Vermont Genealogy Resources -- The Vermont Census
The Vermont Federal Census: 1791-2000
January 2003

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Vermont has never conducted a State Census
Where known, links to sites with extracts are listed under the corresponding census.

1791: Indexed 

1790 (1791) Rutland County Transcribed by Debbie Axtman

1790 (1791) Windsor County Transcribed by Debbie Axtman

1800: Indexed 

1810: Indexed 

1813 Invalid Pensioners - Vermont Transcribed by Gordon Byers, December 19, 2000

1820: Indexed 

1830: Indexed 

Town of Brighton 1830 Census transcribed by Jane Irish Nelson

1840: Indexed 

1840 Census of Pensioners Revolutionary or Military Services Transcribed by Kathy Leigh, March 11, 2001

Town of Brighton 1840 Census Transcribed by Jane Irish Nelson

  • Sixth U.S. decennial population census.
  • U.S. population: 17.1 million (14.6 million free, 2.5 million slave)
  • Census conducted by U.S. marshals under the direction of the Secretary of State.
  • Census day: June 1, 1840.
  • Name of family head; age; sex; race; slaves; number of deaf and dumb; number of blind; number of insane and idiotic and whether in public or private charge; number of persons in each family employed in each of six classes of industry and one of occupation; literacy; pensioners for Revolu ionary or military service.
  • Two sets: one the federal district court and a second went to the U.S. Secretary of State.

  • 1850: Indexed 

    1850 Census of Washington County, Vermont Transcribed by Diantha Howard, Proofread by Maggie Stewart

    1860: Indexed 

    1870: Not indexed 

    1880: Soundex 

    Franklin County Business Directories 1882-1883 Transcribed by Tammy St. Pierre

    Grand Isle County Business Directories 1883 Transcribed by Tammy St. Pierre

  • Tenth U.S. decennial population census.
  • U.S. population: 50.2 million
  • Census conducted by the Superintendent of the Census (Census Office, U.S. Department of the Interior).
  • Census day: June 1, 1880.

  • Address; name, relationship to family head; sex; race; age; marital status; month of birth if born within the census year; occupation; months unemployed during the year; sickness or temporary disability; whether blind, deaf and dumb, idiotic, insane, maimed, crippled, bedridden, or otherwise disabled; school attendance; literacy; birthplace of person and parents.
  • Supplemental schedules for persons who died during the year.
  • Two sets, one an abbreviated version to the county court, full version to the Superintendent of the Census.

  • 1890: Destroyed 

    1890 Veterans Census in Vermont Partial transcript for Addison County by Melissa Perkins

    1890 Veterans Census Vermont
    M123 105
    Entire state
    1890 Special Census of Veterans Introduction Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census (1890)
    Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War. An act of March 1, 1889, provided that the Superintendent of Census in taking the Eleventh Census should "cause to be taken on a special schedule of inquiry, according to such form as he may prescribe, the names, organizations, and length of service of those who had served in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States in the war of the rebellion, and who are survivors at the time of said inquiry, and the widows of soldiers, sailors, or marines." Each schedule calls for the following information: name of the veteran (or if he did not survive, the names of both the widow and her deceased husband); the veteran's rank, company, regiment or vessel, date of enlistment, date of discharge, and length of service in years, months, and days; post office and address of each person listed; disability incurred by the veteran; and remarks necessary to a complete statement of his term of service. Practically all of the schedules for the States Alabama through Kansas and approximately half of those for Kentucky appear to have been destroyed, possibly by fire, before the transfer of the remaining schedules to the National Archives in 1943. ivil War Veterans census microfilms exist for 34 states the District of Columbia and miscellaneous United States Vessels and Navy Yards.

    1900: Soundex 

    1910: No soundex 

    1920: Soundex 

    Saxtons River, RockinghamTownship, Windham County 1920 Census Transcribed and edited by Dr. Frank Deis

    1930: Released April 1, 2002 

    1940: Unavailable until 2012 

    1950: : Unavailable until 2022 

    1960: Unavailable until 2032 

    1970: Unavailable until 2042 

    1980: Unavailable until 2052 

    1990: Unavailable until 2062 

    2000: Unavailable until 2072 

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    This Site was created by Jalanne C. Barnes. If you know about a web site that contains information on Vermont
    Genealogy that is not included here or you find a link that doesn't work, email the URL  with a description of the web site/problem to me at: <[email protected]> and I will make the changes when I do my next update.