Clergy and Gentry.
Fixsen Rev. John Frederick, M.A., The Vicarage
Herd Chas., Esq., Avon grove, Newhouse
Lang Miss Charlotte, Keaton house
Mitchell William, Esq., Venn
Sawyer John Pearse, Esq., Filham house
Toms John, Esq., Keaton cottage
White Arthur, Esq., Wrangaton manor house
White John, Esq., Wrangaton house
Widdicombe John, Esq., Torr hill
Widdicombe Mr. Samuel
Wood Richard Burt, Esq., Godwell, Ivybridge
Trades and Professions.
Adams Thomas, farmer Fillham
Baker Henry, shopkeeper
Baker John, mason, Bittiford bridge
Baker William, mason
Barnes William, builder
Barrons William, builder
Bartlett John Adams, farmer, Woodlands
Beable William, farmer, Higher Broadford
Beare Misses Louisa and Caroline, shopkeepers
Betts Albert Edward, military instructor, Newhouse
Bradridge Thomas, farmer, Cuttlewells
Chown -, paymaster R.N., Newhouse
Coleman Philip, blacksmith
Crimp George Adams, harnessmaker & deputy
registrar of births and deaths for the Ugborough District
Crispin Andrew, carpenter, joiner & undertaker
Crispin Charles,"Kingsbridge Road" Hotel
Croker Richard, farmer, Cheston
Dewdney Mrs., farmer, Haredon
Doddridge Joseph, blacksmith
Doddridge Thomas, "Palk Arms"
Edmunds James, "Ship"
Garratt William, baker
Gregory Ambrose, "Horse & Groom,"
Bittiford bridge
Heath Henry, farmer, Zeastow
Helmore Thomas, miller, Owley mill
Hext Thomas, farmer, West Peek
Hine John, farmer, Hill head
Hodder Servington, yeoman, Higher Bowcombe
Hodder William, Lower Bowcombe
Hurrell Henry, boot & shoemaker & parish clerk
Hurrell Philip, mason
Hurrell Richard, mason
Jeffery William, carpenter
Langler Thos., "Carew Arms," Glazebrook
Lethbridge Richard, mason
Lethbridge Robert, mason
Lethbridge Thomas, farmer, Newlands
Luscombe Edwin, grocer & draper
Luscombe John, farmer, Trehill
Luscombe Philip, farmer
Luscombe Thomas, farmer, Boulterscombe
Luscombe John, farmer, Coarsewell
Maddock Miss Miriam, apartments, Newhouse
Marshall John, farmer, Marriages
Marshall Richard, farmer, Carmamsor
Matthews Samuel, farmer
Middleweek Frank, farmer
Newman Jeffery, miller, Carlescombe mill
Northmore Solomon and Sthephen, butchers
Paige Francis, farmer, Waterman
Parker Richard, Miller, Turtley mill
Pawley John, carpenter
Pearn John, farmer, Filham
Peatheyjohns Mrs. Susan, farmer, "Avon" inn
Pering John, painter and glazier, Newhouse
Prout Charles, blacksmith, North Filham
Prout Thomas, stationmaster
Pulleyblank Frederick, farmer, Higher well
Rogers John, farmer, Witchcomb
Rowsell Mrs.Ann, shopkeeper
Salter William, dairyman, Newhouse
Scobell Joseph , boot and shoemaker, grocer, draper
and sub-postmaster
Sherwill Anthony, farmer, Stone
Sherwill George, farmer, Whitehouse
Sherwill James, farmer, Ware
Shute John, carpenter
Smerdon John, miller, Earlscombe
Soper Henry, farmer, Shelwood
Stentiford John Scoble, boot and shoemaker and shopkeeper
Stook Geo. And Charles, farmers, East Peek
Symons Mrs., farmer, Leigh
Toulcher Mrs. Mary Ann, shopkeeper
Toulcher William, tailor
Trist William, farmer, Langford Barton
Tucker Thomas, tailor
Veale John, farmer and carrier
Velvin Robert, shopkeeper
Ward John, farmer, Owley
Watts Richard, builder
Watts Mrs. Susan, tailor, shopkeeper and sub-postmistress,
Watts Thomas, thatcher
White Arthur & Son, land agents and surveyors,
Wranagaton manor house
White George, farmer, Torpeek
White John, shoemaker, Newhouse
White John, farmer
Widdicombe Samuel, auctioneer and land agent, Hay
Willing Richard, wheelwright and blacksmith, Keaton
Winter Robert and William, farmers, Blackaton
Wood George, "Anchor"
Wood Richard Burt, yeoman, Godwell, Ivybridge
Wroth Charles, farmer, Dunwell
Post Office - Joseph Scobell, sub-postmaster.
Letters from Ivybridge delivered at 7.30a.m.: dispatched at 5.45 p.m.
on weekdays only. Ivybridge is the nearest money order office.
Post Office, Newhouse - Mrs. Susan Watts sub-postmistress.
Letters from Ivybridge delivered at 9.10 a.m.: dispatched at 4.10
p.m., on weekdays only. South Brent is the nearest money order office.
National School - Miss Crabb, Mistress
Carriers - Francis Toulcher, to Plymouth,
Thursdays and Saturdays; and John Veale, Saturday