List of persons qualified to vote at the election of members of the House of Representatives for the Electoral District of Waikato - August 1887.
Also see KIRIKIRIROA RATES BOOKS - 1877-1905.
ABBEY | William | Residential | Waihou | Storekeeper | - |
ABBOTT | John | Freehold | Parnell, Auckland | Moneybroker | Sect 6, Komokarau |
ADAMS | James Arthur | Freehold | Waiuku | Storekeeper | Lot 250 Hamilton East |
ADAMS | John | Residential | Cambridge West | Farmer | - |
ADAMSON | John (Jnr) | Residential | Netherton | Settler | - |
AHIER | Charles | Freehold | Te Aroha | Agent | Lot 34 Hamilton East |
AICKIN | George Gordon | Residential | Cambridge West | Station master | - |
AITKEN | Thomas | Freehold | Thames | Postal clerk | Lt 3,8 Taupiri |
AITKEN | William | Freehold | Auckland | Land agent | Sec 11,45,61,75,80 Kirikiriroa |
ALEXANDER | Robert | Residential | Lichfield | Labourer | - |
ALFORD | Samuel | Freehold | Cambridge West | Commission agent | Lot 104,105 Cambridge town |
ALLAN | Andrew T W | Residential | Waitoa | Stockman | - |
ALLEN | Arthur | Residential | Hamilton | Labourer | - |
ALLEN | George | Residential | Horotiu | Labourer | - |
ALLEN | William Ward | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
ALLRIGHT | George Frederick | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
ALLRIGHT | Henry | Freehold | Auckland | Civil engineer | Lot 26 Tamahere, 250 acres |
ALLRIGHT | Thomas Nicholson | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
ALLWILL | Jared | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lots 27,28,89,91 Hautapu |
ALLWOOD | John | Residential | Waitoa | Butcher | - |
ANDERSON | Abraham | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
ANDERSON | David | Freehold | Walton | Farmer | Sec 5 Richmond estate |
ANDERSON | John Culbertson | Freehold | Auckland | Estate agent | Lot 381 and others Whangamarino |
ANDERTON | Noah | Freehold | Parnell, Auckland | Labourer | Sec 53 Komokorau |
ANGERSTEIN | John B W | Freehold | England | Farmer | Lots 43 to 54 Koharoa |
ANGUS | John Clym | Residential | Cambridge | Draper | - |
ANNETT | James | Residential | Hamilton East | Farm labourer | - |
ANSELL | John | Residential | Cambridge | Painter | - |
ARMER | Henry | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Pt lot 107 Cambridge |
ARMER | John Henry | Residential | Cambridge West | Carpenter | - |
ARMISHAW | Arthur | Residential | Cambridge | Book-keeper | - |
ARMSTRONG | William | Residential | Tamahere | Gardener | - |
ARNABALDI | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Pt Lot 94 Cambridge town |
ARNOLD | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Butcher | Lots 1,2,3,7,8,60,159 Hautapu |
ASHBY | Alfred | Residential | Waotu | Contractor | - |
ASHBY | George | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
ASHBY | James | Residential | Waotu | Bush contractor | - |
ASHLEY | Alfred | Residential | Waotu | Contractor | - |
ATKINSON | John | Freehold | near Hamilton | Farmer | Lot 348 Hamilton East |
ATKINSON | William G | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
BACH | Arthur | Freehold | Cambridge | Hotel keeper | Lot 369 Cambridge |
BACHLEY | Charles Frederic | Residential | Ohinewai | Labourer | - |
BADLEY | James | Freehold | Otahuhu | Farmer | Lot 85 Komokorau |
BADLEY | Robert Dawson | Freehold | Otahuhu | Farmer | Lots 228, 235 Cambridge West |
BAGGOT | James | Freehold | Te Aroha West | Sharebroker | Block 64 Te Aroha West 101 acres |
BAGNALL | Albert Edward | Residential | Turua, Thames | Settler | - |
BAGNALL | George | Residential | Turua, Thames | Settler | - |
BAGNALL | Horatio Nelson | Residential | Turua, Thames | Settler | - |
BAGNALL | Lemuel John | Freehold | Turua, Thames | Sawmill owner | Turua sawmill property |
BAGNALL | Richard Wellington | Residential | Turua, Thames | Settler | - |
BAGNALL | William Henry | Residential | Turua, Thames | Settler | - |
BAILEY | Alexander | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
BAILEY | George | Freehold | Pukekura | Fencer | Lots 245, 248 Cambridge West |
BAILEY | Isaac | Residential | Huntly | Labourer | - |
BAILEY | James | Residential | Fencourt | Gentleman | - |
BAILEY | John Powell | Residential | Huntly | Farmer | - |
BAILEY | William | Residential | Matamata | Labourer | - |
BALDWIN | Samuel | Residential | Cambridge | Engineer | - |
BALLINGER | Thomas W | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
BAMFORD | William | Residential | Waharoa | Baker | - |
BARBER | John | Residential | Morrinsville | Shoemaker | - |
BARCLAY | Adam | Freehold | Kaipara | Farmer | Lot 133 Komokorau |
BARKER | John | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
BARKER | Thomas C | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
BARNETT | Harry | Residential | Waotu | Contractor | - |
BARNETT | William George | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
BARRY | Snowden | Residential | Morrinsville | Hotel keeper | - |
BARTLETT | Henry | Residential | Morrinsville | Groom | - |
BARTLETT | Walter | Freehold | Wintercote, Cambridge | Fencer | Lot 269 Cambridge town |
BARUGH | Joseph | Residential | near Hamilton | Farmer | - |
BARUGH | Joseph Johnston | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Lots 54,55 and others Tamahere |
BARWELL | Charles | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Lot 2 Tamahere estate |
BARWELL | Thomas Herbert | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Lot 3 Tamahere estate |
BASTABLE | James | Freehold | Hamilton | Labourer | Lot 49 Hamilton East |
BATES | Isaac | Freehold | Cambridge | Saddler | Pt lot 587 Cambridge East Lot 177 Cambridge West |
BATES | William | Residential | Matamata | Farmer | - |
BATKIN | John | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
BATTEN | Robert | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
BATTON | Thomas | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
BAXTER | James | Residential | Cambridge | Stockman | - |
BEATON | Niel | Residential | Komokorau | Shipwright | - |
BEDLINGTON | P | Residential | Lichfield | Settler | - |
BEER | Elijah | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lots 19,20,30,31,34 Tamahere |
BEGG | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Blacksmith | Pt lot 110 Cambridge town |
BELL | Alexander | Residential | Huntly | Labourer | - |
BELL | Andrew | Freehold | Grafton Rd, Auckland | Corn factor | Lot 98 Whangamarino |
BELL | Andrew | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | 50 acres Matahura |
BELL | Charles | Freehold | Churchill | Storekeeper | 42ac Taupiri |
BELL | David | Residential | Waikuku | Farmer | - |
BELL | Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Blacksmith | - |
BELL | Isaac Charles Fraser | Freehold | Hautapu | Saddler | Lot 9 Gwynnlands |
BELL | James | Freehold | Wairoa South | Farmer | 1800ac Waitoa |
BELL | John (Jnr) | Freehold | Cambridge West | Sawyer | Lot 529 Cambridge West |
BELL | William Frederick | Residential | Hamilton East | Baker | - |
BELLAMY | Thomas | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
BENNER | Albert | Freehold | Coromandel | Telegraphist | Lot 252, 495 Cambridge |
BENNETT | William | Freehold | Parnell, Auckland | Labourer | Sec 1, 2 BO, Claudelands |
BERN | Joseph | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
BERRENS | John | Freehold | Auckland | Agent | Lot 34 Kirikiriroa |
BEW | John | Residential | Piako | Labourer | - |
BINDON | John F V | Residential | Hamilton East | Teacher | - |
BIRSS | William | Freehold | Kawita | Farmer | Lots 475, 476 Whangamarino |
BISHOP | Richard | Residential | Cambridge | Gardener | - |
BLACKWELL | William Henry | Residential | Cambridge West | Contractor | - |
BLEASDALE | George Henry | Residential | Walton | Settler | - |
BOLTON | Henry | Residential | Ruakura | Platelayer | - |
BOLTON | Patrick | Residential | Morrinsville | Contractor | - |
BOLTON | Thomas | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
BOND | James | Residential | opposite Huntly | Blacksmith | - |
BOND | James | Residential | opposite Huntly | Coal miner | - |
BOND | James Shiner | Freehold | Cambridge | Printer | Pt lot 296, pt 587 Cambridge town |
BOND | Michael | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
BOOTH | Benjamin B | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lot 79, Tamahere 150ac |
BOOTH | Edward | Residential | Woodlands | Farm labourer | - |
BOOTH | George | Residential | Cambridge | Butcher | - |
BORETHER | Joseph (Jnr) | Residential | Cambridge | Settler | - |
BORRIE | John | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
BOSWELL | John | Residential | Huntly | Railway official | - |
BOURNE | William Henry | Residential | Huntly | Draper | - |
BOWEN | Henry | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Fishmonger | - |
BOWLER | Alfred Allan | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
BOWLER | Edward | Residential | Waihou | Settler | - |
BOWLEY | William | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lot 535 Cambridge East |
BOWMAN | William | Freehold | Cambridge West | Settler | Lt 510,511 Cambridge West |
BOX | Charles | Residential | Hamilton East | Carpenter | - |
BOYCE | Charles | Residential | Cambridge | Baker | - |
BOYD | John | Freehold | Auckland | Settler | Lot 2, Waimutoto 39ac |
BRADLEY | John A | Residential | Hamilton East | Agent WSNCo | - |
BREAKELL | William C | Residential | Cambridge | Civil engineer | - |
BREMNER | Alexander | Freehold | Waitoa | Schoolmaster | Pt Lot 3 Waikuku Blk Piako |
BRENNAN | William | Freehold | Cambridge | Constable | Pt Lot 41 Cambridge East |
BRIDGMAN | William | Residential | Fencourt | Shepherd | - |
BRIDLE | James C | Residential | Morrinsville | Carpenter | - |
BRIGHT | Andrew G | Residential | Hamilton East | Hotel keeper | - |
BRIGHT | John | Residential | Cambridge | Gardener | - |
BRINDLE | Croardale | Residential | Cambridge | Baker | - |
BRINDLE | Henry | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lot 543 Cambridge town |
BRINKLEY | Thomas | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
BROCKELSBY | Joseph | Residential | Cambridge | Carter | - |
BROKENSHIRE | Elijah | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
BROOKS | Frank Jeffcoat | Freehold | Cambridge | Bank agent | Pt lot 23, lot 57 Cambridge East |
BROOKS | James | Residential | Matamata | Ploughman | - |
BROPHY | Thomas | Residential | Woodlands | Ploughman | - |
BROWN | Alfred | Residential | Taupiri | Labourer | - |
BROWN | Benjamin | Residential | Walton | Labourer | - |
BROWN | Benjamin | Freehold | Taupiri | Settler | Lot 37, 38 Taupiri |
BROWN | Edward W | Residential | Taotaoroa | Teacher | - |
BROWN | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | pt lot 94 Cambridge |
BROWN | John | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
BROWN | John | Residential | Waotu mill | Contractor | - |
BROWN | Thomas | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lot 29 Tamahere |
BROWN | Thomas | Residential | Fencourt | Gardener | - |
BROWN | Thomas Henry | Freehold | Cambridge | Cabinet maker | Lot 291 Hautapu |
BROWN | William | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lot 64, 65 Tamahere |
BROWNE | John | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lot 37 Hautapu |
BROWNE | John Stewart | Residential | Putaruru | Settler | - |
BROWNE | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
BROWNING | Andrew | Residential | Hamilton East | Baker | - |
BROWNING | Francis Wise | Freehold | Tahuroa | Farmer | 451ac Tahuroa |
BRUCE | Daniel | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
BRUCE | David | Residential | Waotu | Contractor | - |
BRUCE | Donald | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | 160ac Whangamarino |
BRUCE | Thomas (Jnr) | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | 234ac Taotaoroa |
BRUCE | Thomas (Snr) | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | 114ac Taotaoroa |
BRUCE | William J R | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
BRUNN | Charles | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
BRUNSKILL | Charles M | Freehold | Taotaoroa | Farmer | Part Hinuera blk 1375ac |
BRUNSKILL | Henry | Freehold | Taotaoroa | Farmer | 114ac Taotaoroa |
BRUNSKILL | William S | Freehold | Taotaoroa | Farmer | 506ac Taotaoroa |
BRYAN | Luke | Residential | Huntly | Labourer | - |
BRYANT | George | Freehold | Auckland | Gentleman | Lot 471 Cambridge |
BRYANT | William | Residential | Morrinsville | Railway ganger | - |
BUCHANAN | Henry | Residential | Wairangi | Carpenter | - |
BUCHANAN | William | Freehold | North Shore, Auckland | Gentleman | Lot 52 Hautapu |
BUCKLAND | Alfred | Freehold | Newmarket | Auctioneer | Lots 5,6,7 of subdivision blk Okaurei |
BUCKLAND | Harry | Residential | Cambridge | Fruiterer | - |
BUCKLAND | James | Freehold | Mangere | Farmer | Lot 221 Cambridge, 290, 343 Taupiri |
BUCKLAND | William Francis | Freehold | Remuera | Gentleman | 905ac Hinuera No 2 near Cambridge |
BUDDLE | Thomas | Freehold | Auckland | Solicitor | Lot 553 Cambridge West |
BULL | Henry | Freehold | Auckland | Wesleyan minister | Sec 219,631,327 Cambridge East |
BULL | John | Residential | Cambridge | Postmaster | - |
BURBRIDGE | Henry | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
BURDGE | Samuel | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
BURGESS | William Alexander | Residential | Oxford | Settler | - |
BURKE | Edward | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
BURNETT | Frederick | Freehold | Cambridge | Cadet | 596ac Te Pu-o-tu Rawaru |
BURNETT | Herbert | Freehold | Cambridge | Cadet | 596ac Te Pu-o-tu Rawaru |
BURT | Henry | Freehold | Cambridge | Native agent | Pt lot 27 Cambridge town |
BURTON | Charles B | Residential | Lichfield | Settler | - |
BURTON | William | Freehold | Thames | Hotel keeper | Sec 11 Blk 12 Te Aroha West |
BUSHBY | Joseph | Freehold | Maramarua | Farmer | 105ac Maramarua |
BUTLER | James E | Freehold | Hamilton East | Farmer | Lot 17 Kirikiriroa 136ac |
BUTLER | John Wesley | Residential | Cambridge | Ironmonger | - |
BUTLER | Martyn | Residential | Cambridge | Grocer | - |
BUTTLE | Henry | Residential | Piako | Station manager | - |
BYCROFT | John | Freehold | Auckland | Miller | Lot 8 Komokorau |
BYGRAVE | George | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
BYRNE | Patrick | Residential | Whangamarino | Labourer | - |
CADMAN | William | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
CAISLEY | Thomas | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
CALDICUT | Thomas | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
CALLAGHAN | John | Residential | Bruntwood | Farm labourer | - |
CALLIGHAN | Patrick | Residential | Whangamarino | Labourer | - |
CALVERT | John | Residential | Cambridge | Clerk | - |
CAMERON | Alexander | Residential | Cranston | Shepherd | - |
CAMERON | James | Residential | Oxford | Storekeeper | - |
CAMP | Jame Thomas | Freehold | Auckland | Tailor | Lot 373 Cambridge West |
