The people of Tingewick, Buckinghamshire (England)

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Don Holton

(email: )

is the 2g-grandson of
James Holton (b 1831 at Tingewick d. 1917 at Job's Corner, Pennsylvania) and Mary Ann Crumb (b. 1837 at Bainbridge, New York d. 1878 at Job's Corner, Pennsylvania) who married in 1856

and the 3g-g'son of
James Holton (1796-1874) and Maria Beal (1798-1869) who married 1816 at Finmere, Oxfordshire
(he shares these and all earlier Holton and Beal ancestors with Yvonne Bonner

and the 4g-g'son of
William Holton (1759-1839) who married Elizabeth (1758-1835)
Edward Beal who married Elizabeth