SHAND - Some Notices of the surname of SHAND, particularly of the County of Aberdeen
By Rev George Shand
Norwich 1877.
From Local records, printed and in MS, from MSS., of the late Alexander Deuchar of Edinburgh, from other MSS., in private custody, and from other sources down to about 1750.
13 Feb. 1509 - A royal order by James IV to give sasines of the lands of Allathine and Leterche is addresses to John Schand and Wm Urquhart, as sheriffs of Aberdeen for that special duty. - Spalding Club Antiquities, iii. 81.
24 Aug 1512 - Magister Robertus Schand, Vicarius de Potary, is a witness to a deed in the Regist. Morav. - Bannatyne Club p401
23 Feb 1522 - Robertus Shawand, Prebendary of Arnoldstone of Crichton, Perpetual Vicar of Coul, Aberdeenshire. — Regist. Nigr. De Aberbrothie p436
24 Feb 1524 - The same ecclesiatic is one of the Procurators to the resignation of an office by an Professor in King�s College. — Fasti Abredonenses p77 Instrumentum Resignationis prefate capellanie (capellania fundat. Per Thomam Episcopum Aberdonensem et Collegio unit. 2 Junii 1520) per dictum Magistrum Joannem Hay, prpter studium et ingenii cjus in literis exercitationem, partes transmarinas petiturum. Procuratores sunt Magister Carolus Fotheringame Rector de Edzel, Alexander Spittal Vicarius de Kynadmont, Robertus Schand Vicarius de Cowle, Georgius Menteitht et Alexander Makysone Cives Sancti Andree, 24 Feb 1524.
11 Mar 1536 - Andrew Schand in Tormare and John Schand have their goods escheated to the Earl of Huntlie, with many others, as rebels, for mutilation of Michael and John Fraser. — Pitcairn�s Crim. Trials i 248
19 Aug 1538 - An Instrument of Protest was taken against an alleged encroachment on the lands of the monastery of Monymusk. Among the witnesses were Magister Joannes Elphinstone Rector de Innernochtie, and Dominus Alexander Schand. (Dominus, "Sir," was a title often given to the higher classes of priests.) — Fasti Abred. p497 (Should be Spalding Club Antiq., iii, 497)
On 16th Oct 1539, Alexander Guthrie, alias Falkland Pursevant, ane of the Shiref deputies of the Shirefdome of Aberdene, compeard upon the debateable ground betwix the lands and Baronie of Degate and Udocht (in the parish of Turriff), and thair causit fence a court of the said Shirefdom, and causit call the aprties before him. The parties were Alexander Hay of Delgate, Alexander Forbes of Bruchis, Alexander Con of Auchry and Robert Schand portioneris of the lands of Udocht. The bounds between the lands of the parties were ascertained and fixed after trial, and it was founds that the said Alexander Forbes, Alexander Con and Robert Schand has wrongously molestit the said Alexander Hay in bruiking of the saidis landis and baronie. — Spalding Club Antiq. ii 358.
1548 - Mr Robert Schand, Rector of Alves, (Elginshire), who was chaplain of the altar in the church of St Nicholas, the parish church of Aberdeen in the year 1549, had presented 240 merks in money to the church and chaplains of the church for purchasing a perpetual annuity of 5 merks from the lands of Wester Essintully in the county of Kincardine, and 7 merks from certain tenements in the town, for celebrating an obit and solemn masses on his anniversary. Also by charter dated 12 Jan 1548, an additional annuity of Pd1 6s 8d from a house and garden in the Gallowgate. Also a silver gilt chalice of 32oz weight to be kept under the charge of the magistrates, and so be ready on every solemn occasion. — Kennedy�s Annals of Aberdeen, vol ii p21. "Obitus Magistri Roberti Schand Rectoris de Alues, qui preter pluried elargitas elimosinas, partem borialem horti inferioris emit; dorsum altaris Beate Virginis fieri fecit, et togam de chamleto dedit, pro cujus anima oretur. — Necrologia Coenob. S. Frandisci Aberd., Spalding Club Miscellany vol i p71
27 Feb 1551 - Thomas Schand appears as one of the many persons directly involved in the feuds between Wm. Lord Forbes, John Leslie of Balquahane, and Thomas Menzies of Pitfodellis. Thomas Schand was on the sied of the Menzieses, and it was stipulated that they should be "harmless and skaithless of all bodily harm to Sunday called Dominica in Albis inclusive, under the pane of perjure, infame and inhabilite, and refound to our Sovereign Lady (Queen Mary), her tutor and Thesaurer, the sum of one thousand pounds Scots money, Lanquan interesse habentium." The Lord Lietenant of the North, the Earl of Huntlie, before who this agreement was gone into, ordains that whenever the Forbeses, Leslies and their friends "happynes to be in Aberdene, the Provost (Menzies) shall cause his friens and patizans enischew (eschew) frae all oppin conventioun, or passing upoun the get induring the tyme foresaid."
