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Wal - Religion

Welsh Baptist Studies edited by Mansel John, quite a few names in this.       Wendy Angove
Country Churchyards In Wales by Donald Gregory published in 1991 by Gwasg Carreg Gwalch , indexed by Place Name.        Elaine Barsosky
The Old Parish Churches of South-West Wales. Malvern, 1994 . by Mike Salter         Withdrawn
Religious Census of 1851, a Calendar of Returns Relating to Wales By Ieuan Gwynedd Jones & David Williams. This covers the whole of Wales and Monmouth, listing each Church & Chapel with details of the number attending, Welsh or English Services, and remarks by the person filling in the form as to re-building, and extracts from Lewis on tythes and endowments etc.        Withdrawn
Official Handbooks of the Church in Wales 1939 and 1959. They include brief career details (similar to those appearing in "Crockford") for all clergy active in the Church in Wales at the relevant dates.       David Webb
My Ancestors were Congregationalists in England and Wales, with a list of extant registers but no personal names Compiled by D J H Clifford   Published by the S.O.G. 1992         Withdrawn
Hanes Eglwys Radnor Walk, Chelsea ,Llundain  1859-1959       Withdrawn
The Book of Welsh Saints by T. D. Breverton, published by the author in 2000. The book gives historical and mythological information on over 900 Welsh saints, major and minor        John Ball

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