CAMPBELL | Angus | Freehold | Hamilton | Timber merchant | Pt Lot 23 Hamilton East |
CAMPBELL | Duncan | Residential | Taotaoroa | Contractor | - |
CAMPBELL | George | Residential | Cambridge | Platelayer | - |
CAMPBELL | Henry Elmes | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
CAMPBELL | Hugh | Freehold | Auckland | Solicitor | 634ac Whiwhero block |
CAMPBELL | Hugh | Residential | Taotaoroa | Contractor | - |
CAMPBELL | James Palmer | Freehold | Auckland | Solicitor | Lot 92 Cambridge East |
CAMPBELL | John | Freehold | Napier | Clergyman | 391ac Kapara |
CAMPBELL | John | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
CAMPBELL | John Logan | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Lot 79,79a, 83 Taupiri |
CAMPBELL | Philip | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
CAMPBELL | Robert Henry | Residential | Taupiri | Bricklayer | - |
CAPPER | Edward Henry | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
CARDWELL | Samuel | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
CARE | George | Residential | Tamahere | Farm labourer | - |
CARLIN | Lawrence | Residential | Whangamarino | Settler | - |
CARLYON | David | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
CARMICHAEL | William | Residential | Cambridge | Storeman | - |
CARNACHAN | David | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lots 398,400,405,406 Cambridge East |
CARPENTER | Charles Benjamin | Residential | Cambridge | Clerk | - |
CARR | William Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Clerk | - |
CARTER | Frederick John | Residential | Shaftesbury | Labourer | - |
CARTER | Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Contractor | - |
CARTER | William Henry | Residential | Lichfield | Surgeon | - |
CARTER | William Kennedy | Freehold | Cambridge | Coach proprietor | Lots 426, 428 Cambridge |
CARTHY | Christopher | Freehold | Hamilton | Labourer | Lt 119 Hamilton East 38 Kirikiriri |
CASEY | Daniel | Residential | near Cambridge | Farm labourer | - |
CASEY | Martin | Residential | Broadmeadows | Labourer | - |
CASH | Thomas Richard | Freehold | Marton | Solicitor | Lt 460 Cambridge West |
CASSIDY | Thomas | Freehold | Hamilton East | Settler | Lt 54, pt 63, 154,155 Hamilton East |
CAUDWELL | Heber | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
CHALTON | Frank | Residential | Te Kapara | Farmer | - |
CHALTON | George | Residential | Te Kapara | Farmer | - |
CHALTON | Henry | Residential | Te Kapara | Farmer | - |
CHALTON | Samuel | Freehold | Te Kapara | Farmer | 99ac Te Kapara West bank Thames river |
CHALTON | Thomas | Residential | Te Kapara | Farmer | - |
CHAMBERS | Joseph | Residential | Cambridge West | Gardener | - |
CHANDLER | John | Freehold | Mahurangi Heads | Farmer | Lt 76,77 Taupiri |
CHANTALOUP | Francis | Freehold | Tauwhare | Settler | - |
CHAPMAN | Thomas | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lot 332 Cambridge town |
CHEPMELL | William Philip | Residential | Waitoa | Gentleman | - |
CHITTY | Charles | Freehold | Cambridge West | Settler | Lot 69 Cambridge West |
CHITTY | Walter | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 148 Kirikiriroa, 150, 151 Korkorau |
CHOLMONDELEY | Hugh Heber | Freehold | Piako | Farmer | Land at Piako in occupation |
CHRISTIAN | Daniel | Residential | Woodlands | Blacksmith | - |
CHUBB | James | Residential | Cambridge West | Settler | - |
CHUBB | William | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
CHUDLEIGH | Edward Reginald | Freehold | Chatham Islands | Farmer | 3332 ac Orongmairoa |
CHURCHES | Frederick | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 84,85,86 Kirikiriroa |
CLARK | Charles William | Residential | Tauwhare | School teacher | - |
CLARK | George Edward | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 115, 124, 131, 132 Hautapu |
CLARK | Patrick | Residential | Waotu | Contractor | - |
CLARK | Solomon | Residential | Hukunui | Sawyer | - |
CLARKE | Ebenezer | Residential | Komokorau | Mill manager | - |
CLARKE | James | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
CLARKE | John | Freehold | Mauku | Farmer | Lt 189 Cambridge West |
CLARKE | John Phillips | Residential | Woodlands | Farmer | - |
CLARKE | William Hill | Freehold | Huntly | Civil engineer | Sec 1 Subdivision BFO Claudelands |
CLARKIN | Peter | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
CLARKIN | Thomas | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 168 pt180 Kirikiriroa |
CLAUDE | Francis Richard | Freehold | Papatoitoi | Farmer | Lt 215,222 Kirikiriroa |
CLAYTON | Joseph | Residential | Newcastle North | Bricklayer | - |
CLEMENTS | Archibald | Freehold | near Cambridge | Gentleman | Lt 127 and others Cambridge |
CLEMENTS | Henry | Residential | Woodlands | Contractor | - |
CLEMENTS | James | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
CLIFFIN | Edwin | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
CLIFFORD | Henry John | Residential | Morrinsville | Storekeeper | - |
CLIFFORD | William | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
COATE | Charles | Residential | Lichfield | Contractor | - |
COATES | Isaac | Freehold | Hamilton | Farmer | Lt 137,193,197 Kirikiriroa |
COCHRANE | John Archibald | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Coach builder | - |
COCHRANE | Joseph | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
COCKHEAD | David | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
COCKHEAD | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
CODLIN | George | Freehold | Onehunga | Hotel keeper | Lt 328 Hamilton East, 240 Cambridge |
COLLETT | William | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
COLLIE | Adam L | Residential | Waihou | Ploughman | - |
COLLIE | James Laurie | Residential | Woodlands | Ploughman | - |
COLLINS | Alfred | Residential | Rangiriri | Carpenter | - |
COLLINS | Charles | Residential | Waitoa | Contractor | - |
COLLINS | James | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
COLLINS | James | Residential | Wairangi | Labourer | - |
COLLINS | Patrick | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
COLLINS | William | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
COLLINS | William Godfrey | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 215,217 Cambridge East |
COLLWILL | John Pearce | Freehold | Pukerimu | Ploughman | Lt 233 Cambridge West |
COLWALL | John | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
COMBES | Frank H | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Lt 311 Taupiri 50ac |
CONDELL | William | Residential | Waitoa | Platelayer | - |
CONNELLY | Arthur | Residential | Hamilton East | Horse trainer | - |
CONNELLY | Arthur (Jnr) | Residential | Hamilton East | Cabinet maker | - |
CONROY | Patrick | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
COOK | Samuel | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
COOK | Thomas | Residential | Waotu | Contractor | - |
COOK | William | Residential | Lichfield | Engine driver | - |
COOKE | Frederick William | Residential | Cambridge | Bank clerk | - |
COOKSON | Harry | Residential | Oxford | Groom | - |
COOMBES | James | Residential | Hamilton East | Contractor | - |
COOMBES | Samuel George | Residential | Hamilton East | Contractor | - |
COOMBES | Simon | Residential | Rangiriri | Farm servant | - |
COOP | Harold | Residential | Piako Road | Farmer | - |
COOP | Walter | Residential | Piako Road | Farmer | - |
COOPER | Philip | Residential | Cambridge West | Carpenter | - |
COPELAND | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Lt 55 Cambridge |
CORCORAN | James | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
CORCORAN | Patrick | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
CORCORAN | William | Residential | Oxford | Labourer | - |
COSSEY | Thomas | Freehold | Drury | Farmer | Lt 305 Cambridge West |
COULTAS | John | Freehold | Pukekohe | Sharebroker | Lt 11 Whangamarino 10ac |
COWBROUGH | Malcolm | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
COWING | George | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
COWLEY | Robert | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
COWLEY | Walter | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
COWLEY | William | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
COWLING | Samuel | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
COX | Edmund | Residential | Hamilton East | Gardener | - |
COX | Edmund B | Residential | Taupiri | Station manager | - |
COX | Edward Y | Freehold | Shaftesbury | Farmer | 1420ac Waitoa |
COX | Thomas L | Residential | Cambridge | Bootmaker | - |
COXON | Edward W | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
CRACKNELL | James | Residential | Morrinsville | PW Inspector | - |
CRAIG | Charles | Freehold | Cambridge | Tailor | Lt 354 Cambridge |
CRAIG | David | Residential | Cambridge | Tailor | - |
CRANSWICK | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Storeman | - |
CRAVEN | Thomas | Residential | Waitoa | Carpenter | - |
CRAWFORD | John | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
CRAWFORD | John | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
CRAWFORD | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
CRIBB | Charles | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
CRICKETT | Robert | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 44 Hautapu 50ac |
CRICKETT | Samuel | Residential | Cambridge | Porter | - |
CROSBY | John | Freehold | near Hamilton | Farmer | Lt 127,128,149 Kirikiriroa |
CROSBY | Thomas | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
CROUCH | Charles | Freehold | Hautapu | Labourer | Lt 46 Hautapu 50ac |
CUDWORTH | Charles W | Freehold | Cambridge West | Storekeeper | Lts 232,233,250 Hautapu |
CURRIE | Edwin | Freehold | Cambridge | Baker | Pt Lt 61 Cambridge town |
CURRY | John | Residential | Oxford | Cook | - |
CUSHNEY | William Alexander | Residential | Cambridge | Medical practitioner | - |
CUSSEN | Edward | Residential | Cambridge | Brewer | - |
DALEY | Michael | Residential | Hamilton East | Shoemaker | - |
DALY | Edward D H | Residential | Woodside, Hautapu | Apiarist | - |
DARE | Thomas | Residential | Hauraki sawmill | Bushman | - |
DAVEY | Edwin T | Freehold | Claudelands | Storekeeper | Lt 7 BO part BO Claudelands |
DAVIDSON | William | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Sec 126 Komokorau |
DAVIES | Robert | Freehold | Cambridge West | Painter | Lt 251 Cambridge West |
DAVIES | Thomas Woodwall | Freehold | Ngaruawahia | Storekeeper | Sec 1, 4 Lt 99 Newcastle North |
DAVIES | Walter | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
DAVIS | Henry Samuel | Freehold | Hamilton | Settler | Lt 142 Kirikiriroa |
DAVIS | John | Freehold | near Hamilton | Settler | Pt lt 181 Kirikiriroa |
DAVIS | John Brees | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Settler | - |
DAVIS | Richard | Residential | Cambridge | Saddler | - |
DAVIS | Richard | Residential | near Hamilton | Settler | - |
DAVIS | Thomas | Residential | Okete, near Mercer | Farmer | - |
DAVIS | Thomas Silvester | Residential | Hamilton | Platelayer | - |
DAY | Cornelius | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
DAY | Cornelius G S | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
DAY | Harry Stephen | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
DE CENT | Thomas | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
DE THIERRY | George | Freehold | Rangiriri | Carpenter | Lt 4 Rangiriri |
DELANEY | Patrick | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Labourer | Lt 282 Kirikiriroa |
DENTON | Charles | Freehold | Cambridge West | Fencer | Lt 298 Cambridge West |
DEVINE | William | Residential | Tamahere | Settler | - |
DEVITT | John (Jnr) | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
DEVITT | John (Snr) | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
DEVITT | Michael | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
DEVITT | Michael | Residential | Oxford | Stockman | - |
DEW | James Bennett | Residential | Fencourt | Herdsman | - |
DEY | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Storekeeper | - |
DIBBLE | Francis | Residential | Matamata | Farmer | - |
DICKINSON | George | Residential | Cambridge | Stationer | - |
DICKSON | John | Residential | Woodlands | Farm servant | - |
DILLON | Daniel | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lt 195, Cambridge West |
DILLON | Michael | Residential | Cambridge West | Carter | - |
DILWORTH | James | Freehold | Remuera | Gentleman | Lt 7 Maramarua 172, 495 Taupiri |
DIPROSE | Thomas N | Freehold | Tauwhare | Farmer | 226ac pt Eureka Block |
DIVER | Frank | Freehold | Cambridge East | Labourer | Lt 461 Cambridge East |
DIXON | John | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lt 165 Hamilton East |
DODD | Thomas Edward | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
DODD | William | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
DODS | John | Residential | Cambridge | Clerk | - |
DOUGHERTY | James | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
DOUGHERTY | Neal | Freehold | near Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 237, 238 and others near Cambridge |
DOUGLAS | John Andrew | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Farm in his occupation at Tamahere |
DOUGLAS | William Muir | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Farm in his occupation at Tamahere |
DOWNING | John | Residential | Hamilton | Painter | - |
DOYLE | John | Residential | Hamilton | Labourer | - |
DRAYSON | Albert Ernest | Residential | Cambridge | Billiard marker | - |
DRAYTON | Alfred | Residential | Cambridge | Settler | - |
DRINKWATER | Samuel | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
DUFAUR | Edmund T | Freehold | Auckland | Solicitor | Lt 26 town of Rangiriri |
DUNCAN | Charles | Residential | Piako | Carpenter | - |
DUNCAN | John | Residential | Meremere | Farmer | - |
DUNN | Charles | Freehold | Cambridge West | Gardener | Lts 493, 497 Cambridge West |
DUNN | Henry | Freehold | Hamilton | Labourer | Lt 288 Hamilton East |
DUNN | William | Freehold | Coal Mines | Farmer | Lt 306 Taupiri 41ac |
DWYER | John | Residential | Cambridge | Groom | - |
DWYER | John | Residential | Fencourt | Waggoner | - |
DYER | Robert William | Residential | Cambridge | Solicitor | - |
DYKES | James | Residential | Cambridge | Teamster | - |
EARL | William | Freehold | Oronga | Farmer | Lts 103, 112, 200 Otanga block |
EARLE | Percival R | Residential | Lichfield | Surveyor | - |
EDE | William | Residential | Woodlands | Settler | - |
EDGECUMBE | Francis H | Freehold | Ngaruawahia | Surveyor | Lts 193,112,200 NS Newcastle |
EDGECUMBE | John Sloper | Freehold | Hamilton | Agent | Lt 7 Taupiri 50 ac |
EDMONDS | George | Residential | Claudelands | Farmer | - |
EDMUNDS | George | Freehold | Thames | Settler | Lt 29 Taupiri |
EDNEY | James | Residential | Taupiri | Farmer | - |
EDSON | John | Freehold | Grey St, Auckland | Chemist | Lts 237-239, 277-280 Hautapu |
EDWARDS | Arthur | Residential | Tamahere | School teacher | - |