21 Oct 1553 - Magister Donaldus Schand, Notary Public, is a witness to a grant by John Dempster, of Auchterless Dempster, with consent of James, his eldest son and heir, in favour of his third son, Archibald, of certain parts of the lands of Lauchebray and Haisse Wellis, in the parish of Auchterless. Donald Shand was married to a daughter of Alexander Forbes (grandson of Alaster Cam) by a sister of Gilbert Skene of that ilk. — Lumsden�s Hist of Forbeses, Inverness 1819 p46. Donald Shand, who married Christian Dyke, 11 Feb 1583, (infra, Register of St Nicholas) was probably his son.
29 May 1558 - Robert Schand in Auchmaleddie (parish of Deer) is a witness in a dispute about the marches of the lands of Monkshill.
3 May 1559 - In a dispute between Master John Craif, Parson of Kincardyne and Portioner of Balmaire, (parish of Kingedward) against Gilbert Mowat, in Turriff, as to quarter lands of Balmaddie, Master Donald Schand, Notar Public, produces an act of possession dated 9 Nov 1558 — Sheriff Court Records.
31 Oct 1559 - The same case is apparently referred to. Thomas Con appears, and�.. Hay, Parson of Turriff, and Sir John Hutchinson signed a writing of appointment between Andrew Craig and Gilbert Mowat. Ibid. 1567 (circa) In the Register of Ministers, Exhorters, and Readers, and their stipends after the period of the Reformation, Edin 1830 4to, we find "Kynnedwart, Alexander Schand, reidar xx lib".
29 Nov 1574 - Robert Schand and his son William Schand are decerned by the Sherriff, with many others, to pay 4 bolls meill of the teynd shaves of the lands of Auchmaledy, (parish of Deer) to William, Earl Marshell, representing Robert, Commendatour of Deer and Convent of the same.
1 June 1584 - Gordon of Carneborrow pursues Thomas Schand, Andrew Schand, and their collegues, to produce all their fefences dilatory and peremptory, and to report ane mandate for them for action of Mails; Parish of Culsamond. — Sheriff Court Records.
23 Jun 1584 - Gordon of Lesmore pursues removings against David Schand, tenant and occupant of the Mylne and Mylnelands of Balmad, (parish of Kinedward) and also occupier of aucht oxgang of the town and lands of Craigheid; also John Scfhand, occupier of aucht oxgang thair. — Sheriff Court Records.
11 Jul 1584 - The Earl of Huntlie pursues removing against a number of persons from lands of Waterton, inter alios Robert Schand, occupant of ane oxgang there, and James Schand, occupant of third part of lands of Tombain. - Sheriff Court Records.
6 Oct 1584 - John Gordon of Cairnborrow pursuer in a removing, Thomas Schand, John Schand, James Schand, and William Schand and others, from the lands of Polquhyt in the Barony of Culsamond. - Sheriff Court Records.
13 Feb 1587 - Joannes Schand appears among the tenants and occupants of the lands of Corskie and others, within the Barony of Innis and Garmocht and county of Elgin. — Sp. Club, Familie of Innes p149
28 Oct 1594 - Of this date at a Court for Regality of Spynie, held in the Cathedral Kirk of Moray, by John Innes of Leuchars, Baylie Principal thereof, James Stewart in Balormye, was indytit and accusit on his lyff for assaulting the hous of James Schand there, invading Thomas Schand his son, breaking open a chest and taking forth thereof gold, silver, writings and other geir. — Sp. Club Mis., ii 123
27 Jan 1597 - Thomas Schand in Rothes, was one of the jury (fiftenn in number) who convicted William Roy for theft, etc in the Court for the Regality of Spynie. The prisoner was hanged. - Sp. Club Mis., ii 139
20 Dec 1597 - Alexander Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen, was on the jury on the service of Meldrum of Iden (parish of King Edward) — Sheriff Court Records.
