These are commonly used abbreviations and military terms in the NZ Personal Military Files for World War One. Thanks to Ray Seymour for his help with many of these.
Also see:
Common British Army acronyms and abbreviations of the First World War.
Australian Military Abbreviations and Acronyms
Australian Military Abbreviations and Terminology
1 LHFA | 1st Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance |
1 NZGH | No1 NZ General Hospital - Brockenhurst, Hampshire, England. |
1/1 East Lancs FA | 1/1 East Lancashire Field Ambulance |
1/2 WRFA | 1/2 Western Riding Field Ambulance |
15th General Hospital | Alexandria, Cairo |
17th General Hospital | Alexandria, Cairo |
19th General Hospital | Alexandria, Cairo |
1AAH | 1st Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Luna Park, Cairo |
1AGH | 1st Australian General Hospital |
1NZEF | Name change of the NZ Expeditionary Force when World War Two broke out |
1st Australian Auxiliary Hospital | Luna Park, Cairo |
1st Australian General Hospital | Heliopolis Palace, Cairo |
2 Lt | Second Lieutenant |
2 NZGH | No 2 NZ General Hospital - Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England. |
2/1 East Lancs FA | 2/1 East Lancashire Field Ambulance |
2/2 WFRA | 2/2 Western Riding Field Ambulance |
22nd Corps MVD | 22nd Corps Mobile Veterinary Division |
22nd Corps R/Camp | 22nd [XXII] Corps Reinforcement Camp, Abeele |
2AGH | 2nd Australian General Hospital |
2nd ANZAC MVD | 2nd ANZAC Mobile Veterinary Division |
2nd Australian General Hospital | Gezirah Palace, Cairo |
2nd Corp | 2nd Corporal |
2nd Lieut | 2nd Lieutenant |
2nd NZ Stat Hosp | Brockenhurst, Hampshire - known as 1st NZ General Hospital after May 1916 |
3 NZGH | No 3 NZ General Hospital - Codford St Mary, Wiltshire, England |
4B | Is actually FP (Field Punishment) but looks like 4B or 4P |
A [Classified] | Fit for active service |
A [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for general service |
A Group | Group classification awaiting a ship home |
A/ | Acting |
A/Cpl | Acting Corporal |
A/H | Admitted hospital |
A/Sgt | Acting Sergeant |
A1 [Classified] | Fit for active service |
AANS | Australian Auxiliary Nursing Service |
AB | Auckland Battalion |
Abbasich | Canadian Stationary Hospital, Alexandria |
Abbassia | Hospital, Cairo. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
Abeele | 22nd [XXII] Corps Reinforcement Camp, Abeele |
Aboukir | Rest home for nursing staff, Port Said, Egypt |
abs/w/l | Absent without leave |
Adj | Adjutant |
Adm | Admitted |
ADMS | Assistant Director of Medical Services |
ADS | Advanced Dressing Station |
Adv Base | Advanced Base |
AEC | Area Employment Company |
AGH | Australian General Hospital |
AI | Auckland Infantry |
AIB | Auckland Infantry Battalion |
AIF | Australian Imperial Force |
AklReg | Auckland Regiment |
Alder Hay | Liverpool Orthopoedic Centre, Liverpool |
Aldershot | Hampshire - a garrison town |
ALH | Australian Light Horse |
Amm Park | Ammunition Park |
Amn Coln | Ammunition Column |
AMR | Auckland Mounted Rifles |
ANS | Army Nursing Service |
ANZAC | Australian and New Zealand Army Corps |
ANZAC (Place) | ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli Peninsula |
ANZAC Prov C | ANZAC Provost Corps (based Southampton Row, London ?) |
AOC | Army Ordnance Corps |
AOR | At Own Request |
Aotea | Aotea Convalescent Home, Heliopolis, Egpyt |
APC | ANZAC Provost Corps (based Southampton Row, London ?) |
APC | Army Pay Corps |
APC GMP | ANZAC Provost Corps Garrison Military Police |
APD | Auckland Provincial Detachment [at Sling Camp awaiting a ship home] |
APM | Assistant Provost Marshall [London ?] |
APMC | Almeric Paget Massage Corps |
APMMC | Almeric Paget Military Massage Corps |
App | Appointed |
Apptd | Appointed |
APR | Awaiting Passage Return |
APS | Army Postal Service |
AQMG | Assistant Quarter Master General |
AR | Auckland Regiment |
Ar Ser Corps | Army Service Corps |
ARRC | Associate Royal Red Cross |
