Vermont Genealogy Resources -- Awards
January 2003

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Reprinted from Family Tree Magazine web site:

August 1, 2001
Trace Your Vermont Roots
Vermont Genealogy Resources
If you can trace your family history to Vermont, then you should check out Vermont Genealogy Resources. This comprehensive site has links to agencies such as the Vermont Historical Society, libraries, census records and maps of the state's counties and towns. The index is a thorough reference you can use for easier navigation. Just select a topic from the alphabetical list. If you'd like more information about the state, the site has a list of publications that pertain to Vermont.

The address:

On behalf of  "Genealogical Journeys In Time" your Website, Vermont Genealogy Resources, has been selected to win our "Home Page Pick of the Month" award for February 2003. Only one (1) site can win this award each month.
Genealogically Yours,
Curt and Bonnie Miller
Genealogical Journeys In Time
View the award for VGR at:

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This Site was created by Jalanne C. Barnes. If you know about a web site that contains information on Vermont
Genealogy that is not included here or you find a link that doesn't work, email the URL  with a description of the web site/problem to me at: <[email protected]> and I will make the changes when I do my next update.