EDWARDS | Charles Burge | Residential | Waihou | Farmer | - |
EDWARDS | Charles Burge (Jnr) | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
EDWARDS | James Thomas | Freehold | Ohaupo | Storekeeper | Lt 16 Whangamarino 50ac |
EHRENFRIED | Louis | Freehold | Shortland | Brewer | Lt 322 Taupiri 50ac |
ELLIOTT | Robert | Freehold | Taranaki | Constable, AC | Lt 92 Cambridge West |
ELLIS | George C | Freehold | Taotaoroa | Farmer | 910ac Taotaoroa |
ELLIS | John | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
ELLSTON | Thomas W | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
ENGLAND | Richard | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 250 Cambridge |
ENGLISH | James | Residential | Rangiriri | Carpenter | - |
EVANS | Thomas | Freehold | Hamilton East | Carpenter | Lt 125 Hamilton East |
EVANS | William | Residential | Cambridge | Clergyman | - |
EWEN | Chapman | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
EWEN | Charles | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | 300ac Tamahere |
EWEN | Lewis Benjamin | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
EXETER | William | Residential | Morrinsville | Platelayer | - |
EXTER | William | Residential | Meremere | Platelayer | - |
FALLON | Daniel | Freehold | Putaruru | Railway contractor | Land and house Oxford |
FALVEY | John | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
FARMER | James | Residential | Te Aroha West | Miner | - |
FARQUHAR | Thomas Wyllie | Residential | Taupiri | Saddler | - |
FARRELL | Michael | Residential | Matamata | Platelayer | - |
FARROW | Edward | Residential | Waihou | Shepherd | - |
FAULDER | Thomas | Freehold | Auckland | Contractor | Lt 102 Cambridge West |
FAWCETT | Robert | Residential | The Pah, Cambridge | Overseer | - |
FEEHAN | Malachi | Residential | Cambridge | Groom | - |
FENTON | William Henry | Freehold | Auckland | Hat manufacturer | Lt 507 Cambridge West |
FERGUSON | Hugh | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lts 35,38,45 near Cambridge |
FERGUSON | John | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
FERGUSSON | John Campbell | Freehold | Hastings | Settler | Lt 396 Cambridge West |
FERRIER | James | Residential | Komokorau | Gardener | - |
FERRIS | Isaac | Residential | opposite Churchill | Labourer | - |
FINDLAY | John | Residential | Maramarua | Labourer | - |
FINDLEY | Robert | Freehold | Maramarua | Farmer | 111ac Maramarua |
FINDLEY | William | Freehold | Maramarua | Farmer | Lts 68,70,71,72 Pukurokoro |
FINLAYSON | Thomas | Freehold | Auckland | Traveller | Lt prt 24 Hamilton East 619,622 Cambridge |
FINNERTY | James | Freehold | Auckland | Constable | Lt prt 403 Cambridge |
FINNERTY | John | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
FINNERTY | Joseph | Freehold | Panmure | Cattle dealer | Lt 118 Cambridge West |
FINNIS | John | Residential | Tamahere | Cook | - |
FIRTH | Josiah Clifton | Freehold | Mount Eden | Farmer | Land at Matamata in his occupation |
FIRTH | William Thornton | Residential | Matamata | Station manager | - |
FISHER | Thomas | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
FITZGERALD | Hugh Robert | Freehold | Taupiri | Labourer | Lt 286 Cambridge West |
FITZGERALD | John A | Residential | Cambridge West | Settler | - |
FITZPATRICK | Edmund | Freehold | Ngaruawahia | Farmer | Sec 11 Taupiri |
FLEMING | Charles Colville | Freehold | Onehunga | Merchant | Lt 279 Hamilton East |
FLETCHER | Henry Thomas | Residential | near Cambridge | Farmer | - |
FLETCHER | Samuel | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lt 553 Cambridge West |
FLOYD | George | Residential | Lichfield | Farmer | - |
FOGARTY | Patrick | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 301 Cambridge West |
FOGARTY | William | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
FORBES | John Watson | Freehold | Kawhia | Constable AC | Pt lt 41 Cambridge |
FORREST | Archibald J | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
FORREST | Arthur Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
FORREST | Frederick | Freehold | Epsom | Gardener | Pt lt 272 Kirikiriroa |
FORREST | James | Freehold | near Cambridge | Farmer | Lts 11,12,12a,13,39,40 Hautapu |
FOSTER | Joshua | Freehold | Wellington | Sergeant AC Force | Lt 58 Hamilton East |
FOX | Anselem J | Residential | Hamilton East | Clergyman | - |
FRADGLEY | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Clerk | - |
FRANKLIN | John | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lts 66,67 pt141 Hamilton East |
FRASER | John | Residential | Woodlands | Waggoner | - |
FREAR | Joseph | Freehold | Hamilton West | Carpenter | Lts 67,125,128 Komokarau |
FREEMAN | Thomas | Residential | Lichfield | Carrier | - |
FRENCH | George | Residential | Hamilton East | Storekeeper | - |
FRETWELL | Albert Charles | Freehold | Cambridge | Blacksmith | Pt lt 93 pt 162 Cambridge |
FRIAR | Matthew | Freehold | Huntly | Storekeeper | Lt 132 Huntly |
FRISSELL | James | Residential | Waitoa | Contractor | - |
FRODSHAM | Calvert | Residential | Hautapu | Labourer | - |
FROST | Thomas | Residential | Fencourt | Waggoner | - |
FRY | Leonard | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
FURZE | Arthur | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
GABOLINCY | Albert | Residential | Waihou | Hotel keeper | - |
GALL | Adam | Residential | Huntly | Engineer | - |
GALL | James (Jnr) | Residential | Komokorau | Engineer | - |
GANE | Joseph | Freehold | Pukerimu | Farmer | Lts 62,65 Cambridge |
GANT | Harry | Residential | Piako | Farm labourer | - |
GARDINER | David | Freehold | Hamilton East | Saddler | Lots 401, 440 Hamilton East |
GARDINER | Singleton | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
GARLAND | Benjamin | Residential | Cambridge West | Butcher | - |
GARLAND | John | Freehold | Awitu | Storekeeper | Lot 13a Kirikiriroa |
GARLAND | Owen | Residential | Cambridge West | Dairyman | - |
GARLICK | Charles | Residential | Newstead | Butcher | - |
GAUDIN | Frederick | Residential | Hamilton East | Accountant | - |
GEAKE | William H | Residential | Taupiri | Farm labourer | - |
GEANY | Michael | Residential | Matamata | Contractor | - |
GELLING | James Mansfield | Freehold | Hamilton | Clerk | 3ac Claudelands 2BF |
GEMMELL | Thomas | Freehold | Cambridge | Blacksmith | Pt lot 380 Cambridge |
GEORGE | Frederick Nelson | Freehold | Auckland | Gentleman | Lot 572 Cambridge |
GERRAND | James | Freehold | Rangiriri | Storekeeper | Lts 239, 241 Rangiriri |
GERRING | Robert B | Residential | Cambridge | Native interpreter | - |
GERRISH | Samuel | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
GIBB | Henry | Freehold | Rangiriri | Farmer | Lt 311 Whangamarino |
GIBB | Robert (Jnr) | Freehold | Rangiriri | Farmer | Lt 208 Whangamarino |
GILES | George | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lt 192,193,556,557 Cambridge West |
GILFOYLE | John | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
GILL | Michael | Residential | Tamahere | Labourer | - |
GILLETT | Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Hotel keeper | - |
GILLETT | Richard | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 190,191,192,195 Kirikiriroa |
GILLEY | William | Residential | Komokorau | Blacksmith | - |
GILLIES | Hugh | Residential | Morrinsville | Platelayer | - |
GILLIES | Robert | Freehold | Dunedin | Solicitor | Lts 135,136 Komokorau |
GILLIES | Samuel | Residential | Morrinsville | Platelayer | - |
GIVEN | George | Freehold | Waitoa | Farmer | Farm in his occupation at Waitoa |
GLADDING | Henry | Freehold | Papakura | Settler | Lt 16 Komokorau |
GLASSFORD | Clement C W G | Residential | Walton | Settler | - |
GLASSFORD | Henry Gordon | Residential | Walton | Farmer | - |
GOLDER | James | Residential | Cambridge | Watchmaker | - |
GOLDSMITH | Frederick William | Residential | Cambridge | Horse trainer | - |
GOODFELLOW | John | Residential | Cambridge | Storekeeper | - |
GOODSON | Thomas | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
GOODWIN | David | Residential | Hora Hora near Oxford | Station overseer | - |
GOODWIN | William | Residential | Lichfield | Shepherd | - |
GORDON | Donald | Residential | Lichfield | Butcher | - |
GORDON | James | Residential | Woodlands | Stockman | - |
GORDON | John | Residential | Woodlands | Station manager | - |
GORMAN | James | Residential | Woodlands | Farm labourer | - |
GOULD | Charles | Freehold | Waitoa | Farmer | Tekaiha estate, Waitoa |
GRACE | William Henry | Freehold | Kihikihi | Native interpreter | Lts 139,143 Hamilton East |
GRADY | Daniel | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
GRAHAM | James William | Residential | Cambridge | Clerk | - |
GRAHAM | John Hawkins | Freehold | Churchill | Storekeeper | Lt 3 Rangiriri |
GRAHAM | John Henry | Freehold | Whangamarino | Farmer | 236ac Whangamarino |
GRAHAM | John James | Residential | Cambridge | Waggoner | - |
GRAHAM | Samuel Sargeant | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Farm in his occupation at Tamahere |
GRAHAM | William Australia | Freehold | Hamilton | Farmer | Lt 1,2,3,4, Tamahere |
GRANT | George Lindsay | Residential | Waitoa | Station manager | - |
GRANT | Thomas | Freehold | Cambridge | Bushman | Lt 247 Cambridge town |
GRAY | Ernest Charles | Freehold | Canterbury | Settler | Lts 229,230 and others Komokorau |
GRAYTON | Arthur W | Residential | Cambridge | Cook | - |
GREEN | William | Residential | Morrinsville | Teacher | - |
GREENWOOD | Daniel | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lt 47,61 Hautapu |
GREGORY | Matthew | Residential | Meremere | Farmer | - |
GREY | Edward H | Residential | Mangatapu | Farmer | - |
GRIBBLE | William | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
GRIFFITHS | Griffith Owen | Residential | Cambridge | Baptist minister | - |
GRIGSBY | George | Residential | Tauwhare | Labourer | - |
GUBBINS | Arthur Winthorp | Freehold | Piako | Farmer | 1730ac Kiwitahi |
GUNTHORP | John | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
GWYNNETH | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Civil engineer | Lt N, 2F Waotu North 300ac |
HACKETT | James | Freehold | Taupiri | Labourer | Lt 63 Taupiri |
HADDEN | Andrew | Residential | Taupiri | Labourer | - |
HADDEN | Louis James | Freehold | Taupiri | Farmer | Lt 373 Taupiri 50ac |
HALCROW | Malcolm | Residential | Hautapu | Settler | - |
HALL | Charles | Residential | Hamilton East | Blacksmith | - |
HALL | George | Residential | Hautapu | Labourer | - |
HALL | Henry Joseph | Freehold | Christchurch | Farmer | Sec 18 Kirikiriroa |
HALL | Jeffrey | Freehold | Taupiri | Farmer | Lt 208 Komokorau, 350 Cambridge |
HALL | Samuel | Freehold | Hautapu | Settler | Lt 32 Hautapu |
HALL | Thomas | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lt 227 Cambridge West |
HALL | William Henry | Residential | Oxford | Ploughman | - |
HALLORAN | Frank | Residential | Woodlands | Ploughman | - |
HALLY | George Jacque | Freehold | Cambridge | Brewer | 351ac Taotaoroa lt 373 Cambridge |
HALLY | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Law student | Lt 390 prt 389 Cambridge |
HALLY | John McRobbie | Freehold | Cambridge | Miller | Lt pt 50, 51 Cambridge |
HALPIN | Andrew | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
HALPIN | James | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
HAM | John Thomas | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
HAM | Philip | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
HAMBLYN | George | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 515 Cambridge East |
HAMILTON | James | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Lts 55,128,129 Hautapu |
HAMMOND | David | Residential | Hamilton East | Painter | - |
HAMMOND | Frederick H | Residential | Hamilton East | Baker | - |
HAMMOND | Thomas C | Residential | Hamilton East | Accountant | - |
HAMPTON | Thomas | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
HANCOX | Walter | Residential | Lichfield | Settler | - |
HANDYSIDE | Alexander F | Residential | Lichfield | Assistant surveyor | - |
HANKS | John | Residential | Waihou | Contractor | - |
HANLIN | Michael | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lt 2 Bellairs survey near Cambridge |
HANMER | Edward W | Residential | Te Aroha West | Agent | - |
HANNON | John | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
HANNON | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
HANSFORD | William Barton | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
HARRAY | William | Residential | Lichfield | Butcher | - |
HARRIS | James Bassiere | Residential | Huntly | Butcher | - |
HARRIS | Lewis Bassiere | Residential | Huntly | Farmer | - |
HARRIS | Lewis Bassiere (Jnr) | Residential | Huntly | Barman | - |
HARRIS | Thomas | Residential | Matamata | Blacksmith | - |
HARRIS | William | Residential | Huntly | Engineer | - |
HARRIS | William James | Residential | Oxford | Waggoner | - |
HARRISON | Joseph | Residential | Cambridge | Plumber | - |
HARRISON | Mark | Residential | Morrinsville | Station manager | - |
HARRISON | Samuel | Residential | Lichfield | Stationmaster | - |
HART | George | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
HARTLEY | Frank | Residential | Cambridge | Law clerk | - |
HARTLEY | Henry | Residential | Huntly | Engineer | - |
HARTLEY | Joshua | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
HARTLEY | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Reporter | - |
HARTNETT | Timothy | Residential | Mangawhara | Platelayer | - |
HASTIE | David | Residential | Hukanui | Farmer | - |
HASTIE | James | Freehold | Hukanui | Farmer | Lt 145 Hukanui |
HAVILL | George | Residential | Newcastle North | Carpenter | - |
HAWKINS | Henry J | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
HAWSON | George Coultman | Residential | Whangamarino | Farmer | - |
HAY | James Baird | Freehold | Papakura | Farmer | Lts 42,43, Rawhiti, Rangiriri |
HAY | William Macgregor | Freehold | Hamilton | Solicitor | 190ac Kiwitahi No 3 Waitoa |
HAYES | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Carpenter | - |
HAYTON | Robert | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 116 Hautapu 50ac |
HEAD | Michael | Residential | Rangiriri | Platelayer | - |
HEALE | Theophilus | Freehold | Great Barrier | Surveyor | Lt 305 Piako, 222 Komokorau |
HEANEY | Alexander | Freehold | Lichfield | Hotel keeper | Lts pt 27, 496-498 Cambridge |
HEANEY | William | Residential | Matamata | Farmer | - |
HEASLIP | Robert H | Residential | Cambridge | Carter | - |
HEATH | Edward John | Residential | Middle Park, Cambridge | Ploughman | - |
HEATH | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Stockman | - |
HEATH | William | Residential | Middle Park, Cambridge | Ploughman | - |
HEDGCOCK | Edwin T | Residential | Cambridge | Cabinet maker | - |
HEMMING | William | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
HENDERSON | David | Freehold | Komokorau | Carpenter | Pt lt 99 NS Newcastle |
HENRY | David | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 182 Kirikiriroa |