27 Dec 1597 - Alexander Schand is one of the jury on the trial of Andrew Man for witchcraft, before the Provost of Aberdeen and other Royla Commissioners. - Sp. Club Mis., ii 123
23 Aug 1602 - The Provost, Baillies, and Council order that as the Bark belonging to Aberdeeen, called the Gift of God, has arrived from Danskine, which is infected with the plague of pestilence, none of the persons aboard, among whom was Thomas Schand, merchant, shall be allowed to land, during the pleasure of the Council. Alexander Schand, father of the said Thomas Schand, became bound to relieve Robert and John Gray, merchand burgessis of the said burgh, who has became surities for the persons aboard the ship in the sum of 3000 merkis, in cace the said Thomas Schand, his son, contravene this present ordinance. — Sp. Club Extracts from Burgh Records of Aberdeen 1570-1625 p229
20 Oct 1602 - David Schand, merchant, and other persons, "all burgessis of this burght," were allowed to leave the Blokhous where they had been in confinement, having arrived from Danskine in the month of September last, "quhilk toun of Danskine is contagiouslie infectit with the plaig of pestilence". — Ibid, p234
12 Nov 1602 - Alexander Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen, sits on Jury to cognosce Mr William Skene an Idiot. — Sheriff Court Records.
12 Nov 1602 - Donald Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen, sits on a Jury to Cognosce claim of Margaret Mackintosh, widow of Alexander Gordon of Abergeldy, to her Terce. — Ibid.
22 May 1603 - David Schand, in Kingswells, is on Jury in a trial for theft before the Sheriff of the County. - Ibid.
31 Jul 1604 - Donald Schand serves on the Jury which tried Robert Guild, son of umquhile William Guild, Armourer in Auld Aberdeen, accused by Alexander Blair, Tailzeour, Burgess of Aberdeen, for the murder of his brother. Sentenced to be beheaded. The court ordained �his head to be taken off and his right hand quilk committed the said slaughter, and big knife put thairthrow, and set on the Tolbuith in example of others in tym to cum quilk was given for doome by the mouth of Patrick Lesly Dempster" — Ibid
18 Jun 1607 - An action of removing pending against George Schand, in Wrangham, parish of Culsamond. - Ibid
29 Nov 1611 - Gilbert Shan, Burgess of Aberdeen, sits upon a Jury. - Ibid
31 Jul 1612 - In a service before the Sheriff the Jury say that "quondam Patricius Schand in Barnhill, pater Andree Schand in Pitblair, latoris presentium obiit etc in tota et integra solari dimidietate ville et terrarum de Scatterie jacent. Infra Parochiam de Kinedwart" (the late Patrick Schand in Barnhill, father of Andrew Schand of Pitblair, the bearer of these presents died (vest and seized) in all and whole the sunny half of the town and lands of Scatterie, in the parish of Kinedwart), held in chief of Sir Alexander Fraser of Fraserbro. Knight in feu farm. — Ibid.
