Descent of Richard Hancox

Descent of Richard Hancox

  1. Richard Hancox was partner of Mary Hancox and father of Sigismund Hancox

  2. Sigismund Hancox was partner of Margery Tunkes and father of Ann Hancox

  3. Ann Hancox was partner of Thomas Southall and mother of Thomas Southall

  4. Thomas Southall was partner of Mary Harrison and father of William Southall

  5. William Southall was partner of Elizabeth Foxall and father of Joshua Southall

  6. Joshua Southall was partner of Elizabeth Evans and father of Esther Southall

  7. Esther Southall was partner of Samuel Collett and mother of Elizabeth Collett

  8. Elizabeth Collett was partner of Thomas Whitehouse and mother of Thomas Whitehouse

  9. Thomas Whitehouse was partner of Mary Lee and father of Mark Whitehouse

  10. Mark Whitehouse was partner of Esther Davies and father of Elsie Whitehouse

  11. Elsie Whitehouse was partner of Joshua Cornelius Poole and mother of Maris Doreen Poole

  12. Maris Doreen Poole is partner of Roger William Stanier and mother of Alan Michael Stanier