
Trail of 100 Years Arapaho, Oklahoma 1892-1992
(Arapaho Chamber of Commerce, 1992)
An Index of Surnames, Topics and page numbers

Contact  Pat Parkhurst, Box F, Arapaho, OK 73620 or Lee Gleason, Box 395, Arapaho, OK 73620 <> with questions about the Arapaho, Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce book TRAIL OF 100 YEARS ARAPAHO, OKLAHOMA 1892-1992.


Kisinger, 157

Klein, 254

Kline, 254
Klopfenstein, 264
Kness, 159
Koch, 159, 160
Kolb, 272
Krantz, 160
Abers, 242 Lachman, 160
Adams, 89 Lacy, 161, 162, 294
Alexander, 89, 90 Lamar, 162
Allen, 90, 242 Lambertus, 273
Arapaho ARROW 3, 28 Laminack, 162
Arapaho BEE, 3, 5, 10, 28, 29 Lathrum, 268
Arington, 81, 88, 90 Latimer, 163
Armstrong, 90, 91, 229 Lauer, 164
Asher, 91 Laughlin, 164
Baker, 91, 208 Lauterbach, 199
Ballew 172, 242 Laws, 164
Banking in Arapaho 34-39 Lawton, 273
Barber, 91 Lax, 164, 165
Barker, 92 Lee, 166, 274
Barrick, 92, 93, 242 Lemons, 166
Barton, 93, 94 Lenaburg, 167
Bates, 94 Lewis, 168
Baumwart, 95 Lighthill, 168
Baxter, 96 Likes, 168
Beaty, 267 Littell, 265
Beauchamp, 96 Lockhart, 169
Bebout, 96 Lung, 255
Begley, 97 Lynch, 170
Belcher, 97 Maloy, 174, 290
Bell, 97 Mansfield, 175
Bertram, 97 Marple, 257
Bewley, 98, 258 Marquis, 175
Blakely, 98, 243 Martin, 175
Booth, 99 Martin, 176
Bourquin, 278 Matthews, 176
Bozarth, 259 Matz, 176
Bredy, 243 McAmis, 170
Brown, 99, 100 McCartney, 171
Brown, 267 McDonald, 255
Burleson, 100 McDonough, 171
Burris, 268 McDow, 171, 172
Cabaniss, 100, 101, 102, 243, 244, McDowell, 266
Caldwell, 282, 293 McGoffin, 172
Calmes, 102 McInturff, 87, 256
Camp, 103 McLaughlin, 173
Carlberg, 103 McReynolds, 174
Carlile, 268 Melton, 275
Carpenter, 104, 105 Menes, 177
Carr, 105 Meredith, 177
Carter, 105 Miles, 177
Casey, 105 Miller, 177, 178, 179, 274
Castillo, 268 Million, 274
Chance, 105, 106 Mills, 179, 280
Chapman, 106 Miskel, 180
Choplin, 107, 108 Mitchell, 180
Church of Christ, 58 Morin, 180
Church, Assembly of God, 56 Morris, 180
Church, Baptist, 56, 59 Morrison, 180
Church, Christian, 57 Morton, 181
Church, Congregational, 58 Mosier, 181
Church, Methodist, 58 Mueller, 181
Church, Reformed, 61 Mullins, 182
Cleckley, 108 Muno, 182, 183
Clements, 260 Myers, 183
Cline, 269 Naylor, 184
Clinkingbeard, 108 Nelson, 275
Cobb, 26, 109, 244 Neugebauer, 185
Coit, 109 Nicholas, 185
Colegrove, 110 Nickel, 185
Collins, 188 Nonast, 185
Cooke, 110, 283 Orgain, 275
Cookerly, 111 Outlaw in Cemetery, 47
Cordes, 111 Owen, 185
Cornell, 111 Paris, 186
Corrigan, 269 Parker, 124, 186, 296
Coulson, 112 Parkhurst, 186, 187
Coulson, 111, 112 Parr, 187
Counts, 269 Parrett, 188
Covey, 112 Penner, 188
Cox, 113, 225 Peterson, 189
Crawford, 113 Phillips, 52, 189, 190
Crook, 244 Pifer, 257
Cross, 114 Pollard, 191
Crothers, 269 Powell, 191
Crow, 114 Preston, 192
Cunningham, 114, 245, Pruitt, 192
Custer County Courthouse, 53 Raab, 193
Cutberth, 115 Railroads in Oklahoma, 44-47
Darnell, 270 Ray, 133
Darrah, 261 Rayner, 193
Daugherty, 115, 116, 117 Reed, 194
Davis, 117, 118, 246 Reilly, 194
Deal, 246, 247 Reimers, 195
Deason, 118 Reinhard, 195
Deaton, 31, 119 Repp, 195
Despain, 119 Richardson,
Dewees, 119 Riley, 196
Dickerson, 119 Rippetoe, 197