12 Nov 1617 - Decree of removing, the Marquis of Huntlie against many tenants and occupants, among others � Schand in Auchindryan and Alexander Schand at Tilliethrowie (parish of Gartly). — Ibid
30 Jun 1621 - In presence of William Paip, Sheriff Depute, compeard Elspet Mair, spous to William Cruickshank in Glenmelling, and of her ain free motiv and will renunciat, discharget and part frae her conjunct liferent, terce, or nay other richt whatsumever in and to the shadow half toun and lands of Glenmelling (parish of Forgue) to and in favor of Wm. Cruickshank her sone and Elspet Schand, his Spous. — Ibid
3 Sep 1623 - Adam Gordon, of Militoune of Kelly, Cautioner for John Lamb in Boddoms, to Thomas Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen (apparently for Lawburrows, or keeping the peace). Cases of that description are very common in these Records. - Ibid
19 May 1627 - Thomas Shand of Wrangham (parish of Culsamond), was Cautioner for Margaret Laing, relict of Chrystie Mitchell, and Mr John Duncan in Culsamonf, in Lawburrows. — Ibid
21 Dec 1631 - William Schand, sometime in Darrehill of Belhelvie, is a party to a lawsuit. — Ibid
3 Oct 1632 - James Schand is a party to a suit as husband of �. along with Mr Thos Gardyne, Minister of God�s Word at Tarveis, Violet Layng his spouse, and Jas Keith in Bighouse of Tolquhone. — Ibid
1633 - John Udny of Balhelvies declarit that thair was restand to him to him be Patrick Stewart, James Schand, and John Wrquhart (sic), 600 merkis. — Sp. Club Mis. iii 118
1633 - Jeane Straquhan, relict of umquhile Wm. Forbes of Pigerson, declarit that thair was restand to her be Robert Schand and Thos Skein in Balhelvies, 200 merkis. — Ibid iii 99
1633 - Alex. Schand in Creikie (parish of Fyvie) declarit that he had restand to him be Eumond and Alex. Gardens in Logie 1000 merkis. — Ibid iii 77
27 Feb 1634 - George Cruikshand in Flinder and Marie Shand his spouse insist against John Leslie in New Flinder to pay money. - Sheriff Court Records.
Oct 1636 - Among the students who entered King�s College, "Roberto Ogilvie Praeceptore," in this year appears Georgius Shand. — Fasti Aberdonenses 463
27 Nov 1636 - Alexander Irving of Taxsetts pursues a removing against various parties and inter alios William Schand in Littertie. - Sheriff Court Records.
15 Mar 1637 - Action in Court by David Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen, against Alexr. Davidson in Brae of Ballogie for payment of money. - Sheriff Court Records
22 Mar 1637 - William Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen, agst Marjorie Anderson, relict of Wm. Anderson, Burgess of Aberdeen, for payment of money. — Ibid
17 Nov 1637 - Sir Robert Innes against James Schand in Laithers, John Schand in Monilie, Alexr. Schand in Crichie, William Schand in Littertie. To pay money (parish of Kingedward). — Ibid
30 Mar 1638 - Thomas Urquhart in Lambhill against James Schand in Auchry, and Patrick Stuart in Dirlaithers (parish of Turiff) to pay. — Ibid
13 Feb 1639 - Alexander Schand is leesee of Crichie, parish of Fyvie. - Sheriff Court Records
7 Jul 1641 - Andrew Schand in Barnhill of Doun grantit Bond to his brother Wm Schand, Burgess of Banff, for 200 merks. — Genl. Register of Deeds, vol 582
30 Jun 1642 - James Schand in New Seat of Tolquhouse, Tutor of Alexander Johnston in Boghead.
4 Feb 1643 - Patrick Schand, Mercht. Burgess of Aberdeen. . - Sheriff Court Records
1644 - Thair went doun to Banf, the lairdis of Geicht, Newtoun, Ardlogie, with ane partie of fourtie horss and muskitiers, brave gentilmen. Thay took in the toun without contradiction, plunderit arms and money frae various persons, "and frae �. Schand in Doun they plunderit sum monies" — Spalding�s History. This was probably Andrew Schand, Barnhill of Doun, brother to Wm Schand, Burgess of Banff. Doun is now called Macduff, and is quite close to the town of Banff.
(From the Appendix — In the churchyard of Banff (near Hossack�s monument) is a very old tombstone with the inscription in raised characters: - :Here lyes William Schand in Barnehill. Isbel Lame," (Isabella Lamb) — See supra above, 1641 and 1644. These may have been the parents of Wm Shand, Auchmedden, Arbedour. )
24 May 1644 - Robert Schand and certain others, "Parochineris of Rothemay, for ryotous drinking and pro-phanatioun of the Lordis Day by Tulzieing" were ordained by the Presbytery "to satisfie as followes," so far as relates to the said Robert Schand, "for his cariage the said day in drinking and keiping companie with the rest, that ver excessivlie drunk, ordained to satisfie as ane fornicatour" — Spalding Club, Presbytery Book of Strathbogie, p57
16 Apr 1647 - In presens of George Cullen, baillie, the said day iot was verified and provin be the witnessis under wreittin, viz., Alex. Blak, younger and Wm. Blackhall, Burgissis of Aberdeen, that Mr Wm. Blackhall, now in the Universitie of Bromgberrie, within the Dukedom of Spruce, is lauchfull son umquhill Robert Blakhall burgis of Aberdein, and Elspet Schand his spous, procreat betwixt them in the holy band of matrimonie, and is lineally descendit on the father syde of the lairds of Blakhall of that ilk, and of the lairds of Ury Hay; and on the mother syde is lauchfullie descendit of the laird of Pitfoddills Reid and Menzies of Durne. Quhairupon the baillie forsaid ordanit ane testimonail to be drawin up under the Town�s secrit seall, in form as effeirs.
