Erie Railroad Biography - George W. Kehler

GEORGE W. KEHLER, Huntington, Indiana.
George W. Kehler was born in Louisville, Stark County, Ohio, September 28, 1852. He was the son of Samuel Kehler, who was a doctor for forty-eight years in Ohio. Mr. Kehler attended school until he was 18 years old, and then, after learning the mason and plasterer's trade, worked at them alternately for several years. He began his railroad career as a brakeman on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago, and after about a year in the employ of that company he secured a position in the construction department of the Lake Erie & Western, and assisted in building that line between Fremont and Lima, Ohio, after which he attended school a while, and then worked occasionally at the plasterer's trade. He again returned to railroad work, entering the water service of Erie, and in 1884 he was given a position as fireman under Master Mechanic Hill. After four years at this work, during which time he made an excellent record, he was promoted to engineer, and since 1888 he has been engaged in the freight service, with occasional extra passenger duty. He stands well up in the estimation of his superiors and has received many favorable comments on his ability as an engineer.

In June, 1874, he was married to Miss Alfretta Andrews, daughter of S. M. Andrews, agent of the Pennsylvania Company at North Washington, Ohio. They have an interesting family of seven children. Guy, who is 23 years of age, is now a fireman on the Erie and has served his time as a machinist in the shops at Huntington; Hadasa, aged 22, who is remaining at home; Cary, aged 20, graduated from the Huntington High School with honors; Anna, 17 years, is now attending High School in Huntington; Frank, aged 15; Dow aged 11, and Georgia, 10, the baby of the family, are also attending school.

Mr. Kehler is a member of B. of L. E., Division No. 221, of Huntington; and K. 0. T. M. of Huntington. He owns a nice residence on Jacobs street and enjoys the respect of all who know him. Mrs. Kehler is an estimable lady and looks after her fine family of children with motherly pride and solicitude.

Excerpted from: "American Locomotive Engineers, Erie Railway Edition," H.R. Romans Editor; Crawford-Adsit Company Publishers, Chicago, IL 1899.

From the July, 1935 issue of Erie Railroad Magazine:
Engineer George W. Kehler, retired, died at his home in Huntington June 6 (1935). Mr. Kehler was employed as an engineer Oct. 29, 1884 and was retired July 5, 1927. C.A. Kehler, conductor, Marion Division, is a son.

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