HENRY | James | Freehold | Rahuipokeko | Farmer | Lt 51 Rahuipokeko 50ac |
HENRY | Robert | Freehold | Hamilton | Farmer | Lt 166 Kirikiriroa |
HENSON | George | Freehold | Cambridge | Gardener | Lt 342,343, 590 Cambridge East |
HERTNAN | Dennis | Freehold | Rangiriri | Labourer | Lt 106 Rangiriri |
HESKETH | Edwin | Freehold | Epsom | Solicitor | Lt 55 Oxford |
HEWITT | Edward | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lts 115-117 pt lt 372 Cambridge |
HICKEY | Dennis | Residential | Cambridge East | Labourer | - |
HICKEY | William | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lts 409,448 Cambridge West |
HICKS | James | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lt 257 Cambridge West |
HICKSON | Richard J | Residential | Lichfield | Settler | - |
HIGDEN | John | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
HIGGINS | Samuel | Residential | Matamata | Farm hand | - |
HILL | Alfred Septimus | Residential | Cambridge | Accountant | - |
HILL | Andrew James | Residential | Rangiriri | Ploughman | - |
HILL | Frederick Eldon | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
HILL | George | Residential | Huntly | Farmer | - |
HILL | George | Residential | Matahura | Farmer | - |
HILL | George (Jnr) | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
HILL | John | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
HILL | John | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
HILL | Jonathan | Residential | Cambridge West | Carrier | - |
HILL | Josiah | Freehold | Cambridge West | Gardener | Lt 353,354 and others Cambridge West |
HILL | William | Residential | Taumangi | Platelayer | - |
HINES | Robert | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
HINTON | Charles | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
HINTON | Henry (Snr) | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 250 Kirikiriroa |
HINTON | Jasper | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
HINTON | Jesse | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
HINTON | Job | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
HINTON | Thomas | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
HITCHMAN | Charles | Residential | Cambridge | Stock driver | - |
HJORTH | William | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
HOBBS | Arthur E | Residential | Cambridge | Apiarist | - |
HOCKEN | Hugh | Residential | Newstead | Labourer | - |
HOCKEN | Hugh Bawden | Residential | Newstead | Stockman | - |
HODGSON | John Henry | Residential | Meremere | Settler | - |
HODGSON | William | Residential | Waitoa | Station hand | - |
HOGAN | William | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Lts 25,28 Cambridge West |
HOGAN | William | Residential | Taupiri | Platelayer | - |
HOLDEN | George | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
HOLDEN | Isaac | Residential | Waitoa | Plumber | - |
HOLDEN | William | Residential | Waitoa | Engineer | - |
HOLLOWAY | George | Residential | Waotu | Baker | - |
HOLT | John | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Labourer | - |
HOLTBY | William | Residential | Waihou | Settler | - |
HOLTPER | William | Residential | Waihou | Station hand | - |
HONEYBUN | James | Freehold | near Hamilton | Farmer | Pt lt 304 Kirikiriroa |
HONEYBUN | William | Residential | Woodlands | Farm labourer | - |
HOOPER | Henry Lewis | Residential | Hamilton East | Printer | - |
HOOTEN | John | Freehold | Auckland | Silk importer | Pt owner lts 103,104 Whangamarino |
HOOTON | William | Freehold | Rangiriri | Farmer | Lts 191, 224-226 Whangamarino |
HOPE | Adam | Residential | Ruakura | Platelayer | - |
HOPE | Joseph | Residential | Ruakura | Platelayer | - |
HOPKINS | Isaac | Residential | Matamata | Apiarist | - |
HORNE | James | Freehold | Tauranga | Merchant | Lt 229 Cambridge West |
HORRELL | Frederick George | Residential | Morrinsville | Farm assistant | - |
HORRELL | John | Freehold | Morrinsville | Farmer | 3312 ac Te Mimi |
HOSKING | John Treglown | Residential | Tapapa | Schoolmaster | - |
HOUGHTON | Frederick | Freehold | Cambridge | Storekeeper | Lts 131-134 Cambridge East |
HOUGHTON | John (Jnr) | Freehold | Cambridge | Storekeeper | Lts 141, 347,547 Cambridge East |
HOUGHTON | John (Snr) | Freehold | Cambridge | Storekeeper | Lts 374,375 Cambridge East |
HOUGHTON | Robert Wallis | Freehold | Cambridge | Storekeeper | Lts 128 Cambridge East |
HUBBARD | Frank | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
HUGHES | Alfred George | Freehold | Auckland | Chemist | Lt 530 Cambridge |
HUGHES | John | Residential | Cambridge West | Farmer | - |
HUGHES | Thomas | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
HULL | Albert B | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
HUME | James | Freehold | Hamilton | Banker | Lt 458 Cambridge, 83 Kirikiriroa |
HUNT | Edward William | Residential | Taupiri | Storekeeper | - |
HUNT | Frederick | Freehold | Hamilton | Printer | Lt pt 288 Kirikiriroa |
HUNT | John | Freehold | Richmond | Farmer | 854ac Te Pue O Tu Rawari |
HUNT | John | Residential | Piako | Farm labourer | - |
HUNT | Nicholas Irwin | Residential | Gorton | Farmer | - |
HUNT | Thomas Joseph | Freehold | Hukanui | Farmer | Lts 142-144 Komokorau |
HUNTER | Charles | Residential | Cambridge | Auctioneer | - |
HUNTER | Peter | Residential | Miranda | Settler | - |
HUNTER | William | Freehold | Ohaupo | Auctioneer | Pt lt 411 Camridge town |
HUTCHINGS | John | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lt 215, 217 Hautapu |
HUTCHINGS | William A | Residential | Lichfield | Settler | - |
HUTCHINSON | David | Residential | Turua, Thames | Bushman | - |
HUTCHINSON | Robert | Freehold | Thames | Miner | Lt 280 Cambridge town |
HUTT | James | Freehold | Komokorau | Labourer | Lt 175,176 NS Newcastle |
HUTT | William James | Residential | Newcastle North | Shopman | - |
HUVALL | Harry Whitaker | Residential | Morrinsville | Butcher | - |
HYATT | H Rushton | Residential | Cambridge West | Teacher | - |
HYATT | Henry | Residential | Cambridge West | Settler | - |
INGLIS | James | Residential | Rangiriri | Carpenter | - |
INNES | Charles R | Residential | Waotu | Carter | - |
INNES | James | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
IRWIN | Foster | Residential | Waitoa | Shepherd | - |
JACKSON | George | Freehold | Taupiri | Labourer | Pt sec 209 Komokorau |
JACKSON | Howard | Residential | Lichfield | Surveyor | - |
JACKSON | James | Residential | Te Aroha West | Labourer | - |
JACKSON | James (Jnr) | Residential | Te Aroha West | Labourer | - |
JACKSON | John Joseph | Residential | Te Aroha West | Labourer | - |
JACKSON | Samuel | Freehold | Auckland | Solicitor | Lt 193 Komokorau, 371 Cambridge West |
JAGGER | Samuel | Freehold | Newmarket | Brewer | Lts 129-132, 144-147 Kirikiriroa |
JAKEMAN | David | Residential | Huntly | Platelayer | - |
JAMES | Joseph | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
JAMES | Robert | Residential | Komokorau | Farmer | - |
JAMIESON | Michael | Residential | Turua, Thames | Bushman | - |
JARRETT | Charles | Residential | Cambridge West | Carpenter | - |
JARRETT | John | Residential | Cambridge West | Carpenter | - |
JARRETT | John (Snr) | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lt 311-314 Cambridge West |
JARRETT | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
JEFFRIES | John | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
JENKINS | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Clerk | - |
JENKINS | Thomas | Residential | Motumaoho | Sheep farmer | - |
JOHNS | Daniel | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
JOHNS | David | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lts 464-465 Cambridge West |
JOHNS | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge West | Farm servant | - |
JOHNSON | Andrew | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
JOHNSON | Edwin | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Pt lt 70 Hamilton East |
JOHNSON | Francis John | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | Lts 73,73a,166,170 Wairangi |
JOHNSON | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Pt lt 93 Cambridge |
JOHNSON | John Hill | Residential | Cambridge | Clerk | - |
JOHNSON | Neil | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
JOHNSON | Robert | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
JOHNSON | Robert | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
JOHNSON | Thomas | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
JOHNSON | Walter Peter | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
JOHNSTON | Samuel | Residential | Matamata | Contractor | - |
JOHNSTONE | Robert | Residential | Matamata | Labourer | - |
JOHNSTONE | William | Freehold | Raglan | Farmer | Lts 91,92 Kirikiriroa |
JONES | George | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lt 100 Cambridge |
JONES | Isaac | Freehold | Huntly | Labourer | Lt 58 Taupiri |
JONES | John | Residential | Annandale | Blacksmith | - |
JONES | Thomas | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lt 333,335,336 Cambridge West |
JONES | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge West | Settler | - |
JOY | Samuel | Residential | Taupiri | Carpenter | - |
JOYCE | William | Freehold | Tauranga | Constable | Lt 132 Cambridge West |
KALLENDER | Henry James | Residential | Fencourt | Gentleman | - |
KAREIAMA | Tawhera | Ratepayer | Matamata | - | |
KARL | Charles | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
KEAT | Leonard Ivey | Residential | Cambridge | Engine driver | - |
KEELEY | Giles | Freehold | Cambridge West | Farmer | Lts 240,339 Cambridge West |
KEELEY | James | Freehold | Cambridge West | Farmer | Lts 325,320,321 Cambridge West |
KEELEY | Joseph | Freehold | Cambridge West | Farmer | Lts 323, 325,326 Cambridge West |
KEELEY | William | Residential | Lichfield | Coach driver | - |
KEELEY | William F | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
KEEP | Thomas | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lt 262 Hamilton East |
KEESING | Ralph | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Pt lt 533 Cambridge East |
KELAHER | Matthew | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
KELEGHER | Patrick | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
KELLY | Archibald Oswald | Residential | Hamilton East | Cabinet maker | - |
KELLY | George | Residential | Hautapu | Platelayer | - |
KELLY | Hugh | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
KELLY | Thomas Henry | Residential | Hukanui | Labourer | - |
KELLY | William Henry | Freehold | Hamilton East | Carter | Lt 44 Hamilton East |
KENNEDY | John | Residential | Waotu | Bullock driver | - |
KENNEDY | Thomas | Residential | Matamata | Apiarist | - |
KENNY | John | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 35-41 Kirikiriroa |
KENSINGTON | Norreys Denham | Residential | Rangiriri | Chief nurseryman | - |
KERR | Henry | Freehold | Cambridge | Coach driver | Pt lt 312 Cambridge |
KERR | Robert | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lt 137 Cambridge |
KERSHAW | Amos | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
KIELEY | Maurice | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
KILGOUR | George | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
KINCAID | William | Freehold | Cambridge | Draper | Pt Lt 61 with dwelling, Cambridge |
KING | Horace S W | Residential | Taupiri | Farmer | - |
KINGDON | James (Jnr) | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
KINGDON | James (Snr) | Freehold | Cambridge West | Blacksmith | Lts 220,225,357 Cambridge West |
KINGDON | Jonathan | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lts 136,138 Cambridge West |
KIRKWOOD | John | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Lts 147-153 Cambridge, 559 Cambridge West |
KIRKWOOD | Robert | Residential | Cambridge | Settler | - |
KISSLING | George Schwartze | Freehold | Parnell, Auckland | Banker | Lt 235 Whangamarino |
KITE | Samuel | Residential | Fencourt | Labourer | - |
KITE | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Porter | - |
KNIGHT | William | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
KNOTT | Frederick | Residential | Morrinsville | Farmer | - |
KNOX | John | Freehold | Hamilton | Auctioneer | 5ac Tauwhare |
KOHLEIS | John George (Jnr) | Residential | Oxford | Stockman | - |
KRIPPNER | Rudolph | Residential | Hamilton East | Draper | - |
KRULL | Frederick A | Freehold | Wellington | Merchant | Sec 95 Taupiri |
LAIDLAW | George Anderson | Residential | Huntly | Storekeeper | - |
LAING | Hugh | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lts 123, 123a Bellairs Survey, Cambridge |
LAIRD | William | Freehold | Auckland | Engineer | Lts 246,266 Cambridge |
LAKE | Charles | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 488 Cambridge |
LAMB | George | Residential | Cambridge | Engineer | - |
LAMB | Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Ploughman | - |
LAMB | John Alexander | Freehold | Ngaruawahia | Butcher | Lt 127 Huntly |
LAMB | Joseph R | Freehold | Cambridge | Engineer | Pt Lt 97 Cambridge |
LAMB | Robert | Freehold | Auckland | Miller | Pt lt 24 Hamilton East |
LAMB | Thomas | Freehold | Te Aroha | Miner | Lt 542 Cambridge town |
LAND | Richard | Freehold | Hamilton East | Settler | Lt 2 Kirikiriroa |
LANEY | James | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
LARKINS | William | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
LARNEY | Nicholas A | Residential | Waitoa | Shepherd | - |
LATIMER | John | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
LAURIE | William Swinter | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Lt 91-94 Komokorau |
LAVERS | George H | Freehold | Auckland | Seedsman | Lts 194-199 NS Newcastle |
LAVERY | James | Freehold | near Ohinemuri | Builder | Land at Kaingatukuku |
LAWLOR | William | Residential | Taupiri | Labourer | - |
LAWSON | Edwin | Residential | Cambridge | Groom | - |
LAWSON | Samuel | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
LAWSON | William Batty | Residential | Rangiriri | Cattle dealer | - |
LE QUESNE | Charles Newton | Residential | Hamilton East | Clerk | - |
LE QUESNE | Philip | Freehold | Hamilton East | Storekeeper | Lt 37 and others, Hamilton East |
LEANING | George | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Pt lt 478 Cambridge |
LEES | Denis | Residential | Hamilton East | Ranger | - |
LEES | Thomas | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lts 133-138 Hamilton East |
LENNOX | James M | Freehold | Auckland | Land agent | Lts 188, 245 Kirikiriroa 391 Taupiri |
LEVIS | Richard | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 270,271 Kirikiriroa |
LEWIS | Thomas Bernard | Residential | Cambridge | Auctioneer | - |
LINDSAY | James | Freehold | Ngaruawahia | Settler | Lts 93, 146-150 NS, Newcastle |
LINDSAY | Robert | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
LINDSAY | William | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
LINNETT | James | Residential | Komokorau | Railway porter | - |
