The people of Tingewick, Buckinghamshire (England)

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The Radford Family
or Little Red Riding Hood revisited

Contributed by Margaret Shepard

In 1815, Richard Radford of Stanton St. John married Ann Gray at Tingewick. Ann was probably the daughter or granddaughter of John Gray, the parish blacksmith, who is mentioned in two wills on the Strainge website. Richard and Ann had one daughter Eliza click to enlarge who apparently never married so that line died out.

According to Margaret Shepard, "Richard's brother, Stephen Radford (her 2g-grandfather), married Mary Butler, supposed to be a great beauty, and after she died he married again. Stephen and Mary had two sons and one daughter, Catherine. The sons showed no interest in the business, which passed to Catherine's husband, Henry Stevens. This was apparently a sore point, as after her mother's death Catherine had eloped with Henry, who was one of her father's employees - not quite the thing in those days!

"One of their sons, Stephen, (yes, Stephen Stevens) stayed in Charlton and continued the business in some form. The other son, Tom, lived in Oxford and worked at Cowley. The oldest daughter, Kate, married a local farmer who had an unfortunate tendency to wander off evey so often and live as a tramp, so Kate got fed up and emigrated to Canada, where she had an adventurous life, sometimes cooking for loggers in the forest. One day as she was carrying their food through the woods she shot a wolf, and received a bounty."