Extract from "Buckingham Borough Police 1836-1889" re: Tingewick rape case, Buckinghamshire (England)

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Extract from "Buckingham Borough Police 1836-1889" by Leonard Woodley

The same year there occurred a 'gross outrage', when six men raped a woman at Tingewick. Two of the assailants were captured immediately by one of the local constables, but through the negigence of the other village constables, for which they were later brought before the court and fined, the rest escaped.

Superintendent Giles took up the chase and located three of the offenders in Chatham where they had enlisted in the 28th Regiment. He followed the last assailant to a field near Edgehill in Warwickshire, where, with Parish Constable Everett of Tingewick and Mr Thompson, Superintendent of the Banbury Police, he arrested him.

All six duly appeared at the Buckinghamshire Assizes and were sentenced to be transported for life. [The details of the case were not fully reported in the press 'to spare our delicate readers.'] The Town Committee and the papers were lavish with praise for Giles' diligence in arresting the men.