SHAND - Some Notices of the surname of SHAND, particularly of the County of Aberdeen
By Rev George Shand
Norwich 1877.
13 Feb 1574 - The bannis of marriage betwix Thomas Schaynd and Nans Reid was thyrss lauchfully proclaimit by me, Walter Cullen, reder and na impediment shawin nor funden for ye time; the saidis partis marrit in Aberdeen by Mr John Craig, minister, the xiii day of Feb, the zeir of God 1574 zeirs. This couple had a family; Patrick baptized 4 Apr 1574, Maister Patrick Ruderfurn and others, witnesses; David baptized 1 March 1575, Andro Chalmers, David Anderson and Isobell Pantin, witnesses; Elspet, 6 Feb 1577, Elspatt Lindesay, Naus Riderfurd, witnesses; Alexander,...
(From the appendix - Defective state of parochial records; to give another instance — Gilbert Hervie, the well-known citizen, and Baron of Elrick and Monycabbock (new Machar), who was heavily fined by General Middleton in 1640, for his Royalist proclivities (See Spalding�s Trubles and Book of Bon-Accord) was married to a lady named "Annas" or "Annie Lawson", an old and leading surname of the town. They had a family of sons and daughters, several of whom are duly recorded in the register of births, but three of the four daughters, who ultimately succeded to their father�s property, on the death of their only brother (Thomas) who survived his father, do not appear in that record. Yet Gilbert was not only one of the "Sessioners" (Members of the Kirk Session) but he was "Collector for the Kirk Session", and with Mr Walter Menzies was a "Searcher for idle people on the Lord�s Day." These two Searchers had special seats provided for them in the church. — Records of Burgh of Aberdeen, Sp. Club, 1643-1747 p80. Gilbert Hervie was commonly designated �elder� to distinguish him from another member of the same family, Gilbert Hervie younger, who was married to a lady named "Jeine Petrie" and had a family.
There can, we believe, be no doubt that Kennedy is right when he says "the register (of marriages, baptisms, and burials) was kept with some degree of method and apparent correctness till the year 1592; but after this period, we have to remark that the same accuracy and attention have not been observed in bringing forward a record of so much importance, both in a public and private point of view." The registers of births (baptisms) from 1623 to 1631, are missing. It is but right to state that the other children of Gilbert Hervie may have been inscribed in them, and it must not be forgotten that the times latterly were very "troublous" and specially so for Aberdeen.)
23 Apr 1580 - Alexander Rutherford, Andro Menzies, Neil Chalmers, witnesses; Margaret, 19 Sep 1583, Patrick Hunter, Marione Menzies, Marione Reid, witnesses; Jonett, 17 Mar 1585, Wm. Lowrence, Thomas Donaldson, Bessie Senzior, Jonett Mar, witnesses.
6 Feb 1574 - Alexander Schaynd and Janet Still were married. They had a family; Thomas, baptized 30 Mar 1578, be Mr John Craig, minister, gotten in marriage, Thomas Kayth (Keith), Thomas Schaynd, Elspaitt Finlindere, witnesses to the sayme; Alexander, 23 July 1580; Janett, 15 Apr 1582, Alexr. Rutherford, Wm. Hay, Margaret Davidsoun witnesses; Margaret 19 Sep 1583, Patrick Hunter, Marione Menzies, Marione Reid, witnesses; Marione, 13 Jun 1585, Donald Schaynd, Marione Mydilton, and others, witnesses; Margaret, 11 May 1589, Wm. Mar, Alexr. King, Margaret Bruce, Jonett Eddie, witnesses; Isobel 19 Aug 1590, Thomas Dugat, Walter Mefin (Methven), Isobel Cullen, Jonett Chalmer, witnesses.
Several entries belonging to this early period will be found on subsequent pages. It has been found difficult to arrange chronologically.
11 Feb 1583 - Donald Schaynd and Christiane Dyke were married. They had children: Marione, baptized 20 May 1585, Wm. Lowrence, Thomas Schaynd, Malcome Cullen, Marione Reid, witnesses; Meilt (Matilda) 3 March 1587, George Straqaha, Robert Watson, Jonet Mar, Marione Johnstoun witnesses; Mabe 27 Sep 1590, Walter Cheyne, Barbara Will and others, witnesses.
From these three couples many of the Shands of Aberdeen are descended, and some of their descendants can trace their descent, step by step, to our own times. It is probable that the said Thomas, Alexander and Donald Shand were not only contemporaries but nearly related to each other, and from the witnesses present on such family occasions as christenings, it appears that they were on terms of friendship and intimacy among themselves, as well as with the Reids, Mars, Cullens, Menzies, Rutherfords, Chalmers, Lindsays, Edies and other well-known names of what honest Spalding has called "the auld blud of the town." As the registers in question had been established only a few years before this period, they can give us no information as to what nowadays would be called the "antecedents" of those worthy citizens of Bon-Accord.
It is not probable that their progenitors has been long established in the town; at least the name Schand is not found in the earliest lists of the Burghers in the end of the fourteenth and beginning of the fifteenth centuries. They were certainly connected with the district of the county where we find the surname chiefly seated (see infra), and there seems little doubt that they themselves, or their immediate ancestors, had come to the town from that quarter.
19 Feb 1615 - Donald Shand and Euphame Ross were married by Mr James Ross.
31 May 1630 - Davie Schand and Elspet Grigorie were married. They had a child baptized 28 Aug 1632, Thomas: Thomas Nicolson, lait Baillie, Mr Wm. Moore, Thos. Donaldsone, Mr Wm. Blackha, George Leslie, Wm. Russell, Godfathers.