Artificer | a skilled mechanic in the armed forces |
AS | Active Service |
AS Corps | Army Service Corps |
ASC | Army Sanitary Committee |
ASC | Army Service Corps |
ASC (MT) | Army Service Corps (Motor Transport) |
ASH | Australian Stationary Hospital |
AT | Ambulance Transport |
Att S | Attached strength |
Attchd | Attached |
Attd | Attached |
Auck | Auckland |
Aus Tun Co | Australian Tunnelling Company |
Aus Tun Coy | Australian Tunnelling Company |
Avondale | Camp at Avondale Racecourse, Auckland - original base for Maori Battalion in October 1914 |
Awapuni | Camp at Awapuni Racecourse, Palmerston North - base for NZ Medical Corps and others |
AWL | Absent with leave |
AWOL | Absent without leave |
B [Classified] | Fit for service in a garrison or labour unit abroad |
B [Disabled officer] | Fit for service in a garrison or labour unit abroad |
B Group | Group classification awaiting a ship home |
B1 [Classified] | Able to be made fit by medical treatment |
BAC | Brigade Ammunition Column |
Barton | Barton-on-Sea Convalescent Hospital, Hampshire |
Barton on Sea | Barton-on-Sea Convalescent Hospital, Hampshire |
Batt | Battalion |
BCOF | British Commonwealth Occupation Force |
BDE | Brigade |
Bde Transport | Brigade Transport |
Bdr | Bombardier |
Belton Park | NZ Machine Gun Corps training camp at Grantham, Lincolnshire, England |
B'Hurst | Brockenhurst (1st NZ General Hospital) |
Bletchley | Buckinghamshire - Royal Engineers signal depot, later a wireless depot |
BM | Brigade Major |
Bn | Battalion |
BOD | Base Ordnance Department |
Boscombe | NZ Engineers, Tunnellers and Pioneer Camp, between Christchurch and Boscombe, Dorset |
BOW | Base Ordnance Workshop |
BQMS | Battery Quarter Master Sergeant |
BRC | British Red Cross |
BRCH | British Red Cross Hospital |
BRD | Base Reception Depot |
Brightlinsea | NZ Engineers Training Depot, Brightlinsea, Essx |
Brighton | NZ Officers and Nurses Convalescent Homes |
Brockenhurst | Known as NZ No 2 Stationary Hospital before May 1916 |
Brockenhurst | No 1 NZ General Hospital, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, England |
Brocton | NZ Rifle Brigade Reserves Camp, Brocton, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire |
Btn | Battalion |
Bty | Battery |
Bulford | Bulford, Wiltshire, England - site of Sling Camp |
BW | Bullet wound |
C [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for home service - (i) active duty with troops |
C [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for home service - (ii) sedentary employment only |
C of E | Court of Enquiry |
C/C | Is actually L/C Lance Corporal but looks like C/C |
C1 [Classified] | Likely to become fit for service overseas after special training |
C1 Camp [New Zealand] | C1 - Likely to become fit for service overseas after special training |
C2 [Classified] | Permanently unfit for active service but fit for service in New Zealand |
Can CCS | Canadian Casualty Clearing Station |
Can GH | Canadian General Hospital |
Can Stat Hosp | Canadian Stationary Hospital |
Cannock Chase | NZ Rifle Brigade Reserves Camp, Brocton, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire |
CantReg | Canterbury Regiment |
Canty | Canterbury |
Capt | Captain |
Cas | Casualty |
Cashmere Military Sanatorium, Christchurch | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
CB | Confined to Barracks |
CB | Order of the Bath - Companion |
CBE | Order of the British Empire |
CCS | Casualty Clearing Station |
CD | Convalescent Depot |
Chadderton | NZ Field Artillery Reserve Depot, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire |
Chickerell | ANZAC Depot, Chickerell, Weymouth until NZ Depot opened at Hornchurch in April 1918 |
Christchurch | NZ Engineers, Tunnellers and Pioneer Camp, Christchurch, Dorset |
Christchurch Hospital Chalmers Ward | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
CI | Canterbury Infantry |
CIB | Canterbury Infantry Battallion |
CIF Contact | Contagious infection ?? |
