Hempston (Little) Transcribed from - Morris and Co.'s Commercial Directory and Gazetteer. 1870 Please notify me of any errors. Contact.
Transcribed by Val HENDERSON Checked by --Unchecked Page 510 HEMPSTON (LITTLE) is a village and parish in Totnes union, containing, by the census of 1861, 244 inhabitants, and 1270 acres; in the deanery and archdeaconry of Totnes, hundred of Haytor, East Devonshire; 2 miles north-east from Totnes, near to the river Dart. The rectory, in the incumbency of the Rev. Fitz-Henry Hele, M.A., had the tithes commuted, in 1838, at £207 per annum, with residence and 56A. 2R. 11P. of glebe land, and is in the patronage of the Lord Chancellor. The church is a small ancient edifice, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, with tower; it has been restored, and a fine toned new organ places therein. There are some charitable bequests for the benefit of the poor.
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