Kansas City Kansas Photos
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Kansas City, KS

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Come spend some time in the Village West KCK area

WyCo Map
Wyandotte County
Pictorial History
Kansas City
Wyandotte County Kansas

Wyandotte County
Court House

After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the Lewis and Clark expedition traveled the Missouri River along what would later become northeast Wyandotte County, Kansas.

The Kansa (Kaw), Delaware (Lenape), Wyandot (Huron), and more
Soon afterwards, the Kansa people were moved west as other tribes were resettled into eastern Kansas (early 1800s).
The Emigrant Tribes
moved to Kansas

KC Marker
More local history
The Huron Cemetery
downtown KC, KS

Native Americans
in Kansas City today
The Shawnee
Marker at
White Feather Spring

Grave of the Prophet Tensquatawa

Techumseh and his brother, Tensquatawa, the Prophet, fought at Tippecanoe in 1812.

When the Shawnee emigrated west to Kansas, the Prophet moved with them to the current area of Kansas City, KS called Argentine. While the Prophet lived there, the town was called Prophetstown, near the Whitefeather Spring (now from 3818 Ruby Avenue to the storm sewer at 39th and Strong Avenue).

The Prophet died there in 1837 and was buried near his hut by the spring. Both the spring and grave site are on private property, at 3818 Ruby Avenue. They both are historic landmarks.

Argentine community of Kansas City, Kansas History
The Argentine Wall:
The Argentine Wall:
J.C. Harmon Marching Hawks
The Argentine Wall:
Santa Fe Railroad
Some of the work by local historian Edwin D. Shutt II is on-line.
* Part of Centennial History of Argentine

* Silver City

Older Kansas City Sights
Aerial view from Huron Bldg (1908)
Minnesota Ave
Minnesota Avenue
High School
Wyandott High School
Wyandotte County KS

Picture index

On-Line Histories
* A Brief History of Kansas City, KS
* Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, Wyandotte County
* History of Wyandotte County and Its People, edited and compiled by Perl W. Morgan.
University of Kansas Medical Center - Hospital History, History of Medicine
KUMC graduation
Goal: MD degree at graduation
MD students enroll
Enrolling at KUMC
Student docs give enrollment shots
Clinical Lectures
Clinical lectures
Clinical students
Final exams
new docs
New docs at graduation
Some docs are dentists
Wyandott Days October 1997:
Wyandotte County Historical Fair and Civil War Re-enactors
Museum 1998 Scouts and mountainmen joined Civil War reenactment troups and 19th century life skill demonstrators for the annual Wyandott Days on the grounds of the Wyandotte County Museum in Bonner Springs

Kettle corn popped
over an open fire.
"The best soap you'll ever use"
at the handmade Soapcake tent.
The schuduled church service on Sunday was postponed by an impending battle. The Union and Confederate soldiers were called to fall into formation.

Soon, the 3rd Missouri Vol. Inf. had set up their artilery. Canon thundered, horses reared up, and smoke from volley after volley filled the air.

Wounded were cared for at an ER set up by the Field Surgeon of 16th Medical Corps.
16th med
16th med
After the battle, a truce, as the Union and Confederate Christians came together for worship. Chaplain Michael S. Garbus, of Smithville, MO, led the service. One of the "Hymns for the Camp" follows:
church Another day of soldier life
Is numbered with the past;
It was not filled with bloody strife,
And did not prove our last.

Thy grace, O God, hath kept us whole;
To thee we lift our praise;
Accept the homage of each soul,
And keep us all our days.

Keep us in safety through the night,
And with us those we love;
Save us, we pray thee by thy might,
In battle and above.

Military eCards

For more information, see
* the MO Civil War Reenactors Association,
* Index to the Civil War in MO,
* Camp Chase Gazette,
* Reenactors Ring sites
* Military history and genealogy
The Kaw and Missouri Rivers
Coming downstream, the Missouri River heads south from Leavenworth, KS, then bends eastward at the "Kaw's mouth" through Kansas City, MO, bisecting the state of Missouri, on its way to its mouth into the Mississippi River at St. Louis.
1993 flood
After the Kaw River flooded in July 1993, employees of River City USA ...
... marked on the walkway down to the boat how high the flood waters came.
Boats at River City USA (May 1997) , where the Kaw River empties into the Missouri
MO River
Through the summer of 1997, River City USA offered river boat rides from the Kaw's mouth north on the Missouri.
Kansas CountyCam Visits...
* Kansas City Kansas along I-70 and US 24-40.
* Wyandotte County, KS where to go, what to see
* A 1998 Field Trip to Wyandotte County from the Andrew County Historical Society
Maurice Greene - World's Fastest Man, 2000Parade
Maurice Greene
from Kansas City KS
Track champion
Olympics, 2000
Home of world's fastest human
A Touch of Class in the Tiblow Days Parade (2000)

Some Things to See and Do in Wyandotte County KS

Wyandotte County Fair, 1997 Museum, 1998
A robot meets an admirer
Baby chicks hatch as you watch
You could ride a camel or head to the ferris wheel
Wyandotte County Museum, 1998 Bonner Springs
In Bonner Springs: Agricultural Hall of Fame, 1998 Ag Hall field trip
Agricultural Hall of Fame, Bonner Springs
Farm town: school, store, shop, depot
Hay ride to a pioneer farm house
How the wash used to get done
Southwestern Wyandotte County Kansas City
Small sign
Bonner Springs, KS
plus pictures
Lake of the Forest KS
inc. July 4, 1997
Edwardsville, KS
KC Kansas
Kansas City KS: "Not just another cowtown"
Other sights,
other views

* Wyandotte Co
* Johnson Co
* What we do in KS
* KS CountyCam
* Kaw River
* Santa Fe Trail
Leavenworth Co
Johnson Co
Wyandotte Co

Copyright©, All Rights Reserved
Argentine Pictures taken by Sween in August 2000