Citadel Hospital, Cairo | Moquattam Hills, Cairo. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
Classified A [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for general service |
Classified A1 | Fit for active service |
Classified B [Disabled officer] | Fit for service in a garrison or labour unit abroad |
Classified B1 | Able to be made fit by medical treatment |
Classified C [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for home service - (i) active duty with troops |
Classified C [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for home service - (ii) sedentary employment only |
Classified C1 | Likely to become fit for service overseas after special training |
Classified C2 | Permanently unfit for active service but fit for service in New Zealand |
Classified D | Permanently unfit |
Classified D [Disabled officer or nurse] | For admission to a command depot |
Classified E [Disabled officer] | Requiring indoor hospital treatment - (i) in an officers military of auxiliary convalescent hospital |
Classified E [Disabled officer] | Requiring indoor hospital treatment - (ii) in an officers hospital |
Classified F [Disabled officer or nurse] | Permanently unfit for any further military service |
CMG | Order of St Michael & St George - Companion |
CMR | Canterbury Mounted Rifles |
CO | Commanding Officer |
Co | Company |
Codf | Codford Camp, Wiltshire, England |
Codford | 3rd NZ General Hospital also Convalescent Hospital |
Codford | NZEF Camp, Codford, Wiltshire, England |
COE | Church of England |
COE | Court of Enquiry |
Coln | Column |
Com Dep | NZ Command Depot, Codford |
Command Depot | NZ Command Depot, Codford |
Comp Btn | Composite Battalion |
Comp Coy | Composite Company |
Con Dep | Convalescent Depot |
Conduct to the prej of gd ord & mil disc | Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military disciplne |
Conv Dep | Convalescent Depot, Hornchurch |
Conv Hosp | Codford - No 3 NZ General Hospital Convalescent |
Conv Hosp | Hornchurch - NZ Convalescent Hospital |
Corps | A group of divisions |
Coy | Company |
Coy QMS | Company Quarter Master Sergeant |
Coy SM | Company Sergeant Major |
CPD | Canterbury Provincial Depot (at Sling Camp awaiting a ship home) |
CPDI | Chronic Pulmonary Disease Indeterminate |
Cpl | Corporal |
CPT | Chronic pulmonary tuberculosis |
CQMS | Company Quarter Master Sergeant |
CRE | Commander Royal Engineers |
Cse | Course |
CSM | Company Sergeant Major |
CTBA | Ceases to be attached |
CWGC | Commonwealth War Graves Commission |
Cyclists | New Zealand Cyclists Battalion |
D [Classified] | Permanently unfit |
D [Disabled officer or nurse] | For admission to a command depot |
DAC | Divisional Ammunition Column |
DADMS | Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services |
DAH [on Medical Reports] | Disordered action of the heart |
Dang ill | On dangerously ill list |
DAPM | Deputy Assistant Provost Marshal |
DAS | Died at sea |
DB | Detention Barracks |
DCM | Distinguished Conduct Medal |
DCM | District Courth Martial |
DDS | Defence Dental Service |
Deaconess Hospital | Sisters of Mercy Hospitals - Cairo and also Alexandria, Greece |
DEC | Divisional Employment Company |
Demob | Demobilization |
Dent Corps | Dental Corps |
Dep of L/stripe | Deprivation of Lance stripe |
Detach | Detachment |
Devonport | Devonport, Devon, England |
DHQ | Divisional Headquarters |
DI [Medical Term] | Dangerously ill [Placed on DI List] |
Disch | Discharged |
Dischdg | Discharged |
Div | Division |
Div Cav | Divisional Cavalry |
Div Sig | Divisional Signals |
DMC | Desert Mounted Corps [DMC Camp, Port Said] |
DMS | Director of Medical Services |
DOD | Died of disease |
DOI | Died of illness |
DOW | Died of wounds |
DOW | Duration of War |
DP Services | Deserters |
DRS | Divisional Rest Station |
DSO | Distinguished Service Order |
Dtls | Details |
Dunedin | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
Dvr | Driver |
E | Engineers |