19 Dec 1641 - Wm. Schand and Isobel Howison mariet. They had the following childre: 17 Oct 1642, Alexander; 14 Sep 1648, Marjorie, Mr James Reide, Alex. Ramsay, George Cruickshank, John Burnet, Godfathers. 15 Oct 1649, Janet; John Hay laite Bailzie, Thomas Melville, David Sinkler, Robert Sincheller, Jas. Smith, younger, John Farquhar, Godfathers. 16 May 1652 Alexander: Alexr. Lumsden, Baillie, Alex. Howieson, Robert Ramsay, John Jamieson, younger, Godfathers. 18 Nov 1655, Rachaill; John Jaffray, late Bailzie, Mr Robt. Forbes, Thos. Mitchell, Alex. Burnett, Godfathers.
27 Nov 1666 - John Shande and Margaret Inglis were married.
13 Aug 1673 - John Shande and Margaret England his spouse had ane soun, baptized by Mr John Menzies, called Thomas; Thomas Shande, Thomas Mitchell, late Baylie, Thomas Mylne, Thomas �., Godfathers.
20 Oct 1674 - Thomas Shand and Anna Duncan were married. They had the following children: Issobel 23 Aug 1675, baptized by Mr John Menzies; George Cruickshank, Baillie, George Leslie, lait Baillie, Normand Leslie, Dean of Guild, Mr Alexr. Paton, Godfatehrs. 30 Nov 1676, William, baptised by Mr John Menzies, Doctor Wm. Moire, Wm. Robertson, Elder, Wm. Gray, Wm. Bissit, Wm. Livingston, Wm. Donaldson, Godfathers. (Here it will be noted all the Godfathers were of the same Christian name as the child. It was the fashion of the age, if possible, to have at least some of the Witnesses or of the Godfathers of the same name.)
28 Jan 1678 - Thomas: George Skene, Provost, Gilbert Blacke, Baille, David Adie, Baillie, Thomas Cushney, Dean of Guild, Thomas Johnstoune, Thomas Nicholsone, witnesses. Thomas Shand was dead 2 May 1678 (infra). Anna Duncan long survived him and re-married (infra).
13 Jun 1702 - Thomas Shand, writer in Aberdeen, and Mary Hamilton, relict of the deceased Wm. Meldrum, contracted by Dr. Blair; cautioner for the man, Mr Alexr. Leslie, Fiscall, and for the woman, Peter White, Hookmaker. 30 June 1702, Thomas Shand, writer in Aberdeen and Mary Hamilton, married by Dr Blair, payed Pd4. They has a child, stated to be born 6 Aug 1702, named Jean.
16 Apr 1705 - Thomas Shand and Anna Charles were married by Doctor Blair. They had a son James, baptized 24 Mar 1706, by Dr Wm. Blair; witnesses, James Catanach, late Baillie, Mr James Moir, Regent, James Thompson, son to Portlethen, and James Stuart, son to John Stuart, Merchant. The father, Thomas Shand, is now designed "Trades Clerk".
4 Jun 1709 - John Cuming, Mercht. In Aberdeen, and Isobel Shand, lawful daughter to the deceased Thomas Shand of Craig, were contracted, cautioner for the man, Baily Cuming, for the woman, her brother.
12 Dec 1710 - Wm. Innes and Anna Shand being married by Mr Blair, payed 40s stg.
8 Jul 1712 - Patrick Wood and Anna Shand being married privately, payed 4 lib.
14 Nov 1713 - James Shand, Couper, and Margt. Ross, daughter to Niell Ross, Farmer in Tarland parioch, being contractit, and cautioner for the man, Gilbert Moir, Couper, and for the woman, Robert Stuart, present Baillie, paid 2 lib. We find no children recorded of this marriage.
31 Jan 1721 - Jas. Shand, Couper, and Anna Cumming, his spouse, had a son, Alexander, baptised by Mr Robertson; witnesses, George Marr and Jas. Dyce, Merchants in Aberdeen.
5 Oct 1722 - James Shand, Couper, late Deacon, and Anna Cumming, his spouse, had a daughter names Elizabeth, baptised by �.. Wit.; Wm. Kelly, Burgess and Maltman, David Speedman, late Convener and Gilbert Moir, late Convener.
18 Feb 1725 - James Shand, Burgess, Couper and Anna Cummin, his spouse, had a daughter called Helen, baptised by Mr James Mein, an Episcopal Minister. Wit.: George Marr, Mercht. and Wm. Couper, Burgess and Maltman.
19 Nov 1720 - Thomas Shand, Merchant, and Isobell Hay, lawful daughter to Thomas Hay, Sheriff Clerk of Aberdeen, being contracted, and cautioner for the man, John Cumming, Merchant, and for the woman her father, payed four pounds Scots.
11 Dec 1721 - Thomas Shand of Craig, and Issobel Hay, his spouse, had a dughter named Issobel, baptized by Mr Robyson, an Episcopal Minister. Wit.; James Gordon of Ardmellie, and Alexr. Hay, Advocate.
10 May 1725 - Thomas Shand of Craig, and Isobel Hay, his spouse, had a son called Thomas, baptised by Mr James Mein, Minister. Witnesses; Thomas Hay, Sheriff Clerk, Alexander Aberdein, Merchant; and Thomas Mossman, Writer in Aberdeen.
16 Jan 1727 - A son William, baptised by Mr James Mein, an Episcopal Minister. Witnesses, William Chalmers, late Bailie, Thomas Hay, Sheriff Clerk, and Wm. Hay, lawful son to the foresaid Mr Thos. Hay, Sheriff Clerk.
12 Feb 1733 - Thos. Shand of Craig and Isobel Hay, his Lady, had a son called John, baptised by Mr Patrick Cockburn, Minister. Witnesses, John Cumming, late Dean of Guild, and John Strachan, Senior, Merchant.
