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Interactive Genealogy combines searches for genealogy, living people, local history, military, and travel by state and keyword, because our family's history was sometimes changed by what was happening around them and what was available where they lived.
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Ancestor Searches:




Search by DNA Tests
FamilyTree DNA tests can determine if two families have a
common ancestor (European, Native American, African, etc.)
Forum and Mailing List Searches
* Arkansas Genealogy Forums, GenForum
* Arkansas Genealogy Forums, Yahoo!
* Individual AR County Forums at GenForum

* Individual AR County Forums at Rootsweb
* Arkansas genealogy Mailing Lists
* Genealogy Forum List
* Name Forum Searches,

* RootsWeb - genealogy community help
* Rootsweb Social Security Death Index

*Arkansas databases

State History, Government, and Research
15 June 1836: Arkansas became the 25th state of the USA
Seceeded from USA: 6 May 1861 - Readmitted to USA: June 1868
* Arkansas history, Open Directory
* Historical Places
, National Register of Historic Places
* Official State Site
* State History, State of AR
* Civil War: State of AR, Wikipedia

* State Archives, State of AR
* State Genealogical Research, State of AR
* US Military research
* Hispanic research
* Native American research
Arkansas Gov: Governor Mike Beebe * Twitter page

Living in Arkansas: On-line searches
* Arkansas Apartment Reviews * Northern Arkansas PHOTOS
* Travel TWITTER:
    Arkansas Travel * Arkansas State Parks * AR Tourism
Arkansas Maps, Locations:
* Google map searches
- directions, miles, maps of Arkansas
* MapQuest search - directions
* Geographic Names search - towns, places
* Getty's Thesaurus
* AR county map - ARGenWeb
* Historic Maps & Travel Searches
* AR towns, cities, zipskinny
* Zip_Code search, USPS
* AR state facts and destinations
* USA Traffic Conditions

Other States, more Genealogy, History, & Travel
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