E [Disabled officer] | Requiring indoor hospital treatment - (i) in an officers military of auxiliary convalescent hospital |
E [Disabled officer] | Requiring indoor hospital treatment - (ii) in an officers hospital |
E/D Pay | Extra Duty Pay |
Ech | Echelon |
ED | Efficiency Decoration |
EEF | Egyptian Expeditionary Force |
EFT | Engineer - Field Troop |
EGH | Egyptian General Hospital |
El Moascar | NZEF Camp near Ismailia |
Emb | Embarked |
Embn | Embarkation |
Emp Coy | Employment Company |
Engr | Engineer |
Ent Bn | Entrenching Batallion |
Entg Bn | Entrenching Batallion |
ERS | Education and Rehabilitation Services |
Etaples | NZ Reinforcement camp, Etaples, France |
ETC | NZ Engineers Tunnelling Corps |
Ewshot | NZ Field Artillery Camp, Ewshot, Hampshire (Sometimes spelt Eweshot). Also Medical Corps training |
F [Disabled officer or nurse] | Permanently unfit for any further military service |
FA | Field Ambulance |
FAB | Field Artillery Battalion |
Far Sergt | Farrier Sergeant |
Far Sgt | Farrier Sergeant |
Fd Amb | Field Ambulance |
Fd Co | Field Company |
Fd Coy | Field Company |
Fd Wksps | Field Workshops |
Featherston | Featherston Camp, Wairarapa, New Zealand - also hospital |
Feby | February (looks like July) |
FGCM | Field General Court Martial |
Fld | Field |
Forest Park | 1st NZ General Hospital, Brockenhurst |
FP | Is actually HP for hospital |
FP1 | Field Punishment No. 1 |
FP2 | Field Punishment No. 2 |
FPC | Field Punishment Compound |
Fr | France |
FSS | Field Security Section/Service |
Fston | Featherston Camp, Wairarapa, New Zealand - also hospital |
GBD | General Base Depot |
GCM | General Court Martial |
Gen Hosp | General Hospital |
Gezirah | Anglo American Hospital, Cairo. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
Gezirah | Regina Palace also known as Gezirah Palace Hospital, Cairo - 2nd Australian General Hospital |
GH | General Hospital |
Ghajn�Tuffieha | Convalescent Camp, Malta |
Ghezirah [Gezirah] | 2nd Australian General Hopital, Egypt |
Ghizel | Red Cross Hospital, Cairo |
GMP | Garrison Military Police |
Gnr | Gunner |
GOC | General Officer Commanding |
Grantham | NZ Machine Gun Corps Depot, Lincolnshire, England |
GRC | Graves Registration Commission - Later Imperial then Commonwealth War Graves Commission |
Grey Towers | New Zealand Convalescent Hospital - Hornchurch, Essex |
GRU | Graves Registration Unit - Later Imperial then Commonwealth War Graves Commission |
GSO | General Staff Officer |
GSW | Gunshot Wound |
GSW RWU | Gunshot wound - remaining with unit |
H'Church | Hornchurch (NZ Convalescent Hospital) |
Heliopolis | Heliopolis Palace - 1st Australian General Hospital, Egypt |
Heliopolis | Aotea Convalescent Home, Heliopolis, Egpyt |
Helouan | Convalescent Hospital, Egypt |
Hitchin | NZ Signallers Reserve Depot, Hitchin near Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England |
HMNZHS | His Majesty's NZ Hospital Ship |
HMNZTS | His Majesty's NZ Troopship |
Hornchurch | Established 1916 as NZ General Depot, later NZEF Convalescent Hospital |
Hornchurch | NZEF Convalescent Hospital, Hornchurch, Essex |
Hosp | Hospital |
Hospital - Auckland Hospital Annexe | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
Hospital - Featherston Camp | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
Hospital - Narrow Neck Military | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
Hospital - Queen Mary's , Hanmer Springs | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
Hospital - Trentham Camp | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
Queen Mary's Hospital, Hanmer Springs | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
HQ | Headquarters |
HS | Hospital Ship |
ICC | Imperial Camel Corps |
ICT [Medical Term] | Inflammation connecting tissue |
IDK [Medical Term] | Internal derangement of the knee |
IHL | Imprisonment with Hard Labour |
Imperial | Imperial or British Army |
Inf | Infantry |
Inf Bde Hqrs | Infantry Brigade Headquarters |
Instr | Instructor |
