRYSTAL (late Akatore, Milton), Mr and Mrs COOK, W. H. CUTTEN, Mr DELATOR, Mrs DERRY, Mr A. DOMMETT, Thomas FERENS, Mr and Mrs FINCH (two sons and two daughters), R. FRY, David GARRICK (wife, three daughters, two sons), C. GIBSON, J. HENDERSON, Mr JACKSON and family, Julius JEFFREYS, Mr and Mrs JENKINS (son and two daughters), Mr and Mrs LEVELL (and niece), W. A. MOSLEY (wife and three daughters), Mr MONSON, sen., John R. MONSON, Henry MONSON, A. MACDONALD (or SINCLAIR), Dr MANNING, Rev. Mr and Mrs NICHOLSON (three daughters and companion to Mrs Nicholson)� went North, Lucy PIKE, Conrad RAINS, Robert SIDEY, Lieut. SMITH, Charles SMITH, Edmund SMITH, Samuel SHAW, Catherine TAYLOR, Miss WESTLAND, and niece (Mrs Thos. FERENS), Mr and Mrs George WATSON (son and daughter), Mr and Mrs James WILSON (two daughters and one son), William WESTLAND, George WESTLAND, Mr and Mrs John WILSON, Edward WEBB, Charles WEBB, three young women (Christian names Kate, Lizzie, and Sarah, surnames unknown).
We are indebted to Mr J. Elder BROWN for the following particulars of the surviving passengers by the
(Captain John YOUNG), which arrived at Port Chalmers on January 8, 1849VALPY, E. P., Dunedin married Henry JEFFREYS, 1852, who died. One son lives with his mother. VALPY, Catherine H. E., Ravenscliff, Taieri married (September 22, 1852) late Hon. James FULTON, who died 1891. Three sons and three daughters alive. (Mrs Fulton's photo, is published in this issue.) VALPY, Miss Juliet, Dunedin married W. MACKWORTH, who died September, 1852. One daughter alive. Second marriage, B. PIKE. Two sons and two daughters alive. VALPY, Miss Arabella J., Mornington unmarried. VALPY, William Henry, Glenorchy married Miss P. EVERY. Family, five sons and three daughters.
FILLEUL, William Gabriel, Nelson. Many years clerk to Magistrate's Court, Oamaru. Family, two sons and three daughters.
LONGUET, Mrs resides in Bowmont street, Invercargill, in her 74th year. LONGUET, Amelia. Now Mrs O'TOOLE, a widow, residing near Invercargill. LONGUET, Lydia. Now Mrs MASON, a widow, at Outram. LONGUET, Lewis Alfred unmarried. A miner, Preservation Inlet and Invercargill. .
CHALMERS, Nathaniel, in Fiji since 1869 sugar planter large family visited Exhibition 1889-90. .
WHITE, Mrs W. resides at Tapanui aged 77. WHITE, Agnes, married to John MACKIE. Family, six sons and five daughters. One son minister two, teachers. WHITE, Robert, Tapanui, shepherd at Brooksdale, Tapanui. .
WOOLLEY, Samuel, jun., Palmerston South, son of Samuel WOOLLEY, builder, Palmerston South. WOOLLEY, Clarissa, now Mrs NELMES. WOOLLEY, Eliza, now Mrs ALCOCK. WOOLLEY, Sarah Lucy, now Mrs Charles HAYNES (ex-Mayor Dunedin). .
SUTCLIFFE, Henry and Mrs, both reside at Sawyers' Bay; have had three sons and two daughters since they came to the colony none when arrived.
STRAIN, James, Dunedin; resides at Dunedin. Family, two sons and two daughters. STRAIN, William, jun. resides at Tokomairiro. STRAIN, Sarah and David reside at Tokomairiro.
STEWART, Mrs Duncan, resides near Taieri North. Large family.
GOODALL, Charles, William, Emilia, Edwin, Walter, Eleen all reside at Oamaru.
LOTHIAN, Mrs resides at Dunedin.
MILSTEAD, Miss, Invercargill, married to Mr W. B. SCANDRETT, Invercargill. MILSTEAD, Miss, Wellington; married to Mr James GEAR, Freezing Company, Wellington.
GALLIE, Mrs resides in Dunedin.
McNICOL (M'Nicol), Donald and Mrs, reside at Goodwood held diamond wedding, November 6, 1895 are in 85th and 83rd years, with daughter born in colony, 23 grandchildren, and 8 great grandchildren.
McNICOL (M'Nicol), Mary, Waimate married to Mr KENNARD, Waimate.
CAMPBELL Robert, resides at St. Clair.
PARRY, Thomas, resides somewhere about the harbour.
McPHEE (M'Phee), Hugh, shepherd, near Tapanui. M'Phee, Miss, resides at Warepa. Campbell Mrs, resides Taieri Mouth aged 88 years.
CAMPBELL, Anne; married to Mr Antonie Joseph, Taieri Mouth. Large family.
CAMPBELL, Jane resides Taieri Mouth.
CAMPBELL, Archibald resides on farm at Taieri Mouth.
HAY, Mrs resides at Hilly Park, Romahapa, Clutha aged 83. Family, 8 children, 50 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren. HAY, William resides at Romahapa. Family, six sons, five daughters. HAY, Jessie Margaret; married to Captain BELL, Perth, West Australia. Family, 11. HAY, George, Glenomaru. Family, four children. HAY, John, Dunedin chief surveyor, Dunedin. Family, four children, (The portraits of this family appeal among our illustrations. Mrs Peter MILLER was born after Mr HAY settled at Clutha, and was the first white child born in the district.) SUTCLIFFE, Miss married to late Mr James ALLAN, Hope Hill, Taieri. SUTCLIFFE, Henrietta married to late Mr Joseph ALLAN, Taieri. .
BROWN, James Elder residence Elderlee, Milton. .
CULLING, Thomas, managing proprietor Mataura Paper Mills. .
BROWN, Jane residence near Clarksville Mrs William MATHESON.