LITTEN | Randal Pedley | Residential | Motumaoho | Gentleman | - |
LITTLEWOOD | Frederick | Residential | Taupiri | Labourer | - |
LIVINGSTONE | John | Freehold | Hamilton | Farmer | Pt lt 219 Hautapu |
LOCK | Albert James | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | Lts 66,69 Whangamarino |
LOCK | Bendry | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | Lts 70a, 167 Whangamarino |
LOCKE | David | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
LOCKIE | Alexander | Freehold | Komokorau | Farmer | Lts 187,188 NS, Newcastle |
LOCKLEY | William | Residential | Cambridge | Sawyer | - |
LODDER | Stephen | Freehold | Cambridge | Wheelwright | Pt Lt 383 Cambridge |
LONGBOTTOM | Richard | Residential | Cambridge | Settler | - |
LOOKER | Isaac | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
LOOKER | John | Residential | Cambridge West | Farm labourer | - |
LOOKER | Joseph | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
LOOKER | William | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lts 264,267 Cambridge West |
LOVELL | William Henry M | Freehold | Taupiri | Farmer | Lts 76,77 Taupiri |
LOVETT | William | Freehold | Auckland | Contractor | Lt 50 Hamilton East |
LOWE | Alexander Francis | Residential | Taupiri | Farmer | - |
LOWELL | Frederick Percival | Residential | Taupiri | Settler | - |
LOWTHER | Edward | Freehold | Hamilton East | Constable | Pt lt 53 Cambridge |
LUCAS | Charles | Residential | Kiwitahi | Platelayer | - |
LUNIE | George | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
LUSBEY | George | Residential | Waitoa | Settler | - |
LUSBEY | William | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
LUSK | Hugh Hart | Freehold | Auckland | Solicitor | Lt 6 Komokorau |
LYNDS | Philip | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Pt lt 110 Cambridge |
MACARA | Andrew Grierson | Residential | Cambridge | Bank manager | - |
MACE | John | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
MACKAY | James | Residential | Cambridge | Land agent | - |
MACKINNON | John L | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
MACKINTOSH | Charles Dane | Freehold | Wellington | Music teacher | Lt 12 Cambridge |
MACLEAN | Alexander Henry | Freehold | Christchurch | Clerk | Lts 72,73,78,80 Taupiri |
MACLEAN | Benjamin John | Residential | Taupiri | Farmer | - |
MACLEAN | Charles | Residential | Waihou | School teacher | - |
MACLEAN | Every | Residential | Fencourt | Gentleman | - |
MACLEAN | Geoffrey | Residential | Paeroa | Station manager | - |
MACLEAN | Robert | Freehold | East Tamaki | Gentleman | Pt Fencourt Estate |
MADIGAN | William | Residential | Cambridge | Builder | - |
MAGNER | John | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
MAGUIRE | James F | Residential | Oxford | Farmer | - |
MAGUIRE | Sylvester | Residential | Hamilton East | Coach proprietor | - |
MAHON | John | Freehold | Hamilton | Labourer | 80ac Komokorau |
MAIN | Alfred | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
MAIN | Ambrose | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | 512ac Hautapu |
MAIN | Arthur | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
MAIN | John | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
MAIN | William | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
MALLINDINE | William | Residential | Newcastle North | Village settler | - |
MALONEY | William | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
MANKTELLOW | William | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lts 208,209 Hamilton East |
MANKTELLOW | William J | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
MANN | George | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
MANNING | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Fencer | - |
MARSHALL | Francis | Residential | Morrinsville | Shepherd | - |
MARSHALL | George | Freehold | Auckland | Clerk | Lts 236, 437 Taupiri |
MARSHALL | Henry | Residential | Cambridge East | Labourer | - |
MARSHALL | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Saddler | - |
MARSHALL | William | Freehold | Devonport | Sergeant AC Force | Lts 258,260 Cambridge |
MARTELLI | Horatio de Courcy | Freehold | Auckland | Gentleman | Lt 569 Cambridge |
MARTIN | Edward | Residential | Matamata | Labourer | - |
MARTIN | Edwin Charles | Freehold | Komokorau | Labourer | Lts 155,156 NS, Newcastle |
MARTIN | John | Freehold | near Ngaruawahia | Farmer | Lt 235 NS, Newcastle |
MARTYN | John (Jnr) | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | 950ac Hautapu |
MARTYN | John (Snr) | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | 168ac Hautapu |
MARTYN | Thomas | Freehold | Surrey Hills, Auckland | Farmer | Lts 84,85 Taupiri |
MASEFIELD | Thomas T | Freehold | Auckland | Engineer | Lt 117 Komokorau |
MASON | George | Residential | Hamilton East | Nurseryman | - |
MASON | Nathaniel | Residential | Cambridge | Stockman | - |
MASTERS | James S | Residential | Cambridge | Native interpreter | - |
MATTRAVERS | William | Freehold | Tauranga | Clerk of Court | Lt 404 Cambridge town |
MAUNDER | Thomas Wells | Freehold | Hamilton | Farmer | Lts 10,10a Hinuera |
MAWHINNEY | William | Residential | Piako | Farm labourer | - |
MAXWELL | William | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
MAYS | Richard | Residential | Oxford | Groom | - |
MAYS | Thomas C | Residential | Hamilton East | Farmer | - |
McCABE | Bernard | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
McCABE | John | Freehold | Opotiki | Constable | Lts 222,264,353 Hamilton East |
McCABE | Owen | Residential | Waihou | Farmer | - |
McCABE | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge East | Contractor | - |
McCALL | John Robert | Residential | Matamata | Contractor | - |
McCALL | Thomas Alexander | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
McCANN | George (Jnr) | Residential | Cambridge East | Butcher | - |
McCANN | John | Residential | Cambridge | Butcher | - |
McCARTHY | Daniel | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
McCLELLAND | Henry | Residential | Putaruru | Storeman | - |
McCLELLEN | James | Residential | Huntly | Coal miner | - |
McCONAT | William | Residential | near Turua | Labourer | - |
McCORMICK | William | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
McCORMISH | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Farm servant | Lt 346 Cambridge |
McCREA | Hugh Gamble | Residential | Komokorau | Storeman | - |
McCREA | Hugh Gamble (Jnr) | Residential | Cambridge | Letter carrier | - |
McCREA | Hugh J | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 1 pt 381 Cambridge town |
McDONALD | Charles | Residential | Piako | Farmer | - |
McDONALD | James | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
McDONALD | John | Freehold | Waitoa | Farmer | Farm in his occupation |
McDONALD | John | Freehold | Wairoa | Farmer | Lt 60 Kokokorau |
McDONALD | John Kinnear | Freehold | Raglan | Farmer | Lt 113 Hamilton East |
McDONALD | Thomas | Residential | Komokorau | Farmer | - |
McDONEGH | Henry Fraser | Residential | Lichfield | Labourer | - |
McDONNELL | James | Residential | Matamata | Station hand | - |
McDONNELL | John | Residential | Matamata | Labourer | - |
McDUFF | Patrick | Residential | Turua, Thames | Blacksmith | - |
McELWAIN | John | Freehold | New North Rd | Carter | Lts 433,434 Waikare Lake |
McEWING | James | Residential | Taupiri | Labourer | - |
McFARLAND | William | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
McFARLANE | Andy | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 110 Cambridge town |
McFARLANE | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Shoemaker | Pt lt 94 Cambridge East |
McFARLANE | John Clark | Residential | Huntly | Farmer | - |
McFARLANE | William | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
McFARLANE | William | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
McGARRY | Felix | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
McGARRY | Jeremiah | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
McGEARY | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Pt lt 294 Cambridge East |
McGEE | Joseph | Residential | Taupiri | Farm labourer | - |
McGIM | Patrick | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
McGLASHAN | John | Freehold | Waitoa | Farmer | Farm in Waitoa highway district |
McGLUIN | William | Residential | Meremere | Settler | - |
McGLYNN | Arthur | Residential | Huntly | Mine manager | - |
McGONNELL | James | Residential | Woodlands | Labourer | - |
McGONNELL | John | Residential | Woodlands | Labourer | - |
McGRATH | Christopher | Residential | Eureka | Platelayer | - |
McGREGOR | John | Freehold | Aratapu | Carpenter | Lt 89 Cambridge East |
McGUIRE | Charles | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
McGUIRE | John | Residential | Kikiriroa | Farmer | - |
McILROY | William | Residential | Komokorau | Railway porter | - |
McILWRAITH | William | Residential | Putaruru | Platelayer | - |
McINTOSH | James | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
McKAY | Alexander | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
McKAY | John | Freehold | Waipu | Storekeeper | Lt 117 Cambridge |
McKEARNEY | James | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
McKEARNEY | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 478 Cambridge |
McKEARNEY | Peter | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 534 Cambridge |
McKEE | Robert | Residential | Waihou | Carpenter | - |
McKENZIE | Charles | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
McKENZIE | Charles Grey | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lt 19 Hamilton East |
McKENZIE | Henry | Residential | Hamilton East | Saddler | - |
McKERNAN | Bernard | Residential | Cambridge | Butcher | - |
McKINLEY | Charles | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
McKINNON | Donald | Freehold | Cambridge West | Farmer | Lts 297-299 Hautapu 262 Cambridge |
McKINNON | Hugh Alexander | Residential | Cambridge West | Bootmaker | - |
McLAUGHLIN | John William | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
McLENNAN | Daniel | Freehold | Auckland | Wheelwright | Lt 32 nr Cambridge |
McLEOD | James | Residential | Woodlands | Gardener | - |
McLERNON | Samuel | Freehold | Hamilton | Jeweller | Lts 1A, 5 BC, Claudelands |
McMAHON | Patrick | Residential | Taupiri | Swamper | - |
McMILLAN | Joseph | Residential | Cambridge | Blacksmith | - |
McMILLAN | William | Residential | Cambridge | Blacksmith | - |
McNEIL | Alexander | Residential | Huntly | Coal miner | - |
McNEIL | Robert | Residential | Huntly | Coal miner | - |
McNEISH | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Billiard marker | Lt 52, pt lt 587 Cambridge |
McNICHOL | John | Residential | Cambridge | Auctioneer | - |
McNICKLE | Moses | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 143,144 Kirikiriroa |
McNICOL | David A | Residential | Hamilton East | Gardener | - |
McPHERSON | James | Freehold | near Hamilton | Farmer | Land at Kirikiriroa in his occupation |
McPHERSON | James (Jnr) | Freehold | Pokeno | Farmer | Lt 123 Komokorau |
McSWEENY | John | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
McSWEENY | Patrick | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
McSWINEY | John | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
McVEAGH | Robert | Freehold | Cambridge | Storekeeper | Lt 379 Cambridge |
MEACHAM | Samuel | Residential | Hamilton East | Wheelwright | - |
MEARS | John Thomas | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
MEDHURST | John | Residential | Cambridge | Settler | - |
MEDHURST | Samuel | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 228 Cambridge district |
MEDHURST | Thomas G | Residential | near Cambridge | Settler | - |
MEDHURST | William | Freehold | Cambridge | Dairyman | Lt 467 Cambridge |
MEIKLEJOHN | John | Residential | Wairangi | Farm labourer | - |
MELLES | William | Residential | Lichfield | Fireman | - |
MELLING | Peter William | Residential | Taupiri | Farmer | - |
MELLON | John | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
MELVILLE | James Dougal | Residential | Ruakura | Farm manager | - |
MEREDITH | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Carter | Lt 499 Cambridge |
MERRICK | John William | Freehold | Cambridge | Storekeeper | Lt 208 Cambridge |
METCALF | Henry H | Freehold | Hamilton | Civil engineer | Pottery works, Taupiri |
MEYER | Elliott | Freehold | Auckland | Lawyer | Lt 114 Komokoray, 287 Cambridge |
MICHELWAY | Alexander | Freehold | Komokorau | Settler | House and land Komokorau |
MIKKLESEN | Neil | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
MILLEN | William | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
MILLER | James | Residential | Waotu | Contractor | - |
MILLER | John Napier | Residential | Cambridge West | Builder | - |
MILLER | William | Residential | Taupiri | Platelayer | - |
MILLET | Bertrand | Residential | Waotu | Timber merchant | - |
MILLET | Humphrey D | Residential | Waotu | Timber merchant | - |
MILLET | Ralph | Residential | Waotu | Timber merchant | - |
MINETTI | Thomas | Freehold | Hobson St, Auckland | Baker | Lt 239 Taupiri |
MINNITT | Charles | Residential | Huntly | Gentleman | - |
MISEN | Percy J | Freehold | Hamilton West | Draper | Lt 128 Huntly |
MITCHELL | Charles Joseph | Residential | Cambridge West | Bricklayer | - |
MITCHELL | James | Residential | Lichfield | Shepherd | - |
MITCHELL | Richard | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
MITCHELL | Walter | Residential | Cambridge West | Accountant | - |
MOIR | Thomas | Residential | Huntly | Engineer | - |
MOISLEY | William | Freehold | Cambridge | Shoemaker | Lt 337 Cambridge West |
MOLESWORTH | David | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
MONTGOMERY | William Swinter | Residential | Huntly | Brakesman | - |
MOODY | George H | Residential | Waotu | Bush contractor | - |
MOON | Henry | Residential | Cambridge | MRCS | - |
MOON | William | Freehold | Cambridge | Native agent | Lt 556-569 Cambridge East |
MOON | William More | Residential | Waotu | Farmer | - |
MOONEY | William | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
MOORE | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Salesman | Pt lt 86 Cambridge |
MOORE | John | Residential | Broadmeadows | Labourer | - |
MOORE | William | Freehold | Hotungaro | Farmer | 185ac Hotungaro, west bank Thames river |
MOORHEAD | Edward | Residential | Wairangi | Labourer | - |
MOORHEAD | Thomas | Residential | Wairangi | Platelayer | - |
MORAN | James | Freehold | Onehunga | Surveyor | Lt 156, 157 Whangamarino |
MOREN | Joseph Matthew | Residential | Huntly | Butcher | - |
MORGAN | George | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
MORGAN | George Henry | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
MORGAN | Richard | Freehold | Auckland | Labourer | Lt 524 Cambridge West |
MORGAN | Thomas | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 41,43 Hautapu |
MORGAN | William Bowman | Freehold | near Cambridge | Farmer | Lts 133,134,136 Cambridge district |