Instrn | Instruction |
Ismailia | NZ Base Camp, Egypt - major rail junction |
Isol Hosp | Isolation Hospital |
IWGC | Imperial War Graves Commission (later Commonwealth War Graves Commission) |
Jnd | Joined |
Kasr El Aini Hospital | Cairo West. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
KCB | Order of the Bath - Knight Companion |
KCMG | Order of St Michael & St George - Knight Companion |
KHDS | King's Honorary Dental Surgeon |
KIA | Killed in Action |
King George V Hospital, Rotorua | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
L/Bdr | Lance Bombardier |
L/Corp | Lance Corporal |
L/Sgt | Lance Sergeant |
Lady Godley's | Convalescent Hospital, Egypt |
Larkhill | NZEF Camp, Larkhill, Wiltshire |
LDS | Member of Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) |
Left for canal | Suez Canal |
LFO | Leave with pay until further orders on Demob. |
LGS | Lewis Gun School |
LH | Light Horse Brigade (Australian) |
LH Bde | Light Horse Brigade (Australian) |
LHFA | Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance |
Lieut | Lieutenant |
London | NZEF Headquarters |
Lowry Bay Convalecent Home, Wellington | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
LROS | Light Railways Operating Section |
LRTC | Light Railway Train Crew (21st Engineers) |
Lt | Lieutenant |
Lt-Col | Lieutenant Colonel |
LTMB | Light Trench Mortar Brigade |
Luna Park | 1st Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Luna Park, Cairo |
LWOP | Leave without pay |
LWP | Leave with pay |
LWPUFO | Leave with pay until further orders on Demob. |
M & HTM | Medium and Heavy Trench Mortar [Brigade] |
M I Hospital | Military Infectious Hospital |
M/I | Marched In |
M/in | Marched In |
M/O | Marched Out |
M/out | Marched Out |
M/U | Medically Unfit |
Main Body | First detachment of New Zealand Expeditionary Force - left NZ October 1914 |
Maj | Major |
Manor Hospital, Epsom | Epsom, Surrey - from 1916 becane Manor War Hospital |
Manor War Hospital, Epsom | Epsom, Surrey |
Maoris | New Zealand Maori (Pioneer) Battalion |
May Morn | A tent camp near Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington |
MB | Medical Board |
MBE | Order of the British Empire - Member |
MBH | Mounted Brigade Headquarters |
MC | Medical Corps |
MC | Military Cross (Medal) |
MDFA | Mounted Division Field Ambulance |
MDS | Main Dressing Station |
Med/B | Medical Board |
MEF | Mediterranean Expeditionary Force |
Meth | Methodist |
MFA | Mounted Field Ambulance |
MG | Machine Gun |
MGC | Machine Gun Corps |
MGS | Machine Gun Squadron |
MID | Mentioned in Despatches |
Missing | Missing in action |
MM | Military Medal |
MO | Medical Officer |
Moascar | NZ Mounted Rifles Brigade Camp originally NZEF Camp (1916), Egypt |
Moascar | NZ Mounted Rifles Training Units and Depot, Moascar |
Moascar | NZEF Camp near Ismailia |
Monte Video | ANZAC Depot, Chickerell, Weymouth until NZ Depot opened at Hornchurch in April 1916 |
Montevideo | ANZAC Depot, Chickerell, Weymouth until NZ Depot opened at Hornchurch in April 1916 |
Mormon | Member of Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints (LDS) |
Mount Felix | NZEF Hospital, near 2nd General Hospital, Walton on Thames |
MP | Miltary Police |
MRBde | Mounted Rifle Brigade |
MSM | Meritorious Service Medal |
Mt Felix | NZEF Hospital, near 2nd General Hospital, Walton on Thames |
Mtd | Mounted |
MTD | NZ Mechanical Transport Depot, Oatland Park, Weybridge |
MtdBdeHqrs | Mounted Brigade Headquarters |
Mudros | Harbour on Lemnos Island - site of hospitals and jump off point for Gallipoli |
Mudros, Armistice | Armistice of Mudros was signed 30 October 1918 ending hostilities in the Middle East theatre |
Mutt�and�Jeff | British War Medal and Victory Medal respectively |
MVD | Mobile Veterinary Division |
MVS | Mobile Veterinary Section |
Narrow Neck | Narrow Neck Camp, Takapuna, Auckland - Maori Battalion Camp, later a reinforcement camp and hospital |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
