1 Left Bank of the Seine

2 Pont-au-Change (Changers Bridge)derives its name from the money-changers who had their shops here in the middle ages.

3 Possibly the Pont Royal. I didn't get all of the bridges identified - I believe there are 132 bridges in Paris. Notice the river bank is a stone flood wall.

4 Lovers on the Left Bank. Again, notice the stone flood wall along the river bank. Flood walls were built through the centuries, but the higher flood walls were built after the 1910 flood.

5 Left Bank architecture.

6 I am unable to identify this dome. Notice the very high flood wall.

7 Note the "mascaron" or sculpted head that decorates the bridge.

8 Unidentified building, however the blue of the roof spires is strikingly beautiful. The blue color can be seen much better in photo 10

9 A piece of a Paris tour boat, called Bateaux Parisiens, can be seen as it passes under the Pont-au-Change.

10 The beautiful blue roofing can be seen quite clearly.

11 The domed building is the Institute of France, designed in the late 17th century. It has been home to the French Academy since 1805. The bridge in the background is the Pont Des Arts, built between 1801 and 1804. It is a footbridge and was the first bridge in Paris to be built of iron.

12 The statue of Henri IV on horseback rises above the Square du Vert-Galant. The Pont-Neuf is the oldest and longest bridge in Paris and was built between 1578 and 1607. No less than 385 sculpted heads (mascarons) decorate the roadway across the bridge and are said to represent Henri IV's courtiers.

13 Institute of France: The Academy Members, known as the "Immortals" (they belong to the Academy until they die), deliberate on the rules for the French language and update the French dictionary. Note the Pont des Arts.

14 A "Bateaux Parisiens" motors in front of the Orsay Museum. Originally a railway station, built for the 1900 Exhibition, the building is also known as the building with two clocks, although only one can be seen here.

15 The Orsay Museum. The two clocks can be clearly seen in this photo.

16 A typical non-tourist Seine vessel.

17 The National Assembly, formerly known as the Chamber of Deputies and a symbol of the Republic, ironically lies within the Palace of the royal Bourbons ("Palais Bourbon"). The Eiffel Tower is in the background.

18 Architecture along the Left Bank.

19 View of details of Pont Alexander III.

20 Alexander III Bridge. Nicolas II, the last Tsar of Russia and son of Alexander III, laid the first stone of this bridge in 1896.

21 Sculpture on the Pont-au-Change

22 The golden winged Pegasus statues crowning the Alexander III Bridge can be seen in the distance.

23 The spires of Notre-Dame. Ordered by the bishop of Paris, Maurice de Sully, construction began on Notre-Dame in 1160.

24 The beautiful gothic cathedral was not completed for nearly 200 years - in 1330.

25 The flying buttresses of Notre-Dame

26 The magnificent flying Pegasus statues on the Pont Alexander III.

27 Boats along the Seine's bank