Missing Stotzer Links


We are seeking the connections ("missing links" or common ancestors) between these listed Stotzers. Each entry represent the oldest person in their respective US Stotzer family trees for which we have birth/other data about:

US Stotzer Groups

Oldest Name and data


Willy, Archbold and Ottawa Ohio
Connects to the Cleveland, related groups in next row via a Stotzer-Stotzer marriage in mid-1800s.

Johannes Stotzer b.abt.1680 in Büren an der Aare.
Married: Anna Marie Castar in 1709 who died in 1721. Married: Ana Barbara Walti after 1721.

Parents and siblings names unknown.

Cleveland, Texas
Mineral City and Pennsylvania/New Jersey

Jakob Stotzer b.bet.1660-70 in Büren an der Aare
Married: Elisabeth Bader.

Parents and siblings names unknown.

Not connected to any of the above.

Balthassar Stotzer b.abt.1541 in Büren an der Aare
Married Adelheitt Waelty b.abt.1545

Parent's and siblings names unknown.

New York
Not connected to any of the above.

Johann Jacob Stotzer b.abt.1720 Büren an der Aare
Married Anna Kunz

Parent's and siblings names unknown.