NMR | National Military Reserve |
NYD | Not Yet Diagnosed |
NYDN | Not Yet Diagnosed |
NZ Base Post Office | at Regents Park, London |
NZ Comm Dep | New Zealand Command Depot, Codford |
NZ Con Dep | New Zealand Convalescent Depot, Hornchurch |
NZ Div Train | New Zealand Divisional Train |
NZ Divisional Dump | Logistics for all supplies needed |
NZ Emb Camp | New Zealand Embarkation Camp |
NZ Fd Amb | NZ Field Ambulance |
NZ General Hospital | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo |
NZ Lt RW Op Sect | NZ Light Railways Operation Section |
NZ Military Hospital | Walton on Thames - became 2nd NZ General Hospital in July 1916 |
NZ Rec Dep | New Zealand Reception Depot |
NZ Rein Fld Amb | New Zealand Reinforcements Field Ambulance |
NZ War Contingent Hospital | Walton on Thames opened in August 1915 - became 2nd NZ General Hospital in July 1916 |
NZA | New Zealand Artillery |
NZANS | New Zealand Army Nursing Service |
NZAOC | New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps |
NZAPC | New Zealand Army Pay Corps |
NZASC | New Zealand Army Service Corps |
NZASC (MT) | New Zealand Army Service Corps (Motor Transport) |
NZCB | New Zealand Cyclist Battalion |
NZCC | New Zealand Camel Corps |
NZCC | New Zealand Corp of Cyclists |
NZCC | New Zealand Cyclist Corps |
NZCC | NZ Convalescent Camp (Grey Towers, Hornchurch) |
NZCD | New Zealand Chaplains Department |
NZCICC | New Zealand Company Imperial Camel Corps |
NZDC | New Zealand Dental Corps |
NZDRS | Divisional Rest Station |
NZE | New Zealand Engineers |
NZE (ROC) | NZ Engineers (Railway Operation Section) |
NZEB | New Zealand Entrenching Battalion |
NZEF | New Zealand Expeditionary Force |
NZETC | New Zealand Engineers Tunnelling Corps |
NZETCo | New Zealand Engineers Tunnelling Corps |
NZFA | New Zealand Field Artillery |
NZGH | New Zealand General Hospital |
NZGRU | New Zealand Graves Registration Unit |
NZHS | New Zealand Hospital Ship |
NZI & GBD | New Zealand Infantry and General Base Depot, Etaples, France |
NZInf | New Zealand Infantry |
NZLRO Section | NZ Light Railways Operation Section |
NZLTMB | New Zealand Light Trench Mortar Battery |
NZMB | New Zealand Maori (Pioneer) Battalion |
NZMC | New Zealand Medical Corps |
NZMDF | New Zealand Mounted Division Field Ambulance |
NZMF | New Zealand Military Forces |
NZMFA | New Zealand Mounted Field Ambulance |
NZMGC | New Zealand Machine Gun Corps |
NZMR | New Zealand Mounted Rifles |
NZMR Trg Units | New Zealand Mounted Rifle Training Units |
NZMRNCos | New Zealand Mounted Rifle NCOs [Non commissioned officers] |
NZMTD | NZ Mechanical Transport Depot, Oatland Park, Weybridge |
NZMVS | NZ Mobile Veterinary Section |
NZOC | New Zealand Ordance Corps |
NZPB | New Zealand Pioneer Battalion |
NZPC | New Zealand Pay Corps |
NZPC | New Zealand Provost Corps |
NZPS | New Zealand Permanent Staff |
NZPS | New Zealand Postal Service |
NZPWRU | New Zealand Prisoner of War Repatriation Unit |
NZRB | New Zealand Rifle Brigade |
NZRD | New Zealand Reinforcement Depot |
NZSC | New Zealand Signal Corps |
NZSC | New Zealand Staff Corps |
NZSH | New Zealand Stationary Hospital |
NZST | New Zealand Signalling Troop |
NZTC | New Zealand Tunnelling Company |
NZTES | New Zealand Temporary Employment Section |
NZTU | New Zealand Training Unit |
NZVC | New Zealand Veterinary Corps |
NZWT | New Zealand Wireless Troop |
O/R Sergeant | Orderley Room Sergeant |
OAS | On active service |
Oatlands Park | NZEF Hospital, near 2nd General Hospital, Walton on Thames (now Oatlands Park Hotel) |
OB | Otago Brigade |
OBE | Order of the British Empire - Officer |
OC | Officer Commanding |
OCTU | Officer Cadet Training Unit |
OI | Otago Infantry |
OIB | Otago Infantry Brigade |
Oldham | NZ Field Artillery Reserve Depot, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire |
OMR | Otago Mounted Rifles |
OPD | Otago Provincial Detachment (at Sling Camp awaiting a ship home) |
Orchitis | Sexually transmitted infection |
