earl plympton and plympton st mary

Plympton-Earl, Plympton St. Mary,

and Neighbourhoods.

Transcribed from - Pigot & Co.'s Directory of Devonshire 1830-31.

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  EARL PLYMPTON is a market-town, borough, and parish in the hundred of Plympton, about five miles from Plymouth; seated in a pleasant valley about one mile south of the river Plym. This was formerly the baronial seat of the earls of Devon, and the vestiges of former magnificence are traced in the present remains of the castle. The artificial mount, on whose summit the keep was erected, is one of the most perfect specimens now in existence; remnants of the walls, as well as the fosse, attest its ancient strength. The manor was granted to Richard de Rivers, by Henry I. Plympton boasts high antiquity as a borough and stannary town, and still retains its privileges. The corporation consists of a mayor, recorder, and eight aldermen; the mayor, who is chief magistrate, is elected annually at the town hall. The guildhall is a neat building, with the date 1696 on its south front; in the hall the magisterial business of the borough is transacted; a portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds, by himself, is most appropriately places in it, this town having been the birth place of that eminent ornament of the British arts.

  Plympton first sent members to parliament in the twenty-third year of the reign of Edward I.; the right of election is in the corporation; the mayor is the returning officer, and the present representatives are the Hon. G. Edgcumbe and Gibbs C. Antrobus, Esq. The church or chapel is appendant to that at Plympton St. Mary; and near to the edifice is a well endowed free school. The market day is on Friday, and the fairs are February 25th, April 5th, Holy Thursday, August 12th, and October 29th. By the last returns Earl Plympton contained 763 inhabitants.

  PLYMPTON ST. MARY is situated on the left of the road to Modbury, near to Earl Plympton; and was formerly of some consequence, having had a college founded by one of the Saxon kings, which was dissolved by Wm. Warlewas, Bishop of Exeter, who settled here, in 1121, a priory of the order of St. Augustine. The parish, in 1821, contained 2,044 inhabitants.

  POST OFFICE, Earl Plympton.-- Elizabeth Eveleigh, Post mistress. -- Letters from LONDON, PLYMOUTH and EXETER arrive every evening at seven, and are despatched every evening at half-past six.-- Letters from YEALMPTON, &c. arrive every evening at six, and are despatched every afternoon at 1/4 past 4.


Nobility, Gentry and Clergy.

Adams John, gent., Earl Plympton

Clyff Miss. Virginia, Earl Plympton

Coppard Rev. William J., Plympton

Eales Mrs., Ridgway

Forster the Misses, Earl Plympton

Forster Admiral Samuel, R.N., Earl Plympton

Gosling Thomas Edward, Esq., Leigham

Harison Captain, R.N., Ridgway

Holditch Richard, gent., Ridgway

Lane Mrs., Ridgway

Langmead Wm. Esq., Elford Leigh

Morley Right Hon. Earl of, Saltram

Mudge Capt. Zachariah, R.N. Sydney

Murray Mrs., Earl Plympton

Scott Rev. George M., Earl Plympton

Stanbury Lieut. Wm., R.N., Plympton

Street Lieut., R.N., Earl Plympton

Strode George, Esq., Newnham park

Swayne Capt. Wm., Earl Plympton

Tolcher Edward, Esq., Earl Plympton

Treby Paul Treby, Esq., Goodamore

Professional Persons.

Boger Deeble, attorney, Plympton

Hooke Wm. Dela, surgeon, Plympton

Langworthy Garland & Nephew, surgeons, Earl Plympton

Osmand James, surgeon, Ridgway

Pode Thos., surgeon, Earl Plympton

Academies & Schools.

In Earl Plympton when not otherwise mentioned.

GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Rev Thomas Murphy Phillips, master

Griggs and Mooringe (ladies)

Walters Jonathan (day)

Inns & Public Houses.

Devonshire Arms, John Underhill, Ridgway

George, George White, Ridgway

London Inn, William Clements Wellington, Dnl?. Badcock, Ridgway

Shopkeepers & Traders.

Anderson Thomas, baker, Ridgway

Anderson William, cooper

Ballhatchett Richard, shoemaker

Bickley Thomas, butcher, Ridgway

Bickley William, tailor, Ridgway

Bounsell John, shoemaker

Chaafe William, butcher

Clynie Henry, shoemaker

Courtis James, stamp distributer

Crews Ann, brewer and maltster

Delavel Daniel, shoemaker

Dyer Benjamin, baker

Eales William, tanner

Elford William, wheelwright

Eveleigh William, hatter

German Samuel, schoolmaster

Grills John, plumber &c., Ridgway

Gullet Jas., stone mason, Ridgway

Julian John, grocer

Kingdon John, butcher, Ridgway

Lapthorne Robert, butcher

Lavis Richard, blacksmith

Lear Thomas, tallow chandler

Lister William, painter & glazier, Ridgway

Madock Silas, blacksmith

Mitchelmore Thomas, stone mason

Mudford John, gardener

Murch Samuel, shopkeeper

Newman Wm., rope and bag maker, Ridgway

Nicholls John, watchmaker, Ridgway

Parkhouse Wm., saddler, &c., Ridgway

Pearse Joseph, butcher

Putt Wm., carpenter, Ridgway

Putt Wm. jun., carpenter, Ridgway

Randle John, carpenter

Roberts Sl., stone mason, Ridgway

Sandey Abraham, stone mason

Sandover Damerous, shopkeeper

Stanbury Hy. wheelwright, Ridgway

Stranger Richard, butcher, Ridgway

Toope Andw., stone mason, Ridgway

Westlake John, brewer

White Edward, tailor

Wooldridge Richard, baker

Worth John, butcher, Ridgway