MORGAN | William Chapman | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
MORRIN | Thomas | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Land at Piako |
MORRIS | Mark | Residential | Tamahere | Settler | - |
MORRISON | Charles M | Residential | near Rangiriri | Platelayer | - |
MORRISON | David | Residential | Hukanui | Gardener | - |
MORRISON | William | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
MORRISSEY | John | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
MORRISSEY | Thomas | Residential | Matamata | Platelayer | - |
MORSE | Robert | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lt 296,344 Cambridge East |
MOUNIER | Benjamin Chapman | Freehold | Hamilton | Bank manager | 1a,6 B.F Claudelands |
MOYNIHAN | Timothy | Residential | Oxford | Platelayer | - |
MUIR | George | Freehold | Taupiri | Farmer | Lts 60,61, 62 Taupiri |
MUIR | James | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | 200ac Whangamarino |
MUIR | Robert | Freehold | Rawhitu | Farmer | Lt 41-43 Rangiriri |
MULCAHY | Bartholomew | Residential | Claudelands | Labourer | - |
MULCAHY | Michael | Residential | Putaruru | Platelayer | - |
MULLINS | John | Residential | Tamahere | Gardener | - |
MULLIONS | Henry | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
MULLIONS | Joseph | Residential | Hamilton East | Farmer | - |
MURLESS | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Librarian | - |
MURPHY | Cornelius | Residential | Te Aroha West | Ferryman | - |
MURPHY | Dennis | Residential | Te Aroha West | Labourer | - |
MURPHY | John | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
MURPHY | Patrick | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Lt 371 Cambridge |
MURPHY | Patrick | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
MURRAY | Bernard | Residential | Hamilton East | Contractor | - |
MURRAY | Charles Nathaniel | Residential | Walton | Farmer | - |
MURRAY | Edward D | Freehold | Waihou | Farmer | Moiety of 822ac Matamata |
MURRAY | Hugh | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
MURRAY | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Constable | - |
MURRAY | William | Residential | Hauraki sawmill | Bushman | - |
MURTAGH | Gerald | Freehold | Hamilton East | Painter | 60ac Komokorau |
MYERS | Frederick William | Residential | Turua, Thames | Bushman | - |
MYNOTT | Jabez | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 539 Cambridge |
NASH | Joseph | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
NEAL | George Jesse | Residential | Cambridge | Seedsman | - |
NEELS | John Robert | Residential | Waitoa | Platelayer | - |
NEIL | Arthur | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
NEILAND | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Settler | - |
NEILL | William McCullough | Residential | Rangiriri | Hotel keeper | - |
NEILSON | William | Freehold | Hamilton East | Bootmaker | Lt 260, 300 Hamilton East |
NEVILLE | James | Residential | Mongonui | Railway ganger | - |
NEWRICK | Frederick Charles | Residential | Cambridge | Photographer | - |
NEWSBY | Frank | Residential | Taupiri | Labourer | - |
NGAHIWI | Hohaia | Freehold | Hukanui | Lt 219,221 Komokorau | |
NICHOL | Samuel | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
NICHOL | William | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 290 Hautapu |
NICHOLLS | Alexander | Freehold | Komokorau | Carpenter | Lts 119,119a,120,121 Komokorau |
NICHOLSON | Alexander | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
NICHOLSON | Henry | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
NICOL | Alexander | Freehold | Komokorau | Settler | Lt 120,121 Komokorau |
NILAND | James | Residential | Putaruru | Labourer | - |
NINKY | Ralph | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
NIXON | Thomas | Freehold | Cambridge | Coach builder | Lt 143, pt 91 Cambridge |
NORGROVE | Charles | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lt 40 Cambridge West |
NORMAN | James | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
NORRIS | Charles | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
NORRIS | George Thomas | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
NORRIS | William Ernest | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
NORTHCROFT | Henry William | Freehold | Hamilton | Resident magistrate | 420ac Mangapouri No2A |
NORTON | Thomas | Residential | Turua, Thames | Bushman | - |
NORWOOD | Samuel P | Residential | Hamilton East | Constable | - |
NUNN | Edwin | Residential | Waotu | Carpenter | - |
NUTTER | Silvester | Freehold | Cambridge | Ploughman | Lt 513 Cambridge West |
O'BRIEN | James | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
O'BRIEN | John | Residential | Shaftesbury West | Labourer | - |
O'BRIEN | Patrick K | Residential | Rangiriri | Settler | - |
O'BRYAN | James | Residential | Piako | Labourer | - |
O'BRYAN | John | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
O'CALLAGHAN | Timothy | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
O'DONOGHUE | Michael | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
O'LEARY | Denis | Residential | Rangiriri | Platelayer | - |
OLIVE | Samuel Thomas | Residential | Ruakura | Railway ganger | - |
OLIVER | Joseph | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
O'LOUGHLAN | Denis | Residential | Cambridge | Barman | - |
OMICHAM | George | Freehold | Komokorau | Settler | House and land Komokorau |
O'NEILL | Charles | Freehold | Cambridge West | Carpenter | Lt 2, 5 Cambridge West |
O'NEILL | Charles (Jnr) | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
O'NEILL | Lewis | Freehold | Claudelands | Solicitor | House and land Claudelands |
O'NEILL | William Francis | Freehold | Pukerimu | Farmer | Lt 389 Cambridge West |
O'NEILL | William Henry | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
ONIONS | George Stanton | Freehold | Cambridge | Draper | Pt lot 136 Cambridge |
ORMSBY | Robert | Residential | Hautapu | Teacher | - |
ORR | James | Freehold | Waiorongomai | Labourer | Lts 343,344 Cambridge West |
ORR | William Longmuir | Freehold | Tahuroa | Farmer | 4060ac Tahuroa No 2 |
OSMOND | Francis | Residential | Morrinsville | Storekeeper | - |
OWEN | George Burgoyne | Freehold | Epsom | Merchant | Lt 20 Kirikiriroa, 107 Komokorau |
OWEN | Henry T | Freehold | Cambridge | Gentleman | Lt 204,207 Cambridge West |
OWEN | Zenas | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 159,160 Kirikiriroa |
OZANNE | William J | Residential | Piako | Farmer | - |
PAIN | John Henry | Residential | Meremere | Labourer | - |
PALTRIDGE | William | Residential | Cambridge | Saddler | - |
PANTON | Robert | Residential | Cambridge | Gardener | - |
PARFITT | John William | Residential | Puketapapa | Carpenter | - |
PARIS | Benjamin Thomas (Jnr) | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
PARK | James | Residential | Waihou | Farm manager | - |
PARKER | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 51 Hautapu |
PARKER | William | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
PARR | James | Residential | Waitoa | Settler | - |
PARR | John | Freehold | Hamilton | Farmer | Lt 33,36 Hautapu |
PARR | Reuben | Freehold | Waitoa | Farmer | 1200ac Waitoa |
PARR | Robert | Residential | Cambridge | Baker | - |
PARRY | Robert James | Residential | Cambridge | School teacher | - |
PASCOE | Edward | Residential | Paeroa | Farm overseer | - |
PASCOE | John | Freehold | Cambridge West | Groom | Lt 183,184 Cambridge West |
PASCOE | Samuel | Residential | Hamilton East | Brewer | - |
PASSMORE | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Settler | Lt 311, pt 53 Cambridge |
PATON | Charles James | Residential | Tahuroa | Farmer | - |
PATON | Henry John | Residential | Tahuroa | Farmer | - |
PATON | Thomas | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lt 153, 154 and others, Hautapu |
PATTERSON | James | Residential | Horotiu | Settler | - |
PATTERSON | Thomas | Freehold | Auckland | Grain dealer | Lt 241 NS Newcastle |
PATTERSON | William | Freehold | Paterangi | Grain dealer | Lt 113 Komokorau |
PATTERSON | William | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
PAVREAL | William | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
PEACOCKE | Gerald Leigh | Freehold | Auckland | Barrister | Lt 24 Kirikiriroa |
PEACOCKE | John Fitzroy | Freehold | Auckland | Farmer | Lt 184-187 Kirikiriroa |
PEACOCKE | Reginald | Freehold | Queensland | Gentleman | Lt 87 Komokorau |
PEACOCKE | William | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lt 15, 16 Hamilton East |
PEARCE | Samuel | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
PEARSE | Herbert | Residential | Huntly | Railway porter | - |
PEARSON | Alfred William | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Farm in his occupation |
PEARSON | Charles Edward | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Farm in his occupation |
PEARSON | Edward | Residential | Hamilton East | Carpenter | - |
PEARSON | George Samuel | Residential | Hamilton East | Blacksmith | - |
PEARSON | Herbert J | Residential | Hautapu | Settler | - |
PEARSON | William | Residential | Horahora | Stockman | - |
PEARSON | William J | Residential | Hamilton East | Carpenter | - |
PEAT | Robert | Freehold | Hamilton | Saddler | Lt 82 Morrinsville |
PENNELL | Thomas | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
PERCIVAL | William | Freehold | Auckland | Clerk | Lt 17,18 Pukete |
PERKINS | William Thomas | Residential | Lichfield | Coach driver | - |
PERRITT | Leopold | Residential | Hautapu | Apiarist | - |
PERROTT | Alfred R | Residential | Lichfield | Farmer | - |
PERRY | John | Residential | Hautapu | Labourer | - |
PETTIGREW | William | Residential | Wairangi | Carpenter | - |
PETTY | Joseph | Residential | Fencourt | Platelayer | - |
PHILLIPS | Coleman | Freehold | Wairarapa | Solicitor | Lt 269 Taupiri |
PHILLIPSON | William George | Freehold | Remuera | Land agent | Lt 398 Whangamarino |
PICKERING | George | Residential | Lichfield | Ganger | - |
PICKERING | Martin Herbert | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
PICKETT | William | Residential | Morrinsville | Railway overseer | - |
PICKETT | William Charles | Residential | Putaruru | Labourer | - |
PICKUP | James | Residential | Waharoa | Ganger | - |
PIERCE | George Patrick | Freehold | Auckland | Insurance manager | Pt lt 51 Cambridge |
PIERCE | James King | Residential | Cambridge | Butcher | - |
PIKE | Henry | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lt 223 Cambridge West |
PILLING | Edward H | Residential | Tamahere | Drover | - |
PLACE | Herbert Ashworth | Residential | Meremere | Farm labourer | - |
PLAW | Sydney Walter | Residential | Cambridge | Printer | - |
POAD | Abraham | Residential | Woodlands | Blacksmith | - |
POLTON | Alfred | Residential | Waihou | Blacksmith | - |
POLWART | John L | Freehold | Whangamarino | Farmer | Lts 113,473 Whangamarino |
POPE | Frederick | Residential | Oxford | Station master | - |
POPPLE | Frederick | Residential | Cambridge | Storeman | - |
PORTER | David Edmund | Residential | Cambridge | Bank clerk | - |
POTTER | Harry | Freehold | Auckland | Clerk | Pt owner lts 225,226 Whangamarino |
POTTER | Joseph | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Pt owner lts 103,225 Whangamarino |
POTTERTON | Charles | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
POTTS | Joseph | Residential | Waitoa | Farm servant | - |
POUDRELL (POWDRELL ?) | Thomas | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
POWELL | George | Freehold | Taupiri | Carpenter | Lt 149 Komokorau |
POWELL | Joseph | Residential | Woodlands | Farm labourer | - |
POWELL | Whiston Walsh | Residential | Komokorau | Farmer | - |
POWELL | Whiston Woodfall | Freehold | Komokorau | Farmer | Lt 72, 79 Komokorau |
POWELL | William | Freehold | Auckland | Book-keeper | Lt 170 Taupiri |
POWER | John | Residential | Cambridge | Engine cleaner | - |
PREECE | Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
PRENDERGAST | John | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
PRENTIS | Edward Crowther | Residential | Rangiriri | Fencer | - |
PRIESTLEY | John Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Gentleman | - |
PRIMROSE | Andrew | Freehold | near Hamilton | Farmer | Lt 167 Kirikiriroa |
PRIMROSE | James | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 146A Komokorau |
PRIMROSE | John | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Pt lt 223 Komokorau |
PROCTER | George | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | Lt 265, 286,291 Taupiri |
PROCTER | James | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
PROCTER | John | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 188,189 Kirikiriroa |
PROCTER | William | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lt 243 Hamilton East |
PROUDE | Robert | Freehold | Bombay | Farmer | Lt 296 Cambridge West |
PURDOM | Henry | Residential | Turua, Thames | Bushman | - |
QUINN | James | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
QUINN | Joseph | Freehold | Hamilton East | Settler | Lt 212 Hamilton East |
RADFORD | John Thomas | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
RADFORD | Joseph | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
RAE | Hugh | Residential | Cambridge | Farm labourer | - |
RAINER | Henry | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 77,78 Kirikiriroa |
RALPH | Robert | Residential | Huntly | Farmer | - |
RALPH | William Joseph | Residential | Taupiri | Storekeeper | - |
RAMSAY | John | Residential | Waotu | Postmaster | - |
READ | James | Residential | Cambridge | Draper | - |
READDING | Isaac | Residential | Waharoa | Platelayer | - |
REDGRIEVE | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 329 Cambridge East |
REED | George | Freehold | Claudelands | Bridge contractor | Lt 3 BP, Claudelands |
REED | George | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
REED | John | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Labourer | Lt 3 Pt 1 BP, Claudelands |
REID | James | Residential | Cambridge | Shoemaker | - |
REID | James | Residential | Hamilton East | Saddler | - |
RENSHAW | James | Freehold | Thames | Ironmonger | Lt 60 Komokorau, pt 23 Hamilton |
REYNOLDS | Edward Brown | Freehold | Auckland | Commission agent | Lt 42, 588 Cambridge |
REYNOLDS | Henry | Residential | Newstead | Farmer | - |
REYNOLDS | Henry W (Jnr) | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farm labourer | - |
REYNOLDS | Henry William | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
REYNOLDS | Richard | Freehold | Pukekura | Farmer | Lt 305, 325 Cambridge |
RHODES | Charles | Freehold | Paeroa | Bank clerk | Lt 550 Cambridge West |
RHODES | Edward | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 271 Cambridge |
RHODES | Edward | Freehold | Kakaramea | Farmer | Lt 63,66,67 Hautapu |
RHODES | Harry | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
RICE | Edward | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Labourer | - |
