St. Austell 1841 Workhouse Census


Newcastle upon Tyne WORKHOUSE DIET

An actual diet, published in 1881, for the Workhouse in Newcastle Upon Tyne. In St. Austell, following the food riots of 1847, the vicar pointed out that "rate payers" started with an income of 16s. per week, and they must be careful not to feed the Workhouse inmates better than the rate payers! This diet would indicate they didn't.
J. Mosman, OPC 

Day of the Week
Sunday 1 pint Oatmeal Porridge and
1/2 pint of new Milk (a)
1/2 pint of broth
3 1/2 oz. bread
8 oz. boiled meat
1/4 lb. potatoes
1 pint of broth
7 oz. bread
Monday 1 pint Oatmeal Porridge and
1/2 pint of new Milk (a)
1 1/2 pint of boiled Barley or Rice with Milk and Treacle 1/2 pint of new Milk
7 oz. bread
Tuesday 1 pint Oatmeal Porridge and
1/2 pint of new Milk (a)
1 1/2 pint of cold Meat hash with potatoes (b) 1/2 pint of new Milk
7 oz. bread
Wednesday 1 pint Oatmeal Porridge and
1/2 pint of new Milk (a)
14 oz. Suet pudding with Treacle sauce 1/2 pint of new Milk
7 oz. bread
Thursday 1 pint Oatmeal Porridge and
1/2 pint of new Milk (a)
1/2 pint of Broth,
3 1/2 oz. Bread,
8 oz. meat boiled
1/4 lb. Potatoes
1 pint of broth
7 oz. bread
Friday 1 pint Oatmeal Porridge and
1/2 pint of new Milk (a)
1 1/2 pint Ox Head soup either pea or vegetable
7 oz. Bread
1/2 pint of new Milk
7 oz. bread
Saturday 1 pint Oatmeal Porridge and
1/2 pint of new Milk (a)

1 1/2 pint boiled Barley or Rice with Milk and Treacle

1/2 pint of new Milk
7 oz. bread

(a) Instead of this 1 pint of new milk and 7 oz. of bread may be given where required at the discretion of the Master.
(b) To be made up with fresh meat equal to 1/4 lb. of meat per head, and to have in it equal to 3/4 lb. of potatoes. Instead of Potatoes, Vegetables when in season.
Instead of one of the Barley or Rice Dinners, Fresh Fish and Potatoes may at the discretion of the Visiting Guardians be substituted.
Such of the Inmates as are 60 years of age or upwards may be allowed Tea or Coffee at Breakfast and Supper.
The Diet of the Sick to be according to the directions of the Medical Attendant.


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