Erie Railroad Biography - David Heinselman

DAVID HEINSELMAN, Youngstown, Ohio.
Born in Lordstown, Ohio, July 2, 1858, David Heinselman left school at the age of 18 and secured a position with the Cartwright & McNulty Rolling Mill Company, with whom he remained three years. He then secured a position as fireman on the Erie, and after six years was promoted to engineer. Six months later he had a controversy with the Engine Dispatcher and was discharged. He went to work as a painter in Youngstown for a while, but soon secured a position as fireman on the P. & W. After four weeks he left and went to firing on the Erie again, and after six years he was again given an engine, but later, on account of slack business, he was put back to firing and running extra for two months, after which he was given a regular run. Mr. Heinselman is an active figure in Republican politics in Youngstown, having served several terms in the city council and has been President of that body. He was married on January 1, 1880, to Miss Mary A. Gundy, a cultured young lady of Youngtown, and they have an interesting family of three sons and two daughters. Mr. Heinselman is a member of Lodge 614, K. of P., and Court Tod, A. 0. 0. F.

Excerpted from: "American Locomotive Engineers, Erie Railway Edition," H.R. Romans Editor; Crawford-Adsit Company Publishers, Chicago, IL 1899.

From the June, 1926 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
Since the first quarterly meeting of the Erie Veterans organization, at Susquehanna, PA., April 18, 1926, the membership has increased from 1,057 to 1,256. This growth is largely due to the efforts of C.L. Edinger, president. Newly chosen vice-presidents of the association are: At Youngstown, D. Heinselman, locomotive engineer on the Mahoning Division.

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