OtagoReg | Otago Regiment |
OTC | Officer Training Corps |
P de K | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo - later 2nd NZ Stationary Hospital |
P/U | Permanently or Physically Unfit |
Papawai | A tent camp near Featherston, Wairarapa |
PB [as in classified unfit] | Permanent Base |
Perham | Quarantine Camp, Perham Down, Wiltshire |
Phthisis� | Pulmonary tuberculosis |
PI & BF Class | Physical Instruction & Bayonet Fighting Class |
Pioneer | New Zealand Maori (Pioneer) Battalion |
Pip, Squeak and Wilfred | The 1914 Star or 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal respectively |
Pnt de K | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo - later 2nd NZ Stationary Hospital |
Pont de Koubbeh | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo - later 2nd NZ Stationary Hospital |
Pont de Kubb | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo - later 2nd NZ Stationary Hospital |
poss. of pass | (Not in) possesion of pass |
POW | Prisoner of war |
Presb | Presbyterian |
Prog fair (Medical term) | Progress fair |
PTB | Pulmonary tuberculosis |
Pte | Private |
PU | Permanently or Physically Unfit |
Pukeroa Military Sanatorium, Waipukurau | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
PUO | Pyrexia [fever] of unknown origin |
Pvt | Private |
QAIMNS | Queen Alexandra's Imperial Nursing Service |
QAIMNSR | Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service |
QMG | Quarter Master General |
QMS | Quarter Master Sergeant |
R/O | Reinforcements |
RA | Royal Artillery |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
Ramleh | Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt |
Rangioutu | A tent camp near Palmerston North, Manawatu |
RAP | Regimental Aid Post |
Rarotongan | Rarotongan Company |
Ras El Tin | Military Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt |
RC | Reinforcement Camp |
RC | Rest Camp |
RC | Roman Catholic |
RCM | Regimental Court Martial |
RD | Returning Draft |
RE | Royal Engineers |
Regents Park | NZ Base Post Office |
Regt | Regiment |
Reinf | Reinforcement |
Reinfs | Reinforcements |
Rej | Re-joined |
Relinq | Relinquished |
Res | Reserve |
RFC | Royal Flying Corps |
RFD | Reported for duty |
Rfm | Rifleman |
Rft | Reinforcement |
Rfts | Reinforcements |
Rgt | Regiment |
RHA | Royal Horse Artillery |
RMO | Regimental Medical Officer |
RMP | Royal Military Police |
RMT | Reserve Mechanical Transport |
RN | Royal Navy |
RNZA | Royal NZ Artillery |
RNZN | Royal New Zealand Navy |
RNZNR | Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve |
RO | Records Office, London [Southampton Row?] |
ROD� | Railway Operating Division of the Royal Engineers |
ROH | Roll of Honour |
Rouen | NZEF base in France |
RQMS | Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant |
RRC | Royal Red Cross |
RSM | Regimental Sergeant Major |
RTA (In Australian files) | Returned/Return to Australia |
RTC | Reserve Training Centre (Hastings, Sussex) |
RTNZ | Returned to New Zealand |
RW | Royal Warrant |
RWU | Remaining with unit |
S/Nurse | Staff Nurse |
S/Sgt | Staff Sergeant |
SAA | Small Arms Ammunition |
Salah El Din (Saladin) | Citadel Hospital, Cairo. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
Samoan | New Zealand Samoan Forces |
Samoan Advance | First detachment of New Zealand Expeditionary Force to Samoa - departed NZ 11 August 1914 |
Samoan Reinforcements | Reinforcements to NZ Expeditionary Force in Samoa |
SBR | Small Box Respirator |
Sec | Section |
Segregation | Isolation (for infectious disease) |
Ser ill (Medical term) | On seriously ill list |
Sgt | Sergeant |
Sgt-Major | Sergeant Major |
Sh/Sm | Shoe Smith |
Ships Hosp | Ships hospital |
Shoubra | Infectious Diseases Hospital, Shoubra near Cairo |
SI (Medical term) | Seriously ill [Placed on SI List] |
SI List (Medical term) | Seriously ill list |
Silver War Badge | also known as �The Services Rendered Badge� and the �Discharge Badge�. |