(From the Appendix - William Blackhall in the University of Bromberrie. — See Spalding Club Ed. Of the Trubles, ii, 281; and Sp. Club Miscel, v, 330.)
1 Dec 1647 - Alexr. Schand in Creichie, (Fyvie) — Sheriff Court Records.
13 Nov 1648 - Among the citizens appointed to lay on the assessment for "aucht footmen" to be sent to the army is William Schand, along with Gilbert Hervie, Gilbert Skeyne, Robert Forbes of Rubislaw. — Printed Extracts from Burgh Records, 93
3 Oct 1649 - Alexander Schand, lessee of Ardlogie, (Parish of Fynvie) sues John Scott in Mains of Creichie, John Gray in Crucknaver, etc. — Sheriff Court Records.
26 Jul 1650 - John Anderson, Mill of Buchanston, sues parties, and inter alios John Schand at Boddam. — Ibid
13 Nov 1650 - An order was made by the Presbytery of Strathbogie to search for fugitives from Church Discipline. Inter alios William Grant, suspect to be ane warlocke, fled out of Belly; John Gray fled fom Riven; George Sutherland and Annas Keyth, cohabitantis in adulterie, fled from Duffus; Elspet Shand fled from Germouth, etc, etc — Spalding Club, Presbytery Book of Strathbogie p161
21 Mar 1651 - Wm. Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen, serves on a Jury. — Sheriff Court Records.
13 Aug 1652 - James Schand, Mains of Meldrum, and others are sued for rent by Sir Robt Grahame of Morphie. — Ibid
1652 - J Schand appears in a long list of "Heritors, Wadsetters and other Gentlemen, dwelling near the town of Ellon." Waterton Memoranda, 4to. Aberdeen, 1857. 52.
20 Jul 1653 - William Schand in Williamstoun serves in a Jury. — Sheriff Court Records.
1 Aug 1655 - Alex. Schand in Crichie (parish of Fyvie) sues 8 persons to pay. Records of Sheriff Court
6 Feb 1656 - William Mastir of Gray pursues a number of tenants to remove from the lands of Fyvie and others; inter alios Alex. Schand in Crichie. — Ibid
19 Jun 1657 - Thomas Schand has a Charter of lands of Standingstanes. — Great Seal Register
23 Dec 1657 - Orders given by the Town Council of Aberdeen to Alex. Alexander, Baillie and Wm. Schand, Thesaurer, anent the money collectit for the Turks prisoners. — Extracts from Burgh Records 1643 — 1747; 170.
12 Nov 1658 - David Gray M.D. of Edinburgh, sues Margaret Schand in Birkenhill and John Ross her husband for his interest, to pay money. — Sheriff Court Records
1658 - John Schand of Rotterdam devised in mortmain for support of the Kirk etc, 500 merks. — Kennedy�s Annals of Aberdeen, i. 277. This donation is duly commemorated on the wall of the lobby of the Town Buildings. He was brother to "William Schand, burgis of Aberden." — Mortifications, 1849, p.135.
9 Jan 1659 - Wm. Schande, Burgess of Aberdeen, serves on the jury of Annand of Auchterellon. — Sheriff Court Records.
1659 - Among the students received in King�s College, "sub regimine Georgii Gordon" appears John Shande, Buchanensis. — Fasti Aberd. 476
30 Apr 1663 - "Mr Johannes Schandeus, Aberdonensis," took his degree. — Ubid 519
14 June 1661 - John Gordon of Law insists against James Glenny in Templeland, and other persons in Rhynie, Fulziement, Bray of Essie, Auchlyne, and John Chalmers, Minister of Huntlie; others in the Ord, Duncanstone, Cullisnee etc, and George Schand in Tilliethrowie (Parish of Gartly.)
