My Family Tree - Person Page 2021

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Person Page 2021

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Chester Enloe (M)
Pop-up Pedigree

     Chester Enloe was the son of Abraham Bodee Enloe Major and Sarah Amanda Brice.

Margaret Iva Enloe1 (F)

     She married Jesse Esco Brackett.

Child of Margaret Iva Enloe and Jesse Esco Brackett
Elizabeth Eugenia Brackett+


  1. [S115] Descendants of Philipp Dellinger, Paul Dellinger & Nard Cloninger.

Mayme Enloe (F)
Pop-up Pedigree

     Mayme Enloe was the daughter of Abraham Bodee Enloe Major and Sarah Amanda Brice.

Walter Enloe (M)
Pop-up Pedigree

     Walter Enloe was the son of Abraham Bodee Enloe Major and Sarah Amanda Brice.

James Enlows (M)

     He married Sarah John on 2 September 1788.


(?) Ennis (F)
Pop-up Pedigree

     (?) Ennis was the daughter of Nathan Ennis and Sallie Miller Eshleman. (?) Ennis married (?) DeHart.


Clara Ennis (F)

     She married Edgar Harlan Johnson.


Nathan Ennis (M)

     He married Sallie Miller Eshleman. Lived in Warren Co., Virginia.


Child of Nathan Ennis and Sallie Miller Eshleman
(?) Ennis+

Sarah Ellen Ennis (F)

     Sarah Ellen Ennis married Henry Hines, son of Philip Hines and Mary M. Shuford.


George Enny (M)
Pop-up Pedigree

     George Enny was the son of John Enny and Leah Wolf. George died at Pennsylvania.


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