14 Sep 1723 - John Coutts, Farmer at Kings, and Isobell Shand, lawful daughter of James Shand, late Convener, were contracted; Cautioner for the man Andrew Livingstone; for the woman, James Shand, Couper in Aberdeen.
24 Oct 1748 - Robert Shand, Hirer (Postmaster) and Bessie Kynoch, contracted. Cautioners, Wm. Burnet, Saddler; and James Kynoch., Merchant. Paid for the Poor Pd2. We believe that a respectable family of landed property in the north of Scotland is descended from this marriage.
9 Sep 1753 - Robert Shand and Bessie Kynoch, his spous had a son born, and baptised by Mr John Gordon of St Paul�s.
18 Aug 1757 - James Shand, Merchant, and Mary Hay, his pouse, had a son born, and baptised James by the Revd. Mr Ogilvie, in presence of Francis Leyes and James Alardice, Merchants. (This child was subsequently the late Revd. James Shand, A.M. of the Greyfriars� Church, Aberdeen, and latterly of Aberluthnot or Marykirk, Kincardineshire.)
15 June 1759 - James Shand, Merchant and Mary Hay his spouse had a son born names Alexander, baptised by the Revd. Mr Ogilvie in presence of Al. Hadden and Jas. Alardice Merchants. (This child was afterwards the late Alexr. Shand of Tanfield, Advocate, Aberdeen. He was a posthumous child.)
The following notices belong to an earlier period than many of the foregoing entries. As before mentioned, chronological arrangement has been found difficult.
7 Nov 1574 - Rechartt Gawin and Margarett Schaynd had ane sone bapttizit in Aberdeen, by Maister John Craig, Minister, gotten in marreage, callit Patrick; Thomas Schaynd, Patrick Hunter, Janett Hunter, witnesses.
26 Jul 1576 - The same parties had ane sone baiptizit be Maister Alexr. Arbuthnoitt, Minister, gotten in mareage, called Andro.
28 Jul 1580 - The same parties, ane dochter in mariage callit Isobel; Archibald Hay, Margaret Davidson, Isobel Gardner, witnesses.
26 Nov 1588 - William Schand and Marione Raitt were married.
25 Apr 1605 - David Schand, ane son named Thomas. Mr Thomas Morrison and Thos. Gray, witnesses.
27 Nov 1606 - A daughter, Isobell; Andro Horn and Alexr. Donaldsone, witnesses.
26 Oct 1609 - Ane son �., George Nicolson, Andro Ewen and Andro Howison, witnesses.
12 Nov 1609 - Thos Schand and Margt. Jameson, ane son named William, John Auchten, Wm. Jameson, and Andro Howison, witnesses.
20 Jul 1611 - Thomas Schand and Margt. Jamieson, ane dauchter named �.; witnesses, Thomas Gray, elder, Alexr. Ramsay and Jas. Cruickshank.
11 Apr 1612 - Thos. Schand and Margt. Jamieson, ane son Robert. Samuel Monsyd, Robert Hall, Robert Ramsay, Andrew Horne witnesses.
27 Nov 1612 - Ane dauchter named Helen; Robert Blackhall, Wm. Gordon and Wm. Bean, witnesses.
28 Jul 1616 - Ane son John; Alexr. Ramsay, John Leightoune, Robert Alshenter, Mr Robert Jamesone, witnesses.
27 Aug 1619 - Ane son Patrick; Patrick Menzies, Robert Smyth, Patrick Laing, Patrick Smyth, witnesses.
8 Aug 1621 - Ane son, Johne; Johne Mar, Alexr. Cuming, John Wilsone, witnesses.
(From the Appendix - Margaret Jameson, wife of Thomas Schand, may have been a sister of the Painter or connected with his family. His parents, Andrew Jameson and Marjorie Anderson, were married in August, 1585, and their daughter Elizabeth, the only one of their children whose birth is recorded, was born in July, 1586. — Book of Bon-Accord p134.)
7 Mar 1611 - David Shand and Elspet Athow ane daughter named Helen; Wm. Gordon, Robt. Blackhall, and Thos. Athow, witnesses.
11 Apr 1612 - Ane son Robert; Samuel Monsyd, Robt. Hall, Robt. Ramsay, Andrew Horne, witnesses.
28 Jul 1616 - Ane son, John; Alex. Ramsay, John Leightoune, Robt. Alshenter, Mr Robt. Jameson, witnesses.
8 Apr 1668 - John Shand and Janet Leith, ane dauchter, Janet, baptised by Mr David Lyell; John Smith Baillie, Mr John Forbes, Sheriff Depute, Alexr. Gordoun, Robert Burnett, Thomas Shand, Godfathers.
4 Apr 1670 Elspett; Robert Reid, John Donaldson, Mr Thomas Lumsden and Walter Reid, Godfathers
19 Sep 1671 Margaret; James Smith, James Watson, Papist and others, Godfathers.
8 Jan 1670 - James Schand and Jean Moir, his spouse, had a daughter, baptized by Mr David Lyell, called Jean; Robt. Burnett, Fiscall, Andrew Watson, Alexr. Burnet, Poles and James Webster, Godfathers.
8 Apr 1672 - A son, James; James Gordon of Seatoun, James Smith, James Webster, James Watsoun, James Moir in Ferryhill, James Anderson, elder, James Carnegie and James Drum, Godfathers.
