


In these pages you will find all the information gathered so far on our Geese Ancestors.

There are three main sections:


Ganders, Geese and Other Birds


Ganders lists in alphabetical order of Christian or first names our Male Ancestors.

Geese lists in alphabetical order of Christian or first names our Female Ancestors.

Other Birds lists in alphabetical order of surnames our Ancestors’ Spouses.



There are many variants of the Willgoose surname so I have included the Recorded Name in the Notes column. If you would like to see a complete list of variants, please click… Variants !

You will see that some entries give fairly full details, whilst others list only birth dates. 

If you can help to fill in any of the gaps or, indeed, if you spot any errors,

do please let me know so that I can add to the knowledge of our ancestors.



n. = born   c.= baptised   m.= married   d.= died   b.= buried

Where a double zero precedes the month ie: 00 Mar 1890,

this indicates the quarter in which the event was registered, the exact date not being known.


Every small detail enriches the tapestry of our ancestral Geese’s lives for future Goslings to enjoy.

If I have included anyone still living, I offer my sincere apologies.

Please tell me so that the error may be rectified.

[email protected]


 My source records are constantly being edited and indexed. For that reason - and also for economy’s sake - no specific references have been quoted. The data has been gleaned from Church Records, British Censuses, Websites, Trade Directories, the World Tree Project, Parish Registers, Local History Societies and the excellent discs produced by Archive CD Books, as well as from word-of-beak interviews and direct personal knowledge kindly contributed by a world-wide

Gaggle of Geese.



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