Palmer Back In

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"A Pedigree Partly Indian, Partly Batavian"

1687, June 6 - Palmer Back In as Patentee

"At a town meeting June ye 6th 1687 It was voated and consented too that Judge Pallmer shall bee taken in as trustee in our Patent with us only in Referance to ye soill Right of that Land betwixt operhoweseck and fresh pond the town Reserving to themselves their own Right of hearbige and medowe in ye govement hath done in Refarance to ye setlment of ye farmes upon that Land: not altering any thing yt ye govement hath done in Refarance to ye setlment of ye farmes upon that Land. allsoe yt Judge Pallmer shall not himself or any of his successors from by or under him by virtue hereof lay any claime or have any intrest in our bounds westward of ye bounds before mentioned namely opechowseck which is a small brooke Runing into ye mill brooke."

p. 499
Huntington Town Records,
Including Babylon,
Long Island, N.Y.
Charles R. Street
Volume I


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