Sling | Main NZEF Camp (Bulford, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire) |
Sling Camp | Main NZEF Camp (Bulford, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire) |
Slingshot | Main NZEF Camp (Bulford, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire) |
SM | Sergeant Major |
Soft sore | Chancroid - a sexually transmitted infection |
SOS | Struck off strength |
Southampton Row, London | ANZAC Provost Corps (based Southampton Row, London ?) |
Spr | Sapper |
Sqdn | Squadron |
SQMS | Squadron Quarter Master Sergeant |
Sqn | Squadron |
ss | Steam Ship |
S-Sgt | Staff Sergeant |
SSM | Squadron Sergeant Major |
Stat Hosp | Stationary Hospital |
Stevenage | NZ Signallers Reserve Depot, Hitchin near Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England |
Stg | Strength (Taken on Strength) |
Stgt | Strength (Taken on Strength) |
Sup Col | Supply Column |
Sup to estb. | Supernumerary to establishment |
SW | Shrapnel wound |
SWB | Silver War Badge |
SWRWU | Slightly wounded - remaining with unit |
T/ | Temporary |
T/Art | Temporary Artificer (Cyclists Corp) |
T/Corp | Temporary Corporal |
T/Sgt | Temporary Sergeant |
T/U | Temporarily Unfit |
Takapuna | Narrow Neck Camp, Takapuna, Auckland - Maori Battalion Camp, later a reinforcement camp and hospital |
Tauherenikau | Camp at Tauherenikau Race Course, Wairarapa - temporary subsidary camp |
TB | Tuberculosis (tubercle bacillus) |
T-Corp | Temporary Corporal |
TES (ASC) | Temporary Employment Section (Army Service Corps) |
TF | Territorial Force |
Tfd | Transferred |
Tidworth | NZ Mounted Rifles Depot, Tidworth |
Tidworth | Tidworth Military Hospital, Tidworth, Wiltshire |
Timaru | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
TM Batt | Trench Mortar Battery |
TMB | Travelling Medical Board |
Torquay | NZEF Discharge Depot, Torquay, Devon |
TOS | Taken on strength |
Tp | Troop |
Tpr | Trooper |
Trans | Transferred |
Transfd | Transferred |
Trentham | Military base at Trentham, Upper Hutt |
Trg | Training |
Trg Co | Training Company |
Trg U & D | NZ Mounted Rifles Training Units and Depot, Moascar, Egypt |
TS | Troop Ship |
T-Sgt | Temporary Sergeant |
TU | Temporarily Unfit |
TU | Training Unit |
VAD | Voluntary Aid Detachment |
VC | Victoria Cross |
VD | Venereal Disease |
VD | Volunteer Decoration |
VD Section | Venereal Disease Section [attached 3rd NZ General Hospital, Codford] |
VD Ward | Venereal Disease Ward |
VDC | Venereal disease - Chancre |
VDG | Venereal disease - Gonorrhea |
VDH | Valvular Disease of the Heart (Medical term) |
VDS | Venereal Disease - Syphilis |
VDSC | Venereal Disease - Soft Chancre |
Ven Hosp | Venereal Disease Hospital |
Ven Section | Venereal Disease Section [attached 3rd NZ General Hospital, Codford] |
W RWU | Wounded - remaining with unit |
W.Coast | West Coast |
Waikanae | A tent camp at Waikanae on the Kapiti Coast, Wellington |
Waikato Sanitorium, Cambridge | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
Walton | Walton on Thames (2nd NZ General Hospital) |
WEF | With effect from |
Wellington Hospital Victoria Ward | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes� |
Western FF | Western Field Force (Egypt) |
Weymouth | ANZAC Convalescent Depot (1915-16), Weymouth, Dorset, England [Montevideo] |
WFF | Western Field Force (Egypt) |
Wgtn | Wellington |
WI | Wellington Infantry Battalion |
WIA | Wounded in action |
WIB | Wellington Infantry Battalion |
WlgReg | Wellington Regiment |
WMR | Wellington Mounted Rifles |
WOAS | While on Active Service |
WOI | Warrant Officer - First Class |
WOII | Warrant Officer - Second Class |
WOL | Without leave |
Woodcote Park | Military Convalescent Hospital, Epsom, Surrey [in use in 1915] |
WPD | Wellington Provincial Detachment (at Sling Camp awaiting ship home) |
WT Hosp | Walton on Thames (2nd NZ General Hospital) |
XXII Corps MVD | 22nd [XXII] Corps Mobile Veterinary Division |
XXII Corps R/Camp | 22nd [XXII] Corps Reinforcement Camp, Abeele |
Zeitoun | NZEF Camp (1914-16) near Cairo |