
Content Illustration Themes Tables


Content of Your Site

A good outline of your ideas, and the connections you see between them, will be an invaluable aid in constructing your web site.  Break your ideas up into chunks of information.  Bear in mind the size of the computer screen - it is quite different from a standard 8.5" x 11" paper page.  What can be easily seen at one time occupies about a third of an ordinary page.  

If your content is easily broken down into separate categories, consider a page for each category.  If the content is fairly complex, you may want to create a table of contents with links to the separate topics.  Perhaps you will create a full page to act as Table of Contents for the entire site (often also offered as a Site Map).  

Or, on a particularly long page, you may wish to list the topics of the page at the top, with links to their individual locations in the page.  A special kind of anchor, called a bookmark, is used to accomplish this.

To create a bookmark, select the "target" text  - that is the text to which the link should jump.  Click Insert on the menu bar and Bookmark. . . on the drop-down menu.

Give the bookmark a name then click OK.  Now, you can create a hyperlink to that particular text from anywhere on any page in your web site.  Wherever you want the link to be, select the text, click Insert and Hyperlink to open the Create Hyperlink dialog box.  Click on the particular page file in the list to put that name into the URL bar, then click the Bookmark drop-list button and select your named bookmark from the list. 

To illustrate how the bookmark link works, click on the following hyperlink to be taken to the beginning of this discussion on bookmarks. 

Go to Bookmarks

Now, we will return to the "Design" page, and continue with the section on Illustration.  (Yes, the hyperlink does contain a bookmark.)


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