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How the surname has spread worldwide| Williscroft, Woolliscroft, Wolliscroft and variants Onename Study

Distribution of the surnames

Williscroft, Woolliscroft, Wolliscroft and variants

The surname can be found worldwide today. The Woolliscroft surname is more common in the British Isles but the Williscroft surname is more common in Canada and New Zealand. They are both rare surnames. The other variant names are very rare. Willescroft is found in the North West of England. The surname arising out of a deviation of spelling and the same is true of Willincroft who are mainly in Lancashire. 

surname distribution

Information on the distribution of the surname in 1881 and 1998 can be found on the GreatBritain Family Profiling website which presents the findings of a project by University College London based on the 1998 Electoral Roll and 1881 census returns for the British Isles. There is a link there to check out the world distribution of the surname based on publicly available telephone directories and Electoral Rolls between 2000 and 2005.


The analysis does give an indication of the present day distribution of the adult population not only in the British Isles but Worldwide as well. However, In the British Isle the General Post Office (postcodes) are used unfortunately these are not based on counties and can be misleading. 

In the British Isles the greatest concentration of the Woolliscroft and Williscroft name remains in Staffordshire. 

Williscroft * Wool(l)iscroft * Wolliscroft  Worldwide Onename Study

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