30 Apr 1673 - ane soun called Thomas; Thomas Shande, Mr Thomas Gray, Mrt Thomas Forbes, Thomas Boyes, Godfathers.
5 Apr 1674 - Ane son, Robert baptised by Mr John Menzies; Robert Forbes of Rubislaw, Provost, Robert Skene, elder, Robert Cruickshank, elder and Robert Forbes, Regent (Professor in University), Godfathers.
23 Apr 1676 - Ane daughter, Jannet, baptised by Mr George Meldrum; George Rosse, George Cattenach, John Peirrie, Chas Lowrie, Adam Smith and Alexr. Craigmyll, Godfathers.
8 Dec 1678 - Ane daughter, Elizabeth, baptised by Mr Patrick Sibbald; Andrew Syme and others, Godfathers.
4 Jul 1680 - Jas. Shand and Barbara Craigmyll, ane daughter, baptised by Mr Patrick Sibbald called Margaret; Mr Thos. Forbes, Thos Cushney, Mr Alex. Robertson, Town Clerk, John Nicoll, George Ross, George Catanaich, Godfathers.
27 Nov 1681 - A daughter, Marie; David Aedie late Bayllie, Alexr. Anderson, George Aedye, John Gordon, Godfathers.
18 Feb 1683 - Ane daughter, Isobel; Walter Robertson, Baillie, Wm. Cochrane, Walter Robertson, younger, Alexr. Charles and Alexander Annand, Godfathers.
20 Sep 1684 - Ane son, Alexander, baptised by Dr Blair; Alexr. Burnett late Baillie, Alexr. Gordon, Alexr. Paterson, Alexr. Charles, Alexander Annand, Godfathers.
27 May 1688 - James Shand, Burgess and Couper, late Deacon Convener, and Jannett Catto, his spouse, had a daughter named Anna, baptised by Master Alexr. Gray, Minister of the Gospel; Robt. Innes and James Mercer, Merchants, Godfathers.
5 May 1689 - A daughter, Margaret; John Gordon, present Baillie, and Wm. Rickart, elder, Merchant, Godfathers.
24 May 1690 - Ane daughter, Christian; John Scot, Wright, late Deacon Convener, and others, Godfathers.
26 Sep 1692 - Ane son, John; John Sandilands, of Countesswells, late Lord Provost, John Burnet, designed Doors, Merchant and Skypper, John Leslie, Merchant, designed Norman John and John Duff, Messenger, Godfathers.
22 Oct 1693 - A son James; James Moncrieff, Collector of their Majesties� Customs, Jas. Gordon, present Master of the Mortifications, Jas. Watson and Jas. Strachan, Merchants, Godfathers.
22 Apr 1703 - Patrick Shand, Merchant, and Isobel Ligertwood, his spouse, had a son named John, baptised by Dr. Wm. Blair, Minister; Sir John Johnston of Caskieben, Merchant, John Burnet, Merchant, designed Poles, John Reid and John Frazer, Merchants, Godfathers.
8 Apr 1707 - A son, William; Wm. Mowat and Wm. Shand, Mercht., witnesses.
20 Sep 1708 - A son, Alexander; Alex. Gordon and Alex. Strachan, Merchants, witnesses.
26 Nov 1710 - A daughter, Isobel; Wm. Forbes and Thos. Shand, Merchants, witnesses.
2 Apr 1713 - A daughter, Anna; Wm. Forbes, George Forbes, and Wm. Reid, Merchants, witnesses.
21 Apr 1714 - A son, Samuel; Sir Samuel Forbes of Foveran and Jas. Thomson, Merchant, witnesses.
19 May 1715 - A son James; James Udny, Advocate in Aberdeen, James Gordon, of Ardmellie, witnesses.
During the period of the time covered by the above entries we find husbands of the familiar and prominent Aberdeen names of Gordon, Howeson, Blackhall, Coutts, Rettie, Murray, Sympson and Cumming, intermarrying with wives of the name of Shand, and most of the couples had families.
Xxvi day August 1588 zearis, Alexander Schaynd Servitour (Secretary) to Gilbert Menzies, Provost of Aberdeen, departitt.
24 Jan 1615 - Janett Schaynd, spouse of William Gordon, Mercht. burit in the new Kirk.
18 Jul 1616 - Donald Schand, burit in the Kirkyard.
19 Jul 1618 - John Schand, P. burit in the Kirkyard.
27 Sep 1660 - Wm. Schand, Merchant, Burgess, interred.
9 Jul 1667 - Elspit Shand, relict of Walter Leith of Drumfyne, interred.
2 Jan 1688 - Elspet Schand, Indualar (Indweller), interred.
2 May 1678 - Thomas Shand of Craig, buritt.
24 Feb 1685 - James Shand, late Deacon Convener, ane chyld (interred.)
4 Sep 1726 - Jas. Shand, in Mill of Auchendoir, a son Charles, 16 Nov 1727, a son, Robert.
16 Oct 1736 - John Laing and Jean Shand, in parish of Rhynie, contracted; married Nov 25th.
2 Jul 1737 - Robert Shand, in parish of Kern, and Elizabeth Souper, contracted; married 4th August.
4 Nov 1632 - Wm. Schand, in Whitecairns, had a daughter baptised Margaret. Witnesses, Robt. Schand, Alexr. Petrie and John Reny.
28 Mar 1634 - George Schand, son to Robert Schand in Ardo, had a son Robert. Witness, William Schand.
31 May 1643 - George Shand had a daughter, Margaret.
18 Jul 1703 - Wm. Shand, in Gatesyd, had a son George.
21 Mar 1629 - Wm. Shand in Darrahill, and Elizabeth Jaffer (Jaffray), bayth parochinars, were contractit in mariadg, promesit faithfully to performe the same in deu time, and for the abstinance during the said space they inactit within our buiks of discipline Alexr. Lyone, at the Milne of Ardo, under the paine off four pounds in case of failzie as Cautr. For both pairteis.