Anno 1663 - Among the students in King�s College "Patricio Sandilandio praeceptore" appears Jacobus Shand, Aberdonensis. — Fasti Aberdonenses, 480. He took his degree in 1667. — Ibid 522.
In 1663 "Mr Johannes Schandeus, Aberdonensis," took his degree. — Ibid 519
Anno 1664 - Among the students "Sub regimine Magistri Roberti Forbes," appears John Shand. — Ibid 482
5 Sep 1664 - George Shand residing at Craigie, Cauutioner for George Watt to Dr. Wm. Guild of King�s College. — Sheriff Court Records.
In Professor Alex. Middletons "compts. From Januar 1663 to Februar 1666" in "the charge," appears the "Spone (spoon) Silver," Oct 64, from various students, and among them "John Shand." — Fasti Aberd. 607
15 June 1668 - Margaret Schand, daughter of the late Andrew Schand, Portioner of Garmauch, had infeftment of the Lands of Middle Pleugh of Cushnie, in Barony of Auchterless, Parish of Auchterless. — Partie. Regist. Of Sasines, Aberdeen.
4 Nov 1668 - Robert Schand of Gordonsmills on a Jury of Service. — Sheriff of Court Records
11 Jan 1670 - At a Head Court of the Barons and Freeholders of the county Thomas Shand protested that he should only be liable for his own parts of the lands of Dyce and Cordyce. — Sheriff Court Records. Oct. the same year, the same protest. — Ibid
167? - Wm. Forbes of Tombeg against Wm. Shand (of Craig) and his Tutors and Curators. — Ibid.
25 Jan 1671 - Alex. Schand, Indweller in Old Aberdeen, on a Jury of Service. — Ibid.
7 Dec 1672 - Wm. Schand, Treasurer of Aberdeen, infeft in lands in St. Machar. — Partic. Regist. Of Sasines, Aberdeen.
23 July 1673 - Thos. Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen, on a Jury of Service. — Sheriff Court Records
9 June 1675 - Alex. Schand in Meanie on a Jury of Service. — Ibid
22 Oct 1677 - James Shand, Couper, Deacon Convener of the Trades, and in 1678, 1683 and 1686 — Roll Book of Trinity Hall, 8vo. 1874 p.6
2 Nov 1677 - James Shand on a Jury of Service. — Sheriff Court Records.
13 May 1680 - William Schand as heir of deceased Thomas Schand, late Treasurer of Aberdeen, infeft in lands. — Partic. Regist. Of Sasines, Aberdeen.
24 Dec 1680 and 8 April 1681 - William Keith of Lenturke against William Shand (of Craig) and his tutors and curators. — Sheriff Court Records.
3 Mar 1681 - Robert Shand at Bridge of Don on the Jury for striking the Fiars. — Ibid
8 Apr 1681 - Wm. Schand in Murifold infeft in lands of Woodend and Balquholly, Turriff, on Disposition by George Wood of Woodend, and Helen Conn, his spouse. Among the witnesses is Wm. Schand in Barnyards of Delgatie (Parish of Turriff). — Partic. Regist. Of Sasines, Aberdeen
19 Jan 1684 - Wm. Shand, eldst son of Thomas Shand of Crage, Burgess of Aberdeen, is served in general heir of Wm. Shand, Merchant Burgess of the said burgh, his grandfather. — Retours No 6528.
18 Feb 1685 - James Shand, Couper, Burgess of Aberdeen, cautioner for Agnes Shand spos to Alex. Thomson in Bottoms, to Elspet Kempt there. — Sheriff Court Records
4 Apr 1685 - Wm. Shand, son of the deceased Thomas Schand, mercht., Aberdeen, has a Charter of the Lands of Badendath. — Register of Great Seal. The said Thomas subscribes "Tho Shand of Bandach", along with "Noblemen, gentlemen and heritors of the Shyr of Aberdeen" — The Document in Appendix to Dean Walker�s Deans of Guild of Aberdeen, 8vo 1875 (for private circulation)
1685 - (after 9th Dec)Compeard Anna Duncan, relict of Thomas Schand of Craig, now spous to Robert Forbes, Canonist of King�s College of Aberdeen, and ratified and approved the Disposition and Assignation granted by her with consent of her said husband (the rest bland.) — Sheriff Court Records
Aug 1687 - Wm. Schand infeft in lands of Craig and others. — Partic. Regist. Of Sasines, Aberdeen
Oct 1687 - Marjorie and Helen Schand infeft in certain tenements and roods in City of Old Aberdeen. — Ibid. They are described as daughters and nearest coheirs of the late Alex. Shand, Indweller in Old Aberdeen.