RICE | Peter | Freehold | Hamilton | Contractor | Lt 81,82,82A Taupiri |
RICH | Francis Dyer | Residential | Lichfield | Sheep Farmer | (See also Francis Dyer Rich SMALE) |
RICHARDSON | David | Freehold | Cambridge | Cabinet maker | Pt lt 409 Cambridge |
RICHARDSON | John R S | Residential | Cambridge East | Farmer | - |
RICHARDSON | Sidney C | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
RICHARDSON | William John | Residential | Tahuroa | Ploughman | - |
RICKARD | Edward | Residential | Kiwitahi | Platelayer | - |
RICKARDS | William Henry | Residential | Waharoa | Platelayer | - |
RIDDELL | Thomas | Residential | Waitoa | Settler | - |
RILEY | Charles | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
RILEY | James | Residential | Cambridge | Gardener | - |
RILEY | William | Residential | Cambridge | Tailor | - |
RING | Charles | Freehold | Auckland | Commission agent | Lt 257 Taupiri |
RING | William Charles | Residential | Mangawhara | Farmer | - |
RIPLEY | William | Freehold | Te Awamutu | Watchmaker | Pt lt 587 Cambridge |
RIPPON | Edward H | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
RISHWORTH | John Shiers | Residential | Cambridge | Wesleyan minister | - |
RITCHIE | Denis | Residential | Waotu | Driver | - |
RIVERS | James | Residential | Lichfield | Gardener | - |
ROACH | Bartholomew | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
ROBERTS | Abraham | Residential | Whangamarino | Platelayer | - |
ROBERTS | Charles | Residential | Cambridge | Butcher | - |
ROBERTS | Edwin | Residential | Woodlands | Stockman | - |
ROBERTSON | John | Freehold | Rangiriri | Farmer | Lt 46 Taupiri |
ROBERTSON | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Boarding house keeper | Pt lot 91 Cambridge |
ROBINSON | John Willis | Residential | Cambridge | Baker | - |
ROBINSON | Thomas | Residential | Hamilton East | Farmer | - |
ROBINSON | William | Residential | Waotu | Farmer | - |
ROBINSON | William Henry | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
ROBSON | James McGimpsey | Freehold | Auckland | Settler | Lt 206 Cambridge West |
ROBSON | Robert | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
ROCKLIFFE | Reuben | Residential | Maungatapu | Farmer | - |
RODDA | Edward | Freehold | Whangamarino | Farmer | - |
ROGERS | Charles A | Residential | Morrinsville | Baker | - |
ROLLANDS | Albert J | Residential | Turua, Thames | Bushman | - |
ROLLO | Alexander | Residential | Huntly | Mariner | - |
ROLTON | Thomas | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
ROSE | Frank | Residential | Oxford | Hotel keeper | - |
ROSE | George | Freehold | Taotaoroa | Farmer | 105ac Hinuera Blk 2 |
ROSE | George (Jnr) | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
ROSE | Robert | Freehold | Auckland | Agent | Lt 341 Hamilton East |
ROSS | Hugh | Residential | Waihou | Nurseryman | - |
ROSS | James | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
ROSS | James | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
ROSS | William | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | 100ac Wairangi |
ROWE | Alexander | Residential | Lichfield | Settler | - |
ROWE | Alfred James | Residential | Morrinsville | Shepherd | - |
ROWE | Henry Goulstone | Residential | Cambridge | Storeman | - |
ROWE | James | Residential | Morrinsville | Carrier | - |
ROWE | Thomas | Freehold | Morrinsville | Storekeeper | Land and house Waihou |
ROWE | Thomas Henry | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
ROWELL | Edwin | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
RUCK | William | Residential | Matamata | Shepherd | - |
RUMNEY | Nathan | Freehold | Komokorau | Farmer | Lt 159-161 163,164 Komokorau |
RUNCIMAN | George A | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
RUNCIMAN | James | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 275-281 Kirikiriroa |
RUNCIMAN | John | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
RUNCIMAN | Thomas Shepherd | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 274,301 Kirikiriroa |
RUSSELL | George Warren | Residential | Cambridge | Newspaper proprietor | - |
RUSSELL | James | Freehold | Auckland | Solicitor | Lt 14, 15 Komokorau |
RUSSELL | James | Residential | Cambridge | Carter | - |
RUSSELL | James | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
RUSSELL | James S | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
RUSSELL | Thomas | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
RUSSELL | William | Freehold | Huntly | Miner | 28ac Taupiri |
RUSSELL | William | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lts 126,127 and 130 Hautapu |
RUSSELL | William S | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
RYAN | George | Residential | Turua, Thames | Farm hand | - |
RYAN | John | Residential | Fencourt | Farmer | - |
RYAN | John | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
RYAN | Roderick | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
RYAN | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge | Contractor | - |
RYAN | Timothy | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
SALMON | Henry Thomas | Freehold | Taranaki | Constable AC Force | Lt 7 Komokorau |
SALMON | Robert | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Pt Lt 62 Tamahere |
SAMPSON | George | Residential | Wairangi | Farmer | - |
SAMPSON | Gerard | Freehold | Whangamarino | Farmer | Lt 141,142,143 Whangamarino |
SAMPSON | John | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
SARGENT | Harry | Residential | Cambridge | Loco fireman | - |
SARGENT | Roger W | Residential | Cambridge | Watchmaker | - |
SAUNDERS | Frederick James | Freehold | Cambridge East | Ironmonger | Pt lt 110 Cambridge |
SAUNDERS | Thomas | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | 5ac Wairangi in his occupation |
SCELLY | Daniel | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
SCHERFF | Franz | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Pt lt 219 Kirikiriroa |
SCHOFIELD | James Walter | Residential | Taupiri | Telegraphist | - |
SCOTT | Alexander | Freehold | Rangiriri | Carpenter | Lt 9, 10 Rangiriri |
SCOTT | Andrew Manfred | Freehold | Cambridge | Shepherd | Lt 420 Cambridge West |
SCOTT | John | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
SCOTT | Samuel Francis | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
SCOTT | Thomas | Freehold | Waimate | Farmer | 600ac Waihongi |
SEDCOLE | Alfred Henry | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
SEDDON | Samuel | Residential | Waitoa | Farmer | - |
SEDDON | Samuel Thomas | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 225-231 Kirikiriroa |
SEDGMAN | John | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
SELBY | William | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lts 47,52 and others Hautapu |
SELBY | William Davis | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
SELLWOOD | Alfred | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
SELLWOOD | George J (Jnr) | Residential | Rangiriri | Carpenter | - |
SELLWOOD | George J (Snr) | Freehold | Rangiriri | Farmer | Lt 217 Whangamarino |
SELLWOOD | William | Residential | Whangamarino | Farmer | - |
SEMMENS | Thomas | Freehold | Taotaoroa | Contractor | - |
SEMMENS | William | Freehold | Taotaoroa | Settler | 55ac Taotaoroa |
SERGEANT | John | Residential | Cambridge | Butcher | - |
SHANAGHAN | John | Freehold | Devonport | Constable AC Force | Pt lt 58 Cambridge |
SHANAGHAN | Michael | Freehold | Hamilton | Labourer | Lt 270 Cambridge East |
SHARKEY | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 345 Cambridge East |
SHARP | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Nurseryman | Lt 51 near Cambridge, 50ac |
SHAW | Charles | Residential | Scotchman's Valley | Farmer | - |
SHAW | James | Freehold | Tahuroa | Farmer | 350ac Tahuroa |
SHAW | John | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
SHAW | Robert | Residential | Hautapu | Labourer | - |
SHAW | Samuel | Residential | Waharoa | Farmer | - |
SHAW | Thomas | Residential | Tauwhare | Farmer | - |
SHAW | William M | Residential | Fencourt | Farmer | - |
SHEET | James | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
SHERA | William | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Lt 111 Cambridge West |
SHERRIFF | David (Jnr) | Residential | Lichfield | Station overseer | - |
SHERRIFF | David (Snr) | Residential | Cambridge | Gardener | - |
SHINE | James | Freehold | Hamilton | Labourer | Lt 164 Taupiri 50ac |
SHINE | James | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
SHIRLEY | George | Residential | Cambridge | Accountant | - |
SHORT | John | Freehold | Invercargill | Clerk | Lt 56 Cambridge East |
SIMM | Richard | Residential | Cambridge | Grocer | - |
SIMPSON | George | Residential | West Bank, Thames | Settler | - |
SIMPSON | John | Residential | Matamata | Farm labourer | - |
SIMPSON | John | Residential | Morrinsville | Hotel keeper | - |
SIMPSON | Joseph | Residential | Hautapu | Engineer | - |
SINCLAIR | Andrew | Freehold | Symonds St, Auckland | Gentleman | Pt lt 41, Hamilton East |
SINGER | Robert | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
SKAIFE | Robert James | Residential | Waotu | Farmer | - |
SLADE | Thomas | Residential | Hamilton East | Blacksmith | - |
SLADE | Thomas | Residential | Kiwitahi | Platelayer | - |
SLEIGH | James | Residential | Komokorau | Bootmaker | - |
SLOAN | William | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
SLYDE | Henry | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
SLYFIELD | John | Residential | Rangiriri | Settler | - |
SMALE | Francis Dyer Rich | Freehold | Richmond | Farmer | 344ac Te Paekukawaru (See also Francis Dyer RICH) |
SMERDON | George | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Lts 520, 538 Cambridge |
SMITH | Alexander | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 249 Kirikiriroa |
SMITH | Andrew | Residential | Netherton | Farmer | - |
SMITH | Charles | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
SMITH | Charles Henry | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Labourer | Pt 8, 10 BO Claudelands |
SMITH | Edward Lewis | Freehold | Hamilton East | Hotel keeper | Lt 74 Hamilton East |
SMITH | George | Residential | Morrinsville | Blacksmith | - |
SMITH | George | Residential | Taupiri | Farmer | - |
SMITH | Henry | Residential | Hamilton East | Carpenter | - |
SMITH | John | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | 106ac Wairangi |
SMITH | John | Residential | Morrinsville | Hotel keeper | - |
SMITH | John Bealey | Freehold | Waitoa | Farmer | Farm in his occupation Waitoa |
SMITH | Jonathan W | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Pt lt 1 Tamahere |
SMITH | Joseph Hill | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lt 99 Hautapu |
SMITH | Joseph John | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lt 62 Hautapu |
SMITH | Joseph Rowan | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | Lts 96,97 Wairangi |
SMITH | Payson | Residential | Cambridge | Storeman | - |
SMITH | Sydney E Greville | Freehold | Hamilton | Journalist | Lt 34 7ac Tauwhare |
SMITH | Thomas J | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lt 56 Hautapu |
SMITH | William | Residential | Newstead | Labourer | - |
SMITH | William Jones | Residential | Hamilton East | Insurance agent | - |
SMITHE | Thomas Henry | Residential | Hamilton East | Clerk | - |
SMYTHE | Samuel | Residential | Morrinsville | Ganger | - |
SOMERSET | John B | Freehold | Mercer | Settler | Lt 192 Whangamarino |
SOUTER | William Burns | Residential | Cambridge | Agent | - |
SPEAKE | Robert G | Residential | Tauwhare | Cheese maker | - |
SPEIK | Robert | Residential | Oxford | Railway ganger | - |
SPICER | John Edward | Residential | Huntly | Clerk | - |
SPILSBURY | Louis | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
SPILSBURY | Richard | Residential | Rangiriri | Mail carrier | - |
SPONG | Wiliam | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
STANLEY | James | Residential | Piako | Labourer | - |
STANLEY | Thomas | Freehold | Te Aroha West | Farmer | Sec 49,50 Blk 1 Te Aroha West |
STANLEY | Thomas | Residential | Te Aroha West | Farmer | - |
STAPLES | Samuel | Residential | Motumaoho | Shepherd | - |
STARR | Charles | Freehold | Komokorau | Labourer | Lts 151,153,154,164 NS Newcastle |
STARR | William | Residential | Huntly | Bootmaker | - |
STEADMAN | John | Freehold | Hamilton | Bricklayer | Lt 336 Hamilton East |
STEELE | Henry | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 19, 245-248 and others Kirikiriroa |
STEELE | William | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 254, 255 Kirikiriroa |
STEVENS | Percy Edward | Residential | Hamilton East | Teacher | - |
STEVENSON | James | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
STEWART | Alfred J | Residential | Waotu | Carpenter | - |
STEWART | David | Freehold | Taupiri | Farmer | Pt lt 215 Komokorau |
STEWART | David | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
STEWART | Edwin | Residential | Cambridge | Carpenter | - |
STEWART | Edwin W | Residential | Cambridge | Painter | - |
STEWART | George | Residential | Komokorau | Contractor | - |
STEWART | John Anderson | Residential | Lichfield | Civil engineer | - |
STEWART | Robert | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
STEWART | Samuel | Residential | Piako | Labourer | - |
STEWART | Washington Smith | Residential | Cambridge | Schoolmaster | - |
STOCKTON | George | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
STOKES | George | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
STONE | Charles James | Freehold | Auckland | Merchant | Lt 160 Cambridge |
STOREY | Frank | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
STOREY | John Richard | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
STRANGE | Frederick | Freehold | Parawai, Thames | Settler | Land in occupation Waitoa district |
STREAHEARN | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 54 Cambridge |
STRETTON | Arthur | Residential | Matamata | Surveyor | - |
STUBBING | Arthur | Freehold | Cambridge | Surveyor | Pt lt 409 Cambridge |
STUBBING | Donald | Residential | Cambridge | Surveyor | - |
STUBBING | Malcolm | Residential | Cambridge | Surveyor | - |
SUTHERLAND | Hugh | Freehold | opposite Ohinewai | Farmer | Lt 348 Whangamarino |
SUTHERLAND | Hugh | Residential | Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
SUTTOR | Albert Bruce | Freehold | Eureka Station | Farmer | 1500ac Eureka Station, Kirikiriroa |
SWANSON | George | Freehold | Whata Whata | Farmer | Lt 217,219,220 Matahina |
SWARBRICK | Arthur | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 154,155,165,209 Kirikiriroa |
SWARBRICK | Henry H | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 153,161,162 Kirikiriroa |
SWAYNE | Robert | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lt 200,201 Hautapu |
SWINDLE | William | Freehold | Thames | Hotel keeper | Lt 344 Cambridge West |
SYVRETT | Francis | Residential | Cambridge | Jockey | - |
