Heisler Family Album

Photographs courtesy of Evelyn HUTT, Peggy LANGILLE, Lindsay HEISLER, Douglas YOUNG, Jean LEVY
1. Avernia May HEISLER - 23 Jan 1895-29 May 1985 Daughter of George HEISLER and Minnie BAKER. Married Clemence Morris SLAUNWHITE
2. Avery R. HEISLER - 1899-1958 Son of Thomas HEISLER and Eva Angeline CROSS. Unmarried
3. Colin Brenton HEISLER - 11 Mar 1883-21 Jan 1964 Son of Thomas HEISLER and Eva Angeline CROSS. Married Blanche May LEVY
4. George HEISLER - circa 1872-19?? Son of Elias Aaron HEISLER and Abigail Victoria EWALD. Married Minnie BAKER
5. Howard HEISLER - 8 Jun 1903-19 Nov 1967 Son of Thomas HEISLER and Eva Angeline CROSS. Married Oda Blanche HUTT
6. James W. HEISLER - 13 Aug 1854-Dec 1942 Parents UNKNOWN. Married Lavinia LANGILLE
7. Laura HEISLER - 1883-1971 Daughter of Benjamin George HEISLER and Eliza STEVENS. Married Frank Dewitt BAKER
8. Leah HEISLER - died before 1985 Daughter of George HEISLER and Minnie BAKER
9. Mary HEISLER - 1846-22 Dec 1923 Parents UNKNOWN. Married Isaac BAKER
10. Matilda HEISLER - 16 Sep 1908-29 Sep 1979 Daughter of William Roy HEISLER and Edith Blanche LANGILLE
11. Three daughters of George HEISLER and Minnie BAKER Avernia May - 23 Jan 1895-29 May 1985, Bentie Belle - 1898-17 Feb 1916 and Minnie (no dates)