Becky's Genealogy - Source Problems

Source Explaination

You will find in my family tree database most things are sourced. BUT there are some that are not; they are the people I first started my genealogy research with.

I had placed the source information in the "notes" section of my program. As I got smarter I learned how to put the source in the correct place for it to be displayed. Problem was going back and finding all the people who I had put the sources in the notes section. But then I made another mistake and only put it on the main people not thinking about the longevity of this project. So what was the problem? The problem is, if you come in on person 30, of a 50-person group, then you may not see the source. This was only for a short time so the majority [34,000 people] has been sourced correctly. Ok so I was a bit stupid... forgive me for being human.

So if you find that there isn't a source displayed, either it was a early person that I have not found yet and corrected, or a stage two, and I have put the source up the line at the main person and didn't follow it down the line. If you go up the line and find a source, I promise you with a 99% certainty that the whole line is from that person or that source... Now that I have settled to a routine [last 6 years] you will find everything sourced, and as I find the mistakes of olde, I am correcting them as fast as I can. E-mail me if you have any questions about any one.