24 Nov 1739 - George Schand in Craigie, and Elspet Watt.
13 Jul 1717 - James McKy and Jean Shand.
2 May 1758 - John Shand, in Cottoun of Barra, a daughter Janet.
27 Jun 1760 - Wm. Shand, in Westerhouses, a son, William.
23 Apr 1728 - Wm. Glass and Jean Shand proclaimed.
15 Mar 1753 - Alexr. Shand in Eastertoun of Lesmundy, by his wife Elizabeth Roy, a daughter, Elspet; 4 Jul 1735, a son, James. Witnesses, James Shand in Eastertoun and others. 8 Jul 1758, a son, Alexander.
6 Sep 1757 - Jas. Shand, in Eastertoun of Lesmundy, a son by his wife Janet Garrow, named James.
8 Jul 1749 - George Horn and Elizabeth Shand, from Rhynie, contractat — Married Aug 8th.
20 Jul 1751 - George Shand, in parish of Glass, and Christian Cameron in this parish, contractat — Married August 15th, 1751.
28 Mar 1754 - Jas. Shand and Janet Gunn, in Mortlack, contractat, married April 23rd.
11 Jun 1738 - Robt. Shand in Rhynie, a son, Robert.
3 Jun 1750 - Alexr. Shand, in Gladestone, a daughter, Mary
8 Oct 1723 - Alexr. Ingraham and Margaret Shand, married.
28 Mar 1711 - Peter Shand, in Auharnie, a son, Andrew; 30 Aug 1715, a son James, 22 Mar 1717, a son Robert.
13 May 1722 - Patrick Shand, in Easter Acuharney, a daughter, Janet.
13 Feb 1727 - Wm. Shand, in Easter Aquarney, a son, John, 14 Feb 1728, a son, Alexander, 2 Mar 1731, a son George, 26 Mar 1735, a daughter, Janet.
6 Aug 1730 - George Shand, in Wester Aquaharny, a daughter, Joan, 3 Nov 1735, a son John.
22 Aug 1749 - Wm. Shand, in Ardiffery, a daughter, Margaret.
4 Jul 1730 - George Shand and Anna Wilkin, of parish of Slains, married.
19 May 1739 - George Mathers and Anna Shand, married.
20 May 1750 - Robt. Cruickshank and Janet Shand, married.
23 Sep 1644 - Alexr. Shand, in Olde Aberdeen, a dau. Helene; John Sandilands, Mr John Lillie, Mr John Spaldyne, and Mr John �.., witnesses.
28 May 1647 - A son, Patrick, and ane other son, William. Witnesses, Wm. Gordon, Wm. Leslie, Mr Patrick Gordon, and other witnesses.
23 Mar 1649 - A son, Alexander; Alex. Gordon and others, witnesses.
7 May 1671 - John Shand, in Spittal, a daur, Jean.
12 Mar 1676 - Robert Shand, at Bridge of Donn, a dau. Isobel; 21 Aug 1678, a son, James. James Gordon of Seaton, Jas. Ogilvie, Jas. Middleton, Jas. Leslie, witnesses.
25 Feb 1703 - Alexr. Shand, indweller in Old Aberdeen, and Margt. Ritchie, his spous,a son, William. Wm Gordon, Baillie, Mr Wm. Chrystie, Master of the Music School, Wm Shand and Wm Smith, witnesses.
22 Jul 1705 - Alexr. Shand, Farmer at Bowbridge, and Margt. Ritchie, his spous, a son, John; Mr John Findlater, John Gray, and others, witnesses.
17 Aug 1707 - A son, Alexander; Alexr. Fraser, Alexr. Cumming, Alexr. Bannermann, Alexr. Watson, witnesses.
7 Aug 1709 - A son, James; James Gordon of Barns and others, witnesses.
28 Apr 1602 - Alexr. Shand in Old Aberdeen, and Helen Simpson, from Ellon, married.
4 Mar 1668 - Alex. Shand and Margt. Harvie, both in Old Aberdeen, married; Andrew Cassie, cautioner for the man, Wm Hay there for the woman.
11 Jul 1668 - James Divertie, in Seaton, and Isobel Shand then contractit; Wm Forbes, Baillie, cautioner for both parties, married 5 Oct 1668.
24 Jun 1677 - Andrew Robertson, in Grandom, and Anna Shand there, married.
10 Jun 1679 - Wm Airth and Agnes Shand contractred; married 4 July.
16 Aug 1684 Mr John Robertson, in the parish of Clunny, and Helen Shand, in this parish, contracted; married 9th Sept.
1 Oct 1696 - Compeared Robert Shand and Elspet Cullen, both of this congregation and contracted marriage according to order; they consigned pleadges for their civil behavious and for performance. John Cooper became cautioner for the man, and Mr Patrick Sandilands, of Cotton, for the woman; they were orderly proclaimed and married.
23 Jun 1702 - Compeared George Shand, in the parish of Fraserburgh, and Margaret Gordon, in this parish, and contracted marriage according to order; they consigned pledges for their civil behaviour. Gilbert Noble, in Aberdeen, cautioner for the man, Walter Gordon there for the woman; married 21st July. This George Shand was subsequently Dr George Shand of Fraserburgh, who resided there with his wife, Margaret Gordon, for many years. They were the ancestors of the late Revd. James Shand of Marykirk, and his brother, Mr Alexr. Shand of Tanfield, Advocate in Aberdeen. Dr Shand seems to have been in a good position, and in the local documents of the time appears next after the Baron Baillie of the Burgh. He and his spouse had a Charter from Lord Saltoun, dated 30 May 1719, with a right to fuel, mosses etc. It appears from the entry of the marriage in the family Bible, which Margt. Gordon brought with her, as all the previous entries are of Gordons, that the marriage ceremony in the Cathedral, 21 July 1702, was performed by "Mr Thomson of Cocklaw". He was the incumbent of Old Machar at the time, and proprietor of the lands of Cocklaw in the parish of Peterhead.