13 Jun 1688 - In the list of subscribers for the reparis of King�s College appears Mr John Shand, Minister of Premnay, for Pds 20 Scots. Fasti. Aberf. 557
1 Jun 1691 - Robert Shand appears as tenant of Park, apparently on the lands of the late Robert Gordon of Cluny. - Sheriff Court Records.
5 Oct 1692 - Proceedings in the Curatory of William Schand of Craig, eldest son of the deceased Thomas Schand of Craig, Merchant, Aberdeen, and Anna Duncan his spous, againts John Ross, Merchand in Aberdeen, James Schand, Burgess, William Black, Advocate, Thomas Cushnie, son to Thomas Cushnie, Merchant, nearest of kin on both sides — Curatrix, Anna Duncan, Mother. — Ibid.
16 Mar 1694 - On a Jury of Service, James Schand, Burgess of Aberdeen. — Ibid
5 Oct 1697 - Among the Barons and Freeholders of the county appears Thomas Shand of Craig. — Ibid
22 Oct 1697 - Service of Thomas Schand of Craig to William Schand his brother, per (Juratos) Magistrum Joannem Johnstoun, prespositum Aberdonensen; Dominum Georgeium Sken de Fintra; Joannem Sandilands de Counteswells; Robertsum Cruickshand de Banchorie; Jacobum Reid, Ballivum Aberdonensen, Magistrum Georgium Skene, regentem in Collegio regio Aberdonense; Robertum Cuming, Ballivum Aberdonensem; Walterum Robertson de Davviot; Magistrum Patricium Leith de Craighall, Juniorem, deBanchorie; Joannem Gray, mercatorem, Aberdonensem; Gilbertum Blake, Patricium Divvie, et Joannem Ross, nuper Ballivos, dicti burgi Aberdonensis; Jacobum Rollands, Seniorem et Junioem de Disblair; Joannem Johnston de Newplace et Gulielmum Forbes de Tulloch.
22 Oct 1697 - Thomas Shand of Craig, heir of Wm. Shand of Craig, his brother german, is retoured his heir in the touns and others underwritten, which are parts of the western Shady half, ie, the Wester Shaddow half of the Forestry or Barony of Cordyce; viz. the toun and lands of Bandinach (or Badinach) and Begslies, with the mills, granaries and walkmills of the same; the lands of Damgreen and Tilliriack (or Tillicriach) with the lands of Foot of the Hill, parts and pendicles of the lands of Begueslies; the toun and lands of Craigplayhaugh and Woodland, with the pendicles of the same, called Bagyngoss (or Bojinjoss) with the multures of the whole of the said lands, the astricted multures of all the lands, Forestry or Barony of Cordyce, both sunny and shady half, and specially with the multures of the toun and lands of Corshills, Brighthills, Standingstanes, Shepiehillocks, and Overtoune of Dyce within the parish of Dyce and barony of Johnstone, by annexation; with the privilege to take fuel and foggage from the Western half of the moss of Badimire; New Extent Pds75 taxed ward; the toun and lands of Standingstanes within the siad parish of Dyce, with the tiends; New Extent Pds25 of taxed ward; all erected into the Barony of Crai; Old Extent Pds5, New Extent Pds100 of taxed ward, for the whole; two tenements of land, close, garden and barn, in Old Aberdeen, 18s of feu; two riggs on the eastern part of said tenements and gardens, with the common pasture and fuel, within the bounds of the Marsh of Perwinnies; 20s for each boll of two bolls and two firlots etc of feu. — Retours of Aberdeenshire No 503.