TALBOT | Daniel | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
TALBOT | Richard T | Residential | Huntly | Teacher | - |
TARAWHITI | Heta | Freehold | Kaipiha | Aboriginal clergyman | Farm at Taupiri |
TAYLOR | David | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
TAYLOR | Frederick | Residential | Taotaoroa | Sawyer | - |
TAYLOR | James | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
TAYLOR | John | Residential | Hamilton | Labourer | - |
TAYLOR | Nicholas | Freehold | Thames | Miner | (No land listed) |
TAYLOR | Thomas | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
TAYLOR | Thomas | Residential | Waihou | Farmer | - |
TAYLOR | William | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Pt lt 219 Komokorau |
TAYLOR | William Innis | Freehold | Tamaki | Farmer | Lt 229,235,237 Cambridge |
TEAGUE | John | Residential | Matamata | Stockman | - |
TEAS | Samuel | Freehold | Hamilton East | Farmer | Lt 157,158 Kirikiriroa |
TEE | Alber | Residential | Huntly | Coal miner | - |
TERNAHAN | Denis | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
THAXTER | Charles | Residential | Waihou | Farmer | - |
THAXTER | Tom | Residential | Waihou | Contractor | - |
THOM | George Edward | Freehold | Taupiri West | Storekeeper | Lt 2, 30 Taupiri |
THOMAS | Alexander | Residential | Woodlands | Butcher | - |
THOMAS | Benjamin | Freehold | Cambridge | Constable AC Force | Lts 480,490,521 Cambridge |
THOMAS | Frank | Residential | Waharoa | Settler | - |
THOMAS | George Frederick | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 137-141 Kirikiriroa |
THOMAS | Richard | Residential | Cambridge West | Ploughman | - |
THOMAS | Richard (Jnr) | Freehold | Cambridge West | Farm labourer | Lts 484-488 Cambridge |
THOMAS | Richard F | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
THOMAS | William | Residential | Hautapu | Farm labourer | - |
THOMAS | William Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
THOMPSON | Herbert | Residential | Meremere | Labourer | - |
THOMPSON | John | Residential | Komokorau | Labourer | - |
THOMPSON | Peter | Freehold | Cambridge | Carter | Lt 230,232,303 Cambridge |
THOMSON | Daniel | Residential | Newcastle North | Miller | - |
THOMSON | James Paton | Freehold | Cambridge | Clerk | Pt lot 390 Cambridge |
THORLEY | William | Freehold | Coromandel | Miner | Lt 362 Cambridge West |
THORPE | Alfred J | Freehold | Ohinemuri | Settler | 10ac Kohamu |
THORPE | George | Residential | Fencourt | Stockman | - |
THORPE | George Bower | Residential | Fencourt | Seed sower | - |
THORPE | John W | Residential | Opukeke | Farmer | - |
TICKELPENNY | Samuel | Freehold | Kuranui | Farmer | Lt 5 Morrinsville |
TICKELPENNY | Samuel James | Residential | Tauwhare | Farm labourer | - |
TILLOTSON | William Shillingford | Freehold | Tahuroa | Farmer | 391ac Tahuroa |
TILSLEY | George | Residential | near Rangiriri | Farmer | - |
TILSLEY | George (Jnr) | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
TILSLEY | William David | Residential | near Rangiriri | Settler | - |
TIMMINS | John | Freehold | Taupiri | Platelayer | Lt 18 Taupiri village |
TINDALL | Alfred | Residential | Waitoa | Ploughman | - |
TINNE | Herman W | Freehold | England | Farmer | Lt 43,44 Tamahere |
TIPPEN | Charles | Freehold | Hamilton East | Carter | Lt 151 Kirikiriroa |
TONKS | Benjamin Digby | Freehold | Auckland | Auctioneer | Pt 5, 6 lot 44 Hamilton East |
TOONAN | Samuel | Residential | Woodlands | Farm labourer | - |
TOSLAND | Samuel | Residential | Putaruru | Labourer | - |
TRAYNER | Christopher | Residential | Huntly | Labourer | - |
TRETHEWAY | John James | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
TREWHEELLER | Thomas | Freehold | Hamilton West | Baker | 5,6, BG, Claudelands |
TRIBE | Daniel | Residential | Cambridge | Farmer | - |
TRIPP | Edward H | Residential | Cambridge West | Farm servant | - |
TRISTRAM | Henry E | Residential | Hamilton East | Butcher | - |
TROUGHTON | William | Residential | Waipuriri | Settler | - |
TRUST | John | Residential | Cambridge West | Stockman | - |
TUCK | Charles | Residential | Cambridge West | Accountant | - |
TURNBULL | James | Residential | Maungakawa | Stockman | - |
TURNBULL | John | Residential | Piako | Farmer | - |
TURNER | Thomas | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
TWIDLE | Edmund S | Residential | Broadmeadows | Labourer | - |
TWIDLE | William | Residential | Waihou | Farm labourer | - |
TYER | Frederick | Residential | Cambridge | Grocer | - |
TYSON | John | Residential | Oxford | Shepherd | - |
UNDERWOOD | William Edward | Residential | Cambridge | Settler | - |
UZZLE | James | Freehold | Hamilton East | Settler | Pt lts 251,253 Kirikiriroa |
VANT | William | Freehold | Komokorau | Carpenter | Pt lt 99 NS, Newcastle |
VAUGHAN | Herbert | Residential | Morrinsville | Cattle dealer | - |
VAUGHAN | Matthew | Freehold | Thames | Hotel keeper | Lt 2 Blk 2 Waihou |
VERRELL | Walter | Residential | Cambridge | Gardener | - |
VICKERS | Harry | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
VICKERS | Joseph | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
VICKERS | Samuel G | Freehold | Auckland | Commission agent | Lt 409 Cambridge |
VICKERS | Thomas | Residential | Cambridge West | Labourer | - |
VINCENT | Augustus | Freehold | Hamilton East | Painter | Lt 156 Hamilton East |
VINCENT | Charles | Residential | Cambridge | Saddler | - |
VINCENT | Charles | Residential | Maramarua | Miner | - |
VON STURMER | Frederick J | Freehold | Hamilton East | Journalist | Lt 219,228,229 Hamilton East |
VON STURMER | William Norris | Residential | Hamilton East | Bank clerk | - |
VOSPER | Augustus Henry | Freehold | Cambridge | Farmer | Lts 309 Cambridge, 64 Cambridge West |
VOSPER | William | Freehold | Pukekura | Farmer | Pt lt 231 Cambridge |
VOWLESS | Grove | Residential | Hamilton East | Platelayer | - |
VOWLESS | Thomas | Freehold | Thames | Labourer | Lt 83A, Taupiri 60ac |
VOWLESS | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Carpenter | - |
VOYSEY | Edwin | Residential | Waitoa | Labourer | - |
WADDINGTON | Edward | Freehold | Cambridge | Surgeon | Pt lt 409 Cambridge |
WADE | John | Residential | Whangamarino | Labourer | - |
WADE | Thomas | Freehold | Whangamarino | Labourer | Lts 291, 293 Whangamarino |
WADE | Thomas | Residential | Okete, near Mercer | Farmer | - |
WADE | William | Freehold | Whangamarino | Labourer | Lt 94 Whangamarino |
WAINWRIGHT | Charles | Freehold | Hokitika | Miner | Lt 225 Cambridge |
WALDRON | John | Residential | Morrinsville | Blacksmith | - |
WALFORD | Albert Irons | Residential | Taupiri | Farmer | - |
WALKER | George (Jnr) | Residential | Matamata | Farmer | - |
WALKER | George (Snr) | Residential | Matamata | Farmer | - |
WALKER | Hugh M De V | Freehold | Rangiriri | Farmer | Lt 287,288,289 Whangamarino |
WALKER | James | Residential | Matamata | Farmer | - |
WALKER | William | Freehold | Drury | Constable | Land at Whangamarino |
WALKINSHAW | George | Residential | Meremere | Labourer | - |
WALLACE | Andrew A | Residential | Newcastle North | Miller | - |
WALLACE | Archibald | Freehold | Ngaruawahia | Baker | Lt 124 Komokorau |
WALLACE | Charles | Freehold | Huntly | Engineer | Lt 118 Komokorau |
WALLACE | David Brown | Residential | Waotu | Sawmill manager | - |
WALLACE | Hugh | Freehold | Wairangi | Farmer | Lt 78 Whangamarino |
WALSH | Henry | Freehold | Taupiri | Farmer | 50ac Taupiri |
WALTER | Otto | Freehold | Huntly | Farmer | Lt 25 Taupiri |
WALTON | George | Residential | Cambridge | Jockey | - |
WALWORTH | George | Residential | Tauwhare | Storekeeper | - |
WARD | Benjamin | Residential | Oxford | Settler | - |
WARD | Edgar | Residential | Cambridge | Chemist | - |
WARD | Edward | Residential | Rangiriri | Settler | - |
WARR | Henry | Residential | Claudelands | Labourer | - |
WARREN | Albert | Residential | Morrinsville | Platelayer | - |
WARREN | John | Residential | Piako | Farm labourer | - |
WARREN | Lewis | Residential | Morrinsville | Labourer | - |
WATSON | Andrew | Residential | Rangiriri | Labourer | - |
WATSON | John | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
WATT | John | Residential | Waihou | Farmer | - |
WATT | James | Residential | Cambridge | Contractor | - |
WATTAM | George | Residential | Taotaoroa | Farmer | - |
WATTAM | John | Residential | Taotaoroa | Labourer | - |
WATTAM | Richard | Residential | Taotaoroa | Farmer | - |
WATTAM | Robert | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
WATTAM | Thomas (Snr) | Residential | Hautapu | Farmer | - |
WATTS | George | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lts 283,284, 291 near Cambridge |
WATTS | Thomas | Residential | Netherton | Labourer | - |
WAUGH | George | Residential | Huntly | Platelayer | - |
WAYMAN | George | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Pt lt 163 Cambridge |
WEBB | Mark | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
WEBBER | Harry | Residential | Cambridge | Blacksmith | - |
WEBBER | Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Gunsmith | - |
WEBBER | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Blacksmith | Pt lot 371 Cambridge |
WEEKS | William | Freehold | Auckland | Carter | Lt 11 Komokorau |
WEETMAN | Sidney | Freehold | Auckland | Surveyor | Lt 591, 592 Cambridge |
WEIR | Thomas | Residential | Oxford | Ploughman | - |
WELLS | Thomas | Freehold | Cambridge | Storekeeper | Lts 393-396 Cambridge |
WELSH | Henry | Freehold | Taupiri | Farmer | Lt 150,157 Taupiri |
WELTIE | George | Residential | Woodlands | Gardener | - |
WEST | John | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
WEST | William Robert | Residential | Cambridge | Labourer | - |
WESTBY | Henry William | Residential | Cambridge | Clerk | - |
WESTON | George | Residential | Huntly | Coal miner | - |
WESTON | Thomas S | Freehold | Parnell, Auckland | Solicitor | Lt 550 Cambridge West |
WHEELAN | William | Residential | Hamilton East | Bootmaker | - |
WHEELER | Arthur B | Residential | Tamahere | Farmer | - |
WHEELER | Aston T F | Freehold | Tamahere | Farmer | Pt lts 57,58 Tamahere |
WHITAKER | Charles | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farm assistant | - |
WHITAKER | Frederick | Freehold | Auckland | Solicitor | 2560ac Maukaro, Piako |
WHITBURN | Daniel | Residential | Morrinsville | Platelayer | - |
WHITE | Alexander | Freehold | Onehunga | Settler | Lt 85 Komokorau |
WHITE | Charles Henry | Residential | Cambridge | Draper | - |
WHITE | Edwin | Residential | Hamilton East | Cabinet maker | - |
WHITE | George E | Residential | Hamilton | Butcher | - |
WHITE | James | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Lt 63 Hamilton East |
WHITE | Joseph S | Freehold | Ohaka, Canterbury | Farmer | Lt 57 Taupiri |
WHITE | Thomas Henry | Freehold | Taupiri | Architect | Pt lt 210 Komokorau, 468 Taupiri |
WHITE | William | Freehold | Taranaki | Sergeant Major AC Force | Lot 2 Komokorau |
WHITE | William | Residential | Cambridge West | Carpenter | - |
WHITE | William James | Residential | Cambridge | Draper | - |
WHITEHOUSE | Samuel Thomas | Residential | Turua, Thames | Accountant | - |
WHITMORE | Cornelius | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
WHYMAN | Walter | Freehold | Newmarket | Builder | Lt 75 Kirikiriroa |
WHYTE | John Blair | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lts 170,172,174-177 Kirikiriroa |
WHYTE | William (Jnr) | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Pt lot 286 Cambridge |
WHYTE | William (Snr) | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | (No land listed) |
WILD | Frederick | Residential | Hamilton East | Mounted constable | - |
WILD | Samuel | Freehold | Cambridge West | Labourer | Lts 251,253 Cambridge West |
WILKINSON | Thomas | Freehold | Hautapu | Farmer | Lot 60 Hautapu |
WILKINSON | Thomas Henry | Residential | Whangamarino | Settler | - |
WILKINSON | William | Residential | Lichfield | Carpenter | - |
WILLAN | Thomas Henry | Residential | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | - |
WILLEY | George | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Sec 1, 4 BP, Claudelands |
WILLIAMS | James | Freehold | Auckland | Gentleman | Lts 316,317 Hautapu |
WILLIAMS | James | Residential | Woodlands | Labourer | - |
WILLIAMS | John | Freehold | Hamilton East | Labourer | Pt lot 41 Hamilton East |
WILLIAMS | Thomas H | Residential | Turua, Thames | Mill hand | - |
WILLIAMS | William Herbert | Residential | Waharoa | Labourer | - |
WILLIAMS | William L C | Freehold | Cambridge | Land agent | Lt 297-300 Cambridge |
WILLIAMSON | John | Freehold | Auckland | Clerk | Lt 89,90 NS, Newcastle |
WILLIS | Alfred | Residential | Waihou | Swamper | - |
WILLIS | John | Residential | near Woodstock | Labourer | - |
WILLIS | Robert Bruce Baker | Freehold | Waihou | Farmer | 238ac Waihekau No 2 |
WILLIS | Samuel | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Lt 103 Kirikiriroa |
WILLIS | William Newcombe S L | Residential | Cambridge East | Clergyman | - |
WILLS | Turner Wilfrid | Residential | Cambridge | Journalist | - |
WILSON | George Giles | Residential | Waihou | Labourer | - |
WILSON | Jacob | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
WILSON | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Gentleman | Lt 35-39, 59 Cambridge |
WILSON | John | Freehold | Cambridge | Labourer | Lt 569 Cambridge |
WILSON | John | Residential | Huntly | Miner | - |
WILSON | Thomas | Residential | Waotu | Bush contractor | - |
WILSON | Thomas Miller | Freehold | Whangamarino | Farmer | 297ac Whangamarino |
WILSON | Walter | Residential | Waharoa | Wheelwright | - |
WILSON | William | Residential | Cambridge West | Carter | - |
WINDER | Charles Robert | Residential | Waotu | Bushman | - |
WINDSOR | Henry | Freehold | Kirikiriroa | Farmer | Pt lt 257 Kirikiriroa |
WINDSOR | William Henry | Residential | Tamahere | Stock driver | - |
WISE | Thomas | Residential | Tauwhare | Labourer | - |
WISEMAN | James | Residential | Waihou | Contractor | - |
WOOD | Browne | Freehold | Tamahere | Gentleman | Lt 12,27,30-41 Tamahere |
WOOD | John | Freehold | Te Aroha | Settler | Lt 5,88,89 Kirikiriroa |
WOOD | Thomas | Freehold | Waiorongomai | Commission agent | Lts 102,104,105 Kirikiriroa |
WOOLF | James C | Residential | Waotu | Book-keeper | - |
WOOLSLEY | Amos | Residential | Hautapu | Farm labourer | - |
WORTHINGTON | George Talbot | Residential | Taupiri | Contractor | - |
WRIGHT | David | Residential | Tamahere | Farm servant | - |
WRIGHT | John | Residential | Hamilton East | Labourer | - |
WRIGHT | Richard | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Pt lts 154, 390 Cambridge East |
WRIGHT | William Charles (Jnr) | Residential | Richmond | Farmer | - |
YATE | Thomas H W | Freehold | Waiorongomai | Grocer | Lot 292 Cambridge |
YOUNG | Henry Charles | Freehold | Auckland | Agent | 985ac Te Awaiti, 452ac Teramoarati |
YOUNG | James | Freehold | Cambridge | Coach builder | Sec 7,8,9 of lots 110,111 Cambridge East |
YOUNG | William John | Freehold | Cambridge | Carpenter | Pt lot 315 Cambridge East |