George Shand�s father, William Shand, was of the Aberdeen Shands (Bendach or Craig), and various books with his autograph and other papers are still in the possession of his descendants, from the defective state of the records, and indeed destruction of many of them, as is well known, by fire, and premature death of some members of the family, few particulars concerning him have been preserved. Fraserburgh, at the period in question, appears to have had the attractions of a rising place, and the Shands of Aberdeen for many years had been extensively connected in business with that part of the county.
Wm. Shand of Craig had advanced large sums of money on Wadset to the Superior, to which it appears from the Public Records that his widow, "Isobel Howison, relict of the late Wm. Shand, (Craig) Mercht. Burgess of Aberdeen, and Christian Shand, her daughter," came to have right. These Shand "Wadsets" were not altogether extinct for many years thereafter, for we find some of them conveyed by John Fraser to Alexr. Shand on the 7th Feb 1740, who afterwards, viz., on 18th June 1762, transferred them to Chas. Fraser for the benefit of, and as in trust for, the debtors.
At the time in question some of the Shands lived in Old Aberdeen, where they had considerable property, (At a subsequent period we find them living in the Gallowgate, a favourite part of the town in those days, especially on the west side, with its fine gardens sloping down to the Loch, with posterns opening to the country. In the end of last century the Rev. Mr Shand lived in Upper Kirkgate in his own house, situated in the Court just above Drum�s Lane, now occupied by Messrs. Farquhar and Gill. His wife was a daughter of Baillie Alexr. Farquhar of Kintore, by his wife Elizabeth Harvey, a lineal descendant of Jas. Harvey of Kilmundy, and Margaret Baird of Auchmeddan, who were married at Banff on 1 Dec 1618.
Of Mr Shands family the only survivors are Sir Chas. Farquhar Shand, Chief Justice, Mauritius, and the Rev George Shand, M.A. Oxon, Rector of Heydon, Norfolk. Me Alexr. Shand resided in a Court at the top of Broad Street, between the Gallowgate and the Upper Kirkgate. His wife was a sister of the late Robt. Harvey of Braco (father of Professor Alexr. Harvey) of the same family as the above-mentioned Elizabeth Harvey. Of Mr Alexr. Shand�s family two members alone survive.) and George Shand appears to have returned to that parish for his wife Margaret Gordon, who resided there.
The progenitors of Margt. Gordon were "Waltere Gordon"and "Marit Ines" (Marjorie Innes), who were married in the parish church of St Nicholas, Aberdeen, on 22 Nov 1646, while of the earlier generation was "Georg Gordon at ye Millne of Cromlet" (Old Meldrum) whose marriage to Christian Lindsay took place also in St Nicholas� church, Aberdeen, on 20 Sept. 1618. This George Gordon was a well-known man in his day. He often figures, particularly from about 1640 to 1660, as a suitor in the Sheriff Court in Litigation with Gordon of Auchluchries, Wm. Lumsden, Advocate, Lumsden of Pitbello, and other persons, and was on the Jury that served "Mr Andrew Forbes, heir of his immediate younger brother, Patrick, son of the deceased William Forbes, Bishop of Edinbr.," at Aberdeen, on the 16 Apr 1656.
To which branch of the Gordons this George belonged has not been ascertained. From the names in the Family Bible, mentioned before, corresponding with those of the children of Wm. Gordon, the last Roman Catholic Bishop of Aberdeen, by Janet Knowles, some of whom settled in Old Aberdeen, including in more than one generation, the name "Walter", very rare among the Gordons, it has been thought that George Gordon was of that descent, but this is uncertain.
(From the Appendix - Dr Joseph Robertson, in his admirable Book of Bon-Accord, thus refers to the unfortunate conflagration: - "All the ancient records of the Commissary or Consistorial Court perished by a lamentable fire on the 30th October, 1721. Legislative enactments (8th Geo. I, cap. 27 and 9th Geo. I, cap. 25) in some measure provided for the injuries which the loss might occasion to the legal rights of the parties: but, alas! what can supply the more grievous hurt which the gentle lovers of antiquity sustained in the destruction of a treasure so inestimable, so rich in illustrations of genealogy, ecclesiastical history, biography, old manners, forgotten usages, and scandal — fascinating scandal — delightful although obsolete, and only then innoccent." — p303..)
(From the Appendix - George Gordon. From the names of the witnesses and godfatehrs at the family christenings, it is more probable that George Gordon was of the Birsemore Gordons, who, like the elder family of the same branch, the Gordons of Cluny, often resided in Old Aberdeen. The first Laird of Cluny (they were subsequently Baronets) was Alexander Gordon, third son of Alexander, third Earl of Huntly.)
