Vermont Genealogy Resources -- Snow Removal in Montpelier, VT
Snow Removal in Montpelier, Vermont
January 2003

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Snow removal is taken quite seriously in Vermont, as snowfall is very heavy here. On Clarendon Avenue 
(where the following pictures were taken), major efforts are needed to keep the snows banks in check. As you 
can see, the road has dwindled to little more than one lane. A large snowblower throws the snow into the back of dump trucks, which then deposit it into the Winooski River (which is frozen over). Dump trucks wait in line to fill up, then departs for the river, only to circle around and come up behind the line to await being refilled. It is quite 
efficient and very impressive to see. 

A closeup of the action from picture on the top right.

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This Site was created by Jalanne C. Barnes. If you know about a web site that contains information on Vermont Genealogy that is not included here or you find a link that doesn't work, email the URL  with a description of the web site/problem to me at: [email protected] and I will make the changes when I do my next update.