Van Tassel Family History Homepage - Bios - Henry VT

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"A Pedigree Partly Indian, Partly Batavian"

    Van Tassel Biographical Sketches

Henry Van Tassel

Henry Van Tassel came with his father, Lewis Van Tassel, buying of M. O. Throckmorton the east half and northwest quarter of Section 27 in the fall of 1848. Henry Van Tassel afterward purchased of John B. Sherman the west half of the northwest quarter, and after his father's death became the owner of the whole quarter section. He was joined in marriage to Mary Misner, daughter of D. M. Misner, in December, 1859. Both Mr. Van Tassel and his wife have been dead some years, survived by De Witt Van Tassel, their son, and Carrie Worsley, their daughter.

Historical encyclopedia of Illinois [Kendall County]
Chicago: Munsell Pub. Co., 1914, Vol. 2, pg 897.

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