9 Nov 1710 - Wm. Innes of this parish and Anna Shand, from Aberdeen, married.
6 Dec 1652 - Alexr. Shand, in Old Aberdeen, buried in Snaw Kirk.
26 Nov 1654 - Christiane Shand, burit in the Snaw Kirk
5 Jun 1673 - Robert Shand, in Seaton, a bairn, buried.
20 Oct 1675 - Euphia Shand buried.
4 Feb 1690 - Agnes Shand, relict of deceist Wm. Airth.
30 Nov 1692 - Issobel Shand, spouse to Jas. Divertie, at the Bridge of Don.
3 Apr 1701 - Marjorie Shand, spouse to Wm. Scott, in Old Aberdeen, buried in Snow Kirk-yard.
29 Jun 1711 - Robert Shand, in Old Aberdeen, buried.
12 Jun 1722 - Helen Shand, relict of Mr John Robertson, late Baillie, in Old Aberdeen, buried in the Snow Kirk.
4 May 1753 and 17 Dec 1753 - Robert Shand, Horsehirer in Aberdeen, had a child buried.
13 May 1714 - Alexr. Shand, in Cottoun of Lessendrum, a son, James; 24 Dec 1715, a son, Peter.
12 Oct 1716 - Peter Shand, in Moss of Lessendrum, a daughter Jane; witnesses George Shand, there, and Wm. Shand in Cottown; 18 Sep 1718, a daughter Margaret; 30 Sep 1720, a daughter, Grissell; 3 Apr 1723, a son, John; 6 Dec 1724, a daughter, Jean; 30 Mar 1727, a son Peter; 8 Aug 1731, a son Robert; 5 Mar 1735, a daughter Elspet.
14 Oct 1716 - Robert Shand, in Adamstown, a son, Alexander, 23 Feb 1718, a daughter, Elizabeth, 21 Aug 1720, a son, James.
12 Jan 1718 - Alexander Shand, in Comalegy, a daughter, Anna; 20 Nov 1719, a daughter, Helen; 6 Jun 1721, a son George.
18 Jun 1718 - Wm. Shand in Lessendrum, a daughter, Helen; witnesses John Shand, there and James Shand in Gary.
26 Mar 1719 - John Shand in Lessendrum, a daughter, Anne; witnesses Wm. And George Shand, there. 15 Jan 1724, a son, James, 27 Nov 1726, a son John, 22 Nov 1727, a son, Peter, 13 Feb 1730, a son William.
20 Sep 1723 - Alexr. Shand, in Mosshead, a son, William, 12 Jan 1726, a daughter, Janet.
21 Jan 1733 - John Shand, in Blackbaw, a son, John, 28 Nov 1736, a daughter, Jean.
23 Jun 1750 - Arthur Shand, in Parish of Oyne, and Janet Moir, in this parish, married.
23 Jan 1642 - Patrick Shand, in Knockothie, s son, John. Witnesses, Mr John Cheine and John Forbes, in Balmacussie. 16 Feb 1645, a son, George. Witnesses, George Shand, George Kenady, Brother to the Laird of Carmucks and ors., Witnesses. Decr. Last, 1648, a daughter, Elizabethe.
19 Feb 1643 - John Shand in Ellon, a son, John. John Kennedie, of Carmuck, John Kennedie, in Ellon, and others, witnesses.
6 Jun 1645 - Alexr. Shand, in Easterellone, two sons, Alexr. And George. Witnesses, Alexr. Udney, of Auchterellone, George and John Schand and others.
3 Jul 1680 - George Shand, in Ellon, a son, John.
21 Apr 1687 - Patrick Shand, in Ellon, a son Kohn. Witnesses, John Forbes, Watertoune, Mr John Shand in Primmo.
9 Feb 1704 - John Shand, in Ellon, a daughter Jean; 2 Aug 1727, a son, James.
25 Apr 1662 - Alexr. Shand, in Old Aberdeen, and Helen Sympson, of this parish, married.
7 Apr 1678 - George Shand and Isobel Simpson, married.
6 May 1727 - Jas. Udney and Jean Shand, married.
16 May 1658 - Thos. Scott, in Machindaell, and Barbara Shand, from Kinernie, married.
14 Oct 1739 - John Shand, in Citytown, a son.
9 Sep 1685 - Jas. Schand, in Cobairdie, a daughter Margaret.
30 Nov 1685 - Wm. Schand, in Muertoune, a daughter, An; 10 Feb 1689, a son, Robert.
4 Dec 1685 - Robert Schand, in Bougnie, a son; witnesses, George and Jas, Shand, there. 6 Jul 1688, a daughter, Elspet.
17 Jan 1686 - John Shand, in Muertoune, a daughter, Margaret.
25 Apr 1686 - George Shand, in Cobairdie, a son, James.
9 Oct 1687 - Patrick Shand, in Bougnie, a son, Peter; witnesses Peter Shand in Bougnie, and Patrick Shand in Lessendrum.
29 Apr 1668 - James Shand, in Birkbird, a son, Robert. Witnesses Robt. Shand and John Cruickshank.
29 Dec 1688 - Jas. Shand, in Pitphancie, a dau, Issobel.
16 Feb 1689 - Robert Shand, in Muertoune, a dau, An.
2 May 1692 - Robert Shand, a son, Robert. Witnesses, Robt. Irvin, of Corneshaugh, and Robert Sinclair, of Hadermill.
5 Jul 1692 - John Shand, in Kirklands, a son, Peter.
11 Aug 1692 - Robert Shand, in Muertoune, a dau, Janet. 4 Oct 1693, a son, Robert.
17 Nov 1692 - Patrick Shand, in Bognie, a son, Alexander; 19 Nov 1693, a son, John; 29 March 1696, a son, William.
21 Feb 1679 - Jas. Shand, younger, in Bognie, a dau, Janet.
15 Maii 1698 - John Shand, in Nothen Comistie, a dau. Elizabeth. Witnesses, Robt. Irvin of Corniehaugh, and George Chrichton of Comistie.
