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I Remember When......


It took 5 minutes to warm the TV up.

My Dad sat in front of the Television with tears in his eye's as the first man walked on the moon.

Television mom and dads slept in separate beds and cussing was not allowed.

We collected empty glass coca-cola bottles and sold them at the local store for a nickle each.

You could buy a candy bar for a nickle and a soda for 10 cents.

I remember listening to my grandmother complain because gas had gone up to 35 cents.

I could buy a pack of marlboro for 50 cents.

We got our first water cooler to cool the house down and felt like we were rich.

We had a window air conditioner in the back seat window of our car.

Seatbelts were optional and we kids would lay in the backseat window.

Being made to stay indoors to play was punishment, hot weather didn't bother us.

Horned Toads (horny toads) were everywhere and we would catch them as pets.

We got sick we sweated it out and antibiotics were a last resort.

The movies were free on Saturday afternoon if you were under 12 and 50 cents for over 12.

A dollar allowance was alot of money.

A new brick house was $12,000.

A dirty magazine (porn) was a woman with only her breasts exposed.

Calculators were considered cheating and were not allowed in school.

We called adults by Ma'am and Sir or Mr. and Mrs.

Licks were not considered Corporal Punishment, nor was permission needed to get them.

Guns were in the home but kids never thought about using them.

Everyone knew thier neighbors.

Kids could go trick or treating by themselves.

You got you windshield washed, oil checked and gas pumped all for free without asking.

Lying on your back with your friends and saying "that cloud looks like a ..." was fun.

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Stuff from the stores came without safety seals because no one thought about poisoning them.

There was a milk man who would deliver glass bottles to our front porch.

We had a party line on our telephone with six other families and could hear all the gossip.

A road side rest stop only had picnic tables and the restroom was the nearest bush.

You could smoke inside the local stores.

If you were old enough to fight in a war or get married you were old enough to drink.

Pregnant girls were not allowed in school.

If you got a girl pregnant, you were kicked out of school.