Dilocker, 120 Robinson, 197
Donelson, 120 Roll, 197, 198, 199, 200
Donley, 121 Rose, 200
Downey, 121 Roush, 201
Drinnon, 121 Rowland, 202
Driscoll, 122 Rutherford, 202
Dunn, 123, 124, 261, 270 Ruyle, 202
Dunnagan, 124 Salmon, 203
Eagan, 124, 125 Sanders, 203, 275
Edgar, 270 Sappington, 276
Elder, 125 Sauer, 203
Elston, 125 Sauerman, 203
Evans, 125 Sawatzky, 203, 204
Fancher, 294 Scarce, 204, 276
Fansler, 126 Schmidt, 205
Fawver, 126 Schools, 62-77
Ferguson, 248 Senters, 205
Findley, 127 Sessions, 206
Fisher, 127 Shankland, 285
Fogelstom, 127 Shelby, 206
Foley, 127 Shephard, 206, 207, 208
Folsom, 127 Shepherd, 208, 209, 210, 211, 266
Ford, 128 Sheppard, 211, 212
Foster, 270 Simmons, 212
Fox, 128 Simpson, 212, 266
Francis, 128 Sizelove, 214
Freeborn, 129 Slover, 214
Freeman, 129 Smith, 200, 214, 215, 216, 218, 257, 258
Gadberry, 129 Snider, 200, 216, 217
Gardner, 129 Snow, 218
Giles, 130 Son, 218
Ginn, 130 Southerland, 218
Glassock, 130 Spencer, 219
Gleason, 130 Steinberg, 219
Goodwin, 262 Stermer, 220, 279
Goose, 131 Stidham, 220
Gordon, 131 Stocks, 220
Gore, 131 Stockton, 221, 222
Gorshing, 248, 249 Story, 276
Gossman, 131, 262, 271 Strong, 291, 292
Goucher, 132 Stucker, 223, 224
Grant, 286 Sullivan, 225
Gregory, 133 Suter, 225
Guthrie, 133 Szedeli, 277
Hadley, 134 Tackett, 225
Haggard, 134, 135 Taylor, 225
Hall, 135 Taylor, 226
Hammons, 135 Teels, 227
Handy, 250 Thompson, 227
Hankla, 136 Thurman, 228
Hanks, 136 Touchstone, 228
Harris, 136, 250 Towner, 228
Harrison, 136 Travel by Stage & Freighter, 26
Hatcher, 137 Turner, 228
Hatchett, 137 Turney, 229
Hatfield, 138 Utter, 229
Heath, 138 Vanyle, 277
Heineman, 139 Vaughn, 229, 278
Heinrichs, 139 Vermillion, 267
Hellwege, 263, 271 Vowell, 229, 296
Henderson, 139 Wadsworth, 229
Hendrix, 140, 141, 142 Walker, 230
Hill, 143, 144, 250 Wallace, 231
Holbrook, 144 Waltrip, 232, 258
Holder, 250 Warren, 232
Holt, 144 Watkins, 232
Homan, 145 Watson, 233, 234
Horst, 251 Weber, 234
Howell, 145 Weems, 127
Howenstine, 146, 252, 253, 264, 272 Weems, 235
Hubbart, 146, 147 Weidner, 235, 236
Huber, 148 Weil, 236
Hughes, 148 White, 236, 278
Hughes, 253 Widener, 237
Hunt, 288 Widney, 237
James, 149 Wiebe, 237
Jantz, 149 Wiley, 238
Jennings, 150, 272 Willis, 238
Jinkins, 150 Wilson, 238
Johnson, 150, 253 Windsor, 239
Johnston, 273 Winkler, 239
Jones, 151, 199, 254 Woodall, 199
Kappel, 152 Wright, 239, 240
Karlin, 153 Wysowski, 240, 241
Kauk, 153 Yates, 295
Kelley, 153 Younger, 241
Kenney, 154
Kent, 155

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December 1999, Arapaho, Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce reprint,

Pat Parkhurst, Box F, Arapaho, OK 73620 or
Lee Gleason, Box 395, Arapaho, OK 73620 <[email protected]>

Trail of 100 Years 1892-1992 book
at Western Plains Library System, Clinton, Oklahoma
and Oklahoma Historical Society

Arapaho ARROW 1892: Arapaho's First Newspaper
Custer County Pioneers 1892-1906
Custer County history links
Susan's Family History and SouthWest Oklahoma
Surnames and Topics Index by Susan Bradford, Duke, Oklahoma 73532-9125

Page created March 16, 1998.
Moved to Rootsweb 9 Oct 1999

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