16 Jun 1698 - Robert Shand, in Bognie, a dau, Elizabeth.
4 Dec 1698 - Jas. Shand, in Bognie, presented for baptism a son of his deceased brother Patrick; child named George.
From this date to 15 July 1756, there are considerably over one hundred entries of births in this parish similar to the above. Among others 9 Mar 1731, George Shand, in Parkdargue, had a son baptised, Alexander, before witnesses, John Shand, in Muertoun, and John Morison, in Kirkland. This child was subsequently Colonel Alexr. Shand, of the Royal Artillery, a very distinguished officer, the first of the family of Templand, an estate lying in his native parish. There is a monument to his memory on a rising ground in said estate.
19 Feb 1710 - Thos. Shand in Drumbulg, a son John; 14 Sep 1712, a daughter, Isabel.
2 Sep 1716 - Thos Shand in Kirkney, a dau Janet; 11 May 1721 a son Robert; 12 Jul 1723, a dau Elspet.
6 Jul 1721 - Alexr. Shand in Strine, a dau, Margaret; 5 Apr 1726, a dau, Ann.
A number of similar entries and several marriages down to 16 April 1760.
13 Nov 1712 - Mr Alexr. Shand, Minister in Insch, had a son William, witnesses Wm Shand, Mercht. in Aberdeen and Mr William Anderson, Minister at Premnay.
27 Sep 1711 - Mr Jas Shand, Minister, had a son with his wife Barbara Leith, baptised George. Witnesses George Leith of Overhall and Mr George Johnstone, Minister at Clunie, and Alexr. Downie in Milntoun. 4 Nov 1712 a son Andrew; 17 Nov 1713, a dau, Margaret.
2 Sep 1739 - Wm Shand in Mains of Craighall, a son William; 23 Jul 1741, a dau Jean; 10 Jan 1744, a son, Patrick.
26 Jul 1746 - Alexr. Shand, in Old Glanderstone, a sone, Alexander.
There are several later entries to 16th October 1753.
7 Jun 1725 - David Shand, in Aberdeen, brother german to Mr James Shan, Minister of this Parish, married to Mary Bruce, dau of Robert Bruce.
2 Mar 1682 - Patrick Shand in Haddo, a son, Alexander. Witnesses Alexr. Forbes, of Saak and Alexander Shand.
5 Sep 1680 - John Shand had a son William
7 Apr 1689 - John Shand, in Haddo, had a son, William
17 Jul 1701 - Wm. Shand in Balquhindachy, a son Alexander.
4 Mar 1705 - A son, 16 Jan 1701, a son George.
21 Dec 1707 - A son James; 27 Nov 1709, a son James.
Various similar entries down to 1759, and of marriages from 1706 to 1738.
24 Oct 1695 - Wm. Shand in Corsbrae, a son Alexander.
12 Nov 1748 - John Shand, in Hillhend, a dau Jean.
26 Mar 1686 - James Shand, in Kilmundy, had a dau Jean.
06 Aug 1688 - Wm Shand, in Kilmundy, had a son Thomas
24 Sep 1728 - John Shand, in Kingseat, had a son, John, and subsequently several other children.
30 Sep 1735 - Andrew Shand, Mercht. in New Deer, and his wife, Janet Stevenson, had a son, John, and subsequently several other children.
26 Jul 1695 - John Shand in Monkshill, a dau, Anna. Witnesses Wm. Shand in Miln of Tiftie, (the brother of the unfortunate "Tiftie�s Bonnie Annie". We believe there are few parts of the world where this pathetic ballad is unknown.) and Wm. Milne in Parkburn.
Several other entries of Births and Marriages
A considerable number of Marriages and Births from 1717 to 1757.
8 Feb 1709 - James Shand, in the parish of Aberdour, and Helen Lesly, in this parioch, were married.
(From the Appendix - "James Shand and Hellen Leslie were married on the 8th Feby, 1709 yeares, being Tuesday, in the House of Memsie, at 9 o�clock in the morning, be Mr James Anderson, Minaster at Rathan. Hellen Leslie dyed the 16th day of January, 1716, and was interred in the Church of Aberdour." — Family Bible (printed 1683) of the Shands of Craigellie.
15 May 1688 - James Shand had a child baptised.
25 Nov 1750 - John Shand in Old Rayne, and Mary Stewart, his spouse, had a son born and baptised Charles before these witnesses, Arthur Shand, in Westhall, and Alexr. Tower in Old Rayne; 30 Nov 1752 a dau Katherne; 7 Nov 1754 a son John; 27 Dec 1756, a son Robert. (This family were probably of the same immediate stock as the Shands of Insch and Kemnay, all within the district in which we find the earliest entries of the surname. They were the progenitors of the Rev. John Shand, M.A. of Kintore. Of his family two survive, the Misses Shand of Belmont Street, Aberdeen, the well-known and highly respected for their charities and benevolence. The Hon. Lord Shand, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of Scotland, is a son of the late Alexr. Shand Esq., Merchant in Aberdeen, a son of the said Rev. John Shand of Kintore.)
20 Apr 1698 - Wm Shand, in Corsebrae, a dau, Barbara. Witnesses Alexr. Panton in Burnside and James Duncan in Bracans.
7 Dec 1703 - John Shand in Kinmintie, a dau Issobell. Witnesses Alexr. Panton in Kinmintie and John George in Barnyards of Delgaty; 14 Feb 1709, a son William; 4 Jan 1713 a dau Anne.
16 Oct 1720 - George Shand, in Redbrae, a dau Isobel.
23 Mar 1733 - Alexr. Shand in Brakens, a son John; 23 April 1738, a son, Alexander; 13 Sep 1741, a son Peter, 7 Apr 1745, a son James.
21 May 1749 - Wm. Shand in Corsebrae, a dau Isobel; 25 May 1752, a dau Elizabeth.
25 Mar 1755 - Wm Shand in Knockiemill, a son, John.
Several marriages from 1728 to 1760.