On a large blue marble tombstone on the floor of the East Church, Aberdeen, the old Quire of the parish church of St Nicholas, we read the following inscription; "Here lyes William Schand, Burgess of Abd., who departit this lyf 24 Sep 1660, and Isobel Hovison his spouse, who departit this lyf the 19 Sep 1681; also Thomas Shand of Craige, who departit this lyf the 3 May 1678. Here lyes Janet Shand, spouse to Thomas Burnet, Mert. In Aberdeen, who departit this life the 27 May, 1711, and of her age 62 years. "As also William Shand of Craig, who departit the 18th of June 1697, and of his age 21".
On the stone, below the centre, the amorial bearings of the Shands and Howisons are boldly cut, Per Pale Dexter (Shand), azure, a boar�s head couped argent; on a chief three mullets of the last. Sinister (Howison), Argent, a man�s heart proper; in chief a fleur de luce azure. Round the Shield are the letters W.S, T.S, I.H. The Howisons were an old and leading family in the town. Their burying place was in that part now called the West Church, "where, as you enter from Colison�s Aisle on yr left hand is a stone about half its original size, what remains of the monument to Alex. Howison, who was Dean of Guild, and departit 28th day of April, 1687, and of age 76. The coat of arms shows a heart and a fleur dis lis with initials A.H. Of the motto the letters FIDO alone remain. On the outside of the stone ie round the side near the edges, remains, old Saxon letter, morum fratrum quonda p. qui obit, ii Dec. 1531" _ Logan�s MS, Advocates� Lib., Aberdeen.
8 Nov 1700 - In the Process against the well-known Jas. McPherson and others, for oppression, theft etc Egyptians (Gipsies) at Banff, John Schand in Maislie is a witness. — Sp. Club Mis iii 184.
31 Dec 1700 - Bond: Robert Irvine to Thomas Schand of Craig and Anna Duncan his mother for 1000 merks. — Register of Deeds, Mackenzies Office, 99.
22 Oct 1706 - Bond: Jas Irving to Christian Schand, daughter of deceased Wm. Schand, Merchant, Aberdeen. — Ibid.
12 Mar 1708 - The town of Aberdeen was mustered and put in arms on account of the threatened invasion of the French. Thomas Schand, Merchant, was "Ensigne for the first division of the Green Quarter". Peter Shand, Merchant, lieutenant for part of the "Green Quarter" — Printed Extracts from Burgh Records, 234-5.
1709- William Schand, Merchant in Aberdeen, takes protest against Robert Nicol, Banff — Register of Deeds, Mackenzies Office, 105.
28 Sep 1715 - At the election of the Jacobite Town Council, when Patrick Bannerman was elected Provost, Thomas Schand was chosen Master of Kirk and Bridge Works. — Printed Extracts from Town Records, p352.
26 Oct 1715 - Thomas Schand, Master of Kirk and Bridge Workd, is appointed to require the three Ministers of the Twon who continued to pray for King George, viz, Mr Thomas Blackwell, Mr Colin Campbell, and Mr Francis Melvill, to give obedience to the order of the Magistrates, on Sunday nixt; "otherways the Magistrates will stope them from preaching thereafter within this burgh". — Ibid 356.
4 Nov 1715 - Thomas Schand, Master of Kirk and Bridge Workd, authorised to advance money to pay for three hudred Lochaber axes, for the use of the army under the Earl of Mar, and to pay for expense of transporting a Printing Press to Camp at Perth. — Ibid.
30 Jun 1718 - Mr John Schand, Preacher, who died of this date, was of the same family as Jas. Shand, Couper, in Aberdeen. — Edin. Commissariot Testaments.
29 May 1719 - Among the Clergy and Teachers taking the oath to Government appears the Rev. Mr James Shand, Minister at Kintore, and the Rev. Mr. Alex Shand, Minister at Insch. — Sheriff Court Records
1 Feb 1722 - Thomas Shand is one of the parties to the original deed of St Paul�s Episcopal Chapel, Aberdeen, subscribed of that date. — Analecta Scotia, ii 232 etc
31 Aug 1745 - The Town Council considering that there is an insurrection in the Highlands, and that it is proper that the Town should be put in a posture of defence, resolve that the fencible men should be divided into twelve companies, each company under a Major, a Captain, and an Ensign. Among the twelve Ensigns appears George Shand, Merchant. — Burgh Records.