New Hampshire I-Gen
Interactive Genealogy, History, Travel
New Hampshire
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Interactive Genealogy combines searches for genealogy, living people, local history, military, and travel by state and keyword, because our family's history was sometimes changed by what was happening around them and what was available where they lived.

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common ancestor (European, Native American, African, etc.) try FamilyTree DNA.
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New Hampshire     (Where to stay in New Hampshire)
* Portsmouth, NH

Whether you come here to enjoy the beaches, the tax free Factory Outlets, the museums, or the University of New Hampshire, Portsmouth welcomes you to spend some time here. WHERE TO STAY IN PORTSMOUTH

State History and Research
* New Hampshire history, Open Directory
* Historical Places
, National Register of Historic Places
* Official State Site
* State Archives,
* State History and Historical Society
* State Genealogical Research

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